swscale_internal.h 4.89 KB
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    Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


22 23 24 25
#include <altivec.h>

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
#include "../mp_msg.h"

#define MSG_WARN(args...) mp_msg(MSGT_SWS,MSGL_WARN, ##args )
#define MSG_FATAL(args...) mp_msg(MSGT_SWS,MSGL_FATAL, ##args )
#define MSG_ERR(args...) mp_msg(MSGT_SWS,MSGL_ERR, ##args )
#define MSG_V(args...) mp_msg(MSGT_SWS,MSGL_V, ##args )
#define MSG_DBG2(args...) mp_msg(MSGT_SWS,MSGL_DBG2, ##args )
#define MSG_INFO(args...) mp_msg(MSGT_SWS,MSGL_INFO, ##args )

35 36
#define MAX_FILTER_SIZE 256

typedef int (*SwsFunc)(struct SwsContext *context, uint8_t* src[], int srcStride[], int srcSliceY,
38 39 40 41
             int srcSliceH, uint8_t* dst[], int dstStride[]);

/* this struct should be aligned on at least 32-byte boundary */
typedef struct SwsContext{
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Michael Niedermayer committed
42 43 44 45
	 * Note the src,dst,srcStride,dstStride will be copied, in the sws_scale() warper so they can freely be modified here
	SwsFunc swScale;
47 48 49 50
	int srcW, srcH, dstH;
	int chrSrcW, chrSrcH, chrDstW, chrDstH;
	int lumXInc, chrXInc;
	int lumYInc, chrYInc;
51 52
	int dstFormat, srcFormat;               ///< format 4:2:0 type is allways YV12
	int origDstFormat, origSrcFormat;       ///< format
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115
	int chrSrcHSubSample, chrSrcVSubSample;
	int chrIntHSubSample, chrIntVSubSample;
	int chrDstHSubSample, chrDstVSubSample;
	int vChrDrop;

	int16_t **lumPixBuf;
	int16_t **chrPixBuf;
	int16_t *hLumFilter;
	int16_t *hLumFilterPos;
	int16_t *hChrFilter;
	int16_t *hChrFilterPos;
	int16_t *vLumFilter;
	int16_t *vLumFilterPos;
	int16_t *vChrFilter;
	int16_t *vChrFilterPos;

	uint8_t formatConvBuffer[4000]; //FIXME dynamic alloc, but we have to change alot of code for this to be usefull

	int hLumFilterSize;
	int hChrFilterSize;
	int vLumFilterSize;
	int vChrFilterSize;
	int vLumBufSize;
	int vChrBufSize;

	uint8_t __attribute__((aligned(32))) funnyYCode[10000];
	uint8_t __attribute__((aligned(32))) funnyUVCode[10000];
	int32_t *lumMmx2FilterPos;
	int32_t *chrMmx2FilterPos;
	int16_t *lumMmx2Filter;
	int16_t *chrMmx2Filter;

	int canMMX2BeUsed;

	int lastInLumBuf;
	int lastInChrBuf;
	int lumBufIndex;
	int chrBufIndex;
	int dstY;
	int flags;
	void * yuvTable;			// pointer to the yuv->rgb table start so it can be freed()
	void * table_rV[256];
	void * table_gU[256];
	int    table_gV[256];
	void * table_bU[256];

	//Colorspace stuff
	int contrast, brightness, saturation;	// for sws_getColorspaceDetails
	int srcColorspaceTable[4];
	int dstColorspaceTable[4];
	int srcRange, dstRange;

#define RED_DITHER   "0*8"
#define GREEN_DITHER "1*8"
#define BLUE_DITHER  "2*8"
#define Y_COEFF      "3*8"
#define VR_COEFF     "4*8"
#define UB_COEFF     "5*8"
#define VG_COEFF     "6*8"
#define UG_COEFF     "7*8"
#define Y_OFFSET     "8*8"
#define U_OFFSET     "9*8"
#define V_OFFSET     "10*8"
116 117 118 119 120
#define LUM_MMX_FILTER_OFFSET "11*8"
#define CHR_MMX_FILTER_OFFSET "11*8+4*4*256"
#define DSTW_OFFSET  "11*8+4*4*256*2" //do not change, its hardcoded in the asm
#define ESP_OFFSET  "11*8+4*4*256*2+4"
#define VROUNDER_OFFSET "11*8+4*4*256*2+8"
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137
	uint64_t redDither   __attribute__((aligned(8)));
	uint64_t greenDither __attribute__((aligned(8)));
	uint64_t blueDither  __attribute__((aligned(8)));

	uint64_t yCoeff      __attribute__((aligned(8)));
	uint64_t vrCoeff     __attribute__((aligned(8)));
	uint64_t ubCoeff     __attribute__((aligned(8)));
	uint64_t vgCoeff     __attribute__((aligned(8)));
	uint64_t ugCoeff     __attribute__((aligned(8)));
	uint64_t yOffset     __attribute__((aligned(8)));
	uint64_t uOffset     __attribute__((aligned(8)));
	uint64_t vOffset     __attribute__((aligned(8)));
	int32_t  lumMmxFilter[4*MAX_FILTER_SIZE];
	int32_t  chrMmxFilter[4*MAX_FILTER_SIZE];
	int dstW;
	int esp;
	uint64_t vRounder     __attribute__((aligned(8)));
139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151


  vector signed short   CY;
  vector signed short   CRV;
  vector signed short   CBU;
  vector signed short   CGU;
  vector signed short   CGV;
  vector signed short   OY;
  vector unsigned short CSHIFT;


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} SwsContext;
//FIXME check init (where 0)

SwsFunc yuv2rgb_get_func_ptr (SwsContext *c);
int yuv2rgb_c_init_tables (SwsContext *c, const int inv_table[4], int fullRange, int brightness, int contrast, int saturation);
