marking-barrier-inl.h 2.38 KB
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// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "src/heap/incremental-marking-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/incremental-marking.h"
#include "src/heap/marking-barrier.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

bool MarkingBarrier::MarkValue(HeapObject host, HeapObject value) {
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  // Host may have an impossible markbit pattern if manual allocation folding
  // is performed and host happens to be the last word of an allocated region.
  // In that case host has only one markbit and the second markbit belongs to
  // another object. We can detect that case by checking if value is a one word
  // filler map.
  DCHECK(!marking_state_.IsImpossible(host) ||
         value == ReadOnlyRoots(heap_->isolate()).one_pointer_filler_map());
  if (!V8_CONCURRENT_MARKING_BOOL && !marking_state_.IsBlack(host)) {
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    // The value will be marked and the slot will be recorded when the marker
    // visits the host object.
    return false;
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  BasicMemoryChunk* target_page = BasicMemoryChunk::FromHeapObject(value);
  if (is_shared_heap_ != target_page->InSharedHeap()) return false;
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  if (WhiteToGreyAndPush(value)) {
    if (is_main_thread_barrier_) {

    if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_track_retaining_path)) {
      heap_->AddRetainingRoot(Root::kWriteBarrier, value);
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  return true;

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template <typename TSlot>
inline void MarkingBarrier::MarkRange(HeapObject host, TSlot start, TSlot end) {
  auto* isolate = heap_->isolate();
  for (TSlot slot = start; slot < end; ++slot) {
    typename TSlot::TObject object = slot.Relaxed_Load();
    HeapObject heap_object;
    // Mark both, weak and strong edges.
    if (object.GetHeapObject(isolate, &heap_object)) {
      if (MarkValue(host, heap_object) && is_compacting_) {
        collector_->RecordSlot(host, HeapObjectSlot(slot), heap_object);

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bool MarkingBarrier::WhiteToGreyAndPush(HeapObject obj) {
  if (marking_state_.WhiteToGrey(obj)) {
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    return true;
  return false;

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8