// Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/objects/js-temporal-objects.h" #include <set> #include "src/common/globals.h" #include "src/date/date.h" #include "src/execution/isolate.h" #include "src/heap/factory.h" #include "src/numbers/conversions-inl.h" #ifdef V8_INTL_SUPPORT #include "src/objects/intl-objects.h" #include "src/objects/js-date-time-format.h" #endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT #include "src/objects/js-objects-inl.h" #include "src/objects/js-objects.h" #include "src/objects/js-temporal-objects-inl.h" #ifdef V8_INTL_SUPPORT #include "src/objects/managed-inl.h" #endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT #include "src/objects/objects-inl.h" #include "src/objects/option-utils.h" #include "src/objects/property-descriptor.h" #include "src/strings/string-builder-inl.h" #include "src/temporal/temporal-parser.h" #ifdef V8_INTL_SUPPORT #include "unicode/calendar.h" #include "unicode/unistr.h" #endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace { enum class Unit { kNotPresent, kAuto, kYear, kMonth, kWeek, kDay, kHour, kMinute, kSecond, kMillisecond, kMicrosecond, kNanosecond }; /** * This header declare the Abstract Operations defined in the * Temporal spec with the enum and struct for them. */ // Struct struct DateTimeRecordCommon { int32_t year; int32_t month; int32_t day; int32_t hour; int32_t minute; int32_t second; int32_t millisecond; int32_t microsecond; int32_t nanosecond; }; struct DateRecord { int32_t year; int32_t month; int32_t day; Handle<String> calendar; }; struct DateTimeRecord : public DateTimeRecordCommon { Handle<String> calendar; }; struct DurationRecord { int64_t years; int64_t months; int64_t weeks; int64_t days; int64_t hours; int64_t minutes; int64_t seconds; int64_t milliseconds; int64_t microseconds; int64_t nanoseconds; }; struct TimeZoneRecord { bool z; Handle<String> offset_string; Handle<String> name; }; // Options V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Handle<String> UnitToString(Isolate* isolate, Unit unit); // #sec-temporal-totemporaldisambiguation enum class Disambiguation { kCompatible, kEarlier, kLater, kReject }; // #sec-temporal-totemporaloverflow enum class ShowOverflow { kConstrain, kReject }; // ISO8601 String Parsing // #sec-temporal-parsetemporalcalendarstring V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle<String> ParseTemporalCalendarString( Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> iso_string); // #sec-temporal-parsetemporaldatestring V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe<DateRecord> ParseTemporalDateString( Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> iso_string); // #sec-temporal-parsetemporaltimezone V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle<String> ParseTemporalTimeZone( Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> string); V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe<int64_t> ParseTimeZoneOffsetString( Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> offset_string, bool throwIfNotSatisfy = true); void BalanceISODate(Isolate* isolate, int32_t* year, int32_t* month, int32_t* day); // Math and Misc V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle<BigInt> AddInstant( Isolate* isolate, Handle<BigInt> epoch_nanoseconds, int64_t hours, int64_t minutes, int64_t seconds, int64_t milliseconds, int64_t microseconds, int64_t nanoseconds); // #sec-temporal-balanceduration V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe<bool> BalanceDuration( Isolate* isolate, int64_t* days, int64_t* hours, int64_t* minutes, int64_t* seconds, int64_t* milliseconds, int64_t* microseconds, int64_t* nanoseconds, Unit largest_unit, Handle<Object> relative_to, const char* method_name); V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe<DurationRecord> DifferenceISODateTime( Isolate* isolate, int32_t y1, int32_t mon1, int32_t d1, int32_t h1, int32_t min1, int32_t s1, int32_t ms1, int32_t mus1, int32_t ns1, int32_t y2, int32_t mon2, int32_t d2, int32_t h2, int32_t min2, int32_t s2, int32_t ms2, int32_t mus2, int32_t ns2, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Unit largest_unit, Handle<Object> relative_to, const char* method_name); // #sec-temporal-adddatetime V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe<DateTimeRecordCommon> AddDateTime( Isolate* isolate, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second, int32_t millisecond, int32_t microsecond, int32_t nanosecond, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, const DurationRecord& dur, Handle<Object> options); // #sec-temporal-addzoneddatetime V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle<BigInt> AddZonedDateTime( Isolate* isolate, Handle<BigInt> eopch_nanoseconds, Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, const DurationRecord& duration, const char* method_name); V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle<BigInt> AddZonedDateTime( Isolate* isolate, Handle<BigInt> eopch_nanoseconds, Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, const DurationRecord& duration, Handle<JSReceiver> options, const char* method_name); // #sec-temporal-isvalidepochnanoseconds bool IsValidEpochNanoseconds(Isolate* isolate, Handle<BigInt> epoch_nanoseconds); // #sec-temporal-isvalidduration bool IsValidDuration(Isolate* isolate, const DurationRecord& dur); // #sec-temporal-nanosecondstodays V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe<bool> NanosecondsToDays( Isolate* isolate, Handle<BigInt> nanoseconds, Handle<Object> relative_to_obj, int64_t* result_days, int64_t* result_nanoseconds, int64_t* result_day_length, const char* method_name); V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe<bool> NanosecondsToDays( Isolate* isolate, int64_t nanoseconds, Handle<Object> relative_to_obj, int64_t* result_days, int64_t* resultj_nanoseconds, int64_t* result_day_length, const char* method_name); // #sec-temporal-interpretisodatetimeoffset enum class OffsetBehaviour { kOption, kExact, kWall }; V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle<BigInt> GetEpochFromISOParts(Isolate* isolate, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second, int32_t millisecond, int32_t microsecond, int32_t nanosecond); int32_t DurationSign(Isolate* isolaet, const DurationRecord& dur); // #sec-temporal-isodaysinmonth int32_t ISODaysInMonth(Isolate* isolate, int32_t year, int32_t month); // #sec-temporal-isodaysinyear int32_t ISODaysInYear(Isolate* isolate, int32_t year); bool IsValidTime(Isolate* isolate, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second, int32_t millisecond, int32_t microsecond, int32_t nanosecond); // #sec-temporal-isvalidisodate bool IsValidISODate(Isolate* isolate, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day); // #sec-temporal-compareisodate int32_t CompareISODate(Isolate* isolate, int32_t y1, int32_t m1, int32_t d1, int32_t y2, int32_t m2, int32_t d2); // #sec-temporal-balanceisoyearmonth void BalanceISOYearMonth(Isolate* isolate, int32_t* year, int32_t* month); // #sec-temporal-balancetime V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT DateTimeRecordCommon BalanceTime(Isolate* isolate, int64_t hour, int64_t minute, int64_t second, int64_t millisecond, int64_t microsecond, int64_t nanosecond); // #sec-temporal-differencetime V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT DurationRecord DifferenceTime(Isolate* isolate, int32_t h1, int32_t min1, int32_t s1, int32_t ms1, int32_t mus1, int32_t ns1, int32_t h2, int32_t min2, int32_t s2, int32_t ms2, int32_t mus2, int32_t ns2); // #sec-temporal-addtime V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT DateTimeRecordCommon AddTime(Isolate* isolate, int64_t hour, int64_t minute, int64_t second, int64_t millisecond, int64_t microsecond, int64_t nanosecond, int64_t hours, int64_t minutes, int64_t seconds, int64_t milliseconds, int64_t microseconds, int64_t nanoseconds); // #sec-temporal-totaldurationnanoseconds int64_t TotalDurationNanoseconds(Isolate* isolate, int64_t days, int64_t hours, int64_t minutes, int64_t seconds, int64_t milliseconds, int64_t microseconds, int64_t nanoseconds, int64_t offset_shift); // Calendar Operations // #sec-temporal-calendardateadd V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDate> CalendarDateAdd( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Handle<Object> date, Handle<Object> durations, Handle<Object> options, Handle<Object> date_add); // #sec-temporal-calendardateuntil V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle<JSTemporalDuration> CalendarDateUntil( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Handle<Object> one, Handle<Object> two, Handle<Object> options, Handle<Object> date_until); // #sec-temporal-calendarfields MaybeHandle<FixedArray> CalendarFields(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Handle<FixedArray> field_names); // #sec-temporal-getoffsetnanosecondsfor V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe<int64_t> GetOffsetNanosecondsFor( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone, Handle<Object> instant, const char* method_name); // #sec-temporal-totemporalcalendarwithisodefault MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> temporal_calendar_like, const char* method_name); // #sec-temporal-isbuiltincalendar bool IsBuiltinCalendar(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> id); // Internal Helper Function int32_t CalendarIndex(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> id); // #sec-isvalidtimezonename bool IsValidTimeZoneName(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> time_zone); // #sec-canonicalizetimezonename V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle<String> CanonicalizeTimeZoneName( Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> identifier); // #sec-temporal-tointegerthrowoninfinity MaybeHandle<Object> ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> argument); // #sec-temporal-topositiveinteger MaybeHandle<Object> ToPositiveInteger(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> argument); inline int64_t floor_divide(int64_t a, int64_t b) { return (((a) / (b)) + ((((a) < 0) && (((a) % (b)) != 0)) ? -1 : 0)); } inline int64_t modulo(int64_t a, int64_t b) { return ((((a) % (b)) + (b)) % (b)); } #define STRINGIFY(x) #x #define TOSTRING(x) STRINGIFY(x) #define AT __FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__) #ifdef DEBUG #define TEMPORAL_DEBUG_INFO AT #define TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC() // #define TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC() do { PrintF("Start: %s\n", __func__); } while // (false) #else // #define TEMPORAL_DEBUG_INFO "" #define TEMPORAL_DEBUG_INFO AT #define TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC() // #define TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC() do { PrintF("Start: %s\n", __func__); } while // (false) #endif // DEBUG #define NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_TYPE_ERROR() \ NewTypeError( \ MessageTemplate::kInvalidArgumentForTemporal, \ isolate->factory()->NewStringFromStaticChars(TEMPORAL_DEBUG_INFO)) #define NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR() \ NewRangeError( \ MessageTemplate::kInvalidTimeValueForTemporal, \ isolate->factory()->NewStringFromStaticChars(TEMPORAL_DEBUG_INFO)) // #sec-defaulttimezone MaybeHandle<String> DefaultTimeZone(Isolate* isolate) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // For now, always return "UTC" // TODO(ftang) implement behavior specified in #sup-defaulttimezone return isolate->factory()->UTC_string(); } // #sec-temporal-isodatetimewithinlimits bool ISODateTimeWithinLimits(Isolate* isolate, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second, int32_t millisecond, int32_t microsecond, int32_t nanosecond) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); /** * Note: It is really overkill to decide within the limit by following the * specified algorithm literally, which require the conversion to BigInt. * Take a short cut and use pre-calculated year/month/day boundary instead. * * Math: * (-8.64 x 10^21- 8.64 x 10^16, 8.64 x 10^21 + 8.64 x 10^16) ns * = (-8.64 x 9999 x 10^16, 8.64 x 9999 x 10^16) ns * = (-8.64 x 9999 x 10^10, 8.64 x 9999 x 10^10) millisecond * = (-8.64 x 9999 x 10^7, 8.64 x 9999 x 10^7) second * = (-86400 x 9999 x 10^3, 86400 x 9999 x 10^3) second * = (-9999 x 10^3, 9999 x 10^3) days => Because 60*60*24 = 86400 * 9999000 days is about 27376 years, 4 months and 7 days. * Therefore 9999000 days before Jan 1 1970 is around Auguest 23, -25407 and * 9999000 days after Jan 1 1970 is around April 9, 29346. */ if (year > -25407 && year < 29346) return true; if (year < -25407 || year > 29346) return false; if (year == -25407) { if (month > 8) return true; if (month < 8) return false; return (day > 23); } else { DCHECK_EQ(year, 29346); if (month > 4) return false; if (month < 4) return true; return (day > 23); } // 1. Assert: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, // microsecond, and nanosecond are integers. // 2. Let ns be ! GetEpochFromISOParts(year, month, day, hour, minute, // second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond). // 3. If ns ≤ -8.64 × 10^21 - 8.64 × 10^16, then // 4. If ns ≥ 8.64 × 10^21 + 8.64 × 10^16, then // 5. Return true. } // #sec-temporal-isoyearmonthwithinlimits bool ISOYearMonthWithinLimits(int32_t year, int32_t month) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: year and month are integers. // 2. If year < −271821 or year > 275760, then // a. Return false. if (year < -271821 || year > 275760) return false; // 3. If year is −271821 and month < 4, then // a. Return false. if (year == -271821 && month < 4) return false; // 4. If year is 275760 and month > 9, then // a. Return false. if (year == 275760 && month > 9) return false; // 5. Return true. return true; } #define ORDINARY_CREATE_FROM_CONSTRUCTOR(obj, target, new_target, T) \ Handle<JSReceiver> new_target_receiver = \ Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(new_target); \ Handle<Map> map; \ ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( \ isolate, map, \ JSFunction::GetDerivedMap(isolate, target, new_target_receiver), T); \ Handle<T> object = \ Handle<T>::cast(isolate->factory()->NewFastOrSlowJSObjectFromMap(map)); #define THROW_INVALID_RANGE(T) \ THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), T); #define CONSTRUCTOR(name) \ Handle<JSFunction>( \ JSFunction::cast( \ isolate->context().native_context().temporal_##name##_function()), \ isolate) // #sec-temporal-systemutcepochnanoseconds MaybeHandle<BigInt> SystemUTCEpochNanoseconds(Isolate* isolate) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Let ns be the approximate current UTC date and time, in nanoseconds // since the epoch. double ms = V8::GetCurrentPlatform()->CurrentClockTimeMillis(); // 2. Set ns to the result of clamping ns between −8.64 × 10^21 and 8.64 × // 10^21. // 3. Return ℤ(ns). double ns = ms * 1000000.0; ns = std::floor(std::max(-8.64e21, std::min(ns, 8.64e21))); return BigInt::FromNumber(isolate, isolate->factory()->NewNumber(ns)); } // #sec-temporal-createtemporalcalendar MaybeHandle<JSTemporalCalendar> CreateTemporalCalendar( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, Handle<String> identifier) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: ! IsBuiltinCalendar(identifier) is true. // 2. If newTarget is not provided, set newTarget to %Temporal.Calendar%. // 3. Let object be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, // "%Temporal.Calendar.prototype%", « [[InitializedTemporalCalendar]], // [[Identifier]] »). int32_t index = CalendarIndex(isolate, identifier); ORDINARY_CREATE_FROM_CONSTRUCTOR(object, target, new_target, JSTemporalCalendar) object->set_flags(0); // 4. Set object.[[Identifier]] to identifier. object->set_calendar_index(index); // 5. Return object. return object; } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalCalendar> CreateTemporalCalendar( Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> identifier) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); return CreateTemporalCalendar(isolate, CONSTRUCTOR(calendar), CONSTRUCTOR(calendar), identifier); } // #sec-temporal-createtemporaldate MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDate> CreateTemporalDate( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, int32_t iso_year, int32_t iso_month, int32_t iso_day, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: isoYear is an integer. // 2. Assert: isoMonth is an integer. // 3. Assert: isoDay is an integer. // 4. Assert: Type(calendar) is Object. // 5. If ! IsValidISODate(isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay) is false, throw a // RangeError exception. if (!IsValidISODate(isolate, iso_year, iso_month, iso_day)) { THROW_INVALID_RANGE(JSTemporalPlainDate); } // 6. If ! ISODateTimeWithinLimits(isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0) is false, throw a RangeError exception. if (!ISODateTimeWithinLimits(isolate, iso_year, iso_month, iso_day, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) { THROW_INVALID_RANGE(JSTemporalPlainDate); } // 7. If newTarget is not present, set it to %Temporal.PlainDate%. // 8. Let object be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, // "%Temporal.PlainDate.prototype%", « [[InitializedTemporalDate]], // [[ISOYear]], [[ISOMonth]], [[ISODay]], [[Calendar]] »). ORDINARY_CREATE_FROM_CONSTRUCTOR(object, target, new_target, JSTemporalPlainDate) object->set_year_month_day(0); // 9. Set object.[[ISOYear]] to isoYear. object->set_iso_year(iso_year); // 10. Set object.[[ISOMonth]] to isoMonth. object->set_iso_month(iso_month); // 11. Set object.[[ISODay]] to isoDay. object->set_iso_day(iso_day); // 12. Set object.[[Calendar]] to calendar. object->set_calendar(*calendar); // 13. Return object. return object; } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDate> CreateTemporalDate( Isolate* isolate, int32_t iso_year, int32_t iso_month, int32_t iso_day, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); return CreateTemporalDate(isolate, CONSTRUCTOR(plain_date), CONSTRUCTOR(plain_date), iso_year, iso_month, iso_day, calendar); } // #sec-temporal-createtemporaldatetime MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> CreateTemporalDateTime( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, int32_t iso_year, int32_t iso_month, int32_t iso_day, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second, int32_t millisecond, int32_t microsecond, int32_t nanosecond, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay, hour, minute, second, millisecond, // microsecond, and nanosecond are integers. // 2. Assert: Type(calendar) is Object. // 3. If ! IsValidISODate(isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay) is false, throw a // RangeError exception. if (!IsValidISODate(isolate, iso_year, iso_month, iso_day)) { THROW_INVALID_RANGE(JSTemporalPlainDateTime); } // 4. If ! IsValidTime(hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, // nanosecond) is false, throw a RangeError exception. if (!IsValidTime(isolate, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond)) { THROW_INVALID_RANGE(JSTemporalPlainDateTime); } // 5. If ! ISODateTimeWithinLimits(isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay, hour, minute, // second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond) is false, then if (!ISODateTimeWithinLimits(isolate, iso_year, iso_month, iso_day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond)) { // a. Throw a RangeError exception. THROW_INVALID_RANGE(JSTemporalPlainDateTime); } // 6. If newTarget is not present, set it to %Temporal.PlainDateTime%. // 7. Let object be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, // "%Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype%", « [[InitializedTemporalDateTime]], // [[ISOYear]], [[ISOMonth]], [[ISODay]], [[ISOHour]], [[ISOMinute]], // [[ISOSecond]], [[ISOMillisecond]], [[ISOMicrosecond]], [[ISONanosecond]], // [[Calendar]] »). ORDINARY_CREATE_FROM_CONSTRUCTOR(object, target, new_target, JSTemporalPlainDateTime) object->set_year_month_day(0); object->set_hour_minute_second(0); object->set_second_parts(0); // 8. Set object.[[ISOYear]] to isoYear. object->set_iso_year(iso_year); // 9. Set object.[[ISOMonth]] to isoMonth. object->set_iso_month(iso_month); // 10. Set object.[[ISODay]] to isoDay. object->set_iso_day(iso_day); // 11. Set object.[[ISOHour]] to hour. object->set_iso_hour(hour); // 12. Set object.[[ISOMinute]] to minute. object->set_iso_minute(minute); // 13. Set object.[[ISOSecond]] to second. object->set_iso_second(second); // 14. Set object.[[ISOMillisecond]] to millisecond. object->set_iso_millisecond(millisecond); // 15. Set object.[[ISOMicrosecond]] to microsecond. object->set_iso_microsecond(microsecond); // 16. Set object.[[ISONanosecond]] to nanosecond. object->set_iso_nanosecond(nanosecond); // 17. Set object.[[Calendar]] to calendar. object->set_calendar(*calendar); // 18. Return object. return object; } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> CreateTemporalDateTimeDefaultTarget( Isolate* isolate, int32_t iso_year, int32_t iso_month, int32_t iso_day, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second, int32_t millisecond, int32_t microsecond, int32_t nanosecond, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); return CreateTemporalDateTime(isolate, CONSTRUCTOR(plain_date_time), CONSTRUCTOR(plain_date_time), iso_year, iso_month, iso_day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, calendar); } } // namespace namespace temporal { MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> CreateTemporalDateTime( Isolate* isolate, int32_t iso_year, int32_t iso_month, int32_t iso_day, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second, int32_t millisecond, int32_t microsecond, int32_t nanosecond, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar) { return CreateTemporalDateTimeDefaultTarget( isolate, iso_year, iso_month, iso_day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, calendar); } } // namespace temporal namespace { // #sec-temporal-createtemporaltime MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainTime> CreateTemporalTime( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second, int32_t millisecond, int32_t microsecond, int32_t nanosecond) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 2. If ! IsValidTime(hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, // nanosecond) is false, throw a RangeError exception. if (!IsValidTime(isolate, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond)) { THROW_INVALID_RANGE(JSTemporalPlainTime); } // 4. Let object be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, // "%Temporal.PlainTime.prototype%", « [[InitializedTemporalTime]], // [[ISOHour]], [[ISOMinute]], [[ISOSecond]], [[ISOMillisecond]], // [[ISOMicrosecond]], [[ISONanosecond]], [[Calendar]] »). ORDINARY_CREATE_FROM_CONSTRUCTOR(object, target, new_target, JSTemporalPlainTime) Handle<JSTemporalCalendar> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, calendar, temporal::GetISO8601Calendar(isolate), JSTemporalPlainTime); object->set_hour_minute_second(0); object->set_second_parts(0); // 5. Set object.[[ISOHour]] to hour. object->set_iso_hour(hour); // 6. Set object.[[ISOMinute]] to minute. object->set_iso_minute(minute); // 7. Set object.[[ISOSecond]] to second. object->set_iso_second(second); // 8. Set object.[[ISOMillisecond]] to millisecond. object->set_iso_millisecond(millisecond); // 9. Set object.[[ISOMicrosecond]] to microsecond. object->set_iso_microsecond(microsecond); // 10. Set object.[[ISONanosecond]] to nanosecond. object->set_iso_nanosecond(nanosecond); // 11. Set object.[[Calendar]] to ? GetISO8601Calendar(). object->set_calendar(*calendar); // 12. Return object. return object; } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainTime> CreateTemporalTime( Isolate* isolate, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second, int32_t millisecond, int32_t microsecond, int32_t nanosecond) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); return CreateTemporalTime(isolate, CONSTRUCTOR(plain_time), CONSTRUCTOR(plain_time), hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond); } // #sec-temporal-createtemporalmonthday MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainMonthDay> CreateTemporalMonthDay( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, int32_t iso_month, int32_t iso_day, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, int32_t reference_iso_year) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: isoMonth, isoDay, and referenceISOYear are integers. // 2. Assert: Type(calendar) is Object. // 3. If ! IsValidISODate(referenceISOYear, isoMonth, isoDay) is false, throw // a RangeError exception. if (!IsValidISODate(isolate, reference_iso_year, iso_month, iso_day)) { THROW_INVALID_RANGE(JSTemporalPlainMonthDay); } // 4. If newTarget is not present, set it to %Temporal.PlainMonthDay%. // 5. Let object be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, // "%Temporal.PlainMonthDay.prototype%", « [[InitializedTemporalMonthDay]], // [[ISOMonth]], [[ISODay]], [[ISOYear]], [[Calendar]] »). ORDINARY_CREATE_FROM_CONSTRUCTOR(object, target, new_target, JSTemporalPlainMonthDay) object->set_year_month_day(0); // 6. Set object.[[ISOMonth]] to isoMonth. object->set_iso_month(iso_month); // 7. Set object.[[ISODay]] to isoDay. object->set_iso_day(iso_day); // 8. Set object.[[Calendar]] to calendar. object->set_calendar(*calendar); // 9. Set object.[[ISOYear]] to referenceISOYear. object->set_iso_year(reference_iso_year); // 10. Return object. return object; } // #sec-temporal-createtemporalyearmonth MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainYearMonth> CreateTemporalYearMonth( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, int32_t iso_year, int32_t iso_month, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, int32_t reference_iso_day) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: isoYear, isoMonth, and referenceISODay are integers. // 2. Assert: Type(calendar) is Object. // 3. If ! IsValidISODate(isoYear, isoMonth, referenceISODay) is false, throw // a RangeError exception. if (!IsValidISODate(isolate, iso_year, iso_month, reference_iso_day)) { THROW_INVALID_RANGE(JSTemporalPlainYearMonth); } // 4. If ! ISOYearMonthWithinLimits(isoYear, isoMonth) is false, throw a // RangeError exception. if (!ISOYearMonthWithinLimits(iso_year, iso_month)) { THROW_INVALID_RANGE(JSTemporalPlainYearMonth); } // 5. If newTarget is not present, set it to %Temporal.PlainYearMonth%. // 6. Let object be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, // "%Temporal.PlainYearMonth.prototype%", « [[InitializedTemporalYearMonth]], // [[ISOYear]], [[ISOMonth]], [[ISODay]], [[Calendar]] »). ORDINARY_CREATE_FROM_CONSTRUCTOR(object, target, new_target, JSTemporalPlainYearMonth) object->set_year_month_day(0); // 7. Set object.[[ISOYear]] to isoYear. object->set_iso_year(iso_year); // 8. Set object.[[ISOMonth]] to isoMonth. object->set_iso_month(iso_month); // 9. Set object.[[Calendar]] to calendar. object->set_calendar(*calendar); // 10. Set object.[[ISODay]] to referenceISODay. object->set_iso_day(reference_iso_day); // 11. Return object. return object; } // #sec-temporal-createtemporalzoneddatetime MaybeHandle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> CreateTemporalZonedDateTime( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, Handle<BigInt> epoch_nanoseconds, Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: Type(epochNanoseconds) is BigInt. // 2. Assert: ! IsValidEpochNanoseconds(epochNanoseconds) is true. DCHECK(IsValidEpochNanoseconds(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds)); // 3. Assert: Type(timeZone) is Object. // 4. Assert: Type(calendar) is Object. // 5. If newTarget is not present, set it to %Temporal.ZonedDateTime%. // 6. Let object be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, // "%Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype%", « // [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]], [[Nanoseconds]], [[TimeZone]], // [[Calendar]] »). ORDINARY_CREATE_FROM_CONSTRUCTOR(object, target, new_target, JSTemporalZonedDateTime) // 7. Set object.[[Nanoseconds]] to epochNanoseconds. object->set_nanoseconds(*epoch_nanoseconds); // 8. Set object.[[TimeZone]] to timeZone. object->set_time_zone(*time_zone); // 9. Set object.[[Calendar]] to calendar. object->set_calendar(*calendar); // 10. Return object. return object; } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> CreateTemporalZonedDateTime( Isolate* isolate, Handle<BigInt> epoch_nanoseconds, Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); return CreateTemporalZonedDateTime(isolate, CONSTRUCTOR(zoned_date_time), CONSTRUCTOR(zoned_date_time), epoch_nanoseconds, time_zone, calendar); } // #sec-temporal-createtemporalduration MaybeHandle<JSTemporalDuration> CreateTemporalDuration( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, int64_t years, int64_t months, int64_t weeks, int64_t days, int64_t hours, int64_t minutes, int64_t seconds, int64_t milliseconds, int64_t microseconds, int64_t nanoseconds) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); // 1. If ! IsValidDuration(years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, // seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds) is false, throw a // RangeError exception. if (!IsValidDuration(isolate, {years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds})) { THROW_INVALID_RANGE(JSTemporalDuration); } // 2. If newTarget is not present, set it to %Temporal.Duration%. // 3. Let object be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, // "%Temporal.Duration.prototype%", « [[InitializedTemporalDuration]], // [[Years]], [[Months]], [[Weeks]], [[Days]], [[Hours]], [[Minutes]], // [[Seconds]], [[Milliseconds]], [[Microseconds]], [[Nanoseconds]] »). ORDINARY_CREATE_FROM_CONSTRUCTOR(object, target, new_target, JSTemporalDuration) #define SET_FROM_INT64(obj, p) \ do { \ Handle<Object> item = factory->NewNumberFromInt64(p); \ object->set_##p(*item); \ } while (false) // 4. Set object.[[Years]] to years. SET_FROM_INT64(object, years); // 5. Set object.[[Months]] to months. SET_FROM_INT64(object, months); // 6. Set object.[[Weeks]] to weeks. SET_FROM_INT64(object, weeks); // 7. Set object.[[Days]] to days. SET_FROM_INT64(object, days); // 8. Set object.[[Hours]] to hours. SET_FROM_INT64(object, hours); // 9. Set object.[[Minutes]] to minutes. SET_FROM_INT64(object, minutes); // 10. Set object.[[Seconds]] to seconds. SET_FROM_INT64(object, seconds); // 11. Set object.[[Milliseconds]] to milliseconds. SET_FROM_INT64(object, milliseconds); // 12. Set object.[[Microseconds]] to microseconds. SET_FROM_INT64(object, microseconds); // 13. Set object.[[Nanoseconds]] to nanoseconds. SET_FROM_INT64(object, nanoseconds); #undef SET_FROM_INT64 // 14. Return object. return object; } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalDuration> CreateTemporalDuration( Isolate* isolate, int64_t years, int64_t months, int64_t weeks, int64_t days, int64_t hours, int64_t minutes, int64_t seconds, int64_t milliseconds, int64_t microseconds, int64_t nanoseconds) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); return CreateTemporalDuration(isolate, CONSTRUCTOR(duration), CONSTRUCTOR(duration), years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds); } } // namespace namespace temporal { // #sec-temporal-createtemporalinstant MaybeHandle<JSTemporalInstant> CreateTemporalInstant( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, Handle<BigInt> epoch_nanoseconds) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: Type(epochNanoseconds) is BigInt. // 2. Assert: ! IsValidEpochNanoseconds(epochNanoseconds) is true. DCHECK(IsValidEpochNanoseconds(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds)); // 4. Let object be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, // "%Temporal.Instant.prototype%", « [[InitializedTemporalInstant]], // [[Nanoseconds]] »). ORDINARY_CREATE_FROM_CONSTRUCTOR(object, target, new_target, JSTemporalInstant) // 5. Set object.[[Nanoseconds]] to ns. object->set_nanoseconds(*epoch_nanoseconds); return object; } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalInstant> CreateTemporalInstant( Isolate* isolate, Handle<BigInt> epoch_nanoseconds) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); return CreateTemporalInstant(isolate, CONSTRUCTOR(instant), CONSTRUCTOR(instant), epoch_nanoseconds); } } // namespace temporal namespace { MaybeHandle<JSTemporalTimeZone> CreateTemporalTimeZoneFromIndex( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, int32_t index) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); ORDINARY_CREATE_FROM_CONSTRUCTOR(object, target, new_target, JSTemporalTimeZone) object->set_flags(0); object->set_details(0); object->set_is_offset(false); object->set_offset_milliseconds_or_time_zone_index(index); return object; } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalTimeZone> CreateTemporalTimeZoneUTC( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); return CreateTemporalTimeZoneFromIndex(isolate, target, new_target, 0); } bool IsUTC(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> time_zone); // #sec-temporal-createtemporaltimezone MaybeHandle<JSTemporalTimeZone> CreateTemporalTimeZone( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, Handle<String> identifier) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. If newTarget is not present, set it to %Temporal.TimeZone%. // 2. Let object be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, // "%Temporal.TimeZone.prototype%", « [[InitializedTemporalTimeZone]], // [[Identifier]], [[OffsetNanoseconds]] »). // 3. Set object.[[Identifier]] to identifier. if (IsUTC(isolate, identifier)) { return CreateTemporalTimeZoneUTC(isolate, target, new_target); } #ifdef V8_INTL_SUPPORT int32_t time_zone_index; Maybe<bool> maybe_time_zone_index = Intl::GetTimeZoneIndex(isolate, identifier, &time_zone_index); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_time_zone_index, Handle<JSTemporalTimeZone>()); if (maybe_time_zone_index.FromJust()) { return CreateTemporalTimeZoneFromIndex(isolate, target, new_target, time_zone_index); } #endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT // 4. If identifier satisfies the syntax of a TimeZoneNumericUTCOffset // (see 13.33), then a. Set object.[[OffsetNanoseconds]] to ! // ParseTimeZoneOffsetString(identifier). // 5. Else, // a. Assert: ! CanonicalizeTimeZoneName(identifier) is identifier. // b. Set object.[[OffsetNanoseconds]] to undefined. // 6. Return object. Maybe<int64_t> maybe_offset_nanoseconds = ParseTimeZoneOffsetString(isolate, identifier, false); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_offset_nanoseconds, Handle<JSTemporalTimeZone>()); int64_t offset_nanoseconds = maybe_offset_nanoseconds.FromJust(); ORDINARY_CREATE_FROM_CONSTRUCTOR(object, target, new_target, JSTemporalTimeZone) object->set_flags(0); object->set_details(0); object->set_is_offset(true); object->set_offset_nanoseconds(offset_nanoseconds); return object; } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalTimeZone> CreateTemporalTimeZoneDefaultTarget( Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> identifier) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); return CreateTemporalTimeZone(isolate, CONSTRUCTOR(time_zone), CONSTRUCTOR(time_zone), identifier); } } // namespace namespace temporal { MaybeHandle<JSTemporalTimeZone> CreateTemporalTimeZone( Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> identifier) { return CreateTemporalTimeZoneDefaultTarget(isolate, identifier); } } // namespace temporal namespace { // #sec-temporal-systeminstant MaybeHandle<JSTemporalInstant> SystemInstant(Isolate* isolate) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Let ns be ! SystemUTCEpochNanoseconds(). Handle<BigInt> ns; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, ns, SystemUTCEpochNanoseconds(isolate), JSTemporalInstant); // 2. Return ? CreateTemporalInstant(ns). return temporal::CreateTemporalInstant(isolate, ns); } // #sec-temporal-systemtimezone MaybeHandle<JSTemporalTimeZone> SystemTimeZone(Isolate* isolate) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); Handle<String> default_time_zone; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, default_time_zone, DefaultTimeZone(isolate), JSTemporalTimeZone); return temporal::CreateTemporalTimeZone(isolate, default_time_zone); } Maybe<DateTimeRecordCommon> GetISOPartsFromEpoch( Isolate* isolate, Handle<BigInt> epoch_nanoseconds) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); DateTimeRecordCommon result; // 1. Let remainderNs be epochNanoseconds modulo 10^6. Handle<BigInt> million = BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, 1000000); Handle<BigInt> remainder_ns; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, remainder_ns, BigInt::Remainder(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds, million), Nothing<DateTimeRecordCommon>()); // Need to do some remainder magic to negative remainder. if (remainder_ns->IsNegative()) { ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, remainder_ns, BigInt::Add(isolate, remainder_ns, million), Nothing<DateTimeRecordCommon>()); } // 2. Let epochMilliseconds be (epochNanoseconds − remainderNs) / 10^6. Handle<BigInt> bigint; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, bigint, BigInt::Subtract(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds, remainder_ns), Nothing<DateTimeRecordCommon>()); ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE(isolate, bigint, BigInt::Divide(isolate, bigint, million), Nothing<DateTimeRecordCommon>()); int64_t epoch_milliseconds = bigint->AsInt64(); int year = 0; int month = 0; int day = 0; int wday = 0; int hour = 0; int min = 0; int sec = 0; int ms = 0; isolate->date_cache()->BreakDownTime(epoch_milliseconds, &year, &month, &day, &wday, &hour, &min, &sec, &ms); // 3. Let year be ! YearFromTime(epochMilliseconds). result.year = year; // 4. Let month be ! MonthFromTime(epochMilliseconds) + 1. result.month = month + 1; DCHECK_GE(result.month, 1); DCHECK_LE(result.month, 12); // 5. Let day be ! DateFromTime(epochMilliseconds). result.day = day; DCHECK_GE(result.day, 1); DCHECK_LE(result.day, 31); // 6. Let hour be ! HourFromTime(epochMilliseconds). result.hour = hour; DCHECK_GE(result.hour, 0); DCHECK_LE(result.hour, 23); // 7. Let minute be ! MinFromTime(epochMilliseconds). result.minute = min; DCHECK_GE(result.minute, 0); DCHECK_LE(result.minute, 59); // 8. Let second be ! SecFromTime(epochMilliseconds). result.second = sec; DCHECK_GE(result.second, 0); DCHECK_LE(result.second, 59); // 9. Let millisecond be ! msFromTime(epochMilliseconds). result.millisecond = ms; DCHECK_GE(result.millisecond, 0); DCHECK_LE(result.millisecond, 999); // 10. Let microsecond be floor(remainderNs / 1000) modulo 1000. int64_t remainder = remainder_ns->AsInt64(); result.microsecond = (remainder / 1000) % 1000; DCHECK_GE(result.microsecond, 0); DCHECK_LE(result.microsecond, 999); // 11. Let nanosecond be remainderNs modulo 1000. result.nanosecond = remainder % 1000; DCHECK_GE(result.nanosecond, 0); DCHECK_LE(result.nanosecond, 999); return Just(result); } // #sec-temporal-balanceisodatetime DateTimeRecordCommon BalanceISODateTime(Isolate* isolate, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second, int32_t millisecond, int32_t microsecond, int64_t nanosecond) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, // microsecond, and nanosecond are integers. // 2. Let balancedTime be ! BalanceTime(hour, minute, second, millisecond, // microsecond, nanosecond). DateTimeRecordCommon balanced_time = BalanceTime( isolate, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond); // 3. Let balancedDate be ! BalanceISODate(year, month, day + // balancedTime.[[Days]]). day += balanced_time.day; BalanceISODate(isolate, &year, &month, &day); // 4. Return the Record { [[Year]]: balancedDate.[[Year]], [[Month]]: // balancedDate.[[Month]], [[Day]]: balancedDate.[[Day]], [[Hour]]: // balancedTime.[[Hour]], [[Minute]]: balancedTime.[[Minute]], [[Second]]: // balancedTime.[[Second]], [[Millisecond]]: balancedTime.[[Millisecond]], // [[Microsecond]]: balancedTime.[[Microsecond]], [[Nanosecond]]: // balancedTime.[[Nanosecond]] }. return {year, month, day, balanced_time.hour, balanced_time.minute, balanced_time.second, balanced_time.millisecond, balanced_time.microsecond, balanced_time.nanosecond}; } } // namespace namespace temporal { MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> BuiltinTimeZoneGetPlainDateTimeFor( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone, Handle<JSTemporalInstant> instant, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Let offsetNanoseconds be ? GetOffsetNanosecondsFor(timeZone, instant). Maybe<int64_t> maybe_offset_nanoseconds = GetOffsetNanosecondsFor(isolate, time_zone, instant, method_name); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_offset_nanoseconds, Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime>()); // 2. Let result be ! GetISOPartsFromEpoch(instant.[[Nanoseconds]]). Maybe<DateTimeRecordCommon> maybe_result = GetISOPartsFromEpoch( isolate, Handle<BigInt>(instant->nanoseconds(), isolate)); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_result, Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime>()); int64_t offset_nanoseconds = maybe_offset_nanoseconds.FromJust(); // 3. Set result to ! BalanceISODateTime(result.[[Year]], result.[[Month]], // result.[[Day]], result.[[Hour]], result.[[Minute]], result.[[Second]], // result.[[Millisecond]], result.[[Microsecond]], result.[[Nanosecond]] + // offsetNanoseconds). DateTimeRecordCommon result = maybe_result.FromJust(); result = BalanceISODateTime(isolate, result.year, result.month, result.day, result.hour, result.minute, result.second, result.millisecond, result.microsecond, offset_nanoseconds + result.nanosecond); // 4. Return ? CreateTemporalDateTime(result.[[Year]], result.[[Month]], // result.[[Day]], result.[[Hour]], result.[[Minute]], result.[[Second]], // result.[[Millisecond]], result.[[Microsecond]], result.[[Nanosecond]], // calendar). return temporal::CreateTemporalDateTime( isolate, result.year, result.month, result.day, result.hour, result.minute, result.second, result.millisecond, result.microsecond, result.nanosecond, calendar); } } // namespace temporal namespace { // #sec-temporal-getpossibleinstantsfor MaybeHandle<FixedArray> GetPossibleInstantsFor(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone, Handle<Object> date_time) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Let possibleInstants be ? Invoke(timeZone, "getPossibleInstantsFor", « // dateTime »). Handle<Object> function; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, function, Object::GetProperty(isolate, time_zone, isolate->factory()->getPossibleInstantsFor_string()), FixedArray); if (!function->IsCallable()) { THROW_NEW_ERROR( isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kCalledNonCallable, isolate->factory()->getPossibleInstantsFor_string()), FixedArray); } Handle<Object> possible_instants; { Handle<Object> argv[] = {date_time}; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, possible_instants, Execution::Call(isolate, function, time_zone, arraysize(argv), argv), FixedArray); } // Step 4-6 of GetPossibleInstantsFor is implemented inside // temporal_instant_fixed_array_from_iterable. { Handle<Object> argv[] = {possible_instants}; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, possible_instants, Execution::CallBuiltin( isolate, isolate->temporal_instant_fixed_array_from_iterable(), possible_instants, arraysize(argv), argv), FixedArray); } DCHECK(possible_instants->IsFixedArray()); // 7. Return list. return Handle<FixedArray>::cast(possible_instants); } // #sec-temporal-disambiguatepossibleinstants MaybeHandle<JSTemporalInstant> DisambiguatePossibleInstants( Isolate* isolate, Handle<FixedArray> possible_instants, Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone, Handle<Object> date_time_obj, Disambiguation disambiguation, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: dateTime has an [[InitializedTemporalDateTime]] internal slot. DCHECK(date_time_obj->IsJSTemporalPlainDateTime()); Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> date_time = Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime>::cast(date_time_obj); // 2. Let n be possibleInstants's length. int32_t n = possible_instants->length(); // 3. If n = 1, then if (n == 1) { // a. Return possibleInstants[0]. Handle<Object> ret_obj = FixedArray::get(*possible_instants, 0, isolate); DCHECK(ret_obj->IsJSTemporalInstant()); return Handle<JSTemporalInstant>::cast(ret_obj); } // 4. If n ≠ 0, then if (n != 0) { // a. If disambiguation is "earlier" or "compatible", then if (disambiguation == Disambiguation::kEarlier || disambiguation == Disambiguation::kCompatible) { // i. Return possibleInstants[0]. Handle<Object> ret_obj = FixedArray::get(*possible_instants, 0, isolate); DCHECK(ret_obj->IsJSTemporalInstant()); return Handle<JSTemporalInstant>::cast(ret_obj); } // b. If disambiguation is "later", then if (disambiguation == Disambiguation::kLater) { // i. Return possibleInstants[n − 1]. Handle<Object> ret_obj = FixedArray::get(*possible_instants, n - 1, isolate); DCHECK(ret_obj->IsJSTemporalInstant()); return Handle<JSTemporalInstant>::cast(ret_obj); } // c. Assert: disambiguation is "reject". DCHECK_EQ(disambiguation, Disambiguation::kReject); // d. Throw a RangeError exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), JSTemporalInstant); } // 5. Assert: n = 0. DCHECK_EQ(n, 0); // 6. If disambiguation is "reject", then if (disambiguation == Disambiguation::kReject) { // a. Throw a RangeError exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), JSTemporalInstant); } // 7. Let epochNanoseconds be ! GetEpochFromISOParts(dateTime.[[ISOYear]], // dateTime.[[ISOMonth]], dateTime.[[ISODay]], dateTime.[[ISOHour]], // dateTime.[[ISOMinute]], dateTime.[[ISOSecond]], // dateTime.[[ISOMillisecond]], dateTime.[[ISOMicrosecond]], // dateTime.[[ISONanosecond]]). Handle<BigInt> epoch_nanoseconds; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, epoch_nanoseconds, GetEpochFromISOParts( isolate, date_time->iso_year(), date_time->iso_month(), date_time->iso_day(), date_time->iso_hour(), date_time->iso_minute(), date_time->iso_second(), date_time->iso_millisecond(), date_time->iso_microsecond(), date_time->iso_nanosecond()), JSTemporalInstant); // 8. Let dayBefore be ! CreateTemporalInstant(epochNanoseconds − 8.64 × // 10^13). Handle<BigInt> one_day_in_ns = BigInt::FromUint64(isolate, 86400000000000ULL); Handle<BigInt> day_before_ns; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, day_before_ns, BigInt::Subtract(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds, one_day_in_ns), JSTemporalInstant); Handle<JSTemporalInstant> day_before; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, day_before, temporal::CreateTemporalInstant(isolate, day_before_ns), JSTemporalInstant); // 9. Let dayAfter be ! CreateTemporalInstant(epochNanoseconds + 8.64 × // 10^13). Handle<BigInt> day_after_ns; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, day_after_ns, BigInt::Add(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds, one_day_in_ns), JSTemporalInstant); Handle<JSTemporalInstant> day_after; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, day_after, temporal::CreateTemporalInstant(isolate, day_after_ns), JSTemporalInstant); // 10. Let offsetBefore be ? GetOffsetNanosecondsFor(timeZone, dayBefore). Maybe<int64_t> maybe_offset_before = GetOffsetNanosecondsFor(isolate, time_zone, day_before, method_name); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_offset_before, Handle<JSTemporalInstant>()); // 11. Let offsetAfter be ? GetOffsetNanosecondsFor(timeZone, dayAfter). Maybe<int64_t> maybe_offset_after = GetOffsetNanosecondsFor(isolate, time_zone, day_after, method_name); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_offset_after, Handle<JSTemporalInstant>()); // 12. Let nanoseconds be offsetAfter − offsetBefore. int64_t nanoseconds = maybe_offset_after.FromJust() - maybe_offset_before.FromJust(); // 13. If disambiguation is "earlier", then if (disambiguation == Disambiguation::kEarlier) { // a. Let earlier be ? AddDateTime(dateTime.[[ISOYear]], // dateTime.[[ISOMonth]], dateTime.[[ISODay]], dateTime.[[ISOHour]], // dateTime.[[ISOMinute]], dateTime.[[ISOSecond]], // dateTime.[[ISOMillisecond]], // dateTime.[[ISOMicrosecond]], dateTime.[[ISONanosecond]], // dateTime.[[Calendar]], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, −nanoseconds, // undefined). Maybe<DateTimeRecordCommon> maybe_earlier = AddDateTime( isolate, date_time->iso_year(), date_time->iso_month(), date_time->iso_day(), date_time->iso_hour(), date_time->iso_minute(), date_time->iso_second(), date_time->iso_millisecond(), date_time->iso_microsecond(), date_time->iso_nanosecond(), handle(date_time->calendar(), isolate), {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -nanoseconds}, isolate->factory()->undefined_value()); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_earlier, Handle<JSTemporalInstant>()); DateTimeRecordCommon earlier = maybe_earlier.FromJust(); // See https://github.com/tc39/proposal-temporal/issues/1816 // b. Let earlierDateTime be ? CreateTemporalDateTime(earlier.[[Year]], // earlier.[[Month]], earlier.[[Day]], earlier.[[Hour]], earlier.[[Minute]], // earlier.[[Second]], earlier.[[Millisecond]], earlier.[[Microsecond]], // earlier.[[Nanosecond]], dateTime.[[Calendar]]). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> earlier_date_time; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, earlier_date_time, temporal::CreateTemporalDateTime( isolate, earlier.year, earlier.month, earlier.day, earlier.hour, earlier.minute, earlier.second, earlier.millisecond, earlier.microsecond, earlier.nanosecond, handle(date_time->calendar(), isolate)), JSTemporalInstant); // c. Set possibleInstants to ? GetPossibleInstantsFor(timeZone, // earlierDateTime). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, possible_instants, GetPossibleInstantsFor(isolate, time_zone, earlier_date_time), JSTemporalInstant); // d. If possibleInstants is empty, throw a RangeError exception. if (possible_instants->length() == 0) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), JSTemporalInstant); } // e. Return possibleInstants[0]. Handle<Object> ret_obj = FixedArray::get(*possible_instants, 0, isolate); DCHECK(ret_obj->IsJSTemporalInstant()); return Handle<JSTemporalInstant>::cast(ret_obj); } // 14. Assert: disambiguation is "compatible" or "later". DCHECK(disambiguation == Disambiguation::kCompatible || disambiguation == Disambiguation::kLater); // 15. Let later be ? AddDateTime(dateTime.[[ISOYear]], dateTime.[[ISOMonth]], // dateTime.[[ISODay]], dateTime.[[ISOHour]], dateTime.[[ISOMinute]], // dateTime.[[ISOSecond]], dateTime.[[ISOMillisecond]], // dateTime.[[ISOMicrosecond]], dateTime.[[ISONanosecond]], // dateTime.[[Calendar]], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nanoseconds, undefined). Maybe<DateTimeRecordCommon> maybe_later = AddDateTime( isolate, date_time->iso_year(), date_time->iso_month(), date_time->iso_day(), date_time->iso_hour(), date_time->iso_minute(), date_time->iso_second(), date_time->iso_millisecond(), date_time->iso_microsecond(), date_time->iso_nanosecond(), handle(date_time->calendar(), isolate), {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nanoseconds}, isolate->factory()->undefined_value()); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_later, Handle<JSTemporalInstant>()); DateTimeRecordCommon later = maybe_later.FromJust(); // See https://github.com/tc39/proposal-temporal/issues/1816 // 16. Let laterDateTime be ? CreateTemporalDateTime(later.[[Year]], // later.[[Month]], later.[[Day]], later.[[Hour]], later.[[Minute]], // later.[[Second]], later.[[Millisecond]], later.[[Microsecond]], // later.[[Nanosecond]], dateTime.[[Calendar]]). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> later_date_time; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, later_date_time, temporal::CreateTemporalDateTime( isolate, later.year, later.month, later.day, later.hour, later.minute, later.second, later.millisecond, later.microsecond, later.nanosecond, handle(date_time->calendar(), isolate)), JSTemporalInstant); // 17. Set possibleInstants to ? GetPossibleInstantsFor(timeZone, // laterDateTime). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, possible_instants, GetPossibleInstantsFor(isolate, time_zone, later_date_time), JSTemporalInstant); // 18. Set n to possibleInstants's length. n = possible_instants->length(); // 19. If n = 0, throw a RangeError exception. if (n == 0) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), JSTemporalInstant); } // 20. Return possibleInstants[n − 1]. Handle<Object> ret_obj = FixedArray::get(*possible_instants, n - 1, isolate); DCHECK(ret_obj->IsJSTemporalInstant()); return Handle<JSTemporalInstant>::cast(ret_obj); } // #sec-temporal-gettemporalcalendarwithisodefault MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> GetTemporalCalendarWithISODefault( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> item, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); // 1. If item has an [[InitializedTemporalDate]], // [[InitializedTemporalDateTime]], [[InitializedTemporalMonthDay]], // [[InitializedTemporalTime]], [[InitializedTemporalYearMonth]], or // [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot, then a. Return // item.[[Calendar]]. if (item->IsJSTemporalPlainDate()) { return handle(Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate>::cast(item)->calendar(), isolate); } if (item->IsJSTemporalPlainDateTime()) { return handle(Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime>::cast(item)->calendar(), isolate); } if (item->IsJSTemporalPlainMonthDay()) { return handle(Handle<JSTemporalPlainMonthDay>::cast(item)->calendar(), isolate); } if (item->IsJSTemporalPlainTime()) { return handle(Handle<JSTemporalPlainTime>::cast(item)->calendar(), isolate); } if (item->IsJSTemporalPlainYearMonth()) { return handle(Handle<JSTemporalPlainYearMonth>::cast(item)->calendar(), isolate); } if (item->IsJSTemporalZonedDateTime()) { return handle(Handle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime>::cast(item)->calendar(), isolate); } // 2. Let calendar be ? Get(item, "calendar"). Handle<Object> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, calendar, JSReceiver::GetProperty(isolate, item, factory->calendar_string()), JSReceiver); // 3. Return ? ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(calendar). return ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(isolate, calendar, method_name); } enum class RequiredFields { kNone, kTimeZone, kTimeZoneAndOffset, kDay }; // The common part of PrepareTemporalFields and PreparePartialTemporalFields // #sec-temporal-preparetemporalfields // #sec-temporal-preparepartialtemporalfields V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle<JSObject> PrepareTemporalFieldsOrPartial( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> fields, Handle<FixedArray> field_names, RequiredFields required, bool partial) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); // 1. Assert: Type(fields) is Object. // 2. Let result be ! OrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%). Handle<JSObject> result = isolate->factory()->NewJSObject(isolate->object_function()); // 3. For each value property of fieldNames, do int length = field_names->length(); bool any = false; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Handle<Object> property_obj = Handle<Object>(field_names->get(i), isolate); Handle<String> property = Handle<String>::cast(property_obj); // a. Let value be ? Get(fields, property). Handle<Object> value; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, value, JSReceiver::GetProperty(isolate, fields, property), JSObject); // b. If value is undefined, then if (value->IsUndefined()) { // This part is only for PrepareTemporalFields // Skip for the case of PreparePartialTemporalFields. if (partial) continue; // i. If requiredFields contains property, then if ((required == RequiredFields::kDay && String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->day_string())) || ((required == RequiredFields::kTimeZone || required == RequiredFields::kTimeZoneAndOffset) && String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->timeZone_string())) || (required == RequiredFields::kTimeZoneAndOffset && String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->offset_string()))) { // 1. Throw a TypeError exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_TYPE_ERROR(), JSObject); } // ii. Else, // 1. If property is in the Property column of Table 13, then // a. Set value to the corresponding Default value of the same row. if (String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->hour_string()) || String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->minute_string()) || String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->second_string()) || String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->millisecond_string()) || String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->microsecond_string()) || String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->nanosecond_string())) { value = Handle<Object>(Smi::zero(), isolate); } } else { // For both PrepareTemporalFields and PreparePartialTemporalFields any = partial; // c. Else, // i. If property is in the Property column of Table 13 and there is a // Conversion value in the same row, then // 1. Let Conversion represent the abstract operation named by the // Conversion value of the same row. // 2. Set value to ? Conversion(value). if (String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->month_string()) || String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->day_string())) { ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, value, ToPositiveInteger(isolate, value), JSObject); } else if (String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->year_string()) || String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->hour_string()) || String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->minute_string()) || String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->second_string()) || String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->millisecond_string()) || String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->microsecond_string()) || String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->nanosecond_string()) || String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->eraYear_string())) { ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, value, ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isolate, value), JSObject); } else if (String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->monthCode_string()) || String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->offset_string()) || String::Equals(isolate, property, factory->era_string())) { ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, value, Object::ToString(isolate, value), JSObject); } } // d. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(result, property, value). CHECK(JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty(isolate, result, property, value, Just(kThrowOnError)) .FromJust()); } // Only for PreparePartialTemporalFields if (partial) { // 5. If any is false, then if (!any) { // a. Throw a TypeError exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_TYPE_ERROR(), JSObject); } } // 4. Return result. return result; } // #sec-temporal-preparetemporalfields V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle<JSObject> PrepareTemporalFields( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> fields, Handle<FixedArray> field_names, RequiredFields required) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); return PrepareTemporalFieldsOrPartial(isolate, fields, field_names, required, false); } // Template for DateFromFields, YearMonthFromFields, and MonthDayFromFields template <typename T> MaybeHandle<T> FromFields(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Handle<JSReceiver> fields, Handle<Object> options, Handle<String> property, InstanceType type) { Handle<Object> function; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, function, Object::GetProperty(isolate, calendar, property), T); if (!function->IsCallable()) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kCalledNonCallable, property), T); } Handle<Object> argv[] = {fields, options}; Handle<Object> result; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, result, Execution::Call(isolate, function, calendar, 2, argv), T); if ((!result->IsHeapObject()) || HeapObject::cast(*result).map().instance_type() != type) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_TYPE_ERROR(), T); } return Handle<T>::cast(result); } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDate> DateFromFields(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Handle<JSReceiver> fields, Handle<Object> options) { return FromFields<JSTemporalPlainDate>( isolate, calendar, fields, options, isolate->factory()->dateFromFields_string(), JS_TEMPORAL_PLAIN_DATE_TYPE); } // IMPL_FROM_FIELDS_ABSTRACT_OPERATION(Date, date, JS_TEMPORAL_PLAIN_DATE_TYPE) #undef IMPL_FROM_FIELDS_ABSTRACT_OPERATION // #sec-temporal-totemporaloverflow Maybe<ShowOverflow> ToTemporalOverflow(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> options, const char* method_name) { return GetStringOption<ShowOverflow>( isolate, options, "overflow", method_name, {"constrain", "reject"}, {ShowOverflow::kConstrain, ShowOverflow::kReject}, ShowOverflow::kConstrain); } // #sec-temporal-builtintimezonegetinstantfor MaybeHandle<JSTemporalInstant> BuiltinTimeZoneGetInstantFor( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone, Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> date_time, Disambiguation disambiguation, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: dateTime has an [[InitializedTemporalDateTime]] internal slot. // 2. Let possibleInstants be ? GetPossibleInstantsFor(timeZone, dateTime). Handle<FixedArray> possible_instants; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, possible_instants, GetPossibleInstantsFor(isolate, time_zone, date_time), JSTemporalInstant); // 3. Return ? DisambiguatePossibleInstants(possibleInstants, timeZone, // dateTime, disambiguation). return DisambiguatePossibleInstants(isolate, possible_instants, time_zone, date_time, disambiguation, method_name); } } // namespace namespace temporal { // #sec-temporal-totemporalcalendar MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> ToTemporalCalendar( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> temporal_calendar_like, const char* method_name) { Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); // 1.If Type(temporalCalendarLike) is Object, then if (temporal_calendar_like->IsJSReceiver()) { // a. If temporalCalendarLike has an [[InitializedTemporalDate]], // [[InitializedTemporalDateTime]], [[InitializedTemporalMonthDay]], // [[InitializedTemporalTime]], [[InitializedTemporalYearMonth]], or // [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot, then i. Return // temporalCalendarLike.[[Calendar]]. #define EXTRACT_CALENDAR(T, obj) \ if (obj->IsJSTemporal##T()) { \ return handle(Handle<JSTemporal##T>::cast(obj)->calendar(), isolate); \ } EXTRACT_CALENDAR(PlainDate, temporal_calendar_like) EXTRACT_CALENDAR(PlainDateTime, temporal_calendar_like) EXTRACT_CALENDAR(PlainMonthDay, temporal_calendar_like) EXTRACT_CALENDAR(PlainTime, temporal_calendar_like) EXTRACT_CALENDAR(PlainYearMonth, temporal_calendar_like) EXTRACT_CALENDAR(ZonedDateTime, temporal_calendar_like) #undef EXTRACT_CALENDAR Handle<JSReceiver> obj = Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(temporal_calendar_like); // b. If ? HasProperty(temporalCalendarLike, "calendar") is false, return // temporalCalendarLike. Maybe<bool> maybe_has = JSReceiver::HasProperty(isolate, obj, factory->calendar_string()); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_has, Handle<JSReceiver>()); if (!maybe_has.FromJust()) { return obj; } // c. Set temporalCalendarLike to ? Get(temporalCalendarLike, "calendar"). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, temporal_calendar_like, JSReceiver::GetProperty(isolate, obj, factory->calendar_string()), JSReceiver); // d. If Type(temporalCalendarLike) is Object if (temporal_calendar_like->IsJSReceiver()) { obj = Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(temporal_calendar_like); // and ? HasProperty(temporalCalendarLike, "calendar") is false, maybe_has = JSReceiver::HasProperty(isolate, obj, factory->calendar_string()); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_has, Handle<JSReceiver>()); if (!maybe_has.FromJust()) { // return temporalCalendarLike. return obj; } } } // 2. Let identifier be ? ToString(temporalCalendarLike). Handle<String> identifier; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, identifier, Object::ToString(isolate, temporal_calendar_like), JSReceiver); // 3. If ! IsBuiltinCalendar(identifier) is false, then if (!IsBuiltinCalendar(isolate, identifier)) { // a. Let identifier be ? ParseTemporalCalendarString(identifier). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, identifier, ParseTemporalCalendarString(isolate, identifier), JSReceiver); } // 4. Return ? CreateTemporalCalendar(identifier). return CreateTemporalCalendar(isolate, identifier); } } // namespace temporal namespace { // #sec-temporal-totemporalcalendarwithisodefault MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> temporal_calendar_like, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. If temporalCalendarLike is undefined, then if (temporal_calendar_like->IsUndefined()) { // a. Return ? GetISO8601Calendar(). return temporal::GetISO8601Calendar(isolate); } // 2. Return ? ToTemporalCalendar(temporalCalendarLike). return temporal::ToTemporalCalendar(isolate, temporal_calendar_like, method_name); } // #sec-temporal-totemporaldate MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDate> ToTemporalDate(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> item_obj, Handle<JSReceiver> options, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); // 2. Assert: Type(options) is Object. // 3. If Type(item) is Object, then if (item_obj->IsJSReceiver()) { Handle<JSReceiver> item = Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(item_obj); // a. If item has an [[InitializedTemporalDate]] internal slot, then // i. Return item. if (item->IsJSTemporalPlainDate()) { return Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate>::cast(item); } // b. If item has an [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot, // then if (item->IsJSTemporalZonedDateTime()) { // i. Let instant be ! CreateTemporalInstant(item.[[Nanoseconds]]). Handle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> zoned_date_time = Handle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime>::cast(item); Handle<JSTemporalInstant> instant; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, instant, temporal::CreateTemporalInstant( isolate, Handle<BigInt>(zoned_date_time->nanoseconds(), isolate)), JSTemporalPlainDate); // ii. Let plainDateTime be ? // BuiltinTimeZoneGetPlainDateTimeFor(item.[[TimeZone]], // instant, item.[[Calendar]]). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> plain_date_time; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, plain_date_time, temporal::BuiltinTimeZoneGetPlainDateTimeFor( isolate, Handle<JSReceiver>(zoned_date_time->time_zone(), isolate), instant, Handle<JSReceiver>(zoned_date_time->calendar(), isolate), method_name), JSTemporalPlainDate); // iii. Return ! CreateTemporalDate(plainDateTime.[[ISOYear]], // plainDateTime.[[ISOMonth]], plainDateTime.[[ISODay]], // plainDateTime.[[Calendar]]). return CreateTemporalDate( isolate, plain_date_time->iso_year(), plain_date_time->iso_month(), plain_date_time->iso_day(), Handle<JSReceiver>(plain_date_time->calendar(), isolate)); } // c. If item has an [[InitializedTemporalDateTime]] internal slot, then // i. Return ! CreateTemporalDate(item.[[ISOYear]], item.[[ISOMonth]], // item.[[ISODay]], item.[[Calendar]]). if (item->IsJSTemporalPlainDateTime()) { Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> date_time = Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime>::cast(item); return CreateTemporalDate(isolate, date_time->iso_year(), date_time->iso_month(), date_time->iso_day(), handle(date_time->calendar(), isolate)); } // d. Let calendar be ? GetTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(item). Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, calendar, GetTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(isolate, item, method_name), JSTemporalPlainDate); // e. Let fieldNames be ? CalendarFields(calendar, « "day", "month", // "monthCode", "year" »). Handle<FixedArray> field_names = factory->NewFixedArray(4); field_names->set(0, *(factory->day_string())); field_names->set(1, *(factory->month_string())); field_names->set(2, *(factory->monthCode_string())); field_names->set(3, *(factory->year_string())); ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, field_names, CalendarFields(isolate, calendar, field_names), JSTemporalPlainDate); // f. Let fields be ? PrepareTemporalFields(item, // fieldNames, «»). Handle<JSReceiver> fields; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, fields, PrepareTemporalFields(isolate, item, field_names, RequiredFields::kNone), JSTemporalPlainDate); // g. Return ? DateFromFields(calendar, fields, options). return DateFromFields(isolate, calendar, fields, options); } // 4. Perform ? ToTemporalOverflow(options). Maybe<ShowOverflow> maybe_overflow = ToTemporalOverflow(isolate, options, method_name); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_overflow, Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate>()); // 5. Let string be ? ToString(item). Handle<String> string; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, string, Object::ToString(isolate, item_obj), JSTemporalPlainDate); // 6. Let result be ? ParseTemporalDateString(string). Maybe<DateRecord> maybe_result = ParseTemporalDateString(isolate, string); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_result, MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDate>()); DateRecord result = maybe_result.FromJust(); // 7. Assert: ! IsValidISODate(result.[[Year]], result.[[Month]], // result.[[Day]]) is true. DCHECK(IsValidISODate(isolate, result.year, result.month, result.day)); // 8. Let calendar be ? ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(result.[[Calendar]]). Handle<Object> calendar_string; if (result.calendar->length() == 0) { calendar_string = factory->undefined_value(); } else { calendar_string = result.calendar; } Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, calendar, ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(isolate, calendar_string, method_name), JSTemporalPlainDate); // 9. Return ? CreateTemporalDate(result.[[Year]], result.[[Month]], // result.[[Day]], calendar). return CreateTemporalDate(isolate, result.year, result.month, result.day, calendar); } } // namespace namespace temporal { // #sec-temporal-totemporaltimezone MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> ToTemporalTimeZone( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> temporal_time_zone_like, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); // 1. If Type(temporalTimeZoneLike) is Object, then if (temporal_time_zone_like->IsJSReceiver()) { // a. If temporalTimeZoneLike has an [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] // internal slot, then if (temporal_time_zone_like->IsJSTemporalZonedDateTime()) { // i. Return temporalTimeZoneLike.[[TimeZone]]. Handle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> zoned_date_time = Handle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime>::cast(temporal_time_zone_like); return handle(zoned_date_time->time_zone(), isolate); } Handle<JSReceiver> obj = Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(temporal_time_zone_like); // b. If ? HasProperty(temporalTimeZoneLike, "timeZone") is false, Maybe<bool> maybe_has = JSReceiver::HasProperty(isolate, obj, factory->timeZone_string()); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_has, Handle<JSReceiver>()); if (!maybe_has.FromJust()) { // return temporalTimeZoneLike. return obj; } // c. Set temporalTimeZoneLike to ? // Get(temporalTimeZoneLike, "timeZone"). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, temporal_time_zone_like, JSReceiver::GetProperty(isolate, obj, factory->timeZone_string()), JSReceiver); // d. If Type(temporalTimeZoneLike) if (temporal_time_zone_like->IsJSReceiver()) { // is Object and ? HasProperty(temporalTimeZoneLike, "timeZone") is false, obj = Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(temporal_time_zone_like); maybe_has = JSReceiver::HasProperty(isolate, obj, factory->timeZone_string()); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_has, Handle<JSReceiver>()); if (!maybe_has.FromJust()) { // return temporalTimeZoneLike. return obj; } } } Handle<String> identifier; // 2. Let identifier be ? ToString(temporalTimeZoneLike). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, identifier, Object::ToString(isolate, temporal_time_zone_like), JSReceiver); // 3. Let result be ? ParseTemporalTimeZone(identifier). Handle<String> result; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, result, ParseTemporalTimeZone(isolate, identifier), JSReceiver); // 4. Return ? CreateTemporalTimeZone(result). return temporal::CreateTemporalTimeZone(isolate, result); } } // namespace temporal namespace { // #sec-temporal-systemdatetime MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> SystemDateTime( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> temporal_time_zone_like, Handle<Object> calendar_like, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone; // 1. 1. If temporalTimeZoneLike is undefined, then if (temporal_time_zone_like->IsUndefined()) { // a. Let timeZone be ! SystemTimeZone(). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, time_zone, SystemTimeZone(isolate), JSTemporalPlainDateTime); } else { // 2. Else, // a. Let timeZone be ? ToTemporalTimeZone(temporalTimeZoneLike). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, time_zone, temporal::ToTemporalTimeZone(isolate, temporal_time_zone_like, method_name), JSTemporalPlainDateTime); } Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; // 3. Let calendar be ? ToTemporalCalendar(calendarLike). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, calendar, temporal::ToTemporalCalendar(isolate, calendar_like, method_name), JSTemporalPlainDateTime); // 4. Let instant be ! SystemInstant(). Handle<JSTemporalInstant> instant; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, instant, SystemInstant(isolate), JSTemporalPlainDateTime); // 5. Return ? BuiltinTimeZoneGetPlainDateTimeFor(timeZone, instant, // calendar). return temporal::BuiltinTimeZoneGetPlainDateTimeFor( isolate, time_zone, instant, calendar, method_name); } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> SystemZonedDateTime( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> temporal_time_zone_like, Handle<Object> calendar_like, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone; // 1. 1. If temporalTimeZoneLike is undefined, then if (temporal_time_zone_like->IsUndefined()) { // a. Let timeZone be ! SystemTimeZone(). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, time_zone, SystemTimeZone(isolate), JSTemporalZonedDateTime); } else { // 2. Else, // a. Let timeZone be ? ToTemporalTimeZone(temporalTimeZoneLike). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, time_zone, temporal::ToTemporalTimeZone(isolate, temporal_time_zone_like, method_name), JSTemporalZonedDateTime); } Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; // 3. Let calendar be ? ToTemporalCalendar(calendarLike). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, calendar, temporal::ToTemporalCalendar(isolate, calendar_like, method_name), JSTemporalZonedDateTime); // 4. Let ns be ! SystemUTCEpochNanoseconds(). Handle<BigInt> ns; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, ns, SystemUTCEpochNanoseconds(isolate), JSTemporalZonedDateTime); // Return ? CreateTemporalZonedDateTime(ns, timeZone, calendar). return CreateTemporalZonedDateTime(isolate, ns, time_zone, calendar); } #define COMPARE_RESULT_TO_SIGN(r) \ ((r) == ComparisonResult::kEqual \ ? 0 \ : ((r) == ComparisonResult::kLessThan ? -1 : 1)) // #sec-temporal-formattimezoneoffsetstring MaybeHandle<String> FormatTimeZoneOffsetString(Isolate* isolate, int64_t offset_nanoseconds) { IncrementalStringBuilder builder(isolate); // 1. Assert: offsetNanoseconds is an integer. // 2. If offsetNanoseconds ≥ 0, let sign be "+"; otherwise, let sign be "-". builder.AppendCString((offset_nanoseconds >= 0) ? "+" : "-"); // 3. Let offsetNanoseconds be abs(offsetNanoseconds). offset_nanoseconds = std::abs(offset_nanoseconds); // 3. Let nanoseconds be offsetNanoseconds modulo 10^9. int64_t nanoseconds = offset_nanoseconds % 1000000000; // 4. Let seconds be floor(offsetNanoseconds / 10^9) modulo 60. int64_t seconds = (offset_nanoseconds / 1000000000) % 60; // 5. Let minutes be floor(offsetNanoseconds / (6 × 10^10)) modulo 60. int64_t minutes = (offset_nanoseconds / 60000000000) % 60; // 6. Let hours be floor(offsetNanoseconds / (3.6 × 10^12)). int64_t hours = offset_nanoseconds / 3600000000000; // 7. Let h be hours, formatted as a two-digit decimal number, padded to the // left with a zero if necessary. if (hours < 10) { builder.AppendCStringLiteral("0"); } builder.AppendInt(static_cast<int32_t>(hours)); // 8. Let m be minutes, formatted as a two-digit decimal number, padded to the // left with a zero if necessary. builder.AppendCString((minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":"); builder.AppendInt(static_cast<int>(minutes)); // 9. Let s be seconds, formatted as a two-digit decimal number, padded to the // left with a zero if necessary. // 10. If nanoseconds ≠ 0, then if (nanoseconds != 0) { builder.AppendCString((seconds < 10) ? ":0" : ":"); builder.AppendInt(static_cast<int>(seconds)); builder.AppendCStringLiteral("."); // a. Let fraction be nanoseconds, formatted as a nine-digit decimal number, // padded to the left with zeroes if necessary. // b. Set fraction to the longest possible substring of fraction starting at // position 0 and not ending with the code unit 0x0030 (DIGIT ZERO). int64_t divisor = 100000000; do { builder.AppendInt(static_cast<int>(nanoseconds / divisor)); nanoseconds %= divisor; divisor /= 10; } while (nanoseconds > 0); // c. Let post be the string-concatenation of the code unit 0x003A (COLON), // s, the code unit 0x002E (FULL STOP), and fraction. // 11. Else if seconds ≠ 0, then } else if (seconds != 0) { // a. Let post be the string-concatenation of the code unit 0x003A (COLON) // and s. builder.AppendCString((seconds < 10) ? ":0" : ":"); builder.AppendInt(static_cast<int>(seconds)); } // 12. Return the string-concatenation of sign, h, the code unit 0x003A // (COLON), m, and post. return builder.Finish(); } // #sec-temporal-builtintimezonegetoffsetstringfor MaybeHandle<String> BuiltinTimeZoneGetOffsetStringFor( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone, Handle<JSTemporalInstant> instant, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Let offsetNanoseconds be ? GetOffsetNanosecondsFor(timeZone, instant). Maybe<int64_t> maybe_offset_nanoseconds = GetOffsetNanosecondsFor(isolate, time_zone, instant, method_name); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_offset_nanoseconds, Handle<String>()); int64_t offset_nanoseconds = maybe_offset_nanoseconds.FromJust(); // 2. Return ! FormatTimeZoneOffsetString(offsetNanoseconds). return FormatTimeZoneOffsetString(isolate, offset_nanoseconds); } // #sec-temporal-parseisodatetime Maybe<DateTimeRecord> ParseISODateTime(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> iso_string, const ParsedISO8601Result& parsed) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); DateTimeRecord result; // 5. Set year to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(year). result.year = parsed.date_year; // 6. If month is undefined, then if (parsed.date_month_is_undefined()) { // a. Set month to 1. result.month = 1; // 7. Else, } else { // a. Set month to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(month). result.month = parsed.date_month; } // 8. If day is undefined, then if (parsed.date_day_is_undefined()) { // a. Set day to 1. result.day = 1; // 9. Else, } else { // a. Set day to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(day). result.day = parsed.date_day; } // 10. Set hour to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(hour). result.hour = parsed.time_hour_is_undefined() ? 0 : parsed.time_hour; // 11. Set minute to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(minute). result.minute = parsed.time_minute_is_undefined() ? 0 : parsed.time_minute; // 12. Set second to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(second). result.second = parsed.time_second_is_undefined() ? 0 : parsed.time_second; // 13. If second is 60, then if (result.second == 60) { // a. Set second to 59. result.second = 59; } // 14. If fraction is not undefined, then if (!parsed.time_nanosecond_is_undefined()) { // a. Set fraction to the string-concatenation of the previous value of // fraction and the string "000000000". // b. Let millisecond be the String value equal to the substring of fraction // from 0 to 3. c. Set millisecond to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(millisecond). result.millisecond = parsed.time_nanosecond / 1000000; // d. Let microsecond be the String value equal to the substring of fraction // from 3 to 6. e. Set microsecond to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(microsecond). result.microsecond = (parsed.time_nanosecond / 1000) % 1000; // f. Let nanosecond be the String value equal to the substring of fraction // from 6 to 9. g. Set nanosecond to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(nanosecond). result.nanosecond = (parsed.time_nanosecond % 1000); // 15. Else, } else { // a. Let millisecond be 0. result.millisecond = 0; // b. Let microsecond be 0. result.microsecond = 0; // c. Let nanosecond be 0. result.nanosecond = 0; } // 16. If ! IsValidISODate(year, month, day) is false, throw a RangeError // exception. if (!IsValidISODate(isolate, result.year, result.month, result.day)) { THROW_NEW_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), Nothing<DateTimeRecord>()); } // 17. If ! IsValidTime(hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, // nanosecond) is false, throw a RangeError exception. if (!IsValidTime(isolate, result.hour, result.minute, result.second, result.millisecond, result.microsecond, result.nanosecond)) { THROW_NEW_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), Nothing<DateTimeRecord>()); } // 18. Return the Record { [[Year]]: year, [[Month]]: month, [[Day]]: day, // [[Hour]]: hour, [[Minute]]: minute, [[Second]]: second, [[Millisecond]]: // millisecond, [[Microsecond]]: microsecond, [[Nanosecond]]: nanosecond, // [[Calendar]]: calendar }. if (parsed.calendar_name_length == 0) { result.calendar = isolate->factory()->empty_string(); } else { result.calendar = isolate->factory()->NewSubString( iso_string, parsed.calendar_name_start, parsed.calendar_name_start + parsed.calendar_name_length); } return Just(result); } // #sec-temporal-parsetemporaldatestring Maybe<DateRecord> ParseTemporalDateString(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> iso_string) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: Type(isoString) is String. // 2. If isoString does not satisfy the syntax of a TemporalDateString // (see 13.33), then Maybe<ParsedISO8601Result> maybe_parsed = TemporalParser::ParseTemporalDateString(isolate, iso_string); if (maybe_parsed.IsNothing()) { // a. Throw a *RangeError* exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), Nothing<DateRecord>()); } MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_parsed, Nothing<DateRecord>()); ParsedISO8601Result parsed = maybe_parsed.FromJust(); // 3. If _isoString_ contains a |UTCDesignator|, then if (parsed.utc_designator) { // a. Throw a *RangeError* exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), Nothing<DateRecord>()); } // 3. Let result be ? ParseISODateTime(isoString). Maybe<DateTimeRecord> maybe_result = ParseISODateTime(isolate, iso_string, parsed); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_result, Nothing<DateRecord>()); DateTimeRecord result = maybe_result.FromJust(); // 4. Return the Record { [[Year]]: result.[[Year]], [[Month]]: // result.[[Month]], [[Day]]: result.[[Day]], [[Calendar]]: // result.[[Calendar]] }. DateRecord ret = {result.year, result.month, result.day, result.calendar}; return Just(ret); } // #sec-temporal-parsetemporaltimezonestring Maybe<TimeZoneRecord> ParseTemporalTimeZoneString(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> iso_string) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: Type(isoString) is String. // 2. If isoString does not satisfy the syntax of a TemporalTimeZoneString // (see 13.33), then Maybe<ParsedISO8601Result> maybe_parsed = TemporalParser::ParseTemporalTimeZoneString(isolate, iso_string); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_parsed, Nothing<TimeZoneRecord>()); if (maybe_parsed.IsNothing()) { THROW_NEW_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), Nothing<TimeZoneRecord>()); } ParsedISO8601Result parsed = maybe_parsed.FromJust(); // 3. Let z, sign, hours, minutes, seconds, fraction and name be the parts of // isoString produced respectively by the UTCDesignator, // TimeZoneUTCOffsetSign, TimeZoneUTCOffsetHour, TimeZoneUTCOffsetMinute, // TimeZoneUTCOffsetSecond, TimeZoneUTCOffsetFraction, and TimeZoneIANAName // productions, or undefined if not present. // 4. If z is not undefined, then if (parsed.utc_designator) { // a. Return the Record { [[Z]]: true, [[OffsetString]]: undefined, // [[Name]]: name }. if (parsed.tzi_name_length > 0) { Handle<String> name = isolate->factory()->NewSubString( iso_string, parsed.tzi_name_start, parsed.tzi_name_start + parsed.tzi_name_length); TimeZoneRecord ret({true, isolate->factory()->empty_string(), name}); return Just(ret); } TimeZoneRecord ret({true, isolate->factory()->empty_string(), isolate->factory()->empty_string()}); return Just(ret); } // 5. If hours is undefined, then // a. Let offsetString be undefined. // 6. Else, Handle<String> offset_string; bool offset_string_is_defined = false; if (!parsed.tzuo_hour_is_undefined()) { // a. Assert: sign is not undefined. DCHECK(!parsed.tzuo_sign_is_undefined()); // b. Set hours to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(hours). int32_t hours = parsed.tzuo_hour; // c. If sign is the code unit 0x002D (HYPHEN-MINUS) or the code unit 0x2212 // (MINUS SIGN), then i. Set sign to −1. d. Else, i. Set sign to 1. int32_t sign = parsed.tzuo_sign; // e. Set minutes to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(minutes). int32_t minutes = parsed.tzuo_minute_is_undefined() ? 0 : parsed.tzuo_minute; // f. Set seconds to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(seconds). int32_t seconds = parsed.tzuo_second_is_undefined() ? 0 : parsed.tzuo_second; // g. If fraction is not undefined, then int32_t nanoseconds; if (!parsed.tzuo_nanosecond_is_undefined()) { // i. Set fraction to the string-concatenation of the previous value of // fraction and the string "000000000". // ii. Let nanoseconds be the String value equal to the substring of // fraction from 0 to 9. iii. Set nanoseconds to ! // ToIntegerOrInfinity(nanoseconds). nanoseconds = parsed.tzuo_nanosecond; // h. Else, } else { // i. Let nanoseconds be 0. nanoseconds = 0; } // i. Let offsetNanoseconds be sign × (((hours × 60 + minutes) × 60 + // seconds) × 10^9 + nanoseconds). int64_t offset_nanoseconds = sign * (((hours * 60 + minutes) * 60 + seconds) * 1000000000L + nanoseconds); // j. Let offsetString be ! FormatTimeZoneOffsetString(offsetNanoseconds). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, offset_string, FormatTimeZoneOffsetString(isolate, offset_nanoseconds), Nothing<TimeZoneRecord>()); offset_string_is_defined = true; } // 7. If name is not undefined, then Handle<String> name; if (parsed.tzi_name_length > 0) { name = isolate->factory()->NewSubString( iso_string, parsed.tzi_name_start, parsed.tzi_name_start + parsed.tzi_name_length); // a. If ! IsValidTimeZoneName(name) is false, throw a RangeError exception. if (!IsValidTimeZoneName(isolate, name)) { THROW_NEW_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), Nothing<TimeZoneRecord>()); } // b. Set name to ! CanonicalizeTimeZoneName(name). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE(isolate, name, CanonicalizeTimeZoneName(isolate, name), Nothing<TimeZoneRecord>()); // 8. Return the Record { [[Z]]: false, [[OffsetString]]: offsetString, // [[Name]]: name }. TimeZoneRecord ret({false, offset_string_is_defined ? offset_string : isolate->factory()->empty_string(), name}); return Just(ret); } // 8. Return the Record { [[Z]]: false, [[OffsetString]]: offsetString, // [[Name]]: name }. TimeZoneRecord ret({false, offset_string_is_defined ? offset_string : isolate->factory()->empty_string(), isolate->factory()->empty_string()}); return Just(ret); } // #sec-temporal-parsetemporaltimezone MaybeHandle<String> ParseTemporalTimeZone(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> string) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 2. Let result be ? ParseTemporalTimeZoneString(string). Maybe<TimeZoneRecord> maybe_result = ParseTemporalTimeZoneString(isolate, string); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_result, Handle<String>()); TimeZoneRecord result = maybe_result.FromJust(); // 3. If result.[[Name]] is not undefined, return result.[[Name]]. if (result.name->length() > 0) { return result.name; } // 4. If result.[[Z]] is true, return "UTC". if (result.z) { return isolate->factory()->UTC_string(); } // 5. Return result.[[OffsetString]]. return result.offset_string; } Maybe<int64_t> ParseTimeZoneOffsetString(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> iso_string, bool throwIfNotSatisfy) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: Type(offsetString) is String. // 2. If offsetString does not satisfy the syntax of a // TimeZoneNumericUTCOffset (see 13.33), then Maybe<ParsedISO8601Result> maybe_parsed = TemporalParser::ParseTimeZoneNumericUTCOffset(isolate, iso_string); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_parsed, Nothing<int64_t>()); if (throwIfNotSatisfy && maybe_parsed.IsNothing()) { /* a. Throw a RangeError exception. */ THROW_NEW_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), Nothing<int64_t>()); } ParsedISO8601Result parsed = maybe_parsed.FromJust(); // 3. Let sign, hours, minutes, seconds, and fraction be the parts of // offsetString produced respectively by the TimeZoneUTCOffsetSign, // TimeZoneUTCOffsetHour, TimeZoneUTCOffsetMinute, TimeZoneUTCOffsetSecond, // and TimeZoneUTCOffsetFraction productions, or undefined if not present. // 4. If either hours or sign are undefined, throw a RangeError exception. if (parsed.tzuo_hour_is_undefined() || parsed.tzuo_sign_is_undefined()) { THROW_NEW_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), Nothing<int64_t>()); } // 5. If sign is the code unit 0x002D (HYPHEN-MINUS) or 0x2212 (MINUS SIGN), // then a. Set sign to −1. // 6. Else, // a. Set sign to 1. int64_t sign = parsed.tzuo_sign; // 7. Set hours to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(hours). int64_t hours = parsed.tzuo_hour; // 8. Set minutes to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(minutes). int64_t minutes = parsed.tzuo_minute_is_undefined() ? 0 : parsed.tzuo_minute; // 9. Set seconds to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(seconds). int64_t seconds = parsed.tzuo_second_is_undefined() ? 0 : parsed.tzuo_second; // 10. If fraction is not undefined, then int64_t nanoseconds; if (!parsed.tzuo_nanosecond_is_undefined()) { // a. Set fraction to the string-concatenation of the previous value of // fraction and the string "000000000". // b. Let nanoseconds be the String value equal to the substring of fraction // consisting of the code units with indices 0 (inclusive) through 9 // (exclusive). c. Set nanoseconds to ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(nanoseconds). nanoseconds = parsed.tzuo_nanosecond; // 11. Else, } else { // a. Let nanoseconds be 0. nanoseconds = 0; } // 12. Return sign × (((hours × 60 + minutes) × 60 + seconds) × 10^9 + // nanoseconds). return Just(sign * (((hours * 60 + minutes) * 60 + seconds) * 1000000000 + nanoseconds)); } Maybe<bool> IsValidTimeZoneNumericUTCOffsetString(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> iso_string) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); Maybe<ParsedISO8601Result> maybe_parsed = TemporalParser::ParseTimeZoneNumericUTCOffset(isolate, iso_string); return Just(maybe_parsed.IsJust()); } // #sec-temporal-parsetemporalcalendarstring MaybeHandle<String> ParseTemporalCalendarString(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> iso_string) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: Type(isoString) is String. // 2. If isoString does not satisfy the syntax of a TemporalCalendarString // (see 13.33), then a. Throw a RangeError exception. Maybe<ParsedISO8601Result> maybe_parsed = TemporalParser::ParseTemporalCalendarString(isolate, iso_string); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_parsed, Handle<String>()); if (maybe_parsed.IsNothing()) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), String); } ParsedISO8601Result parsed = maybe_parsed.FromJust(); // 3. Let id be the part of isoString produced by the CalendarName production, // or undefined if not present. // 4. If id is undefined, then if (parsed.calendar_name_length == 0) { // a. Return "iso8601". return isolate->factory()->iso8601_string(); } Handle<String> id = isolate->factory()->NewSubString( iso_string, parsed.calendar_name_start, parsed.calendar_name_start + parsed.calendar_name_length); // 5. If ! IsBuiltinCalendar(id) is false, then if (!IsBuiltinCalendar(isolate, id)) { // a. Throw a RangeError exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR( isolate, NewRangeError(MessageTemplate::kInvalidCalendar, id), String); } // 6. Return id. return id; } // #sec-temporal-calendarfields MaybeHandle<FixedArray> CalendarFields(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Handle<FixedArray> field_names) { // 1. Let fields be ? GetMethod(calendar, "fields"). Handle<Object> fields; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, fields, Object::GetMethod(calendar, isolate->factory()->fields_string()), FixedArray); // 2. Let fieldsArray be ! CreateArrayFromList(fieldNames). Handle<Object> fields_array = isolate->factory()->NewJSArrayWithElements(field_names); // 3. If fields is not undefined, then if (!fields->IsUndefined()) { // a. Set fieldsArray to ? Call(fields, calendar, « fieldsArray »). Handle<Object> argv[] = {fields_array}; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, fields_array, Execution::Call(isolate, fields, calendar, 1, argv), FixedArray); } // 4. Return ? IterableToListOfType(fieldsArray, « String »). Handle<Object> argv[] = {fields_array}; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, fields_array, Execution::CallBuiltin(isolate, isolate->string_fixed_array_from_iterable(), fields_array, 1, argv), FixedArray); DCHECK(fields_array->IsFixedArray()); return Handle<FixedArray>::cast(fields_array); } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDate> CalendarDateAdd(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Handle<Object> date, Handle<Object> duration, Handle<Object> options) { return CalendarDateAdd(isolate, calendar, date, duration, options, isolate->factory()->undefined_value()); } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDate> CalendarDateAdd( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Handle<Object> date, Handle<Object> duration, Handle<Object> options, Handle<Object> date_add) { // 1. Assert: Type(calendar) is Object. // 2. If dateAdd is not present, set dateAdd to ? GetMethod(calendar, // "dateAdd"). if (date_add->IsUndefined()) { ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, date_add, Object::GetMethod(calendar, isolate->factory()->dateAdd_string()), JSTemporalPlainDate); } // 3. Let addedDate be ? Call(dateAdd, calendar, « date, duration, options »). Handle<Object> argv[] = {date, duration, options}; Handle<Object> added_date; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, added_date, Execution::Call(isolate, date_add, calendar, arraysize(argv), argv), JSTemporalPlainDate); // 4. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(addedDate, [[InitializedTemporalDate]]). if (!added_date->IsJSTemporalPlainDate()) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_TYPE_ERROR(), JSTemporalPlainDate); } // 5. Return addedDate. return Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate>::cast(added_date); } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalDuration> CalendarDateUntil(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Handle<Object> one, Handle<Object> two, Handle<Object> options) { return CalendarDateUntil(isolate, calendar, one, two, options, isolate->factory()->undefined_value()); } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalDuration> CalendarDateUntil( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Handle<Object> one, Handle<Object> two, Handle<Object> options, Handle<Object> date_until) { // 1. Assert: Type(calendar) is Object. // 2. If dateUntil is not present, set dateUntil to ? GetMethod(calendar, // "dateUntil"). if (date_until->IsUndefined()) { ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, date_until, Object::GetMethod(calendar, isolate->factory()->dateUntil_string()), JSTemporalDuration); } // 3. Let duration be ? Call(dateUntil, calendar, « one, two, options »). Handle<Object> argv[] = {one, two, options}; Handle<Object> duration; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, duration, Execution::Call(isolate, date_until, calendar, arraysize(argv), argv), JSTemporalDuration); // 4. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(duration, // [[InitializedTemporalDuration]]). if (!duration->IsJSTemporalDuration()) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_TYPE_ERROR(), JSTemporalDuration); } // 5. Return duration. return Handle<JSTemporalDuration>::cast(duration); } Maybe<int64_t> GetOffsetNanosecondsFor(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone_obj, Handle<Object> instant, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Let getOffsetNanosecondsFor be ? GetMethod(timeZone, // "getOffsetNanosecondsFor"). Handle<Object> get_offset_nanoseconds_for; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, get_offset_nanoseconds_for, Object::GetMethod(time_zone_obj, isolate->factory()->getOffsetNanosecondsFor_string()), Nothing<int64_t>()); if (!get_offset_nanoseconds_for->IsCallable()) { THROW_NEW_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE( isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kCalledNonCallable, isolate->factory()->getOffsetNanosecondsFor_string()), Nothing<int64_t>()); } Handle<Object> offset_nanoseconds_obj; // 3. Let offsetNanoseconds be ? Call(getOffsetNanosecondsFor, timeZone, « // instant »). Handle<Object> argv[] = {instant}; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, offset_nanoseconds_obj, Execution::Call(isolate, get_offset_nanoseconds_for, time_zone_obj, 1, argv), Nothing<int64_t>()); // 4. If Type(offsetNanoseconds) is not Number, throw a TypeError exception. if (!offset_nanoseconds_obj->IsNumber()) { THROW_NEW_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_TYPE_ERROR(), Nothing<int64_t>()); } // 5. If ! IsIntegralNumber(offsetNanoseconds) is false, throw a RangeError // exception. double offset_nanoseconds = offset_nanoseconds_obj->Number(); if ((offset_nanoseconds - std::floor(offset_nanoseconds) != 0)) { THROW_NEW_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), Nothing<int64_t>()); } // 6. Set offsetNanoseconds to ℝ(offsetNanoseconds). int64_t offset_nanoseconds_int = static_cast<int64_t>(offset_nanoseconds); // 7. If abs(offsetNanoseconds) > 86400 × 10^9, throw a RangeError exception. if (std::abs(offset_nanoseconds_int) > 86400e9) { THROW_NEW_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), Nothing<int64_t>()); } // 8. Return offsetNanoseconds. return Just(offset_nanoseconds_int); } // #sec-temporal-topositiveinteger MaybeHandle<Object> ToPositiveInteger(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> argument) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Let integer be ? ToInteger(argument). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, argument, ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isolate, argument), Object); // 2. If integer ≤ 0, then if (NumberToInt32(*argument) <= 0) { // a. Throw a RangeError exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), Object); } return argument; } } // namespace namespace temporal { MaybeHandle<Object> InvokeCalendarMethod(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Handle<String> name, Handle<JSReceiver> date_like) { Handle<Object> result; /* 1. Assert: Type(calendar) is Object. */ DCHECK(calendar->IsObject()); /* 2. Let result be ? Invoke(calendar, #name, « dateLike »). */ Handle<Object> function; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, function, Object::GetProperty(isolate, calendar, name), Object); if (!function->IsCallable()) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kCalledNonCallable, name), Object); } Handle<Object> argv[] = {date_like}; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, result, Execution::Call(isolate, function, calendar, arraysize(argv), argv), Object); return result; } #define CALENDAR_ABSTRACT_OPERATION_INT_ACTION(Name, name, Action) \ MaybeHandle<Object> Calendar##Name(Isolate* isolate, \ Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, \ Handle<JSReceiver> date_like) { \ /* 1. Assert: Type(calendar) is Object. */ \ /* 2. Let result be ? Invoke(calendar, property, « dateLike »). */ \ Handle<Object> result; \ ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( \ isolate, result, \ InvokeCalendarMethod(isolate, calendar, \ isolate->factory()->name##_string(), date_like), \ Object); \ /* 3. If result is undefined, throw a RangeError exception. */ \ if (result->IsUndefined()) { \ THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), Object); \ } \ /* 4. Return ? Action(result). */ \ ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, result, Action(isolate, result), \ Object); \ return Handle<Smi>(Smi::FromInt(result->Number()), isolate); \ } // #sec-temporal-calendaryear CALENDAR_ABSTRACT_OPERATION_INT_ACTION(Year, year, ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity) // #sec-temporal-calendarmonth CALENDAR_ABSTRACT_OPERATION_INT_ACTION(Month, month, ToPositiveInteger) // #sec-temporal-calendarday CALENDAR_ABSTRACT_OPERATION_INT_ACTION(Day, day, ToPositiveInteger) // #sec-temporal-calendarmonthcode MaybeHandle<Object> CalendarMonthCode(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Handle<JSReceiver> date_like) { // 1. Assert: Type(calendar) is Object. // 2. Let result be ? Invoke(calendar, monthCode , « dateLike »). Handle<Object> result; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, result, InvokeCalendarMethod(isolate, calendar, isolate->factory()->monthCode_string(), date_like), Object); /* 3. If result is undefined, throw a RangeError exception. */ if (result->IsUndefined()) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), Object); } // 4. Return ? ToString(result). return Object::ToString(isolate, result); } #ifdef V8_INTL_SUPPORT // #sec-temporal-calendarerayear MaybeHandle<Object> CalendarEraYear(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Handle<JSReceiver> date_like) { // 1. Assert: Type(calendar) is Object. // 2. Let result be ? Invoke(calendar, eraYear , « dateLike »). Handle<Object> result; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, result, InvokeCalendarMethod(isolate, calendar, isolate->factory()->eraYear_string(), date_like), Object); // 3. If result is not undefined, set result to ? ToIntegerOrInfinity(result). if (!result->IsUndefined()) { ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, result, ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isolate, result), Object); } // 4. Return result. return result; } // #sec-temporal-calendarera MaybeHandle<Object> CalendarEra(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Handle<JSReceiver> date_like) { // 1. Assert: Type(calendar) is Object. // 2. Let result be ? Invoke(calendar, era , « dateLike »). Handle<Object> result; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, result, InvokeCalendarMethod(isolate, calendar, isolate->factory()->era_string(), date_like), Object); // 3. If result is not undefined, set result to ? ToString(result). if (!result->IsUndefined()) { ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, result, Object::ToString(isolate, result), Object); } // 4. Return result. return result; } #endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT // #sec-temporal-getiso8601calendar MaybeHandle<JSTemporalCalendar> GetISO8601Calendar(Isolate* isolate) { return CreateTemporalCalendar(isolate, isolate->factory()->iso8601_string()); } } // namespace temporal namespace { bool IsUTC(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> time_zone) { // 1. Assert: Type(timeZone) is String. // 2. Let tzText be ! StringToCodePoints(timeZone). // 3. Let tzUpperText be the result of toUppercase(tzText), according to the // Unicode Default Case Conversion algorithm. // 4. Let tzUpper be ! CodePointsToString(tzUpperText). // 5. If tzUpper and "UTC" are the same sequence of code points, return true. // 6. Return false. if (time_zone->length() != 3) return false; time_zone = String::Flatten(isolate, time_zone); DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc; const String::FlatContent& flat = time_zone->GetFlatContent(no_gc); return (flat.Get(0) == u'U' || flat.Get(0) == u'u') && (flat.Get(1) == u'T' || flat.Get(1) == u't') && (flat.Get(2) == u'C' || flat.Get(2) == u'c'); } #ifdef V8_INTL_SUPPORT class CalendarMap final { public: CalendarMap() { icu::Locale locale("und"); UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; std::unique_ptr<icu::StringEnumeration> enumeration( icu::Calendar::getKeywordValuesForLocale("ca", locale, false, status)); calendar_ids.push_back("iso8601"); calendar_id_indices.insert({"iso8601", 0}); int32_t i = 1; for (const char* item = enumeration->next(nullptr, status); U_SUCCESS(status) && item != nullptr; item = enumeration->next(nullptr, status)) { if (strcmp(item, "iso8601") != 0) { const char* type = uloc_toUnicodeLocaleType("ca", item); calendar_ids.push_back(type); calendar_id_indices.insert({type, i++}); } } } bool Contains(const std::string& id) const { return calendar_id_indices.find(id) != calendar_id_indices.end(); } std::string Id(int32_t index) const { DCHECK_LT(index, calendar_ids.size()); return calendar_ids[index]; } int32_t Index(const char* id) const { return calendar_id_indices.find(id)->second; } private: std::map<std::string, int32_t> calendar_id_indices; std::vector<std::string> calendar_ids; }; DEFINE_LAZY_LEAKY_OBJECT_GETTER(CalendarMap, GetCalendarMap) // #sec-temporal-isbuiltincalendar bool IsBuiltinCalendar(Isolate* isolate, const std::string& id) { return GetCalendarMap()->Contains(id); } bool IsBuiltinCalendar(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> id) { return IsBuiltinCalendar(isolate, id->ToCString().get()); } Handle<String> CalendarIdentifier(Isolate* isolate, int32_t index) { return isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked( GetCalendarMap()->Id(index).c_str()); } int32_t CalendarIndex(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> id) { return GetCalendarMap()->Index(id->ToCString().get()); } bool IsValidTimeZoneName(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> time_zone) { return Intl::IsValidTimeZoneName(isolate, time_zone); } MaybeHandle<String> CanonicalizeTimeZoneName(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> identifier) { return Intl::CanonicalizeTimeZoneName(isolate, identifier); } #else // V8_INTL_SUPPORT Handle<String> CalendarIdentifier(Isolate* isolate, int32_t index) { DCHECK_EQ(index, 0); return isolate->factory()->iso8601_string(); } // #sec-temporal-isbuiltincalendar bool IsBuiltinCalendar(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> id) { // 1. If id is not "iso8601", return false. // 2. Return true return isolate->factory()->iso8601_string()->Equals(*id); } int32_t CalendarIndex(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> id) { return 0; } // #sec-isvalidtimezonename bool IsValidTimeZoneName(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> time_zone) { return IsUTC(isolate, time_zone); } // #sec-canonicalizetimezonename MaybeHandle<String> CanonicalizeTimeZoneName(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> identifier) { return isolate->factory()->UTC_string(); } #endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT // #sec-temporal-mergelargestunitoption MaybeHandle<JSObject> MergeLargestUnitOption(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> options, Unit largest_unit) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Let merged be ! OrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%). Handle<JSObject> merged = isolate->factory()->NewJSObject(isolate->object_function()); // 2. Let keys be ? EnumerableOwnPropertyNames(options, key). // 3. For each element nextKey of keys, do // a. Let propValue be ? Get(options, nextKey). // b. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(merged, nextKey, propValue). JSReceiver::SetOrCopyDataProperties( isolate, merged, options, PropertiesEnumerationMode::kEnumerationOrder, nullptr, false) .Check(); // 4. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(merged, "largestUnit", largestUnit). CHECK(JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty( isolate, merged, isolate->factory()->largestUnit_string(), UnitToString(isolate, largest_unit), Just(kThrowOnError)) .FromJust()); // 5. Return merged. return merged; } // #sec-temporal-tointegerthrowoninfinity MaybeHandle<Object> ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> argument) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Let integer be ? ToIntegerOrInfinity(argument). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, argument, Object::ToInteger(isolate, argument), Object); // 2. If integer is +∞ or -∞, throw a RangeError exception. if (!std::isfinite(argument->Number())) { // a. Throw a RangeError exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), Object); } return argument; } // #sec-temporal-largeroftwotemporalunits Unit LargerOfTwoTemporalUnits(Isolate* isolate, Unit u1, Unit u2) { // 1. If either u1 or u2 is "year", return "year". if (u1 == Unit::kYear || u2 == Unit::kYear) return Unit::kYear; // 2. If either u1 or u2 is "month", return "month". if (u1 == Unit::kMonth || u2 == Unit::kMonth) return Unit::kMonth; // 3. If either u1 or u2 is "week", return "week". if (u1 == Unit::kWeek || u2 == Unit::kWeek) return Unit::kWeek; // 4. If either u1 or u2 is "day", return "day". if (u1 == Unit::kDay || u2 == Unit::kDay) return Unit::kDay; // 5. If either u1 or u2 is "hour", return "hour". if (u1 == Unit::kHour || u2 == Unit::kHour) return Unit::kHour; // 6. If either u1 or u2 is "minute", return "minute". if (u1 == Unit::kMinute || u2 == Unit::kMinute) return Unit::kMinute; // 7. If either u1 or u2 is "second", return "second". if (u1 == Unit::kSecond || u2 == Unit::kSecond) return Unit::kSecond; // 8. If either u1 or u2 is "millisecond", return "millisecond". if (u1 == Unit::kMillisecond || u2 == Unit::kMillisecond) return Unit::kMillisecond; // 9. If either u1 or u2 is "microsecond", return "microsecond". if (u1 == Unit::kMicrosecond || u2 == Unit::kMicrosecond) return Unit::kMicrosecond; // 10. Return "nanosecond". return Unit::kNanosecond; } Handle<String> UnitToString(Isolate* isolate, Unit unit) { switch (unit) { case Unit::kYear: return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).year_string_handle(); case Unit::kMonth: return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).month_string_handle(); case Unit::kWeek: return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).week_string_handle(); case Unit::kDay: return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).day_string_handle(); case Unit::kHour: return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).hour_string_handle(); case Unit::kMinute: return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).minute_string_handle(); case Unit::kSecond: return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).second_string_handle(); case Unit::kMillisecond: return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).millisecond_string_handle(); case Unit::kMicrosecond: return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).microsecond_string_handle(); case Unit::kNanosecond: return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).nanosecond_string_handle(); default: UNREACHABLE(); } } // #sec-temporal-balanceisodate void BalanceISODate(Isolate* isolate, int32_t* year, int32_t* month, int32_t* day) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: year, month, and day are integers. // 2. Let balancedYearMonth be ! BalanceISOYearMonth(year, month). // 3. Set month to balancedYearMonth.[[Month]]. // 4. Set year to balancedYearMonth.[[Year]]. BalanceISOYearMonth(isolate, year, month); // 5. NOTE: To deal with negative numbers of days whose absolute value is // greater than the number of days in a year, the following section subtracts // years and adds days until the number of days is greater than −366 or −365. // 6. If month > 2, then // a. Let testYear be year. // 7. Else, // a. Let testYear be year − 1. int32_t test_year = (*month > 2) ? *year : *year - 1; // 8. Repeat, while day < −1 × ! ISODaysInYear(testYear), int32_t iso_days_in_year; while (*day < -(iso_days_in_year = ISODaysInYear(isolate, test_year))) { // a. Set day to day + ! ISODaysInYear(testYear). *day += iso_days_in_year; // b. Set year to year − 1. (*year)--; // c. Set testYear to testYear − 1. test_year--; } // 9. NOTE: To deal with numbers of days greater than the number of days in a // year, the following section adds years and subtracts days until the number // of days is less than 366 or 365. // 10. Let testYear be year + 1. test_year = (*year) + 1; // 11. Repeat, while day > ! ISODaysInYear(testYear), while (*day > (iso_days_in_year = ISODaysInYear(isolate, test_year))) { // a. Set day to day − ! ISODaysInYear(testYear). *day -= iso_days_in_year; // b. Set year to year + 1. (*year)++; // c. Set testYear to testYear + 1. test_year++; } // 12. NOTE: To deal with negative numbers of days whose absolute value is // greater than the number of days in the current month, the following section // subtracts months and adds days until the number of days is greater than 0. // 13. Repeat, while day < 1, while (*day < 1) { // a. Set balancedYearMonth to ! BalanceISOYearMonth(year, month − 1). // b. Set year to balancedYearMonth.[[Year]]. // c. Set month to balancedYearMonth.[[Month]]. *month -= 1; BalanceISOYearMonth(isolate, year, month); // d. Set day to day + ! ISODaysInMonth(year, month). *day += ISODaysInMonth(isolate, *year, *month); } // 14. NOTE: To deal with numbers of days greater than the number of days in // the current month, the following section adds months and subtracts days // until the number of days is less than the number of days in the month. // 15. Repeat, while day > ! ISODaysInMonth(year, month), int32_t iso_days_in_month; while (*day > (iso_days_in_month = ISODaysInMonth(isolate, *year, *month))) { // a. Set day to day − ! ISODaysInMonth(year, month). *day -= iso_days_in_month; // b. Set balancedYearMonth to ! BalanceISOYearMonth(year, month + 1). // c. Set year to balancedYearMonth.[[Year]]. // d. Set month to balancedYearMonth.[[Month]]. *month += 1; BalanceISOYearMonth(isolate, year, month); } // 16. Return the new Record { [[Year]]: year, [[Month]]: month, [[Day]]: day // }. return; } // #sec-temporal-adddatetime Maybe<DateTimeRecordCommon> AddDateTime( Isolate* isolate, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second, int32_t millisecond, int32_t microsecond, int32_t nanosecond, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, const DurationRecord& dur, Handle<Object> options) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, // microsecond, and nanosecond are integers. // 2. Let timeResult be ! AddTime(hour, minute, second, millisecond, // microsecond, nanosecond, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, // microseconds, nanoseconds). DateTimeRecordCommon time_result = AddTime(isolate, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, dur.hours, dur.minutes, dur.seconds, dur.milliseconds, dur.microseconds, dur.nanoseconds); // 3. Let datePart be ? CreateTemporalDate(year, month, day, calendar). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate> date_part; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, date_part, CreateTemporalDate(isolate, year, month, day, calendar), Nothing<DateTimeRecordCommon>()); // 4. Let dateDuration be ? CreateTemporalDuration(years, months, weeks, days // + timeResult.[[Days]], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0). Handle<JSTemporalDuration> date_duration; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, date_duration, CreateTemporalDuration(isolate, dur.years, dur.months, dur.weeks, dur.days + time_result.day, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), Nothing<DateTimeRecordCommon>()); // 5. Let addedDate be ? CalendarDateAdd(calendar, datePart, dateDuration, // options). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate> added_date; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, added_date, CalendarDateAdd(isolate, calendar, date_part, date_duration, options), Nothing<DateTimeRecordCommon>()); // 6. Return the new Record { [[Year]]: addedDate.[[ISOYear]], [[Month]]: // addedDate.[[ISOMonth]], [[Day]]: addedDate.[[ISODay]], [[Hour]]: // timeResult.[[Hour]], [[Minute]]: timeResult.[[Minute]], [[Second]]: // timeResult.[[Second]], [[Millisecond]]: timeResult.[[Millisecond]], // [[Microsecond]]: timeResult.[[Microsecond]], [[Nanosecond]]: // timeResult.[[Nanosecond]], }. time_result.year = added_date->iso_year(); time_result.month = added_date->iso_month(); time_result.day = added_date->iso_day(); return Just(time_result); } Maybe<bool> BalanceDuration(Isolate* isolate, int64_t* days, int64_t* hours, int64_t* minutes, int64_t* seconds, int64_t* milliseconds, int64_t* microseconds, int64_t* nanoseconds, Unit largest_unit, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. If relativeTo is not present, set relativeTo to undefined. return BalanceDuration(isolate, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds, largest_unit, isolate->factory()->undefined_value(), method_name); } Maybe<bool> BalanceDuration(Isolate* isolate, int64_t* days, int64_t* hours, int64_t* minutes, int64_t* seconds, int64_t* milliseconds, int64_t* microseconds, int64_t* nanoseconds, Unit largest_unit, Handle<Object> relative_to_obj, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 2. If Type(relativeTo) is Object and relativeTo has an // [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot, then if (relative_to_obj->IsJSTemporalZonedDateTime()) { Handle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> relative_to = Handle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime>::cast(relative_to_obj); // a. Let endNs be ? AddZonedDateTime(relativeTo.[[Nanoseconds]], // relativeTo.[[TimeZone]], relativeTo.[[Calendar]], 0, 0, 0, days, hours, // minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds). Handle<BigInt> end_ns; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, end_ns, AddZonedDateTime(isolate, Handle<BigInt>(relative_to->nanoseconds(), isolate), Handle<JSReceiver>(relative_to->time_zone(), isolate), Handle<JSReceiver>(relative_to->calendar(), isolate), {0, 0, 0, *days, *hours, *minutes, *seconds, *milliseconds, *microseconds, *nanoseconds}, method_name), Nothing<bool>()); // b. Set nanoseconds to endNs − relativeTo.[[Nanoseconds]]. ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, end_ns, BigInt::Subtract(isolate, end_ns, Handle<BigInt>(relative_to->nanoseconds(), isolate)), Nothing<bool>()); *nanoseconds = end_ns->AsInt64(); // 3. Else, } else { // a. Set nanoseconds to ℤ(! TotalDurationNanoseconds(days, hours, minutes, // seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds, 0)). *nanoseconds = TotalDurationNanoseconds(isolate, *days, *hours, *minutes, *seconds, *milliseconds, *microseconds, *nanoseconds, 0); } // 4. If largestUnit is one of "year", "month", "week", or "day", then if (largest_unit == Unit::kYear || largest_unit == Unit::kMonth || largest_unit == Unit::kWeek || largest_unit == Unit::kDay) { int64_t result_day_length; // a. Let result be ? NanosecondsToDays(nanoseconds, relativeTo). Maybe<bool> maybe_result = NanosecondsToDays(isolate, *nanoseconds, relative_to_obj, days, nanoseconds, &result_day_length, method_name); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_result, Nothing<bool>()); DCHECK(maybe_result.FromJust()); // b. Set days to result.[[Days]]. // c. Set nanoseconds to result.[[Nanoseconds]]. // 5. Else, } else { // a. Set days to 0. *days = 0; } // 6. Set hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, and microseconds to 0. *hours = *minutes = *seconds = *milliseconds = *microseconds = 0; // 7. Set nanoseconds to ℝ(nanoseconds). // 8. If nanoseconds < 0, let sign be −1; else, let sign be 1. int32_t sign = (*nanoseconds < 0) ? -1 : 1; // 9. Set nanoseconds to abs(nanoseconds). *nanoseconds = std::abs(*nanoseconds); // 10. If largestUnit is "year", "month", "week", "day", or "hour", then switch (largest_unit) { case Unit::kYear: case Unit::kMonth: case Unit::kWeek: case Unit::kDay: case Unit::kHour: // a. Set microseconds to floor(nanoseconds / 1000). *microseconds = floor_divide(*nanoseconds, 1000); // b. Set nanoseconds to nanoseconds modulo 1000. *nanoseconds = modulo(*nanoseconds, 1000); // c. Set milliseconds to floor(microseconds / 1000). *milliseconds = floor_divide(*microseconds, 1000); // d. Set microseconds to microseconds modulo 1000. *microseconds = modulo(*microseconds, 1000); // e. Set seconds to floor(milliseconds / 1000). *seconds = floor_divide(*milliseconds, 1000); // f. Set milliseconds to milliseconds modulo 1000. *milliseconds = modulo(*milliseconds, 1000); // g. Set minutes to floor(seconds, 60). *minutes = floor_divide(*seconds, 60); // h. Set seconds to seconds modulo 60. *seconds = modulo(*seconds, 60); // i. Set hours to floor(minutes / 60). *hours = floor_divide(*minutes, 60); // j. Set minutes to minutes modulo 60. *minutes = modulo(*minutes, 60); break; // 11. Else if largestUnit is "minute", then case Unit::kMinute: // a. Set microseconds to floor(nanoseconds / 1000). *microseconds = floor_divide(*nanoseconds, 1000); // b. Set nanoseconds to nanoseconds modulo 1000. *nanoseconds = modulo(*nanoseconds, 1000); // c. Set milliseconds to floor(microseconds / 1000). *milliseconds = floor_divide(*microseconds, 1000); // d. Set microseconds to microseconds modulo 1000. *microseconds = modulo(*microseconds, 1000); // e. Set seconds to floor(milliseconds / 1000). *seconds = floor_divide(*milliseconds, 1000); // f. Set milliseconds to milliseconds modulo 1000. *milliseconds = modulo(*milliseconds, 1000); // g. Set minutes to floor(seconds / 60). *minutes = floor_divide(*seconds, 60); // h. Set seconds to seconds modulo 60. *seconds = modulo(*seconds, 60); break; // 12. Else if largestUnit is "second", then case Unit::kSecond: // a. Set microseconds to floor(nanoseconds / 1000). *microseconds = floor_divide(*nanoseconds, 1000); // b. Set nanoseconds to nanoseconds modulo 1000. *nanoseconds = modulo(*nanoseconds, 1000); // c. Set milliseconds to floor(microseconds / 1000). *milliseconds = floor_divide(*microseconds, 1000); // d. Set microseconds to microseconds modulo 1000. *microseconds = modulo(*microseconds, 1000); // e. Set seconds to floor(milliseconds / 1000). *seconds = floor_divide(*milliseconds, 1000); // f. Set milliseconds to milliseconds modulo 1000. *milliseconds = modulo(*milliseconds, 1000); break; // 13. Else if largestUnit is "millisecond", then case Unit::kMillisecond: // a. Set microseconds to floor(nanoseconds / 1000). *microseconds = floor_divide(*nanoseconds, 1000); // b. Set nanoseconds to nanoseconds modulo 1000. *nanoseconds = modulo(*nanoseconds, 1000); // c. Set milliseconds to floor(microseconds / 1000). *milliseconds = floor_divide(*microseconds, 1000); // d. Set microseconds to microseconds modulo 1000. *microseconds = modulo(*microseconds, 1000); break; // 14. Else if largestUnit is "microsecond", then case Unit::kMicrosecond: // a. Set microseconds to floor(nanoseconds / 1000). *microseconds = floor_divide(*nanoseconds, 1000); // b. Set nanoseconds to nanoseconds modulo 1000. *nanoseconds = modulo(*nanoseconds, 1000); break; // 15. Else, default: // a. Assert: largestUnit is "nanosecond". DCHECK_EQ(largest_unit, Unit::kNanosecond); break; } // 16. Return the new Record { [[Days]]: 𝔽(days), [[Hours]]: 𝔽(hours × sign), // [[Minutes]]: 𝔽(minutes × sign), [[Seconds]]: 𝔽(seconds × sign), // [[Milliseconds]]: 𝔽(milliseconds × sign), [[Microseconds]]: 𝔽(microseconds // × sign), [[Nanoseconds]]: 𝔽(nanoseconds × sign) }. *hours *= sign; *minutes *= sign; *seconds *= sign; *milliseconds *= sign; *microseconds *= sign; *nanoseconds *= sign; return Just(true); } // #sec-temporal-addinstant MaybeHandle<BigInt> AddZonedDateTime(Isolate* isolate, Handle<BigInt> epoch_nanoseconds, Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, const DurationRecord& duration, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. If options is not present, set options to ! OrdinaryObjectCreate(null). Handle<JSReceiver> options = isolate->factory()->NewJSObjectWithNullProto(); return AddZonedDateTime(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds, time_zone, calendar, duration, options, method_name); } // #sec-temporal-addzoneddatetime MaybeHandle<BigInt> AddZonedDateTime(Isolate* isolate, Handle<BigInt> epoch_nanoseconds, Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, const DurationRecord& duration, Handle<JSReceiver> options, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 2. If all of years, months, weeks, and days are 0, then if (duration.years == 0 && duration.months == 0 && duration.weeks == 0 && duration.days == 0) { // a. Return ! AddInstant(epochNanoseconds, hours, minutes, seconds, // milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds). return AddInstant(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds, duration.hours, duration.minutes, duration.seconds, duration.milliseconds, duration.microseconds, duration.nanoseconds); } // 3. Let instant be ! CreateTemporalInstant(epochNanoseconds). Handle<JSTemporalInstant> instant; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, instant, temporal::CreateTemporalInstant(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds), BigInt); // 4. Let temporalDateTime be ? // BuiltinTimeZoneGetPlainDateTimeFor(timeZone, instant, calendar). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> temporal_date_time; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, temporal_date_time, temporal::BuiltinTimeZoneGetPlainDateTimeFor(isolate, time_zone, instant, calendar, method_name), BigInt); // 5. Let datePart be ? CreateTemporalDate(temporalDateTime.[[ISOYear]], // temporalDateTime.[[ISOMonth]], temporalDateTime.[[ISODay]], calendar). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate> date_part; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, date_part, CreateTemporalDate(isolate, temporal_date_time->iso_year(), temporal_date_time->iso_month(), temporal_date_time->iso_day(), calendar), BigInt); // 6. Let dateDuration be ? CreateTemporalDuration(years, months, weeks, days, // 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0). Handle<JSTemporalDuration> date_duration; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, date_duration, CreateTemporalDuration(isolate, duration.years, duration.months, duration.weeks, duration.days, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), BigInt); // 7. Let addedDate be ? CalendarDateAdd(calendar, datePart, dateDuration, // options). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate> added_date; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, added_date, CalendarDateAdd(isolate, calendar, date_part, date_duration, options), BigInt); // 8. Let intermediateDateTime be ? // CreateTemporalDateTime(addedDate.[[ISOYear]], addedDate.[[ISOMonth]], // addedDate.[[ISODay]], temporalDateTime.[[ISOHour]], // temporalDateTime.[[ISOMinute]], temporalDateTime.[[ISOSecond]], // temporalDateTime.[[ISOMillisecond]], temporalDateTime.[[ISOMicrosecond]], // temporalDateTime.[[ISONanosecond]], calendar). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> intermediate_date_time; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, intermediate_date_time, temporal::CreateTemporalDateTime( isolate, added_date->iso_year(), added_date->iso_month(), added_date->iso_day(), temporal_date_time->iso_hour(), temporal_date_time->iso_minute(), temporal_date_time->iso_second(), temporal_date_time->iso_millisecond(), temporal_date_time->iso_microsecond(), temporal_date_time->iso_nanosecond(), calendar), BigInt); // 9. Let intermediateInstant be ? BuiltinTimeZoneGetInstantFor(timeZone, // intermediateDateTime, "compatible"). Handle<JSTemporalInstant> intermediate_instant; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, intermediate_instant, BuiltinTimeZoneGetInstantFor(isolate, time_zone, intermediate_date_time, Disambiguation::kCompatible, method_name), BigInt); // 10. Return ! AddInstant(intermediateInstant.[[Nanoseconds]], hours, // minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds). return AddInstant( isolate, Handle<BigInt>(intermediate_instant->nanoseconds(), isolate), duration.hours, duration.minutes, duration.seconds, duration.milliseconds, duration.microseconds, duration.nanoseconds); } // #sec-temporal-nanosecondstodays Maybe<bool> NanosecondsToDays(Isolate* isolate, int64_t nanoseconds, Handle<Object> relative_to_obj, int64_t* result_days, int64_t* result_nanoseconds, int64_t* result_day_length, const char* method_name) { return NanosecondsToDays(isolate, BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, nanoseconds), relative_to_obj, result_days, result_nanoseconds, result_day_length, method_name); } Maybe<bool> NanosecondsToDays(Isolate* isolate, Handle<BigInt> nanoseconds, Handle<Object> relative_to_obj, int64_t* result_days, int64_t* result_nanoseconds, int64_t* result_day_length, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: Type(nanoseconds) is BigInt. // 2. Set nanoseconds to ℝ(nanoseconds). // 3. Let sign be ! ℝ(Sign(𝔽(nanoseconds))). ComparisonResult compare_result = BigInt::CompareToBigInt(nanoseconds, BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, 0)); int64_t sign = COMPARE_RESULT_TO_SIGN(compare_result); // 4. Let dayLengthNs be 8.64 × 10^13. Handle<BigInt> day_length_ns = BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, 86400000000000LLU); // 5. If sign is 0, then if (sign == 0) { // a. Return the new Record { [[Days]]: 0, [[Nanoseconds]]: 0, // [[DayLength]]: dayLengthNs }. *result_days = 0; *result_nanoseconds = 0; *result_day_length = day_length_ns->AsInt64(); return Just(true); } // 6. If Type(relativeTo) is not Object or relativeTo does not have an // [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot, then if (!relative_to_obj->IsJSTemporalZonedDateTime()) { // Return the Record { // [[Days]]: the integral part of nanoseconds / dayLengthNs, // [[Nanoseconds]]: (abs(nanoseconds) modulo dayLengthNs) × sign, // [[DayLength]]: dayLengthNs }. Handle<BigInt> days_bigint; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, days_bigint, BigInt::Divide(isolate, nanoseconds, day_length_ns), Nothing<bool>()); if (sign < 0) { nanoseconds = BigInt::UnaryMinus(isolate, nanoseconds); } ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, nanoseconds, BigInt::Remainder(isolate, nanoseconds, day_length_ns), Nothing<bool>()); *result_days = days_bigint->AsInt64(); *result_nanoseconds = nanoseconds->AsInt64() * sign; *result_day_length = day_length_ns->AsInt64(); return Just(true); } Handle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> relative_to = Handle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime>::cast(relative_to_obj); // 7. Let startNs be ℝ(relativeTo.[[Nanoseconds]]). Handle<BigInt> start_ns = Handle<BigInt>(relative_to->nanoseconds(), isolate); // 8. Let startInstant be ! CreateTemporalInstant(ℤ(sartNs)). Handle<JSTemporalInstant> start_instant; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, start_instant, temporal::CreateTemporalInstant( isolate, Handle<BigInt>(relative_to->nanoseconds(), isolate)), Nothing<bool>()); // 9. Let startDateTime be ? // BuiltinTimeZoneGetPlainDateTimeFor(relativeTo.[[TimeZone]], // startInstant, relativeTo.[[Calendar]]). Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone = Handle<JSReceiver>(relative_to->time_zone(), isolate); Handle<JSReceiver> calendar = Handle<JSReceiver>(relative_to->calendar(), isolate); Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> start_date_time; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, start_date_time, temporal::BuiltinTimeZoneGetPlainDateTimeFor( isolate, time_zone, start_instant, calendar, method_name), Nothing<bool>()); // 10. Let endNs be startNs + nanoseconds. Handle<BigInt> end_ns; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE(isolate, end_ns, BigInt::Add(isolate, start_ns, nanoseconds), Nothing<bool>()); // 11. Let endInstant be ! CreateTemporalInstant(ℤ(endNs)). Handle<JSTemporalInstant> end_instant; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, end_instant, temporal::CreateTemporalInstant(isolate, end_ns), Nothing<bool>()); // 12. Let endDateTime be ? // BuiltinTimeZoneGetPlainDateTimeFor(relativeTo.[[TimeZone]], // endInstant, relativeTo.[[Calendar]]). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> end_date_time; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, end_date_time, temporal::BuiltinTimeZoneGetPlainDateTimeFor( isolate, time_zone, end_instant, calendar, method_name), Nothing<bool>()); // 13. Let dateDifference be ? // DifferenceISODateTime(startDateTime.[[ISOYear]], // startDateTime.[[ISOMonth]], startDateTime.[[ISODay]], // startDateTime.[[ISOHour]], startDateTime.[[ISOMinute]], // startDateTime.[[ISOSecond]], startDateTime.[[ISOMillisecond]], // startDateTime.[[ISOMicrosecond]], startDateTime.[[ISONanosecond]], // endDateTime.[[ISOYear]], endDateTime.[[ISOMonth]], endDateTime.[[ISODay]], // endDateTime.[[ISOHour]], endDateTime.[[ISOMinute]], // endDateTime.[[ISOSecond]], endDateTime.[[ISOMillisecond]], // endDateTime.[[ISOMicrosecond]], endDateTime.[[ISONanosecond]], // relativeTo.[[Calendar]], "day"). Maybe<DurationRecord> maybe_date_difference = DifferenceISODateTime( isolate, start_date_time->iso_year(), start_date_time->iso_month(), start_date_time->iso_day(), start_date_time->iso_hour(), start_date_time->iso_minute(), start_date_time->iso_second(), start_date_time->iso_millisecond(), start_date_time->iso_microsecond(), start_date_time->iso_nanosecond(), end_date_time->iso_year(), end_date_time->iso_month(), end_date_time->iso_day(), end_date_time->iso_hour(), end_date_time->iso_minute(), end_date_time->iso_second(), end_date_time->iso_millisecond(), end_date_time->iso_microsecond(), end_date_time->iso_nanosecond(), calendar, Unit::kDay, relative_to, method_name); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_date_difference, Nothing<bool>()); DurationRecord date_difference = maybe_date_difference.FromJust(); // 14. Let days be dateDifference.[[Days]]. int64_t days = date_difference.days; // 15. Let intermediateNs be ℝ(? AddZonedDateTime(ℤ(startNs), // relativeTo.[[TimeZone]], relativeTo.[[Calendar]], 0, 0, 0, days, 0, 0, 0, // 0, 0, 0)). Handle<BigInt> intermediate_ns; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, intermediate_ns, AddZonedDateTime(isolate, start_ns, time_zone, calendar, {0, 0, 0, days, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, method_name), Nothing<bool>()); // 16. If sign is 1, then if (sign == 1) { // a. Repeat, while days > 0 and intermediateNs > endNs, while (days > 0 && BigInt::CompareToBigInt(intermediate_ns, end_ns) == ComparisonResult::kGreaterThan) { // i. Set days to days − 1. days -= 1; // ii. Set intermediateNs to ℝ(? AddZonedDateTime(ℤ(startNs), // relativeTo.[[TimeZone]], relativeTo.[[Calendar]], 0, 0, 0, days, 0, 0, // 0, 0, 0, 0)). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, intermediate_ns, AddZonedDateTime(isolate, start_ns, time_zone, calendar, {0, 0, 0, days, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, method_name), Nothing<bool>()); } } // 17. Set nanoseconds to endNs − intermediateNs. ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, nanoseconds, BigInt::Subtract(isolate, end_ns, intermediate_ns), Nothing<bool>()); // 18. Let done be false. bool done = false; // 19. Repeat, while done is false, while (!done) { // a. Let oneDayFartherNs be ℝ(? AddZonedDateTime(ℤ(intermediateNs), // relativeTo.[[TimeZone]], relativeTo.[[Calendar]], 0, 0, 0, sign, 0, 0, 0, // 0, 0, 0)). Handle<BigInt> one_day_farther_ns; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, one_day_farther_ns, AddZonedDateTime(isolate, intermediate_ns, time_zone, calendar, {0, 0, 0, sign, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, method_name), Nothing<bool>()); // b. Set dayLengthNs to oneDayFartherNs − intermediateNs. Handle<BigInt> day_length_ns; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, day_length_ns, BigInt::Subtract(isolate, one_day_farther_ns, intermediate_ns), Nothing<bool>()); // c. If (nanoseconds − dayLengthNs) × sign ≥ 0, then compare_result = BigInt::CompareToBigInt(nanoseconds, day_length_ns); if (sign * COMPARE_RESULT_TO_SIGN(compare_result) >= 0) { // i. Set nanoseconds to nanoseconds − dayLengthNs. ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, nanoseconds, BigInt::Subtract(isolate, nanoseconds, day_length_ns), Nothing<bool>()); // ii. Set intermediateNs to oneDayFartherNs. intermediate_ns = one_day_farther_ns; // iii. Set days to days + sign. days += sign; // d. Else, } else { // i. Set done to true. done = true; } } // 20. Return the new Record { [[Days]]: days, [[Nanoseconds]]: nanoseconds, // [[DayLength]]: abs(dayLengthNs) }. *result_days = days; *result_nanoseconds = nanoseconds->AsInt64(); *result_day_length = std::abs(day_length_ns->AsInt64()); return Just(true); } Maybe<DurationRecord> DifferenceISODateTime( Isolate* isolate, int32_t y1, int32_t mon1, int32_t d1, int32_t h1, int32_t min1, int32_t s1, int32_t ms1, int32_t mus1, int32_t ns1, int32_t y2, int32_t mon2, int32_t d2, int32_t h2, int32_t min2, int32_t s2, int32_t ms2, int32_t mus2, int32_t ns2, Handle<JSReceiver> calendar, Unit largest_unit, Handle<Object> options_obj, const char* method_name) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); DurationRecord result; // 1. Assert: y1, mon1, d1, h1, min1, s1, ms1, mus1, ns1, y2, mon2, d2, h2, // min2, s2, ms2, mus2, and ns2 are integers. // 2. If options is not present, set options to ! OrdinaryObjectCreate(null). Handle<JSReceiver> options; if (options_obj->IsUndefined()) { options = factory->NewJSObjectWithNullProto(); } else { DCHECK(options_obj->IsJSReceiver()); options = Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(options_obj); } // 3. Let timeDifference be ! DifferenceTime(h1, min1, s1, ms1, mus1, ns1, h2, // min2, s2, ms2, mus2, ns2). DurationRecord time_difference = DifferenceTime( isolate, h1, min1, s1, ms1, mus1, ns1, h2, min2, s2, ms2, mus2, ns2); result.hours = time_difference.hours; result.minutes = time_difference.minutes; result.seconds = time_difference.seconds; result.milliseconds = time_difference.milliseconds; result.microseconds = time_difference.microseconds; result.nanoseconds = time_difference.nanoseconds; // 4. Let timeSign be ! DurationSign(0, 0, 0, timeDifference.[[Days]], // timeDifference.[[Hours]], timeDifference.[[Minutes]], // timeDifference.[[Seconds]], timeDifference.[[Milliseconds]], // timeDifference.[[Microseconds]], timeDifference.[[Nanoseconds]]). int32_t time_sign = DurationSign(isolate, time_difference); // 5. Let dateSign be ! CompareISODate(y2, mon2, d2, y1, mon1, d1). int32_t date_sign = CompareISODate(isolate, y2, mon2, d2, y1, mon1, d1); // 6. Let balanceResult be ! BalanceISODate(y1, mon1, d1 + // timeDifference.[[Days]]). int32_t balanced_year = y1; int32_t balanced_month = mon1; int32_t balanced_day = d1 + static_cast<int32_t>(time_difference.days); BalanceISODate(isolate, &balanced_year, &balanced_month, &balanced_day); // 7. If timeSign is -dateSign, then if (time_sign == -date_sign) { // a. Set balanceResult be ! BalanceISODate(balanceResult.[[Year]], // balanceResult.[[Month]], balanceResult.[[Day]] - timeSign). balanced_day -= time_sign; BalanceISODate(isolate, &balanced_year, &balanced_month, &balanced_day); // b. Set timeDifference to ? BalanceDuration(-timeSign, // timeDifference.[[Hours]], timeDifference.[[Minutes]], // timeDifference.[[Seconds]], timeDifference.[[Milliseconds]], // timeDifference.[[Microseconds]], timeDifference.[[Nanoseconds]], // largestUnit). result.days = -time_sign; result.hours = time_difference.hours; result.minutes = time_difference.minutes; result.seconds = time_difference.seconds; result.milliseconds = time_difference.milliseconds; result.microseconds = time_difference.microseconds; result.nanoseconds = time_difference.nanoseconds; Maybe<bool> maybe_time_difference = BalanceDuration( isolate, &(result.days), &(result.hours), &(result.minutes), &(result.seconds), &(result.milliseconds), &(result.microseconds), &(result.nanoseconds), largest_unit, method_name); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_time_difference, Nothing<DurationRecord>()); DCHECK(maybe_time_difference.FromJust()); } // 8. Let date1 be ? CreateTemporalDate(balanceResult.[[Year]], // balanceResult.[[Month]], balanceResult.[[Day]], calendar). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate> date1; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, date1, CreateTemporalDate(isolate, balanced_year, balanced_month, balanced_day, calendar), Nothing<DurationRecord>()); // 9. Let date2 be ? CreateTemporalDate(y2, mon2, d2, calendar). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate> date2; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, date2, CreateTemporalDate(isolate, y2, mon2, d2, calendar), Nothing<DurationRecord>()); // 10. Let dateLargestUnit be ! LargerOfTwoTemporalUnits("day", largestUnit). Unit date_largest_unit = LargerOfTwoTemporalUnits(isolate, Unit::kDay, largest_unit); // 11. Let untilOptions be ? MergeLargestUnitOption(options, dateLargestUnit). Handle<JSObject> until_options; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, until_options, MergeLargestUnitOption(isolate, options, date_largest_unit), Nothing<DurationRecord>()); // 12. Let dateDifference be ? CalendarDateUntil(calendar, date1, date2, // untilOptions). Handle<JSTemporalDuration> date_difference; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, date_difference, CalendarDateUntil(isolate, calendar, date1, date2, until_options), Nothing<DurationRecord>()); // 13. Let balanceResult be ? BalanceDuration(dateDifference.[[Days]], // timeDifference.[[Hours]], timeDifference.[[Minutes]], // timeDifference.[[Seconds]], timeDifference.[[Milliseconds]], // timeDifference.[[Microseconds]], timeDifference.[[Nanoseconds]], // largestUnit). result.days = NumberToInt64(date_difference->days()); Maybe<bool> maybe_balance_result = BalanceDuration( isolate, &(result.days), &(result.hours), &(result.minutes), &(result.seconds), &(result.milliseconds), &(result.microseconds), &(result.nanoseconds), largest_unit, method_name); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_balance_result, Nothing<DurationRecord>()); DCHECK(maybe_balance_result.FromJust()); // 14. Return the Record { [[Years]]: dateDifference.[[Years]], [[Months]]: // dateDifference.[[Months]], [[Weeks]]: dateDifference.[[Weeks]], [[Days]]: // balanceResult.[[Days]], [[Hours]]: balanceResult.[[Hours]], [[Minutes]]: // balanceResult.[[Minutes]], [[Seconds]]: balanceResult.[[Seconds]], // [[Milliseconds]]: balanceResult.[[Milliseconds]], [[Microseconds]]: // balanceResult.[[Microseconds]], [[Nanoseconds]]: // balanceResult.[[Nanoseconds]] }. result.years = NumberToInt64(date_difference->years()); result.months = NumberToInt64(date_difference->months()); result.weeks = NumberToInt64(date_difference->weeks()); return Just(result); } // #sec-temporal-addinstant MaybeHandle<BigInt> AddInstant(Isolate* isolate, Handle<BigInt> epoch_nanoseconds, int64_t hours, int64_t minutes, int64_t seconds, int64_t milliseconds, int64_t microseconds, int64_t nanoseconds) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, and // nanoseconds are integer Number values. // 2. Let result be epochNanoseconds + ℤ(nanoseconds) + // ℤ(microseconds) × 1000ℤ + ℤ(milliseconds) × 10^6ℤ + ℤ(seconds) × 10^9ℤ + // ℤ(minutes) × 60ℤ × 10^9ℤ + ℤ(hours) × 3600ℤ × 10^9ℤ. Handle<BigInt> result; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, result, BigInt::Add(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds, BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, nanoseconds)), BigInt); Handle<BigInt> temp; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, temp, BigInt::Multiply(isolate, BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, microseconds), BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, 1000)), BigInt); ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, result, BigInt::Add(isolate, result, temp), BigInt); ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, temp, BigInt::Multiply(isolate, BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, milliseconds), BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, 1000000)), BigInt); ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, result, BigInt::Add(isolate, result, temp), BigInt); ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, temp, BigInt::Multiply(isolate, BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, seconds), BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, 1000000000)), BigInt); ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, result, BigInt::Add(isolate, result, temp), BigInt); ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, temp, BigInt::Multiply(isolate, BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, minutes), BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, 1000000000)), BigInt); ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, temp, BigInt::Multiply(isolate, temp, BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, 60)), BigInt); ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, result, BigInt::Add(isolate, result, temp), BigInt); ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, temp, BigInt::Multiply(isolate, BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, hours), BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, 1000000000)), BigInt); ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, temp, BigInt::Multiply(isolate, temp, BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, 3600)), BigInt); ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, result, BigInt::Add(isolate, result, temp), BigInt); // 3. If ! IsValidEpochNanoseconds(result) is false, throw a RangeError // exception. if (!IsValidEpochNanoseconds(isolate, result)) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), BigInt); } // 4. Return result. return result; } // #sec-temporal-isvalidepochnanoseconds bool IsValidEpochNanoseconds(Isolate* isolate, Handle<BigInt> epoch_nanoseconds) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: Type(epochNanoseconds) is BigInt. // 2. If epochNanoseconds < −86400ℤ × 10^17ℤ or epochNanoseconds > 86400ℤ × // 10^17ℤ, then a. Return false. // 3. Return true. int64_t ns = epoch_nanoseconds->AsInt64(); return !(ns < -86400 * 1e17 || ns > 86400 * 1e17); } MaybeHandle<BigInt> GetEpochFromISOParts(Isolate* isolate, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second, int32_t millisecond, int32_t microsecond, int32_t nanosecond) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, // microsecond, and nanosecond are integers. // 2. Assert: ! IsValidISODate(year, month, day) is true. DCHECK(IsValidISODate(isolate, year, month, day)); // 3. Assert: ! IsValidTime(hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, // nanosecond) is true. DCHECK(IsValidTime(isolate, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond)); // 4. Let date be ! MakeDay(𝔽(year), 𝔽(month − 1), 𝔽(day)). double date = MakeDay(year, month - 1, day); // 5. Let time be ! MakeTime(𝔽(hour), 𝔽(minute), 𝔽(second), 𝔽(millisecond)). double time = MakeTime(hour, minute, second, millisecond); // 6. Let ms be ! MakeDate(date, time). double ms = MakeDate(date, time); // 7. Assert: ms is finite. // 8. Return ℝ(ms) × 10^6 + microsecond × 10^3 + nanosecond. Handle<BigInt> result; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, result, BigInt::FromNumber(isolate, isolate->factory()->NewNumber(ms)), BigInt); ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, result, BigInt::Multiply(isolate, result, BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, 1000000)), BigInt); Handle<BigInt> temp; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, temp, BigInt::Multiply(isolate, BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, microsecond), BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, 1000)), BigInt); ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, result, BigInt::Add(isolate, result, temp), BigInt); return BigInt::Add(isolate, result, BigInt::FromInt64(isolate, nanosecond)); } // #sec-temporal-durationsign int32_t DurationSign(Isolate* isolaet, const DurationRecord& dur) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. For each value v of « years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, // seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds », do a. If v < 0, return // −1. b. If v > 0, return 1. // 2. Return 0. if (dur.years < 0) return -1; if (dur.years > 0) return 1; if (dur.months < 0) return -1; if (dur.months > 0) return 1; if (dur.weeks < 0) return -1; if (dur.weeks > 0) return 1; if (dur.days < 0) return -1; if (dur.days > 0) return 1; if (dur.hours < 0) return -1; if (dur.hours > 0) return 1; if (dur.minutes < 0) return -1; if (dur.minutes > 0) return 1; if (dur.seconds < 0) return -1; if (dur.seconds > 0) return 1; if (dur.milliseconds < 0) return -1; if (dur.milliseconds > 0) return 1; if (dur.microseconds < 0) return -1; if (dur.microseconds > 0) return 1; if (dur.nanoseconds < 0) return -1; if (dur.nanoseconds > 0) return 1; return 0; } // #sec-temporal-isvalidduration bool IsValidDuration(Isolate* isolate, const DurationRecord& dur) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Let sign be ! DurationSign(years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, // seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds). int32_t sign = DurationSign(isolate, dur); // 2. For each value v of « years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, // seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds », do a. If v is not // finite, return false. b. If v < 0 and sign > 0, return false. c. If v > 0 // and sign < 0, return false. // 3. Return true. return !((sign > 0 && (dur.years < 0 || dur.months < 0 || dur.weeks < 0 || dur.days < 0 || dur.hours < 0 || dur.minutes < 0 || dur.seconds < 0 || dur.milliseconds < 0 || dur.microseconds < 0 || dur.nanoseconds < 0)) || (sign < 0 && (dur.years > 0 || dur.months > 0 || dur.weeks > 0 || dur.days > 0 || dur.hours > 0 || dur.minutes > 0 || dur.seconds > 0 || dur.milliseconds > 0 || dur.microseconds > 0 || dur.nanoseconds > 0))); } // #sec-temporal-isisoleapyear bool IsISOLeapYear(Isolate* isolate, int32_t year) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: year is an integer. // 2. If year modulo 4 ≠ 0, return false. // 3. If year modulo 400 = 0, return true. // 4. If year modulo 100 = 0, return false. // 5. Return true. return isolate->date_cache()->IsLeap(year); } // #sec-temporal-isodaysinmonth int32_t ISODaysInMonth(Isolate* isolate, int32_t year, int32_t month) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: year is an integer. // 2. Assert: month is an integer, month ≥ 1, and month ≤ 12. DCHECK_GE(month, 1); DCHECK_LE(month, 12); // 3. If month is 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, or 12, return 31. if (month % 2 == ((month < 8) ? 1 : 0)) return 31; // 4. If month is 4, 6, 9, or 11, return 30. DCHECK(month == 2 || month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11); if (month != 2) return 30; // 5. If ! IsISOLeapYear(year) is true, return 29. return IsISOLeapYear(isolate, year) ? 29 : 28; // 6. Return 28. } // #sec-temporal-isodaysinyear int32_t ISODaysInYear(Isolate* isolate, int32_t year) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: year is an integer. // 2. If ! IsISOLeapYear(year) is true, then // a. Return 366. // 3. Return 365. return IsISOLeapYear(isolate, year) ? 366 : 365; } bool IsValidTime(Isolate* isolate, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second, int32_t millisecond, int32_t microsecond, int32_t nanosecond) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 2. If hour < 0 or hour > 23, then // a. Return false. if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) return false; // 3. If minute < 0 or minute > 59, then // a. Return false. if (minute < 0 || minute > 59) return false; // 4. If second < 0 or second > 59, then // a. Return false. if (second < 0 || second > 59) return false; // 5. If millisecond < 0 or millisecond > 999, then // a. Return false. if (millisecond < 0 || millisecond > 999) return false; // 6. If microsecond < 0 or microsecond > 999, then // a. Return false. if (microsecond < 0 || microsecond > 999) return false; // 7. If nanosecond < 0 or nanosecond > 999, then // a. Return false. if (nanosecond < 0 || nanosecond > 999) return false; // 8. Return true. return true; } // #sec-temporal-isvalidisodate bool IsValidISODate(Isolate* isolate, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: year, month, and day are integers. // 2. If month < 1 or month > 12, then // a. Return false. if (month < 1 || month > 12) return false; // 3. Let daysInMonth be ! ISODaysInMonth(year, month). // 4. If day < 1 or day > daysInMonth, then // a. Return false. if (day < 1 || day > ISODaysInMonth(isolate, year, month)) return false; // 5. Return true. return true; } // #sec-temporal-compareisodate int32_t CompareISODate(Isolate* isolate, int32_t y1, int32_t m1, int32_t d1, int32_t y2, int32_t m2, int32_t d2) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, and d2 are integers. // 2. If y1 > y2, return 1. if (y1 > y2) return 1; // 3. If y1 < y2, return -1. if (y1 < y2) return -1; // 4. If m1 > m2, return 1. if (m1 > m2) return 1; // 5. If m1 < m2, return -1. if (m1 < m2) return -1; // 6. If d1 > d2, return 1. if (d1 > d2) return 1; // 7. If d1 < d2, return -1. if (d1 < d2) return -1; // 8. Return 0. return 0; } // #sec-temporal-balanceisoyearmonth void BalanceISOYearMonth(Isolate* isolate, int32_t* year, int32_t* month) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: year and month are integers. // 2. Set year to year + floor((month - 1) / 12). *year += floor_divide((*month - 1), 12); // 3. Set month to (month − 1) modulo 12 + 1. *month = static_cast<int32_t>(modulo(*month - 1, 12)) + 1; // 4. Return the new Record { [[Year]]: year, [[Month]]: month }. } // #sec-temporal-balancetime DateTimeRecordCommon BalanceTime(Isolate* isolate, int64_t hour, int64_t minute, int64_t second, int64_t millisecond, int64_t microsecond, int64_t nanosecond) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, and nanosecond // are integers. // 2. Set microsecond to microsecond + floor(nanosecond / 1000). microsecond += floor_divide(nanosecond, 1000L); // 3. Set nanosecond to nanosecond modulo 1000. nanosecond = modulo(nanosecond, 1000L); // 4. Set millisecond to millisecond + floor(microsecond / 1000). millisecond += floor_divide(microsecond, 1000L); // 5. Set microsecond to microsecond modulo 1000. microsecond = modulo(microsecond, 1000L); // 6. Set second to second + floor(millisecond / 1000). second += floor_divide(millisecond, 1000L); // 7. Set millisecond to millisecond modulo 1000. millisecond = modulo(millisecond, 1000L); // 8. Set minute to minute + floor(second / 60). minute += floor_divide(second, 60L); // 9. Set second to second modulo 60. second = modulo(second, 60L); // 10. Set hour to hour + floor(minute / 60). hour += floor_divide(minute, 60L); // 11. Set minute to minute modulo 60. minute = modulo(minute, 60L); // 12. Let days be floor(hour / 24). int64_t days = floor_divide(hour, 24L); // 13. Set hour to hour modulo 24. hour = modulo(hour, 24L); // 14. Return the new Record { [[Days]]: days, [[Hour]]: hour, [[Minute]]: // minute, [[Second]]: second, [[Millisecond]]: millisecond, [[Microsecond]]: // microsecond, [[Nanosecond]]: nanosecond }. return {0, 0, static_cast<int32_t>(days), static_cast<int32_t>(hour), static_cast<int32_t>(minute), static_cast<int32_t>(second), static_cast<int32_t>(millisecond), static_cast<int32_t>(microsecond), static_cast<int32_t>(nanosecond)}; } // #sec-temporal-differencetime DurationRecord DifferenceTime(Isolate* isolate, int32_t h1, int32_t min1, int32_t s1, int32_t ms1, int32_t mus1, int32_t ns1, int32_t h2, int32_t min2, int32_t s2, int32_t ms2, int32_t mus2, int32_t ns2) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: h1, min1, s1, ms1, mus1, ns1, h2, min2, s2, ms2, mus2, and ns2 // are integers. DurationRecord dur; // 2. Let hours be h2 − h1. dur.hours = h2 - h1; // 3. Let minutes be min2 − min1. dur.minutes = min2 - min1; // 4. Let seconds be s2 − s1. dur.seconds = s2 - s1; // 5. Let milliseconds be ms2 − ms1. dur.milliseconds = ms2 - ms1; // 6. Let microseconds be mus2 − mus1. dur.microseconds = mus2 - mus1; // 7. Let nanoseconds be ns2 − ns1. dur.nanoseconds = ns2 - ns1; // 8. Let sign be ! DurationSign(0, 0, 0, 0, hours, minutes, seconds, // milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds). double sign = DurationSign(isolate, dur); // See https://github.com/tc39/proposal-temporal/pull/1885 // 9. Let bt be ! BalanceTime(hours × sign, minutes × sign, seconds × sign, // milliseconds × sign, microseconds × sign, nanoseconds × sign). DateTimeRecordCommon bt = BalanceTime( isolate, dur.hours * sign, dur.minutes * sign, dur.seconds * sign, dur.milliseconds * sign, dur.microseconds * sign, dur.nanoseconds * sign); // 10. Return the new Record { [[Days]]: bt.[[Days]] × sign, [[Hours]]: // bt.[[Hour]] × sign, [[Minutes]]: bt.[[Minute]] × sign, [[Seconds]]: // bt.[[Second]] × sign, [[Milliseconds]]: bt.[[Millisecond]] × sign, // [[Microseconds]]: bt.[[Microsecond]] × sign, [[Nanoseconds]]: // bt.[[Nanosecond]] × sign }. return {0, 0, 0, static_cast<int64_t>(bt.day * sign), static_cast<int64_t>(bt.hour * sign), static_cast<int64_t>(bt.minute * sign), static_cast<int64_t>(bt.second * sign), static_cast<int64_t>(bt.millisecond * sign), static_cast<int64_t>(bt.microsecond * sign), static_cast<int64_t>(bt.nanosecond * sign)}; } // #sec-temporal-addtime DateTimeRecordCommon AddTime(Isolate* isolate, int64_t hour, int64_t minute, int64_t second, int64_t millisecond, int64_t microsecond, int64_t nanosecond, int64_t hours, int64_t minutes, int64_t seconds, int64_t milliseconds, int64_t microseconds, int64_t nanoseconds) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, // hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, and nanoseconds are // integers. // 2. Let hour be hour + hours. return BalanceTime(isolate, hour + hours, // 3. Let minute be minute + minutes. minute + minutes, // 4. Let second be second + seconds. second + seconds, // 5. Let millisecond be millisecond + milliseconds. millisecond + milliseconds, // 6. Let microsecond be microsecond + microseconds. microsecond + microseconds, // 7. Let nanosecond be nanosecond + nanoseconds. nanosecond + nanoseconds); // 8. Return ! BalanceTime(hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, // nanosecond). } // #sec-temporal-totaldurationnanoseconds int64_t TotalDurationNanoseconds(Isolate* isolate, int64_t days, int64_t hours, int64_t minutes, int64_t seconds, int64_t milliseconds, int64_t microseconds, int64_t nanoseconds, int64_t offset_shift) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); // 1. Assert: offsetShift is an integer. // 2. Set nanoseconds to ℝ(nanoseconds). // 3. If days ≠ 0, then if (days != 0) { // a. Set nanoseconds to nanoseconds − offsetShift. nanoseconds -= offset_shift; } // 4. Set hours to ℝ(hours) + ℝ(days) × 24. hours += days * 24; // 5. Set minutes to ℝ(minutes) + hours × 60. minutes += hours * 60; // 6. Set seconds to ℝ(seconds) + minutes × 60. seconds += minutes * 60; // 7. Set milliseconds to ℝ(milliseconds) + seconds × 1000. milliseconds += seconds * 1000; // 8. Set microseconds to ℝ(microseconds) + milliseconds × 1000. microseconds += milliseconds * 1000; // 9. Return nanoseconds + microseconds × 1000. return nanoseconds + microseconds * 1000; } } // namespace // #sec-temporal.duration MaybeHandle<JSTemporalDuration> JSTemporalDuration::Constructor( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, Handle<Object> years, Handle<Object> months, Handle<Object> weeks, Handle<Object> days, Handle<Object> hours, Handle<Object> minutes, Handle<Object> seconds, Handle<Object> milliseconds, Handle<Object> microseconds, Handle<Object> nanoseconds) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.Duration"; // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, then if (new_target->IsUndefined()) { // a. Throw a TypeError exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kMethodInvokedOnWrongType, isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked( method_name)), JSTemporalDuration); } // 2. Let y be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(years). Handle<Object> number_years; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, number_years, ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isolate, years), JSTemporalDuration); int64_t y = NumberToInt64(*number_years); // 3. Let mo be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(months). Handle<Object> number_months; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, number_months, ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isolate, months), JSTemporalDuration); int64_t mo = NumberToInt64(*number_months); // 4. Let w be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(weeks). Handle<Object> number_weeks; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, number_weeks, ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isolate, weeks), JSTemporalDuration); int64_t w = NumberToInt64(*number_weeks); // 5. Let d be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(days). Handle<Object> number_days; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, number_days, ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isolate, days), JSTemporalDuration); int64_t d = NumberToInt64(*number_days); // 6. Let h be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(hours). Handle<Object> number_hours; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, number_hours, ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isolate, hours), JSTemporalDuration); int64_t h = NumberToInt64(*number_hours); // 7. Let m be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(minutes). Handle<Object> number_minutes; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, number_minutes, ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isolate, minutes), JSTemporalDuration); int64_t m = NumberToInt64(*number_minutes); // 8. Let s be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(seconds). Handle<Object> number_seconds; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, number_seconds, ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isolate, seconds), JSTemporalDuration); int64_t s = NumberToInt64(*number_seconds); // 9. Let ms be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(milliseconds). Handle<Object> number_milliseconds; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, number_milliseconds, ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isolate, milliseconds), JSTemporalDuration); int64_t ms = NumberToInt64(*number_milliseconds); // 10. Let mis be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(microseconds). Handle<Object> number_microseconds; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, number_microseconds, ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isolate, microseconds), JSTemporalDuration); int64_t mis = NumberToInt64(*number_microseconds); // 11. Let ns be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(nanoseconds). Handle<Object> number_nanoseconds; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, number_nanoseconds, ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isolate, nanoseconds), JSTemporalDuration); int64_t ns = NumberToInt64(*number_nanoseconds); // 12. Return ? CreateTemporalDuration(y, mo, w, d, h, m, s, ms, mis, ns, // NewTarget). return CreateTemporalDuration(isolate, target, new_target, y, mo, w, d, h, m, s, ms, mis, ns); } // #sec-get-temporal.duration.prototype.sign MaybeHandle<Smi> JSTemporalDuration::Sign(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalDuration> duration) { // 1. Let duration be the this value. // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(duration, // [[InitializedTemporalDuration]]). // 3. Return ! DurationSign(duration.[[Years]], duration.[[Months]], // duration.[[Weeks]], duration.[[Days]], duration.[[Hours]], // duration.[[Minutes]], duration.[[Seconds]], duration.[[Milliseconds]], // duration.[[Microseconds]], duration.[[Nanoseconds]]). return Handle<Smi>( Smi::FromInt(DurationSign( isolate, {NumberToInt64(duration->years()), NumberToInt64(duration->months()), NumberToInt64(duration->weeks()), NumberToInt64(duration->days()), NumberToInt64(duration->hours()), NumberToInt64(duration->minutes()), NumberToInt64(duration->seconds()), NumberToInt64(duration->milliseconds()), NumberToInt64(duration->microseconds()), NumberToInt64(duration->nanoseconds())})), isolate); } // #sec-get-temporal.duration.prototype.blank MaybeHandle<Oddball> JSTemporalDuration::Blank( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalDuration> duration) { // 1. Let duration be the this value. // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(duration, // [[InitializedTemporalDuration]]). // 3. Let sign be ! DurationSign(duration.[[Years]], duration.[[Months]], // duration.[[Weeks]], duration.[[Days]], duration.[[Hours]], // duration.[[Minutes]], duration.[[Seconds]], duration.[[Milliseconds]], // duration.[[Microseconds]], duration.[[Nanoseconds]]). // 4. If sign = 0, return true. // 5. Return false. int32_t sign = DurationSign( isolate, {NumberToInt64(duration->years()), NumberToInt64(duration->months()), NumberToInt64(duration->weeks()), NumberToInt64(duration->days()), NumberToInt64(duration->hours()), NumberToInt64(duration->minutes()), NumberToInt64(duration->seconds()), NumberToInt64(duration->milliseconds()), NumberToInt64(duration->microseconds()), NumberToInt64(duration->nanoseconds())}); return sign == 0 ? isolate->factory()->true_value() : isolate->factory()->false_value(); } // #sec-temporal.calendar MaybeHandle<JSTemporalCalendar> JSTemporalCalendar::Constructor( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, Handle<Object> identifier_obj) { // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, then if (new_target->IsUndefined(isolate)) { // a. Throw a TypeError exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kConstructorNotFunction, isolate->factory()->NewStringFromStaticChars( "Temporal.Calendar")), JSTemporalCalendar); } // 2. Set identifier to ? ToString(identifier). Handle<String> identifier; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, identifier, Object::ToString(isolate, identifier_obj), JSTemporalCalendar); // 3. If ! IsBuiltinCalendar(id) is false, then if (!IsBuiltinCalendar(isolate, identifier)) { // a. Throw a RangeError exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR( isolate, NewRangeError(MessageTemplate::kInvalidCalendar, identifier), JSTemporalCalendar); } return CreateTemporalCalendar(isolate, target, new_target, identifier); } // #sec-temporal.calendar.prototype.tostring MaybeHandle<String> JSTemporalCalendar::ToString( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalCalendar> calendar, const char* method_name) { return CalendarIdentifier(isolate, calendar->calendar_index()); } // #sec-temporal.now.timezone MaybeHandle<JSTemporalTimeZone> JSTemporalTimeZone::Now(Isolate* isolate) { return SystemTimeZone(isolate); } // #sec-temporal.timezone MaybeHandle<JSTemporalTimeZone> JSTemporalTimeZone::Constructor( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, Handle<Object> identifier_obj) { // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, then if (new_target->IsUndefined(isolate)) { // a. Throw a TypeError exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kConstructorNotFunction, isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked( "Temporal.TimeZone")), JSTemporalTimeZone); } // 2. Set identifier to ? ToString(identifier). Handle<String> identifier; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, identifier, Object::ToString(isolate, identifier_obj), JSTemporalTimeZone); Handle<String> canonical; // 3. If identifier satisfies the syntax of a TimeZoneNumericUTCOffset // (see 13.33), then Maybe<bool> maybe_valid = IsValidTimeZoneNumericUTCOffsetString(isolate, identifier); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_valid, Handle<JSTemporalTimeZone>()); if (maybe_valid.FromJust()) { // a. Let offsetNanoseconds be ? ParseTimeZoneOffsetString(identifier). Maybe<int64_t> maybe_offset_nanoseconds = ParseTimeZoneOffsetString(isolate, identifier); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_offset_nanoseconds, Handle<JSTemporalTimeZone>()); int64_t offset_nanoseconds = maybe_offset_nanoseconds.FromJust(); // b. Let canonical be ! FormatTimeZoneOffsetString(offsetNanoseconds). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, canonical, FormatTimeZoneOffsetString(isolate, offset_nanoseconds), JSTemporalTimeZone); } else { // 4. Else, // a. If ! IsValidTimeZoneName(identifier) is false, then if (!IsValidTimeZoneName(isolate, identifier)) { // i. Throw a RangeError exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR( isolate, NewRangeError(MessageTemplate::kInvalidTimeZone, identifier), JSTemporalTimeZone); } // b. Let canonical be ! CanonicalizeTimeZoneName(identifier). ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, canonical, CanonicalizeTimeZoneName(isolate, identifier), JSTemporalTimeZone); } // 5. Return ? CreateTemporalTimeZone(canonical, NewTarget). return CreateTemporalTimeZone(isolate, target, new_target, canonical); } // #sec-temporal.timezone.prototype.tostring MaybeHandle<Object> JSTemporalTimeZone::ToString( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalTimeZone> time_zone, const char* method_name) { return time_zone->id(isolate); } int32_t JSTemporalTimeZone::time_zone_index() const { DCHECK(is_offset() == false); return offset_milliseconds_or_time_zone_index(); } int64_t JSTemporalTimeZone::offset_nanoseconds() const { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); DCHECK(is_offset()); return 1000000L * offset_milliseconds() + offset_sub_milliseconds(); } void JSTemporalTimeZone::set_offset_nanoseconds(int64_t ns) { this->set_offset_milliseconds(static_cast<int32_t>(ns / 1000000L)); this->set_offset_sub_milliseconds(static_cast<int32_t>(ns % 1000000L)); } MaybeHandle<String> JSTemporalTimeZone::id(Isolate* isolate) const { if (is_offset()) { return FormatTimeZoneOffsetString(isolate, offset_nanoseconds()); } #ifdef V8_INTL_SUPPORT std::string id = Intl::TimeZoneIdFromIndex(offset_milliseconds_or_time_zone_index()); return isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(id.c_str()); #else // V8_INTL_SUPPORT DCHECK_EQ(0, offset_milliseconds_or_time_zone_index()); return isolate->factory()->UTC_string(); #endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDate> JSTemporalPlainDate::Constructor( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, Handle<Object> iso_year_obj, Handle<Object> iso_month_obj, Handle<Object> iso_day_obj, Handle<Object> calendar_like) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.PlainDate"; // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception. if (new_target->IsUndefined()) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kMethodInvokedOnWrongType, isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked( method_name)), JSTemporalPlainDate); } #define TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(name, T) \ int32_t name; \ { \ Handle<Object> number_##name; \ /* x. Let name be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(name). */ \ ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, number_##name, \ ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isolate, name##_obj), \ T); \ name = NumberToInt32(*number_##name); \ } TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(iso_year, JSTemporalPlainDate); TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(iso_month, JSTemporalPlainDate); TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(iso_day, JSTemporalPlainDate); // 8. Let calendar be ? ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(calendarLike). Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, calendar, ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(isolate, calendar_like, method_name), JSTemporalPlainDate); // 9. Return ? CreateTemporalDate(y, m, d, calendar, NewTarget). return CreateTemporalDate(isolate, target, new_target, iso_year, iso_month, iso_day, calendar); } // #sec-temporal.plaindate.prototype.withcalendar MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDate> JSTemporalPlainDate::WithCalendar( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate> temporal_date, Handle<Object> calendar_like) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.withCalendar"; // 1. Let temporalDate be the this value. // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(temporalDate, // [[InitializedTemporalDate]]). // 3. Let calendar be ? ToTemporalCalendar(calendar). Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, calendar, temporal::ToTemporalCalendar(isolate, calendar_like, method_name), JSTemporalPlainDate); // 4. Return ? CreateTemporalDate(temporalDate.[[ISOYear]], // temporalDate.[[ISOMonth]], temporalDate.[[ISODay]], calendar). return CreateTemporalDate(isolate, temporal_date->iso_year(), temporal_date->iso_month(), temporal_date->iso_day(), calendar); } // #sec-temporal.now.plaindate MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDate> JSTemporalPlainDate::Now( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> calendar_like, Handle<Object> temporal_time_zone_like) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.Now.plainDate"; // 1. Let dateTime be ? SystemDateTime(temporalTimeZoneLike, calendarLike). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> date_time; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, date_time, SystemDateTime(isolate, temporal_time_zone_like, calendar_like, method_name), JSTemporalPlainDate); // 2. Return ! CreateTemporalDate(dateTime.[[ISOYear]], dateTime.[[ISOMonth]], // dateTime.[[ISODay]], dateTime.[[Calendar]]). return CreateTemporalDate(isolate, date_time->iso_year(), date_time->iso_month(), date_time->iso_day(), Handle<JSReceiver>(date_time->calendar(), isolate)); } // #sec-temporal.now.plaindateiso MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDate> JSTemporalPlainDate::NowISO( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> temporal_time_zone_like) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.Now.plainDateISO"; // 1. Let calendar be ! GetISO8601Calendar(). Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, calendar, temporal::GetISO8601Calendar(isolate), JSTemporalPlainDate); // 2. Let dateTime be ? SystemDateTime(temporalTimeZoneLike, calendar). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> date_time; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, date_time, SystemDateTime(isolate, temporal_time_zone_like, calendar, method_name), JSTemporalPlainDate); // 3. Return ! CreateTemporalDate(dateTime.[[ISOYear]], dateTime.[[ISOMonth]], // dateTime.[[ISODay]], dateTime.[[Calendar]]). return CreateTemporalDate(isolate, date_time->iso_year(), date_time->iso_month(), date_time->iso_day(), Handle<JSReceiver>(date_time->calendar(), isolate)); } // #sec-temporal.plaindate.from MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDate> JSTemporalPlainDate::From( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> item, Handle<Object> options_obj) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.PlainDate.from"; // 1. Set options to ? GetOptionsObject(options). Handle<JSReceiver> options; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, options, GetOptionsObject(isolate, options_obj, method_name), JSTemporalPlainDate); // 2. If Type(item) is Object and item has an [[InitializedTemporalDate]] // internal slot, then if (item->IsJSTemporalPlainDate()) { // a. Perform ? ToTemporalOverflow(options). Maybe<ShowOverflow> maybe_overflow = ToTemporalOverflow(isolate, options, method_name); MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_overflow, Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate>()); // b. Return ? CreateTemporalDate(item.[[ISOYear]], item.[[ISOMonth]], // item.[[ISODay]], item.[[Calendar]]). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate> date = Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate>::cast(item); return CreateTemporalDate(isolate, date->iso_year(), date->iso_month(), date->iso_day(), Handle<JSReceiver>(date->calendar(), isolate)); } // 3. Return ? ToTemporalDate(item, options). return ToTemporalDate(isolate, item, options, method_name); } #define DEFINE_INT_FIELD(obj, str, field, item) \ CHECK(JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty( \ isolate, obj, factory->str##_string(), \ Handle<Smi>(Smi::FromInt(item->field()), isolate), \ Just(kThrowOnError)) \ .FromJust()); // #sec-temporal.plaindate.prototype.getisofields MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> JSTemporalPlainDate::GetISOFields( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate> temporal_date) { Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); // 1. Let temporalDate be the this value. // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(temporalDate, // [[InitializedTemporalDate]]). // 3. Let fields be ! OrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%). Handle<JSObject> fields = isolate->factory()->NewJSObject(isolate->object_function()); // 4. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "calendar", // temporalDate.[[Calendar]]). CHECK(JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty( isolate, fields, factory->calendar_string(), Handle<JSReceiver>(temporal_date->calendar(), isolate), Just(kThrowOnError)) .FromJust()); // 5. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoDay", // 𝔽(temporalDate.[[ISODay]])). // 6. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoMonth", // 𝔽(temporalDate.[[ISOMonth]])). // 7. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoYear", // 𝔽(temporalDate.[[ISOYear]])). DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoDay, iso_day, temporal_date) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoMonth, iso_month, temporal_date) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoYear, iso_year, temporal_date) // 8. Return fields. return fields; } // #sec-temporal-createtemporaldatetime MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> JSTemporalPlainDateTime::Constructor( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, Handle<Object> iso_year_obj, Handle<Object> iso_month_obj, Handle<Object> iso_day_obj, Handle<Object> hour_obj, Handle<Object> minute_obj, Handle<Object> second_obj, Handle<Object> millisecond_obj, Handle<Object> microsecond_obj, Handle<Object> nanosecond_obj, Handle<Object> calendar_like) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.PlainDateTime"; // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception. if (new_target->IsUndefined()) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kMethodInvokedOnWrongType, isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked( method_name)), JSTemporalPlainDateTime); } TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(iso_year, JSTemporalPlainDateTime); TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(iso_month, JSTemporalPlainDateTime); TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(iso_day, JSTemporalPlainDateTime); TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(hour, JSTemporalPlainDateTime); TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(minute, JSTemporalPlainDateTime); TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(second, JSTemporalPlainDateTime); TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(millisecond, JSTemporalPlainDateTime); TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(microsecond, JSTemporalPlainDateTime); TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(nanosecond, JSTemporalPlainDateTime); // 20. Let calendar be ? ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(calendarLike). Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, calendar, ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(isolate, calendar_like, method_name), JSTemporalPlainDateTime); // 21. Return ? CreateTemporalDateTime(isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay, hour, // minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, calendar, NewTarget). return CreateTemporalDateTime(isolate, target, new_target, iso_year, iso_month, iso_day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, calendar); } // #sec-temporal.plaindatetime.prototype.withcalendar MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> JSTemporalPlainDateTime::WithCalendar( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> date_time, Handle<Object> calendar_like) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype.withCalendar"; // 1. Let temporalDateTime be the this value. // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(temporalDateTime, // [[InitializedTemporalDateTime]]). // 3. Let calendar be ? ToTemporalCalendar(calendar). Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, calendar, temporal::ToTemporalCalendar(isolate, calendar_like, method_name), JSTemporalPlainDateTime); // 4. Return ? CreateTemporalDateTime(temporalDateTime.[[ISOYear]], // temporalDateTime.[[ISOMonth]], temporalDateTime.[[ISODay]], // temporalDateTime.[[ISOHour]], temporalDateTime.[[ISOMinute]], // temporalDateTime.[[ISOSecond]], temporalDateTime.[[ISOMillisecond]], // temporalDateTime.[[ISOMicrosecond]], temporalDateTime.[[ISONanosecond]], // calendar). return temporal::CreateTemporalDateTime( isolate, date_time->iso_year(), date_time->iso_month(), date_time->iso_day(), date_time->iso_hour(), date_time->iso_minute(), date_time->iso_second(), date_time->iso_millisecond(), date_time->iso_microsecond(), date_time->iso_nanosecond(), calendar); } // #sec-temporal.now.plaindatetime MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> JSTemporalPlainDateTime::Now( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> calendar_like, Handle<Object> temporal_time_zone_like) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.Now.plainDateTime"; // 1. Return ? SystemDateTime(temporalTimeZoneLike, calendarLike). return SystemDateTime(isolate, temporal_time_zone_like, calendar_like, method_name); } // #sec-temporal.now.plaindatetimeiso MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> JSTemporalPlainDateTime::NowISO( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> temporal_time_zone_like) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.Now.plainDateTimeISO"; // 1. Let calendar be ! GetISO8601Calendar(). Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, calendar, temporal::GetISO8601Calendar(isolate), JSTemporalPlainDateTime); // 2. Return ? SystemDateTime(temporalTimeZoneLike, calendar). return SystemDateTime(isolate, temporal_time_zone_like, calendar, method_name); } // #sec-temporal.plaindatetime.prototype.getisofields MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> JSTemporalPlainDateTime::GetISOFields( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> date_time) { Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); // 1. Let dateTime be the this value. // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(temporalDateTime, // [[InitializedTemporalDateTime]]). // 3. Let fields be ! OrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%). Handle<JSObject> fields = isolate->factory()->NewJSObject(isolate->object_function()); // 4. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "calendar", // temporalTime.[[Calendar]]). CHECK(JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty( isolate, fields, factory->calendar_string(), Handle<JSReceiver>(date_time->calendar(), isolate), Just(kThrowOnError)) .FromJust()); // 5. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoDay", // 𝔽(dateTime.[[ISODay]])). // 6. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoHour", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOHour]])). // 7. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoMicrosecond", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOMicrosecond]])). // 8. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoMillisecond", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOMillisecond]])). // 9. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoMinute", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOMinute]])). // 10. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoMonth", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOMonth]])). // 11. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoNanosecond", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISONanosecond]])). // 12. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoSecond", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOSecond]])). // 13. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoYear", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOYear]])). DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoDay, iso_day, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoHour, iso_hour, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoMicrosecond, iso_microsecond, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoMillisecond, iso_millisecond, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoMinute, iso_minute, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoMonth, iso_month, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoNanosecond, iso_nanosecond, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoSecond, iso_second, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoYear, iso_year, date_time) // 14. Return fields. return fields; } // #sec-temporal.plainmonthday MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainMonthDay> JSTemporalPlainMonthDay::Constructor( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, Handle<Object> iso_month_obj, Handle<Object> iso_day_obj, Handle<Object> calendar_like, Handle<Object> reference_iso_year_obj) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.PlainMonthDay"; // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception. if (new_target->IsUndefined()) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kMethodInvokedOnWrongType, isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked( method_name)), JSTemporalPlainMonthDay); } // 3. Let m be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isoMonth). TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(iso_month, JSTemporalPlainMonthDay); // 5. Let d be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isoDay). TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(iso_day, JSTemporalPlainMonthDay); // 7. Let calendar be ? ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(calendarLike). Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, calendar, ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(isolate, calendar_like, method_name), JSTemporalPlainMonthDay); // 2. If referenceISOYear is undefined, then // a. Set referenceISOYear to 1972𝔽. // ... // 8. Let ref be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(referenceISOYear). int32_t ref = 1972; if (!reference_iso_year_obj->IsUndefined()) { TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(reference_iso_year, JSTemporalPlainMonthDay); ref = reference_iso_year; } // 10. Return ? CreateTemporalMonthDay(y, m, calendar, ref, NewTarget). return CreateTemporalMonthDay(isolate, target, new_target, iso_month, iso_day, calendar, ref); } // #sec-temporal.plainmonthday.prototype.getisofields MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> JSTemporalPlainMonthDay::GetISOFields( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalPlainMonthDay> month_day) { Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); // 1. Let monthDay be the this value. // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(monthDay, // [[InitializedTemporalMonthDay]]). // 3. Let fields be ! OrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%). Handle<JSObject> fields = factory->NewJSObject(isolate->object_function()); // 4. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "calendar", // montyDay.[[Calendar]]). CHECK(JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty( isolate, fields, factory->calendar_string(), Handle<JSReceiver>(month_day->calendar(), isolate), Just(kThrowOnError)) .FromJust()); // 5. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoDay", // 𝔽(montyDay.[[ISODay]])). // 6. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoMonth", // 𝔽(montyDay.[[ISOMonth]])). // 7. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoYear", // 𝔽(montyDay.[[ISOYear]])). DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoDay, iso_day, month_day) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoMonth, iso_month, month_day) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoYear, iso_year, month_day) // 8. Return fields. return fields; } MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainYearMonth> JSTemporalPlainYearMonth::Constructor( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, Handle<Object> iso_year_obj, Handle<Object> iso_month_obj, Handle<Object> calendar_like, Handle<Object> reference_iso_day_obj) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.PlainYearMonth"; // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception. if (new_target->IsUndefined()) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kMethodInvokedOnWrongType, isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked( method_name)), JSTemporalPlainYearMonth); } // 7. Let calendar be ? ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(calendarLike). // 10. Return ? CreateTemporalYearMonth(y, m, calendar, ref, NewTarget). // 3. Let y be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isoYear). TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(iso_year, JSTemporalPlainYearMonth); // 5. Let m be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(isoMonth). TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(iso_month, JSTemporalPlainYearMonth); // 7. Let calendar be ? ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(calendarLike). Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, calendar, ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(isolate, calendar_like, method_name), JSTemporalPlainYearMonth); // 2. If referenceISODay is undefined, then // a. Set referenceISODay to 1𝔽. // ... // 8. Let ref be ? ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(referenceISODay). int32_t ref = 1; if (!reference_iso_day_obj->IsUndefined()) { TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(reference_iso_day, JSTemporalPlainYearMonth); ref = reference_iso_day; } // 10. Return ? CreateTemporalYearMonth(y, m, calendar, ref, NewTarget). return CreateTemporalYearMonth(isolate, target, new_target, iso_year, iso_month, calendar, ref); } // #sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.prototype.getisofields MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> JSTemporalPlainYearMonth::GetISOFields( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalPlainYearMonth> year_month) { Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); // 1. Let yearMonth be the this value. // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(yearMonth, // [[InitializedTemporalYearMonth]]). // 3. Let fields be ! OrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%). Handle<JSObject> fields = isolate->factory()->NewJSObject(isolate->object_function()); // 4. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "calendar", // yearMonth.[[Calendar]]). CHECK(JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty( isolate, fields, factory->calendar_string(), Handle<JSReceiver>(year_month->calendar(), isolate), Just(kThrowOnError)) .FromJust()); // 5. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoDay", // 𝔽(yearMonth.[[ISODay]])). // 6. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoMonth", // 𝔽(yearMonth.[[ISOMonth]])). // 7. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoYear", // 𝔽(yearMonth.[[ISOYear]])). DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoDay, iso_day, year_month) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoMonth, iso_month, year_month) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoYear, iso_year, year_month) // 8. Return fields. return fields; } // #sec-temporal-plaintime-constructor MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainTime> JSTemporalPlainTime::Constructor( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, Handle<Object> hour_obj, Handle<Object> minute_obj, Handle<Object> second_obj, Handle<Object> millisecond_obj, Handle<Object> microsecond_obj, Handle<Object> nanosecond_obj) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.PlainTime"; // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, then // a. Throw a TypeError exception. if (new_target->IsUndefined()) { // a. Throw a TypeError exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kMethodInvokedOnWrongType, isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked( method_name)), JSTemporalPlainTime); } TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(hour, JSTemporalPlainTime); TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(minute, JSTemporalPlainTime); TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(second, JSTemporalPlainTime); TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(millisecond, JSTemporalPlainTime); TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(microsecond, JSTemporalPlainTime); TO_INT_THROW_ON_INFTY(nanosecond, JSTemporalPlainTime); // 14. Return ? CreateTemporalTime(hour, minute, second, millisecond, // microsecond, nanosecond, NewTarget). return CreateTemporalTime(isolate, target, new_target, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond); } // #sec-temporal.now.plaintimeiso MaybeHandle<JSTemporalPlainTime> JSTemporalPlainTime::NowISO( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> temporal_time_zone_like) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.Now.plainTimeISO"; // 1. Let calendar be ! GetISO8601Calendar(). Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, calendar, temporal::GetISO8601Calendar(isolate), JSTemporalPlainTime); // 2. Let dateTime be ? SystemDateTime(temporalTimeZoneLike, calendar). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> date_time; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, date_time, SystemDateTime(isolate, temporal_time_zone_like, calendar, method_name), JSTemporalPlainTime); // 3. Return ! CreateTemporalTime(dateTime.[[ISOHour]], // dateTime.[[ISOMinute]], dateTime.[[ISOSecond]], // dateTime.[[ISOMillisecond]], dateTime.[[ISOMicrosecond]], // dateTime.[[ISONanosecond]]). return CreateTemporalTime( isolate, date_time->iso_hour(), date_time->iso_minute(), date_time->iso_second(), date_time->iso_millisecond(), date_time->iso_microsecond(), date_time->iso_nanosecond()); } // #sec-temporal.plaintime.prototype.getisofields MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> JSTemporalPlainTime::GetISOFields( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalPlainTime> temporal_time) { Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); // 1. Let temporalTime be the this value. // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(temporalTime, // [[InitializedTemporalTime]]). // 3. Let fields be ! OrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%). Handle<JSObject> fields = isolate->factory()->NewJSObject(isolate->object_function()); // 4. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "calendar", // temporalTime.[[Calendar]]). Handle<JSTemporalCalendar> iso8601_calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, iso8601_calendar, temporal::GetISO8601Calendar(isolate), JSTemporalPlainTime); CHECK(JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty(isolate, fields, factory->calendar_string(), iso8601_calendar, Just(kThrowOnError)) .FromJust()); // 5. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoHour", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOHour]])). // 6. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoMicrosecond", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOMicrosecond]])). // 7. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoMillisecond", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOMillisecond]])). // 8. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoMinute", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOMinute]])). // 9. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoNanosecond", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISONanosecond]])). // 10. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoSecond", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOSecond]])). DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoHour, iso_hour, temporal_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoMicrosecond, iso_microsecond, temporal_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoMillisecond, iso_millisecond, temporal_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoMinute, iso_minute, temporal_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoNanosecond, iso_nanosecond, temporal_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoSecond, iso_second, temporal_time) // 11. Return fields. return fields; } // #sec-temporal.zoneddatetime MaybeHandle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> JSTemporalZonedDateTime::Constructor( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, Handle<Object> epoch_nanoseconds_obj, Handle<Object> time_zone_like, Handle<Object> calendar_like) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.ZonedDateTime"; // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, then if (new_target->IsUndefined()) { // a. Throw a TypeError exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kMethodInvokedOnWrongType, isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked( method_name)), JSTemporalZonedDateTime); } // 2. Set epochNanoseconds to ? ToBigInt(epochNanoseconds). Handle<BigInt> epoch_nanoseconds; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds, BigInt::FromObject(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds_obj), JSTemporalZonedDateTime); // 3. If ! IsValidEpochNanoseconds(epochNanoseconds) is false, throw a // RangeError exception. if (!IsValidEpochNanoseconds(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds)) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), JSTemporalZonedDateTime); } // 4. Let timeZone be ? ToTemporalTimeZone(timeZoneLike). Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, time_zone, temporal::ToTemporalTimeZone(isolate, time_zone_like, method_name), JSTemporalZonedDateTime); // 5. Let calendar be ? ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(calendarLike). Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, calendar, ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(isolate, calendar_like, method_name), JSTemporalZonedDateTime); // 6. Return ? CreateTemporalZonedDateTime(epochNanoseconds, timeZone, // calendar, NewTarget). return CreateTemporalZonedDateTime(isolate, target, new_target, epoch_nanoseconds, time_zone, calendar); } // #sec-temporal.zoneddatetime.prototype.withcalendar MaybeHandle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> JSTemporalZonedDateTime::WithCalendar( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> zoned_date_time, Handle<Object> calendar_like) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); const char* method_name = "Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.withCalendar"; // 1. Let zonedDateTime be the this value. // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(zonedDateTime, // [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]). // 3. Let calendar be ? ToTemporalCalendar(calendarLike). Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, calendar, temporal::ToTemporalCalendar(isolate, calendar_like, method_name), JSTemporalZonedDateTime); // 4. Return ? CreateTemporalZonedDateTime(zonedDateTime.[[Nanoseconds]], // zonedDateTime.[[TimeZone]], calendar). Handle<BigInt> nanoseconds = handle(zoned_date_time->nanoseconds(), isolate); Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone = handle(zoned_date_time->time_zone(), isolate); return CreateTemporalZonedDateTime(isolate, nanoseconds, time_zone, calendar); } // #sec-temporal.zoneddatetime.prototype.withtimezone MaybeHandle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> JSTemporalZonedDateTime::WithTimeZone( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> zoned_date_time, Handle<Object> time_zone_like) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); const char* method_name = "Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.withTimeZone"; // 1. Let zonedDateTime be the this value. // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(zonedDateTime, // [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]). // 3. Let timeZone be ? ToTemporalTimeZone(timeZoneLike). Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, time_zone, temporal::ToTemporalTimeZone(isolate, time_zone_like, method_name), JSTemporalZonedDateTime); // 4. Return ? CreateTemporalZonedDateTime(zonedDateTime.[[Nanoseconds]], // timeZone, zonedDateTime.[[Calendar]]). Handle<BigInt> nanoseconds = Handle<BigInt>(zoned_date_time->nanoseconds(), isolate); Handle<JSReceiver> calendar = Handle<JSReceiver>(zoned_date_time->calendar(), isolate); return CreateTemporalZonedDateTime(isolate, nanoseconds, time_zone, calendar); } // #sec-temporal.now.zoneddatetime MaybeHandle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> JSTemporalZonedDateTime::Now( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> calendar_like, Handle<Object> temporal_time_zone_like) { const char* method_name = "Temporal.Now.zonedDateTime"; // 1. Return ? SystemZonedDateTime(temporalTimeZoneLike, calendarLike). return SystemZonedDateTime(isolate, temporal_time_zone_like, calendar_like, method_name); } // #sec-temporal.now.zoneddatetimeiso MaybeHandle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> JSTemporalZonedDateTime::NowISO( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> temporal_time_zone_like) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); const char* method_name = "Temporal.Now.zonedDateTimeISO"; // 1. Let calendar be ! GetISO8601Calendar(). Handle<JSReceiver> calendar; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, calendar, temporal::GetISO8601Calendar(isolate), JSTemporalZonedDateTime); // 2. Return ? SystemZonedDateTime(temporalTimeZoneLike, calendar). return SystemZonedDateTime(isolate, temporal_time_zone_like, calendar, method_name); } // #sec-temporal.zoneddatetime.prototype.getisofields MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> JSTemporalZonedDateTime::GetISOFields( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> zoned_date_time) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); const char* method_name = "Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.getISOFields"; Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); // 1. Let zonedDateTime be the this value. // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(zonedDateTime, // [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]). // 3. Let fields be ! OrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%). Handle<JSObject> fields = isolate->factory()->NewJSObject(isolate->object_function()); // 4. Let timeZone be zonedDateTime.[[TimeZone]]. Handle<JSReceiver> time_zone = Handle<JSReceiver>(zoned_date_time->time_zone(), isolate); // 5. Let instant be ? CreateTemporalInstant(zonedDateTime.[[Nanoseconds]]). Handle<JSTemporalInstant> instant; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, instant, temporal::CreateTemporalInstant( isolate, Handle<BigInt>(zoned_date_time->nanoseconds(), isolate)), JSReceiver); // 6. Let calendar be zonedDateTime.[[Calendar]]. Handle<JSReceiver> calendar = Handle<JSReceiver>(zoned_date_time->calendar(), isolate); // 7. Let dateTime be ? BuiltinTimeZoneGetPlainDateTimeFor(timeZone, // instant, calendar). Handle<JSTemporalPlainDateTime> date_time; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate, date_time, temporal::BuiltinTimeZoneGetPlainDateTimeFor(isolate, time_zone, instant, calendar, method_name), JSReceiver); // 8. Let offset be ? BuiltinTimeZoneGetOffsetStringFor(timeZone, instant). Handle<String> offset; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, offset, BuiltinTimeZoneGetOffsetStringFor( isolate, time_zone, instant, method_name), JSReceiver); #define DEFINE_STRING_FIELD(obj, str, field) \ CHECK(JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty(isolate, obj, factory->str##_string(), \ field, Just(kThrowOnError)) \ .FromJust()); // 9. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "calendar", calendar). // 10. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoDay", // 𝔽(dateTime.[[ISODay]])). // 11. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoHour", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOHour]])). // 12. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoMicrosecond", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOMicrosecond]])). // 13. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoMillisecond", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOMillisecond]])). // 14. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoMinute", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOMinute]])). // 15. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoMonth", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOMonth]])). // 16. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoNanosecond", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISONanosecond]])). // 17. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoSecond", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOSecond]])). // 18. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "isoYear", // 𝔽(temporalTime.[[ISOYear]])). // 19. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "offset", offset). // 20. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(fields, "timeZone", timeZone). DEFINE_STRING_FIELD(fields, calendar, calendar) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoDay, iso_day, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoHour, iso_hour, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoMicrosecond, iso_microsecond, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoMillisecond, iso_millisecond, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoMinute, iso_minute, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoMonth, iso_month, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoNanosecond, iso_nanosecond, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoSecond, iso_second, date_time) DEFINE_INT_FIELD(fields, isoYear, iso_year, date_time) DEFINE_STRING_FIELD(fields, offset, offset) DEFINE_STRING_FIELD(fields, timeZone, time_zone) // 21. Return fields. return fields; } // #sec-temporal.now.instant MaybeHandle<JSTemporalInstant> JSTemporalInstant::Now(Isolate* isolate) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); return SystemInstant(isolate); } // #sec-temporal.instant MaybeHandle<JSTemporalInstant> JSTemporalInstant::Constructor( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> target, Handle<HeapObject> new_target, Handle<Object> epoch_nanoseconds_obj) { TEMPORAL_ENTER_FUNC(); const char* method_name = "Temporal.Instant"; // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, then if (new_target->IsUndefined()) { // a. Throw a TypeError exception. THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kMethodInvokedOnWrongType, isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked( method_name)), JSTemporalInstant); } // 2. Let epochNanoseconds be ? ToBigInt(epochNanoseconds). Handle<BigInt> epoch_nanoseconds; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds, BigInt::FromObject(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds_obj), JSTemporalInstant); // 3. If ! IsValidEpochNanoseconds(epochNanoseconds) is false, throw a // RangeError exception. if (!IsValidEpochNanoseconds(isolate, epoch_nanoseconds)) { THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NEW_TEMPORAL_INVALD_ARG_RANGE_ERROR(), JSTemporalInstant); } // 4. Return ? CreateTemporalInstant(epochNanoseconds, NewTarget). return temporal::CreateTemporalInstant(isolate, target, new_target, epoch_nanoseconds); } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8