ast-function-literal-id-reindexer.h 1.49 KB
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// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

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#include "src/ast/ast-traversal-visitor.h"
#include "src/base/macros.h"

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#ifdef DEBUG
#include <set>

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namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

// Changes the ID of all FunctionLiterals in the given Expression by adding the
// given delta.
class AstFunctionLiteralIdReindexer final
    : public AstTraversalVisitor<AstFunctionLiteralIdReindexer> {
  AstFunctionLiteralIdReindexer(size_t stack_limit, int delta);
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  AstFunctionLiteralIdReindexer(const AstFunctionLiteralIdReindexer&) = delete;
  AstFunctionLiteralIdReindexer& operator=(
      const AstFunctionLiteralIdReindexer&) = delete;
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  void Reindex(Expression* pattern);

  // AstTraversalVisitor implementation.
  void VisitFunctionLiteral(FunctionLiteral* lit);
  void VisitClassLiteral(ClassLiteral* lit);
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  int delta_;

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#ifdef DEBUG
  // Visited set, only used in DCHECKs for verification.
  std::set<FunctionLiteral*> visited_;

  // Visit all function literals, checking if they have already been visited
  // (are in the visited set).
  void CheckVisited(Expression* expr);
  void CheckVisited(Expression* expr) {}
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}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8