Checks Runtime.queryObjects

Running test: testClass
Declare class Foo & store its constructor.
Create object with class Foo.
Query objects with Foo prototype.
Dump each object constructor name.
    [0] : Foo,object
Create object with class Foo.
Query objects with Foo prototype.
Dump each object constructor name.
    [0] : Foo,object
    [1] : Foo,object

Running test: testDerivedNewClass
Declare class Foo & store its constructor.
Declare class Boo extends Foo & store its constructor.
Query objects with Foo prototype.
Dump each object constructor name.
    [0] : Boo,object
Query objects with Boo prototype.
Dump each object constructor name.
Create object with class Foo
Query objects with Foo prototype.
Dump each object constructor name.
    [0] : Boo,object
    [1] : Foo,object
Create object with class Boo
Query objects with Foo prototype.
Dump each object constructor name.
    [0] : Boo,object
    [1] : Boo,object
    [2] : Foo,object
Query objects with Boo prototype.
Dump each object constructor name.
    [0] : Boo,object

Running test: testNewFunction
Declare Foo & store it.
Create object using Foo.
Query objects with Foo prototype.
Dump each object constructor name.
    [0] : Foo,object
Create object using Foo.
Query objects with Foo prototype.
Dump each object constructor name.
    [0] : Foo,object
    [1] : Foo,object

Running test: testNonInspectable
Declare Foo & store it.
Create object using Foo.
Query objects with Foo prototype.
Dump each object constructor name.
    [0] : Foo,object
Mark object as not inspectable.
Query objects with Foo prototype.
Dump each object constructor name.

Running test: testObjectCreate
Declare Object p & store it.
Create object using Object.create(p).
Query objects with p prototype.
Dump each object constructor name.
    [0] : Object,object
Create object using Object.create(p).
Query objects with p prototype.
Dump each object constructor name.
    [0] : Object,object
    [1] : Object,object

Running test: testQueryObjectsWithFeedbackVector
Before/After difference: 1

Running test: testQueryObjectsWithArrayBuffer
Test that queryObjects does not crash for on-heap TypedArrays

Running test: testWithObjectGroup
Query for Array.prototype 3 times
Results since initial: 0
Results since initial: 1
Results since initial: 2

Released object group.
Results since initial: 0