// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "src/objects/string.h"

#include "src/base/platform/yield-processor.h"
#include "src/common/assert-scope.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/execution/isolate-utils.h"
#include "src/execution/thread-id.h"
#include "src/handles/handles-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/heap-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/local-factory-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/local-heap-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/memory-chunk.h"
#include "src/heap/read-only-heap.h"
#include "src/numbers/conversions.h"
#include "src/objects/instance-type.h"
#include "src/objects/map.h"
#include "src/objects/oddball.h"
#include "src/objects/string-comparator.h"
#include "src/objects/string-inl.h"
#include "src/strings/char-predicates.h"
#include "src/strings/string-builder-inl.h"
#include "src/strings/string-hasher.h"
#include "src/strings/string-search.h"
#include "src/strings/string-stream.h"
#include "src/strings/unicode-inl.h"
#include "src/utils/ostreams.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

Handle<String> String::SlowFlatten(Isolate* isolate, Handle<ConsString> cons,
                                   AllocationType allocation) {
  DCHECK_NE(cons->second().length(), 0);

  // TurboFan can create cons strings with empty first parts.
  while (cons->first().length() == 0) {
    // We do not want to call this function recursively. Therefore we call
    // String::Flatten only in those cases where String::SlowFlatten is not
    // called again.
    if (cons->second().IsConsString() && !cons->second().IsFlat()) {
      cons = handle(ConsString::cast(cons->second()), isolate);
    } else {
      return String::Flatten(isolate, handle(cons->second(), isolate),

  int length = cons->length();
  if (allocation != AllocationType::kSharedOld) {
    allocation =
        ObjectInYoungGeneration(*cons) ? allocation : AllocationType::kOld;
  Handle<SeqString> result;
  if (cons->IsOneByteRepresentation()) {
    Handle<SeqOneByteString> flat =
            ->NewRawOneByteString(length, allocation)
    DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
    WriteToFlat(*cons, flat->GetChars(no_gc), 0, length);
    result = flat;
  } else {
    Handle<SeqTwoByteString> flat =
            ->NewRawTwoByteString(length, allocation)
    DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
    WriteToFlat(*cons, flat->GetChars(no_gc), 0, length);
    result = flat;
  return result;

Handle<String> String::SlowShare(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> source) {
  Handle<String> flat = Flatten(isolate, source, AllocationType::kSharedOld);

  // Do not recursively call Share, so directly compute the sharing strategy for
  // the flat string, which could already be a copy or an existing string from
  // e.g. a shortcut ConsString.
  MaybeHandle<Map> new_map;
  switch (isolate->factory()->ComputeSharingStrategyForString(flat, &new_map)) {
    case StringTransitionStrategy::kCopy:
    case StringTransitionStrategy::kInPlace:
      // A relaxed write is sufficient here, because at this point the string
      // has not yet escaped the current thread.
      return flat;
    case StringTransitionStrategy::kAlreadyTransitioned:
      return flat;

  int length = flat->length();
  if (flat->IsOneByteRepresentation()) {
    Handle<SeqOneByteString> copy =
    DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
    WriteToFlat(*flat, copy->GetChars(no_gc), 0, length);
    return copy;
  Handle<SeqTwoByteString> copy =
  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
  WriteToFlat(*flat, copy->GetChars(no_gc), 0, length);
  return copy;

namespace {

template <class StringClass>
void MigrateExternalStringResource(Isolate* isolate, ExternalString from,
                                   StringClass to) {
  Address to_resource_address = to.resource_as_address();
  if (to_resource_address == kNullAddress) {
    StringClass cast_from = StringClass::cast(from);
    // |to| is a just-created internalized copy of |from|. Migrate the resource.
    to.SetResource(isolate, cast_from.resource());
    // Zap |from|'s resource pointer to reflect the fact that |from| has
    // relinquished ownership of its resource.
        from, ExternalString::cast(from).ExternalPayloadSize(), 0);
    cast_from.SetResource(isolate, nullptr);
  } else if (to_resource_address != from.resource_as_address()) {
    // |to| already existed and has its own resource. Finalize |from|.

void MigrateExternalString(Isolate* isolate, String string,
                           String internalized) {
  if (internalized.IsExternalOneByteString()) {
    MigrateExternalStringResource(isolate, ExternalString::cast(string),
  } else if (internalized.IsExternalTwoByteString()) {
    MigrateExternalStringResource(isolate, ExternalString::cast(string),
  } else {
    // If the external string is duped into an existing non-external
    // internalized string, free its resource (it's about to be rewritten
    // into a ThinString below).

template <typename IsolateT>
Map ComputeThinStringMap(IsolateT* isolate, StringShape from_string_shape,
                         bool one_byte) {
  ReadOnlyRoots roots(isolate);
  if (from_string_shape.IsShared()) {
    return one_byte ? roots.shared_thin_one_byte_string_map()
                    : roots.shared_thin_string_map();
  return one_byte ? roots.thin_one_byte_string_map() : roots.thin_string_map();

enum class StringMigrationResult {

// This function must be used when migrating strings whose
// StringShape::CanMigrateInParallel() is true. It encapsulates the
// synchronization needed for parallel migrations from multiple threads. The
// user passes a lambda to perform to update the representation.
// Returns whether this thread successfully migrated the string or another
// thread did so.
// The locking algorithm to migrate a String uses its map word as a migration
// lock:
//   map = string.map(kAcquireLoad);
//   if (map != SENTINEL_MAP &&
//       string.compare_and_swap_map(map, SENTINEL_MAP)) {
//     // Lock acquired, i.e. the string's map is SENTINEL_MAP.
//   } else {
//     // Lock not acquired. Another thread set the sentinel. Spin until the
//     // map is no longer the sentinel, i.e. until the other thread
//     // releases the lock.
//     Map reloaded_map;
//     do {
//       reloaded_map = string.map(kAcquireLoad);
//     } while (reloaded_map == SENTINEL_MAP);
//   }
// Some notes on usage:
// - The initial map must be loaded with kAcquireLoad for synchronization.
// - Avoid loading the map multiple times. Load the map once and branch
//   on that.
// - The lambda is passed the string and its initial (pre-migration)
//   StringShape.
// - The lambda may be executed under a spinlock, so it should be as short
//   as possible.
// - Currently only SeqString -> ThinString migrations can happen in
//   parallel. If kAnotherThreadMigrated is returned, then the caller doesn't
//   need to do any other work. In the future, if additional migrations can
//   happen in parallel, then restarts may be needed if the parallel migration
//   was to a different type (e.g. SeqString -> External).
// Example:
//   DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
//   Map initial_map = string.map(kAcquireLoad);
//   switch (MigrateStringMapUnderLockIfNeeded(
//     isolate, string, initial_map, target_map,
//     [](Isolate* isolate, String string, StringShape initial_shape) {
//       auto t = TargetStringType::unchecked_cast(string);
//       t.set_field(foo);
//       t.set_another_field(bar);
//     }, no_gc);
template <typename IsolateT, typename Callback>
StringMigrationResult MigrateStringMapUnderLockIfNeeded(
    IsolateT* isolate, String string, Map initial_map, Map target_map,
    Callback update_representation, const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc) {

  InstanceType initial_type = initial_map.instance_type();
  StringShape initial_shape(initial_type);

  if (initial_shape.CanMigrateInParallel()) {
    // A string whose map is a sentinel map means that it is in the critical
    // section for being migrated to a different map. There are multiple
    // sentinel maps: one for each InstanceType that may be migrated from.
    Map sentinel_map =

    // Try to acquire the migration lock by setting the string's map to the
    // sentinel map. Note that it's possible that we've already witnessed a
    // sentinel map.
    if (initial_map == sentinel_map ||
            MapWord::FromMap(initial_map), MapWord::FromMap(sentinel_map))) {
      // If the lock couldn't be acquired, another thread must be migrating this
      // string. The string's map will be the sentinel map until the migration
      // is finished. Spin until the map is no longer the sentinel map.
      // TODO(v8:12007): Replace this spin lock with a ParkingLot-like
      // primitive.
      Map reloaded_map = string.map(kAcquireLoad);
      while (reloaded_map == sentinel_map) {
        reloaded_map = string.map(kAcquireLoad);

      // Another thread must have migrated once the map is no longer the
      // sentinel map.
      // TODO(v8:12007): At time of writing there is only a single kind of
      // migration that can happen in parallel: SeqString -> ThinString. If
      // other parallel migrations are added, this DCHECK will fail, and users
      // of MigrateStringMapUnderLockIfNeeded would need to restart if the
      // string was migrated to a different map than target_map.
      DCHECK_EQ(reloaded_map, target_map);
      return StringMigrationResult::kAnotherThreadMigrated;

  // With the lock held for cases where it's needed, do the work to update the
  // representation before storing the map word. In addition to parallel
  // migrations, this also ensures that the concurrent marker will read the
  // updated representation when visiting migrated strings.
  update_representation(isolate, string, initial_shape);

  // Do the store on the map word.
  // In debug mode, do a compare-and-swap that is checked to succeed, to check
  // that all string map migrations are using this function, since to be in the
  // migration critical section, the string's current map must be the sentinel
  // map.
  // Otherwise do a normal release store.
  if (DEBUG_BOOL && initial_shape.CanMigrateInParallel()) {
    DCHECK_NE(initial_map, target_map);
    Map sentinel_map =
        MapWord::FromMap(sentinel_map), MapWord::FromMap(target_map)));
  } else {
    string.set_map_safe_transition(target_map, kReleaseStore);

  return StringMigrationResult::kThisThreadMigrated;

}  // namespace

template <typename IsolateT>
void String::MakeThin(IsolateT* isolate, String internalized) {
  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
  DCHECK_NE(*this, internalized);

  // Load the map once at the beginning and use it to query for the shape of the
  // string to avoid reloading the map in case of parallel migrations. See
  // comment above for MigrateStringMapUnderLockIfNeeded.
  Map initial_map = this->map(kAcquireLoad);
  StringShape initial_shape(initial_map);

  // TODO(v8:12007): Support shared ThinStrings.
  // Currently in-place migrations to ThinStrings are disabled for shared
  // strings to unblock prototyping.
  if (initial_shape.IsShared()) return;

  bool has_pointers = initial_shape.IsIndirect();
  int old_size = this->SizeFromMap(initial_map);
  Map target_map = ComputeThinStringMap(isolate, initial_shape,
  switch (MigrateStringMapUnderLockIfNeeded(
      isolate, *this, initial_map, target_map,
      [=](IsolateT* isolate, String string, StringShape initial_shape) {
        if (initial_shape.IsExternal()) {
          // TODO(v8:12007): Support external strings.
          MigrateExternalString(isolate->AsIsolate(), string, internalized);

        DCHECK_GE(old_size, ThinString::kSize);
      no_gc)) {
    case StringMigrationResult::kThisThreadMigrated:
      // Overwrite character data with the filler below.
    case StringMigrationResult::kAnotherThreadMigrated:
      // Nothing to do.
      // TODO(v8:12007): Support shared ThinStrings.

  ThinString thin = ThinString::cast(*this);
  Address thin_end = thin.address() + ThinString::kSize;
  int size_delta = old_size - ThinString::kSize;
  if (size_delta != 0) {
    if (!Heap::IsLargeObject(thin)) {
          thin_end, size_delta,
          has_pointers ? ClearRecordedSlots::kYes : ClearRecordedSlots::kNo);
    } else {
      // We don't need special handling for the combination IsLargeObject &&
      // has_pointers, because indirect strings never get that large.

    Isolate* isolate, String internalized);
    LocalIsolate* isolate, String internalized);

bool String::MakeExternal(v8::String::ExternalStringResource* resource) {
  // Disallow garbage collection to avoid possible GC vs string access deadlock.
  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;

  // Externalizing twice leaks the external resource, so it's
  // prohibited by the API.
  if (FLAG_enable_slow_asserts) {
    // Assert that the resource and the string are equivalent.
    DCHECK(static_cast<size_t>(this->length()) == resource->length());
    base::ScopedVector<base::uc16> smart_chars(this->length());
    String::WriteToFlat(*this, smart_chars.begin(), 0, this->length());
    DCHECK_EQ(0, memcmp(smart_chars.begin(), resource->data(),
                        resource->length() * sizeof(smart_chars[0])));
#endif                      // DEBUG
  int size = this->Size();  // Byte size of the original string.
  // Abort if size does not allow in-place conversion.
  if (size < ExternalString::kUncachedSize) return false;
  // Read-only strings cannot be made external, since that would mutate the
  // string.
  if (IsReadOnlyHeapObject(*this)) return false;
  Isolate* isolate = GetIsolateFromWritableObject(*this);
  bool is_internalized = this->IsInternalizedString();
  bool has_pointers = StringShape(*this).IsIndirect();

  if (has_pointers) {
    isolate->heap()->NotifyObjectLayoutChange(*this, no_gc,

  base::SharedMutexGuard<base::kExclusive> shared_mutex_guard(
  // Morph the string to an external string by replacing the map and
  // reinitializing the fields.  This won't work if the space the existing
  // string occupies is too small for a regular external string.  Instead, we
  // resort to an uncached external string instead, omitting the field caching
  // the address of the backing store.  When we encounter uncached external
  // strings in generated code, we need to bailout to runtime.
  Map new_map;
  ReadOnlyRoots roots(isolate);
  if (size < ExternalString::kSizeOfAllExternalStrings) {
    if (is_internalized) {
      new_map = roots.uncached_external_internalized_string_map();
    } else {
      new_map = roots.uncached_external_string_map();
  } else {
    new_map = is_internalized ? roots.external_internalized_string_map()
                              : roots.external_string_map();

  // Byte size of the external String object.
  int new_size = this->SizeFromMap(new_map);
  if (!isolate->heap()->IsLargeObject(*this)) {
        this->address() + new_size, size - new_size,
        has_pointers ? ClearRecordedSlots::kYes : ClearRecordedSlots::kNo);
  } else {
    // We don't need special handling for the combination IsLargeObject &&
    // has_pointers, because indirect strings never get that large.

  // We are storing the new map using release store after creating a filler for
  // the left-over space to avoid races with the sweeper thread.
  this->set_map(new_map, kReleaseStore);

  ExternalTwoByteString self = ExternalTwoByteString::cast(*this);
  self.SetResource(isolate, resource);
  // Force regeneration of the hash value.
  if (is_internalized) self.EnsureHash();
  return true;

bool String::MakeExternal(v8::String::ExternalOneByteStringResource* resource) {
  // Disallow garbage collection to avoid possible GC vs string access deadlock.
  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;

  // Externalizing twice leaks the external resource, so it's
  // prohibited by the API.
  if (FLAG_enable_slow_asserts) {
    // Assert that the resource and the string are equivalent.
    DCHECK(static_cast<size_t>(this->length()) == resource->length());
    if (this->IsTwoByteRepresentation()) {
      base::ScopedVector<uint16_t> smart_chars(this->length());
      String::WriteToFlat(*this, smart_chars.begin(), 0, this->length());
      DCHECK(String::IsOneByte(smart_chars.begin(), this->length()));
    base::ScopedVector<char> smart_chars(this->length());
    String::WriteToFlat(*this, smart_chars.begin(), 0, this->length());
    DCHECK_EQ(0, memcmp(smart_chars.begin(), resource->data(),
                        resource->length() * sizeof(smart_chars[0])));
#endif                      // DEBUG
  int size = this->Size();  // Byte size of the original string.
  // Abort if size does not allow in-place conversion.
  if (size < ExternalString::kUncachedSize) return false;
  // Read-only strings cannot be made external, since that would mutate the
  // string.
  if (IsReadOnlyHeapObject(*this)) return false;
  Isolate* isolate = GetIsolateFromWritableObject(*this);
  bool is_internalized = this->IsInternalizedString();
  bool has_pointers = StringShape(*this).IsIndirect();

  if (has_pointers) {
    isolate->heap()->NotifyObjectLayoutChange(*this, no_gc,

  base::SharedMutexGuard<base::kExclusive> shared_mutex_guard(
  // Morph the string to an external string by replacing the map and
  // reinitializing the fields.  This won't work if the space the existing
  // string occupies is too small for a regular external string.  Instead, we
  // resort to an uncached external string instead, omitting the field caching
  // the address of the backing store.  When we encounter uncached external
  // strings in generated code, we need to bailout to runtime.
  Map new_map;
  ReadOnlyRoots roots(isolate);
  if (size < ExternalString::kSizeOfAllExternalStrings) {
    new_map = is_internalized
                  ? roots.uncached_external_one_byte_internalized_string_map()
                  : roots.uncached_external_one_byte_string_map();
  } else {
    new_map = is_internalized
                  ? roots.external_one_byte_internalized_string_map()
                  : roots.external_one_byte_string_map();

  if (!isolate->heap()->IsLargeObject(*this)) {
    // Byte size of the external String object.
    int new_size = this->SizeFromMap(new_map);

        this->address() + new_size, size - new_size,
        has_pointers ? ClearRecordedSlots::kYes : ClearRecordedSlots::kNo);
  } else {
    // We don't need special handling for the combination IsLargeObject &&
    // has_pointers, because indirect strings never get that large.

  // We are storing the new map using release store after creating a filler for
  // the left-over space to avoid races with the sweeper thread.
  this->set_map(new_map, kReleaseStore);

  ExternalOneByteString self = ExternalOneByteString::cast(*this);
  self.SetResource(isolate, resource);
  // Force regeneration of the hash value.
  if (is_internalized) self.EnsureHash();
  return true;

bool String::SupportsExternalization() {
  if (this->IsThinString()) {
    return i::ThinString::cast(*this).actual().SupportsExternalization();

  // RO_SPACE strings cannot be externalized.
  if (IsReadOnlyHeapObject(*this)) {
    return false;

  // Already an external string.
  if (StringShape(*this).IsExternal()) {
    return false;

  // External strings in the shared heap conflicts with the heap sandbox at the
  // moment. Disable it until supported.
  if (InSharedHeap()) return false;

  // Small strings may not be in-place externalizable.
  if (this->Size() < ExternalString::kUncachedSize) return false;
  DCHECK_LE(ExternalString::kUncachedSize, this->Size());

  Isolate* isolate = GetIsolateFromWritableObject(*this);
  return !isolate->heap()->IsInGCPostProcessing();

const char* String::PrefixForDebugPrint() const {
  StringShape shape(*this);
  if (IsTwoByteRepresentation()) {
    if (shape.IsInternalized()) {
      return "u#";
    } else if (shape.IsCons()) {
      return "uc\"";
    } else if (shape.IsThin()) {
      return "u>\"";
    } else if (shape.IsExternal()) {
      return "ue\"";
    } else {
      return "u\"";
  } else {
    if (shape.IsInternalized()) {
      return "#";
    } else if (shape.IsCons()) {
      return "c\"";
    } else if (shape.IsThin()) {
      return ">\"";
    } else if (shape.IsExternal()) {
      return "e\"";
    } else {
      return "\"";

const char* String::SuffixForDebugPrint() const {
  StringShape shape(*this);
  if (shape.IsInternalized()) return "";
  return "\"";

void String::StringShortPrint(StringStream* accumulator) {
  if (!LooksValid()) {
    accumulator->Add("<Invalid String>");

  const int len = length();
  accumulator->Add("<String[%u]: ", len);

  if (len > kMaxShortPrintLength) {

  PrintUC16(accumulator, 0, len);

void String::PrintUC16(std::ostream& os, int start, int end) {
  if (end < 0) end = length();
  StringCharacterStream stream(*this, start);
  for (int i = start; i < end && stream.HasMore(); i++) {
    os << AsUC16(stream.GetNext());

void String::PrintUC16(StringStream* accumulator, int start, int end) {
  if (end < 0) end = length();
  StringCharacterStream stream(*this, start);
  for (int i = start; i < end && stream.HasMore(); i++) {
    uint16_t c = stream.GetNext();
    if (c == '\n') {
    } else if (c == '\r') {
    } else if (c == '\\') {
    } else if (!std::isprint(c)) {
      accumulator->Add("\\x%02x", c);
    } else {

int32_t String::ToArrayIndex(Address addr) {
  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
  String key(addr);

  uint32_t index;
  if (!key.AsArrayIndex(&index)) return -1;
  if (index <= INT_MAX) return index;
  return -1;

bool String::LooksValid() {
  // TODO(leszeks): Maybe remove this check entirely, Heap::Contains uses
  // basically the same logic as the way we access the heap in the first place.
  // RO_SPACE objects should always be valid.
  if (V8_ENABLE_THIRD_PARTY_HEAP_BOOL) return true;
  if (ReadOnlyHeap::Contains(*this)) return true;
  BasicMemoryChunk* chunk = BasicMemoryChunk::FromHeapObject(*this);
  if (chunk->heap() == nullptr) return false;
  return chunk->heap()->Contains(*this);

namespace {

bool AreDigits(const uint8_t* s, int from, int to) {
  for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
    if (s[i] < '0' || s[i] > '9') return false;

  return true;

int ParseDecimalInteger(const uint8_t* s, int from, int to) {
  DCHECK_LT(to - from, 10);  // Overflow is not possible.
  DCHECK(from < to);
  int d = s[from] - '0';

  for (int i = from + 1; i < to; i++) {
    d = 10 * d + (s[i] - '0');

  return d;

}  // namespace

// static
Handle<Object> String::ToNumber(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> subject) {
  // Flatten {subject} string first.
  subject = String::Flatten(isolate, subject);

  // Fast array index case.
  uint32_t index;
  if (subject->AsArrayIndex(&index)) {
    return isolate->factory()->NewNumberFromUint(index);

  // Fast case: short integer or some sorts of junk values.
  if (subject->IsSeqOneByteString()) {
    int len = subject->length();
    if (len == 0) return handle(Smi::zero(), isolate);

    DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
    uint8_t const* data =
    bool minus = (data[0] == '-');
    int start_pos = (minus ? 1 : 0);

    if (start_pos == len) {
      return isolate->factory()->nan_value();
    } else if (data[start_pos] > '9') {
      // Fast check for a junk value. A valid string may start from a
      // whitespace, a sign ('+' or '-'), the decimal point, a decimal digit
      // or the 'I' character ('Infinity'). All of that have codes not greater
      // than '9' except 'I' and &nbsp;.
      if (data[start_pos] != 'I' && data[start_pos] != 0xA0) {
        return isolate->factory()->nan_value();
    } else if (len - start_pos < 10 && AreDigits(data, start_pos, len)) {
      // The maximal/minimal smi has 10 digits. If the string has less digits
      // we know it will fit into the smi-data type.
      int d = ParseDecimalInteger(data, start_pos, len);
      if (minus) {
        if (d == 0) return isolate->factory()->minus_zero_value();
        d = -d;
      } else if (!subject->HasHashCode() && len <= String::kMaxArrayIndexSize &&
                 (len == 1 || data[0] != '0')) {
        // String hash is not calculated yet but all the data are present.
        // Update the hash field to speed up sequential convertions.
        uint32_t raw_hash_field = StringHasher::MakeArrayIndexHash(d, len);
#ifdef DEBUG
        subject->EnsureHash();  // Force hash calculation.
        DCHECK_EQ(subject->raw_hash_field(), raw_hash_field);
      return handle(Smi::FromInt(d), isolate);

  // Slower case.
  return isolate->factory()->NewNumber(StringToDouble(isolate, subject, flags));

String::FlatContent String::SlowGetFlatContent(
    const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc,
    const SharedStringAccessGuardIfNeeded& access_guard) {
  PtrComprCageBase cage_base = GetPtrComprCageBase(*this);
  String string = *this;
  StringShape shape(string, cage_base);
  int offset = 0;

  // Extract cons- and sliced strings.
  if (shape.IsCons()) {
    ConsString cons = ConsString::cast(string);
    if (!cons.IsFlat(cage_base)) return FlatContent(no_gc);
    string = cons.first(cage_base);
    shape = StringShape(string, cage_base);
  } else if (shape.IsSliced()) {
    SlicedString slice = SlicedString::cast(string);
    offset = slice.offset();
    string = slice.parent(cage_base);
    shape = StringShape(string, cage_base);


  // Extract thin strings.
  if (shape.IsThin()) {
    ThinString thin = ThinString::cast(string);
    string = thin.actual(cage_base);
    shape = StringShape(string, cage_base);

  return TryGetFlatContentFromDirectString(cage_base, no_gc, string, offset,
                                           length(), access_guard)

std::unique_ptr<char[]> String::ToCString(AllowNullsFlag allow_nulls,
                                          RobustnessFlag robust_flag,
                                          int offset, int length,
                                          int* length_return) {
  if (robust_flag == ROBUST_STRING_TRAVERSAL && !LooksValid()) {
    return std::unique_ptr<char[]>();
  // Negative length means the to the end of the string.
  if (length < 0) length = kMaxInt - offset;

  // Compute the size of the UTF-8 string. Start at the specified offset.
  StringCharacterStream stream(*this, offset);
  int character_position = offset;
  int utf8_bytes = 0;
  int last = unibrow::Utf16::kNoPreviousCharacter;
  while (stream.HasMore() && character_position++ < offset + length) {
    uint16_t character = stream.GetNext();
    utf8_bytes += unibrow::Utf8::Length(character, last);
    last = character;

  if (length_return) {
    *length_return = utf8_bytes;

  char* result = NewArray<char>(utf8_bytes + 1);

  // Convert the UTF-16 string to a UTF-8 buffer. Start at the specified offset.
  stream.Reset(*this, offset);
  character_position = offset;
  int utf8_byte_position = 0;
  last = unibrow::Utf16::kNoPreviousCharacter;
  while (stream.HasMore() && character_position++ < offset + length) {
    uint16_t character = stream.GetNext();
    if (allow_nulls == DISALLOW_NULLS && character == 0) {
      character = ' ';
    utf8_byte_position +=
        unibrow::Utf8::Encode(result + utf8_byte_position, character, last);
    last = character;
  result[utf8_byte_position] = 0;
  return std::unique_ptr<char[]>(result);

std::unique_ptr<char[]> String::ToCString(AllowNullsFlag allow_nulls,
                                          RobustnessFlag robust_flag,
                                          int* length_return) {
  return ToCString(allow_nulls, robust_flag, 0, -1, length_return);

// static
template <typename sinkchar>
void String::WriteToFlat(String source, sinkchar* sink, int start, int length) {
  return WriteToFlat(source, sink, start, length, GetPtrComprCageBase(source),

// static
template <typename sinkchar>
void String::WriteToFlat(String source, sinkchar* sink, int start, int length,
                         PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
                         const SharedStringAccessGuardIfNeeded& access_guard) {
  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
  if (length == 0) return;
  while (true) {
    DCHECK_LT(0, length);
    DCHECK_LE(0, start);
    DCHECK_LE(length, source.length());
    switch (StringShape(source, cage_base).representation_and_encoding_tag()) {
      case kOneByteStringTag | kExternalStringTag:
            ExternalOneByteString::cast(source).GetChars(cage_base) + start,
      case kTwoByteStringTag | kExternalStringTag:
            ExternalTwoByteString::cast(source).GetChars(cage_base) + start,
      case kOneByteStringTag | kSeqStringTag:
                  SeqOneByteString::cast(source).GetChars(no_gc, access_guard) +
      case kTwoByteStringTag | kSeqStringTag:
                  SeqTwoByteString::cast(source).GetChars(no_gc, access_guard) +
      case kOneByteStringTag | kConsStringTag:
      case kTwoByteStringTag | kConsStringTag: {
        ConsString cons_string = ConsString::cast(source);
        String first = cons_string.first(cage_base);
        int boundary = first.length();
        int first_length = boundary - start;
        int second_length = start + length - boundary;
        if (second_length >= first_length) {
          // Right hand side is longer.  Recurse over left.
          if (first_length > 0) {
            WriteToFlat(first, sink, start, first_length, cage_base,
            if (start == 0 && cons_string.second(cage_base) == first) {
              CopyChars(sink + boundary, sink, boundary);
            sink += boundary - start;
            start = 0;
            length -= first_length;
          } else {
            start -= boundary;
          source = cons_string.second(cage_base);
        } else {
          // Left hand side is longer.  Recurse over right.
          if (second_length > 0) {
            String second = cons_string.second(cage_base);
            // When repeatedly appending to a string, we get a cons string that
            // is unbalanced to the left, a list, essentially.  We inline the
            // common case of sequential one-byte right child.
            if (second_length == 1) {
              sink[boundary - start] =
                  static_cast<sinkchar>(second.Get(0, cage_base, access_guard));
            } else if (second.IsSeqOneByteString(cage_base)) {
                  sink + boundary - start,
                  SeqOneByteString::cast(second).GetChars(no_gc, access_guard),
            } else {
              WriteToFlat(second, sink + boundary - start, 0, second_length,
                          cage_base, access_guard);
            length -= second_length;
          source = first;
        if (length == 0) return;
      case kOneByteStringTag | kSlicedStringTag:
      case kTwoByteStringTag | kSlicedStringTag: {
        SlicedString slice = SlicedString::cast(source);
        unsigned offset = slice.offset();
        source = slice.parent(cage_base);
        start += offset;
      case kOneByteStringTag | kThinStringTag:
      case kTwoByteStringTag | kThinStringTag:
        source = ThinString::cast(source).actual(cage_base);

template <typename SourceChar>
static void CalculateLineEndsImpl(std::vector<int>* line_ends,
                                  base::Vector<const SourceChar> src,
                                  bool include_ending_line) {
  const int src_len = src.length();
  for (int i = 0; i < src_len - 1; i++) {
    SourceChar current = src[i];
    SourceChar next = src[i + 1];
    if (IsLineTerminatorSequence(current, next)) line_ends->push_back(i);

  if (src_len > 0 && IsLineTerminatorSequence(src[src_len - 1], 0)) {
    line_ends->push_back(src_len - 1);
  if (include_ending_line) {
    // Include one character beyond the end of script. The rewriter uses that
    // position for the implicit return statement.

template <typename IsolateT>
Handle<FixedArray> String::CalculateLineEnds(IsolateT* isolate,
                                             Handle<String> src,
                                             bool include_ending_line) {
  src = Flatten(isolate, src);
  // Rough estimate of line count based on a roughly estimated average
  // length of (unpacked) code.
  int line_count_estimate = src->length() >> 4;
  std::vector<int> line_ends;
    DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;  // ensure vectors stay valid.
    // Dispatch on type of strings.
    String::FlatContent content = src->GetFlatContent(no_gc);
    if (content.IsOneByte()) {
      CalculateLineEndsImpl(&line_ends, content.ToOneByteVector(),
    } else {
      CalculateLineEndsImpl(&line_ends, content.ToUC16Vector(),
  int line_count = static_cast<int>(line_ends.size());
  Handle<FixedArray> array =
      isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(line_count, AllocationType::kOld);
  for (int i = 0; i < line_count; i++) {
    array->set(i, Smi::FromInt(line_ends[i]));
  return array;

template Handle<FixedArray> String::CalculateLineEnds(Isolate* isolate,
                                                      Handle<String> src,
                                                      bool include_ending_line);
template Handle<FixedArray> String::CalculateLineEnds(LocalIsolate* isolate,
                                                      Handle<String> src,
                                                      bool include_ending_line);

bool String::SlowEquals(String other) const {
  return SlowEquals(other, SharedStringAccessGuardIfNeeded::NotNeeded());

bool String::SlowEquals(
    String other, const SharedStringAccessGuardIfNeeded& access_guard) const {
  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
  // Fast check: negative check with lengths.
  int len = length();
  if (len != other.length()) return false;
  if (len == 0) return true;

  PtrComprCageBase cage_base = GetPtrComprCageBase(*this);

  // Fast check: if at least one ThinString is involved, dereference it/them
  // and restart.
  if (this->IsThinString(cage_base) || other.IsThinString(cage_base)) {
    if (other.IsThinString(cage_base))
      other = ThinString::cast(other).actual(cage_base);
    if (this->IsThinString(cage_base)) {
      return ThinString::cast(*this).actual(cage_base).Equals(other);
    } else {
      return this->Equals(other);

  // Fast check: if hash code is computed for both strings
  // a fast negative check can be performed.
  if (HasHashCode() && other.HasHashCode()) {
    if (FLAG_enable_slow_asserts) {
      if (hash() != other.hash()) {
        bool found_difference = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
          if (Get(i) != other.Get(i)) {
            found_difference = true;
    if (hash() != other.hash()) return false;

  // We know the strings are both non-empty. Compare the first chars
  // before we try to flatten the strings.
  if (this->Get(0, cage_base, access_guard) !=
      other.Get(0, cage_base, access_guard))
    return false;

  if (IsSeqOneByteString() && other.IsSeqOneByteString()) {
    const uint8_t* str1 =
        SeqOneByteString::cast(*this).GetChars(no_gc, access_guard);
    const uint8_t* str2 =
        SeqOneByteString::cast(other).GetChars(no_gc, access_guard);
    return CompareCharsEqual(str1, str2, len);

  StringComparator comparator;
  return comparator.Equals(*this, other, access_guard);

// static
bool String::SlowEquals(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> one,
                        Handle<String> two) {
  // Fast check: negative check with lengths.
  const int one_length = one->length();
  if (one_length != two->length()) return false;
  if (one_length == 0) return true;

  // Fast check: if at least one ThinString is involved, dereference it/them
  // and restart.
  if (one->IsThinString() || two->IsThinString()) {
    if (one->IsThinString()) {
      one = handle(ThinString::cast(*one).actual(), isolate);
    if (two->IsThinString()) {
      two = handle(ThinString::cast(*two).actual(), isolate);
    return String::Equals(isolate, one, two);

  // Fast check: if hash code is computed for both strings
  // a fast negative check can be performed.
  if (one->HasHashCode() && two->HasHashCode()) {
    if (FLAG_enable_slow_asserts) {
      if (one->hash() != two->hash()) {
        bool found_difference = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < one_length; i++) {
          if (one->Get(i) != two->Get(i)) {
            found_difference = true;
    if (one->hash() != two->hash()) return false;

  // We know the strings are both non-empty. Compare the first chars
  // before we try to flatten the strings.
  if (one->Get(0) != two->Get(0)) return false;

  one = String::Flatten(isolate, one);
  two = String::Flatten(isolate, two);

  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
  String::FlatContent flat1 = one->GetFlatContent(no_gc);
  String::FlatContent flat2 = two->GetFlatContent(no_gc);

  if (flat1.IsOneByte() && flat2.IsOneByte()) {
    return CompareCharsEqual(flat1.ToOneByteVector().begin(),
                             flat2.ToOneByteVector().begin(), one_length);
  } else if (flat1.IsTwoByte() && flat2.IsTwoByte()) {
    return CompareCharsEqual(flat1.ToUC16Vector().begin(),
                             flat2.ToUC16Vector().begin(), one_length);
  } else if (flat1.IsOneByte() && flat2.IsTwoByte()) {
    return CompareCharsEqual(flat1.ToOneByteVector().begin(),
                             flat2.ToUC16Vector().begin(), one_length);
  } else if (flat1.IsTwoByte() && flat2.IsOneByte()) {
    return CompareCharsEqual(flat1.ToUC16Vector().begin(),
                             flat2.ToOneByteVector().begin(), one_length);

// static
ComparisonResult String::Compare(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> x,
                                 Handle<String> y) {
  // A few fast case tests before we flatten.
  if (x.is_identical_to(y)) {
    return ComparisonResult::kEqual;
  } else if (y->length() == 0) {
    return x->length() == 0 ? ComparisonResult::kEqual
                            : ComparisonResult::kGreaterThan;
  } else if (x->length() == 0) {
    return ComparisonResult::kLessThan;

  int const d = x->Get(0) - y->Get(0);
  if (d < 0) {
    return ComparisonResult::kLessThan;
  } else if (d > 0) {
    return ComparisonResult::kGreaterThan;

  // Slow case.
  x = String::Flatten(isolate, x);
  y = String::Flatten(isolate, y);

  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
  ComparisonResult result = ComparisonResult::kEqual;
  int prefix_length = x->length();
  if (y->length() < prefix_length) {
    prefix_length = y->length();
    result = ComparisonResult::kGreaterThan;
  } else if (y->length() > prefix_length) {
    result = ComparisonResult::kLessThan;
  int r;
  String::FlatContent x_content = x->GetFlatContent(no_gc);
  String::FlatContent y_content = y->GetFlatContent(no_gc);
  if (x_content.IsOneByte()) {
    base::Vector<const uint8_t> x_chars = x_content.ToOneByteVector();
    if (y_content.IsOneByte()) {
      base::Vector<const uint8_t> y_chars = y_content.ToOneByteVector();
      r = CompareChars(x_chars.begin(), y_chars.begin(), prefix_length);
    } else {
      base::Vector<const base::uc16> y_chars = y_content.ToUC16Vector();
      r = CompareChars(x_chars.begin(), y_chars.begin(), prefix_length);
  } else {
    base::Vector<const base::uc16> x_chars = x_content.ToUC16Vector();
    if (y_content.IsOneByte()) {
      base::Vector<const uint8_t> y_chars = y_content.ToOneByteVector();
      r = CompareChars(x_chars.begin(), y_chars.begin(), prefix_length);
    } else {
      base::Vector<const base::uc16> y_chars = y_content.ToUC16Vector();
      r = CompareChars(x_chars.begin(), y_chars.begin(), prefix_length);
  if (r < 0) {
    result = ComparisonResult::kLessThan;
  } else if (r > 0) {
    result = ComparisonResult::kGreaterThan;
  return result;

namespace {

uint32_t ToValidIndex(String str, Object number) {
  uint32_t index = PositiveNumberToUint32(number);
  uint32_t length_value = static_cast<uint32_t>(str.length());
  if (index > length_value) return length_value;
  return index;

}  // namespace

Object String::IndexOf(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> receiver,
                       Handle<Object> search, Handle<Object> position) {
  if (receiver->IsNullOrUndefined(isolate)) {
        isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kCalledOnNullOrUndefined,
  Handle<String> receiver_string;
  ASSIGN_RETURN_FAILURE_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, receiver_string,
                                     Object::ToString(isolate, receiver));

  Handle<String> search_string;
  ASSIGN_RETURN_FAILURE_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, search_string,
                                     Object::ToString(isolate, search));

                                     Object::ToInteger(isolate, position));

  uint32_t index = ToValidIndex(*receiver_string, *position);
  return Smi::FromInt(
      String::IndexOf(isolate, receiver_string, search_string, index));

namespace {

template <typename T>
int SearchString(Isolate* isolate, String::FlatContent receiver_content,
                 base::Vector<T> pat_vector, int start_index) {
  if (receiver_content.IsOneByte()) {
    return SearchString(isolate, receiver_content.ToOneByteVector(), pat_vector,
  return SearchString(isolate, receiver_content.ToUC16Vector(), pat_vector,

}  // namespace

int String::IndexOf(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> receiver,
                    Handle<String> search, int start_index) {
  DCHECK_LE(0, start_index);
  DCHECK(start_index <= receiver->length());

  uint32_t search_length = search->length();
  if (search_length == 0) return start_index;

  uint32_t receiver_length = receiver->length();
  if (start_index + search_length > receiver_length) return -1;

  receiver = String::Flatten(isolate, receiver);
  search = String::Flatten(isolate, search);

  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;  // ensure vectors stay valid
  // Extract flattened substrings of cons strings before getting encoding.
  String::FlatContent receiver_content = receiver->GetFlatContent(no_gc);
  String::FlatContent search_content = search->GetFlatContent(no_gc);

  // dispatch on type of strings
  if (search_content.IsOneByte()) {
    base::Vector<const uint8_t> pat_vector = search_content.ToOneByteVector();
    return SearchString<const uint8_t>(isolate, receiver_content, pat_vector,
  base::Vector<const base::uc16> pat_vector = search_content.ToUC16Vector();
  return SearchString<const base::uc16>(isolate, receiver_content, pat_vector,

MaybeHandle<String> String::GetSubstitution(Isolate* isolate, Match* match,
                                            Handle<String> replacement,
                                            int start_index) {
  DCHECK_GE(start_index, 0);

  Factory* factory = isolate->factory();

  const int replacement_length = replacement->length();
  const int captures_length = match->CaptureCount();

  replacement = String::Flatten(isolate, replacement);

  Handle<String> dollar_string =
  int next_dollar_ix =
      String::IndexOf(isolate, replacement, dollar_string, start_index);
  if (next_dollar_ix < 0) {
    return replacement;

  IncrementalStringBuilder builder(isolate);

  if (next_dollar_ix > 0) {
    builder.AppendString(factory->NewSubString(replacement, 0, next_dollar_ix));

  while (true) {
    const int peek_ix = next_dollar_ix + 1;
    if (peek_ix >= replacement_length) {
      return builder.Finish();

    int continue_from_ix = -1;
    const uint16_t peek = replacement->Get(peek_ix);
    switch (peek) {
      case '$':  // $$
        continue_from_ix = peek_ix + 1;
      case '&':  // $& - match
        continue_from_ix = peek_ix + 1;
      case '`':  // $` - prefix
        continue_from_ix = peek_ix + 1;
      case '\'':  // $' - suffix
        continue_from_ix = peek_ix + 1;
      case '0':
      case '1':
      case '2':
      case '3':
      case '4':
      case '5':
      case '6':
      case '7':
      case '8':
      case '9': {
        // Valid indices are $1 .. $9, $01 .. $09 and $10 .. $99
        int scaled_index = (peek - '0');
        int advance = 1;

        if (peek_ix + 1 < replacement_length) {
          const uint16_t next_peek = replacement->Get(peek_ix + 1);
          if (next_peek >= '0' && next_peek <= '9') {
            const int new_scaled_index = scaled_index * 10 + (next_peek - '0');
            if (new_scaled_index < captures_length) {
              scaled_index = new_scaled_index;
              advance = 2;

        if (scaled_index == 0 || scaled_index >= captures_length) {
          continue_from_ix = peek_ix;

        bool capture_exists;
        Handle<String> capture;
            isolate, capture, match->GetCapture(scaled_index, &capture_exists),
        if (capture_exists) builder.AppendString(capture);
        continue_from_ix = peek_ix + advance;
      case '<': {  // $<name> - named capture
        using CaptureState = String::Match::CaptureState;

        if (!match->HasNamedCaptures()) {
          continue_from_ix = peek_ix;

        Handle<String> bracket_string =
        const int closing_bracket_ix =
            String::IndexOf(isolate, replacement, bracket_string, peek_ix + 1);

        if (closing_bracket_ix == -1) {
          // No closing bracket was found, treat '$<' as a string literal.
          continue_from_ix = peek_ix;

        Handle<String> capture_name =
            factory->NewSubString(replacement, peek_ix + 1, closing_bracket_ix);
        Handle<String> capture;
        CaptureState capture_state;
            isolate, capture,
            match->GetNamedCapture(capture_name, &capture_state), String);

        if (capture_state == CaptureState::MATCHED) {

        continue_from_ix = closing_bracket_ix + 1;
        continue_from_ix = peek_ix;

    // Go the the next $ in the replacement.
    // TODO(jgruber): Single-char lookups could be much more efficient.
    DCHECK_NE(continue_from_ix, -1);
    next_dollar_ix =
        String::IndexOf(isolate, replacement, dollar_string, continue_from_ix);

    // Return if there are no more $ characters in the replacement. If we
    // haven't reached the end, we need to append the suffix.
    if (next_dollar_ix < 0) {
      if (continue_from_ix < replacement_length) {
            replacement, continue_from_ix, replacement_length));
      return builder.Finish();

    // Append substring between the previous and the next $ character.
    if (next_dollar_ix > continue_from_ix) {
          factory->NewSubString(replacement, continue_from_ix, next_dollar_ix));


namespace {  // for String.Prototype.lastIndexOf

template <typename schar, typename pchar>
int StringMatchBackwards(base::Vector<const schar> subject,
                         base::Vector<const pchar> pattern, int idx) {
  int pattern_length = pattern.length();
  DCHECK_GE(pattern_length, 1);
  DCHECK(idx + pattern_length <= subject.length());

  if (sizeof(schar) == 1 && sizeof(pchar) > 1) {
    for (int i = 0; i < pattern_length; i++) {
      base::uc16 c = pattern[i];
      if (c > String::kMaxOneByteCharCode) {
        return -1;

  pchar pattern_first_char = pattern[0];
  for (int i = idx; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (subject[i] != pattern_first_char) continue;
    int j = 1;
    while (j < pattern_length) {
      if (pattern[j] != subject[i + j]) {
    if (j == pattern_length) {
      return i;
  return -1;

}  // namespace

Object String::LastIndexOf(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> receiver,
                           Handle<Object> search, Handle<Object> position) {
  if (receiver->IsNullOrUndefined(isolate)) {
        isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kCalledOnNullOrUndefined,
  Handle<String> receiver_string;
  ASSIGN_RETURN_FAILURE_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, receiver_string,
                                     Object::ToString(isolate, receiver));

  Handle<String> search_string;
  ASSIGN_RETURN_FAILURE_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, search_string,
                                     Object::ToString(isolate, search));

                                     Object::ToNumber(isolate, position));

  uint32_t start_index;

  if (position->IsNaN()) {
    start_index = receiver_string->length();
  } else {
                                       Object::ToInteger(isolate, position));
    start_index = ToValidIndex(*receiver_string, *position);

  uint32_t pattern_length = search_string->length();
  uint32_t receiver_length = receiver_string->length();

  if (start_index + pattern_length > receiver_length) {
    start_index = receiver_length - pattern_length;

  if (pattern_length == 0) {
    return Smi::FromInt(start_index);

  receiver_string = String::Flatten(isolate, receiver_string);
  search_string = String::Flatten(isolate, search_string);

  int last_index = -1;
  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;  // ensure vectors stay valid

  String::FlatContent receiver_content = receiver_string->GetFlatContent(no_gc);
  String::FlatContent search_content = search_string->GetFlatContent(no_gc);

  if (search_content.IsOneByte()) {
    base::Vector<const uint8_t> pat_vector = search_content.ToOneByteVector();
    if (receiver_content.IsOneByte()) {
      last_index = StringMatchBackwards(receiver_content.ToOneByteVector(),
                                        pat_vector, start_index);
    } else {
      last_index = StringMatchBackwards(receiver_content.ToUC16Vector(),
                                        pat_vector, start_index);
  } else {
    base::Vector<const base::uc16> pat_vector = search_content.ToUC16Vector();
    if (receiver_content.IsOneByte()) {
      last_index = StringMatchBackwards(receiver_content.ToOneByteVector(),
                                        pat_vector, start_index);
    } else {
      last_index = StringMatchBackwards(receiver_content.ToUC16Vector(),
                                        pat_vector, start_index);
  return Smi::FromInt(last_index);

bool String::HasOneBytePrefix(base::Vector<const char> str) {
  return IsEqualToImpl<EqualityType::kPrefix>(
      str, GetPtrComprCageBase(*this),

namespace {

template <typename Char>
bool IsIdentifierVector(const base::Vector<Char>& vec) {
  if (vec.empty()) {
    return false;
  if (!IsIdentifierStart(vec[0])) {
    return false;
  for (size_t i = 1; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
    if (!IsIdentifierPart(vec[i])) {
      return false;
  return true;

}  // namespace

// static
bool String::IsIdentifier(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> str) {
  str = String::Flatten(isolate, str);
  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
  String::FlatContent flat = str->GetFlatContent(no_gc);
  return flat.IsOneByte() ? IsIdentifierVector(flat.ToOneByteVector())
                          : IsIdentifierVector(flat.ToUC16Vector());

namespace {

template <typename Char>
uint32_t HashString(String string, size_t start, int length, uint64_t seed,
                    PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
                    const SharedStringAccessGuardIfNeeded& access_guard) {
  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;

  if (length > String::kMaxHashCalcLength) {
    return StringHasher::GetTrivialHash(length);

  std::unique_ptr<Char[]> buffer;
  const Char* chars;

  if (string.IsConsString(cage_base)) {
    DCHECK_EQ(0, start);
    buffer.reset(new Char[length]);
    String::WriteToFlat(string, buffer.get(), 0, length, cage_base,
    chars = buffer.get();
  } else {
    chars = string.GetChars<Char>(cage_base, no_gc, access_guard) + start;

  return StringHasher::HashSequentialString<Char>(chars, length, seed);

}  // namespace

uint32_t String::ComputeAndSetHash() {
  return ComputeAndSetHash(SharedStringAccessGuardIfNeeded::NotNeeded());
uint32_t String::ComputeAndSetHash(
    const SharedStringAccessGuardIfNeeded& access_guard) {
  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
  // Should only be called if hash code has not yet been computed.
  // If in-place internalizable strings are shared, there may be calls to
  // ComputeAndSetHash in parallel. Since only flat strings are in-place
  // internalizable and their contents do not change, the result hash is the
  // same. The raw hash field is stored with relaxed ordering.
  DCHECK_IMPLIES(!FLAG_shared_string_table, !HasHashCode());

  // Store the hash code in the object.
  uint64_t seed = HashSeed(GetReadOnlyRoots());
  size_t start = 0;
  String string = *this;
  PtrComprCageBase cage_base = GetPtrComprCageBase(string);
  StringShape shape(string, cage_base);
  if (shape.IsSliced()) {
    SlicedString sliced = SlicedString::cast(string);
    start = sliced.offset();
    string = sliced.parent(cage_base);
    shape = StringShape(string, cage_base);
  if (shape.IsCons() && string.IsFlat(cage_base)) {
    string = ConsString::cast(string).first(cage_base);
    shape = StringShape(string, cage_base);
  if (shape.IsThin()) {
    string = ThinString::cast(string).actual(cage_base);
    shape = StringShape(string, cage_base);
    if (length() == string.length()) {
      return hash();
  uint32_t raw_hash_field =
      shape.encoding_tag() == kOneByteStringTag
          ? HashString<uint8_t>(string, start, length(), seed, cage_base,
          : HashString<uint16_t>(string, start, length(), seed, cage_base,

  // Check the hash code is there.
  uint32_t result = HashBits::decode(raw_hash_field);
  DCHECK_NE(result, 0);  // Ensure that the hash value of 0 is never computed.
  return result;

bool String::SlowAsArrayIndex(uint32_t* index) {
  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
  int length = this->length();
  if (length <= kMaxCachedArrayIndexLength) {
    EnsureHash();  // Force computation of hash code.
    uint32_t field = raw_hash_field();
    if (!IsIntegerIndex(field)) return false;
    *index = ArrayIndexValueBits::decode(field);
    return true;
  if (length == 0 || length > kMaxArrayIndexSize) return false;
  StringCharacterStream stream(*this);
  return StringToIndex(&stream, index);

bool String::SlowAsIntegerIndex(size_t* index) {
  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
  int length = this->length();
  if (length <= kMaxCachedArrayIndexLength) {
    EnsureHash();  // Force computation of hash code.
    uint32_t field = raw_hash_field();
    if (!IsIntegerIndex(field)) return false;
    *index = ArrayIndexValueBits::decode(field);
    return true;
  if (length == 0 || length > kMaxIntegerIndexSize) return false;
  StringCharacterStream stream(*this);
  return StringToIndex<StringCharacterStream, size_t, kToIntegerIndex>(&stream,

void String::PrintOn(FILE* file) {
  int length = this->length();
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    PrintF(file, "%c", Get(i));

void String::PrintOn(std::ostream& ostream) {
  int length = this->length();
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

Handle<String> SeqString::Truncate(Handle<SeqString> string, int new_length) {
  if (new_length == 0) return string->GetReadOnlyRoots().empty_string_handle();

  int new_size, old_size;
  int old_length = string->length();
  if (old_length <= new_length) return string;

  if (string->IsSeqOneByteString()) {
    old_size = SeqOneByteString::SizeFor(old_length);
    new_size = SeqOneByteString::SizeFor(new_length);
  } else {
    old_size = SeqTwoByteString::SizeFor(old_length);
    new_size = SeqTwoByteString::SizeFor(new_length);

  int delta = old_size - new_size;

  Address start_of_string = string->address();
  DCHECK(IsAligned(start_of_string, kObjectAlignment));
  DCHECK(IsAligned(start_of_string + new_size, kObjectAlignment));

  Heap* heap = Heap::FromWritableHeapObject(*string);
  if (!heap->IsLargeObject(*string)) {
    // Sizes are pointer size aligned, so that we can use filler objects
    // that are a multiple of pointer size.
    heap->CreateFillerObjectAt(start_of_string + new_size, delta,
  // We are storing the new length using release store after creating a filler
  // for the left-over space to avoid races with the sweeper thread.
  string->set_length(new_length, kReleaseStore);

  return string;

void SeqOneByteString::clear_padding() {
  int data_size = SeqString::kHeaderSize + length() * kOneByteSize;
  memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(address() + data_size), 0,
         SizeFor(length()) - data_size);

void SeqTwoByteString::clear_padding() {
  int data_size = SeqString::kHeaderSize + length() * base::kUC16Size;
  memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(address() + data_size), 0,
         SizeFor(length()) - data_size);

uint16_t ConsString::Get(
    int index, PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
    const SharedStringAccessGuardIfNeeded& access_guard) const {
  DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length());

  // Check for a flattened cons string
  if (second(cage_base).length() == 0) {
    String left = first(cage_base);
    return left.Get(index);

  String string = String::cast(*this);

  while (true) {
    if (StringShape(string, cage_base).IsCons()) {
      ConsString cons_string = ConsString::cast(string);
      String left = cons_string.first();
      if (left.length() > index) {
        string = left;
      } else {
        index -= left.length();
        string = cons_string.second(cage_base);
    } else {
      return string.Get(index, cage_base, access_guard);


uint16_t ThinString::Get(
    int index, PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
    const SharedStringAccessGuardIfNeeded& access_guard) const {
  return actual(cage_base).Get(index, cage_base, access_guard);

uint16_t SlicedString::Get(
    int index, PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
    const SharedStringAccessGuardIfNeeded& access_guard) const {
  return parent(cage_base).Get(offset() + index, cage_base, access_guard);

int ExternalString::ExternalPayloadSize() const {
  int length_multiplier = IsTwoByteRepresentation() ? i::kShortSize : kCharSize;
  return length() * length_multiplier;

FlatStringReader::FlatStringReader(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> str)
    : Relocatable(isolate), str_(str), length_(str->length()) {
  // Check that this constructor is called only from the main thread.
  DCHECK_EQ(ThreadId::Current(), isolate->thread_id());

void FlatStringReader::PostGarbageCollection() {
  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
  // This does not actually prevent the vector from being relocated later.
  String::FlatContent content = str_->GetFlatContent(no_gc);
  is_one_byte_ = content.IsOneByte();
  if (is_one_byte_) {
    start_ = content.ToOneByteVector().begin();
  } else {
    start_ = content.ToUC16Vector().begin();

void ConsStringIterator::Initialize(ConsString cons_string, int offset) {
  root_ = cons_string;
  consumed_ = offset;
  // Force stack blown condition to trigger restart.
  depth_ = 1;
  maximum_depth_ = kStackSize + depth_;

String ConsStringIterator::Continue(int* offset_out) {
  DCHECK_NE(depth_, 0);
  DCHECK_EQ(0, *offset_out);
  bool blew_stack = StackBlown();
  String string;
  // Get the next leaf if there is one.
  if (!blew_stack) string = NextLeaf(&blew_stack);
  // Restart search from root.
  if (blew_stack) {
    string = Search(offset_out);
  // Ensure future calls return null immediately.
  if (string.is_null()) Reset(ConsString());
  return string;

String ConsStringIterator::Search(int* offset_out) {
  ConsString cons_string = root_;
  // Reset the stack, pushing the root string.
  depth_ = 1;
  maximum_depth_ = 1;
  frames_[0] = cons_string;
  const int consumed = consumed_;
  int offset = 0;
  while (true) {
    // Loop until the string is found which contains the target offset.
    String string = cons_string.first();
    int length = string.length();
    int32_t type;
    if (consumed < offset + length) {
      // Target offset is in the left branch.
      // Keep going if we're still in a ConString.
      type = string.map().instance_type();
      if ((type & kStringRepresentationMask) == kConsStringTag) {
        cons_string = ConsString::cast(string);
      // Tell the stack we're done descending.
    } else {
      // Descend right.
      // Update progress through the string.
      offset += length;
      // Keep going if we're still in a ConString.
      string = cons_string.second();
      type = string.map().instance_type();
      if ((type & kStringRepresentationMask) == kConsStringTag) {
        cons_string = ConsString::cast(string);
      // Need this to be updated for the current string.
      length = string.length();
      // Account for the possibility of an empty right leaf.
      // This happens only if we have asked for an offset outside the string.
      if (length == 0) {
        // Reset so future operations will return null immediately.
        return String();
      // Tell the stack we're done descending.
      // Pop stack so next iteration is in correct place.
    DCHECK_NE(length, 0);
    // Adjust return values and exit.
    consumed_ = offset + length;
    *offset_out = consumed - offset;
    return string;

String ConsStringIterator::NextLeaf(bool* blew_stack) {
  while (true) {
    // Tree traversal complete.
    if (depth_ == 0) {
      *blew_stack = false;
      return String();
    // We've lost track of higher nodes.
    if (StackBlown()) {
      *blew_stack = true;
      return String();
    // Go right.
    ConsString cons_string = frames_[OffsetForDepth(depth_ - 1)];
    String string = cons_string.second();
    int32_t type = string.map().instance_type();
    if ((type & kStringRepresentationMask) != kConsStringTag) {
      // Pop stack so next iteration is in correct place.
      int length = string.length();
      // Could be a flattened ConsString.
      if (length == 0) continue;
      consumed_ += length;
      return string;
    cons_string = ConsString::cast(string);
    // Need to traverse all the way left.
    while (true) {
      // Continue left.
      string = cons_string.first();
      type = string.map().instance_type();
      if ((type & kStringRepresentationMask) != kConsStringTag) {
        int length = string.length();
        if (length == 0) break;  // Skip empty left-hand sides of ConsStrings.
        consumed_ += length;
        return string;
      cons_string = ConsString::cast(string);

const byte* String::AddressOfCharacterAt(
    int start_index, const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc) {
  String subject = *this;
  PtrComprCageBase cage_base = GetPtrComprCageBase(subject);
  StringShape shape(subject, cage_base);
  if (subject.IsConsString(cage_base)) {
    subject = ConsString::cast(subject).first(cage_base);
    shape = StringShape(subject, cage_base);
  } else if (subject.IsSlicedString(cage_base)) {
    start_index += SlicedString::cast(subject).offset();
    subject = SlicedString::cast(subject).parent(cage_base);
    shape = StringShape(subject, cage_base);
  if (subject.IsThinString(cage_base)) {
    subject = ThinString::cast(subject).actual(cage_base);
    shape = StringShape(subject, cage_base);
  CHECK_LE(0, start_index);
  CHECK_LE(start_index, subject.length());
  switch (shape.representation_and_encoding_tag()) {
    case kOneByteStringTag | kSeqStringTag:
      return reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(
          SeqOneByteString::cast(subject).GetChars(no_gc) + start_index);
    case kTwoByteStringTag | kSeqStringTag:
      return reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(
          SeqTwoByteString::cast(subject).GetChars(no_gc) + start_index);
    case kOneByteStringTag | kExternalStringTag:
      return reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(
          ExternalOneByteString::cast(subject).GetChars(cage_base) +
    case kTwoByteStringTag | kExternalStringTag:
      return reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(
          ExternalTwoByteString::cast(subject).GetChars(cage_base) +

template EXPORT_TEMPLATE_DEFINE(V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE) void String::WriteToFlat(
    String source, uint16_t* sink, int from, int to);
template EXPORT_TEMPLATE_DEFINE(V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE) void String::WriteToFlat(
    String source, uint8_t* sink, int from, int to);
template EXPORT_TEMPLATE_DEFINE(V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE) void String::WriteToFlat(
    String source, uint16_t* sink, int from, int to, PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
    const SharedStringAccessGuardIfNeeded&);
template EXPORT_TEMPLATE_DEFINE(V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE) void String::WriteToFlat(
    String source, uint8_t* sink, int from, int to, PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
    const SharedStringAccessGuardIfNeeded&);

namespace {
// Check that the constants defined in src/objects/instance-type.h coincides
// with the Torque-definition of string instance types in src/objects/string.tq.


STATIC_ASSERT(kStringRepresentationMask == RepresentationBits::kMask);

STATIC_ASSERT(kStringEncodingMask == IsOneByteBit::kMask);
STATIC_ASSERT(kTwoByteStringTag == IsOneByteBit::encode(false));
STATIC_ASSERT(kOneByteStringTag == IsOneByteBit::encode(true));

STATIC_ASSERT(kUncachedExternalStringMask == IsUncachedBit::kMask);
STATIC_ASSERT(kUncachedExternalStringTag == IsUncachedBit::encode(true));

STATIC_ASSERT(kIsNotInternalizedMask == IsNotInternalizedBit::kMask);
STATIC_ASSERT(kNotInternalizedTag == IsNotInternalizedBit::encode(true));
STATIC_ASSERT(kInternalizedTag == IsNotInternalizedBit::encode(false));
}  // namespace

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8