@echo off@rem We're in a submodule directory, look relative to the parent.call python "%cd%\..\third_party\scons\scons.py" "--site-dir=..\site_scons" %*goto omega:srcdircall python "%cd%\third_party\scons\scons.py" --site-dir=site_scons %*goto omega@rem Per the following page:@rem http://code-bear.com/bearlog/2007/06/01/getting-the-exit-code-from-a-batch-file-that-is-run-from-a-python-program/@rem Just calling "exit /b" passes back an exit code, but in a way@rem that does NOT get picked up correctly when executing the .bat@rem file from the Python subprocess module. Using "call" as the@rem last command in the .bat file makes it work as expected.:returncodeexit /b %ERRORLEVEL%:omegacall :returncode %ERRORLEVEL%