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"""XML reporting for coverage.py"""

import os, sys, time
import xml.dom.minidom

from coverage import __url__, __version__
from coverage.backward import sorted, rpartition    # pylint: disable=W0622
from coverage.report import Reporter

def rate(hit, num):
    """Return the fraction of `hit`/`num`, as a string."""
    return "%.4g" % (float(hit) / (num or 1.0))

class XmlReporter(Reporter):
    """A reporter for writing Cobertura-style XML coverage results."""

    def __init__(self, coverage, config):
        super(XmlReporter, self).__init__(coverage, config)

        self.packages = None
        self.xml_out = None
        self.arcs = coverage.data.has_arcs()

    def report(self, morfs, outfile=None):
        """Generate a Cobertura-compatible XML report for `morfs`.

        `morfs` is a list of modules or filenames.

        `outfile` is a file object to write the XML to.

        # Initial setup.
        outfile = outfile or sys.stdout

        # Create the DOM that will store the data.
        impl = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation()
        docType = impl.createDocumentType(
            "coverage", None,
        self.xml_out = impl.createDocument(None, "coverage", docType)

        # Write header stuff.
        xcoverage = self.xml_out.documentElement
        xcoverage.setAttribute("version", __version__)
        xcoverage.setAttribute("timestamp", str(int(time.time()*1000)))
            " Generated by coverage.py: %s " % __url__
        xpackages = self.xml_out.createElement("packages")

        # Call xml_file for each file in the data.
        self.packages = {}
        self.report_files(self.xml_file, morfs)

        lnum_tot, lhits_tot = 0, 0
        bnum_tot, bhits_tot = 0, 0

        # Populate the XML DOM with the package info.
        for pkg_name in sorted(self.packages.keys()):
            pkg_data = self.packages[pkg_name]
            class_elts, lhits, lnum, bhits, bnum = pkg_data
            xpackage = self.xml_out.createElement("package")
            xclasses = self.xml_out.createElement("classes")
            for class_name in sorted(class_elts.keys()):
            xpackage.setAttribute("name", pkg_name.replace(os.sep, '.'))
            xpackage.setAttribute("line-rate", rate(lhits, lnum))
            xpackage.setAttribute("branch-rate", rate(bhits, bnum))
            xpackage.setAttribute("complexity", "0")

            lnum_tot += lnum
            lhits_tot += lhits
            bnum_tot += bnum
            bhits_tot += bhits

        xcoverage.setAttribute("line-rate", rate(lhits_tot, lnum_tot))
        xcoverage.setAttribute("branch-rate", rate(bhits_tot, bnum_tot))

        # Use the DOM to write the output file.

        # Return the total percentage.
        denom = lnum_tot + bnum_tot
        if denom == 0:
            pct = 0.0
            pct = 100.0 * (lhits_tot + bhits_tot) / denom
        return pct

    def xml_file(self, cu, analysis):
        """Add to the XML report for a single file."""

        # Create the 'lines' and 'package' XML elements, which
        # are populated later.  Note that a package == a directory.
        package_name = rpartition(cu.name, ".")[0]
        className = cu.name

        package = self.packages.setdefault(package_name, [{}, 0, 0, 0, 0])

        xclass = self.xml_out.createElement("class")


        xlines = self.xml_out.createElement("lines")

        xclass.setAttribute("name", className)
        filename = cu.file_locator.relative_filename(cu.filename)
        xclass.setAttribute("filename", filename.replace("\\", "/"))
        xclass.setAttribute("complexity", "0")

        branch_stats = analysis.branch_stats()

        # For each statement, create an XML 'line' element.
        for line in analysis.statements:
            xline = self.xml_out.createElement("line")
            xline.setAttribute("number", str(line))

            # Q: can we get info about the number of times a statement is
            # executed?  If so, that should be recorded here.
            xline.setAttribute("hits", str(int(line not in analysis.missing)))

            if self.arcs:
                if line in branch_stats:
                    total, taken = branch_stats[line]
                    xline.setAttribute("branch", "true")
                        "%d%% (%d/%d)" % (100*taken/total, taken, total)

        class_lines = len(analysis.statements)
        class_hits = class_lines - len(analysis.missing)

        if self.arcs:
            class_branches = sum([t for t,k in branch_stats.values()])
            missing_branches = sum([t-k for t,k in branch_stats.values()])
            class_br_hits = class_branches - missing_branches
            class_branches = 0.0
            class_br_hits = 0.0

        # Finalize the statistics that are collected in the XML DOM.
        xclass.setAttribute("line-rate", rate(class_hits, class_lines))
        xclass.setAttribute("branch-rate", rate(class_br_hits, class_branches))
        package[0][className] = xclass
        package[1] += class_hits
        package[2] += class_lines
        package[3] += class_br_hits
        package[4] += class_branches