bailout-reason.h 20.8 KB
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// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

// TODO(svenpanne) introduce an AbortReason and partition this list
12 13 14 15 16
#define ERROR_MESSAGES_LIST(V)                                                 \
  V(kNoReason, "no reason")                                                    \
  V(k32BitValueInRegisterIsNotZeroExtended,                                    \
    "32 bit value in register is not zero-extended")                           \
  V(kAllocatingNonEmptyPackedArray, "Allocating non-empty packed array")       \
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
  V(kAllocationIsNotDoubleAligned, "Allocation is not double aligned")         \
  V(kAPICallReturnedInvalidObject, "API call returned invalid object")         \
  V(kArgumentsObjectValueInATestContext,                                       \
    "Arguments object value in a test context")                                \
  V(kArrayIndexConstantValueTooBig, "Array index constant value too big")      \
  V(kAssignmentToLetVariableBeforeInitialization,                              \
    "Assignment to let variable before initialization")                        \
  V(kAssignmentToLOOKUPVariable, "Assignment to LOOKUP variable")              \
  V(kAssignmentToParameterFunctionUsesArgumentsObject,                         \
    "Assignment to parameter, function uses arguments object")                 \
  V(kAssignmentToParameterInArgumentsObject,                                   \
    "Assignment to parameter in arguments object")                             \
  V(kBadValueContextForArgumentsObjectValue,                                   \
    "Bad value context for arguments object value")                            \
  V(kBadValueContextForArgumentsValue,                                         \
    "Bad value context for arguments value")                                   \
  V(kBailedOutDueToDependencyChange, "Bailed out due to dependency change")    \
  V(kBailoutWasNotPrepared, "Bailout was not prepared")                        \
  V(kBothRegistersWereSmisInSelectNonSmi,                                      \
    "Both registers were smis in SelectNonSmi")                                \
  V(kClassConstructorFunction, "Class constructor function")                   \
39 40 41 42
  V(kClassLiteral, "Class literal")                                            \
  V(kCodeGenerationFailed, "Code generation failed")                           \
  V(kCodeObjectNotProperlyPatched, "Code object not properly patched")         \
  V(kCompoundAssignmentToLookupSlot, "Compound assignment to lookup slot")     \
arv's avatar
arv committed
  V(kComputedPropertyName, "Computed property name")                           \
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
  V(kContextAllocatedArguments, "Context-allocated arguments")                 \
  V(kCopyBuffersOverlap, "Copy buffers overlap")                               \
  V(kCouldNotGenerateZero, "Could not generate +0.0")                          \
  V(kCouldNotGenerateNegativeZero, "Could not generate -0.0")                  \
  V(kDebuggerStatement, "DebuggerStatement")                                   \
  V(kDeclarationInCatchContext, "Declaration in catch context")                \
  V(kDeclarationInWithContext, "Declaration in with context")                  \
  V(kDefaultNaNModeNotSet, "Default NaN mode not set")                         \
  V(kDeleteWithGlobalVariable, "Delete with global variable")                  \
  V(kDeleteWithNonGlobalVariable, "Delete with non-global variable")           \
  V(kDestinationOfCopyNotAligned, "Destination of copy not aligned")           \
  V(kDontDeleteCellsCannotContainTheHole,                                      \
    "DontDelete cells can't contain the hole")                                 \
57 58
  V(kDoExpressionUnmodelable,                                                  \
    "Encountered a do-expression with unmodelable control statements")         \
59 60 61 62 63
  V(kDoPushArgumentNotImplementedForDoubleType,                                \
    "DoPushArgument not implemented for double type")                          \
  V(kEliminatedBoundsCheckFailed, "Eliminated bounds check failed")            \
  V(kEmitLoadRegisterUnsupportedDoubleImmediate,                               \
    "EmitLoadRegister: Unsupported double immediate")                          \
64 65
  V(kCyclicObjectStateDetectedInEscapeAnalysis,                                \
    "Cyclic object state detected by escape analysis")                         \
66 67
  V(kEval, "eval")                                                             \
  V(kExpectedAllocationSite, "Expected allocation site")                       \
  V(kExpectedBooleanValue, "Expected boolean value")                           \
69 70
  V(kExpectedFixedDoubleArrayMap,                                              \
    "Expected a fixed double array map in fast shallow clone array literal")   \
71 72
  V(kExpectedFunctionObject, "Expected function object in register")           \
  V(kExpectedHeapNumber, "Expected HeapNumber")                                \
  V(kExpectedJSReceiver, "Expected object to have receiver type")              \
74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
  V(kExpectedNativeContext, "Expected native context")                         \
  V(kExpectedNonIdenticalObjects, "Expected non-identical objects")            \
  V(kExpectedNonNullContext, "Expected non-null context")                      \
  V(kExpectedPositiveZero, "Expected +0.0")                                    \
  V(kExpectedNewSpaceObject, "Expected new space object")                      \
  V(kExpectedUndefinedOrCell, "Expected undefined or cell in register")        \
  V(kExternalStringExpectedButNotFound,                                        \
    "External string expected, but not found")                                 \
  V(kForInStatementWithNonLocalEachVariable,                                   \
    "ForInStatement with non-local each variable")                             \
  V(kForOfStatement, "ForOfStatement")                                         \
  V(kFunctionBeingDebugged, "Function is being debugged")                      \
  V(kFunctionCallsEval, "Function calls eval")                                 \
87 88
  V(kFunctionDataShouldBeBytecodeArrayOnInterpreterEntry,                      \
    "The function_data field should be a BytecodeArray on interpreter entry")  \
89 90 91 92
  V(kGeneratedCodeIsTooLarge, "Generated code is too large")                   \
  V(kGenerator, "Generator")                                                   \
  V(kGlobalFunctionsMustHaveInitialMap,                                        \
    "Global functions must have initial map")                                  \
  V(kGraphBuildingFailed, "Optimized graph construction failed")               \
94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
  V(kHeapNumberMapRegisterClobbered, "HeapNumberMap register clobbered")       \
  V(kHydrogenFilter, "Optimization disabled by filter")                        \
  V(kIndexIsNegative, "Index is negative")                                     \
  V(kIndexIsTooLarge, "Index is too large")                                    \
  V(kInliningBailedOut, "Inlining bailed out")                                 \
  V(kInputGPRIsExpectedToHaveUpper32Cleared,                                   \
    "Input GPR is expected to have upper32 cleared")                           \
  V(kInputStringTooLong, "Input string too long")                              \
  V(kInteger32ToSmiFieldWritingToNonSmiLocation,                               \
    "Integer32ToSmiField writing to non-smi location")                         \
  V(kInvalidBytecode, "Invalid bytecode")                                      \
105 106
  V(kInvalidElementsKindForInternalArrayOrInternalPackedArray,                 \
    "Invalid ElementsKind for InternalArray or InternalPackedArray")           \
107 108 109 110 111 112
  V(kInvalidFrameForFastNewRestArgumentsStub,                                  \
    "Invalid frame for FastNewRestArgumentsStub")                              \
  V(kInvalidFrameForFastNewSloppyArgumentsStub,                                \
    "Invalid frame for FastNewSloppyArgumentsStub")                            \
  V(kInvalidFrameForFastNewStrictArgumentsStub,                                \
    "Invalid frame for FastNewStrictArgumentsStub")                            \
113 114
  V(kInvalidFullCodegenState, "invalid full-codegen state")                    \
  V(kInvalidHandleScopeLevel, "Invalid HandleScope level")                     \
  V(kInvalidJumpTableIndex, "Invalid jump table index")                        \
116 117 118 119
  V(kInvalidLeftHandSideInAssignment, "Invalid left-hand side in assignment")  \
  V(kInvalidLhsInCompoundAssignment, "Invalid lhs in compound assignment")     \
  V(kInvalidLhsInCountOperation, "Invalid lhs in count operation")             \
  V(kInvalidMinLength, "Invalid min_length")                                   \
  V(kInvalidRegisterFileInGenerator, "invalid register file in generator")     \
121 122 123 124 125 126 127
  V(kJSObjectWithFastElementsMapHasSlowElements,                               \
    "JSObject with fast elements map has slow elements")                       \
  V(kLetBindingReInitialization, "Let binding re-initialization")              \
  V(kLiveEdit, "LiveEdit")                                                     \
  V(kLookupVariableInCountOperation, "Lookup variable in count operation")     \
  V(kMapBecameDeprecated, "Map became deprecated")                             \
  V(kMapBecameUnstable, "Map became unstable")                                 \
  V(kMissingBytecodeArray, "Missing bytecode array from function")             \
129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
  V(kNativeFunctionLiteral, "Native function literal")                         \
  V(kNeedSmiLiteral, "Need a Smi literal here")                                \
  V(kNoCasesLeft, "No cases left")                                             \
  V(kNonInitializerAssignmentToConst, "Non-initializer assignment to const")   \
  V(kNonSmiIndex, "Non-smi index")                                             \
  V(kNonSmiKeyInArrayLiteral, "Non-smi key in array literal")                  \
  V(kNonSmiValue, "Non-smi value")                                             \
  V(kNonObject, "Non-object value")                                            \
  V(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersForValues,                                       \
    "Not enough virtual registers for values")                                 \
  V(kNotEnoughSpillSlotsForOsr, "Not enough spill slots for OSR")              \
  V(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersRegalloc,                                        \
    "Not enough virtual registers (regalloc)")                                 \
  V(kObjectLiteralWithComplexProperty, "Object literal with complex property") \
  V(kOffsetOutOfRange, "Offset out of range")                                  \
  V(kOperandIsANumber, "Operand is a number")                                  \
145 146
  V(kOperandIsASmiAndNotABoundFunction,                                        \
    "Operand is a smi and not a bound function")                               \
  V(kOperandIsASmiAndNotAFunction, "Operand is a smi and not a function")      \
148 149
  V(kOperandIsASmiAndNotAGeneratorObject,                                      \
    "Operand is a smi and not a generator object")                             \
  V(kOperandIsASmiAndNotAName, "Operand is a smi and not a name")              \
  V(kOperandIsASmiAndNotAReceiver, "Operand is a smi and not a receiver")      \
152 153
  V(kOperandIsASmiAndNotAString, "Operand is a smi and not a string")          \
  V(kOperandIsASmi, "Operand is a smi")                                        \
  V(kOperandIsNotABoundFunction, "Operand is not a bound function")            \
  V(kOperandIsNotAFunction, "Operand is not a function")                       \
  V(kOperandIsNotAGeneratorObject, "Operand is not a generator object")        \
157 158
  V(kOperandIsNotAName, "Operand is not a name")                               \
  V(kOperandIsNotANumber, "Operand is not a number")                           \
  V(kOperandIsNotAReceiver, "Operand is not a receiver")                       \
160 161 162 163 164 165
  V(kOperandIsNotASmi, "Operand is not a smi")                                 \
  V(kOperandIsNotAString, "Operand is not a string")                           \
  V(kOperandIsNotSmi, "Operand is not smi")                                    \
  V(kOperandNotANumber, "Operand not a number")                                \
  V(kObjectTagged, "The object is tagged")                                     \
  V(kObjectNotTagged, "The object is not tagged")                              \
166 167
  V(kOptimizationDisabled, "Optimization disabled")                            \
  V(kOptimizationDisabledForTest, "Optimization disabled for test")            \
  V(kDeoptimizedTooManyTimes, "Deoptimized too many times")                    \
169 170 171 172 173 174 175
  V(kOutOfVirtualRegistersWhileTryingToAllocateTempRegister,                   \
    "Out of virtual registers while trying to allocate temp register")         \
  V(kParseScopeError, "Parse/scope error")                                     \
  V(kPossibleDirectCallToEval, "Possible direct call to eval")                 \
  V(kReceivedInvalidReturnAddress, "Received invalid return address")          \
  V(kReferenceToAVariableWhichRequiresDynamicLookup,                           \
    "Reference to a variable which requires dynamic lookup")                   \
  V(kReferenceToLetOrConstVariable, "Reference to let or const variable")      \
  V(kReferenceToGlobalLexicalVariable, "Reference to global lexical variable") \
  V(kReferenceToModuleVariable, "Reference to module-allocated variable")      \
179 180 181 182
  V(kReferenceToUninitializedVariable, "Reference to uninitialized variable")  \
  V(kRegisterDidNotMatchExpectedRoot, "Register did not match expected root")  \
  V(kRegisterWasClobbered, "Register was clobbered")                           \
  V(kRememberedSetPointerInNewSpace, "Remembered set pointer is in new space") \
  V(kRestParameter, "Rest parameters")                                         \
  V(kReturnAddressNotFoundInFrame, "Return address not found in frame")        \
185 186
  V(kSloppyFunctionExpectsJSReceiverReceiver,                                  \
    "Sloppy function expects JSReceiver as receiver.")                         \
187 188 189 190
  V(kSmiAdditionOverflow, "Smi addition overflow")                             \
  V(kSmiSubtractionOverflow, "Smi subtraction overflow")                       \
  V(kStackAccessBelowStackPointer, "Stack access below stack pointer")         \
  V(kStackFrameTypesMustMatch, "Stack frame types must match")                 \
  V(kSuperReference, "Super reference")                                        \
  V(kTailCall, "Tail call")                                                    \
193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235
  V(kTheCurrentStackPointerIsBelowCsp,                                         \
    "The current stack pointer is below csp")                                  \
  V(kTheStackWasCorruptedByMacroAssemblerCall,                                 \
    "The stack was corrupted by MacroAssembler::Call()")                       \
  V(kTooManyParametersLocals, "Too many parameters/locals")                    \
  V(kTooManyParameters, "Too many parameters")                                 \
  V(kTooManySpillSlotsNeededForOSR, "Too many spill slots needed for OSR")     \
  V(kToOperand32UnsupportedImmediate, "ToOperand32 unsupported immediate.")    \
  V(kToOperandIsDoubleRegisterUnimplemented,                                   \
    "ToOperand IsDoubleRegister unimplemented")                                \
  V(kToOperandUnsupportedDoubleImmediate,                                      \
    "ToOperand Unsupported double immediate")                                  \
  V(kTryCatchStatement, "TryCatchStatement")                                   \
  V(kTryFinallyStatement, "TryFinallyStatement")                               \
  V(kUnalignedAllocationInNewSpace, "Unaligned allocation in new space")       \
  V(kUnalignedCellInWriteBarrier, "Unaligned cell in write barrier")           \
  V(kUnexpectedAllocationTop, "Unexpected allocation top")                     \
  V(kUnexpectedColorFound, "Unexpected color bit pattern found")               \
  V(kUnexpectedElementsKindInArrayConstructor,                                 \
    "Unexpected ElementsKind in array constructor")                            \
  V(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharCodeAtSlowCase,                              \
    "Unexpected fallthrough from CharCodeAt slow case")                        \
  V(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharFromCodeSlowCase,                            \
    "Unexpected fallthrough from CharFromCode slow case")                      \
  V(kUnexpectedFallThroughFromStringComparison,                                \
    "Unexpected fall-through from string comparison")                          \
  V(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharCodeAtSlowCase,                                \
    "Unexpected fallthrough to CharCodeAt slow case")                          \
  V(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharFromCodeSlowCase,                              \
    "Unexpected fallthrough to CharFromCode slow case")                        \
  V(kUnexpectedFPUStackDepthAfterInstruction,                                  \
    "Unexpected FPU stack depth after instruction")                            \
  V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction1,                                    \
    "Unexpected initial map for Array function (1)")                           \
  V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction2,                                    \
    "Unexpected initial map for Array function (2)")                           \
  V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction,                                     \
    "Unexpected initial map for Array function")                               \
  V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForInternalArrayFunction,                             \
    "Unexpected initial map for InternalArray function")                       \
  V(kUnexpectedLevelAfterReturnFromApiCall,                                    \
    "Unexpected level after return from api call")                             \
  V(kUnexpectedNegativeValue, "Unexpected negative value")                     \
236 237
  V(kUnexpectedFunctionIDForInvokeIntrinsic,                                   \
    "Unexpected runtime function id for the InvokeIntrinsic bytecode")         \
238 239
  V(kUnexpectedFPCRMode, "Unexpected FPCR mode.")                              \
  V(kUnexpectedSmi, "Unexpected smi value")                                    \
  V(kUnexpectedStackDepth, "Unexpected operand stack depth in full-codegen")   \
  V(kUnexpectedStackPointer, "The stack pointer is not the expected value")    \
242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249
  V(kUnexpectedStringType, "Unexpected string type")                           \
  V(kUnexpectedTypeForRegExpDataFixedArrayExpected,                            \
    "Unexpected type for RegExp data, FixedArray expected")                    \
  V(kUnexpectedValue, "Unexpected value")                                      \
  V(kUnsupportedDoubleImmediate, "Unsupported double immediate")               \
  V(kUnsupportedLetCompoundAssignment, "Unsupported let compound assignment")  \
  V(kUnsupportedLookupSlotInDeclaration,                                       \
    "Unsupported lookup slot in declaration")                                  \
  V(kUnsupportedModuleOperation, "Unsupported module operation")               \
251 252 253
  V(kUnsupportedNonPrimitiveCompare, "Unsupported non-primitive compare")      \
  V(kUnsupportedPhiUseOfArguments, "Unsupported phi use of arguments")         \
  V(kUnsupportedPhiUseOfConstVariable,                                         \
    "Unsupported phi use of const or let variable")                            \
  V(kUnexpectedReturnFromThrow, "Unexpectedly returned from a throw")          \
  V(kUnsupportedSwitchStatement, "Unsupported switch statement")               \
  V(kUnsupportedTaggedImmediate, "Unsupported tagged immediate")               \
  V(kUnstableConstantTypeHeapObject, "Unstable constant-type heap object")     \
259 260 261 262 263
  V(kVariableResolvedToWithContext, "Variable resolved to with context")       \
  V(kWithStatement, "WithStatement")                                           \
  V(kWrongFunctionContext, "Wrong context passed to function")                 \
  V(kWrongAddressOrValuePassedToRecordWrite,                                   \
    "Wrong address or value passed to RecordWrite")                            \
264 265
  V(kWrongArgumentCountForInvokeIntrinsic,                                     \
    "Wrong number of arguments for intrinsic")                                 \
  V(kShouldNotDirectlyEnterOsrFunction,                                        \
    "Should not directly enter OSR-compiled function")
268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276

enum BailoutReason {

const char* GetBailoutReason(BailoutReason reason);
bmeurer's avatar
bmeurer committed
277 278 279

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8
280 281

#endif  // V8_BAILOUT_REASON_H_