token.h 16.1 KB
Newer Older
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 3
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

5 6

#include "src/base/logging.h"
#include "src/globals.h"

11 12
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
13 14 15 16

// TOKEN_LIST takes a list of 3 macros M, all of which satisfy the
// same signature M(name, string, precedence), where name is the
// symbolic token name, string is the corresponding syntactic symbol
// (or nullptr, for literals), and precedence is the precedence (or 0).
18 19 20 21
// The parameters are invoked for token categories as follows:
//   T: Non-keyword tokens
//   K: Keyword tokens
22 23 24 25 26 27
//   C: Contextual keyword token
// Contextual keyword tokens are tokens that are scanned as Token::IDENTIFIER,
// but that in some contexts are treated as keywords. This mostly happens
// when ECMAScript introduces new keywords, but for backwards compatibility
// allows them to still be used as indentifiers in most contexts.
28 29 30 31 32 33 34

// IGNORE_TOKEN is a convenience macro that can be supplied as
// an argument (at any position) for a TOKEN_LIST call. It does
// nothing with tokens belonging to the respective category.

#define IGNORE_TOKEN(name, string, precedence)

35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
#define TOKEN_LIST(T, K, C)                                        \
  /* End of source indicator. */                                   \
  T(EOS, "EOS", 0)                                                 \
  /* Punctuators (ECMA-262, section 7.7, page 15). */              \
  T(LPAREN, "(", 0)                                                \
  T(RPAREN, ")", 0)                                                \
  T(LBRACK, "[", 0)                                                \
  T(RBRACK, "]", 0)                                                \
  T(LBRACE, "{", 0)                                                \
  T(RBRACE, "}", 0)                                                \
  T(COLON, ":", 0)                                                 \
  T(SEMICOLON, ";", 0)                                             \
  T(PERIOD, ".", 0)                                                \
  T(ELLIPSIS, "...", 0)                                            \
  T(CONDITIONAL, "?", 3)                                           \
  T(INC, "++", 0)                                                  \
  T(DEC, "--", 0)                                                  \
  T(ARROW, "=>", 0)                                                \
  /* Assignment operators. */                                      \
  /* IsAssignmentOp() relies on this block of enum values being */ \
  /* contiguous and sorted in the same order! */                   \
  T(INIT, "=init", 2) /* AST-use only. */                          \
  T(ASSIGN, "=", 2)                                                \
  T(ASSIGN_BIT_OR, "|=", 2)                                        \
  T(ASSIGN_BIT_XOR, "^=", 2)                                       \
  T(ASSIGN_BIT_AND, "&=", 2)                                       \
  T(ASSIGN_SHL, "<<=", 2)                                          \
  T(ASSIGN_SAR, ">>=", 2)                                          \
  T(ASSIGN_SHR, ">>>=", 2)                                         \
  T(ASSIGN_ADD, "+=", 2)                                           \
  T(ASSIGN_SUB, "-=", 2)                                           \
  T(ASSIGN_MUL, "*=", 2)                                           \
  T(ASSIGN_DIV, "/=", 2)                                           \
  T(ASSIGN_MOD, "%=", 2)                                           \
  T(ASSIGN_EXP, "**=", 2)                                          \
  /* Binary operators sorted by precedence. */                     \
  /* IsBinaryOp() relies on this block of enum values */           \
  /* being contiguous and sorted in the same order! */             \
  T(COMMA, ",", 1)                                                 \
  T(OR, "||", 4)                                                   \
  T(AND, "&&", 5)                                                  \
  T(BIT_OR, "|", 6)                                                \
  T(BIT_XOR, "^", 7)                                               \
  T(BIT_AND, "&", 8)                                               \
  T(SHL, "<<", 11)                                                 \
  T(SAR, ">>", 11)                                                 \
  T(SHR, ">>>", 11)                                                \
  T(ADD, "+", 12)                                                  \
  T(SUB, "-", 12)                                                  \
  T(MUL, "*", 13)                                                  \
  T(DIV, "/", 13)                                                  \
  T(MOD, "%", 13)                                                  \
  T(EXP, "**", 14)                                                 \
  /* Compare operators sorted by precedence. */                    \
  /* IsCompareOp() relies on this block of enum values */          \
  /* being contiguous and sorted in the same order! */             \
  T(EQ, "==", 9)                                                   \
  T(NE, "!=", 9)                                                   \
  T(EQ_STRICT, "===", 9)                                           \
  T(NE_STRICT, "!==", 9)                                           \
  T(LT, "<", 10)                                                   \
  T(GT, ">", 10)                                                   \
  T(LTE, "<=", 10)                                                 \
  T(GTE, ">=", 10)                                                 \
  K(INSTANCEOF, "instanceof", 10)                                  \
  K(IN, "in", 10)                                                  \
  /* Unary operators. */                                           \
  /* IsUnaryOp() relies on this block of enum values */            \
  /* being contiguous and sorted in the same order! */             \
  T(NOT, "!", 0)                                                   \
  T(BIT_NOT, "~", 0)                                               \
  K(DELETE, "delete", 0)                                           \
  K(TYPEOF, "typeof", 0)                                           \
  K(VOID, "void", 0)                                               \
  /* Keywords (ECMA-262, section 7.5.2, page 13). */               \
  K(BREAK, "break", 0)                                             \
  K(CASE, "case", 0)                                               \
  K(CATCH, "catch", 0)                                             \
  K(CONTINUE, "continue", 0)                                       \
  K(DEBUGGER, "debugger", 0)                                       \
  K(DEFAULT, "default", 0)                                         \
  /* DELETE */                                                     \
  K(DO, "do", 0)                                                   \
  K(ELSE, "else", 0)                                               \
  K(FINALLY, "finally", 0)                                         \
  K(FOR, "for", 0)                                                 \
  K(FUNCTION, "function", 0)                                       \
  K(IF, "if", 0)                                                   \
  /* IN */                                                         \
  /* INSTANCEOF */                                                 \
  K(NEW, "new", 0)                                                 \
  K(RETURN, "return", 0)                                           \
  K(SWITCH, "switch", 0)                                           \
  K(THIS, "this", 0)                                               \
  K(THROW, "throw", 0)                                             \
  K(TRY, "try", 0)                                                 \
  /* TYPEOF */                                                     \
  K(VAR, "var", 0)                                                 \
  /* VOID */                                                       \
  K(WHILE, "while", 0)                                             \
  K(WITH, "with", 0)                                               \
  /* Literals (ECMA-262, section 7.8, page 16). */                 \
  K(NULL_LITERAL, "null", 0)                                       \
  K(TRUE_LITERAL, "true", 0)                                       \
  K(FALSE_LITERAL, "false", 0)                                     \
  T(NUMBER, nullptr, 0)                                            \
  T(SMI, nullptr, 0)                                               \
  T(STRING, nullptr, 0)                                            \
  T(BIGINT, nullptr, 0)                                            \
151 152 153
  /* Identifiers (not keywords or future reserved words). */       \
  T(IDENTIFIER, nullptr, 0)                                        \
  T(PRIVATE_NAME, nullptr, 0)                                      \
155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196
  /* Future reserved words (ECMA-262, section */         \
  T(FUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD, nullptr, 0)                       \
  K(ASYNC, "async", 0)                                             \
  /* `await` is a reserved word in module code only */             \
  K(AWAIT, "await", 0)                                             \
  K(CLASS, "class", 0)                                             \
  K(CONST, "const", 0)                                             \
  K(ENUM, "enum", 0)                                               \
  K(EXPORT, "export", 0)                                           \
  K(EXTENDS, "extends", 0)                                         \
  K(IMPORT, "import", 0)                                           \
  K(LET, "let", 0)                                                 \
  K(STATIC, "static", 0)                                           \
  K(YIELD, "yield", 0)                                             \
  K(SUPER, "super", 0)                                             \
  /* Illegal token - not able to scan. */                          \
  T(ILLEGAL, "ILLEGAL", 0)                                         \
  T(ESCAPED_KEYWORD, nullptr, 0)                                   \
  T(ESCAPED_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD, nullptr, 0)                      \
  /* Scanner-internal use only. */                                 \
  T(WHITESPACE, nullptr, 0)                                        \
  T(UNINITIALIZED, nullptr, 0)                                     \
  T(REGEXP_LITERAL, nullptr, 0)                                    \
  /* ES6 Template Literals */                                      \
  T(TEMPLATE_SPAN, nullptr, 0)                                     \
  T(TEMPLATE_TAIL, nullptr, 0)                                     \
  /* Contextual keyword tokens */                                  \
  C(GET, "get", 0)                                                 \
  C(SET, "set", 0)                                                 \
  C(OF, "of", 0)                                                   \
  C(TARGET, "target", 0)                                           \
  C(META, "meta", 0)                                               \
  C(AS, "as", 0)                                                   \
  C(FROM, "from", 0)                                               \
  C(NAME, "name", 0)                                               \
  C(PROTO_UNDERSCORED, "__proto__", 0)                             \
  C(CONSTRUCTOR, "constructor", 0)                                 \
  C(PRIVATE_CONSTRUCTOR, "#constructor", 0)                        \
198 199 200 201
  C(PROTOTYPE, "prototype", 0)                                     \
  C(EVAL, "eval", 0)                                               \
  C(ARGUMENTS, "arguments", 0)                                     \
  C(UNDEFINED, "undefined", 0)                                     \
  C(ANONYMOUS, "anonymous", 0)
203 204 205 206 207

class Token {
  // All token values.
#define T(name, string, precedence) name,
  enum Value { TOKEN_LIST(T, T, T) NUM_TOKENS };
209 210 211 212 213
#undef T

  // Returns a string corresponding to the C++ token name
  // (e.g. "LT" for the token LT).
  static const char* Name(Value tok) {
    DCHECK(tok < NUM_TOKENS);  // tok is unsigned
215 216 217 218
    return name_[tok];

  // Predicates
219 220 221
  static bool IsKeyword(Value tok) {
    return token_type[tok] == 'K';
  static bool IsContextualKeyword(Value tok) { return token_type[tok] == 'C'; }

  static bool IsIdentifier(Value tok, LanguageMode language_mode,
                           bool is_generator, bool disallow_await) {
226 227
    switch (tok) {
      case IDENTIFIER:
      case ASYNC:
        return true;
231 232 233
      case LET:
      case STATIC:
        return is_sloppy(language_mode);
      case YIELD:
        return !is_generator && is_sloppy(language_mode);
      case AWAIT:
        return !disallow_await;
239 240 241 242 243 244
        return false;

  static bool IsAssignmentOp(Value tok) {
    return INIT <= tok && tok <= ASSIGN_EXP;
247 248

  static bool IsBinaryOp(Value op) { return COMMA <= op && op <= EXP; }
250 251 252 253 254

  static bool IsCompareOp(Value op) {
    return EQ <= op && op <= IN;

  static bool IsOrderedRelationalCompareOp(Value op) {
256 257 258
    return op == LT || op == LTE || op == GT || op == GTE;

259 260 261 262
  static bool IsEqualityOp(Value op) {
    return op == EQ || op == EQ_STRICT;

263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287
  static Value BinaryOpForAssignment(Value op) {
    switch (op) {
      case Token::ASSIGN_BIT_OR:
        return Token::BIT_OR;
      case Token::ASSIGN_BIT_XOR:
        return Token::BIT_XOR;
      case Token::ASSIGN_BIT_AND:
        return Token::BIT_AND;
      case Token::ASSIGN_SHL:
        return Token::SHL;
      case Token::ASSIGN_SAR:
        return Token::SAR;
      case Token::ASSIGN_SHR:
        return Token::SHR;
      case Token::ASSIGN_ADD:
        return Token::ADD;
      case Token::ASSIGN_SUB:
        return Token::SUB;
      case Token::ASSIGN_MUL:
        return Token::MUL;
      case Token::ASSIGN_DIV:
        return Token::DIV;
      case Token::ASSIGN_MOD:
        return Token::MOD;
288 289
      case Token::ASSIGN_EXP:
        return Token::EXP;
290 291 292 293 294

295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306
  static bool IsBitOp(Value op) {
    return (BIT_OR <= op && op <= SHR) || op == BIT_NOT;

  static bool IsUnaryOp(Value op) {
    return (NOT <= op && op <= VOID) || op == ADD || op == SUB;

  static bool IsCountOp(Value op) {
    return op == INC || op == DEC;

307 308 309 310
  static bool IsShiftOp(Value op) {
    return (SHL <= op) && (op <= SHR);

  // Returns a string corresponding to the JS token string
  // (.e., "<" for the token LT) or nullptr if the token doesn't
313 314
  // have a (unique) string (e.g. an IDENTIFIER).
  static const char* String(Value tok) {
    DCHECK(tok < NUM_TOKENS);  // tok is unsigned.
316 317 318
    return string_[tok];

319 320 321 322 323
  static uint8_t StringLength(Value tok) {
    return string_length_[tok];

324 325 326
  // Returns the precedence > 0 for binary and compare
  // operators; returns 0 otherwise.
  static int Precedence(Value tok) {
    DCHECK(tok < NUM_TOKENS);  // tok is unsigned.
328 329 330 331
    return precedence_[tok];

332 333
  static const char* const name_[NUM_TOKENS];
  static const char* const string_[NUM_TOKENS];
  static const uint8_t string_length_[NUM_TOKENS];
  static const int8_t precedence_[NUM_TOKENS];
  static const char token_type[NUM_TOKENS];
337 338

339 340
}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8

#endif  // V8_PARSING_TOKEN_H_