js-function.h 12.2 KB
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// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "src/objects/js-objects.h"
#include "torque-generated/class-definitions-tq.h"
#include "torque-generated/field-offsets-tq.h"

// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

// An abstract superclass for classes representing JavaScript function values.
// It doesn't carry any functionality but allows function classes to be
// identified in the type system.
class JSFunctionOrBoundFunction
    : public TorqueGeneratedJSFunctionOrBoundFunction<JSFunctionOrBoundFunction,
                                                      JSObject> {
  STATIC_ASSERT(kHeaderSize == JSObject::kHeaderSize);
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

// JSBoundFunction describes a bound function exotic object.
class JSBoundFunction
    : public TorqueGeneratedJSBoundFunction<JSBoundFunction,
                                            JSFunctionOrBoundFunction> {
  static MaybeHandle<String> GetName(Isolate* isolate,
                                     Handle<JSBoundFunction> function);
  static Maybe<int> GetLength(Isolate* isolate,
                              Handle<JSBoundFunction> function);
  static MaybeHandle<NativeContext> GetFunctionRealm(
      Handle<JSBoundFunction> function);

  // Dispatched behavior.

  // The bound function's string representation implemented according
  // to ES6 section Function.prototype.toString ( ).
  static Handle<String> ToString(Handle<JSBoundFunction> function);

50 51 52 53 54 55

// JSFunction describes JavaScript functions.
class JSFunction : public JSFunctionOrBoundFunction {
  // [prototype_or_initial_map]:
  DECL_ACCESSORS_NONINLINE(prototype_or_initial_map, HeapObject)
57 58 59

  // [shared]: The information about the function that
  // can be shared by instances.
  DECL_ACCESSORS_NONINLINE(shared, SharedFunctionInfo)
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

  static const int kLengthDescriptorIndex = 0;
  static const int kNameDescriptorIndex = 1;
  // Home object descriptor index when function has a [[HomeObject]] slot.
  static const int kMaybeHomeObjectDescriptorIndex = 2;
  // Fast binding requires length and name accessors.
  static const int kMinDescriptorsForFastBind = 2;

  // [context]: The context for this function.
70 71 72 73 74 75
  V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Context context();
  bool has_context() const;
  void set_context(HeapObject context);
  JSGlobalProxy global_proxy();
  V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE NativeContext native_context();
  int length();
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83

  static Handle<Object> GetName(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> function);
  static Handle<NativeContext> GetFunctionRealm(Handle<JSFunction> function);

  // [code]: The generated code object for this function.  Executed
  // when the function is invoked, e.g. foo() or new foo(). See
  // [[Call]] and [[Construct]] description in ECMA-262, section
  // 8.6.2, page 27.
84 85 86
  V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Code code() const;
  V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void set_code(Code code);
  void set_code_no_write_barrier(Code code);
87 88 89

  // Get the abstract code associated with the function, which will either be
  // a Code object or a BytecodeArray.
  V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE AbstractCode abstract_code();
91 92 93 94 95 96

  // Tells whether or not this function is interpreted.
  // Note: function->IsInterpreted() does not necessarily return the same value
  // as function->shared()->IsInterpreted() because the closure might have been
  // optimized.
  V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool IsInterpreted();
98 99 100

  // Tells whether or not this function checks its optimization marker in its
  // feedback vector.
  bool ChecksOptimizationMarker();
102 103 104 105 106

  // Tells whether or not this function holds optimized code.
  // Note: Returning false does not necessarily mean that this function hasn't
  // been optimized, as it may have optimized code on its feedback vector.
  V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool IsOptimized();
108 109 110 111

  // Tells whether or not this function has optimized code available to it,
  // either because it is optimized or because it has optimized code in its
  // feedback vector.
  bool HasOptimizedCode();
113 114

  // Tells whether or not this function has a (non-zero) optimization marker.
  bool HasOptimizationMarker();
116 117 118 119 120 121

  // Mark this function for lazy recompilation. The function will be recompiled
  // the next time it is executed.
  void MarkForOptimization(ConcurrencyMode mode);

  // Tells whether or not the function is already marked for lazy recompilation.
122 123
  bool IsMarkedForOptimization();
  bool IsMarkedForConcurrentOptimization();
124 125

  // Tells whether or not the function is on the concurrent recompilation queue.
  bool IsInOptimizationQueue();
127 128

  // Clears the optimized code slot in the function's feedback vector.
  void ClearOptimizedCodeSlot(const char* reason);
130 131

  // Sets the optimization marker in the function's feedback vector.
  void SetOptimizationMarker(OptimizationMarker marker);
133 134

  // Clears the optimization marker in the function's feedback vector.
  void ClearOptimizationMarker();
136 137 138 139 140 141 142

  // If slack tracking is active, it computes instance size of the initial map
  // with minimum permissible object slack.  If it is not active, it simply
  // returns the initial map's instance size.
  int ComputeInstanceSizeWithMinSlack(Isolate* isolate);

  // Completes inobject slack tracking on initial map if it is active.
  void CompleteInobjectSlackTrackingIfActive();
144 145 146 147 148

  // [raw_feedback_cell]: Gives raw access to the FeedbackCell used to hold the
  /// FeedbackVector eventually. Generally this shouldn't be used to get the
  // feedback_vector, instead use feedback_vector() which correctly deals with
  // the JSFunction's bytecode being flushed.
  DECL_ACCESSORS_NONINLINE(raw_feedback_cell, FeedbackCell)
150 151 152 153

  // Functions related to feedback vector. feedback_vector() can be used once
  // the function has feedback vectors allocated. feedback vectors may not be
  // available after compile when lazily allocating feedback vectors.
154 155
  V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE FeedbackVector feedback_vector() const;
  V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool has_feedback_vector() const;
156 157 158 159 160 161 162
  V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void EnsureFeedbackVector(
      Handle<JSFunction> function, IsCompiledScope* compiled_scope);

  // Functions related to clousre feedback cell array that holds feedback cells
  // used to create closures from this function. We allocate closure feedback
  // cell arrays after compile, when we want to allocate feedback vectors
  // lazily.
163 164
  V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool has_closure_feedback_cell_array() const;
  ClosureFeedbackCellArray closure_feedback_cell_array() const;
165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177
  static void EnsureClosureFeedbackCellArray(Handle<JSFunction> function);

  // Initializes the feedback cell of |function|. In lite mode, this would be
  // initialized to the closure feedback cell array that holds the feedback
  // cells for create closure calls from this function. In the regular mode,
  // this allocates feedback vector.
  static void InitializeFeedbackCell(Handle<JSFunction> function,
                                     IsCompiledScope* compiled_scope);

  // Unconditionally clear the type feedback vector.
  void ClearTypeFeedbackInfo();

  // Resets function to clear compiled data after bytecode has been flushed.
178 179
  bool NeedsResetDueToFlushedBytecode();
  void ResetIfBytecodeFlushed(
180 181 182 183
      base::Optional<std::function<void(HeapObject object, ObjectSlot slot,
                                        HeapObject target)>>
          gc_notify_updated_slot = base::nullopt);

  DECL_GETTER_NONINLINE(has_prototype_slot, bool)
185 186

  // The initial map for an object created by this constructor.
  DECL_GETTER_NONINLINE(initial_map, Map)
188 189 190

  static void SetInitialMap(Handle<JSFunction> function, Handle<Map> map,
                            Handle<HeapObject> prototype);
  DECL_GETTER_NONINLINE(has_initial_map, bool)
192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205
  V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void EnsureHasInitialMap(
      Handle<JSFunction> function);

  // Creates a map that matches the constructor's initial map, but with
  // [[prototype]] being new.target.prototype. Because new.target can be a
  // JSProxy, this can call back into JavaScript.
  static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle<Map> GetDerivedMap(
      Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> constructor,
      Handle<JSReceiver> new_target);

  // Get and set the prototype property on a JSFunction. If the
  // function has an initial map the prototype is set on the initial
  // map. Otherwise, the prototype is put in the initial map field
  // until an initial map is needed.
206 207 208 209 210 211
  DECL_GETTER_NONINLINE(has_prototype, bool)
  DECL_GETTER_NONINLINE(has_instance_prototype, bool)
  DECL_GETTER_NONINLINE(prototype, Object)
  DECL_GETTER_NONINLINE(instance_prototype, HeapObject)
  DECL_GETTER_NONINLINE(has_prototype_property, bool)
  DECL_GETTER_NONINLINE(PrototypeRequiresRuntimeLookup, bool)
212 213 214
  static void SetPrototype(Handle<JSFunction> function, Handle<Object> value);

  // Returns if this function has been compiled to native code yet.
  V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool is_compiled() const;
216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224

  static int GetHeaderSize(bool function_has_prototype_slot) {
    return function_has_prototype_slot ? JSFunction::kSizeWithPrototype
                                       : JSFunction::kSizeWithoutPrototype;

  // Prints the name of the function using PrintF.
  void PrintName(FILE* out = stdout);

226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283

  // Calculate the instance size and in-object properties count.
  // {CalculateExpectedNofProperties} can trigger compilation.
  static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int CalculateExpectedNofProperties(
      Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> function);
  static void CalculateInstanceSizeHelper(InstanceType instance_type,
                                          bool has_prototype_slot,
                                          int requested_embedder_fields,
                                          int requested_in_object_properties,
                                          int* instance_size,
                                          int* in_object_properties);

  // Dispatched behavior.

  // The function's name if it is configured, otherwise shared function info
  // debug name.
  static Handle<String> GetName(Handle<JSFunction> function);

  // ES6 section 9.2.11 SetFunctionName
  // Because of the way this abstract operation is used in the spec,
  // it should never fail, but in practice it will fail if the generated
  // function name's length exceeds String::kMaxLength.
  static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool SetName(Handle<JSFunction> function,
                                            Handle<Name> name,
                                            Handle<String> prefix);

  // The function's displayName if it is set, otherwise name if it is
  // configured, otherwise shared function info
  // debug name.
  static Handle<String> GetDebugName(Handle<JSFunction> function);

  // The function's string representation implemented according to
  // ES6 section Function.prototype.toString ( ).
  static Handle<String> ToString(Handle<JSFunction> function);

  struct FieldOffsets {
  static constexpr int kSharedFunctionInfoOffset =
  static constexpr int kContextOffset = FieldOffsets::kContextOffset;
  static constexpr int kFeedbackCellOffset = FieldOffsets::kFeedbackCellOffset;
  static constexpr int kCodeOffset = FieldOffsets::kCodeOffset;
  static constexpr int kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset =

  // JSFunction doesn't have a fixed header size:
  // Hide JSFunctionOrBoundFunction::kHeaderSize to avoid confusion.
  static const int kHeaderSize;

  static constexpr int kSizeWithoutPrototype = kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset;
  static constexpr int kSizeWithPrototype = FieldOffsets::kHeaderSize;

285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8

#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"