Forward_h.template 1011 Bytes
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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef {{"_".join(config.protocol.namespace)}}_Forward_h
#define {{"_".join(config.protocol.namespace)}}_Forward_h

{% if config.lib.export_header %}
#include {{format_include(config.lib.export_header)}}
{% endif %}
#include {{format_include(config.lib.string_header)}}

#include <vector>

{% for namespace in config.protocol.namespace %}
namespace {{namespace}} {
{% endfor %}

template<typename T> class Array;
class DictionaryValue;
class DispatchResponse;
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class ErrorSupport;
class FundamentalValue;
class ListValue;
template<typename T> class Maybe;
class Object;
using Response = DispatchResponse;
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class SerializedValue;
class StringValue;
class UberDispatcher;
class Value;

{% for namespace in config.protocol.namespace %}
} // namespace {{namespace}}
{% endfor %}

#endif // !defined({{"_".join(config.protocol.namespace)}}_Forward_h)