• John Stebbins's avatar
    dca: set AVCodecContext frame_size for DTS audio · 49c7006c
    John Stebbins authored
    Set the frame size when decoding DTS audio.
    This has the side effect of fixing the computation of timestamps for DTS-HD in compute_pkt_fields.  Since frame_size is
    not currently set, the duration of a frame is being guessed based on the streams bitrate.  But for DTS-HD, the bitrate
    currently used is the rate of the DTS core which is much different than the whole DTS-HD stream and leads to a wildly
    inaccurate frame duration estimate.
    Signed-off-by: 's avatarRonald S. Bultje <rsbultje@gmail.com>
dca.c 70.2 KB