module.h 11.6 KB
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// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "src/objects.h"

// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

template <typename T>
class Handle;
class Isolate;
class JSModuleNamespace;
class ModuleDescriptor;
class ModuleInfo;
class ModuleInfoEntry;
class String;
class Zone;

// A Module object is a mapping from export names to cells
// This is still very much in flux.
class Module : public Struct {

  // The code representing this Module, or an abstraction thereof.
  // This is either a SharedFunctionInfo or a JSFunction or a ModuleInfo
  // depending on whether the module has been instantiated and evaluated.  See
  // Module::ModuleVerify() for the precise invariant.
  DECL_ACCESSORS(code, Object)

  // Arrays of cells corresponding to regular exports and regular imports.
  // A cell's position in the array is determined by the cell index of the
  // associated module entry (which coincides with the variable index of the
  // associated variable).
  DECL_ACCESSORS(regular_exports, FixedArray)
  DECL_ACCESSORS(regular_imports, FixedArray)

  // The complete export table, mapping an export name to its cell.
  // TODO(neis): We may want to remove the regular exports from the table.
  DECL_ACCESSORS(exports, ObjectHashTable)

  // Hash for this object (a random non-zero Smi).

  // Status.
  enum Status {
    // Order matters!

  // The exception in the case {status} is kErrored.
  Object* GetException();

  // The namespace object (or undefined).
  DECL_ACCESSORS(module_namespace, HeapObject)

  // Modules imported or re-exported by this module.
  // Corresponds 1-to-1 to the module specifier strings in
  // ModuleInfo::module_requests.
  DECL_ACCESSORS(requested_modules, FixedArray)

  // [script]: Script from which the module originates.
  DECL_ACCESSORS(script, Script)

  // Get the ModuleInfo associated with the code.
  inline ModuleInfo* info() const;

  // Implementation of spec operation ModuleDeclarationInstantiation.
  // Returns false if an exception occurred during instantiation, true
  // otherwise. (In the case where the callback throws an exception, that
  // exception is propagated.)
  static MUST_USE_RESULT bool Instantiate(Handle<Module> module,
                                          v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
                                          v8::Module::ResolveCallback callback);

  // Implementation of spec operation ModuleEvaluation.
  static MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeHandle<Object> Evaluate(Handle<Module> module);

  Cell* GetCell(int cell_index);
  static Handle<Object> LoadVariable(Handle<Module> module, int cell_index);
  static void StoreVariable(Handle<Module> module, int cell_index,
                            Handle<Object> value);

  // Get the namespace object for [module_request] of [module].  If it doesn't
  // exist yet, it is created.
  static Handle<JSModuleNamespace> GetModuleNamespace(Handle<Module> module,
                                                      int module_request);

  // Get the namespace object for [module].  If it doesn't exist yet, it is
  // created.
  static Handle<JSModuleNamespace> GetModuleNamespace(Handle<Module> module);

  static const int kCodeOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
  static const int kExportsOffset = kCodeOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kRegularExportsOffset = kExportsOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kRegularImportsOffset = kRegularExportsOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kHashOffset = kRegularImportsOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kModuleNamespaceOffset = kHashOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kRequestedModulesOffset =
      kModuleNamespaceOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kStatusOffset = kRequestedModulesOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kDfsIndexOffset = kStatusOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kDfsAncestorIndexOffset = kDfsIndexOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kExceptionOffset = kDfsAncestorIndexOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kScriptOffset = kExceptionOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kSize = kScriptOffset + kPointerSize;

  friend class Factory;

  DECL_ACCESSORS(exception, Object)

  // TODO(neis): Don't store those in the module object?

  // Helpers for Instantiate and Evaluate.

  static void CreateExport(Handle<Module> module, int cell_index,
                           Handle<FixedArray> names);
  static void CreateIndirectExport(Handle<Module> module, Handle<String> name,
                                   Handle<ModuleInfoEntry> entry);

  // The [must_resolve] argument indicates whether or not an exception should be
  // thrown in case the module does not provide an export named [name]
  // (including when a cycle is detected).  An exception is always thrown in the
  // case of conflicting star exports.
  // If [must_resolve] is true, a null result indicates an exception. If
  // [must_resolve] is false, a null result may or may not indicate an
  // exception (so check manually!).
  class ResolveSet;
  static MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeHandle<Cell> ResolveExport(
      Handle<Module> module, Handle<String> name, MessageLocation loc,
      bool must_resolve, ResolveSet* resolve_set);
  static MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeHandle<Cell> ResolveImport(
      Handle<Module> module, Handle<String> name, int module_request,
      MessageLocation loc, bool must_resolve, ResolveSet* resolve_set);

  static MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeHandle<Cell> ResolveExportUsingStarExports(
      Handle<Module> module, Handle<String> name, MessageLocation loc,
      bool must_resolve, ResolveSet* resolve_set);

  static MUST_USE_RESULT bool PrepareInstantiate(
      Handle<Module> module, v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
      v8::Module::ResolveCallback callback);
  static MUST_USE_RESULT bool FinishInstantiate(
      Handle<Module> module, ZoneForwardList<Handle<Module>>* stack,
      unsigned* dfs_index, Zone* zone);
  static void RunInitializationCode(Handle<Module> module);

  static MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeHandle<Object> Evaluate(
      Handle<Module> module, ZoneForwardList<Handle<Module>>* stack,
      unsigned* dfs_index);

  static void MaybeTransitionComponent(Handle<Module> module,
                                       ZoneForwardList<Handle<Module>>* stack,
                                       Status new_status);

  // To set status to kErrored, RecordError should be used.
  void SetStatus(Status status);
  void RecordError();

#ifdef DEBUG
  // For --trace-module-status.
  void PrintStatusTransition(Status new_status);
#endif  // DEBUG


// When importing a module namespace (import * as foo from "bar"), a
// JSModuleNamespace object (representing module "bar") is created and bound to
// the declared variable (foo).  A module can have at most one namespace object.
class JSModuleNamespace : public JSObject {

  // The actual module whose namespace is being represented.
  DECL_ACCESSORS(module, Module)

  // Retrieve the value exported by [module] under the given [name]. If there is
  // no such export, return Just(undefined). If the export is uninitialized,
  // schedule an exception and return Nothing.
  MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeHandle<Object> GetExport(Handle<String> name);

  // In-object fields.
  enum {

  static const int kModuleOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
  static const int kHeaderSize = kModuleOffset + kPointerSize;

  static const int kSize = kHeaderSize + kPointerSize * kInObjectFieldCount;


// ModuleInfo is to ModuleDescriptor what ScopeInfo is to Scope.
class ModuleInfo : public FixedArray {

  static Handle<ModuleInfo> New(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
                                ModuleDescriptor* descr);

  inline FixedArray* module_requests() const {
    return FixedArray::cast(get(kModuleRequestsIndex));

  inline FixedArray* special_exports() const {
    return FixedArray::cast(get(kSpecialExportsIndex));

  inline FixedArray* regular_exports() const {
    return FixedArray::cast(get(kRegularExportsIndex));

  inline FixedArray* regular_imports() const {
    return FixedArray::cast(get(kRegularImportsIndex));

  inline FixedArray* namespace_imports() const {
    return FixedArray::cast(get(kNamespaceImportsIndex));

  inline FixedArray* module_request_positions() const {
    return FixedArray::cast(get(kModuleRequestPositionsIndex));

  // Accessors for [regular_exports].
  int RegularExportCount() const;
  String* RegularExportLocalName(int i) const;
  int RegularExportCellIndex(int i) const;
  FixedArray* RegularExportExportNames(int i) const;

#ifdef DEBUG
  inline bool Equals(ModuleInfo* other) const {
    return regular_exports() == other->regular_exports() &&
           regular_imports() == other->regular_imports() &&
           special_exports() == other->special_exports() &&
           namespace_imports() == other->namespace_imports() &&
           module_requests() == other->module_requests() &&
           module_request_positions() == other->module_request_positions();

  friend class Factory;
  friend class ModuleDescriptor;
  enum {
  enum {

class ModuleInfoEntry : public Struct {

  DECL_ACCESSORS(export_name, Object)
  DECL_ACCESSORS(local_name, Object)
  DECL_ACCESSORS(import_name, Object)

  static Handle<ModuleInfoEntry> New(Isolate* isolate,
                                     Handle<Object> export_name,
                                     Handle<Object> local_name,
                                     Handle<Object> import_name,
                                     int module_request, int cell_index,
                                     int beg_pos, int end_pos);

  static const int kExportNameOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
  static const int kLocalNameOffset = kExportNameOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kImportNameOffset = kLocalNameOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kModuleRequestOffset = kImportNameOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kCellIndexOffset = kModuleRequestOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kBegPosOffset = kCellIndexOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kEndPosOffset = kBegPosOffset + kPointerSize;
  static const int kSize = kEndPosOffset + kPointerSize;


}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8

#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"

#endif  // V8_OBJECTS_MODULE_H_