div-barrett.cc 13.6 KB
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// Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Barrett division, finding the inverse with Newton's method.
// Reference: "Fast Division of Large Integers" by Karl Hasselström,
// found at https://treskal.com/s/masters-thesis.pdf

// Many thanks to Karl Wiberg, k@w5.se, for both writing up an
// understandable theoretical description of the algorithm and privately
// providing a demo implementation, on which the implementation in this file is
// based.

#include <algorithm>

#include "src/bigint/bigint-internal.h"
#include "src/bigint/digit-arithmetic.h"
#include "src/bigint/div-helpers.h"
#include "src/bigint/vector-arithmetic.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace bigint {

namespace {

void DcheckIntegerPartRange(Digits X, digit_t min, digit_t max) {
  digit_t integer_part = X.msd();
  DCHECK(integer_part >= min);
  DCHECK(integer_part <= max);

}  // namespace

// Z := (the fractional part of) 1/V, via naive division.
// See comments at {Invert} and {InvertNewton} below for details.
void ProcessorImpl::InvertBasecase(RWDigits Z, Digits V, RWDigits scratch) {
  DCHECK(Z.len() > V.len());
  DCHECK(V.len() > 0);  // NOLINT(readability/check)
  DCHECK(scratch.len() >= 2 * V.len());
  int n = V.len();
  RWDigits X(scratch, 0, 2 * n);
  digit_t borrow = 0;
  int i = 0;
  for (; i < n; i++) X[i] = 0;
  for (; i < 2 * n; i++) X[i] = digit_sub2(0, V[i - n], borrow, &borrow);
  DCHECK(borrow == 1);     // NOLINT(readability/check)
  RWDigits R(nullptr, 0);  // We don't need the remainder.
  if (n < kBurnikelThreshold) {
    DivideSchoolbook(Z, R, X, V);
  } else {
    DivideBurnikelZiegler(Z, R, X, V);

// This is Algorithm 4.2 from the paper.
// Computes the inverse of V, shifted by kDigitBits * 2 * V.len, accurate to
// V.len+1 digits. The V.len low digits of the result digits will be written
// to Z, plus there is an implicit top digit with value 1.
// Needs InvertNewtonScratchSpace(V.len) of scratch space.
// The result is either correct or off by one (about half the time it is
// correct, half the time it is one too much, and in the corner case where V is
// minimal and the implicit top digit would have to be 2 it is one too little).
// Barrett's division algorithm can handle that, so we don't care.
void ProcessorImpl::InvertNewton(RWDigits Z, Digits V, RWDigits scratch) {
  const int vn = V.len();
  DCHECK(Z.len() >= vn);
  DCHECK(scratch.len() >= InvertNewtonScratchSpace(vn));
  const int kSOffset = 0;
  const int kWOffset = 0;  // S and W can share their scratch space.
  const int kUOffset = vn + kInvertNewtonExtraSpace;

  // The base case won't work otherwise.
  DCHECK(V.len() >= 3);  // NOLINT(readability/check)

  constexpr int kBasecasePrecision = kNewtonInversionThreshold - 1;
  // V must have more digits than the basecase.
  DCHECK(V.len() > kBasecasePrecision);

  // Step (1): Setup.
  // Calculate precision required at each step.
  // {k} is the number of fraction bits for the current iteration.
  int k = vn * kDigitBits;
  int target_fraction_bits[8 * sizeof(vn)];  // "k_i" in the paper.
  int iteration = -1;  // "i" in the paper, except inverted to run downwards.
  while (k > kBasecasePrecision * kDigitBits) {
    target_fraction_bits[iteration] = k;
    k = DIV_CEIL(k, 2);
  // At this point, k <= kBasecasePrecision*kDigitBits is the number of
  // fraction bits to use in the base case. {iteration} is the highest index
  // in use for f[].

  // Step (2): Initial approximation.
  int initial_digits = DIV_CEIL(k + 1, kDigitBits);
  Digits top_part_of_v(V, vn - initial_digits, initial_digits);
  InvertBasecase(Z, top_part_of_v, scratch);
  Z[initial_digits] = Z[initial_digits] + 1;  // Implicit top digit.
  // From now on, we'll keep Z.len updated to the part that's already computed.
  Z.set_len(initial_digits + 1);

  // Step (3): Precision doubling loop.
  while (true) {
    DcheckIntegerPartRange(Z, 1, 2);

    // (3b): S = Z^2
    RWDigits S(scratch, kSOffset, 2 * Z.len());
    Multiply(S, Z, Z);
    if (should_terminate()) return;
    S.TrimOne();  // Top digit of S is unused.
    DcheckIntegerPartRange(S, 1, 4);

    // (3c): T = V, truncated so that at least 2k+3 fraction bits remain.
    int fraction_digits = DIV_CEIL(2 * k + 3, kDigitBits);
    int t_len = std::min(V.len(), fraction_digits);
    Digits T(V, V.len() - t_len, t_len);

    // (3d): U = T * S, truncated so that at least 2k+1 fraction bits remain
    // (U has one integer digit, which might be zero).
    fraction_digits = DIV_CEIL(2 * k + 1, kDigitBits);
128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205
    RWDigits U(scratch, kUOffset, S.len() + T.len());
    DCHECK(U.len() > fraction_digits);
    Multiply(U, S, T);
    if (should_terminate()) return;
    U = U + (U.len() - (1 + fraction_digits));
    DcheckIntegerPartRange(U, 0, 3);

    // (3e): W = 2 * Z, padded with "0" fraction bits so that it has the
    // same number of fraction bits as U.
    DCHECK(U.len() >= Z.len());
    RWDigits W(scratch, kWOffset, U.len());
    int padding_digits = U.len() - Z.len();
    for (int i = 0; i < padding_digits; i++) W[i] = 0;
    LeftShift(W + padding_digits, Z, 1);
    DcheckIntegerPartRange(W, 2, 4);

    // (3f): Z = W - U.
    // This check is '<=' instead of '<' because U's top digit is its
    // integer part, and we want vn fraction digits.
    if (U.len() <= vn) {
      // Normal subtraction.
      // This is not the last iteration.
      DCHECK(iteration > 0);  // NOLINT(readability/check)
      digit_t borrow = SubtractAndReturnBorrow(Z, W, U);
      DCHECK(borrow == 0);  // NOLINT(readability/check)
      DcheckIntegerPartRange(Z, 1, 2);
    } else {
      // Truncate some least significant digits so that we get vn
      // fraction digits, and compute the integer digit separately.
      // This is the last iteration.
      DCHECK(iteration == 0);  // NOLINT(readability/check)
      Digits W_part(W, W.len() - vn - 1, vn);
      Digits U_part(U, U.len() - vn - 1, vn);
      digit_t borrow = SubtractAndReturnBorrow(Z, W_part, U_part);
      digit_t integer_part = W.msd() - U.msd() - borrow;
      DCHECK(integer_part == 1 || integer_part == 2);
      if (integer_part == 2) {
        // This is the rare case where the correct result would be 2.0, but
        // since we can't express that by returning only the fractional part
        // with an implicit 1-digit, we have to return [1.]9999... instead.
        for (int i = 0; i < Z.len(); i++) Z[i] = ~digit_t{0};
    // (3g, 3h): Update local variables and loop.
    k = target_fraction_bits[iteration];

// Computes the inverse of V, shifted by kDigitBits * 2 * V.len, accurate to
// V.len+1 digits. The V.len low digits of the result digits will be written
// to Z, plus there is an implicit top digit with value 1.
// (Corner case: if V is minimal, the implicit digit should be 2; in that case
// we return one less than the correct answer. DivideBarrett can handle that.)
// Needs InvertScratchSpace(V.len) digits of scratch space.
void ProcessorImpl::Invert(RWDigits Z, Digits V, RWDigits scratch) {
  DCHECK(Z.len() > V.len());
  DCHECK(V.len() >= 1);  // NOLINT(readability/check)
  DCHECK(scratch.len() >= InvertScratchSpace(V.len()));

  int vn = V.len();
  if (vn >= kNewtonInversionThreshold) {
    return InvertNewton(Z, V, scratch);
  if (vn == 1) {
    digit_t d = V[0];
    digit_t dummy_remainder;
    Z[0] = digit_div(~d, ~digit_t{0}, d, &dummy_remainder);
    Z[1] = 0;
  } else {
    InvertBasecase(Z, V, scratch);
    if (Z[vn] == 1) {
      for (int i = 0; i < vn; i++) Z[i] = ~digit_t{0};
      Z[vn] = 0;
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// This is algorithm 3.5 from the paper.
// Computes Q(uotient) and R(emainder) for A/B using I, which is a
// precomputed approximation of 1/B (e.g. with Invert() above).
// Needs DivideBarrettScratchSpace(A.len) scratch space.
void ProcessorImpl::DivideBarrett(RWDigits Q, RWDigits R, Digits A, Digits B,
                                  Digits I, RWDigits scratch) {
  DCHECK(Q.len() > A.len() - B.len());
  DCHECK(R.len() >= B.len());
  DCHECK(A.len() > B.len());  // Careful: This is *not* '>=' !
  DCHECK(A.len() <= 2 * B.len());
  DCHECK(B.len() > 0);  // NOLINT(readability/check)
  DCHECK(I.len() == A.len() - B.len());
  DCHECK(scratch.len() >= DivideBarrettScratchSpace(A.len()));

  int orig_q_len = Q.len();

  // (1): A1 = A with B.len fewer digits.
  Digits A1 = A + B.len();
  DCHECK(A1.len() == I.len());

  // (2): Q = A1*I with I.len fewer digits.
  // {I} has an implicit high digit with value 1, so we add {A1} to the high
  // part of the multiplication result.
  RWDigits K(scratch, 0, 2 * I.len());
  Multiply(K, A1, I);
  if (should_terminate()) return;
  Q.set_len(I.len() + 1);
  Add(Q, K + I.len(), A1);
  // K is no longer used, can re-use {scratch} for P.

  // (3): R = A - B*Q (approximate remainder).
  RWDigits P(scratch, 0, A.len() + 1);
  Multiply(P, B, Q);
  if (should_terminate()) return;
  digit_t borrow = SubtractAndReturnBorrow(R, A, Digits(P, 0, B.len()));
  // R may be allocated wider than B, zero out any extra digits if so.
  for (int i = B.len(); i < R.len(); i++) R[i] = 0;
  digit_t r_high = A[B.len()] - P[B.len()] - borrow;

  // Adjust R and Q so that they become the correct remainder and quotient.
  // The number of iterations is guaranteed to be at most some very small
  // constant, unless the caller gave us a bad approximate quotient.
  if (r_high >> (kDigitBits - 1) == 1) {
    // (5b): R < 0, so R += B
    digit_t q_sub = 0;
    do {
      r_high += AddAndReturnCarry(R, R, B);
      DCHECK(q_sub <= 5);  // NOLINT(readability/check)
    } while (r_high != 0);
    Subtract(Q, q_sub);
  } else {
    digit_t q_add = 0;
    while (r_high != 0 || GreaterThanOrEqual(R, B)) {
      // (5c): R >= B, so R -= B
      r_high -= SubtractAndReturnBorrow(R, R, B);
      DCHECK(q_add <= 5);  // NOLINT(readability/check)
    Add(Q, q_add);
  // (5a): Return.
  int final_q_len = Q.len();
  for (int i = final_q_len; i < orig_q_len; i++) Q[i] = 0;

// Computes Q(uotient) and R(emainder) for A/B, using Barrett division.
void ProcessorImpl::DivideBarrett(RWDigits Q, RWDigits R, Digits A, Digits B) {
  DCHECK(Q.len() > A.len() - B.len());
  DCHECK(R.len() >= B.len());
  DCHECK(A.len() > B.len());  // Careful: This is *not* '>=' !
  DCHECK(B.len() > 0);        // NOLINT(readability/check)

  // Normalize B, and shift A by the same amount.
  ShiftedDigits b_normalized(B);
  ShiftedDigits a_normalized(A, b_normalized.shift());
  // Keep the code below more concise.
  B = b_normalized;
  A = a_normalized;

  // The core DivideBarrett function above only supports A having at most
  // twice as many digits as B. We generalize this to arbitrary inputs
  // similar to Burnikel-Ziegler division by performing a t-by-1 division
  // of B-sized chunks. It's easy to special-case the situation where we
  // don't need to bother.
  int barrett_dividend_length = A.len() <= 2 * B.len() ? A.len() : 2 * B.len();
  int i_len = barrett_dividend_length - B.len();
  ScratchDigits I(i_len + 1);  // +1 is for temporary use by Invert().
  int scratch_len =
  ScratchDigits scratch(scratch_len);
  Invert(I, Digits(B, B.len() - i_len, i_len), scratch);
  if (should_terminate()) return;
  DCHECK(I.len() == i_len);
  if (A.len() > 2 * B.len()) {
    // This follows the variable names and and algorithmic steps of
    // DivideBurnikelZiegler().
    int n = B.len();  // Chunk length.
    // (5): {t} is the number of B-sized chunks of A.
    int t = DIV_CEIL(A.len(), n);
    DCHECK(t >= 3);  // NOLINT(readability/check)
    // (6)/(7): Z is used for the current 2-chunk block to be divided by B,
    // initialized to the two topmost chunks of A.
    int z_len = n * 2;
    ScratchDigits Z(z_len);
    PutAt(Z, A + n * (t - 2), z_len);
    // (8): For i from t-2 downto 0 do
    int qi_len = n + 1;
    ScratchDigits Qi(qi_len);
    ScratchDigits Ri(n);
    // First iteration unrolled and specialized.
      int i = t - 2;
      DivideBarrett(Qi, Ri, Z, B, I, scratch);
      if (should_terminate()) return;
      RWDigits target = Q + n * i;
      // In the first iteration, all qi_len = n + 1 digits may be used.
      int to_copy = std::min(qi_len, target.len());
      for (int j = 0; j < to_copy; j++) target[j] = Qi[j];
      for (int j = to_copy; j < target.len(); j++) target[j] = 0;
      for (int j = to_copy; j < Qi.len(); j++) {
        DCHECK(Qi[j] == 0);  // NOLINT(readability/check)
    // Now loop over any remaining iterations.
    for (int i = t - 3; i >= 0; i--) {
      // (8b): If i > 0, set Z_(i-1) = [Ri, A_(i-1)].
      // (De-duped with unrolled first iteration, hence reading A_(i).)
      PutAt(Z + n, Ri, n);
      PutAt(Z, A + n * i, n);
      // (8a): Compute Qi, Ri such that Zi = B*Qi + Ri.
      DivideBarrett(Qi, Ri, Z, B, I, scratch);
      DCHECK(Qi[qi_len - 1] == 0);  // NOLINT(readability/check)
      if (should_terminate()) return;
      // (9): Return Q = [Q_(t-2), ..., Q_0]...
      PutAt(Q + n * i, Qi, n);
    DCHECK(Ri.len() <= R.len());
    // (9): ...and R = R_0 * 2^(-leading_zeros).
    RightShift(R, Ri, b_normalized.shift());
  } else {
    DivideBarrett(Q, R, A, B, I, scratch);
    if (should_terminate()) return;
    RightShift(R, R, b_normalized.shift());

}  // namespace bigint
}  // namespace v8