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// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

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extern enum IterationKind extends uint31
constexpr 'IterationKind' { kKeys, kValues, kEntries }

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extern class JSArrayIterator extends JSObject {
  iterated_object: JSReceiver;
  next_index: Number;
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
  kind: SmiTagged<IterationKind>;

// Perform CreateArrayIterator (ES #sec-createarrayiterator).
macro CreateArrayIterator(implicit context: NativeContext)(
    array: JSReceiver, kind: constexpr IterationKind): JSArrayIterator {
  return new JSArrayIterator{
    map: UnsafeCast<Map>(
21 22 23 24 25 26
    properties_or_hash: kEmptyFixedArray,
    elements: kEmptyFixedArray,
    iterated_object: array,
    next_index: 0,
    kind: SmiTag<IterationKind>(kind)
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extern class JSArray extends JSObject {
  macro IsEmpty(): bool {
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31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
    return this.length == 0;
  length: Number;

macro NewJSArray(implicit context: Context)(
    map: Map, elements: FixedArrayBase): JSArray {
  return new JSArray{
    properties_or_hash: kEmptyFixedArray,
    length: elements.length

macro NewJSArray(implicit context: Context)(): JSArray {
  return new JSArray{
    map: GetFastPackedSmiElementsJSArrayMap(),
    properties_or_hash: kEmptyFixedArray,
    elements: kEmptyFixedArray,
    length: 0

// A HeapObject with a JSArray map, and either fast packed elements, or fast
// holey elements when the global NoElementsProtector is not invalidated.
transient type FastJSArray extends JSArray;

// A HeapObject with a JSArray map, and either fast packed elements, or fast
// holey elements or frozen, sealed elements when the global NoElementsProtector
// is not invalidated.
transient type FastJSArrayForRead extends JSArray;

// A FastJSArray when the global ArraySpeciesProtector is not invalidated.
transient type FastJSArrayForCopy extends FastJSArray;

// A FastJSArray when the global ArrayIteratorProtector is not invalidated.
transient type FastJSArrayWithNoCustomIteration extends FastJSArray;

// A FastJSArrayForRead when the global ArrayIteratorProtector is not
// invalidated.
transient type FastJSArrayForReadWithNoCustomIteration extends

extern macro AllocateJSArray(
    constexpr ElementsKind, Map, intptr, Smi,
    constexpr AllocationFlag): JSArray;
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78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88
extern macro AllocateJSArray(constexpr ElementsKind, Map, intptr, Smi): JSArray;
extern macro AllocateJSArray(constexpr ElementsKind, Map, Smi, Smi): JSArray;
extern macro AllocateJSArray(Map, FixedArrayBase, Smi): JSArray;

macro LoadElementNoHole<T : type extends FixedArrayBase>(
    a: JSArray, index: Smi): JSAny
    labels IfHole;

LoadElementNoHole<FixedArray>(implicit context: Context)(
    a: JSArray, index: Smi): JSAny
    labels IfHole {
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
  const elements: FixedArray =
      Cast<FixedArray>(a.elements) otherwise unreachable;
  const e = UnsafeCast<(JSAny | TheHole)>(elements.objects[index]);
  typeswitch (e) {
    case (TheHole): {
      goto IfHole;
    case (e: JSAny): {
      return e;
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98 99 100 101 102 103 104

LoadElementNoHole<FixedDoubleArray>(implicit context: Context)(
    a: JSArray, index: Smi): JSAny
    labels IfHole {
105 106 107 108
  const elements: FixedDoubleArray =
      Cast<FixedDoubleArray>(a.elements) otherwise unreachable;
  const e: float64 = elements.floats[index].Value() otherwise IfHole;
  return AllocateHeapNumberWithValue(e);
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109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117

extern builtin ExtractFastJSArray(Context, JSArray, Smi, Smi): JSArray;

extern macro MoveElements(
    constexpr ElementsKind, FixedArrayBase, intptr, intptr, intptr): void;
macro TorqueMoveElementsSmi(
    elements: FixedArray, dstIndex: intptr, srcIndex: intptr,
    count: intptr): void {
118 119
      ElementsKind::HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS, elements, dstIndex, srcIndex, count);
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120 121 122 123
macro TorqueMoveElements(
    elements: FixedArray, dstIndex: intptr, srcIndex: intptr,
    count: intptr): void {
124 125
      ElementsKind::HOLEY_ELEMENTS, elements, dstIndex, srcIndex, count);
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126 127 128 129
macro TorqueMoveElements(
    elements: FixedDoubleArray, dstIndex: intptr, srcIndex: intptr,
    count: intptr): void {
130 131
      ElementsKind::HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS, elements, dstIndex, srcIndex, count);
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132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140

extern macro CopyElements(
    constexpr ElementsKind, FixedArrayBase, intptr, FixedArrayBase, intptr,
    intptr): void;
macro TorqueCopyElements(
    dstElements: FixedArray, dstIndex: intptr, srcElements: FixedArray,
    srcIndex: intptr, count: intptr): void {
141 142
      ElementsKind::HOLEY_ELEMENTS, dstElements, dstIndex, srcElements,
      srcIndex, count);
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143 144 145 146 147
macro TorqueCopyElements(
    dstElements: FixedDoubleArray, dstIndex: intptr,
    srcElements: FixedDoubleArray, srcIndex: intptr, count: intptr): void {
148 149
      ElementsKind::HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS, dstElements, dstIndex, srcElements,
      srcIndex, count);
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150 151 152 153 154

extern builtin CloneFastJSArray(Context, FastJSArrayForCopy): JSArray;

struct FastJSArrayWitness {
  macro Get(): FastJSArray {
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156 157 158
    return this.unstable;

  macro Recheck() labels CastError {
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160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
    if (this.stable.map != this.map) goto CastError;
    // We don't need to check elements kind or whether the prototype
    // has changed away from the default JSArray prototype, because
    // if the map remains the same then those properties hold.
    // However, we have to make sure there are no elements in the
    // prototype chain.
    if (IsNoElementsProtectorCellInvalid()) goto CastError;
    this.unstable = %RawDownCast<FastJSArray>(this.stable);

  macro LoadElementNoHole(implicit context: Context)(k: Smi): JSAny
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      labels FoundHole {
    if (this.hasDoubles) {
      return LoadElementNoHole<FixedDoubleArray>(this.unstable, k)
          otherwise FoundHole;
    } else {
      return LoadElementNoHole<FixedArray>(this.unstable, k)
          otherwise FoundHole;

  macro StoreHole(k: Smi) {
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183 184 185
    if (this.hasDoubles) {
      const elements = Cast<FixedDoubleArray>(this.unstable.elements)
          otherwise unreachable;
      elements.floats[k] = kDoubleHole;
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187 188 189
    } else {
      const elements = Cast<FixedArray>(this.unstable.elements)
          otherwise unreachable;
      elements.objects[k] = TheHole;
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  macro LoadElementOrUndefined(implicit context: Context)(k: Smi): JSAny {
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195 196
    try {
      return this.LoadElementNoHole(k) otherwise FoundHole;
    } label FoundHole {
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198 199 200 201
      return Undefined;

  macro EnsureArrayPushable(implicit context: Context)() labels Failed {
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    EnsureArrayPushable(this.map) otherwise Failed;
    this.arrayIsPushable = true;

  macro ChangeLength(newLength: Smi) {
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    this.unstable.length = newLength;

  macro Push(value: JSAny) labels Failed {
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214 215
    if (this.hasDoubles) {
216 217
          ElementsKind::HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS, this.unstable, value)
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218 219
          otherwise Failed;
    } else if (this.hasSmis) {
      BuildAppendJSArray(ElementsKind::HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS, this.unstable, value)
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221 222 223
          otherwise Failed;
    } else {
224 225 226
          this.map.elements_kind == ElementsKind::HOLEY_ELEMENTS ||
          this.map.elements_kind == ElementsKind::PACKED_ELEMENTS);
      BuildAppendJSArray(ElementsKind::HOLEY_ELEMENTS, this.unstable, value)
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227 228 229 230
          otherwise Failed;

  macro MoveElements(dst: intptr, src: intptr, length: intptr) {
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232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263
    if (this.hasDoubles) {
      const elements: FixedDoubleArray =
          otherwise unreachable;
      TorqueMoveElements(elements, dst, src, length);
    } else {
      const elements: FixedArray = Cast<FixedArray>(this.unstable.elements)
          otherwise unreachable;
      if (this.hasSmis) {
        TorqueMoveElementsSmi(elements, dst, src, length);
      } else {
        TorqueMoveElements(elements, dst, src, length);

  const stable: JSArray;
  unstable: FastJSArray;
  const map: Map;
  const hasDoubles: bool;
  const hasSmis: bool;
  arrayIsPushable: bool;

macro NewFastJSArrayWitness(array: FastJSArray): FastJSArrayWitness {
  const kind = array.map.elements_kind;
  return FastJSArrayWitness{
    stable: array,
    unstable: array,
    map: array.map,
    hasDoubles: IsDoubleElementsKind(kind),
264 265
        IsElementsKindLessThanOrEqual(kind, ElementsKind::HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS),
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266 267 268 269 270
    arrayIsPushable: false

struct FastJSArrayForReadWitness {
  macro Get(): FastJSArrayForRead {
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    return this.unstable;

  macro Recheck() labels CastError {
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276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286
    if (this.stable.map != this.map) goto CastError;
    // We don't need to check elements kind or whether the prototype
    // has changed away from the default JSArray prototype, because
    // if the map remains the same then those properties hold.
    // However, we have to make sure there are no elements in the
    // prototype chain.
    if (IsNoElementsProtectorCellInvalid()) goto CastError;
    this.unstable = %RawDownCast<FastJSArrayForRead>(this.stable);

  macro LoadElementNoHole(implicit context: Context)(k: Smi): JSAny
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      labels FoundHole {
    if (this.hasDoubles) {
      return LoadElementNoHole<FixedDoubleArray>(this.unstable, k)
          otherwise FoundHole;
    } else {
      return LoadElementNoHole<FixedArray>(this.unstable, k)
          otherwise FoundHole;

  const stable: JSArray;
  unstable: FastJSArrayForRead;
  const map: Map;
  const hasDoubles: bool;

macro NewFastJSArrayForReadWitness(array: FastJSArrayForRead):
    FastJSArrayForReadWitness {
  const kind = array.map.elements_kind;
  return FastJSArrayForReadWitness{
    stable: array,
    unstable: array,
    map: array.map,
    hasDoubles: IsDoubleElementsKind(kind)