decoder-arm64.h 6.37 KB
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// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 3
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

5 6
#ifndef V8_ARM64_DECODER_ARM64_H_
#define V8_ARM64_DECODER_ARM64_H_
7 8 9

#include <list>

#include "src/arm64/instructions-arm64.h"
#include "src/globals.h"
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

// List macro containing all visitors needed by the decoder class.

#define VISITOR_LIST(V)             \
  V(PCRelAddressing)                \
  V(AddSubImmediate)                \
  V(LogicalImmediate)               \
  V(MoveWideImmediate)              \
  V(Bitfield)                       \
  V(Extract)                        \
  V(UnconditionalBranch)            \
  V(UnconditionalBranchToRegister)  \
  V(CompareBranch)                  \
  V(TestBranch)                     \
  V(ConditionalBranch)              \
  V(System)                         \
  V(Exception)                      \
  V(LoadStorePairPostIndex)         \
  V(LoadStorePairOffset)            \
  V(LoadStorePairPreIndex)          \
  V(LoadStorePairNonTemporal)       \
  V(LoadLiteral)                    \
  V(LoadStoreUnscaledOffset)        \
  V(LoadStorePostIndex)             \
  V(LoadStorePreIndex)              \
  V(LoadStoreRegisterOffset)        \
  V(LoadStoreUnsignedOffset)        \
  V(LogicalShifted)                 \
  V(AddSubShifted)                  \
  V(AddSubExtended)                 \
  V(AddSubWithCarry)                \
  V(ConditionalCompareRegister)     \
  V(ConditionalCompareImmediate)    \
  V(ConditionalSelect)              \
  V(DataProcessing1Source)          \
  V(DataProcessing2Source)          \
  V(DataProcessing3Source)          \
  V(FPCompare)                      \
  V(FPConditionalCompare)           \
  V(FPConditionalSelect)            \
  V(FPImmediate)                    \
  V(FPDataProcessing1Source)        \
  V(FPDataProcessing2Source)        \
  V(FPDataProcessing3Source)        \
  V(FPIntegerConvert)               \
  V(FPFixedPointConvert)            \
  V(Unallocated)                    \

// The Visitor interface. Disassembler and simulator (and other tools)
// must provide implementations for all of these functions.
class DecoderVisitor {
69 70
  virtual ~DecoderVisitor() {}

71 72 73 74 75 76
  #define DECLARE(A) virtual void Visit##A(Instruction* instr) = 0;
  #undef DECLARE

77 78
// A visitor that dispatches to a list of visitors.
class DispatchingDecoderVisitor : public DecoderVisitor {
80 81
  DispatchingDecoderVisitor() {}
  virtual ~DispatchingDecoderVisitor() {}
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115

  // Register a new visitor class with the decoder.
  // Decode() will call the corresponding visitor method from all registered
  // visitor classes when decoding reaches the leaf node of the instruction
  // decode tree.
  // Visitors are called in the order.
  // A visitor can only be registered once.
  // Registering an already registered visitor will update its position.
  //   d.AppendVisitor(V1);
  //   d.AppendVisitor(V2);
  //   d.PrependVisitor(V2);            // Move V2 at the start of the list.
  //   d.InsertVisitorBefore(V3, V2);
  //   d.AppendVisitor(V4);
  //   d.AppendVisitor(V4);             // No effect.
  //   d.Decode(i);
  // will call in order visitor methods in V3, V2, V1, V4.
  void AppendVisitor(DecoderVisitor* visitor);
  void PrependVisitor(DecoderVisitor* visitor);
  void InsertVisitorBefore(DecoderVisitor* new_visitor,
                           DecoderVisitor* registered_visitor);
  void InsertVisitorAfter(DecoderVisitor* new_visitor,
                          DecoderVisitor* registered_visitor);

  // Remove a previously registered visitor class from the list of visitors
  // stored by the decoder.
  void RemoveVisitor(DecoderVisitor* visitor);

  #define DECLARE(A) void Visit##A(Instruction* instr);
  #undef DECLARE

116 117 118 119 120 121
  // Visitors are registered in a list.
  std::list<DecoderVisitor*> visitors_;

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template<typename V>
class Decoder : public V {
124 125
  Decoder() {}
  virtual ~Decoder() {}
127 128 129

  // Top-level instruction decoder function. Decodes an instruction and calls
  // the visitor functions registered with the Decoder class.
  virtual void Decode(Instruction *instr);

132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186
  // Decode the PC relative addressing instruction, and call the corresponding
  // visitors.
  // On entry, instruction bits 27:24 = 0x0.
  void DecodePCRelAddressing(Instruction* instr);

  // Decode the add/subtract immediate instruction, and call the corresponding
  // visitors.
  // On entry, instruction bits 27:24 = 0x1.
  void DecodeAddSubImmediate(Instruction* instr);

  // Decode the branch, system command, and exception generation parts of
  // the instruction tree, and call the corresponding visitors.
  // On entry, instruction bits 27:24 = {0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7}.
  void DecodeBranchSystemException(Instruction* instr);

  // Decode the load and store parts of the instruction tree, and call
  // the corresponding visitors.
  // On entry, instruction bits 27:24 = {0x8, 0x9, 0xC, 0xD}.
  void DecodeLoadStore(Instruction* instr);

  // Decode the logical immediate and move wide immediate parts of the
  // instruction tree, and call the corresponding visitors.
  // On entry, instruction bits 27:24 = 0x2.
  void DecodeLogical(Instruction* instr);

  // Decode the bitfield and extraction parts of the instruction tree,
  // and call the corresponding visitors.
  // On entry, instruction bits 27:24 = 0x3.
  void DecodeBitfieldExtract(Instruction* instr);

  // Decode the data processing parts of the instruction tree, and call the
  // corresponding visitors.
  // On entry, instruction bits 27:24 = {0x1, 0xA, 0xB}.
  void DecodeDataProcessing(Instruction* instr);

  // Decode the floating point parts of the instruction tree, and call the
  // corresponding visitors.
  // On entry, instruction bits 27:24 = {0xE, 0xF}.
  void DecodeFP(Instruction* instr);

  // Decode the Advanced SIMD (NEON) load/store part of the instruction tree,
  // and call the corresponding visitors.
  // On entry, instruction bits 29:25 = 0x6.
  void DecodeAdvSIMDLoadStore(Instruction* instr);

  // Decode the Advanced SIMD (NEON) data processing part of the instruction
  // tree, and call the corresponding visitors.
  // On entry, instruction bits 27:25 = 0x7.
  void DecodeAdvSIMDDataProcessing(Instruction* instr);

} }  // namespace v8::internal

#endif  // V8_ARM64_DECODER_ARM64_H_