v8-initialization.h 11.4 KB
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// Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

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#include "v8-callbacks.h"  // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8-internal.h"   // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8-isolate.h"    // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8-platform.h"   // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8config.h"      // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
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// We reserve the V8_* prefix for macros defined in V8 public API and
// assume there are no name conflicts with the embedder's code.

 * The v8 JavaScript engine.
namespace v8 {

class PageAllocator;
class Platform;
template <class K, class V, class T>
class PersistentValueMapBase;

 * EntropySource is used as a callback function when v8 needs a source
 * of entropy.
using EntropySource = bool (*)(unsigned char* buffer, size_t length);

 * ReturnAddressLocationResolver is used as a callback function when v8 is
 * resolving the location of a return address on the stack. Profilers that
 * change the return address on the stack can use this to resolve the stack
 * location to wherever the profiler stashed the original return address.
 * \param return_addr_location A location on stack where a machine
 *    return address resides.
 * \returns Either return_addr_location, or else a pointer to the profiler's
 *    copy of the original return address.
 * \note The resolver function must not cause garbage collection.
using ReturnAddressLocationResolver =
    uintptr_t (*)(uintptr_t return_addr_location);

using DcheckErrorCallback = void (*)(const char* file, int line,
                                     const char* message);

 * Container class for static utility functions.
class V8_EXPORT V8 {
   * Hand startup data to V8, in case the embedder has chosen to build
   * V8 with external startup data.
   * Note:
   * - By default the startup data is linked into the V8 library, in which
   *   case this function is not meaningful.
   * - If this needs to be called, it needs to be called before V8
   *   tries to make use of its built-ins.
   * - To avoid unnecessary copies of data, V8 will point directly into the
   *   given data blob, so pretty please keep it around until V8 exit.
   * - Compression of the startup blob might be useful, but needs to
   *   handled entirely on the embedders' side.
   * - The call will abort if the data is invalid.
  static void SetSnapshotDataBlob(StartupData* startup_blob);

  /** Set the callback to invoke in case of Dcheck failures. */
  static void SetDcheckErrorHandler(DcheckErrorCallback that);

   * Sets V8 flags from a string.
  static void SetFlagsFromString(const char* str);
  static void SetFlagsFromString(const char* str, size_t length);

   * Sets V8 flags from the command line.
  static void SetFlagsFromCommandLine(int* argc, char** argv,
                                      bool remove_flags);

  /** Get the version string. */
  static const char* GetVersion();

   * Initializes V8. This function needs to be called before the first Isolate
   * is created. It always returns true.
  V8_INLINE static bool Initialize() {
    const int kBuildConfiguration =
        (internal::PointerCompressionIsEnabled() ? kPointerCompression : 0) |
        (internal::SmiValuesAre31Bits() ? k31BitSmis : 0) |
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             ? kSandboxedExternalPointers
             : 0) |
        (internal::SandboxIsEnabled() ? kSandbox : 0);
107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185
    return Initialize(kBuildConfiguration);

   * Allows the host application to provide a callback which can be used
   * as a source of entropy for random number generators.
  static void SetEntropySource(EntropySource source);

   * Allows the host application to provide a callback that allows v8 to
   * cooperate with a profiler that rewrites return addresses on stack.
  static void SetReturnAddressLocationResolver(
      ReturnAddressLocationResolver return_address_resolver);

   * Releases any resources used by v8 and stops any utility threads
   * that may be running.  Note that disposing v8 is permanent, it
   * cannot be reinitialized.
   * It should generally not be necessary to dispose v8 before exiting
   * a process, this should happen automatically.  It is only necessary
   * to use if the process needs the resources taken up by v8.
  static bool Dispose();

   * Initialize the ICU library bundled with V8. The embedder should only
   * invoke this method when using the bundled ICU. Returns true on success.
   * If V8 was compiled with the ICU data in an external file, the location
   * of the data file has to be provided.
  static bool InitializeICU(const char* icu_data_file = nullptr);

   * Initialize the ICU library bundled with V8. The embedder should only
   * invoke this method when using the bundled ICU. If V8 was compiled with
   * the ICU data in an external file and when the default location of that
   * file should be used, a path to the executable must be provided.
   * Returns true on success.
   * The default is a file called icudtl.dat side-by-side with the executable.
   * Optionally, the location of the data file can be provided to override the
   * default.
  static bool InitializeICUDefaultLocation(const char* exec_path,
                                           const char* icu_data_file = nullptr);

   * Initialize the external startup data. The embedder only needs to
   * invoke this method when external startup data was enabled in a build.
   * If V8 was compiled with the startup data in an external file, then
   * V8 needs to be given those external files during startup. There are
   * three ways to do this:
   * - InitializeExternalStartupData(const char*)
   *   This will look in the given directory for the file "snapshot_blob.bin".
   * - InitializeExternalStartupDataFromFile(const char*)
   *   As above, but will directly use the given file name.
   * - Call SetSnapshotDataBlob.
   *   This will read the blobs from the given data structure and will
   *   not perform any file IO.
  static void InitializeExternalStartupData(const char* directory_path);
  static void InitializeExternalStartupDataFromFile(const char* snapshot_blob);

   * Sets the v8::Platform to use. This should be invoked before V8 is
   * initialized.
  static void InitializePlatform(Platform* platform);

   * Clears all references to the v8::Platform. This should be invoked after
   * V8 was disposed.
  static void DisposePlatform();

#if defined(V8_ENABLE_SANDBOX)
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   * Initializes the V8 sandbox.
191 192
   * This must be invoked after the platform was initialized but before V8 is
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   * initialized. The sandbox is torn down during platform shutdown.
   * Returns true on success, false otherwise.
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   * TODO(saelo) Once it is no longer optional to initialize the sandbox when
197 198 199
   * compiling with V8_ENABLE_SANDBOX, the sandbox initialization will likely
   * happen as part of V8::Initialize, at which point this function should be
   * removed.
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  static bool InitializeSandbox();
202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218

   * Returns true if the sandbox has been initialized, false otherwise.
  static bool IsSandboxInitialized();

   * Returns true if the sandbox is configured securely.
   * If V8 cannot create a regular sandbox during initialization, for example
   * because not enough virtual address space can be reserved, it will instead
   * create a fallback sandbox that still allows it to function normally but
   * does not have the same security properties as a regular sandbox. This API
   * can be used to determine if such a fallback sandbox is being used, in
   * which case it will return false.
  static bool IsSandboxConfiguredSecurely();
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   * Provides access to the virtual address subspace backing the sandbox.
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   * This can be used to allocate pages inside the sandbox, for example to
   * obtain virtual memory for ArrayBuffer backing stores, which must be
   * located inside the sandbox.
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   * It should be assumed that an attacker can corrupt data inside the sandbox,
   * and so in particular the contents of pages allocagted in this virtual
   * address space, arbitrarily and concurrently. Due to this, it is
   * recommended to to only place pure data buffers in them.
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   * This function must only be called after initializing the sandbox.
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  static VirtualAddressSpace* GetSandboxAddressSpace();
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   * Returns the size of the sandbox in bytes.
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   * This represents the size of the address space that V8 can directly address
   * and in which it allocates its objects.
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   * If the sandbox has not been initialized, or if the initialization failed,
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   * this returns zero.
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  static size_t GetSandboxSizeInBytes();
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   * Returns the size of the address space reservation backing the sandbox.
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   * This may be larger than the sandbox (i.e. |GetSandboxSizeInBytes()|) due
   * to surrounding guard regions, or may be smaller than the sandbox in case a
   * fallback sandbox is being used, which will use a smaller virtual address
   * space reservation. In the latter case this will also be different from
   * |GetSandboxAddressSpace()->size()| as that will cover a larger part of the
   * address space than what has actually been reserved.
  static size_t GetSandboxReservationSizeInBytes();
#endif  // V8_ENABLE_SANDBOX
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   * Activate trap-based bounds checking for WebAssembly.
   * \param use_v8_signal_handler Whether V8 should install its own signal
   * handler or rely on the embedder's.
  static bool EnableWebAssemblyTrapHandler(bool use_v8_signal_handler);

#if defined(V8_OS_WIN)
   * On Win64, by default V8 does not emit unwinding data for jitted code,
   * which means the OS cannot walk the stack frames and the system Structured
   * Exception Handling (SEH) cannot unwind through V8-generated code:
   * https://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3598.
   * This function allows embedders to register a custom exception handler for
   * exceptions in V8-generated code.
  static void SetUnhandledExceptionCallback(
      UnhandledExceptionCallback callback);
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   * Allows the host application to provide a callback that will be called when
   * v8 has encountered a fatal failure to allocate memory and is about to
   * terminate.
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  static void SetFatalMemoryErrorCallback(OOMErrorCallback callback);

  V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use OOMErrorCallback (https://crbug.com/1323177)")
  static void SetFatalMemoryErrorCallback(LegacyOOMErrorCallback callback);

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   * Get statistics about the shared memory usage.
  static void GetSharedMemoryStatistics(SharedMemoryStatistics* statistics);


  enum BuildConfigurationFeatures {
    kPointerCompression = 1 << 0,
    k31BitSmis = 1 << 1,
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    kSandboxedExternalPointers = 1 << 2,
    kSandbox = 1 << 3,
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   * Checks that the embedder build configuration is compatible with
   * the V8 binary and if so initializes V8.
  static bool Initialize(int build_config);

  friend class Context;
  template <class K, class V, class T>
  friend class PersistentValueMapBase;

}  // namespace v8