16.5 KB
Newer Older
// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 3
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "src/v8.h"

#include "src/scanner-character-streams.h"

#include "include/v8.h"
10 11
#include "src/handles.h"
#include "src/unicode-inl.h"
12 13 14 15

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

16 17 18 19 20
namespace {

unsigned CopyCharsHelper(uint16_t* dest, unsigned length, const uint8_t* src,
                         unsigned* src_pos, unsigned src_length,
                         ScriptCompiler::StreamedSource::Encoding encoding) {
21 22 23 24
  // It's possible that this will be called with length 0, but don't assume that
  // the functions this calls handle it gracefully.
  if (length == 0) return 0;

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
  if (encoding == ScriptCompiler::StreamedSource::UTF8) {
    return v8::internal::Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream::CopyChars(
        dest, length, src, src_pos, src_length);

  unsigned to_fill = length;
  if (to_fill > src_length - *src_pos) to_fill = src_length - *src_pos;

  if (encoding == ScriptCompiler::StreamedSource::ONE_BYTE) {
    v8::internal::CopyChars<uint8_t, uint16_t>(dest, src + *src_pos, to_fill);
  } else {
    DCHECK(encoding == ScriptCompiler::StreamedSource::TWO_BYTE);
    v8::internal::CopyChars<uint16_t, uint16_t>(
        dest, reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(src + *src_pos), to_fill);
  *src_pos += to_fill;
  return to_fill;

}  // namespace

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BufferedUtf16CharacterStreams

50 51
    : Utf16CharacterStream(),
52 53 54 55 56 57
      pushback_limit_(NULL) {
  // Initialize buffer as being empty. First read will fill the buffer.
  buffer_cursor_ = buffer_;
  buffer_end_ = buffer_;


BufferedUtf16CharacterStream::~BufferedUtf16CharacterStream() { }

void BufferedUtf16CharacterStream::PushBack(uc32 character) {
62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
  if (character == kEndOfInput) {
  if (pushback_limit_ == NULL && buffer_cursor_ > buffer_) {
    // buffer_ is writable, buffer_cursor_ is const pointer.
    buffer_[--buffer_cursor_ - buffer_] = static_cast<uc16>(character);

void BufferedUtf16CharacterStream::SlowPushBack(uc16 character) {
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
  // In pushback mode, the end of the buffer contains pushback,
  // and the start of the buffer (from buffer start to pushback_limit_)
  // contains valid data that comes just after the pushback.
  // We NULL the pushback_limit_ if pushing all the way back to the
  // start of the buffer.

  if (pushback_limit_ == NULL) {
    // Enter pushback mode.
    pushback_limit_ = buffer_end_;
    buffer_end_ = buffer_ + kBufferSize;
    buffer_cursor_ = buffer_end_;
  // Ensure that there is room for at least one pushback.
90 91
  DCHECK(buffer_cursor_ > buffer_);
  DCHECK(pos_ > 0);
92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101
  buffer_[--buffer_cursor_ - buffer_] = character;
  if (buffer_cursor_ == buffer_) {
    pushback_limit_ = NULL;
  } else if (buffer_cursor_ < pushback_limit_) {
    pushback_limit_ = buffer_cursor_;

bool BufferedUtf16CharacterStream::ReadBlock() {
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
  buffer_cursor_ = buffer_;
  if (pushback_limit_ != NULL) {
    // Leave pushback mode.
    buffer_end_ = pushback_limit_;
    pushback_limit_ = NULL;
    // If there were any valid characters left at the
    // start of the buffer, use those.
    if (buffer_cursor_ < buffer_end_) return true;
    // Otherwise read a new block.
  unsigned length = FillBuffer(pos_);
114 115 116 117 118
  buffer_end_ = buffer_ + length;
  return length > 0;

unsigned BufferedUtf16CharacterStream::SlowSeekForward(unsigned delta) {
120 121 122 123 124 125
  // Leave pushback mode (i.e., ignore that there might be valid data
  // in the buffer before the pushback_limit_ point).
  pushback_limit_ = NULL;
  return BufferSeekForward(delta);


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GenericStringUtf16CharacterStream
129 130

132 133 134 135 136
    Handle<String> data,
    unsigned start_position,
    unsigned end_position)
    : string_(data),
      length_(end_position) {
  DCHECK(end_position >= start_position);
138 139 140 141
  pos_ = start_position;

GenericStringUtf16CharacterStream::~GenericStringUtf16CharacterStream() { }
143 144

unsigned GenericStringUtf16CharacterStream::BufferSeekForward(unsigned delta) {
146 147 148 149 150 151 152
  unsigned old_pos = pos_;
  pos_ = Min(pos_ + delta, length_);
  return pos_ - old_pos;

unsigned GenericStringUtf16CharacterStream::FillBuffer(unsigned from_pos) {
  if (from_pos >= length_) return 0;
  unsigned length = kBufferSize;
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164
  if (from_pos + length > length_) {
    length = length_ - from_pos;
  String::WriteToFlat<uc16>(*string_, buffer_, from_pos, from_pos + length);
  return length;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
165 166 167 168
// Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream
Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream::Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream(const byte* data,
                                                       unsigned length)
    : BufferedUtf16CharacterStream(),
169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176
      raw_character_position_(0) {

Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream::~Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream() { }
178 179

180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208
unsigned Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream::CopyChars(uint16_t* dest, unsigned length,
                                               const byte* src,
                                               unsigned* src_pos,
                                               unsigned src_length) {
  static const unibrow::uchar kMaxUtf16Character = 0xffff;
  unsigned i = 0;
  // Because of the UTF-16 lead and trail surrogates, we stop filling the buffer
  // one character early (in the normal case), because we need to have at least
  // two free spaces in the buffer to be sure that the next character will fit.
  while (i < length - 1) {
    if (*src_pos == src_length) break;
    unibrow::uchar c = src[*src_pos];
    if (c <= unibrow::Utf8::kMaxOneByteChar) {
      *src_pos = *src_pos + 1;
    } else {
      c = unibrow::Utf8::CalculateValue(src + *src_pos, src_length - *src_pos,
    if (c > kMaxUtf16Character) {
      dest[i++] = unibrow::Utf16::LeadSurrogate(c);
      dest[i++] = unibrow::Utf16::TrailSurrogate(c);
    } else {
      dest[i++] = static_cast<uc16>(c);
  return i;

unsigned Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream::BufferSeekForward(unsigned delta) {
210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218
  unsigned old_pos = pos_;
  unsigned target_pos = pos_ + delta;
  pos_ = raw_character_position_;
  return pos_ - old_pos;

unsigned Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream::FillBuffer(unsigned char_position) {
220 221 222 223 224 225
  if (raw_character_position_ != char_position) {
    // char_position was not a valid position in the stream (hit the end
    // while spooling to it).
    return 0u;
226 227
  unsigned i = CopyChars(buffer_, kBufferSize, raw_data_, &raw_data_pos_,
228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237
  raw_character_position_ = char_position + i;
  return i;

static const byte kUtf8MultiByteMask = 0xC0;
static const byte kUtf8MultiByteCharFollower = 0x80;

#ifdef DEBUG
static const byte kUtf8MultiByteCharStart = 0xC0;
239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254
static bool IsUtf8MultiCharacterStart(byte first_byte) {
  return (first_byte & kUtf8MultiByteMask) == kUtf8MultiByteCharStart;

static bool IsUtf8MultiCharacterFollower(byte later_byte) {
  return (later_byte & kUtf8MultiByteMask) == kUtf8MultiByteCharFollower;

// Move the cursor back to point at the preceding UTF-8 character start
// in the buffer.
static inline void Utf8CharacterBack(const byte* buffer, unsigned* cursor) {
  byte character = buffer[--*cursor];
  if (character > unibrow::Utf8::kMaxOneByteChar) {
256 257 258 259
    // Last byte of a multi-byte character encoding. Step backwards until
    // pointing to the first byte of the encoding, recognized by having the
    // top two bits set.
    while (IsUtf8MultiCharacterFollower(buffer[--*cursor])) { }
261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275

// Move the cursor forward to point at the next following UTF-8 character start
// in the buffer.
static inline void Utf8CharacterForward(const byte* buffer, unsigned* cursor) {
  byte character = buffer[(*cursor)++];
  if (character > unibrow::Utf8::kMaxOneByteChar) {
    // First character of a multi-byte character encoding.
    // The number of most-significant one-bits determines the length of the
    // encoding:
    //  110..... - (0xCx, 0xDx) one additional byte (minimum).
    //  1110.... - (0xEx) two additional bytes.
    //  11110... - (0xFx) three additional bytes (maximum).
277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284
    // Additional bytes is:
    // 1 if value in range 0xC0 .. 0xDF.
    // 2 if value in range 0xE0 .. 0xEF.
    // 3 if value in range 0xF0 .. 0xF7.
    // Encode that in a single value.
    unsigned additional_bytes =
        ((0x3211u) >> (((character - 0xC0) >> 2) & 0xC)) & 0x03;
    *cursor += additional_bytes;
    DCHECK(!IsUtf8MultiCharacterFollower(buffer[1 + additional_bytes]));
286 287 288 289

290 291 292 293 294
// This can't set a raw position between two surrogate pairs, since there
// is no position in the UTF8 stream that corresponds to that.  This assumes
// that the surrogate pair is correctly coded as a 4 byte UTF-8 sequence.  If
// it is illegally coded as two 3 byte sequences then there is no problem here.
void Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream::SetRawPosition(unsigned target_position) {
295 296 297
  if (raw_character_position_ > target_position) {
    // Spool backwards in utf8 buffer.
    do {
      int old_pos = raw_data_pos_;
299 300
      Utf8CharacterBack(raw_data_, &raw_data_pos_);
      DCHECK(old_pos - raw_data_pos_ <= 4);
302 303
      // Step back over both code units for surrogate pairs.
      if (old_pos - raw_data_pos_ == 4) raw_character_position_--;
    } while (raw_character_position_ > target_position);
    // No surrogate pair splitting.
    DCHECK(raw_character_position_ == target_position);
307 308 309 310 311
  // Spool forwards in the utf8 buffer.
  while (raw_character_position_ < target_position) {
    if (raw_data_pos_ == raw_data_length_) return;
    int old_pos = raw_data_pos_;
313 314
    Utf8CharacterForward(raw_data_, &raw_data_pos_);
    DCHECK(raw_data_pos_ - old_pos <= 4);
    if (raw_data_pos_ - old_pos == 4) raw_character_position_++;
  // No surrogate pair splitting.
  DCHECK(raw_character_position_ == target_position);
320 321 322

323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387
unsigned ExternalStreamingStream::FillBuffer(unsigned position) {
  // Ignore "position" which is the position in the decoded data. Instead,
  // ExternalStreamingStream keeps track of the position in the raw data.
  unsigned data_in_buffer = 0;
  // Note that the UTF-8 decoder might not be able to fill the buffer
  // completely; it will typically leave the last character empty (see
  // Utf8ToUtf16CharacterStream::CopyChars).
  while (data_in_buffer < kBufferSize - 1) {
    if (current_data_ == NULL) {
      // GetSomeData will wait until the embedder has enough data. Here's an
      // interface between the API which uses size_t (which is the correct type
      // here) and the internal parts which use unsigned. TODO(marja): make the
      // internal parts use size_t too.
      current_data_length_ =
      current_data_offset_ = 0;
      bool data_ends = current_data_length_ == 0;

      // A caveat: a data chunk might end with bytes from an incomplete UTF-8
      // character (the rest of the bytes will be in the next chunk).
      if (encoding_ == ScriptCompiler::StreamedSource::UTF8) {
        if (!data_ends && current_data_offset_ == current_data_length_) {
          // The data stream didn't end, but we used all the data in the
          // chunk. This will only happen when the chunk was really small. We
          // don't handle the case where a UTF-8 character is split over several
          // chunks; in that case V8 won't crash, but it will be a parse error.
          delete[] current_data_;
          current_data_ = NULL;
          current_data_length_ = 0;
          current_data_offset_ = 0;
          continue;  // Request a new chunk.

      // Did the data stream end?
      if (data_ends) {
        DCHECK(utf8_split_char_buffer_length_ == 0);
        return data_in_buffer;

    // Fill the buffer from current_data_.
    unsigned new_offset = 0;
    unsigned new_chars_in_buffer =
        CopyCharsHelper(buffer_ + data_in_buffer, kBufferSize - data_in_buffer,
                        current_data_ + current_data_offset_, &new_offset,
                        current_data_length_ - current_data_offset_, encoding_);
    data_in_buffer += new_chars_in_buffer;
    current_data_offset_ += new_offset;
    DCHECK(data_in_buffer <= kBufferSize);

    // Did we use all the data in the data chunk?
    if (current_data_offset_ == current_data_length_) {
      delete[] current_data_;
      current_data_ = NULL;
      current_data_length_ = 0;
      current_data_offset_ = 0;
  return data_in_buffer;

void ExternalStreamingStream::HandleUtf8SplitCharacters(
    unsigned* data_in_buffer) {
388 389 390 391 392 393 394
  // Note the following property of UTF-8 which makes this function possible:
  // Given any byte, we can always read its local environment (in both
  // directions) to find out the (possibly multi-byte) character it belongs
  // to. Single byte characters are of the form 0b0XXXXXXX. The first byte of a
  // multi-byte character is of the form 0b110XXXXX, 0b1110XXXX or
  // 0b11110XXX. The continuation bytes are of the form 0b10XXXXXX.

395 396 397 398
  // First check if we have leftover data from the last chunk.
  unibrow::uchar c;
  if (utf8_split_char_buffer_length_ > 0) {
    // Move the bytes which are part of the split character (which started in
399 400
    // the previous chunk) into utf8_split_char_buffer_. Note that the
    // continuation bytes are of the form 0b10XXXXXX, thus c >> 6 == 2.
401 402
    while (current_data_offset_ < current_data_length_ &&
           utf8_split_char_buffer_length_ < 4 &&
           (c = current_data_[current_data_offset_]) >> 6 == 2) {
404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424
      utf8_split_char_buffer_[utf8_split_char_buffer_length_] = c;

    // Convert the data in utf8_split_char_buffer_.
    unsigned new_offset = 0;
    unsigned new_chars_in_buffer =
        CopyCharsHelper(buffer_ + *data_in_buffer,
                        kBufferSize - *data_in_buffer, utf8_split_char_buffer_,
                        &new_offset, utf8_split_char_buffer_length_, encoding_);
    *data_in_buffer += new_chars_in_buffer;
    // Make sure we used all the data.
    DCHECK(new_offset == utf8_split_char_buffer_length_);
    DCHECK(*data_in_buffer <= kBufferSize);

    utf8_split_char_buffer_length_ = 0;

  // Move bytes which are part of an incomplete character from the end of the
  // current chunk to utf8_split_char_buffer_. They will be converted when the
425 426 427
  // next data chunk arrives. Note that all valid UTF-8 characters are at most 4
  // bytes long, but if the data is invalid, we can have character values bigger
  // than unibrow::Utf8::kMaxOneByteChar for more than 4 consecutive bytes.
428 429
  while (current_data_length_ > current_data_offset_ &&
         (c = current_data_[current_data_length_ - 1]) >
430 431
             unibrow::Utf8::kMaxOneByteChar &&
         utf8_split_char_buffer_length_ < 4) {
432 433
434 435 436 437 438 439
    if (c >= (3 << 6)) {
      // 3 << 6 = 0b11000000; this is the first byte of the multi-byte
      // character. No need to copy the previous characters into the conversion
      // buffer (even if they're multi-byte).
  CHECK(utf8_split_char_buffer_length_ <= 4);
442 443 444 445 446 447
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < utf8_split_char_buffer_length_; ++i) {
    utf8_split_char_buffer_[i] = current_data_[current_data_length_ + i];

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ExternalTwoByteStringUtf16CharacterStream

451 452
    ~ExternalTwoByteStringUtf16CharacterStream() { }
453 454

455 456
457 458 459
        Handle<ExternalTwoByteString> data,
        int start_position,
        int end_position)
    : Utf16CharacterStream(),
461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468
      raw_data_(data->GetTwoByteData(start_position)) {
  buffer_cursor_ = raw_data_,
  buffer_end_ = raw_data_ + (end_position - start_position);
  pos_ = start_position;

} }  // namespace v8::internal