# How to get an issue triaged **V8 tracker*: Set the state to `Untriaged`**Chromium tracker*: Set the state to `Untriaged` and add the label `Cr-Blink-JavaScript`
following categories: * Stability: jkummerow@c....org, adamk@c....org * Performance: bmeurer@c....org, mvstanton@c....org * Clusterfuzz: Set the bug to the following state: *`label:ClusterFuzz label:Cr-Blink-JavaScript status:Available -has:owner` * Will show up in [this](https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/list?can=2&q=label%3AClusterFuzz+label%3ACr-Blink-JavaScript+status%3AAvailable+-has%3Aowner&colspec=ID+Pri+M+Week+ReleaseBlock+Cr+Status+Owner+Summary+OS+Modified&x=m&y=releaseblock&cells=tiles) query. * CC mstarzinger@ and ishell@Please CC hablich@c....org on all issues.Assign remaining issues to hablich@c....org.Use the label Cr-Blink-JavaScript on all issues.**Please note that this only applies to issues tracked in the Chromium issue tracker.**