scopes.h 32.1 KB
Newer Older
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 3
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

5 6
#ifndef V8_AST_SCOPES_H_
#define V8_AST_SCOPES_H_

#include "src/ast/variables.h"
lpy's avatar
lpy committed
#include "src/base/hashmap.h"
yangguo's avatar
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#include "src/globals.h"
#include "src/zone.h"

13 14
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

16 17 18 19
class AstNodeFactory;
class AstValueFactory;
class AstRawString;
class Declaration;
class ParseInfo;
21 22
class SloppyBlockFunctionStatement;
class VariableProxy;

// A hash map to support fast variable declaration and lookup.
class VariableMap: public ZoneHashMap {
  explicit VariableMap(Zone* zone);

verwaest's avatar
verwaest committed
29 30 31
  Variable* Declare(Zone* zone, Scope* scope, const AstRawString* name,
                    VariableMode mode, Variable::Kind kind,
                    InitializationFlag initialization_flag,
32 33
                    MaybeAssignedFlag maybe_assigned_flag = kNotAssigned,
                    bool* added = nullptr);

  Variable* Lookup(const AstRawString* name);
36 37
  void Remove(Variable* var);
  void Add(Zone* zone, Variable* var);
38 39 40

41 42 43 44
// Sloppy block-scoped function declarations to var-bind
class SloppyBlockFunctionMap : public ZoneHashMap {
  explicit SloppyBlockFunctionMap(Zone* zone);
verwaest's avatar
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  void Declare(Zone* zone, const AstRawString* name,
46 47 48
               SloppyBlockFunctionStatement* statement);

enum class AnalyzeMode { kRegular, kDebugger };

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
// Global invariants after AST construction: Each reference (i.e. identifier)
// to a JavaScript variable (including global properties) is represented by a
// VariableProxy node. Immediately after AST construction and before variable
// allocation, most VariableProxy nodes are "unresolved", i.e. not bound to a
// corresponding variable (though some are bound during parse time). Variable
// allocation binds each unresolved VariableProxy to one Variable and assigns
// a location. Note that many VariableProxy nodes may refer to the same Java-
// Script variable.

60 61 62 63
// JS environments are represented in the parser using Scope, DeclarationScope
// and ModuleScope. DeclarationScope is used for any scope that hosts 'var'
// declarations. This includes script, module, eval, varblock, and function
// scope. ModuleScope further specializes DeclarationScope.
64 65 66 67 68
class Scope: public ZoneObject {
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Construction

69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
  Scope(Zone* zone, Scope* outer_scope, ScopeType scope_type);

#ifdef DEBUG
  // The scope name is only used for printing/debugging.
  void SetScopeName(const AstRawString* scope_name) {
    scope_name_ = scope_name;

  // TODO(verwaest): Is this needed on Scope?
  int num_parameters() const;

  DeclarationScope* AsDeclarationScope();
  const DeclarationScope* AsDeclarationScope() const;
83 84
  ModuleScope* AsModuleScope();
  const ModuleScope* AsModuleScope() const;

86 87
  class Snapshot final BASE_EMBEDDED {
    explicit Snapshot(Scope* scope);

    void Reparent(DeclarationScope* new_parent) const;
91 92 93 94 95

    Scope* outer_scope_;
    Scope* top_inner_scope_;
    VariableProxy* top_unresolved_;
96 97
    int top_local_;
    int top_decl_;
98 99

100 101
  enum class DeserializationMode { kDeserializeOffHeap, kKeepScopeInfo };

  static Scope* DeserializeScopeChain(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
103 104
                                      Context* context,
                                      DeclarationScope* script_scope,
105 106
                                      AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory,
                                      DeserializationMode deserialization_mode);

108 109 110 111 112
  // Checks if the block scope is redundant, i.e. it does not contain any
  // block scoped declarations. In that case it is removed from the scope
  // tree and its children are reparented.
  Scope* FinalizeBlockScope();

  // Inserts outer_scope into this scope's scope chain (and removes this
  // from the current outer_scope_'s inner scope list).
115 116 117
  // Assumes outer_scope_ is non-null.
  void ReplaceOuterScope(Scope* outer_scope);

118 119 120 121
  // Propagates any eagerly-gathered scope usage flags (such as calls_eval())
  // to the passed-in scope.
  void PropagateUsageFlagsToScope(Scope* other);

verwaest's avatar
verwaest committed
  Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }

124 125 126 127
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Declarations

  // Lookup a variable in this scope. Returns the variable or NULL if not found.
  Variable* LookupLocal(const AstRawString* name) {
129 130 131
    Variable* result = variables_.Lookup(name);
    if (result != nullptr || scope_info_.is_null()) return result;
    return LookupInScopeInfo(name);
132 133

134 135
  Variable* LookupInScopeInfo(const AstRawString* name);

136 137
  // Lookup a variable in this scope or outer scopes.
  // Returns the variable or NULL if not found.
  Variable* Lookup(const AstRawString* name);

  // Declare a local variable in this scope. If the variable has been
  // declared before, the previously declared variable is returned.
  Variable* DeclareLocal(const AstRawString* name, VariableMode mode,
                         InitializationFlag init_flag, Variable::Kind kind,
                         MaybeAssignedFlag maybe_assigned_flag = kNotAssigned);

marja's avatar
marja committed
146 147 148 149 150 151
  Variable* DeclareVariable(Declaration* declaration, VariableMode mode,
                            InitializationFlag init,
                            bool allow_harmony_restrictive_generators,
                            bool* sloppy_mode_block_scope_function_redefinition,
                            bool* ok);

152 153
  // Declarations list.
  ZoneList<Declaration*>* declarations() { return &decls_; }

155 156
  ZoneList<Variable*>* locals() { return &locals_; }

  // Create a new unresolved variable.
  VariableProxy* NewUnresolved(AstNodeFactory* factory,
                               const AstRawString* name,
yangguo's avatar
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                               int start_position = kNoSourcePosition,
                               int end_position = kNoSourcePosition,
                               Variable::Kind kind = Variable::NORMAL);

  void AddUnresolved(VariableProxy* proxy);

166 167 168 169 170 171
  // Remove a unresolved variable. During parsing, an unresolved variable
  // may have been added optimistically, but then only the variable name
  // was used (typically for labels). If the variable was not declared, the
  // addition introduced a new unresolved variable which may end up being
  // allocated globally as a "ghost" variable. RemoveUnresolved removes
  // such a variable again if it was added; otherwise this is a no-op.
  bool RemoveUnresolved(VariableProxy* var);

174 175 176 177 178
  // Creates a new temporary variable in this scope's TemporaryScope.  The
  // name is only used for printing and cannot be used to find the variable.
  // In particular, the only way to get hold of the temporary is by keeping the
  // Variable* around.  The name should not clash with a legitimate variable
  // names.
  // TODO(verwaest): Move to DeclarationScope?
  Variable* NewTemporary(const AstRawString* name);
181 182 183 184

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Illegal redeclaration support.

  // Check if the scope has conflicting var
186 187 188
  // declarations, i.e. a var declaration that has been hoisted from a nested
  // scope over a let binding of the same name.
  Declaration* CheckConflictingVarDeclarations();

190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197
  // Check if the scope has a conflicting lexical declaration that has a name in
  // the given list. This is used to catch patterns like
  // `try{}catch(e){let e;}`,
  // which is an error even though the two 'e's are declared in different
  // scopes.
  Declaration* CheckLexDeclarationsConflictingWith(
      const ZoneList<const AstRawString*>& names);

198 199 200
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Scope-specific info.

201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208
  // Inform the scope and outer scopes that the corresponding code contains an
  // eval call.
  void RecordEvalCall() {
    scope_calls_eval_ = true;
    for (Scope* scope = this; scope != nullptr; scope = scope->outer_scope()) {
      scope->inner_scope_calls_eval_ = true;

210 211
  // Set the language mode flag (unless disabled by a global flag).
  void SetLanguageMode(LanguageMode language_mode) {
    DCHECK(!is_module_scope() || is_strict(language_mode));

216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226
  // Inform the scope that the scope may execute declarations nonlinearly.
  // Currently, the only nonlinear scope is a switch statement. The name is
  // more general in case something else comes up with similar control flow,
  // for example the ability to break out of something which does not have
  // its own lexical scope.
  // The bit does not need to be stored on the ScopeInfo because none of
  // the three compilers will perform hole check elimination on a variable
  // located in VariableLocation::CONTEXT. So, direct eval and closures
  // will not expose holes.
  void SetNonlinear() { scope_nonlinear_ = true; }

227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248
  // Position in the source where this scope begins and ends.
  // * For the scope of a with statement
  //     with (obj) stmt
  //   start position: start position of first token of 'stmt'
  //   end position: end position of last token of 'stmt'
  // * For the scope of a block
  //     { stmts }
  //   start position: start position of '{'
  //   end position: end position of '}'
  // * For the scope of a function literal or decalaration
  //     function fun(a,b) { stmts }
  //   start position: start position of '('
  //   end position: end position of '}'
  // * For the scope of a catch block
  //     try { stms } catch(e) { stmts }
  //   start position: start position of '('
  //   end position: end position of ')'
  // * For the scope of a for-statement
  //     for (let x ...) stmt
  //   start position: start position of '('
  //   end position: end position of last token of 'stmt'
249 250 251 252
  // * For the scope of a switch statement
  //     switch (tag) { cases }
  //   start position: start position of '{'
  //   end position: end position of '}'
253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261
  int start_position() const { return start_position_; }
  void set_start_position(int statement_pos) {
    start_position_ = statement_pos;
  int end_position() const { return end_position_; }
  void set_end_position(int statement_pos) {
    end_position_ = statement_pos;

262 263 264 265
  // Scopes created for desugaring are hidden. I.e. not visible to the debugger.
  bool is_hidden() const { return is_hidden_; }
  void set_is_hidden() { is_hidden_ = true; }

266 267
  // In some cases we want to force context allocation for a whole scope.
  void ForceContextAllocation() {
269 270 271 272 273 274
    force_context_allocation_ = true;
  bool has_forced_context_allocation() const {
    return force_context_allocation_;

275 276 277 278
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Predicates.

  // Specific scope types.
  bool is_eval_scope() const { return scope_type_ == EVAL_SCOPE; }
  bool is_function_scope() const { return scope_type_ == FUNCTION_SCOPE; }
  bool is_module_scope() const { return scope_type_ == MODULE_SCOPE; }
  bool is_script_scope() const { return scope_type_ == SCRIPT_SCOPE; }
283 284 285
  bool is_catch_scope() const { return scope_type_ == CATCH_SCOPE; }
  bool is_block_scope() const { return scope_type_ == BLOCK_SCOPE; }
  bool is_with_scope() const { return scope_type_ == WITH_SCOPE; }
  bool is_declaration_scope() const { return is_declaration_scope_; }

  // Information about which scopes calls eval.
  bool calls_eval() const { return scope_calls_eval_; }
  bool calls_sloppy_eval() const {
    return scope_calls_eval_ && is_sloppy(language_mode());
293 294
  bool IsAsmModule() const;
  bool IsAsmFunction() const;
295 296
  // Does this scope have the potential to execute declarations non-linearly?
  bool is_nonlinear() const { return scope_nonlinear_; }

  // Whether this needs to be represented by a runtime context.
  bool NeedsContext() const {
    // Catch scopes always have heap slots.
    DCHECK(!is_catch_scope() || num_heap_slots() > 0);
    return num_heap_slots() > 0;

305 306 307
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Accessors.

  // The type of this scope.
  ScopeType scope_type() const { return scope_type_; }

  // The language mode of this scope.
  LanguageMode language_mode() const { return is_strict_ ? STRICT : SLOPPY; }

314 315 316 317 318
  // inner_scope() and sibling() together implement the inner scope list of a
  // scope. Inner scope points to the an inner scope of the function, and
  // "sibling" points to a next inner scope of the outer scope of this scope.
  Scope* inner_scope() const { return inner_scope_; }
  Scope* sibling() const { return sibling_; }

320 321 322
  // The scope immediately surrounding this scope, or NULL.
  Scope* outer_scope() const { return outer_scope_; }

323 324
  const AstRawString* catch_variable_name() const {
    DCHECK_EQ(1, num_var());
326 327 328
    return static_cast<AstRawString*>(variables_.Start()->key);

329 330 331 332
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Variable allocation.

  // Result of variable allocation.
333 334
  int num_stack_slots() const { return num_stack_slots_; }
  int num_heap_slots() const { return num_heap_slots_; }

336 337 338
  int StackLocalCount() const;
  int ContextLocalCount() const;

339 340 341
  // Determine if we can parse a function literal in this scope lazily.
  bool AllowsLazyParsing() const;

  // The number of contexts between this and scope; zero if this == scope.
343 344 345 346 347
  int ContextChainLength(Scope* scope) const;

  // The number of contexts between this and the outermost context that has a
  // sloppy eval call. One if this->calls_sloppy_eval().
  int ContextChainLengthUntilOutermostSloppyEval() const;

349 350 351 352
  // The maximum number of nested contexts required for this scope and any inner
  // scopes.
  int MaxNestedContextChainLength();

353 354
  // Find the first function, script, eval or (declaration) block scope. This is
  // the scope where var declarations will be hoisted to in the implementation.
  DeclarationScope* GetDeclarationScope();

  // Find the first non-block declaration scope. This should be either a script,
358 359 360 361 362
  // function, or eval scope. Same as DeclarationScope(), but skips declaration
  // "block" scopes. Used for differentiating associated function objects (i.e.,
  // the scope for which a function prologue allocates a context) or declaring
  // temporaries.
  DeclarationScope* GetClosureScope();

364 365
  // Find the first (non-arrow) function or script scope.  This is where
  // 'this' is bound, and what determines the function kind.
  DeclarationScope* GetReceiverScope();

  // Analyze() must have been called once to create the ScopeInfo.
369 370 371 372 373
  Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info() {
    return scope_info_;

374 375
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Strict mode support.
  bool IsDeclared(const AstRawString* name) {
377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384
    // During formal parameter list parsing the scope only contains
    // two variables inserted at initialization: "this" and "arguments".
    // "this" is an invalid parameter name and "arguments" is invalid parameter
    // name in strict mode. Therefore looking up with the map which includes
    // "this" and "arguments" in addition to all formal parameters is safe.
    return variables_.Lookup(name) != NULL;

385 386
  int num_var() const { return variables_.occupancy(); }

387 388 389 390 391
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Debugging.

#ifdef DEBUG
  void Print(int n = 0);  // n = indentation; n < 0 => don't print recursively
392 393 394

  // Check that the scope has positions assigned.
  void CheckScopePositions();
395 396 397

  // Check that all Scopes in the scope tree use the same Zone.
  void CheckZones();
398 399

400 401
  // Retrieve `IsSimpleParameterList` of current or outer function.
  bool HasSimpleParameters();
  void set_is_debug_evaluate_scope() { is_debug_evaluate_scope_ = true; }

  explicit Scope(Zone* zone);

  void set_language_mode(LanguageMode language_mode) {
    is_strict_ = is_strict(language_mode);
409 410

412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419
  Variable* Declare(Zone* zone, Scope* scope, const AstRawString* name,
                    VariableMode mode, Variable::Kind kind,
                    InitializationFlag initialization_flag,
                    MaybeAssignedFlag maybe_assigned_flag = kNotAssigned) {
    bool added;
    Variable* var =
        variables_.Declare(zone, scope, name, mode, kind, initialization_flag,
                           maybe_assigned_flag, &added);
    if (added) locals_.Add(var, zone);
421 422
    return var;
423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433

  // This method should only be invoked on scopes created during parsing (i.e.,
  // not deserialized from a context). Also, since NeedsContext() is only
  // returning a valid result after variables are resolved, NeedsScopeInfo()
  // should also be invoked after resolution.
  bool NeedsScopeInfo() const {
    return NeedsContext() || is_script_scope() || is_function_scope() ||
           is_eval_scope() || is_module_scope();

verwaest's avatar
verwaest committed
434 435
  Zone* zone_;

436 437
  // Scope tree.
  Scope* outer_scope_;  // the immediately enclosing outer scope, or NULL
438 439
  Scope* inner_scope_;  // an inner scope of this scope
  Scope* sibling_;  // a sibling inner scope of the outer scope of this scope.
440 441

  // The variables declared in this scope:
  // All user-declared variables (incl. parameters).  For script scopes
444 445 446
  // variables may be implicitly 'declared' by being used (possibly in
  // an inner scope) with no intervening with statements or eval calls.
  VariableMap variables_;
447 448 449
  // In case of non-scopeinfo-backed scopes, this contains the variables of the
  // map above in order of addition.
  // TODO(verwaest): Thread through Variable.
  ZoneList<Variable*> locals_;
451 452 453
  // Unresolved variables referred to from this scope. The proxies themselves
  // form a linked list of all unresolved proxies.
  VariableProxy* unresolved_;
  // Declarations.
455 456
  ZoneList<Declaration*> decls_;

457 458 459 460 461
  // Serialized scope info support.
  Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info_;
// Debugging support.
#ifdef DEBUG
  const AstRawString* scope_name_;
462 463 464 465

  // True if it doesn't need scope resolution (e.g., if the scope was
  // constructed based on a serialized scope info or a catch context).
  bool already_resolved_ : 1;
466 467 468 469 470 471

  // Source positions.
  int start_position_;
  int end_position_;

neis's avatar
neis committed
  // Computed via AllocateVariables.
473 474
  int num_stack_slots_;
  int num_heap_slots_;

476 477 478
  // The scope type.
  const ScopeType scope_type_;

479 480
  // Scope-specific information computed during parsing.
  // The language mode of this scope.
482 483
  bool is_strict_ : 1;
484 485
  // This scope or a nested catch scope or with scope contain an 'eval' call. At
  // the 'eval' call site this scope is the declaration scope.
  bool scope_calls_eval_ : 1;
  // This scope's declarations might not be executed in order (e.g., switch).
488 489
  bool scope_nonlinear_ : 1;
  bool is_hidden_ : 1;
490 491
  // Temporary workaround that allows masking of 'this' in debug-evalute scopes.
  bool is_debug_evaluate_scope_ : 1;

493 494
  bool inner_scope_calls_eval_ : 1;
  bool force_context_allocation_ : 1;

  // True if it holds 'var' declarations.
  bool is_declaration_scope_ : 1;

499 500
  // Create a non-local variable with a given name.
  // These variables are looked up dynamically at runtime.
  Variable* NonLocal(const AstRawString* name, VariableMode mode);
502 503

  // Variable resolution.
  // Lookup a variable reference given by name recursively starting with this
verwaest's avatar
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  // scope, and stopping when reaching the outer_scope_end scope. If the code is
506 507
  // executed because of a call to 'eval', the context parameter should be set
  // to the calling context of 'eval'.
508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515
  // {declare_free} indicates whether nullptr should be returned for free
  // variables when falling off outer_scope_end, or whether they should be
  // declared automatically as non-locals.
  Variable* LookupRecursive(VariableProxy* proxy, bool declare_free,
                            Scope* outer_scope_end);
  void ResolveTo(ParseInfo* info, VariableProxy* proxy, Variable* var);
  void ResolveVariable(ParseInfo* info, VariableProxy* proxy);
  void ResolveVariablesRecursively(ParseInfo* info);

verwaest's avatar
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517 518 519 520 521 522
  // Finds free variables of this scope. This mutates the unresolved variables
  // list along the way, so full resolution cannot be done afterwards.
  // If a ParseInfo* is passed, non-free variables will be resolved.
  VariableProxy* FetchFreeVariables(DeclarationScope* max_outer_scope,
                                    ParseInfo* info = nullptr,
                                    VariableProxy* stack = nullptr);

524 525 526 527 528 529 530
  // Predicates.
  bool MustAllocate(Variable* var);
  bool MustAllocateInContext(Variable* var);

  // Variable allocation.
  void AllocateStackSlot(Variable* var);
  void AllocateHeapSlot(Variable* var);
531 532 533 534
  void AllocateNonParameterLocal(Variable* var);
  void AllocateDeclaredGlobal(Variable* var);
  void AllocateNonParameterLocalsAndDeclaredGlobals();
  void AllocateVariablesRecursively();

  void AllocateScopeInfosRecursively(Isolate* isolate, AnalyzeMode mode);

  // Construct a scope based on the scope info.
  Scope(Zone* zone, ScopeType type, Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info);

  // Construct a catch scope with a binding for the name.
542 543
  Scope(Zone* zone, const AstRawString* catch_variable_name,
        Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info);

  void AddInnerScope(Scope* inner_scope) {
546 547 548
    inner_scope->sibling_ = inner_scope_;
    inner_scope_ = inner_scope;
    inner_scope->outer_scope_ = this;
549 550

551 552
  void RemoveInnerScope(Scope* inner_scope) {
553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561
    if (inner_scope == inner_scope_) {
      inner_scope_ = inner_scope_->sibling_;
    for (Scope* scope = inner_scope_; scope != nullptr;
         scope = scope->sibling_) {
      if (scope->sibling_ == inner_scope) {
        scope->sibling_ = scope->sibling_->sibling_;
562 563 564 565

  void SetDefaults();

568 569 570
  void DeserializeScopeInfo(Isolate* isolate,
                            AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory);

571 572 573 574 575 576 577
  friend class DeclarationScope;

class DeclarationScope : public Scope {
  DeclarationScope(Zone* zone, Scope* outer_scope, ScopeType scope_type,
                   FunctionKind function_kind = kNormalFunction);
  DeclarationScope(Zone* zone, ScopeType scope_type,
                   Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info);
  // Creates a script scope.
  DeclarationScope(Zone* zone, AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory);
582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595

  bool IsDeclaredParameter(const AstRawString* name) {
    // If IsSimpleParameterList is false, duplicate parameters are not allowed,
    // however `arguments` may be allowed if function is not strict code. Thus,
    // the assumptions explained above do not hold.
    return params_.Contains(variables_.Lookup(name));

  FunctionKind function_kind() const { return function_kind_; }

  bool is_arrow_scope() const {
    return is_function_scope() && IsArrowFunction(function_kind_);

596 597 598 599 600
  // Inform the scope that the corresponding code uses "super".
  void RecordSuperPropertyUsage() { scope_uses_super_property_ = true; }
  // Does this scope access "super" property (
  bool uses_super_property() const { return scope_uses_super_property_; }

601 602
  bool NeedsHomeObject() const {
    return scope_uses_super_property_ ||
603 604 605
           (inner_scope_calls_eval_ && (IsConciseMethod(function_kind()) ||
                                        IsAccessorFunction(function_kind()) ||
606 607

608 609 610 611 612 613
  void SetScriptScopeInfo(Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info) {
    scope_info_ = scope_info;

  bool asm_module() const { return asm_module_; }
  void set_asm_module();
616 617 618
  bool asm_function() const { return asm_function_; }
  void set_asm_function() { asm_module_ = true; }

619 620 621 622 623 624 625
  void DeclareThis(AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory);
  void DeclareDefaultFunctionVariables(AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory);

  // This lookup corresponds to a lookup in the "intermediate" scope sitting
  // between this scope and the outer scope. (ECMA-262, 3rd., requires that
  // the name of named function literal is kept in an intermediate scope
  // in between this scope and the next outer scope.)
  Variable* LookupFunctionVar(const AstRawString* name);
627 628 629 630

  // Declare the function variable for a function literal. This variable
  // is in an intermediate scope between this function scope and the the
  // outer scope. Only possible for function scopes; at most one variable.
  Variable* DeclareFunctionVar(const AstRawString* name);
632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643

  // Declare a parameter in this scope.  When there are duplicated
  // parameters the rightmost one 'wins'.  However, the implementation
  // expects all parameters to be declared and from left to right.
  Variable* DeclareParameter(const AstRawString* name, VariableMode mode,
                             bool is_optional, bool is_rest, bool* is_duplicate,
                             AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory);

  // Declare an implicit global variable in this scope which must be a
  // script scope.  The variable was introduced (possibly from an inner
  // scope) by a reference to an unresolved variable with no intervening
  // with statements or eval calls.
644 645
  Variable* DeclareDynamicGlobal(const AstRawString* name,
                                 Variable::Kind variable_kind);
646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665

  // The variable corresponding to the 'this' value.
  Variable* receiver() {
    return receiver_;

  // TODO(wingo): Add a GLOBAL_SCOPE scope type which will lexically allocate
  // "this" (and no other variable) on the native context.  Script scopes then
  // will not have a "this" declaration.
  bool has_this_declaration() const {
    return (is_function_scope() && !is_arrow_scope()) || is_module_scope();

  // The variable corresponding to the '' value.
  Variable* new_target_var() { return new_target_; }

  // The variable holding the function literal for named function
  // literals, or NULL.  Only valid for function scopes.
  Variable* function_var() const {
667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680
    return function_;

  // Parameters. The left-most parameter has index 0.
  // Only valid for function scopes.
  Variable* parameter(int index) const {
    return params_[index];

  // Returns the default function arity excluding default or rest parameters.
  int default_function_length() const { return arity_; }

681 682 683 684 685
  // Returns the number of formal parameters, excluding a possible rest
  // parameter.  Examples:
  //   function foo(a, b) {}         ==> 2
  //   function foo(a, b, ...c) {}   ==> 2
  //   function foo(a, b, c = 1) {}  ==> 3
  int num_parameters() const {
    return has_rest_ ? params_.length() - 1 : params_.length();
688 689

  // The function's rest parameter (nullptr if there is none).
  Variable* rest_parameter() const {
    return has_rest_ ? params_[params_.length() - 1] : nullptr;
693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721

  bool has_simple_parameters() const { return has_simple_parameters_; }

  // TODO(caitp): manage this state in a better way. PreParser must be able to
  // communicate that the scope is non-simple, without allocating any parameters
  // as the Parser does. This is necessary to ensure that TC39's proposed early
  // error can be reported consistently regardless of whether lazily parsed or
  // not.
  void SetHasNonSimpleParameters() {
    has_simple_parameters_ = false;

  // The local variable 'arguments' if we need to allocate it; NULL otherwise.
  Variable* arguments() const {
    DCHECK(!is_arrow_scope() || arguments_ == nullptr);
    return arguments_;

  Variable* this_function_var() const {
    // This is only used in derived constructors atm.
    DCHECK(this_function_ == nullptr ||
           (is_function_scope() && (IsClassConstructor(function_kind()) ||
                                    IsConciseMethod(function_kind()) ||
    return this_function_;

722 723
  // Adds a local variable in this scope's locals list. This is for adjusting
  // the scope of temporaries and do-expression vars when desugaring parameter
  // initializers.
  void AddLocal(Variable* var) {
727 728
    // Temporaries are only placed in ClosureScopes.
    DCHECK_EQ(GetClosureScope(), this);
    locals_.Add(var, zone());
730 731

verwaest's avatar
verwaest committed
732 733 734 735 736
  void DeclareSloppyBlockFunction(const AstRawString* name,
                                  SloppyBlockFunctionStatement* statement) {
    sloppy_block_function_map_.Declare(zone(), name, statement);

737 738 739 740
  SloppyBlockFunctionMap* sloppy_block_function_map() {
    return &sloppy_block_function_map_;

741 742 743
  // Compute top scope and allocate variables. For lazy compilation the top
  // scope only contains the single lazily compiled function, so this
  // doesn't re-allocate variables repeatedly.
  static void Analyze(ParseInfo* info, AnalyzeMode mode);
745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753

  // To be called during parsing. Do just enough scope analysis that we can
  // discard the Scope for lazily compiled functions. In particular, this
  // records variables which cannot be resolved inside the Scope (we don't yet
  // know what they will resolve to since the outer Scopes are incomplete) and
  // migrates them into migrate_to.
  void AnalyzePartially(DeclarationScope* migrate_to,
                        AstNodeFactory* ast_node_factory);

verwaest's avatar
verwaest committed
754 755 756
  Handle<StringSet> CollectNonLocals(ParseInfo* info,
                                     Handle<StringSet> non_locals);

757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771
  // Determine if we can use lazy compilation for this scope.
  bool AllowsLazyCompilation() const;

  // Determine if we can use lazy compilation for this scope without a context.
  bool AllowsLazyCompilationWithoutContext() const;

  // Make sure this closure and all outer closures are eagerly compiled.
  void ForceEagerCompilation() {
    DCHECK_EQ(this, GetClosureScope());
    for (DeclarationScope* s = this; !s->is_script_scope();
         s = s->outer_scope()->GetClosureScope()) {
      s->force_eager_compilation_ = true;

772 773 774 775
#ifdef DEBUG
  void PrintParameters();

  void AllocateLocals();
777 778 779 780 781 782
  void AllocateParameterLocals();
  void AllocateReceiver();

  void AllocateParameter(Variable* var, int index);

783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790
  // Resolve and fill in the allocation information for all variables
  // in this scopes. Must be called *after* all scopes have been
  // processed (parsed) to ensure that unresolved variables can be
  // resolved properly.
  // In the case of code compiled and run using 'eval', the context
  // parameter is the context in which eval was called.  In all other
  // cases the context parameter is an empty handle.
  void AllocateVariables(ParseInfo* info, AnalyzeMode mode);

793 794 795 796 797 798
  void SetDefaults();

  // If the scope is a function scope, this is the function kind.
  const FunctionKind function_kind_;

  bool has_simple_parameters_ : 1;
799 800 801 802
  // This scope contains an "use asm" annotation.
  bool asm_module_ : 1;
  // This scope's outer context is an asm module.
  bool asm_function_ : 1;
  bool force_eager_compilation_ : 1;
804 805
  // This function scope has a rest parameter.
  bool has_rest_ : 1;
806 807
  // This scope has a parameter called "arguments".
  bool has_arguments_parameter_ : 1;
808 809
  // This scope uses "super" property ('').
  bool scope_uses_super_property_ : 1;
810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819

  // Info about the parameter list of a function.
  int arity_;
  // Parameter list in source order.
  ZoneList<Variable*> params_;
  // Map of function names to lists of functions defined in sloppy blocks
  SloppyBlockFunctionMap sloppy_block_function_map_;
  // Convenience variable.
  Variable* receiver_;
  // Function variable, if any; function scopes only.
  Variable* function_;
821 822 823 824 825 826
  // variable, function scopes only.
  Variable* new_target_;
  // Convenience variable; function scopes only.
  Variable* arguments_;
  // Convenience variable; Subclass constructor only
  Variable* this_function_;
827 828 829 830

class ModuleScope final : public DeclarationScope {
  ModuleScope(DeclarationScope* script_scope,
              AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory);
833 834
  ModuleScope(Isolate* isolate, Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info,
              AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory);
835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845

  ModuleDescriptor* module() const {
    return module_descriptor_;

  // Set MODULE as VariableLocation for all variables that will live in some
  // module's export table.
  void AllocateModuleVariables();

  ModuleDescriptor* module_descriptor_;
847 848

849 850
}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8

#endif  // V8_AST_SCOPES_H_