message-template.h 42.8 KB
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// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "src/base/logging.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

#define MESSAGE_TEMPLATES(T)                                                   \
  /* Error */                                                                  \
  T(None, "")                                                                  \
  T(CyclicProto, "Cyclic __proto__ value")                                     \
  T(Debugger, "Debugger: %")                                                   \
  T(DebuggerLoading, "Error loading debugger")                                 \
  T(DefaultOptionsMissing, "Internal % error. Default options are missing.")   \
  T(DeletePrivateField, "Private fields can not be deleted")                   \
  T(UncaughtException, "Uncaught %")                                           \
  T(Unsupported, "Not supported")                                              \
  T(WrongServiceType, "Internal error, wrong service type: %")                 \
  T(WrongValueType, "Internal error. Wrong value type.")                       \
  T(IcuError, "Internal error. Icu error.")                                    \
  /* TypeError */                                                              \
  T(ApplyNonFunction,                                                          \
    "Function.prototype.apply was called on %, which is a % and not a "        \
    "function")                                                                \
  T(ArgumentsDisallowedInInitializer,                                          \
    "'arguments' is not allowed in class field initializer")                   \
  T(ArrayBufferTooShort,                                                       \
    "Derived ArrayBuffer constructor created a buffer which was too small")    \
  T(ArrayBufferSpeciesThis,                                                    \
    "ArrayBuffer subclass returned this from species constructor")             \
  T(ArrayItemNotType, "array %[%] is not type %")                              \
  T(AwaitNotInAsyncFunction, "await is only valid in async function")          \
  T(AtomicsWaitNotAllowed, "Atomics.wait cannot be called in this context")    \
  T(BadSortComparisonFunction,                                                 \
    "The comparison function must be either a function or undefined")          \
  T(BigIntFromNumber,                                                          \
    "The number % cannot be converted to a BigInt because it is not an "       \
    "integer")                                                                 \
  T(BigIntFromObject, "Cannot convert % to a BigInt")                          \
  T(BigIntMixedTypes,                                                          \
    "Cannot mix BigInt and other types, use explicit conversions")             \
  T(BigIntSerializeJSON, "Do not know how to serialize a BigInt")              \
  T(BigIntShr, "BigInts have no unsigned right shift, use >> instead")         \
  T(BigIntToNumber, "Cannot convert a BigInt value to a number")               \
  T(CalledNonCallable, "% is not a function")                                  \
  T(CalledOnNonObject, "% called on non-object")                               \
  T(CalledOnNullOrUndefined, "% called on null or undefined")                  \
  T(CallSiteExpectsFunction,                                                   \
    "CallSite expects wasm object as first or function as second argument, "   \
    "got <%, %>")                                                              \
  T(CallSiteMethod, "CallSite method % expects CallSite as receiver")          \
  T(CannotConvertToPrimitive, "Cannot convert object to primitive value")      \
  T(CannotPreventExt, "Cannot prevent extensions")                             \
  T(CannotFreeze, "Cannot freeze")                                             \
  T(CannotFreezeArrayBufferView,                                               \
    "Cannot freeze array buffer views with elements")                          \
  T(CannotSeal, "Cannot seal")                                                 \
  T(CircularStructure, "Converting circular structure to JSON")                \
  T(ConstructAbstractClass, "Abstract class % not directly constructable")     \
  T(ConstAssign, "Assignment to constant variable.")                           \
  T(ConstructorClassField, "Classes may not have a field named 'constructor'") \
  T(ConstructorNonCallable,                                                    \
    "Class constructor % cannot be invoked without 'new'")                     \
  T(ConstructorNotFunction, "Constructor % requires 'new'")                    \
  T(ConstructorNotReceiver, "The .constructor property is not an object")      \
  T(CurrencyCode, "Currency code is required with currency style.")            \
  T(CyclicModuleDependency, "Detected cycle while resolving name '%' in '%'")  \
  T(DataViewNotArrayBuffer,                                                    \
    "First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer")           \
  T(DateType, "this is not a Date object.")                                    \
  T(DebuggerFrame, "Debugger: Invalid frame index.")                           \
  T(DebuggerType, "Debugger: Parameters have wrong types.")                    \
  T(DeclarationMissingInitializer, "Missing initializer in % declaration")     \
  T(DefineDisallowed, "Cannot define property %, object is not extensible")    \
  T(DetachedOperation, "Cannot perform % on a detached ArrayBuffer")           \
  T(DuplicateTemplateProperty, "Object template has duplicate property '%'")   \
  T(ExtendsValueNotConstructor,                                                \
    "Class extends value % is not a constructor or null")                      \
  T(FirstArgumentNotRegExp,                                                    \
    "First argument to % must not be a regular expression")                    \
  T(FunctionBind, "Bind must be called on a function")                         \
  T(GeneratorRunning, "Generator is already running")                          \
  T(IllegalInvocation, "Illegal invocation")                                   \
  T(ImmutablePrototypeSet,                                                     \
    "Immutable prototype object '%' cannot have their prototype set")          \
  T(ImportCallNotNewExpression, "Cannot use new with import")                  \
  T(ImportMetaOutsideModule, "Cannot use 'import.meta' outside a module")      \
  T(ImportMissingSpecifier, "import() requires a specifier")                   \
  T(IncompatibleMethodReceiver, "Method % called on incompatible receiver %")  \
  T(InstanceofNonobjectProto,                                                  \
    "Function has non-object prototype '%' in instanceof check")               \
  T(InvalidArgument, "invalid_argument")                                       \
  T(InvalidInOperatorUse, "Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '%' in %")   \
  T(InvalidRegExpExecResult,                                                   \
    "RegExp exec method returned something other than an Object or null")      \
  T(InvalidUnit, "Invalid unit argument for %() '%'")                          \
  T(IteratorResultNotAnObject, "Iterator result % is not an object")           \
  T(IteratorSymbolNonCallable, "Found non-callable @@iterator")                \
  T(IteratorValueNotAnObject, "Iterator value % is not an entry object")       \
  T(LanguageID, "Language ID should be string or object.")                     \
  T(LocaleNotEmpty,                                                            \
    "First argument to Intl.Locale constructor can't be empty or missing")     \
  T(LocaleBadParameters, "Incorrect locale information provided")              \
  T(ListFormatBadParameters, "Incorrect ListFormat information provided")      \
  T(MapperFunctionNonCallable, "flatMap mapper function is not callable")      \
  T(MethodCalledOnWrongObject,                                                 \
    "Method % called on a non-object or on a wrong type of object.")           \
  T(MethodInvokedOnNullOrUndefined,                                            \
    "Method invoked on undefined or null value.")                              \
  T(MethodInvokedOnWrongType, "Method invoked on an object that is not %.")    \
  T(NoAccess, "no access")                                                     \
  T(NonCallableInInstanceOfCheck,                                              \
    "Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not callable")                         \
  T(NonCoercible, "Cannot destructure 'undefined' or 'null'.")                 \
  T(NonCoercibleWithProperty,                                                  \
    "Cannot destructure property `%` of 'undefined' or 'null'.")               \
  T(NonExtensibleProto, "% is not extensible")                                 \
  T(NonObjectInInstanceOfCheck,                                                \
    "Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object")                        \
  T(NonObjectPropertyLoad, "Cannot read property '%' of %")                    \
  T(NonObjectPropertyStore, "Cannot set property '%' of %")                    \
  T(NoSetterInCallback, "Cannot set property % of % which has only a getter")  \
  T(NotAnIterator, "% is not an iterator")                                     \
  T(NotAPromise, "% is not a promise")                                         \
  T(NotConstructor, "% is not a constructor")                                  \
  T(NotDateObject, "this is not a Date object.")                               \
  T(NotGeneric, "% requires that 'this' be a %")                               \
  T(NotCallableOrIterable,                                                     \
    "% is not a function or its return value is not iterable")                 \
  T(NotCallableOrAsyncIterable,                                                \
    "% is not a function or its return value is not async iterable")           \
  T(NotFiniteNumber, "Value need to be finite number for %()")                 \
  T(NotIterable, "% is not iterable")                                          \
  T(NotIterableNoSymbolLoad, "% is not iterable (cannot read property %)")     \
  T(NotAsyncIterable, "% is not async iterable")                               \
  T(NotPropertyName, "% is not a valid property name")                         \
  T(NotTypedArray, "this is not a typed array.")                               \
  T(NotSuperConstructor, "Super constructor % of % is not a constructor")      \
  T(NotSuperConstructorAnonymousClass,                                         \
    "Super constructor % of anonymous class is not a constructor")             \
  T(NotIntegerSharedTypedArray, "% is not an integer shared typed array.")     \
  T(NotInt32SharedTypedArray, "% is not an int32 shared typed array.")         \
  T(ObjectGetterExpectingFunction,                                             \
    "Object.prototype.__defineGetter__: Expecting function")                   \
  T(ObjectGetterCallable, "Getter must be a function: %")                      \
  T(ObjectNotExtensible, "Cannot add property %, object is not extensible")    \
  T(ObjectSetterExpectingFunction,                                             \
    "Object.prototype.__defineSetter__: Expecting function")                   \
  T(ObjectSetterCallable, "Setter must be a function: %")                      \
  T(OrdinaryFunctionCalledAsConstructor,                                       \
    "Function object that's not a constructor was created with new")           \
  T(PromiseCyclic, "Chaining cycle detected for promise %")                    \
  T(PromiseExecutorAlreadyInvoked,                                             \
    "Promise executor has already been invoked with non-undefined arguments")  \
  T(PromiseNonCallable, "Promise resolve or reject function is not callable")  \
  T(PropertyDescObject, "Property description must be an object: %")           \
  T(PropertyNotFunction,                                                       \
    "'%' returned for property '%' of object '%' is not a function")           \
  T(ProtoObjectOrNull, "Object prototype may only be an Object or null: %")    \
  T(PrototypeParentNotAnObject,                                                \
    "Class extends value does not have valid prototype property %")            \
  T(ProxyConstructNonObject,                                                   \
    "'construct' on proxy: trap returned non-object ('%')")                    \
  T(ProxyDefinePropertyNonConfigurable,                                        \
    "'defineProperty' on proxy: trap returned truish for defining "            \
    "non-configurable property '%' which is either non-existant or "           \
    "configurable in the proxy target")                                        \
  T(ProxyDefinePropertyNonExtensible,                                          \
    "'defineProperty' on proxy: trap returned truish for adding property '%' " \
    " to the non-extensible proxy target")                                     \
  T(ProxyDefinePropertyIncompatible,                                           \
    "'defineProperty' on proxy: trap returned truish for adding property '%' " \
    " that is incompatible with the existing property in the proxy target")    \
  T(ProxyDeletePropertyNonConfigurable,                                        \
    "'deleteProperty' on proxy: trap returned truish for property '%' which "  \
    "is non-configurable in the proxy target")                                 \
  T(ProxyGetNonConfigurableData,                                               \
    "'get' on proxy: property '%' is a read-only and "                         \
    "non-configurable data property on the proxy target but the proxy "        \
    "did not return its actual value (expected '%' but got '%')")              \
  T(ProxyGetNonConfigurableAccessor,                                           \
    "'get' on proxy: property '%' is a non-configurable accessor "             \
    "property on the proxy target and does not have a getter function, but "   \
    "the trap did not return 'undefined' (got '%')")                           \
  T(ProxyGetOwnPropertyDescriptorIncompatible,                                 \
    "'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned descriptor for "       \
    "property '%' that is incompatible with the existing property in the "     \
    "proxy target")                                                            \
  T(ProxyGetOwnPropertyDescriptorInvalid,                                      \
    "'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned neither object nor "   \
    "undefined for property '%'")                                              \
  T(ProxyGetOwnPropertyDescriptorNonConfigurable,                              \
    "'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap reported non-configurability "  \
    "for property '%' which is either non-existant or configurable in the "    \
    "proxy target")                                                            \
  T(ProxyGetOwnPropertyDescriptorNonExtensible,                                \
    "'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned undefined for "        \
    "property '%' which exists in the non-extensible proxy target")            \
  T(ProxyGetOwnPropertyDescriptorUndefined,                                    \
    "'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned undefined for "        \
    "property '%' which is non-configurable in the proxy target")              \
  T(ProxyGetPrototypeOfInvalid,                                                \
    "'getPrototypeOf' on proxy: trap returned neither object nor null")        \
  T(ProxyGetPrototypeOfNonExtensible,                                          \
    "'getPrototypeOf' on proxy: proxy target is non-extensible but the "       \
    "trap did not return its actual prototype")                                \
  T(ProxyHandlerOrTargetRevoked,                                               \
    "Cannot create proxy with a revoked proxy as target or handler")           \
  T(ProxyHasNonConfigurable,                                                   \
    "'has' on proxy: trap returned falsish for property '%' which exists in "  \
    "the proxy target as non-configurable")                                    \
  T(ProxyHasNonExtensible,                                                     \
    "'has' on proxy: trap returned falsish for property '%' but the proxy "    \
    "target is not extensible")                                                \
  T(ProxyIsExtensibleInconsistent,                                             \
    "'isExtensible' on proxy: trap result does not reflect extensibility of "  \
    "proxy target (which is '%')")                                             \
  T(ProxyNonObject,                                                            \
    "Cannot create proxy with a non-object as target or handler")              \
  T(ProxyOwnKeysMissing,                                                       \
    "'ownKeys' on proxy: trap result did not include '%'")                     \
  T(ProxyOwnKeysNonExtensible,                                                 \
    "'ownKeys' on proxy: trap returned extra keys but proxy target is "        \
    "non-extensible")                                                          \
  T(ProxyPreventExtensionsExtensible,                                          \
    "'preventExtensions' on proxy: trap returned truish but the proxy target " \
    "is extensible")                                                           \
  T(ProxyPrivate, "Cannot pass private property name to proxy trap")           \
  T(ProxyRevoked, "Cannot perform '%' on a proxy that has been revoked")       \
  T(ProxySetFrozenData,                                                        \
    "'set' on proxy: trap returned truish for property '%' which exists in "   \
    "the proxy target as a non-configurable and non-writable data property "   \
    "with a different value")                                                  \
  T(ProxySetFrozenAccessor,                                                    \
    "'set' on proxy: trap returned truish for property '%' which exists in "   \
    "the proxy target as a non-configurable and non-writable accessor "        \
    "property without a setter")                                               \
  T(ProxySetPrototypeOfNonExtensible,                                          \
    "'setPrototypeOf' on proxy: trap returned truish for setting a new "       \
    "prototype on the non-extensible proxy target")                            \
  T(ProxyTrapReturnedFalsish, "'%' on proxy: trap returned falsish")           \
  T(ProxyTrapReturnedFalsishFor,                                               \
    "'%' on proxy: trap returned falsish for property '%'")                    \
  T(RedefineDisallowed, "Cannot redefine property: %")                         \
  T(RedefineExternalArray,                                                     \
    "Cannot redefine a property of an object with external array elements")    \
  T(ReduceNoInitial, "Reduce of empty array with no initial value")            \
  T(RegExpFlags,                                                               \
    "Cannot supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another")           \
  T(RegExpNonObject, "% getter called on non-object %")                        \
  T(RegExpNonRegExp, "% getter called on non-RegExp object")                   \
  T(RelativeDateTimeFormatterBadParameters,                                    \
    "Incorrect RelativeDateTimeFormatter provided")                            \
  T(ResolverNotAFunction, "Promise resolver % is not a function")              \
  T(ReturnMethodNotCallable, "The iterator's 'return' method is not callable") \
  T(SharedArrayBufferTooShort,                                                 \
    "Derived SharedArrayBuffer constructor created a buffer which was too "    \
    "small")                                                                   \
  T(SharedArrayBufferSpeciesThis,                                              \
    "SharedArrayBuffer subclass returned this from species constructor")       \
  T(StaticPrototype,                                                           \
    "Classes may not have a static property named 'prototype'")                \
  T(StrictDeleteProperty, "Cannot delete property '%' of %")                   \
  T(StrictPoisonPill,                                                          \
    "'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on "   \
    "strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them")        \
  T(StrictReadOnlyProperty,                                                    \
    "Cannot assign to read only property '%' of % '%'")                        \
  T(StrictCannotCreateProperty, "Cannot create property '%' on % '%'")         \
  T(SymbolIteratorInvalid,                                                     \
    "Result of the Symbol.iterator method is not an object")                   \
  T(SymbolAsyncIteratorInvalid,                                                \
    "Result of the Symbol.asyncIterator method is not an object")              \
  T(SymbolKeyFor, "% is not a symbol")                                         \
  T(SymbolToNumber, "Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number")               \
  T(SymbolToString, "Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string")               \
  T(ThrowMethodMissing, "The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.")     \
  T(UndefinedOrNullToObject, "Cannot convert undefined or null to object")     \
  T(ValueAndAccessor,                                                          \
    "Invalid property descriptor. Cannot both specify accessors and a value "  \
    "or writable attribute, %")                                                \
  T(VarRedeclaration, "Identifier '%' has already been declared")              \
  T(WrongArgs, "%: Arguments list has wrong type")                             \
  /* ReferenceError */                                                         \
  T(NotDefined, "% is not defined")                                            \
  T(SuperAlreadyCalled, "Super constructor may only be called once")           \
  T(UnsupportedSuper, "Unsupported reference to 'super'")                      \
  /* RangeError */                                                             \
  T(BigIntDivZero, "Division by zero")                                         \
  T(BigIntNegativeExponent, "Exponent must be positive")                       \
  T(BigIntTooBig, "Maximum BigInt size exceeded")                              \
  T(DateRange, "Provided date is not in valid range.")                         \
  T(ExpectedLocation,                                                          \
    "Expected letters optionally connected with underscores or hyphens for "   \
    "a location, got %")                                                       \
  T(InvalidArrayBufferLength, "Invalid array buffer length")                   \
  T(ArrayBufferAllocationFailed, "Array buffer allocation failed")             \
  T(InvalidArrayLength, "Invalid array length")                                \
  T(InvalidAtomicAccessIndex, "Invalid atomic access index")                   \
  T(InvalidCodePoint, "Invalid code point %")                                  \
  T(InvalidCountValue, "Invalid count value")                                  \
  T(InvalidCurrencyCode, "Invalid currency code: %")                           \
  T(InvalidDataViewAccessorOffset,                                             \
    "Offset is outside the bounds of the DataView")                            \
  T(InvalidDataViewLength, "Invalid DataView length %")                        \
  T(InvalidOffset, "Start offset % is outside the bounds of the buffer")       \
  T(InvalidHint, "Invalid hint: %")                                            \
  T(InvalidIndex, "Invalid value: not (convertible to) a safe integer")        \
  T(InvalidLanguageTag, "Invalid language tag: %")                             \
  T(InvalidWeakMapKey, "Invalid value used as weak map key")                   \
  T(InvalidWeakSetValue, "Invalid value used in weak set")                     \
  T(InvalidStringLength, "Invalid string length")                              \
  T(InvalidTimeValue, "Invalid time value")                                    \
  T(InvalidTimeZone, "Invalid time zone specified: %")                         \
  T(InvalidTypedArrayAlignment, "% of % should be a multiple of %")            \
  T(InvalidTypedArrayIndex, "Invalid typed array index")                       \
  T(InvalidTypedArrayLength, "Invalid typed array length: %")                  \
323 324 325
  T(IllegalTypeWhileStyleNarrow,                                               \
    "When style is 'narrow', 'unit' is the only allowed value for the type "   \
    "option.")                                                                 \
326 327 328
  T(LetInLexicalBinding, "let is disallowed as a lexically bound name")        \
  T(LocaleMatcher, "Illegal value for localeMatcher:%")                        \
  T(NormalizationForm, "The normalization form should be one of %.")           \
329 330
  T(ParameterOfFunctionOutOfRange,                                             \
    "Paramenter % of function %() is % and out of range")                      \
331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461
  T(ZeroDigitNumericSeparator,                                                 \
    "Numeric separator can not be used after leading 0.")                      \
  T(NumberFormatRange, "% argument must be between 0 and 100")                 \
  T(TrailingNumericSeparator,                                                  \
    "Numeric separators are not allowed at the end of numeric literals")       \
  T(ContinuousNumericSeparator,                                                \
    "Only one underscore is allowed as numeric separator")                     \
  T(PropertyValueOutOfRange, "% value is out of range.")                       \
  T(StackOverflow, "Maximum call stack size exceeded")                         \
  T(ToPrecisionFormatRange,                                                    \
    "toPrecision() argument must be between 1 and 100")                        \
  T(ToRadixFormatRange, "toString() radix argument must be between 2 and 36")  \
  T(TypedArraySetOffsetOutOfBounds, "offset is out of bounds")                 \
  T(TypedArraySetSourceTooLarge, "Source is too large")                        \
  T(ValueOutOfRange, "Value % out of range for % options property %")          \
  /* SyntaxError */                                                            \
  T(AmbiguousExport,                                                           \
    "The requested module '%' contains conflicting star exports for name '%'") \
  T(BadGetterArity, "Getter must not have any formal parameters.")             \
  T(BadSetterArity, "Setter must have exactly one formal parameter.")          \
  T(BigIntInvalidString, "Invalid BigInt string")                              \
  T(ConstructorIsAccessor, "Class constructor may not be an accessor")         \
  T(ConstructorIsGenerator, "Class constructor may not be a generator")        \
  T(ConstructorIsAsync, "Class constructor may not be an async method")        \
  T(DerivedConstructorReturnedNonObject,                                       \
    "Derived constructors may only return object or undefined")                \
  T(DuplicateConstructor, "A class may only have one constructor")             \
  T(DuplicateExport, "Duplicate export of '%'")                                \
  T(DuplicateProto,                                                            \
    "Duplicate __proto__ fields are not allowed in object literals")           \
  T(ForInOfLoopInitializer,                                                    \
    "% loop variable declaration may not have an initializer.")                \
  T(ForInOfLoopMultiBindings,                                                  \
    "Invalid left-hand side in % loop: Must have a single binding.")           \
  T(GeneratorInSingleStatementContext,                                         \
    "Generators can only be declared at the top level or inside a block.")     \
  T(AsyncFunctionInSingleStatementContext,                                     \
    "Async functions can only be declared at the top level or inside a "       \
    "block.")                                                                  \
  T(IllegalBreak, "Illegal break statement")                                   \
  T(NoIterationStatement,                                                      \
    "Illegal continue statement: no surrounding iteration statement")          \
  T(IllegalContinue,                                                           \
    "Illegal continue statement: '%' does not denote an iteration statement")  \
  T(IllegalLanguageModeDirective,                                              \
    "Illegal '%' directive in function with non-simple parameter list")        \
  T(IllegalReturn, "Illegal return statement")                                 \
  T(IntrinsicWithSpread, "Intrinsic calls do not support spread arguments")    \
  T(InvalidRestBindingPattern,                                                 \
    "`...` must be followed by an identifier in declaration contexts")         \
  T(InvalidRestAssignmentPattern,                                              \
    "`...` must be followed by an assignable reference in assignment "         \
    "contexts")                                                                \
  T(InvalidEscapedReservedWord, "Keyword must not contain escaped characters") \
  T(InvalidEscapedMetaProperty, "'%' must not contain escaped characters")     \
  T(InvalidLhsInAssignment, "Invalid left-hand side in assignment")            \
  T(InvalidCoverInitializedName, "Invalid shorthand property initializer")     \
  T(InvalidDestructuringTarget, "Invalid destructuring assignment target")     \
  T(InvalidLhsInFor, "Invalid left-hand side in for-loop")                     \
  T(InvalidLhsInPostfixOp,                                                     \
    "Invalid left-hand side expression in postfix operation")                  \
  T(InvalidLhsInPrefixOp,                                                      \
    "Invalid left-hand side expression in prefix operation")                   \
  T(InvalidRegExpFlags, "Invalid flags supplied to RegExp constructor '%'")    \
  T(InvalidOrUnexpectedToken, "Invalid or unexpected token")                   \
  T(InvalidPrivateFieldAccess, "Invalid private field '%'")                    \
  T(JsonParseUnexpectedEOS, "Unexpected end of JSON input")                    \
  T(JsonParseUnexpectedToken, "Unexpected token % in JSON at position %")      \
  T(JsonParseUnexpectedTokenNumber, "Unexpected number in JSON at position %") \
  T(JsonParseUnexpectedTokenString, "Unexpected string in JSON at position %") \
  T(LabelRedeclaration, "Label '%' has already been declared")                 \
  T(LabelledFunctionDeclaration,                                               \
    "Labelled function declaration not allowed as the body of a control flow " \
    "structure")                                                               \
  T(MalformedArrowFunParamList, "Malformed arrow function parameter list")     \
  T(MalformedRegExp, "Invalid regular expression: /%/: %")                     \
  T(MalformedRegExpFlags, "Invalid regular expression flags")                  \
  T(ModuleExportUndefined, "Export '%' is not defined in module")              \
  T(HtmlCommentInModule, "HTML comments are not allowed in modules")           \
  T(MultipleDefaultsInSwitch,                                                  \
    "More than one default clause in switch statement")                        \
  T(NewlineAfterThrow, "Illegal newline after throw")                          \
  T(NoCatchOrFinally, "Missing catch or finally after try")                    \
  T(ParamAfterRest, "Rest parameter must be last formal parameter")            \
  T(FlattenPastSafeLength,                                                     \
    "Flattening % elements on an array-like of length % "                      \
    "is disallowed, as the total surpasses 2**53-1")                           \
  T(PushPastSafeLength,                                                        \
    "Pushing % elements on an array-like of length % "                         \
    "is disallowed, as the total surpasses 2**53-1")                           \
  T(ElementAfterRest, "Rest element must be last element")                     \
  T(BadSetterRestParameter,                                                    \
    "Setter function argument must not be a rest parameter")                   \
  T(ParamDupe, "Duplicate parameter name not allowed in this context")         \
  T(ParenthesisInArgString, "Function arg string contains parenthesis")        \
  T(ArgStringTerminatesParametersEarly,                                        \
    "Arg string terminates parameters early")                                  \
  T(UnexpectedEndOfArgString, "Unexpected end of arg string")                  \
  T(RestDefaultInitializer,                                                    \
    "Rest parameter may not have a default initializer")                       \
  T(RuntimeWrongNumArgs, "Runtime function given wrong number of arguments")   \
  T(SuperNotCalled,                                                            \
    "Must call super constructor in derived class before accessing 'this' or " \
    "returning from derived constructor")                                      \
  T(SingleFunctionLiteral, "Single function literal required")                 \
  T(SloppyFunction,                                                            \
    "In non-strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level, "   \
    "inside a block, or as the body of an if statement.")                      \
  T(SpeciesNotConstructor,                                                     \
    "object.constructor[Symbol.species] is not a constructor")                 \
  T(StrictDelete, "Delete of an unqualified identifier in strict mode.")       \
  T(StrictEvalArguments, "Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode")        \
  T(StrictFunction,                                                            \
    "In strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level or "     \
    "inside a block.")                                                         \
  T(StrictOctalLiteral, "Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode.")      \
  T(StrictDecimalWithLeadingZero,                                              \
    "Decimals with leading zeros are not allowed in strict mode.")             \
  T(StrictOctalEscape,                                                         \
    "Octal escape sequences are not allowed in strict mode.")                  \
  T(StrictWith, "Strict mode code may not include a with statement")           \
  T(TemplateOctalLiteral,                                                      \
    "Octal escape sequences are not allowed in template strings.")             \
  T(ThisFormalParameter, "'this' is not a valid formal parameter name")        \
  T(AwaitBindingIdentifier,                                                    \
    "'await' is not a valid identifier name in an async function")             \
  T(AwaitExpressionFormalParameter,                                            \
    "Illegal await-expression in formal parameters of async function")         \
  T(TooManyArguments,                                                          \
    "Too many arguments in function call (only 65535 allowed)")                \
  T(TooManyParameters,                                                         \
    "Too many parameters in function definition (only 65534 allowed)")         \
463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533
  T(TooManySpreads,                                                            \
    "Literal containing too many nested spreads (up to 65534 allowed)")        \
  T(TooManyVariables, "Too many variables declared (only 4194303 allowed)")    \
  T(TooManyElementsInPromiseAll, "Too many elements passed to Promise.all")    \
  T(TypedArrayTooShort,                                                        \
    "Derived TypedArray constructor created an array which was too small")     \
  T(UnexpectedEOS, "Unexpected end of input")                                  \
  T(UnexpectedReserved, "Unexpected reserved word")                            \
  T(UnexpectedStrictReserved, "Unexpected strict mode reserved word")          \
  T(UnexpectedSuper, "'super' keyword unexpected here")                        \
  T(UnexpectedNewTarget, " expression is not allowed here")          \
  T(UnexpectedTemplateString, "Unexpected template string")                    \
  T(UnexpectedToken, "Unexpected token %")                                     \
  T(UnexpectedTokenIdentifier, "Unexpected identifier")                        \
  T(UnexpectedTokenNumber, "Unexpected number")                                \
  T(UnexpectedTokenString, "Unexpected string")                                \
  T(UnexpectedTokenRegExp, "Unexpected regular expression")                    \
  T(UnexpectedLexicalDeclaration,                                              \
    "Lexical declaration cannot appear in a single-statement context")         \
  T(UnknownLabel, "Undefined label '%'")                                       \
  T(UnresolvableExport,                                                        \
    "The requested module '%' does not provide an export named '%'")           \
  T(UnterminatedArgList, "missing ) after argument list")                      \
  T(UnterminatedRegExp, "Invalid regular expression: missing /")               \
  T(UnterminatedTemplate, "Unterminated template literal")                     \
  T(UnterminatedTemplateExpr, "Missing } in template expression")              \
  T(FoundNonCallableHasInstance, "Found non-callable @@hasInstance")           \
  T(InvalidHexEscapeSequence, "Invalid hexadecimal escape sequence")           \
  T(InvalidUnicodeEscapeSequence, "Invalid Unicode escape sequence")           \
  T(UndefinedUnicodeCodePoint, "Undefined Unicode code-point")                 \
  T(YieldInParameter, "Yield expression not allowed in formal parameter")      \
  /* EvalError */                                                              \
  T(CodeGenFromStrings, "%")                                                   \
  T(NoSideEffectDebugEvaluate, "Possible side-effect in debug-evaluate")       \
  /* URIError */                                                               \
  T(URIMalformed, "URI malformed")                                             \
  /* Wasm errors (currently Error) */                                          \
  T(WasmTrapUnreachable, "unreachable")                                        \
  T(WasmTrapMemOutOfBounds, "memory access out of bounds")                     \
  T(WasmTrapUnalignedAccess, "operation does not support unaligned accesses")  \
  T(WasmTrapDivByZero, "divide by zero")                                       \
  T(WasmTrapDivUnrepresentable, "divide result unrepresentable")               \
  T(WasmTrapRemByZero, "remainder by zero")                                    \
  T(WasmTrapFloatUnrepresentable, "float unrepresentable in integer range")    \
  T(WasmTrapFuncInvalid, "invalid index into function table")                  \
  T(WasmTrapFuncSigMismatch, "function signature mismatch")                    \
  T(WasmTrapTypeError, "wasm function signature contains illegal type")        \
  T(WasmExceptionError, "wasm exception")                                      \
  /* Asm.js validation related */                                              \
  T(AsmJsInvalid, "Invalid asm.js: %")                                         \
  T(AsmJsCompiled, "Converted asm.js to WebAssembly: %")                       \
  T(AsmJsInstantiated, "Instantiated asm.js: %")                               \
  T(AsmJsLinkingFailed, "Linking failure in asm.js: %")                        \
  /* DataCloneError messages */                                                \
  T(DataCloneError, "% could not be cloned.")                                  \
  T(DataCloneErrorOutOfMemory, "Data cannot be cloned, out of memory.")        \
  T(DataCloneErrorNeuteredArrayBuffer,                                         \
    "An ArrayBuffer is neutered and could not be cloned.")                     \
  T(DataCloneErrorSharedArrayBufferTransferred,                                \
    "A SharedArrayBuffer could not be cloned. SharedArrayBuffer must not be "  \
    "transferred.")                                                            \
  T(DataCloneDeserializationError, "Unable to deserialize cloned data.")       \
  T(DataCloneDeserializationVersionError,                                      \
    "Unable to deserialize cloned data due to invalid or unsupported "         \
    "version.")                                                                \
  /* Builtins-Trace Errors */                                                  \
  T(TraceEventCategoryError, "Trace event category must be a string.")         \
  T(TraceEventNameError, "Trace event name must be a string.")                 \
  T(TraceEventNameLengthError,                                                 \
    "Trace event name must not be an empty string.")                           \
  T(TraceEventPhaseError, "Trace event phase must be a number.")               \
534 535
  T(TraceEventIDError, "Trace event id must be a number.")                     \
  /* Weak refs */                                                              \
536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544
  T(WeakRefsCleanupMustBeCallable, "WeakFactory: cleanup must be callable")    \
  T(WeakRefsMakeCellTargetMustBeObject,                                        \
    "WeakFactory.prototype.makeCell: target must be an object")                \
  T(WeakRefsMakeCellTargetAndHoldingsMustNotBeSame,                            \
    "WeakFactory.prototype.makeCell: target and holdings must not be same")    \
  T(WeakRefsMakeRefTargetMustBeObject,                                         \
    "WeakFactory.prototype.makeRef: target must be an object")                 \
  T(WeakRefsMakeRefTargetAndHoldingsMustNotBeSame,                             \
    "WeakFactory.prototype.makeRef: target and holdings must not be same")
545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562

enum class MessageTemplate {

inline MessageTemplate MessageTemplateFromInt(int message_id) {
  DCHECK_LE(0, message_id);
  DCHECK_LT(message_id, static_cast<int>(MessageTemplate::kLastMessage));
  return static_cast<MessageTemplate>(message_id);

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8