idct_bfin.S 11.2 KB
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 * idct BlackFin
 * Copyright (C) 2007 Marc Hoffman <>
 * This file is part of FFmpeg.
 * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
   This blackfin DSP code implements an 8x8 inverse type II DCT.

Prototype       : void ff_bfin_idct(DCTELEM *in)

Registers Used  : A0, A1, R0-R7, I0-I3, B0, B2, B3, M0-M2, L0-L3, P0-P5, LC0.

Performance     :
                    Code Size   : 498 Bytes.
                    Cycle Count : 417 Cycles

FFMPEG conformance testing results

dct-test: modified with the following
            dct_error("BFINidct", 1, ff_bfin_idct, idct, test);
produces the following output

root:/u/ffmpeg/bhead/libavcodec> ./dct-test -i
ffmpeg DCT/IDCT test

    8    15    -2    21    24    17     0    10
    2   -10    -5    -5    -3     7   -14    -3
    2   -13   -10   -19    18    -6     6    -2
    9     4    16    -3     9    12    10    15
   15    -9    -2    10     1    16     0   -15
  -15     5     7     3    13     0    13    20
   -6   -15    24     9   -18     1     9   -22
   -8    25    23     2    -7     0    30    13
IDCT BFINidct: err_inf=1 err2=0.01002344 syserr=0.00150000 maxout=266 blockSumErr=64
IDCT BFINidct: 88.3 kdct/s


#include "config.h"
59 60
#include "config_bfin.h"

#if defined(__FDPIC__) && CONFIG_SRAM
63 64 65
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79

.align 4;
.short 0x5a82;           //  C4
.short 0x5a82;           //  C4
.short 0x30FC;           //cos(3pi/8)  C6
.short 0x7642;           //cos(pi/8)   C2
.short 0x18F9;           //cos(7pi/16)
.short 0x7D8A;           //cos(pi/16)
.short 0x471D;           //cos(5pi/16)
.short 0x6A6E;           //cos(3pi/16)
.short 0x18F9;           //cos(7pi/16)
.short 0x7D8A;           //cos(pi/16)

#if defined(__FDPIC__) && CONFIG_SRAM
81 82
83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

vtmp: .space 256

#define TMP0 FP-8
#define TMP1 FP-12
#define TMP2 FP-16

92 93 94 95 96 97 98
        (DCTELEM *block)):

/********************** Function Prologue *********************************/
    link 16;
    [--SP] = (R7:4, P5:3);   // Push the registers onto the stack.
    B0 = R0;                 // Pointer to Input matrix
99 100
    RELOC(R1, P3, coefs);    // Pointer to Coefficients
    RELOC(R2, P3, vtmp);     // Pointer to Temporary matrix
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303
    B3 = R1;
    B2 = R2;
    L3 = 20;                // L3 is used for making the coefficient array
                            // circular.
                            // MUST BE RESTORED TO ZERO at function exit.
    M1 = 16 (X);            // All these registers are initialized for
    M3 = 8(X);              // modifying address offsets.

    I0 = B0;                // I0 points to Input Element (0, 0).
    I2 = B0;                // I2 points to Input Element (0, 0).
    I2 += M3 || R0.H = W[I0];
                            // Element 0 is read into R0.H
    I1 = I2;                // I1 points to input Element (0, 6).
    I1 += 4  || R0.L = W[I2++];
                            // I2 points to input Element (0, 4).
                            // Element 4 is read into R0.L.
    P2 = 8 (X);
    P3 = 32 (X);
    P4 = -32 (X);
    P5 = 98 (X);
    R7 = 0x8000(Z);
    I3 = B3;                // I3 points to Coefficients
    P0 = B2;                // P0 points to array Element (0, 0) of temp
    P1 = B2;
    R7 = [I3++] || [TMP2]=R7;            // Coefficient C4 is read into R7.H and R7.L.

     *   A1 =      Y0 * cos(pi/4)
     *   A0 =      Y0 * cos(pi/4)
     *   A1 = A1 + Y4 * cos(pi/4)
     *   A0 = A0 - Y4 * cos(pi/4)
     *   load:
     *     R1=(Y2,Y6)
     *     R7=(C2,C6)
     *   res:
     *     R3=Y0, R2=Y4
    A1=R7.H*R0.H,       A0=R7.H*R0.H (IS)       || I0+= 4       || R1.L=W[I1++];
    R3=(A1+=R7.H*R0.L), R2=(A0-=R7.H*R0.L) (IS) || R1.H=W[I0--] || R7=[I3++];

    LSETUP (.0, .1) LC0 = P2; // perform 8 1d idcts

    P2 = 112 (X);
    P1 = P1 + P2;           // P1 points to element (7, 0) of temp buffer.
    P2 = -94(X);

        *   A1 =      Y2 * cos(3pi/8)
        *   A0 =      Y2 * cos(pi/8)
        *   A1 = A1 - Y6 * cos(pi/8)
        *   A0 = A0 + Y6 * cos(3pi/8)
        *      R5 = (Y1,Y7)
        *      R7 = (C1,C7)
        *   res:
        *      R1=Y2, R0=Y6
        A1=R7.L*R1.H,       A0=R7.H*R1.H (IS)        || I0+=4        || R5.H=W[I0];
        R1=(A1-=R7.H*R1.L), R0=(A0+=R7.L*R1.L) (IS)  || R5.L=W[I1--] || R7=[I3++];
        *   Y0 = Y0 + Y6.
        *   Y4 = Y4 + Y2.
        *   Y2 = Y4 - Y2.
        *   Y6 = Y0 - Y6.
        *     R3 is saved
        *     R6.l=Y3
        * note: R3: Y0, R2: Y4, R1: Y2, R0: Y6
        R3=R3+R0, R0=R3-R0;
        R2=R2+R1, R1=R2-R1 || [TMP0]=R3 || R6.L=W[I0--];
         *  Compute the odd portion (1,3,5,7) even is done.
         *  Y1 = C7 * Y1 - C1 * Y7 + C3 * Y5 - C5 * Y3.
         *  Y7 = C1 * Y1 + C7 * Y7 + C5 * Y5 + C3 * Y3.
         *  Y5 = C5 * Y1 + C3 * Y7 + C7 * Y5 - C1 * Y3.
         *  Y3 = C3 * Y1 - C5 * Y7 - C1 * Y5 - C7 * Y3.
        //  R5=(Y1,Y7)  R6=(Y5,Y3)                                                   // R7=(C1,C7)
        A1 =R7.L*R5.H,       A0 =R7.H*R5.H (IS)       || [TMP1]=R2 || R6.H=W[I2--];
        A1-=R7.H*R5.L,       A0+=R7.L*R5.L (IS)       || I0-=4     || R7=[I3++];
        A1+=R7.H*R6.H,       A0+=R7.L*R6.H (IS)       || I0+=M1;                     // R7=(C3,C5)
        R3 =(A1-=R7.L*R6.L), R2 =(A0+=R7.H*R6.L) (IS);
        A1 =R7.L*R5.H,       A0 =R7.H*R5.H (IS)       || R4=[TMP0];
        A1+=R7.H*R5.L,       A0-=R7.L*R5.L (IS)       || I1+=M1    || R7=[I3++];     // R7=(C1,C7)
        A1+=R7.L*R6.H,       A0-=R7.H*R6.H (IS);
        R7 =(A1-=R7.H*R6.L), R6 =(A0-=R7.L*R6.L) (IS) || I2+=M1;
        // R3=Y1, R2=Y7, R7=Y5, R6=Y3

        /* Transpose write column. */
        R5.H=R4+R2 (RND12);                                   // Y0=Y0+Y7
        R5.L=R4-R2 (RND12) || R4 = [TMP1];                    // Y7=Y7-Y0
        R2.H=R1+R7 (RND12) || W[P0++P3]=R5.H;                 // Y2=Y2+Y5 st Y0
        R2.L=R1-R7 (RND12) || W[P1++P4]=R5.L || R7=[I3++];    // Y5=Y2-Y5 st Y7
        R5.H=R0-R3 (RND12) || W[P0++P3]=R2.H || R1.L=W[I1++]; // Y1=Y6-Y1 st Y2
        R5.L=R0+R3 (RND12) || W[P1++P4]=R2.L || R0.H=W[I0++]; // Y6=Y6+Y1 st Y5
        R3.H=R4-R6 (RND12) || W[P0++P3]=R5.H || R0.L=W[I2++]; // Y3=Y3-Y4 st Y1
        R3.L=R4+R6 (RND12) || W[P1++P4]=R5.L || R1.H=W[I0++]; // Y4=Y3+Y4 st Y6

        /* pipeline loop start, + drain Y3, Y4 */
        A1=R7.H*R0.H,       A0=R7.H*R0.H (IS)       || W[P0++P2]= R3.H || R1.H = W[I0--];
.1:     R3=(A1+=R7.H*R0.L), R2=(A0-=R7.H*R0.L) (IS) || W[P1++P5]= R3.L || R7 = [I3++];

    I0 = B2;                // I0 points to Input Element (0, 0)
    I2 = B2;                // I2 points to Input Element (0, 0)
    I2 += M3 || R0.H = W[I0];
                            // Y0 is read in R0.H
    I1 = I2;                // I1 points to input Element (0, 6)
    I1 += 4  || R0.L = W[I2++];
                            // I2 points to input Element (0, 4)
                            // Y4 is read in R0.L
    P2 = 8 (X);
    I3 = B3;                // I3 points to Coefficients
    P0 = B0;                // P0 points to array Element (0, 0) for writing
                            // output
    P1 = B0;
    R7 = [I3++];            // R7.H = C4 and R7.L = C4

     *   A1 =      Y0 * cos(pi/4)
     *   A0 =      Y0 * cos(pi/4)
     *   A1 = A1 + Y4 * cos(pi/4)
     *   A0 = A0 - Y4 * cos(pi/4)
     *   load:
     *     R1=(Y2,Y6)
     *     R7=(C2,C6)
     *   res:
     *     R3=Y0, R2=Y4
    A1=R7.H*R0.H,       A0=R7.H*R0.H (IS)       || I0+=4        || R1.L=W[I1++];
    R3=(A1+=R7.H*R0.L), R2=(A0-=R7.H*R0.L) (IS) || R1.H=W[I0--] || R7=[I3++];

    LSETUP (.2, .3) LC0 = P2; // peform 8 1d idcts
    P2 = 112 (X);
    P1 = P1 + P2;
    P2 = -94(X);

         *   A1 =      Y2 * cos(3pi/8)
         *   A0 =      Y2 * cos(pi/8)
         *   A1 = A1 - Y6 * cos(pi/8)
         *   A0 = A0 + Y6 * cos(3pi/8)
         *      R5 = (Y1,Y7)
         *      R7 = (C1,C7)
         *   res:
         *      R1=Y2, R0=Y6
        A1=R7.L*R1.H,       A0=R7.H*R1.H (IS)        || I0+=4        || R5.H=W[I0];
        R1=(A1-=R7.H*R1.L), R0=(A0+=R7.L*R1.L) (IS)  || R5.L=W[I1--] || R7=[I3++];
        *   Y0 = Y0 + Y6.
        *   Y4 = Y4 + Y2.
        *   Y2 = Y4 - Y2.
        *   Y6 = Y0 - Y6.
        *     R3 is saved
        *     R6.l=Y3
        * note: R3: Y0, R2: Y4, R1: Y2, R0: Y6
        R3=R3+R0, R0=R3-R0;
        R2=R2+R1, R1=R2-R1 || [TMP0]=R3 || R6.L=W[I0--];
         *  Compute the odd portion (1,3,5,7) even is done.
         *  Y1 = C7 * Y1 - C1 * Y7 + C3 * Y5 - C5 * Y3.
         *  Y7 = C1 * Y1 + C7 * Y7 + C5 * Y5 + C3 * Y3.
         *  Y5 = C5 * Y1 + C3 * Y7 + C7 * Y5 - C1 * Y3.
         *  Y3 = C3 * Y1 - C5 * Y7 - C1 * Y5 - C7 * Y3.
        //  R5=(Y1,Y7)  R6=(Y5,Y3)                                                   // R7=(C1,C7)
        A1 =R7.L*R5.H,       A0 =R7.H*R5.H (IS)       || [TMP1]=R2 || R6.H=W[I2--];
        A1-=R7.H*R5.L,       A0+=R7.L*R5.L (IS)       || I0-=4     || R7=[I3++];
        A1+=R7.H*R6.H,       A0+=R7.L*R6.H (IS)       || I0+=M1;                     // R7=(C3,C5)
        R3 =(A1-=R7.L*R6.L), R2 =(A0+=R7.H*R6.L) (IS);
        A1 =R7.L*R5.H,       A0 =R7.H*R5.H (IS)       || R4=[TMP0];
        A1+=R7.H*R5.L,       A0-=R7.L*R5.L (IS)       || I1+=M1    || R7=[I3++];     // R7=(C1,C7)
        A1+=R7.L*R6.H,       A0-=R7.H*R6.H (IS);
        R7 =(A1-=R7.H*R6.L), R6 =(A0-=R7.L*R6.L) (IS) || I2+=M1;
        // R3=Y1, R2=Y7, R7=Y5, R6=Y3

        /* Transpose write column. */
        R5.H=R4+R2 (RND20);                                   // Y0=Y0+Y7
        R5.L=R4-R2 (RND20) || R4 = [TMP1];                    // Y7=Y7-Y0
        R2.H=R1+R7 (RND20) || W[P0++P3]=R5.H;                 // Y2=Y2+Y5 st Y0
        R2.L=R1-R7 (RND20) || W[P1++P4]=R5.L || R7=[I3++];    // Y5=Y2-Y5 st Y7
        R5.H=R0-R3 (RND20) || W[P0++P3]=R2.H || R1.L=W[I1++]; // Y1=Y6-Y1 st Y2
        R5.L=R0+R3 (RND20) || W[P1++P4]=R2.L || R0.H=W[I0++]; // Y6=Y6+Y1 st Y5
        R3.H=R4-R6 (RND20) || W[P0++P3]=R5.H || R0.L=W[I2++]; // Y3=Y3-Y4 st Y1
        R3.L=R4+R6 (RND20) || W[P1++P4]=R5.L || R1.H=W[I0++]; // Y4=Y3+Y4 st Y6

        /* pipeline loop start, + drain Y3, Y4 */
        A1=R7.H*R0.H,       A0=R7.H*R0.H (IS)       || W[P0++P2]= R3.H || R1.H = W[I0--];
.3:     R3=(A1+=R7.H*R0.L), R2=(A0-=R7.H*R0.L) (IS) || W[P1++P5]= R3.L || R7 = [I3++];

    L3 = 0;