Commit 784487f3 authored by ali's avatar ali

fix: 修复视频播放完没有停止问题

parent 93479e9e
......@@ -371,13 +371,14 @@ async function runAudioPlay() {
isPlayRunning = true
const audio = ttsAudios.shift()
const videoEle = videoElement.value as HTMLVideoElement;
if (!audio) {
isPlayRunning = false
isPlayRunning = false;
audio.onended = () => {
isPlayRunning = false
const videoEle = videoElement.value as HTMLVideoElement
videoEle && (videoEle.loop = true)
videoEle && (videoEle.muted = true)
setVideoUrl(new URL('/libai/10.mp4', import.meta.url).href)
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