// Copyright 2006-2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // // Tests of profiler-related functions from log.h #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING #include <stdlib.h> #include "v8.h" #include "codegen.h" #include "log.h" #include "top.h" #include "cctest.h" #include "disassembler.h" #include "register-allocator-inl.h" using v8::Function; using v8::Local; using v8::Object; using v8::Script; using v8::String; using v8::Value; using v8::internal::byte; using v8::internal::Address; using v8::internal::Handle; using v8::internal::JSFunction; using v8::internal::StackTracer; using v8::internal::TickSample; using v8::internal::Top; namespace i = v8::internal; static v8::Persistent<v8::Context> env; static struct { TickSample* sample; } trace_env = { NULL }; static void InitTraceEnv(TickSample* sample) { trace_env.sample = sample; } static void DoTrace(Address fp) { trace_env.sample->fp = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(fp); // sp is only used to define stack high bound trace_env.sample->sp = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(trace_env.sample) - 10240; StackTracer::Trace(trace_env.sample); } // Hide c_entry_fp to emulate situation when sampling is done while // pure JS code is being executed static void DoTraceHideCEntryFPAddress(Address fp) { v8::internal::Address saved_c_frame_fp = *(Top::c_entry_fp_address()); CHECK(saved_c_frame_fp); *(Top::c_entry_fp_address()) = 0; DoTrace(fp); *(Top::c_entry_fp_address()) = saved_c_frame_fp; } static void CheckRetAddrIsInFunction(const char* func_name, Address ret_addr, Address func_start_addr, unsigned int func_len) { printf("CheckRetAddrIsInFunction \"%s\": %p %p %p\n", func_name, func_start_addr, ret_addr, func_start_addr + func_len); CHECK_GE(ret_addr, func_start_addr); CHECK_GE(func_start_addr + func_len, ret_addr); } static void CheckRetAddrIsInJSFunction(const char* func_name, Address ret_addr, Handle<JSFunction> func) { v8::internal::Code* func_code = func->code(); CheckRetAddrIsInFunction( func_name, ret_addr, func_code->instruction_start(), func_code->ExecutableSize()); } // --- T r a c e E x t e n s i o n --- class TraceExtension : public v8::Extension { public: TraceExtension() : v8::Extension("v8/trace", kSource) { } virtual v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> GetNativeFunction( v8::Handle<String> name); static v8::Handle<v8::Value> Trace(const v8::Arguments& args); static v8::Handle<v8::Value> JSTrace(const v8::Arguments& args); static v8::Handle<v8::Value> JSEntrySP(const v8::Arguments& args); static v8::Handle<v8::Value> JSEntrySPLevel2(const v8::Arguments& args); private: static Address GetFP(const v8::Arguments& args); static const char* kSource; }; const char* TraceExtension::kSource = "native function trace();" "native function js_trace();" "native function js_entry_sp();" "native function js_entry_sp_level2();"; v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> TraceExtension::GetNativeFunction( v8::Handle<String> name) { if (name->Equals(String::New("trace"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(TraceExtension::Trace); } else if (name->Equals(String::New("js_trace"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(TraceExtension::JSTrace); } else if (name->Equals(String::New("js_entry_sp"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(TraceExtension::JSEntrySP); } else if (name->Equals(String::New("js_entry_sp_level2"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(TraceExtension::JSEntrySPLevel2); } else { CHECK(false); return v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate>(); } } Address TraceExtension::GetFP(const v8::Arguments& args) { CHECK_EQ(1, args.Length()); // CodeGenerator::GenerateGetFramePointer pushes EBP / RBP value // on stack. In 64-bit mode we can't use Smi operations code because // they check that value is within Smi bounds. Address fp = *reinterpret_cast<Address*>(*args[0]); printf("Trace: %p\n", fp); return fp; } v8::Handle<v8::Value> TraceExtension::Trace(const v8::Arguments& args) { DoTrace(GetFP(args)); return v8::Undefined(); } v8::Handle<v8::Value> TraceExtension::JSTrace(const v8::Arguments& args) { DoTraceHideCEntryFPAddress(GetFP(args)); return v8::Undefined(); } static Address GetJsEntrySp() { CHECK_NE(NULL, Top::GetCurrentThread()); return Top::js_entry_sp(Top::GetCurrentThread()); } v8::Handle<v8::Value> TraceExtension::JSEntrySP(const v8::Arguments& args) { CHECK_NE(0, GetJsEntrySp()); return v8::Undefined(); } static void CompileRun(const char* source) { Script::Compile(String::New(source))->Run(); } v8::Handle<v8::Value> TraceExtension::JSEntrySPLevel2( const v8::Arguments& args) { v8::HandleScope scope; const Address js_entry_sp = GetJsEntrySp(); CHECK_NE(0, js_entry_sp); CompileRun("js_entry_sp();"); CHECK_EQ(js_entry_sp, GetJsEntrySp()); return v8::Undefined(); } static TraceExtension kTraceExtension; v8::DeclareExtension kTraceExtensionDeclaration(&kTraceExtension); static void InitializeVM() { if (env.IsEmpty()) { v8::HandleScope scope; const char* extensions[] = { "v8/trace" }; v8::ExtensionConfiguration config(1, extensions); env = v8::Context::New(&config); } v8::HandleScope scope; env->Enter(); } static Handle<JSFunction> CompileFunction(const char* source) { return v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*Script::Compile(String::New(source))); } static Local<Value> GetGlobalProperty(const char* name) { return env->Global()->Get(String::New(name)); } static Handle<JSFunction> GetGlobalJSFunction(const char* name) { Handle<JSFunction> js_func(JSFunction::cast( *(v8::Utils::OpenHandle( *GetGlobalProperty(name))))); return js_func; } static void CheckRetAddrIsInJSFunction(const char* func_name, Address ret_addr) { CheckRetAddrIsInJSFunction(func_name, ret_addr, GetGlobalJSFunction(func_name)); } static void SetGlobalProperty(const char* name, Local<Value> value) { env->Global()->Set(String::New(name), value); } static Handle<v8::internal::String> NewString(const char* s) { return i::Factory::NewStringFromAscii(i::CStrVector(s)); } namespace v8 { namespace internal { class CodeGeneratorPatcher { public: CodeGeneratorPatcher() { CodeGenerator::InlineRuntimeLUT genGetFramePointer = {&CodeGenerator::GenerateGetFramePointer, "_GetFramePointer"}; // _FastCharCodeAt is not used in our tests. bool result = CodeGenerator::PatchInlineRuntimeEntry( NewString("_FastCharCodeAt"), genGetFramePointer, &oldInlineEntry); CHECK(result); } ~CodeGeneratorPatcher() { CHECK(CodeGenerator::PatchInlineRuntimeEntry( NewString("_GetFramePointer"), oldInlineEntry, NULL)); } private: CodeGenerator::InlineRuntimeLUT oldInlineEntry; }; } } // namespace v8::internal // Creates a global function named 'func_name' that calls the tracing // function 'trace_func_name' with an actual EBP register value, // shifted right to be presented as Smi. static void CreateTraceCallerFunction(const char* func_name, const char* trace_func_name) { i::EmbeddedVector<char, 256> trace_call_buf; i::OS::SNPrintF(trace_call_buf, "%s(%%_GetFramePointer());", trace_func_name); // Compile the script. i::CodeGeneratorPatcher patcher; bool allow_natives_syntax = i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; Handle<JSFunction> func = CompileFunction(trace_call_buf.start()); CHECK(!func.is_null()); i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = allow_natives_syntax; #ifdef DEBUG v8::internal::Code* func_code = func->code(); CHECK(func_code->IsCode()); func_code->Print(); #endif SetGlobalProperty(func_name, v8::ToApi<Value>(func)); } TEST(CFromJSStackTrace) { TickSample sample; InitTraceEnv(&sample); InitializeVM(); v8::HandleScope scope; CreateTraceCallerFunction("JSFuncDoTrace", "trace"); CompileRun( "function JSTrace() {" " JSFuncDoTrace();" "};\n" "JSTrace();"); CHECK_GT(sample.frames_count, 1); // Stack sampling will start from the first JS function, i.e. "JSFuncDoTrace" CheckRetAddrIsInJSFunction("JSFuncDoTrace", sample.stack[0]); CheckRetAddrIsInJSFunction("JSTrace", sample.stack[1]); } TEST(PureJSStackTrace) { TickSample sample; InitTraceEnv(&sample); InitializeVM(); v8::HandleScope scope; CreateTraceCallerFunction("JSFuncDoTrace", "js_trace"); CompileRun( "function JSTrace() {" " JSFuncDoTrace();" "};\n" "function OuterJSTrace() {" " JSTrace();" "};\n" "OuterJSTrace();"); CHECK_GT(sample.frames_count, 1); // Stack sampling will start from the caller of JSFuncDoTrace, i.e. "JSTrace" CheckRetAddrIsInJSFunction("JSTrace", sample.stack[0]); CheckRetAddrIsInJSFunction("OuterJSTrace", sample.stack[1]); } static void CFuncDoTrace() { Address fp; #ifdef __GNUC__ fp = reinterpret_cast<Address>(__builtin_frame_address(0)); #elif defined _MSC_VER && defined V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32 __asm mov [fp], ebp // NOLINT #elif defined _MSC_VER && defined V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 // FIXME: I haven't really tried to compile it. __asm movq [fp], rbp // NOLINT #endif DoTrace(fp); } static int CFunc(int depth) { if (depth <= 0) { CFuncDoTrace(); return 0; } else { return CFunc(depth - 1) + 1; } } TEST(PureCStackTrace) { TickSample sample; InitTraceEnv(&sample); // Check that sampler doesn't crash CHECK_EQ(10, CFunc(10)); } TEST(JsEntrySp) { InitializeVM(); v8::HandleScope scope; CHECK_EQ(0, GetJsEntrySp()); CompileRun("a = 1; b = a + 1;"); CHECK_EQ(0, GetJsEntrySp()); CompileRun("js_entry_sp();"); CHECK_EQ(0, GetJsEntrySp()); CompileRun("js_entry_sp_level2();"); CHECK_EQ(0, GetJsEntrySp()); } #endif // ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING