// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_TORQUE_DECLARABLE_H_ #define V8_TORQUE_DECLARABLE_H_ #include <cassert> #include <string> #include "src/base/functional.h" #include "src/base/logging.h" #include "src/torque/ast.h" #include "src/torque/types.h" #include "src/torque/utils.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace torque { class Scope; class ScopeChain; class Generic; class Declarable { public: virtual ~Declarable() = default; enum Kind { kVariable, kParameter, kMacro, kMacroList, kBuiltin, kRuntimeFunction, kGeneric, kGenericList, kTypeAlias, kLabel, kExternConstant, kModuleConstant }; Kind kind() const { return kind_; } bool IsMacro() const { return kind() == kMacro; } bool IsBuiltin() const { return kind() == kBuiltin; } bool IsRuntimeFunction() const { return kind() == kRuntimeFunction; } bool IsGeneric() const { return kind() == kGeneric; } bool IsTypeAlias() const { return kind() == kTypeAlias; } bool IsParameter() const { return kind() == kParameter; } bool IsLabel() const { return kind() == kLabel; } bool IsVariable() const { return kind() == kVariable; } bool IsMacroList() const { return kind() == kMacroList; } bool IsGenericList() const { return kind() == kGenericList; } bool IsExternConstant() const { return kind() == kExternConstant; } bool IsModuleConstant() const { return kind() == kModuleConstant; } bool IsValue() const { return IsVariable() || IsExternConstant() || IsParameter() || IsModuleConstant(); } virtual const char* type_name() const { return "<<unknown>>"; } protected: explicit Declarable(Kind kind) : kind_(kind) {} private: const Kind kind_; }; #define DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(x, y) \ static x* cast(Declarable* declarable) { \ DCHECK(declarable->Is##x()); \ return static_cast<x*>(declarable); \ } \ static const x* cast(const Declarable* declarable) { \ DCHECK(declarable->Is##x()); \ return static_cast<const x*>(declarable); \ } \ const char* type_name() const override { return #y; } \ static x* DynamicCast(Declarable* declarable) { \ if (!declarable) return nullptr; \ if (!declarable->Is##x()) return nullptr; \ return static_cast<x*>(declarable); \ } \ static const x* DynamicCast(const Declarable* declarable) { \ if (!declarable) return nullptr; \ if (!declarable->Is##x()) return nullptr; \ return static_cast<const x*>(declarable); \ } class Value : public Declarable { public: const std::string& name() const { return name_; } virtual bool IsConst() const { return true; } virtual std::string value() const = 0; virtual std::string RValue() const { return value(); } DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Value, value); const Type* type() const { return type_; } protected: Value(Kind kind, const Type* type, const std::string& name) : Declarable(kind), type_(type), name_(name) {} private: const Type* type_; std::string name_; }; class Parameter : public Value { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Parameter, parameter); std::string value() const override { return var_name_; } private: friend class Declarations; Parameter(const std::string& name, const Type* type, const std::string& var_name) : Value(Declarable::kParameter, type, name), var_name_(var_name) {} std::string var_name_; }; class ModuleConstant : public Value { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(ModuleConstant, constant); std::string value() const override { UNREACHABLE(); } std::string RValue() const override { return name() + "()"; } private: friend class Declarations; explicit ModuleConstant(const std::string& name, const Type* type) : Value(Declarable::kModuleConstant, type, name) {} }; class Variable : public Value { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Variable, variable); bool IsConst() const override { return const_; } std::string value() const override { return value_; } std::string RValue() const override; void Define() { if (defined_ && IsConst()) { ReportError("Cannot re-define a const-bound variable."); } defined_ = true; } bool IsDefined() const { return defined_; } private: friend class Declarations; Variable(const std::string& name, const std::string& value, const Type* type, bool is_const) : Value(Declarable::kVariable, type, name), value_(value), defined_(false), const_(is_const) { DCHECK_IMPLIES(type->IsConstexpr(), IsConst()); } std::string value_; bool defined_; bool const_; }; class Label : public Declarable { public: void AddVariable(Variable* var) { parameters_.push_back(var); } std::string name() const { return name_; } std::string generated() const { return generated_; } Variable* GetParameter(size_t i) const { return parameters_[i]; } size_t GetParameterCount() const { return parameters_.size(); } const std::vector<Variable*>& GetParameters() const { return parameters_; } DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Label, label); void MarkUsed() { used_ = true; } bool IsUsed() const { return used_; } bool IsDeferred() const { return deferred_; } private: friend class Declarations; explicit Label(const std::string& name, bool deferred = false) : Declarable(Declarable::kLabel), name_(name), generated_("label_" + name + "_" + std::to_string(next_id_++)), used_(false), deferred_(deferred) {} std::string name_; std::string generated_; std::vector<Variable*> parameters_; static size_t next_id_; bool used_; bool deferred_; }; class ExternConstant : public Value { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(ExternConstant, constant); std::string value() const override { return value_; } private: friend class Declarations; explicit ExternConstant(const std::string& name, const Type* type, const std::string& value) : Value(Declarable::kExternConstant, type, name), value_(value) {} std::string value_; }; class Callable : public Declarable { public: static Callable* cast(Declarable* declarable) { assert(declarable->IsMacro() || declarable->IsBuiltin() || declarable->IsRuntimeFunction()); return static_cast<Callable*>(declarable); } static const Callable* cast(const Declarable* declarable) { assert(declarable->IsMacro() || declarable->IsBuiltin() || declarable->IsRuntimeFunction()); return static_cast<const Callable*>(declarable); } const std::string& name() const { return name_; } const Signature& signature() const { return signature_; } const NameVector& parameter_names() const { return signature_.parameter_names; } bool HasReturnValue() const { return !signature_.return_type->IsVoidOrNever(); } void IncrementReturns() { ++returns_; } bool HasReturns() const { return returns_; } base::Optional<Generic*> generic() const { return generic_; } protected: Callable(Declarable::Kind kind, const std::string& name, const Signature& signature, base::Optional<Generic*> generic) : Declarable(kind), name_(name), signature_(signature), returns_(0), generic_(generic) {} private: std::string name_; Signature signature_; size_t returns_; base::Optional<Generic*> generic_; }; class Macro : public Callable { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Macro, macro); private: friend class Declarations; Macro(const std::string& name, const Signature& signature, base::Optional<Generic*> generic) : Callable(Declarable::kMacro, name, signature, generic) { if (signature.parameter_types.var_args) { ReportError("Varargs are not supported for macros."); } } }; class MacroList : public Declarable { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(MacroList, macro_list); const std::vector<Macro*>& list() { return list_; } Macro* AddMacro(Macro* macro) { list_.emplace_back(macro); return macro; } private: friend class Declarations; MacroList() : Declarable(Declarable::kMacroList) {} std::vector<Macro*> list_; }; class Builtin : public Callable { public: enum Kind { kStub, kFixedArgsJavaScript, kVarArgsJavaScript }; DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Builtin, builtin); Kind kind() const { return kind_; } bool IsStub() const { return kind_ == kStub; } bool IsVarArgsJavaScript() const { return kind_ == kVarArgsJavaScript; } bool IsFixedArgsJavaScript() const { return kind_ == kFixedArgsJavaScript; } bool IsExternal() const { return external_; } private: friend class Declarations; Builtin(const std::string& name, Builtin::Kind kind, bool external, const Signature& signature, base::Optional<Generic*> generic) : Callable(Declarable::kBuiltin, name, signature, generic), kind_(kind), external_(external) {} Kind kind_; bool external_; }; class RuntimeFunction : public Callable { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(RuntimeFunction, runtime); private: friend class Declarations; RuntimeFunction(const std::string& name, const Signature& signature, base::Optional<Generic*> generic) : Callable(Declarable::kRuntimeFunction, name, signature, generic) {} }; class Generic : public Declarable { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Generic, generic); GenericDeclaration* declaration() const { return declaration_; } const std::string& name() const { return name_; } Module* module() const { return module_; } private: friend class Declarations; Generic(const std::string& name, Module* module, GenericDeclaration* declaration) : Declarable(Declarable::kGeneric), name_(name), module_(module), declaration_(declaration) {} std::string name_; Module* module_; GenericDeclaration* declaration_; }; class GenericList : public Declarable { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(GenericList, generic_list); const std::vector<Generic*>& list() { return list_; } Generic* AddGeneric(Generic* generic) { list_.push_back(generic); return generic; } private: friend class Declarations; GenericList() : Declarable(Declarable::kGenericList) {} std::vector<Generic*> list_; }; typedef std::pair<Generic*, TypeVector> SpecializationKey; class TypeAlias : public Declarable { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(TypeAlias, type_alias); const Type* type() const { return type_; } private: friend class Declarations; explicit TypeAlias(const Type* type) : Declarable(Declarable::kTypeAlias), type_(type) {} const Type* type_; }; void PrintLabel(std::ostream& os, const Label& l, bool with_names); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Callable& m); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Variable& v); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Builtin& b); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Label& l); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RuntimeFunction& b); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Generic& g); #undef DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE } // namespace torque } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #endif // V8_TORQUE_DECLARABLE_H_