asm-types.h 11.7 KB
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// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

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#include <string>

#include "src/base/compiler-specific.h"
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#include "src/base/macros.h"
#include "src/globals.h"
13 14
#include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"
#include "src/zone/zone.h"
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15 16 17 18 19 20

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace wasm {

class AsmType;
class AsmFFIType;
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22 23
class AsmFunctionType;
class AsmOverloadedFunctionType;
class AsmFunctionTableType;
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// List of V(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types)
#define FOR_EACH_ASM_VALUE_TYPE_LIST(V)                                       \
  /* These tags are not types that are expressable in the asm source. They */ \
  /* are used to express semantic information about the types they tag.    */ \
  V(Heap, "[]", 1, 0)                                                         \
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
  V(FloatishDoubleQ, "floatish|double?", 2, 0)                                \
  V(FloatQDoubleQ, "float?|double?", 3, 0)                                    \
  /* The following are actual types that appear in the asm source. */         \
  V(Void, "void", 4, 0)                                                       \
  V(Extern, "extern", 5, 0)                                                   \
  V(DoubleQ, "double?", 6, kAsmFloatishDoubleQ | kAsmFloatQDoubleQ)           \
  V(Double, "double", 7, kAsmDoubleQ | kAsmExtern)                            \
  V(Intish, "intish", 8, 0)                                                   \
  V(Int, "int", 9, kAsmIntish)                                                \
  V(Signed, "signed", 10, kAsmInt | kAsmExtern)                               \
  V(Unsigned, "unsigned", 11, kAsmInt)                                        \
  V(FixNum, "fixnum", 12, kAsmSigned | kAsmUnsigned)                          \
  V(Floatish, "floatish", 13, kAsmFloatishDoubleQ)                            \
  V(FloatQ, "float?", 14, kAsmFloatQDoubleQ | kAsmFloatish)                   \
  V(Float, "float", 15, kAsmFloatQ)                                           \
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  /* Types used for expressing the Heap accesses. */                          \
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
  V(Uint8Array, "Uint8Array", 16, kAsmHeap)                                   \
  V(Int8Array, "Int8Array", 17, kAsmHeap)                                     \
  V(Uint16Array, "Uint16Array", 18, kAsmHeap)                                 \
  V(Int16Array, "Int16Array", 19, kAsmHeap)                                   \
  V(Uint32Array, "Uint32Array", 20, kAsmHeap)                                 \
  V(Int32Array, "Int32Array", 21, kAsmHeap)                                   \
  V(Float32Array, "Float32Array", 22, kAsmHeap)                               \
  V(Float64Array, "Float64Array", 23, kAsmHeap)                               \
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55 56 57 58 59 60
  /* None is used to represent errors in the type checker. */                 \
  V(None, "<none>", 31, 0)

// List of V(CamelName)
  V(FunctionType)                          \
61 62 63
  V(FFIType)                               \
  V(OverloadedFunctionType)                \
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64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

class AsmValueType {
  typedef uint32_t bitset_t;

  enum : uint32_t {
#define DEFINE_TAG(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types) \
  kAsm##CamelName = ((1u << (number)) | (parent_types)),
        kAsmUnknown = 0,
    kAsmValueTypeTag = 1u

  friend class AsmType;

  static AsmValueType* AsValueType(AsmType* type) {
    if ((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(type) & kAsmValueTypeTag) ==
        kAsmValueTypeTag) {
      return reinterpret_cast<AsmValueType*>(type);
    return nullptr;

  bitset_t Bitset() const {
    DCHECK((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) & kAsmValueTypeTag) ==
    return static_cast<bitset_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) &

  static AsmType* New(bitset_t bits) {
    DCHECK_EQ((bits & kAsmValueTypeTag), 0u);
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    return reinterpret_cast<AsmType*>(
        static_cast<uintptr_t>(bits | kAsmValueTypeTag));

  // AsmValueTypes can't be created except through AsmValueType::New.

class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE AsmCallableType : public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(ZoneObject) {
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  virtual std::string Name() = 0;

110 111 112
  virtual bool CanBeInvokedWith(AsmType* return_type,
                                const ZoneVector<AsmType*>& args) = 0;

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113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
#define DECLARE_CAST(CamelName) \
  virtual Asm##CamelName* As##CamelName() { return nullptr; }

  AsmCallableType() = default;
  virtual ~AsmCallableType() = default;
  virtual bool IsA(AsmType* other);
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122 123

124 125
  friend class AsmType;

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class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE AsmFunctionType final : public AsmCallableType {
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  AsmFunctionType* AsFunctionType() final { return this; }

  void AddArgument(AsmType* type) { args_.push_back(type); }
  const ZoneVector<AsmType*> Arguments() const { return args_; }
  AsmType* ReturnType() const { return return_type_; }

137 138
  bool CanBeInvokedWith(AsmType* return_type,
                        const ZoneVector<AsmType*>& args) override;
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  AsmFunctionType(Zone* zone, AsmType* return_type)
      : return_type_(return_type), args_(zone) {}

  friend AsmType;

  std::string Name() override;
  bool IsA(AsmType* other) override;
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149 150 151 152 153 154 155

  AsmType* return_type_;
  ZoneVector<AsmType*> args_;


156 157
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE AsmOverloadedFunctionType final
    : public AsmCallableType {
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  AsmOverloadedFunctionType* AsOverloadedFunctionType() override {
    return this;

  void AddOverload(AsmType* overload);

  friend AsmType;

  explicit AsmOverloadedFunctionType(Zone* zone) : overloads_(zone) {}

  std::string Name() override;
171 172
  bool CanBeInvokedWith(AsmType* return_type,
                        const ZoneVector<AsmType*>& args) override;
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173 174 175 176 177 178

  ZoneVector<AsmType*> overloads_;


class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE AsmFFIType final : public AsmCallableType {
180 181 182 183
  AsmFFIType* AsFFIType() override { return this; }

  std::string Name() override { return "Function"; }
184 185
  bool CanBeInvokedWith(AsmType* return_type,
                        const ZoneVector<AsmType*>& args) override;
186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194

  friend AsmType;

  AsmFFIType() = default;


class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE AsmFunctionTableType : public AsmCallableType {
196 197 198 199 200
  AsmFunctionTableType* AsFunctionTableType() override { return this; }

  std::string Name() override;

201 202
  bool CanBeInvokedWith(AsmType* return_type,
                        const ZoneVector<AsmType*>& args) override;
203 204

  size_t length() const { return length_; }
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  AsmType* signature() { return signature_; }
206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217

  friend class AsmType;

  AsmFunctionTableType(size_t length, AsmType* signature);

  size_t length_;
  AsmType* signature_;


class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE AsmType {
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#define DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types) \
  static AsmType* CamelName() {                                          \
    return AsmValueType::New(AsmValueType::kAsm##CamelName);             \

#define DEFINE_CAST(CamelCase)                                        \
  Asm##CamelCase* As##CamelCase() {                                   \
    if (AsValueType() != nullptr) {                                   \
      return nullptr;                                                 \
    }                                                                 \
    return reinterpret_cast<AsmCallableType*>(this)->As##CamelCase(); \
  AsmValueType* AsValueType() { return AsmValueType::AsValueType(this); }
  AsmCallableType* AsCallableType();

  // A function returning ret. Callers still need to invoke AddArgument with the
  // returned type to fully create this type.
  static AsmType* Function(Zone* zone, AsmType* ret) {
    AsmFunctionType* f = new (zone) AsmFunctionType(zone, ret);
    return reinterpret_cast<AsmType*>(f);

  // Overloaded function types. Not creatable by asm source, but useful to
  // represent the overloaded stdlib functions.
  static AsmType* OverloadedFunction(Zone* zone) {
    auto* f = new (zone) AsmOverloadedFunctionType(zone);
    return reinterpret_cast<AsmType*>(f);

  // The type for fround(src).
  static AsmType* FroundType(Zone* zone);
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  // The (variadic) type for min and max.
  static AsmType* MinMaxType(Zone* zone, AsmType* dest, AsmType* src);
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259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271
  // The type for foreign functions.
  static AsmType* FFIType(Zone* zone) {
    auto* f = new (zone) AsmFFIType();
    return reinterpret_cast<AsmType*>(f);

  // The type for function tables.
  static AsmType* FunctionTableType(Zone* zone, size_t length,
                                    AsmType* signature) {
    auto* f = new (zone) AsmFunctionTableType(length, signature);
    return reinterpret_cast<AsmType*>(f);

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  std::string Name();
  // IsExactly returns true if this is the exact same type as that. For
  // non-value types (e.g., callables), this returns this == that.
  bool IsExactly(AsmType* that);
  // IsA is used to query whether this is an instance of that (i.e., if this is
  // a type derived from that.) For non-value types (e.g., callables), this
  // returns this == that.
  bool IsA(AsmType* that);

  // Types allowed in return statements. void is the type for returns without
  // an expression.
  bool IsReturnType() {
    return this == AsmType::Void() || this == AsmType::Double() ||
           this == AsmType::Signed() || this == AsmType::Float();

288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304
  // Converts this to the corresponding valid argument type.
  AsmType* ToReturnType() {
    if (this->IsA(AsmType::Signed())) {
      return AsmType::Signed();
    if (this->IsA(AsmType::Double())) {
      return AsmType::Double();
    if (this->IsA(AsmType::Float())) {
      return AsmType::Float();
    if (this->IsA(AsmType::Void())) {
      return AsmType::Void();
    return AsmType::None();

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  // Types allowed to be parameters in asm functions.
  bool IsParameterType() {
    return this == AsmType::Double() || this == AsmType::Int() ||
           this == AsmType::Float();

311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324
  // Converts this to the corresponding valid argument type.
  AsmType* ToParameterType() {
    if (this->IsA(AsmType::Int())) {
      return AsmType::Int();
    if (this->IsA(AsmType::Double())) {
      return AsmType::Double();
    if (this->IsA(AsmType::Float())) {
      return AsmType::Float();
    return AsmType::None();

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  // Types allowed to be compared using the comparison operators.
  bool IsComparableType() {
    return this == AsmType::Double() || this == AsmType::Signed() ||
           this == AsmType::Unsigned() || this == AsmType::Float();

  // The following methods are meant to be used for inspecting the traits of
  // element types for the heap view types.
  enum : int32_t { kNotHeapType = -1 };

  // Returns the element size if this is a heap type. Otherwise returns
  // kNotHeapType.
  int32_t ElementSizeInBytes();
  // Returns the load type if this is a heap type. AsmType::None is returned if
  // this is not a heap type.
  AsmType* LoadType();
  // Returns the store type if this is a heap type. AsmType::None is returned if
  // this is not a heap type.
  AsmType* StoreType();

}  // namespace wasm
}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8

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