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#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

"""Given the output of -t commands from a ninja build for a gyp and GN generated
build, report on differences between the command lines."""

import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys

# Must be in v8/.
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

g_total_differences = 0

def FindAndRemoveArgWithValue(command_line, argname):
  """Given a command line as a list, remove and return the value of an option
  that takes a value as a separate entry.

  Modifies |command_line| in place.
  if argname not in command_line:
    return ''
  location = command_line.index(argname)
  value = command_line[location + 1]
  command_line[location:location + 2] = []
  return value

def MergeSpacedArgs(command_line, argname):
  """Combine all arguments |argname| with their values, separated by a space."""
  i = 0
  result = []
  while i < len(command_line):
    arg = command_line[i]
    if arg == argname:
      result.append(arg + ' ' + command_line[i + 1])
      i += 1
    i += 1
  return result

def NormalizeSymbolArguments(command_line):
  """Normalize -g arguments.

  If there's no -g args, it's equivalent to -g0. -g2 is equivalent to -g.
  Modifies |command_line| in place.
  # Strip -g0 if there's no symbols.
  have_some_symbols = False
  for x in command_line:
    if x.startswith('-g') and x != '-g0':
      have_some_symbols = True
  if not have_some_symbols and '-g0' in command_line:

  # Rename -g2 to -g.
  if '-g2' in command_line:
    command_line[command_line.index('-g2')] = '-g'

def GetFlags(lines, build_dir):
  """Turn a list of command lines into a semi-structured dict."""
  is_win = sys.platform == 'win32'
  flags_by_output = {}
  for line in lines:
    command_line = shlex.split(line.strip(), posix=not is_win)[1:]

    output_name = FindAndRemoveArgWithValue(command_line, '-o')
    dep_name = FindAndRemoveArgWithValue(command_line, '-MF')


    command_line = MergeSpacedArgs(command_line, '-Xclang')

    cc_file = [x for x in command_line if x.endswith('.cc') or
                                          x.endswith('.c') or
    if len(cc_file) != 1:
      print 'Skipping %s' % command_line
    assert len(cc_file) == 1

    if is_win:
      rsp_file = [x for x in command_line if x.endswith('.rsp')]
      assert len(rsp_file) <= 1
      if rsp_file:
        rsp_file = os.path.join(build_dir, rsp_file[0][1:])
        with open(rsp_file, "r") as open_rsp_file:
          command_line = shlex.split(open_rsp_file, posix=False)

    defines = [x for x in command_line if x.startswith('-D')]
    include_dirs = [x for x in command_line if x.startswith('-I')]
    dash_f = [x for x in command_line if x.startswith('-f')]
    warnings = \
        [x for x in command_line if x.startswith('/wd' if is_win else '-W')]
    others = [x for x in command_line if x not in defines and \
                                         x not in include_dirs and \
                                         x not in dash_f and \
                                         x not in warnings and \
                                         x not in cc_file]

    for index, value in enumerate(include_dirs):
      if value == '-Igen':
      path = value[2:]
      if not os.path.isabs(path):
        path = os.path.join(build_dir, path)
      include_dirs[index] = '-I' + os.path.normpath(path)

    # GYP supports paths above the source root like <(DEPTH)/../foo while such
    # paths are unsupported by gn. But gn allows to use system-absolute paths
    # instead (paths that start with single '/'). Normalize all paths.
    cc_file = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(build_dir, cc_file[0]))]

    # Filter for having a relative path in one and
    # absolute path in the other.
    others_filtered = []
    for x in others:
      if x.startswith('-Xclang ') and x.endswith(''):
            '-Xclang ' +
                             os.path.join('out/gn_flags', x.split(' ', 1)[1]))))
      elif x.startswith('-B'):
            '-B' +
                         os.path.normpath(os.path.join('out/gn_flags', x[2:]))))
    others = others_filtered

    flags_by_output[cc_file[0]] = {
      'output': output_name,
      'depname': dep_name,
      'defines': sorted(defines),
      'include_dirs': sorted(include_dirs),  # TODO(scottmg): This is wrong.
      'dash_f': sorted(dash_f),
      'warnings': sorted(warnings),
      'other': sorted(others),
  return flags_by_output

def CompareLists(gyp, gn, name, dont_care_gyp=None, dont_care_gn=None):
  """Return a report of any differences between gyp and gn lists, ignoring
  anything in |dont_care_{gyp|gn}| respectively."""
  global g_total_differences
  if not dont_care_gyp:
    dont_care_gyp = []
  if not dont_care_gn:
    dont_care_gn = []
  output = ''
  if gyp[name] != gn[name]:
    gyp_set = set(gyp[name])
    gn_set = set(gn[name])
    missing_in_gyp = gyp_set - gn_set
    missing_in_gn = gn_set - gyp_set
    missing_in_gyp -= set(dont_care_gyp)
    missing_in_gn -= set(dont_care_gn)
    if missing_in_gyp or missing_in_gn:
      output += '  %s differ:\n' % name
    if missing_in_gyp:
      output += '    In gyp, but not in GN:\n      %s' % '\n      '.join(
          sorted(missing_in_gyp)) + '\n'
      g_total_differences += len(missing_in_gyp)
    if missing_in_gn:
      output += '    In GN, but not in gyp:\n      %s' % '\n      '.join(
          sorted(missing_in_gn)) + '\n\n'
      g_total_differences += len(missing_in_gn)
  return output

def Run(command_line):
  """Run |command_line| as a subprocess and return stdout. Raises on error."""
190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197
    return subprocess.check_output(command_line, shell=True)
  except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
    # Rescue the output we got until the exception happened.
    print '#### Stdout: ####################################################'
    print e.output
    print '#################################################################'
198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280

def main():
  if len(sys.argv) < 4:
    print ('usage: %s gn_outdir gyp_outdir gn_target '
           '[gyp_target1, gyp_target2, ...]' % __file__)
    return 1

  if len(sys.argv) == 4:
  gn_out_dir = sys.argv[1]
  print >> sys.stderr, 'Expecting gn outdir in %s...' % gn_out_dir
  gn = Run('ninja -C %s -t commands %s' % (gn_out_dir, sys.argv[3]))
  if sys.platform == 'win32':
    # On Windows flags are stored in .rsp files which are created during build.
    print >> sys.stderr, 'Building in %s...' % gn_out_dir
    Run('ninja -C %s -d keeprsp %s' % (gn_out_dir, sys.argv[3]))

  gyp_out_dir = sys.argv[2]
  print >> sys.stderr, 'Expecting gyp outdir in %s...' % gyp_out_dir
  gyp = Run('ninja -C %s -t commands %s' % (gyp_out_dir, " ".join(sys.argv[4:])))
  if sys.platform == 'win32':
    # On Windows flags are stored in .rsp files which are created during build.
    print >> sys.stderr, 'Building in %s...' % gyp_out_dir
    Run('ninja -C %s -d keeprsp %s' % (gyp_out_dir, " ".join(sys.argv[4:])))

  all_gyp_flags = GetFlags(gyp.splitlines(),
                           os.path.join(os.getcwd(), gyp_out_dir))
  all_gn_flags = GetFlags(gn.splitlines(),
                          os.path.join(os.getcwd(), gn_out_dir))
  gyp_files = set(all_gyp_flags.keys())
  gn_files = set(all_gn_flags.keys())
  different_source_list = gyp_files != gn_files
  if different_source_list:
    print 'Different set of sources files:'
    print '  In gyp, not in GN:\n    %s' % '\n    '.join(
        sorted(gyp_files - gn_files))
    print '  In GN, not in gyp:\n    %s' % '\n    '.join(
        sorted(gn_files - gyp_files))
    print '\nNote that flags will only be compared for files in both sets.\n'
  file_list = gyp_files & gn_files
  files_with_given_differences = {}
  for filename in sorted(file_list):
    gyp_flags = all_gyp_flags[filename]
    gn_flags = all_gn_flags[filename]
    differences = CompareLists(gyp_flags, gn_flags, 'dash_f')
    differences += CompareLists(gyp_flags, gn_flags, 'defines')
    differences += CompareLists(gyp_flags, gn_flags, 'include_dirs',
                                ['-I%s' % os.path.dirname(BASE_DIR)])
    differences += CompareLists(gyp_flags, gn_flags, 'warnings',
        # More conservative warnings in GN we consider to be OK.
          '/wd4091',  # 'keyword' : ignored on left of 'type' when no variable
                      # is declared.
          '/wd4456',  # Declaration hides previous local declaration.
          '/wd4457',  # Declaration hides function parameter.
          '/wd4458',  # Declaration hides class member.
          '/wd4459',  # Declaration hides global declaration.
          '/wd4702',  # Unreachable code.
          '/wd4800',  # Forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false'.
          '/wd4838',  # Conversion from 'type' to 'type' requires a narrowing
                      # conversion.
        ] if sys.platform == 'win32' else None,
        ] if not sys.platform == 'win32' else None)
    differences += CompareLists(gyp_flags, gn_flags, 'other')
    if differences:
      files_with_given_differences.setdefault(differences, []).append(filename)

  for diff, files in files_with_given_differences.iteritems():
    print '\n'.join(sorted(files))
    print diff

  print 'Total differences:', g_total_differences
  # TODO(scottmg): Return failure on difference once we're closer to identical.
  return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':