map-updater.h 7.25 KB
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// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

5 6
#ifndef V8_MAP_UPDATER_H_
#define V8_MAP_UPDATER_H_
7 8

#include "src/elements-kind.h"
#include "src/field-type.h"
10 11
#include "src/globals.h"
#include "src/handles.h"
#include "src/objects/map.h"
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#include "src/property-details.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

// The |MapUpdater| class implements all sorts of map reconfigurations
// including changes of elements kind, property attributes, property kind,
// property location and field representations/type changes. It ensures that
// the reconfigured map and all the intermediate maps are properly integrated
// into the exising transition tree.
// To avoid high degrees over polymorphism, and to stabilize quickly, on every
// rewrite the new type is deduced by merging the current type with any
// potential new (partial) version of the type in the transition tree.
// To do this, on each rewrite:
// - Search the root of the transition tree using FindRootMap.
// - Find/create a |root_map| with requested |new_elements_kind|.
// - Find |target_map|, the newest matching version of this map using the
//   "updated" |old_map|'s descriptor array (i.e. whose entry at |modify_index|
//   is considered to be of |new_kind| and having |new_attributes|) to walk
//   the transition tree.
// - Merge/generalize the "updated" descriptor array of the |old_map| and
//   descriptor array of the |target_map|.
// - Generalize the |modify_index| descriptor using |new_representation| and
//   |new_field_type|.
// - Walk the tree again starting from the root towards |target_map|. Stop at
//   |split_map|, the first map who's descriptor array does not match the merged
//   descriptor array.
// - If |target_map| == |split_map|, |target_map| is in the expected state.
//   Return it.
// - Otherwise, invalidate the outdated transition target from |target_map|, and
//   replace its transition tree with a new branch for the updated descriptors.
class MapUpdater {
  MapUpdater(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Map> old_map);
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  // Prepares for reconfiguring of a property at |descriptor| to data field
  // with given |attributes| and |representation|/|field_type| and
  // performs the steps 1-5.
  Handle<Map> ReconfigureToDataField(int descriptor,
                                     PropertyAttributes attributes,
                                     PropertyConstness constness,
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
                                     Representation representation,
                                     Handle<FieldType> field_type);

  // Prepares for reconfiguring elements kind and performs the steps 1-5.
  Handle<Map> ReconfigureElementsKind(ElementsKind elements_kind);

  // Prepares for updating deprecated map to most up-to-date non-deprecated
  // version and performs the steps 1-5.
  Handle<Map> Update();

  enum State { kInitialized, kAtRootMap, kAtTargetMap, kEnd };

  // Try to reconfigure property in-place without rebuilding transition tree
  // and creating new maps. See implementation for details.
  State TryRecofigureToDataFieldInplace();

  // Step 1.
  // - Search the root of the transition tree using FindRootMap.
  // - Find/create a |root_map_| with requested |new_elements_kind_|.
  State FindRootMap();

  // Step 2.
  // - Find |target_map_|, the newest matching version of this map using the
  //   "updated" |old_map|'s descriptor array (i.e. whose entry at
  //   |modified_descriptor_| is considered to be of |new_kind| and having
  //   |new_attributes|) to walk the transition tree.
  State FindTargetMap();

  // Step 3.
  // - Merge/generalize the "updated" descriptor array of the |old_map_| and
  //   descriptor array of the |target_map_|.
  // - Generalize the |modified_descriptor_| using |new_representation| and
  //   |new_field_type_|.
  Handle<DescriptorArray> BuildDescriptorArray();

  // Step 4.
  // - Walk the tree again starting from the root towards |target_map|. Stop at
  //   |split_map|, the first map who's descriptor array does not match the
  //   merged descriptor array.
  Handle<Map> FindSplitMap(Handle<DescriptorArray> descriptors);

  // Step 5.
  // - If |target_map| == |split_map|, |target_map| is in the expected state.
  //   Return it.
  // - Otherwise, invalidate the outdated transition target from |target_map|,
  //   and replace its transition tree with a new branch for the updated
  //   descriptors.
  State ConstructNewMap();

  // When a requested reconfiguration can not be done the result is a copy
  // of |old_map_| where every field has |Tagged| representation and |Any|
  // field type. This map is disconnected from the transition tree.
  State CopyGeneralizeAllFields(const char* reason);
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  // Returns name of a |descriptor| property.
  inline Name* GetKey(int descriptor) const;

  // Returns property details of a |descriptor| in "updated" |old_descrtiptors_|
  // array.
  inline PropertyDetails GetDetails(int descriptor) const;

  // Returns value of a |descriptor| with kDescriptor location in "updated"
  // |old_descrtiptors_| array.
  inline Object* GetValue(int descriptor) const;

  // Returns field type for a |descriptor| with kField location in "updated"
  // |old_descrtiptors_| array.
  inline FieldType* GetFieldType(int descriptor) const;

  // If a |descriptor| property in "updated" |old_descriptors_| has kField
  // location then returns it's field type otherwise computes optimal field
  // type for the descriptor's value and |representation|. The |location|
  // value must be a pre-fetched location for |descriptor|.
  inline Handle<FieldType> GetOrComputeFieldType(
      int descriptor, PropertyLocation location,
      Representation representation) const;

  // If a |descriptor| property in given |descriptors| array has kField
  // location then returns it's field type otherwise computes optimal field
  // type for the descriptor's value and |representation|.
  // The |location| value must be a pre-fetched location for |descriptor|.
  inline Handle<FieldType> GetOrComputeFieldType(
      Handle<DescriptorArray> descriptors, int descriptor,
      PropertyLocation location, Representation representation);

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  void GeneralizeField(Handle<Map> map, int modify_index,
                       PropertyConstness new_constness,
                       Representation new_representation,
                       Handle<FieldType> new_field_type);

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  Isolate* isolate_;
  Handle<Map> old_map_;
  Handle<DescriptorArray> old_descriptors_;
  Handle<Map> root_map_;
  Handle<Map> target_map_;
  Handle<Map> result_map_;
  int old_nof_;

  State state_ = kInitialized;
  ElementsKind new_elements_kind_;
  bool is_transitionable_fast_elements_kind_;

  // If |modified_descriptor_| is not equal to -1 then the fields below form
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  // an "update" of the |old_map_|'s descriptors.
  int modified_descriptor_ = -1;
  PropertyKind new_kind_ = kData;
  PropertyAttributes new_attributes_ = NONE;
  PropertyConstness new_constness_ = PropertyConstness::kMutable;
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  PropertyLocation new_location_ = kField;
  Representation new_representation_ = Representation::None();

  // Data specific to kField location.
  Handle<FieldType> new_field_type_;

  // Data specific to kDescriptor location.
  Handle<Object> new_value_;

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8

#endif  // V8_MAP_UPDATER_H_