regexp-bytecodes.h 16.9 KB
Newer Older
// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 3
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

5 6

#include "src/base/bounds.h"
#include "src/base/macros.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"

12 13
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
// Maximum number of bytecodes that will be used (next power of 2 of actually
// defined bytecodes).
// All slots between the last actually defined bytecode and maximum id will be
// filled with BREAKs, indicating an invalid operation. This way using
// BYTECODE_MASK guarantees no OOB access to the dispatch table.
constexpr int kRegExpPaddedBytecodeCount = 1 << 6;
constexpr int BYTECODE_MASK = kRegExpPaddedBytecodeCount - 1;'s avatar committed
22 23 24
// The first argument is packed in with the byte code in one word, but so it
// has 24 bits, but it can be positive and negative so only use 23 bits for
// positive values.
25 26
const unsigned int MAX_FIRST_ARG = 0x7fffffu;
const int BYTECODE_SHIFT = 8;

29 30
// TODO(pthier): Argument offsets of bytecodes should be easily accessible by
// name or at least by position.
// TODO(jgruber): More precise types (e.g. int32/uint32 instead of value32).
#define BYTECODE_ITERATOR(V)                                                   \
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
  V(BREAK, 0, 4)              /* bc8                                        */ \
  V(PUSH_CP, 1, 4)            /* bc8 pad24                                  */ \
  V(PUSH_BT, 2, 8)            /* bc8 pad24 offset32                         */ \
  V(PUSH_REGISTER, 3, 4)      /* bc8 reg_idx24                              */ \
  V(SET_REGISTER_TO_CP, 4, 8) /* bc8 reg_idx24 offset32                     */ \
  V(SET_CP_TO_REGISTER, 5, 4) /* bc8 reg_idx24                              */ \
  V(SET_REGISTER_TO_SP, 6, 4) /* bc8 reg_idx24                              */ \
  V(SET_SP_TO_REGISTER, 7, 4) /* bc8 reg_idx24                              */ \
  V(SET_REGISTER, 8, 8)       /* bc8 reg_idx24 value32                      */ \
  V(ADVANCE_REGISTER, 9, 8)   /* bc8 reg_idx24 value32                      */ \
  V(POP_CP, 10, 4)            /* bc8 pad24                                  */ \
  V(POP_BT, 11, 4)            /* bc8 pad24                                  */ \
  V(POP_REGISTER, 12, 4)      /* bc8 reg_idx24                              */ \
  V(FAIL, 13, 4)              /* bc8 pad24                                  */ \
  V(SUCCEED, 14, 4)           /* bc8 pad24                                  */ \
  V(ADVANCE_CP, 15, 4)        /* bc8 offset24                               */ \
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
  /* Jump to another bytecode given its offset.                             */ \
  /* Bit Layout:                                                            */ \
  /* 0x00 - 0x07:   0x10 (fixed) Bytecode                                   */ \
  /* 0x08 - 0x1F:   0x00 (unused) Padding                                   */ \
  /* 0x20 - 0x3F:   Address of bytecode to jump to                          */ \
  V(GOTO, 16, 8) /* bc8 pad24 addr32                           */              \
  /* Check if offset is in range and load character at given offset.        */ \
  /* Bit Layout:                                                            */ \
  /* 0x00 - 0x07:   0x11 (fixed) Bytecode                                   */ \
  /* 0x08 - 0x1F:   Offset from current position                            */ \
  /* 0x20 - 0x3F:   Address of bytecode when load is out of range           */ \
  V(LOAD_CURRENT_CHAR, 17, 8) /* bc8 offset24 addr32                        */ \
61 62 63 64
  /* Load character at given offset without range checks.                   */ \
  /* Bit Layout:                                                            */ \
  /* 0x00 - 0x07:   0x12 (fixed) Bytecode                                   */ \
  /* 0x08 - 0x1F:   Offset from current position                            */ \
65 66 67 68 69 70
  V(LOAD_CURRENT_CHAR_UNCHECKED, 18, 4)    /* bc8 offset24 */                  \
  V(LOAD_2_CURRENT_CHARS, 19, 8)           /* bc8 offset24 addr32 */           \
  V(LOAD_2_CURRENT_CHARS_UNCHECKED, 20, 4) /* bc8 offset24 */                  \
  V(LOAD_4_CURRENT_CHARS, 21, 8)           /* bc8 offset24 addr32 */           \
  V(LOAD_4_CURRENT_CHARS_UNCHECKED, 22, 4) /* bc8 offset24 */                  \
  V(CHECK_4_CHARS, 23, 12) /* bc8 pad24 uint32 addr32                    */    \
71 72 73 74 75 76 77
  /* Check if current character is equal to a given character               */ \
  /* Bit Layout:                                                            */ \
  /* 0x00 - 0x07:   0x19 (fixed) Bytecode                                   */ \
  /* 0x08 - 0x0F:   0x00 (unused) Padding                                   */ \
  /* 0x10 - 0x1F:   Character to check                                      */ \
  /* 0x20 - 0x3F:   Address of bytecode when matched                        */ \
  V(CHECK_CHAR, 24, 8) /* bc8 pad8 uint16 addr32                     */        \
78 79 80
  V(CHECK_NOT_4_CHARS, 25, 12) /* bc8 pad24 uint32 addr32 */                   \
  V(CHECK_NOT_CHAR, 26, 8) /* bc8 pad8 uint16 addr32                     */    \
  V(AND_CHECK_4_CHARS, 27, 16) /* bc8 pad24 uint32 uint32 addr32 */            \
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
  /* Checks if the current character combined with mask (bitwise and)       */ \
  /* matches a character (e.g. used when two characters in a disjunction    */ \
  /* differ by only a single bit                                            */ \
  /* Bit Layout:                                                            */ \
  /* 0x00 - 0x07:   0x1c (fixed) Bytecode                                   */ \
  /* 0x08 - 0x0F:   0x00 (unused) Padding                                   */ \
  /* 0x10 - 0x1F:   Character to match against (after mask aplied)          */ \
  /* 0x20 - 0x3F:   Bitmask bitwise and combined with current character     */ \
  /* 0x40 - 0x5F:   Address of bytecode when matched                        */ \
  V(AND_CHECK_CHAR, 28, 12)           /* bc8 pad8 uint16 uint32 addr32      */ \
91 92 93 94 95
  V(AND_CHECK_NOT_4_CHARS, 29, 16)    /* bc8 pad24 uint32 uint32 addr32 */     \
  V(AND_CHECK_NOT_CHAR, 30, 12)       /* bc8 pad8 uint16 uint32 addr32 */      \
  V(MINUS_AND_CHECK_NOT_CHAR, 31, 12) /* bc8 pad8 uc16 uc16 uc16 addr32 */     \
  V(CHECK_CHAR_IN_RANGE, 32, 12)      /* bc8 pad24 uc16 uc16 addr32 */         \
  V(CHECK_CHAR_NOT_IN_RANGE, 33, 12)  /* bc8 pad24 uc16 uc16 addr32 */         \
96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
  /* Checks if the current character matches any of the characters encoded  */ \
  /* in a bit table. Similar to/inspired by boyer moore string search       */ \
  /* Bit Layout:                                                            */ \
  /* 0x00 - 0x07:   0x22 (fixed) Bytecode                                   */ \
  /* 0x08 - 0x1F:   0x00 (unused) Padding                                   */ \
  /* 0x20 - 0x3F:   Address of bytecode when bit is set                     */ \
  /* 0x40 - 0xBF:   Bit table                                               */ \
  V(CHECK_BIT_IN_TABLE, 34, 24) /* bc8 pad24 addr32 bits128           */       \
104 105
  V(CHECK_LT, 35, 8) /* bc8 pad8 uc16 addr32                       */          \
  V(CHECK_GT, 36, 8) /* bc8 pad8 uc16 addr32                       */          \
106 107 108
  V(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF, 37, 8)         /* bc8 reg_idx24 addr32 */              \
  V(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF_NO_CASE, 38, 8) /* bc8 reg_idx24 addr32 */              \
  V(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF_NO_CASE_UNICODE, 39, 8)                                 \
109 110
  V(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF_BACKWARD, 40, 8)         /* bc8 reg_idx24 addr32 */     \
  V(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF_NO_CASE_BACKWARD, 41, 8) /* bc8 reg_idx24 addr32 */     \
  V(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF_NO_CASE_UNICODE_BACKWARD, 42, 8)                        \
112 113 114 115 116 117
  V(CHECK_NOT_REGS_EQUAL, 43, 12) /* bc8 regidx24 reg_idx32 addr32 */          \
  V(CHECK_REGISTER_LT, 44, 12)    /* bc8 reg_idx24 value32 addr32 */           \
  V(CHECK_REGISTER_GE, 45, 12)    /* bc8 reg_idx24 value32 addr32 */           \
  V(CHECK_REGISTER_EQ_POS, 46, 8) /* bc8 reg_idx24 addr32 */                   \
  V(CHECK_AT_START, 47, 8) /* bc8 pad24 addr32                           */    \
  V(CHECK_NOT_AT_START, 48, 8) /* bc8 offset24 addr32 */                       \
118 119 120 121 122
  /* Checks if the current position matches top of backtrack stack          */ \
  /* Bit Layout:                                                            */ \
  /* 0x00 - 0x07:   0x31 (fixed) Bytecode                                   */ \
  /* 0x08 - 0x1F:   0x00 (unused) Padding                                   */ \
  /* 0x20 - 0x3F:   Address of bytecode when current matches tos            */ \
  V(CHECK_GREEDY, 49, 8) /* bc8 pad24 addr32                           */      \
124 125 126 127 128 129
  /* Advance character pointer by given offset and jump to another bytecode.*/ \
  /* Bit Layout:                                                            */ \
  /* 0x00 - 0x07:   0x32 (fixed) Bytecode                                   */ \
  /* 0x08 - 0x1F:   Number of characters to advance                         */ \
  /* 0x20 - 0x3F:   Address of bytecode to jump to                          */ \
  V(ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO, 50, 8) /* bc8 offset24 addr32                    */   \
  V(SET_CURRENT_POSITION_FROM_END, 51, 4) /* bc8 idx24 */                      \
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210
  /* Checks if current position + given offset is in range.                 */ \
  /* Bit Layout:                                                            */ \
  /* 0x00 - 0x07:   0x34 (fixed) Bytecode                                   */ \
  /* 0x08 - 0x1F:   Offset from current position                            */ \
  /* 0x20 - 0x3F:   Address of bytecode when position is out of range       */ \
  V(CHECK_CURRENT_POSITION, 52, 8) /* bc8 idx24 addr32                     */  \
  /* Combination of:                                                        */ \
  /* Emitted by RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization.                         */ \
  /* Bit Layout:                                                            */ \
  /* 0x00 - 0x07    0x35 (fixed) Bytecode                                   */ \
  /* 0x08 - 0x1F    Load character offset from current position             */ \
  /* 0x20 - 0x3F    Number of characters to advance                         */ \
  /* 0x40 - 0xBF    Bit Table                                               */ \
  /* 0xC0 - 0xDF    Address of bytecode when character is matched           */ \
  /* 0xE0 - 0xFF    Address of bytecode when no match                       */ \
  V(SKIP_UNTIL_BIT_IN_TABLE, 53, 32)                                           \
  /* Combination of:                                                        */ \
  /* and ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO                                                */ \
  /* Emitted by RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization.                         */ \
  /* Bit Layout:                                                            */ \
  /* 0x00 - 0x07    0x36 (fixed) Bytecode                                   */ \
  /* 0x08 - 0x1F    Load character offset from current position             */ \
  /* 0x20 - 0x2F    Number of characters to advance                         */ \
  /* 0x30 - 0x3F    Character to match against (after mask applied)         */ \
  /* 0x40 - 0x5F:   Bitmask bitwise and combined with current character     */ \
  /* 0x60 - 0x7F    Minimum number of characters this pattern consumes      */ \
  /* 0x80 - 0x9F    Address of bytecode when character is matched           */ \
  /* 0xA0 - 0xBF    Address of bytecode when no match                       */ \
  V(SKIP_UNTIL_CHAR_AND, 54, 24)                                               \
  /* Combination of:                                                        */ \
  /* LOAD_CURRENT_CHAR, CHECK_CHAR and ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO                  */ \
  /* Emitted by RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization.                         */ \
  /* Bit Layout:                                                            */ \
  /* 0x00 - 0x07    0x37 (fixed) Bytecode                                   */ \
  /* 0x08 - 0x1F    Load character offset from current position             */ \
  /* 0x20 - 0x2F    Number of characters to advance                         */ \
  /* 0x30 - 0x3F    Character to match                                      */ \
  /* 0x40 - 0x5F    Address of bytecode when character is matched           */ \
  /* 0x60 - 0x7F    Address of bytecode when no match                       */ \
  V(SKIP_UNTIL_CHAR, 55, 16)                                                   \
  /* Combination of:                                                        */ \
  /* and ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO                                                */ \
  /* Emitted by RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization.                         */ \
  /* Bit Layout:                                                            */ \
  /* 0x00 - 0x07    0x38 (fixed) Bytecode                                   */ \
  /* 0x08 - 0x1F    Load character offset from current position             */ \
  /* 0x20 - 0x2F    Number of characters to advance                         */ \
  /* 0x30 - 0x3F    Character to match                                      */ \
  /* 0x40 - 0x5F    Minimum number of characters this pattern consumes      */ \
  /* 0x60 - 0x7F    Address of bytecode when character is matched           */ \
  /* 0x80 - 0x9F    Address of bytecode when no match                       */ \
  V(SKIP_UNTIL_CHAR_POS_CHECKED, 56, 20)                                       \
  /* Combination of:                                                        */ \
  /* Emitted by RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization.                         */ \
  /* Bit Layout:                                                            */ \
  /* 0x00 - 0x07    0x39 (fixed) Bytecode                                   */ \
  /* 0x08 - 0x1F    Load character offset from current position             */ \
  /* 0x20 - 0x3F    Number of characters to advance                         */ \
  /* 0x40 - 0x4F    Character to match                                      */ \
  /* 0x50 - 0x5F    Other Character to match                                */ \
  /* 0x60 - 0x7F    Address of bytecode when either character is matched    */ \
  /* 0x80 - 0x9F    Address of bytecode when no match                       */ \
  V(SKIP_UNTIL_CHAR_OR_CHAR, 57, 20)                                           \
  /* Combination of:                                                        */ \
  /* and ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO                                                */ \
  /* Emitted by RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization.                         */ \
  /* Bit Layout:                                                            */ \
  /* 0x00 - 0x07    0x3A (fixed) Bytecode                                   */ \
  /* 0x08 - 0x1F    Load character offset from current position             */ \
  /* 0x20 - 0x2F    Number of characters to advance                         */ \
  /* 0x30 - 0x3F    Character to check if it is less than current char      */ \
  /* 0x40 - 0xBF    Bit Table                                               */ \
  /* 0xC0 - 0xDF    Address of bytecode when character is matched           */ \
  /* 0xE0 - 0xFF    Address of bytecode when no match                       */ \

212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219
#define COUNT(...) +1
static constexpr int kRegExpBytecodeCount = BYTECODE_ITERATOR(COUNT);
#undef COUNT

// Just making sure we assigned values above properly. They should be
// contiguous, strictly increasing, and start at 0.
// TODO(jgruber): Do not explicitly assign values, instead generate them
// implicitly from the list order.
STATIC_ASSERT(kRegExpBytecodeCount == 59);
221 222 223

#define DECLARE_BYTECODES(name, code, length) \
  static constexpr int BC_##name = code;
224 225 226

227 228 229
static constexpr int kRegExpBytecodeLengths[] = {
#define DECLARE_BYTECODE_LENGTH(name, code, length) length,
231 232 233

inline constexpr int RegExpBytecodeLength(int bytecode) {
  CONSTEXPR_DCHECK(base::IsInRange(bytecode, 0, kRegExpBytecodeCount - 1));
235 236 237
  return kRegExpBytecodeLengths[bytecode];

static constexpr const char* const kRegExpBytecodeNames[] = {
239 240 241 242 243
#define DECLARE_BYTECODE_NAME(name, ...) #name,

244 245
inline constexpr const char* RegExpBytecodeName(int bytecode) {
  CONSTEXPR_DCHECK(base::IsInRange(bytecode, 0, kRegExpBytecodeCount - 1));
246 247
  return kRegExpBytecodeNames[bytecode];

249 250 251 252
void RegExpBytecodeDisassembleSingle(const byte* code_base, const byte* pc);
void RegExpBytecodeDisassemble(const byte* code_base, int length,
                               const char* pattern);

253 254
}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8