div-burnikel.cc 9.1 KB
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// Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Burnikel-Ziegler division.
// Reference: "Fast Recursive Division" by Christoph Burnikel and Joachim
// Ziegler, found at http://cr.yp.to/bib/1998/burnikel.ps

#include <string.h>

#include "src/bigint/bigint-internal.h"
#include "src/bigint/digit-arithmetic.h"
#include "src/bigint/div-helpers.h"
#include "src/bigint/util.h"
#include "src/bigint/vector-arithmetic.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace bigint {

namespace {

// Compares [a_high, A] with B.
// Returns:
// - a value < 0 if [a_high, A] < B
// - 0           if [a_high, A] == B
// - a value > 0 if [a_high, A] > B.
int SpecialCompare(digit_t a_high, Digits A, Digits B) {
  int a_len;
  if (a_high == 0) {
    a_len = A.len();
  } else {
    a_len = A.len() + 1;
  int diff = a_len - B.len();
  if (diff != 0) return diff;
  int i = a_len - 1;
  if (a_high != 0) {
    if (a_high > B[i]) return 1;
    if (a_high < B[i]) return -1;
  while (i >= 0 && A[i] == B[i]) i--;
  if (i < 0) return 0;
  return A[i] > B[i] ? 1 : -1;

void SetOnes(RWDigits X) {
  memset(X.digits(), 0xFF, X.len() * sizeof(digit_t));

// Since the Burnikel-Ziegler method is inherently recursive, we put
// non-changing data into a container object.
class BZ {
  BZ(ProcessorImpl* proc, int scratch_space)
      : proc_(proc),
        scratch_mem_(scratch_space >= kBurnikelThreshold ? scratch_space : 0) {}

  void DivideBasecase(RWDigits Q, RWDigits R, Digits A, Digits B);
  void D3n2n(RWDigits Q, RWDigits R, Digits A1A2, Digits A3, Digits B);
  void D2n1n(RWDigits Q, RWDigits R, Digits A, Digits B);

  ProcessorImpl* proc_;
  Storage scratch_mem_;

void BZ::DivideBasecase(RWDigits Q, RWDigits R, Digits A, Digits B) {
  DCHECK(B.len() > 0);
74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
  int cmp = Compare(A, B);
  if (cmp <= 0) {
    if (cmp == 0) {
      // If A == B, then Q=1, R=0.
      Q[0] = 1;
    } else {
      // If A < B, then Q=0, R=A.
      PutAt(R, A, R.len());
  if (B.len() == 1) {
    return proc_->DivideSingle(Q, R.digits(), A, B[0]);
  return proc_->DivideSchoolbook(Q, R, A, B);

// Algorithm 2 from the paper. Variable names same as there.
// Returns Q(uotient) and R(emainder) for A/B, with B having two thirds
// the size of A = [A1, A2, A3].
void BZ::D3n2n(RWDigits Q, RWDigits R, Digits A1A2, Digits A3, Digits B) {
  DCHECK((B.len() & 1) == 0);
98 99 100
  int n = B.len() / 2;
  DCHECK(A1A2.len() == 2 * n);
  // Actual condition is stricter than length: A < B * 2^(kDigitBits * n)
  DCHECK(Compare(A1A2, B) < 0);
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
  DCHECK(A3.len() == n);
  DCHECK(Q.len() == n);
  DCHECK(R.len() == 2 * n);
  // 1. Split A into three parts A = [A1, A2, A3] with Ai < 2^(kDigitBits * n).
  Digits A1(A1A2, n, n);
  // 2. Split B into two parts B = [B1, B2] with Bi < 2^(kDigitBits * n).
  Digits B1(B, n, n);
  Digits B2(B, 0, n);
  // 3. Distinguish the cases A1 < B1 or A1 >= B1.
  RWDigits Qhat = Q;
  RWDigits R1(R, n, n);
  digit_t r1_high = 0;
  if (Compare(A1, B1) < 0) {
    // 3a. If A1 < B1, compute Qhat = floor([A1, A2] / B1) with remainder R1
    //     using algorithm D2n1n.
    D2n1n(Qhat, R1, A1A2, B1);
    if (proc_->should_terminate()) return;
  } else {
    // 3b. If A1 >= B1, set Qhat = 2^(kDigitBits * n) - 1 and set
    //     R1 = [A1, A2] - [B1, 0] + [0, B1]
    // Step 1: compute A1 - B1, which can't underflow because of the comparison
    // guarding this else-branch, and always has a one-digit result because
    // of this function's preconditions.
    RWDigits temp = R1;
    Subtract(temp, A1, B1);
    DCHECK(temp.len() <= 1);
130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
    if (temp.len() > 0) r1_high = temp[0];
    // Step 2: compute A2 + B1.
    Digits A2(A1A2, 0, n);
    r1_high += AddAndReturnCarry(R1, A2, B1);
  // 4. Compute D = Qhat * B2 using (Karatsuba) multiplication.
  RWDigits D(scratch_mem_.get(), 2 * n);
  proc_->Multiply(D, Qhat, B2);
  if (proc_->should_terminate()) return;

  // 5. Compute Rhat = R1*2^(kDigitBits * n) + A3 - D = [R1, A3] - D.
  PutAt(R, A3, n);
  // 6. As long as Rhat < 0, repeat:
  while (SpecialCompare(r1_high, R, D) < 0) {
    // 6a. Rhat = Rhat + B
    r1_high += AddAndReturnCarry(R, R, B);
    // 6b. Qhat = Qhat - 1
    Subtract(Qhat, 1);
  // 5. Compute Rhat = R1*2^(kDigitBits * n) + A3 - D = [R1, A3] - D.
  digit_t borrow = SubtractAndReturnBorrow(R, R, D);
  DCHECK(borrow == r1_high);
  DCHECK(Compare(R, B) < 0);
153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
  // 7. Return R = Rhat, Q = Qhat.

// Algorithm 1 from the paper. Variable names same as there.
// Returns Q(uotient) and (R)emainder for A/B, with A twice the size of B.
void BZ::D2n1n(RWDigits Q, RWDigits R, Digits A, Digits B) {
  int n = B.len();
  DCHECK(A.len() <= 2 * n);
  // A < B * 2^(kDigitsBits * n)
  DCHECK(Compare(Digits(A, n, n), B) < 0);
164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266
  DCHECK(Q.len() == n);
  DCHECK(R.len() == n);
  // 1. If n is odd or smaller than some convenient constant, compute Q and R
  //    by school division and return.
  if ((n & 1) == 1 || n < kBurnikelThreshold) {
    return DivideBasecase(Q, R, A, B);
  // 2. Split A into four parts A = [A1, ..., A4] with
  //    Ai < 2^(kDigitBits * n / 2). Split B into two parts [B2, B1] with
  //    Bi < 2^(kDigitBits * n / 2).
  Digits A1A2(A, n, n);
  Digits A3(A, n / 2, n / 2);
  Digits A4(A, 0, n / 2);
  // 3. Compute the high part Q1 of floor(A/B) as
  //    Q1 = floor([A1, A2, A3] / [B1, B2]) with remainder R1 = [R11, R12],
  //    using algorithm D3n2n.
  RWDigits Q1(Q, n / 2, n / 2);
  ScratchDigits R1(n);
  D3n2n(Q1, R1, A1A2, A3, B);
  if (proc_->should_terminate()) return;
  // 4. Compute the low part Q2 of floor(A/B) as
  //    Q2 = floor([R11, R12, A4] / [B1, B2]) with remainder R, using
  //    algorithm D3n2n.
  RWDigits Q2(Q, 0, n / 2);
  D3n2n(Q2, R, R1, A4, B);
  // 5. Return Q = [Q1, Q2] and R.

}  // namespace

// Algorithm 3 from the paper. Variables names same as there.
// Returns Q(uotient) and R(emainder) for A/B (no size restrictions).
// R is optional, Q is not.
void ProcessorImpl::DivideBurnikelZiegler(RWDigits Q, RWDigits R, Digits A,
                                          Digits B) {
  DCHECK(A.len() >= B.len());
  DCHECK(R.len() == 0 || R.len() >= B.len());
  DCHECK(Q.len() > A.len() - B.len());
  int r = A.len();
  int s = B.len();
  // The requirements are:
  // - n >= s, n as small as possible.
  // - m must be a power of two.
  // 1. Set m = min {2^k | 2^k * kBurnikelThreshold > s}.
  int m = 1 << BitLength(s / kBurnikelThreshold);
  // 2. Set j = roundup(s/m) and n = j * m.
  int j = DIV_CEIL(s, m);
  int n = j * m;
  // 3. Set sigma = max{tao | 2^tao * B < 2^(kDigitBits * n)}.
  int sigma = CountLeadingZeros(B[s - 1]);
  int digit_shift = n - s;
  // 4. Set B = B * 2^sigma to normalize B. Shift A by the same amount.
  ScratchDigits B_shifted(n);
  LeftShift(B_shifted + digit_shift, B, sigma);
  for (int i = 0; i < digit_shift; i++) B_shifted[i] = 0;
  B = B_shifted;
  // We need an extra digit if A's top digit does not have enough space for
  // the left-shift by {sigma}. Additionally, the top bit of A must be 0
  // (see "-1" in step 5 below), which combined with B being normalized (i.e.
  // B's top bit is 1) ensures the preconditions of the helper functions.
  int extra_digit = CountLeadingZeros(A[r - 1]) < (sigma + 1) ? 1 : 0;
  r = A.len() + digit_shift + extra_digit;
  ScratchDigits A_shifted(r);
  LeftShift(A_shifted + digit_shift, A, sigma);
  for (int i = 0; i < digit_shift; i++) A_shifted[i] = 0;
  A = A_shifted;
  // 5. Set t = min{t >= 2 | A < 2^(kDigitBits * t * n - 1)}.
  int t = std::max(DIV_CEIL(r, n), 2);
  // 6. Split A conceptually into t blocks.
  // 7. Set Z_(t-2) = [A_(t-1), A_(t-2)].
  int z_len = n * 2;
  ScratchDigits Z(z_len);
  PutAt(Z, A + n * (t - 2), z_len);
  // 8. For i from t-2 downto 0 do:
  BZ bz(this, n);
  ScratchDigits Ri(n);
    // First iteration unrolled and specialized.
    // We might not have n digits at the top of Q, so use temporary storage
    // for Qi...
    ScratchDigits Qi(n);
    bz.D2n1n(Qi, Ri, Z, B);
    if (should_terminate()) return;
    // ...but there *will* be enough space for any non-zero result digits!
    RWDigits target = Q + n * (t - 2);
    DCHECK(Qi.len() <= target.len());
    PutAt(target, Qi, target.len());
  // Now loop over any remaining iterations.
  for (int i = t - 3; i >= 0; i--) {
    // 8b. If i > 0, set Z_(i-1) = [Ri, A_(i-1)].
    // (De-duped with unrolled first iteration, hence reading A_(i).)
    PutAt(Z + n, Ri, n);
    PutAt(Z, A + n * i, n);
    // 8a. Using algorithm D2n1n compute Qi, Ri such that Zi = B*Qi + Ri.
    RWDigits Qi(Q, i * n, n);
    bz.D2n1n(Qi, Ri, Z, B);
    if (should_terminate()) return;
  // 9. Return Q = [Q_(t-2), ..., Q_0] and R = R_0 * 2^(-sigma).
  for (int i = 0; i < digit_shift; i++) {
    DCHECK(Ri[i] == 0);
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  if (R.len() != 0) {
    Digits Ri_part(Ri, digit_shift, Ri.len());
    DCHECK(Ri_part.len() <= R.len());
    RightShift(R, Ri_part, sigma);

}  // namespace bigint
}  // namespace v8