Janne Grunau authored
Quite a bit faster than int32_to_float_fmul_array8_c calling ff_int32_to_float_fmul_scalar_neon through FmtConvertContext. Number of cycles per int32_to_float_fmul_array8 call while decoding padded.dts on exynos5422: before after change cortex-a7: 1270 951 -25% cortex-a15: 434 285 -34% checkasm --bench cycle counts: cortex-a15 cortex-a7 int32_to_float_fmul_array8_c: 1730.4 4384.5 int32_to_float_fmul_array8_neon_c: 571.5 1694.3 int32_to_float_fmul_array8_neon: 374.0 1448.8 Interesting are the differences between int32_to_float_fmul_array8_neon_c and int32_to_float_fmul_array8_neon. The former is current behaviour of calling ff_int32_to_float_fmul_scalar_neon repeatedly from the c function, The raw numbers differ since checkasm uses different lengths than the dca decoder.