macro-assembler-riscv64.h 53.1 KB
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// Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#error This header must be included via macro-assembler.h


#include "src/codegen/assembler.h"
#include "src/codegen/riscv64/assembler-riscv64.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/execution/isolate-data.h"
#include "src/objects/tagged-index.h"
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namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

// Forward declarations.
enum class AbortReason : uint8_t;

// Reserved Register Usage Summary.
// Registers t5, t6, and t3 are reserved for use by the MacroAssembler.
// The programmer should know that the MacroAssembler may clobber these three,
// but won't touch other registers except in special cases.
// TODO(RISCV): Cannot find info about this ABI. We chose t6 for now.
// Per the RISC-V ABI, register t6 must be used for indirect function call
// via 'jalr t6' or 'jr t6' instructions. This is relied upon by gcc when
// trying to update gp register for position-independent-code. Whenever
// RISC-V generated code calls C code, it must be via t6 register.

// Flags used for LeaveExitFrame function.
enum LeaveExitFrameMode { EMIT_RETURN = true, NO_EMIT_RETURN = false };

// Flags used for the li macro-assembler function.
enum LiFlags {
  // If the constant value can be represented in just 16 bits, then
  // optimize the li to use a single instruction, rather than lui/ori/slli
  // sequence. A number of other optimizations that emits less than
  // maximum number of instructions exists.
  // Always use 8 instructions (lui/addi/slliw sequence), even if the
  // constant
  // could be loaded with just one, so that this value is patchable later.
  // For address loads 8 instruction are required. Used to mark
  // constant load that will be used as address without relocation
  // information. It ensures predictable code size, so specific sites
  // in code are patchable.

enum RAStatus { kRAHasNotBeenSaved, kRAHasBeenSaved };

Register GetRegisterThatIsNotOneOf(Register reg1, Register reg2 = no_reg,
                                   Register reg3 = no_reg,
                                   Register reg4 = no_reg,
                                   Register reg5 = no_reg,
                                   Register reg6 = no_reg);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static helper functions.

#define SmiWordOffset(offset) (offset + kSystemPointerSize / 2)
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71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
#define SmiWordOffset(offset) offset

// Generate a MemOperand for loading a field from an object.
inline MemOperand FieldMemOperand(Register object, int offset) {
  return MemOperand(object, offset - kHeapObjectTag);

// Generate a MemOperand for storing arguments 5..N on the stack
// when calling CallCFunction().
// TODO(plind): Currently ONLY used for O32. Should be fixed for
//              n64, and used in RegExp code, and other places
//              with more than 8 arguments.
inline MemOperand CFunctionArgumentOperand(int index) {
  DCHECK_GT(index, kCArgSlotCount);
  // Argument 5 takes the slot just past the four Arg-slots.
  int offset = (index - 5) * kSystemPointerSize + kCArgsSlotsSize;
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89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
  return MemOperand(sp, offset);

class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE TurboAssembler : public TurboAssemblerBase {
  using TurboAssemblerBase::TurboAssemblerBase;

  // Activation support.
  void EnterFrame(StackFrame::Type type);
  void EnterFrame(StackFrame::Type type, bool load_constant_pool_pointer_reg) {
    // Out-of-line constant pool not implemented on RISC-V.
  void LeaveFrame(StackFrame::Type type);

  // Generates function and stub prologue code.
  void StubPrologue(StackFrame::Type type);
  void Prologue();

  void InitializeRootRegister() {
    ExternalReference isolate_root = ExternalReference::isolate_root(isolate());
    li(kRootRegister, Operand(isolate_root));
111 112 113 114
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115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122

  // Jump unconditionally to given label.
  void jmp(Label* L) { Branch(L); }

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Debugging.

123 124
  void Trap();
  void DebugBreak();
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125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151

  // Calls Abort(msg) if the condition cc is not satisfied.
  // Use --debug_code to enable.
  void Assert(Condition cc, AbortReason reason, Register rs, Operand rt);

  // Like Assert(), but always enabled.
  void Check(Condition cc, AbortReason reason, Register rs, Operand rt);

  // Print a message to stdout and abort execution.
  void Abort(AbortReason msg);

  // Arguments macros.
#define COND_TYPED_ARGS Condition cond, Register r1, const Operand &r2
#define COND_ARGS cond, r1, r2

  // Cases when relocation is not needed.
#define DECLARE_NORELOC_PROTOTYPE(Name, target_type) \
  void Name(target_type target);                     \
  void Name(target_type target, COND_TYPED_ARGS);



152 153
  void Branch(Label* target);
  void Branch(int32_t target);
  void BranchLong(Label* L);
155 156 157 158
  void Branch(Label* target, Condition cond, Register r1, const Operand& r2,
              Label::Distance near_jump = Label::kFar);
  void Branch(int32_t target, Condition cond, Register r1, const Operand& r2,
              Label::Distance near_jump = Label::kFar);
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159 160 161 162
#undef COND_ARGS

163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
  void AllocateStackSpace(Register bytes) { Sub64(sp, sp, bytes); }

  void AllocateStackSpace(int bytes) {
    DCHECK_GE(bytes, 0);
    if (bytes == 0) return;
    Sub64(sp, sp, Operand(bytes));

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171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178
  inline void NegateBool(Register rd, Register rs) { Xor(rd, rs, 1); }

  // Compare float, if any operand is NaN, result is false except for NE
  void CompareF32(Register rd, FPUCondition cc, FPURegister cmp1,
                  FPURegister cmp2);
  // Compare double, if any operand is NaN, result is false except for NE
  void CompareF64(Register rd, FPUCondition cc, FPURegister cmp1,
                  FPURegister cmp2);
179 180
  void CompareIsNotNanF32(Register rd, FPURegister cmp1, FPURegister cmp2);
  void CompareIsNotNanF64(Register rd, FPURegister cmp1, FPURegister cmp2);
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181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201
  void CompareIsNanF32(Register rd, FPURegister cmp1, FPURegister cmp2);
  void CompareIsNanF64(Register rd, FPURegister cmp1, FPURegister cmp2);

  // Floating point branches
  void BranchTrueShortF(Register rs, Label* target);
  void BranchFalseShortF(Register rs, Label* target);

  void BranchTrueF(Register rs, Label* target);
  void BranchFalseF(Register rs, Label* target);

  void Branch(Label* L, Condition cond, Register rs, RootIndex index);

  static int InstrCountForLi64Bit(int64_t value);
  inline void LiLower32BitHelper(Register rd, Operand j);
  void li_optimized(Register rd, Operand j, LiFlags mode = OPTIMIZE_SIZE);
  // Load int32 in the rd register.
  void li(Register rd, Operand j, LiFlags mode = OPTIMIZE_SIZE);
  inline void li(Register rd, int64_t j, LiFlags mode = OPTIMIZE_SIZE) {
    li(rd, Operand(j), mode);

  inline void Move(Register output, MemOperand operand) { Ld(output, operand); }
203 204
  void li(Register dst, Handle<HeapObject> value,
          RelocInfo::Mode rmode = RelocInfo::FULL_EMBEDDED_OBJECT);
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205 206 207 208
  void li(Register dst, ExternalReference value, LiFlags mode = OPTIMIZE_SIZE);
  void li(Register dst, const StringConstantBase* string,
          LiFlags mode = OPTIMIZE_SIZE);

209 210 211
  void LoadFromConstantsTable(Register destination, int constant_index) final;
  void LoadRootRegisterOffset(Register destination, intptr_t offset) final;
  void LoadRootRelative(Register destination, int32_t offset) final;
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  inline void GenPCRelativeJump(Register rd, int64_t imm32) {
    DCHECK(is_int32(imm32 + 0x800));
215 216 217 218 219 220 221
    int32_t Hi20 = (((int32_t)imm32 + 0x800) >> 12);
    int32_t Lo12 = (int32_t)imm32 << 20 >> 20;
    auipc(rd, Hi20);  // Read PC + Hi20 into scratch.
    jr(rd, Lo12);     // jump PC + Hi20 + Lo12

  inline void GenPCRelativeJumpAndLink(Register rd, int64_t imm32) {
    DCHECK(is_int32(imm32 + 0x800));
223 224 225 226 227
    int32_t Hi20 = (((int32_t)imm32 + 0x800) >> 12);
    int32_t Lo12 = (int32_t)imm32 << 20 >> 20;
    auipc(rd, Hi20);  // Read PC + Hi20 into scratch.
    jalr(rd, Lo12);   // jump PC + Hi20 + Lo12
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228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240
// Jump, Call, and Ret pseudo instructions implementing inter-working.
#define COND_ARGS                              \
  Condition cond = al, Register rs = zero_reg, \
            const Operand &rt = Operand(zero_reg)

  void Jump(Register target, COND_ARGS);
  void Jump(intptr_t target, RelocInfo::Mode rmode, COND_ARGS);
  void Jump(Address target, RelocInfo::Mode rmode, COND_ARGS);
  // Deffer from li, this method save target to the memory, and then load
  // it to register use ld, it can be used in wasm jump table for concurrent
  // patching.
  void PatchAndJump(Address target);
  void Jump(Handle<Code> code, RelocInfo::Mode rmode, COND_ARGS);
  void Jump(const ExternalReference& reference);
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242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250
  void Call(Register target, COND_ARGS);
  void Call(Address target, RelocInfo::Mode rmode, COND_ARGS);
  void Call(Handle<Code> code, RelocInfo::Mode rmode = RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET,
  void Call(Label* target);
  void LoadAddress(
      Register dst, Label* target,
      RelocInfo::Mode rmode = RelocInfo::INTERNAL_REFERENCE_ENCODED);

  // Load the builtin given by the Smi in |builtin| into the same
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  // register.
253 254 255 256 257 258
  void LoadEntryFromBuiltinIndex(Register builtin);
  void LoadEntryFromBuiltin(Builtin builtin, Register destination);
  MemOperand EntryFromBuiltinAsOperand(Builtin builtin);
  void CallBuiltinByIndex(Register builtin);
  void CallBuiltin(Builtin builtin);
  void TailCallBuiltin(Builtin builtin);
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260 261
  void LoadCodeObjectEntry(Register destination, Register code_object);
  void CallCodeObject(Register code_object);
  void JumpCodeObject(Register code_object,
                      JumpMode jump_mode = JumpMode::kJump);
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264 265 266 267 268 269

  // Generates an instruction sequence s.t. the return address points to the
  // instruction following the call.
  // The return address on the stack is used by frame iteration.
  void StoreReturnAddressAndCall(Register target);

  void CallForDeoptimization(Builtin target, int deopt_id, Label* exit,
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271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289
                             DeoptimizeKind kind, Label* ret,
                             Label* jump_deoptimization_entry_label);

  void Ret(COND_ARGS);

  // Emit code to discard a non-negative number of pointer-sized elements
  // from the stack, clobbering only the sp register.
  void Drop(int count, Condition cond = cc_always, Register reg = no_reg,
            const Operand& op = Operand(no_reg));

  // Trivial case of DropAndRet that only emits 2 instructions.
  void DropAndRet(int drop);

  void DropAndRet(int drop, Condition cond, Register reg, const Operand& op);

  void Ld(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  void Sd(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);

  void push(Register src) {
    Add64(sp, sp, Operand(-kSystemPointerSize));
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    Sd(src, MemOperand(sp, 0));
  void Push(Register src) { push(src); }
  void Push(Handle<HeapObject> handle);
  void Push(Smi smi);

  // Push two registers. Pushes leftmost register first (to highest address).
  void Push(Register src1, Register src2) {
299 300 301
    Sub64(sp, sp, Operand(2 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Sd(src1, MemOperand(sp, 1 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Sd(src2, MemOperand(sp, 0 * kSystemPointerSize));
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302 303 304 305

  // Push three registers. Pushes leftmost register first (to highest address).
  void Push(Register src1, Register src2, Register src3) {
306 307 308 309
    Sub64(sp, sp, Operand(3 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Sd(src1, MemOperand(sp, 2 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Sd(src2, MemOperand(sp, 1 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Sd(src3, MemOperand(sp, 0 * kSystemPointerSize));
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310 311 312 313

  // Push four registers. Pushes leftmost register first (to highest address).
  void Push(Register src1, Register src2, Register src3, Register src4) {
314 315 316 317 318
    Sub64(sp, sp, Operand(4 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Sd(src1, MemOperand(sp, 3 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Sd(src2, MemOperand(sp, 2 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Sd(src3, MemOperand(sp, 1 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Sd(src4, MemOperand(sp, 0 * kSystemPointerSize));
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  // Push five registers. Pushes leftmost register first (to highest address).
  void Push(Register src1, Register src2, Register src3, Register src4,
            Register src5) {
324 325 326 327 328 329
    Sub64(sp, sp, Operand(5 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Sd(src1, MemOperand(sp, 4 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Sd(src2, MemOperand(sp, 3 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Sd(src3, MemOperand(sp, 2 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Sd(src4, MemOperand(sp, 1 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Sd(src5, MemOperand(sp, 0 * kSystemPointerSize));
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330 331 332 333 334

  void Push(Register src, Condition cond, Register tst1, Register tst2) {
    // Since we don't have conditional execution we use a Branch.
    Branch(3, cond, tst1, Operand(tst2));
    Sub64(sp, sp, Operand(kSystemPointerSize));
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336 337 338 339 340 341
    Sd(src, MemOperand(sp, 0));

  enum PushArrayOrder { kNormal, kReverse };
  void PushArray(Register array, Register size, PushArrayOrder order = kNormal);

342 343
  void MaybeSaveRegisters(RegList registers);
  void MaybeRestoreRegisters(RegList registers);
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  void CallEphemeronKeyBarrier(Register object, Register slot_address,
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346 347
                               SaveFPRegsMode fp_mode);

  void CallRecordWriteStubSaveRegisters(
      Register object, Register slot_address, SaveFPRegsMode fp_mode,
      StubCallMode mode = StubCallMode::kCallBuiltinPointer);
  void CallRecordWriteStub(
      Register object, Register slot_address, SaveFPRegsMode fp_mode,
353 354
      StubCallMode mode = StubCallMode::kCallBuiltinPointer);

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355 356 357 358
  // Push multiple registers on the stack.
  // Registers are saved in numerical order, with higher numbered registers
  // saved in higher memory addresses.
  void MultiPush(RegList regs);
  void MultiPushFPU(DoubleRegList regs);
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360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380

  // Calculate how much stack space (in bytes) are required to store caller
  // registers excluding those specified in the arguments.
  int RequiredStackSizeForCallerSaved(SaveFPRegsMode fp_mode,
                                      Register exclusion1 = no_reg,
                                      Register exclusion2 = no_reg,
                                      Register exclusion3 = no_reg) const;

  // Push caller saved registers on the stack, and return the number of bytes
  // stack pointer is adjusted.
  int PushCallerSaved(SaveFPRegsMode fp_mode, Register exclusion1 = no_reg,
                      Register exclusion2 = no_reg,
                      Register exclusion3 = no_reg);
  // Restore caller saved registers from the stack, and return the number of
  // bytes stack pointer is adjusted.
  int PopCallerSaved(SaveFPRegsMode fp_mode, Register exclusion1 = no_reg,
                     Register exclusion2 = no_reg,
                     Register exclusion3 = no_reg);

  void pop(Register dst) {
    Ld(dst, MemOperand(sp, 0));
    Add64(sp, sp, Operand(kSystemPointerSize));
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382 383 384 385 386 387
  void Pop(Register dst) { pop(dst); }

  // Pop two registers. Pops rightmost register first (from lower address).
  void Pop(Register src1, Register src2) {
    DCHECK(src1 != src2);
388 389 390
    Ld(src2, MemOperand(sp, 0 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Ld(src1, MemOperand(sp, 1 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Add64(sp, sp, 2 * kSystemPointerSize);
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391 392 393 394

  // Pop three registers. Pops rightmost register first (from lower address).
  void Pop(Register src1, Register src2, Register src3) {
395 396 397 398
    Ld(src3, MemOperand(sp, 0 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Ld(src2, MemOperand(sp, 1 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Ld(src1, MemOperand(sp, 2 * kSystemPointerSize));
    Add64(sp, sp, 3 * kSystemPointerSize);
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399 400

401 402 403
  void Pop(uint32_t count = 1) {
    Add64(sp, sp, Operand(count * kSystemPointerSize));
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404 405 406 407

  // Pops multiple values from the stack and load them in the
  // registers specified in regs. Pop order is the opposite as in MultiPush.
  void MultiPop(RegList regs);
  void MultiPopFPU(DoubleRegList regs);
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409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421

#define DEFINE_INSTRUCTION(instr)                          \
  void instr(Register rd, Register rs, const Operand& rt); \
  void instr(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {      \
    instr(rd, rs, Operand(rt));                            \
  }                                                        \
  void instr(Register rs, Register rt, int32_t j) { instr(rs, rt, Operand(j)); }

#define DEFINE_INSTRUCTION2(instr)                                 \
  void instr(Register rs, const Operand& rt);                      \
  void instr(Register rs, Register rt) { instr(rs, Operand(rt)); } \
  void instr(Register rs, int32_t j) { instr(rs, Operand(j)); }

422 423
#define DEFINE_INSTRUCTION3(instr) void instr(Register rd, int64_t imm);

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474 475 476 477


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478 479 480 481 482 483

  void SmiUntag(Register dst, const MemOperand& src);
  void SmiUntag(Register dst, Register src) {
484 485
    DCHECK(SmiValuesAre32Bits() || SmiValuesAre31Bits());
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      sraiw(dst, src, kSmiShift);
487 488
    } else {
      srai(dst, src, kSmiShift);
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489 490 491 492

  void SmiUntag(Register reg) { SmiUntag(reg, reg); }
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493 494 495
  void SmiToInt32(Register smi);

  // Enabled via --debug-code.
496 497 498 499
  void AssertNotSmi(Register object,
                    AbortReason reason = AbortReason::kOperandIsASmi);
  void AssertSmi(Register object,
                 AbortReason reason = AbortReason::kOperandIsASmi);
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500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578

  int CalculateStackPassedDWords(int num_gp_arguments, int num_fp_arguments);

  // Before calling a C-function from generated code, align arguments on stack.
  // After aligning the frame, non-register arguments must be stored on the
  // stack, using helper: CFunctionArgumentOperand().
  // The argument count assumes all arguments are word sized.
  // Some compilers/platforms require the stack to be aligned when calling
  // C++ code.
  // Needs a scratch register to do some arithmetic. This register will be
  // trashed.
  void PrepareCallCFunction(int num_reg_arguments, int num_double_registers,
                            Register scratch);
  void PrepareCallCFunction(int num_reg_arguments, Register scratch);

  // Arguments 1-8 are placed in registers a0 through a7 respectively.
  // Arguments 9..n are stored to stack

  // Calls a C function and cleans up the space for arguments allocated
  // by PrepareCallCFunction. The called function is not allowed to trigger a
  // garbage collection, since that might move the code and invalidate the
  // return address (unless this is somehow accounted for by the called
  // function).
  void CallCFunction(ExternalReference function, int num_arguments);
  void CallCFunction(Register function, int num_arguments);
  void CallCFunction(ExternalReference function, int num_reg_arguments,
                     int num_double_arguments);
  void CallCFunction(Register function, int num_reg_arguments,
                     int num_double_arguments);
  void MovFromFloatResult(DoubleRegister dst);
  void MovFromFloatParameter(DoubleRegister dst);

  // These functions abstract parameter passing for the three different ways
  // we call C functions from generated code.
  void MovToFloatParameter(DoubleRegister src);
  void MovToFloatParameters(DoubleRegister src1, DoubleRegister src2);
  void MovToFloatResult(DoubleRegister src);

  // See comments at the beginning of Builtins::Generate_CEntry.
  inline void PrepareCEntryArgs(int num_args) { li(a0, num_args); }
  inline void PrepareCEntryFunction(const ExternalReference& ref) {
    li(a1, ref);

  void CheckPageFlag(Register object, Register scratch, int mask, Condition cc,
                     Label* condition_met);
#undef COND_ARGS

  // Performs a truncating conversion of a floating point number as used by
  // the JS bitwise operations. See ECMA-262 9.5: ToInt32.
  // Exits with 'result' holding the answer.
  void TruncateDoubleToI(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone, Register result,
                         DoubleRegister double_input, StubCallMode stub_mode);

  void CompareI(Register rd, Register rs, const Operand& rt, Condition cond);

  void LoadZeroIfConditionNotZero(Register dest, Register condition);
  void LoadZeroIfConditionZero(Register dest, Register condition);

  void SignExtendByte(Register rd, Register rs) {
    slli(rd, rs, 64 - 8);
    srai(rd, rd, 64 - 8);

  void SignExtendShort(Register rd, Register rs) {
    slli(rd, rs, 64 - 16);
    srai(rd, rd, 64 - 16);

  void SignExtendWord(Register rd, Register rs) { sext_w(rd, rs); }
  void ZeroExtendWord(Register rd, Register rs) {
    slli(rd, rs, 32);
    srli(rd, rd, 32);

  void Clz32(Register rd, Register rs);
  void Clz64(Register rd, Register rs);
  void Ctz32(Register rd, Register rs);
  void Ctz64(Register rd, Register rs);
579 580
  void Popcnt32(Register rd, Register rs, Register scratch);
  void Popcnt64(Register rd, Register rs, Register scratch);
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581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598

  // Bit field starts at bit pos and extending for size bits is extracted from
  // rs and stored zero/sign-extended and right-justified in rt
  void ExtractBits(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t pos, uint16_t size,
                   bool sign_extend = false);
  void ExtractBits(Register dest, Register source, Register pos, int size,
                   bool sign_extend = false) {
    sra(dest, source, pos);
    ExtractBits(dest, dest, 0, size, sign_extend);

  // Insert bits [0, size) of source to bits [pos, pos+size) of dest
  void InsertBits(Register dest, Register source, Register pos, int size);

  void Neg_s(FPURegister fd, FPURegister fs);
  void Neg_d(FPURegister fd, FPURegister fs);

  // Change endianness
599 600
  void ByteSwap(Register dest, Register src, int operand_size,
                Register scratch);
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602 603
  void Clear_if_nan_d(Register rd, FPURegister fs);
  void Clear_if_nan_s(Register rd, FPURegister fs);
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604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614
  // Convert single to unsigned word.
  void Trunc_uw_s(Register rd, FPURegister fs, Register result = no_reg);

  // helper functions for unaligned load/store
  template <int NBYTES, bool IS_SIGNED>
  void UnalignedLoadHelper(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  template <int NBYTES>
  void UnalignedStoreHelper(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs,
                            Register scratch_other = no_reg);

  template <int NBYTES>
615 616
  void UnalignedFLoadHelper(FPURegister frd, const MemOperand& rs,
                            Register scratch);
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  template <int NBYTES>
618 619
  void UnalignedFStoreHelper(FPURegister frd, const MemOperand& rs,
                             Register scratch);
Brice Dobry's avatar
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620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642

  template <typename Reg_T, typename Func>
  void AlignedLoadHelper(Reg_T target, const MemOperand& rs, Func generator);
  template <typename Reg_T, typename Func>
  void AlignedStoreHelper(Reg_T value, const MemOperand& rs, Func generator);

  template <int NBYTES, bool LOAD_SIGNED>
  void LoadNBytes(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs, Register scratch);
  template <int NBYTES, bool LOAD_SIGNED>
  void LoadNBytesOverwritingBaseReg(const MemOperand& rs, Register scratch0,
                                    Register scratch1);
  // load/store macros
  void Ulh(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  void Ulhu(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  void Ush(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);

  void Ulw(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  void Ulwu(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  void Usw(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);

  void Uld(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  void Usd(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);

643 644
  void ULoadFloat(FPURegister fd, const MemOperand& rs, Register scratch);
  void UStoreFloat(FPURegister fd, const MemOperand& rs, Register scratch);
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646 647
  void ULoadDouble(FPURegister fd, const MemOperand& rs, Register scratch);
  void UStoreDouble(FPURegister fd, const MemOperand& rs, Register scratch);
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648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729

  void Lb(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  void Lbu(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  void Sb(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);

  void Lh(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  void Lhu(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  void Sh(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);

  void Lw(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  void Lwu(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  void Sw(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);

  void LoadFloat(FPURegister fd, const MemOperand& src);
  void StoreFloat(FPURegister fs, const MemOperand& dst);

  void LoadDouble(FPURegister fd, const MemOperand& src);
  void StoreDouble(FPURegister fs, const MemOperand& dst);

  void Ll(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  void Sc(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);

  void Lld(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  void Scd(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);

  void Float32Max(FPURegister dst, FPURegister src1, FPURegister src2);
  void Float32Min(FPURegister dst, FPURegister src1, FPURegister src2);
  void Float64Max(FPURegister dst, FPURegister src1, FPURegister src2);
  void Float64Min(FPURegister dst, FPURegister src1, FPURegister src2);
  template <typename F>
  void FloatMinMaxHelper(FPURegister dst, FPURegister src1, FPURegister src2,
                         MaxMinKind kind);

  bool IsDoubleZeroRegSet() { return has_double_zero_reg_set_; }
  bool IsSingleZeroRegSet() { return has_single_zero_reg_set_; }

  inline void Move(Register dst, Smi smi) { li(dst, Operand(smi)); }

  inline void Move(Register dst, Register src) {
    if (dst != src) {
      mv(dst, src);

  inline void MoveDouble(FPURegister dst, FPURegister src) {
    if (dst != src) fmv_d(dst, src);

  inline void MoveFloat(FPURegister dst, FPURegister src) {
    if (dst != src) fmv_s(dst, src);

  inline void Move(FPURegister dst, FPURegister src) { MoveDouble(dst, src); }

  inline void Move(Register dst_low, Register dst_high, FPURegister src) {
    fmv_x_d(dst_high, src);
    fmv_x_w(dst_low, src);
    srli(dst_high, dst_high, 32);

  inline void Move(Register dst, FPURegister src) { fmv_x_d(dst, src); }

  inline void Move(FPURegister dst, Register src) { fmv_d_x(dst, src); }

  // Extract sign-extended word from high-half of FPR to GPR
  inline void ExtractHighWordFromF64(Register dst_high, FPURegister src) {
    fmv_x_d(dst_high, src);
    srai(dst_high, dst_high, 32);

  // Insert low-word from GPR (src_high) to the high-half of FPR (dst)
  void InsertHighWordF64(FPURegister dst, Register src_high);

  // Extract sign-extended word from low-half of FPR to GPR
  inline void ExtractLowWordFromF64(Register dst_low, FPURegister src) {
    fmv_x_w(dst_low, src);

  // Insert low-word from GPR (src_high) to the low-half of FPR (dst)
  void InsertLowWordF64(FPURegister dst, Register src_low);

  void LoadFPRImmediate(FPURegister dst, float imm) {
    LoadFPRImmediate(dst, base::bit_cast<uint32_t>(imm));
Brice Dobry's avatar
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731 732
  void LoadFPRImmediate(FPURegister dst, double imm) {
    LoadFPRImmediate(dst, base::bit_cast<uint64_t>(imm));
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734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763
  void LoadFPRImmediate(FPURegister dst, uint32_t src);
  void LoadFPRImmediate(FPURegister dst, uint64_t src);

  // AddOverflow64 sets overflow register to a negative value if
  // overflow occured, otherwise it is zero or positive
  void AddOverflow64(Register dst, Register left, const Operand& right,
                     Register overflow);
  // SubOverflow64 sets overflow register to a negative value if
  // overflow occured, otherwise it is zero or positive
  void SubOverflow64(Register dst, Register left, const Operand& right,
                     Register overflow);
  // MulOverflow32 sets overflow register to zero if no overflow occured
  void MulOverflow32(Register dst, Register left, const Operand& right,
                     Register overflow);

  // MIPS-style 32-bit unsigned mulh
  void Mulhu32(Register dst, Register left, const Operand& right,
               Register left_zero, Register right_zero);

  // Number of instructions needed for calculation of switch table entry address
  static const int kSwitchTablePrologueSize = 6;

  // GetLabelFunction must be lambda '[](size_t index) -> Label*' or a
  // functor/function with 'Label *func(size_t index)' declaration.
  template <typename Func>
  void GenerateSwitchTable(Register index, size_t case_count,
                           Func GetLabelFunction);

  // Load an object from the root table.
  void LoadRoot(Register destination, RootIndex index) final;
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765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844
  void LoadRoot(Register destination, RootIndex index, Condition cond,
                Register src1, const Operand& src2);

  void LoadMap(Register destination, Register object);

  // If the value is a NaN, canonicalize the value else, do nothing.
  void FPUCanonicalizeNaN(const DoubleRegister dst, const DoubleRegister src);

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // FPU macros. These do not handle special cases like NaN or +- inf.

  // Convert unsigned word to double.
  void Cvt_d_uw(FPURegister fd, Register rs);

  // convert signed word to double.
  void Cvt_d_w(FPURegister fd, Register rs);

  // Convert unsigned long to double.
  void Cvt_d_ul(FPURegister fd, Register rs);

  // Convert unsigned word to float.
  void Cvt_s_uw(FPURegister fd, Register rs);

  // convert signed word to float.
  void Cvt_s_w(FPURegister fd, Register rs);

  // Convert unsigned long to float.
  void Cvt_s_ul(FPURegister fd, Register rs);

  // Convert double to unsigned word.
  void Trunc_uw_d(Register rd, FPURegister fs, Register result = no_reg);

  // Convert double to signed word.
  void Trunc_w_d(Register rd, FPURegister fs, Register result = no_reg);

  // Convert single to signed word.
  void Trunc_w_s(Register rd, FPURegister fs, Register result = no_reg);

  // Convert double to unsigned long.
  void Trunc_ul_d(Register rd, FPURegister fs, Register result = no_reg);

  // Convert singled to signed long.
  void Trunc_l_d(Register rd, FPURegister fs, Register result = no_reg);

  // Convert single to unsigned long.
  void Trunc_ul_s(Register rd, FPURegister fs, Register result = no_reg);

  // Convert singled to signed long.
  void Trunc_l_s(Register rd, FPURegister fs, Register result = no_reg);

  // Round single to signed word.
  void Round_w_s(Register rd, FPURegister fs, Register result = no_reg);

  // Round double to signed word.
  void Round_w_d(Register rd, FPURegister fs, Register result = no_reg);

  // Ceil single to signed word.
  void Ceil_w_s(Register rd, FPURegister fs, Register result = no_reg);

  // Ceil double to signed word.
  void Ceil_w_d(Register rd, FPURegister fs, Register result = no_reg);

  // Floor single to signed word.
  void Floor_w_s(Register rd, FPURegister fs, Register result = no_reg);

  // Floor double to signed word.
  void Floor_w_d(Register rd, FPURegister fs, Register result = no_reg);

  // Round double functions
  void Trunc_d_d(FPURegister fd, FPURegister fs, FPURegister fpu_scratch);
  void Round_d_d(FPURegister fd, FPURegister fs, FPURegister fpu_scratch);
  void Floor_d_d(FPURegister fd, FPURegister fs, FPURegister fpu_scratch);
  void Ceil_d_d(FPURegister fd, FPURegister fs, FPURegister fpu_scratch);

  // Round float functions
  void Trunc_s_s(FPURegister fd, FPURegister fs, FPURegister fpu_scratch);
  void Round_s_s(FPURegister fd, FPURegister fs, FPURegister fpu_scratch);
  void Floor_s_s(FPURegister fd, FPURegister fs, FPURegister fpu_scratch);
  void Ceil_s_s(FPURegister fd, FPURegister fs, FPURegister fpu_scratch);

845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854
  void Ceil_f(VRegister dst, VRegister src, Register scratch,
              VRegister v_scratch);

  void Ceil_d(VRegister dst, VRegister src, Register scratch,
              VRegister v_scratch);

  void Floor_f(VRegister dst, VRegister src, Register scratch,
               VRegister v_scratch);
  void Floor_d(VRegister dst, VRegister src, Register scratch,
               VRegister v_scratch);
855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862
  void Trunc_f(VRegister dst, VRegister src, Register scratch,
               VRegister v_scratch);
  void Trunc_d(VRegister dst, VRegister src, Register scratch,
               VRegister v_scratch);
  void Round_f(VRegister dst, VRegister src, Register scratch,
               VRegister v_scratch);
  void Round_d(VRegister dst, VRegister src, Register scratch,
               VRegister v_scratch);
863 864 865 866 867

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Smi utilities.

  void SmiTag(Register dst, Register src) {
    static_assert(kSmiTag == 0);
869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880
    if (SmiValuesAre32Bits()) {
      // Smi goes to upper 32
      slli(dst, src, 32);
    } else {
      // Smi is shifted left by 1
      Add32(dst, src, src);

  void SmiTag(Register reg) { SmiTag(reg, reg); }

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  // Jump the register contains a smi.
  void JumpIfSmi(Register value, Label* smi_label);
Brice Dobry's avatar
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883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898

  void JumpIfEqual(Register a, int32_t b, Label* dest) {
    Branch(dest, eq, a, Operand(b));

  void JumpIfLessThan(Register a, int32_t b, Label* dest) {
    Branch(dest, lt, a, Operand(b));

  // Push a standard frame, consisting of ra, fp, context and JS function.
  void PushStandardFrame(Register function_reg);

  // Get the actual activation frame alignment for target environment.
  static int ActivationFrameAlignment();

  // Calculated scaled address (rd) as rt + rs << sa
  void CalcScaledAddress(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt, uint8_t sa);
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900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914

  // Compute the start of the generated instruction stream from the current PC.
  // This is an alternative to embedding the {CodeObject} handle as a reference.
  void ComputeCodeStartAddress(Register dst);

  // Control-flow integrity:

  // Define a function entrypoint. This doesn't emit any code for this
  // architecture, as control-flow integrity is not supported for it.
  void CodeEntry() {}
  // Define an exception handler.
  void ExceptionHandler() {}
  // Define an exception handler and bind a label.
  void BindExceptionHandler(Label* label) { bind(label); }

915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Pointer compression Support

  // Loads a field containing a HeapObject and decompresses it if pointer
  // compression is enabled.
  void LoadTaggedPointerField(const Register& destination,
                              const MemOperand& field_operand);

  // Loads a field containing any tagged value and decompresses it if necessary.
  void LoadAnyTaggedField(const Register& destination,
                          const MemOperand& field_operand);

  // Loads a field containing a tagged signed value and decompresses it if
  // necessary.
  void LoadTaggedSignedField(const Register& destination,
                             const MemOperand& field_operand);

  // Loads a field containing smi value and untags it.
  void SmiUntagField(Register dst, const MemOperand& src);

  // Compresses and stores tagged value to given on-heap location.
  void StoreTaggedField(const Register& value,
                        const MemOperand& dst_field_operand);

  void DecompressTaggedSigned(const Register& destination,
                              const MemOperand& field_operand);
  void DecompressTaggedPointer(const Register& destination,
                               const MemOperand& field_operand);
  void DecompressTaggedPointer(const Register& destination,
                               const Register& source);
  void DecompressAnyTagged(const Register& destination,
                           const MemOperand& field_operand);
947 948 949 950 951 952 953
  void CmpTagged(const Register& rd, const Register& rs1, const Register& rs2) {
      Sub32(rd, rs1, rs2);
    } else {
      Sub64(rd, rs1, rs2);
954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978
  // Wasm into RVV
  void WasmRvvExtractLane(Register dst, VRegister src, int8_t idx, VSew sew,
                          Vlmul lmul) {
    VU.set(kScratchReg, sew, lmul);
    VRegister Vsrc = idx != 0 ? kSimd128ScratchReg : src;
    if (idx != 0) {
      vslidedown_vi(kSimd128ScratchReg, src, idx);
    vmv_xs(dst, Vsrc);

  void WasmRvvEq(VRegister dst, VRegister lhs, VRegister rhs, VSew sew,
                 Vlmul lmul);

  void WasmRvvNe(VRegister dst, VRegister lhs, VRegister rhs, VSew sew,
                 Vlmul lmul);
  void WasmRvvGeS(VRegister dst, VRegister lhs, VRegister rhs, VSew sew,
                  Vlmul lmul);
  void WasmRvvGeU(VRegister dst, VRegister lhs, VRegister rhs, VSew sew,
                  Vlmul lmul);
  void WasmRvvGtS(VRegister dst, VRegister lhs, VRegister rhs, VSew sew,
                  Vlmul lmul);
  void WasmRvvGtU(VRegister dst, VRegister lhs, VRegister rhs, VSew sew,
                  Vlmul lmul);
  void WasmRvvS128const(VRegister dst, const uint8_t imms[16]);

980 981 982
  void LoadLane(int sz, VRegister dst, uint8_t laneidx, MemOperand src);
  void StoreLane(int sz, VRegister src, uint8_t laneidx, MemOperand dst);

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983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022
  inline Register GetRtAsRegisterHelper(const Operand& rt, Register scratch);
  inline int32_t GetOffset(int32_t offset, Label* L, OffsetSize bits);

  bool has_double_zero_reg_set_ = false;
  bool has_single_zero_reg_set_ = false;

  // Performs a truncating conversion of a floating point number as used by
  // the JS bitwise operations. See ECMA-262 9.5: ToInt32. Goes to 'done' if it
  // succeeds, otherwise falls through if result is saturated. On return
  // 'result' either holds answer, or is clobbered on fall through.
  void TryInlineTruncateDoubleToI(Register result, DoubleRegister input,
                                  Label* done);

  void CallCFunctionHelper(Register function, int num_reg_arguments,
                           int num_double_arguments);

  // TODO(RISCV) Reorder parameters so out parameters come last.
  bool CalculateOffset(Label* L, int32_t* offset, OffsetSize bits);
  bool CalculateOffset(Label* L, int32_t* offset, OffsetSize bits,
                       Register* scratch, const Operand& rt);

  void BranchShortHelper(int32_t offset, Label* L);
  bool BranchShortHelper(int32_t offset, Label* L, Condition cond, Register rs,
                         const Operand& rt);
  bool BranchShortCheck(int32_t offset, Label* L, Condition cond, Register rs,
                        const Operand& rt);

  void BranchAndLinkShortHelper(int32_t offset, Label* L);
  void BranchAndLinkShort(int32_t offset);
  void BranchAndLinkShort(Label* L);
  bool BranchAndLinkShortHelper(int32_t offset, Label* L, Condition cond,
                                Register rs, const Operand& rt);
  bool BranchAndLinkShortCheck(int32_t offset, Label* L, Condition cond,
                               Register rs, const Operand& rt);
  void BranchAndLinkLong(Label* L);

  template <typename F_TYPE>
  void RoundHelper(FPURegister dst, FPURegister src, FPURegister fpu_scratch,
                   FPURoundingMode mode);
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1025 1026
  template <typename F>
  void RoundHelper(VRegister dst, VRegister src, Register scratch,
                   VRegister v_scratch, FPURoundingMode frm);

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1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095
  template <typename TruncFunc>
  void RoundFloatingPointToInteger(Register rd, FPURegister fs, Register result,
                                   TruncFunc trunc);

  // Push a fixed frame, consisting of ra, fp.
  void PushCommonFrame(Register marker_reg = no_reg);

// MacroAssembler implements a collection of frequently used macros.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE MacroAssembler : public TurboAssembler {
  using TurboAssembler::TurboAssembler;

  // It assumes that the arguments are located below the stack pointer.
  // argc is the number of arguments not including the receiver.
  // TODO(victorgomes): Remove this function once we stick with the reversed
  // arguments order.
  void LoadReceiver(Register dest, Register argc) {
    Ld(dest, MemOperand(sp, 0));

  void StoreReceiver(Register rec, Register argc, Register scratch) {
    Sd(rec, MemOperand(sp, 0));

  bool IsNear(Label* L, Condition cond, int rs_reg);

  // Swap two registers.  If the scratch register is omitted then a slightly
  // less efficient form using xor instead of mov is emitted.
  void Swap(Register reg1, Register reg2, Register scratch = no_reg);

  void PushRoot(RootIndex index) {
    UseScratchRegisterScope temps(this);
    Register scratch = temps.Acquire();
    LoadRoot(scratch, index);

  // Compare the object in a register to a value and jump if they are equal.
  void JumpIfRoot(Register with, RootIndex index, Label* if_equal) {
    UseScratchRegisterScope temps(this);
    Register scratch = temps.Acquire();
    LoadRoot(scratch, index);
    Branch(if_equal, eq, with, Operand(scratch));

  // Compare the object in a register to a value and jump if they are not equal.
  void JumpIfNotRoot(Register with, RootIndex index, Label* if_not_equal) {
    UseScratchRegisterScope temps(this);
    Register scratch = temps.Acquire();
    LoadRoot(scratch, index);
    Branch(if_not_equal, ne, with, Operand(scratch));

  // Checks if value is in range [lower_limit, higher_limit] using a single
  // comparison.
  void JumpIfIsInRange(Register value, unsigned lower_limit,
                       unsigned higher_limit, Label* on_in_range);

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // GC Support

  // Notify the garbage collector that we wrote a pointer into an object.
  // |object| is the object being stored into, |value| is the object being
  // stored.  value and scratch registers are clobbered by the operation.
  // The offset is the offset from the start of the object, not the offset from
  // the tagged HeapObject pointer.  For use with FieldOperand(reg, off).
1096 1097 1098
  void RecordWriteField(Register object, int offset, Register value,
                        RAStatus ra_status, SaveFPRegsMode save_fp,
                        SmiCheck smi_check = SmiCheck::kInline);
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1099 1100 1101 1102

  // For a given |object| notify the garbage collector that the slot |address|
  // has been written.  |value| is the object being stored. The value and
  // address registers are clobbered by the operation.
1103 1104 1105
  void RecordWrite(Register object, Operand offset, Register value,
                   RAStatus ra_status, SaveFPRegsMode save_fp,
                   SmiCheck smi_check = SmiCheck::kInline);
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1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111

  // void Pref(int32_t hint, const MemOperand& rs);

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Pseudo-instructions.

1112 1113
  void LoadWordPair(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
  void StoreWordPair(Register rd, const MemOperand& rs);
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1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121

  void Madd_s(FPURegister fd, FPURegister fr, FPURegister fs, FPURegister ft);
  void Madd_d(FPURegister fd, FPURegister fr, FPURegister fs, FPURegister ft);
  void Msub_s(FPURegister fd, FPURegister fr, FPURegister fs, FPURegister ft);
  void Msub_d(FPURegister fd, FPURegister fr, FPURegister fs, FPURegister ft);

  // Enter exit frame.
  // argc - argument count to be dropped by LeaveExitFrame.
  // save_doubles - saves FPU registers on stack.
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1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136
  // stack_space - extra stack space.
  void EnterExitFrame(bool save_doubles, int stack_space = 0,
                      StackFrame::Type frame_type = StackFrame::EXIT);

  // Leave the current exit frame.
  void LeaveExitFrame(bool save_doubles, Register arg_count,
                      bool do_return = NO_EMIT_RETURN,
                      bool argument_count_is_length = false);

  // Make sure the stack is aligned. Only emits code in debug mode.
  void AssertStackIsAligned();

  // Load the global proxy from the current context.
  void LoadGlobalProxy(Register dst) {
    LoadNativeContextSlot(dst, Context::GLOBAL_PROXY_INDEX);
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1138 1139

  void LoadNativeContextSlot(Register dst, int index);
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1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152

  // Load the initial map from the global function. The registers
  // function and map can be the same, function is then overwritten.
  void LoadGlobalFunctionInitialMap(Register function, Register map,
                                    Register scratch);

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // JavaScript invokes.

  // Invoke the JavaScript function code by either calling or jumping.
  void InvokeFunctionCode(Register function, Register new_target,
                          Register expected_parameter_count,
                          Register actual_parameter_count, InvokeType type);
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1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163

  // On function call, call into the debugger if necessary.
  void CheckDebugHook(Register fun, Register new_target,
                      Register expected_parameter_count,
                      Register actual_parameter_count);

  // Invoke the JavaScript function in the given register. Changes the
  // current context to the context in the function before invoking.
  void InvokeFunctionWithNewTarget(Register function, Register new_target,
                                   Register actual_parameter_count,
                                   InvokeType type);
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  void InvokeFunction(Register function, Register expected_parameter_count,
                      Register actual_parameter_count, InvokeType type);
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1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189

  // Exception handling.

  // Push a new stack handler and link into stack handler chain.
  void PushStackHandler();

  // Unlink the stack handler on top of the stack from the stack handler chain.
  // Must preserve the result register.
  void PopStackHandler();

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Support functions.

  void GetObjectType(Register function, Register map, Register type_reg);

  void GetInstanceTypeRange(Register map, Register type_reg,
                            InstanceType lower_limit, Register range);

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Runtime calls.

  // Call a runtime routine.
  void CallRuntime(const Runtime::Function* f, int num_arguments,
                   SaveFPRegsMode save_doubles = SaveFPRegsMode::kIgnore);
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1191 1192 1193

  // Convenience function: Same as above, but takes the fid instead.
  void CallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId fid,
                   SaveFPRegsMode save_doubles = SaveFPRegsMode::kIgnore) {
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1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200
    const Runtime::Function* function = Runtime::FunctionForId(fid);
    CallRuntime(function, function->nargs, save_doubles);

  // Convenience function: Same as above, but takes the fid instead.
  void CallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId fid, int num_arguments,
                   SaveFPRegsMode save_doubles = SaveFPRegsMode::kIgnore) {
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1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212
    CallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionForId(fid), num_arguments, save_doubles);

  // Convenience function: tail call a runtime routine (jump).
  void TailCallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId fid);

  // Jump to the builtin routine.
  void JumpToExternalReference(const ExternalReference& builtin,
                               bool builtin_exit_frame = false);

  // Generates a trampoline to jump to the off-heap instruction stream.
  void JumpToOffHeapInstructionStream(Address entry);
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1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // In-place weak references.
  void LoadWeakValue(Register out, Register in, Label* target_if_cleared);

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // StatsCounter support.

  void IncrementCounter(StatsCounter* counter, int value, Register scratch1,
1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228
                        Register scratch2) {
    if (!FLAG_native_code_counters) return;
    EmitIncrementCounter(counter, value, scratch1, scratch2);
  void EmitIncrementCounter(StatsCounter* counter, int value, Register scratch1,
                            Register scratch2);
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  void DecrementCounter(StatsCounter* counter, int value, Register scratch1,
1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235
                        Register scratch2) {
    if (!FLAG_native_code_counters) return;
    EmitDecrementCounter(counter, value, scratch1, scratch2);
  void EmitDecrementCounter(StatsCounter* counter, int value, Register scratch1,
                            Register scratch2);
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1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Stack limit utilities

  enum StackLimitKind { kInterruptStackLimit, kRealStackLimit };
  void LoadStackLimit(Register destination, StackLimitKind kind);
  void StackOverflowCheck(Register num_args, Register scratch1,
1243 1244
                          Register scratch2, Label* stack_overflow,
                          Label* done = nullptr);
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1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262

  // Left-shifted from int32 equivalent of Smi.
  void SmiScale(Register dst, Register src, int scale) {
    if (SmiValuesAre32Bits()) {
      // The int portion is upper 32-bits of 64-bit word.
      srai(dst, src, (kSmiShift - scale) & 0x3F);
    } else {
      DCHECK_GE(scale, kSmiTagSize);
      slliw(dst, src, scale - kSmiTagSize);

  // Test if the register contains a smi.
  inline void SmiTst(Register value, Register scratch) {
    And(scratch, value, Operand(kSmiTagMask));

1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270
  enum ArgumentsCountMode { kCountIncludesReceiver, kCountExcludesReceiver };
  enum ArgumentsCountType { kCountIsInteger, kCountIsSmi, kCountIsBytes };
  void DropArguments(Register count, ArgumentsCountType type,
                     ArgumentsCountMode mode, Register scratch = no_reg);
  void DropArgumentsAndPushNewReceiver(Register argc, Register receiver,
                                       ArgumentsCountType type,
                                       ArgumentsCountMode mode,
                                       Register scratch = no_reg);
1271 1272 1273
  void JumpIfCodeTIsMarkedForDeoptimization(
      Register codet, Register scratch, Label* if_marked_for_deoptimization);
  Operand ClearedValue() const;

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  // Jump if the register contains a non-smi.
  void JumpIfNotSmi(Register value, Label* not_smi_label);
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1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284

  // Abort execution if argument is not a Constructor, enabled via --debug-code.
  void AssertConstructor(Register object);

  // Abort execution if argument is not a JSFunction, enabled via --debug-code.
  void AssertFunction(Register object);

1285 1286 1287 1288
  // Abort execution if argument is not a callable JSFunction, enabled via
  // --debug-code.
  void AssertCallableFunction(Register object);

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1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314
  // Abort execution if argument is not a JSBoundFunction,
  // enabled via --debug-code.
  void AssertBoundFunction(Register object);

  // Abort execution if argument is not a JSGeneratorObject (or subclass),
  // enabled via --debug-code.
  void AssertGeneratorObject(Register object);

  // Abort execution if argument is not undefined or an AllocationSite, enabled
  // via --debug-code.
  void AssertUndefinedOrAllocationSite(Register object, Register scratch);

  template <typename Field>
  void DecodeField(Register dst, Register src) {
    ExtractBits(dst, src, Field::kShift, Field::kSize);

  template <typename Field>
  void DecodeField(Register reg) {
    DecodeField<Field>(reg, reg);

  // Helper functions for generating invokes.
  void InvokePrologue(Register expected_parameter_count,
                      Register actual_parameter_count, Label* done,
                      InvokeType type);
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1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341

  // Compute memory operands for safepoint stack slots.
  static int SafepointRegisterStackIndex(int reg_code);

  // Needs access to SafepointRegisterStackIndex for compiled frame
  // traversal.
  friend class CommonFrame;


template <typename Func>
void TurboAssembler::GenerateSwitchTable(Register index, size_t case_count,
                                         Func GetLabelFunction) {
  // Ensure that dd-ed labels following this instruction use 8 bytes aligned
  // addresses.
  BlockTrampolinePoolFor(static_cast<int>(case_count) * 2 +
  UseScratchRegisterScope temps(this);
  Register scratch = temps.Acquire();
  Register scratch2 = temps.Acquire();

  // Load the address from the jump table at index and jump to it
  auipc(scratch, 0);  // Load the current PC into scratch
  slli(scratch2, index,
       kSystemPointerSizeLog2);  // scratch2 = offset of indexth entry
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1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354
  add(scratch2, scratch2,
      scratch);  // scratch2 = (saved PC) + (offset of indexth entry)
  ld(scratch2, scratch2,
     6 * kInstrSize);  // Add the size of these 6 instructions to the
                       // offset, then load
  jr(scratch2);        // Jump to the address loaded from the table
  nop();               // For 16-byte alignment
  for (size_t index = 0; index < case_count; ++index) {

1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360
struct MoveCycleState {
  // Whether a move in the cycle needs the scratch or double scratch register.
  bool pending_scratch_register_use = false;
  bool pending_double_scratch_register_use = false;

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1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366
#define ACCESS_MASM(masm) masm->

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8