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set -e

. ./


  set -e
  cd git-svn
  git checkout -q -b work
  echo "some work done on a branch" >> test
  git add test; git commit -q -m "branch work"
  echo "some other work done on a branch" >> test
  git add test; git commit -q -m "branch work"

  test_expect_success "git-cl upload wants a server" \
    "$GIT_CL upload 2>&1 | grep -q 'You must configure'"

  git config rietveld.server localhost:8080

  test_expect_success "git-cl status has no issue" \
    "$GIT_CL status | grep -q 'no issue'"

  # Prevent the editor from coming up when you upload.
  export EDITOR=$(which true)

  test_expect_success "upload succeeds (needs a server running on localhost)" \
    "$GIT_CL upload -m test master | grep -q 'Issue created'"
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

  test_expect_success "git-cl status now knows the issue" \
    "$GIT_CL status | grep -q 'Issue number'"

  # Push a description to this URL.
  URL=$($GIT_CL status | sed -ne '/Issue number/s/[^(]*(\(.*\))/\1/p')
  curl --cookie dev_appserver_login="" \
       --data-urlencode subject="test" \
       --data-urlencode description="foo-quux" \
       --data-urlencode xsrf_token="$(print_xsrf_token)" \

  test_expect_success "git-cl dcommits ok" \
    "$GIT_CL dcommit -f"

  git checkout -q master
  git svn -q rebase >/dev/null 2>&1
  test_expect_success "dcommitted code has proper description" \
      "git show | grep -q 'foo-quux'"

  test_expect_success "issue no longer has a branch" \
      "git cl status | grep -q 'work: None'"

  test_expect_success "upstream svn has our commit" \
      "svn log $REPO_URL 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'foo-quux'"


if [ $SUCCESS == 0 ]; then
  echo PASS