// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_ARM64_ASSEMBLER_ARM64_H_ #define V8_ARM64_ASSEMBLER_ARM64_H_ #include <deque> #include <list> #include <map> #include <vector> #include "src/arm64/constants-arm64.h" #include "src/arm64/instructions-arm64.h" #include "src/assembler.h" #include "src/base/optional.h" #include "src/globals.h" #include "src/utils.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Registers. // clang-format off #define GENERAL_REGISTER_CODE_LIST(R) \ R(0) R(1) R(2) R(3) R(4) R(5) R(6) R(7) \ R(8) R(9) R(10) R(11) R(12) R(13) R(14) R(15) \ R(16) R(17) R(18) R(19) R(20) R(21) R(22) R(23) \ R(24) R(25) R(26) R(27) R(28) R(29) R(30) R(31) #define GENERAL_REGISTERS(R) \ R(x0) R(x1) R(x2) R(x3) R(x4) R(x5) R(x6) R(x7) \ R(x8) R(x9) R(x10) R(x11) R(x12) R(x13) R(x14) R(x15) \ R(x16) R(x17) R(x18) R(x19) R(x20) R(x21) R(x22) R(x23) \ R(x24) R(x25) R(x26) R(x27) R(x28) R(x29) R(x30) R(x31) #define ALLOCATABLE_GENERAL_REGISTERS(R) \ R(x0) R(x1) R(x2) R(x3) R(x4) R(x5) R(x6) R(x7) \ R(x8) R(x9) R(x10) R(x11) R(x12) R(x13) R(x14) R(x15) \ R(x18) R(x19) R(x20) R(x21) R(x22) R(x23) R(x24) R(x25) \ R(x27) R(x28) #define FLOAT_REGISTERS(V) \ V(s0) V(s1) V(s2) V(s3) V(s4) V(s5) V(s6) V(s7) \ V(s8) V(s9) V(s10) V(s11) V(s12) V(s13) V(s14) V(s15) \ V(s16) V(s17) V(s18) V(s19) V(s20) V(s21) V(s22) V(s23) \ V(s24) V(s25) V(s26) V(s27) V(s28) V(s29) V(s30) V(s31) #define DOUBLE_REGISTERS(R) \ R(d0) R(d1) R(d2) R(d3) R(d4) R(d5) R(d6) R(d7) \ R(d8) R(d9) R(d10) R(d11) R(d12) R(d13) R(d14) R(d15) \ R(d16) R(d17) R(d18) R(d19) R(d20) R(d21) R(d22) R(d23) \ R(d24) R(d25) R(d26) R(d27) R(d28) R(d29) R(d30) R(d31) #define SIMD128_REGISTERS(V) \ V(q0) V(q1) V(q2) V(q3) V(q4) V(q5) V(q6) V(q7) \ V(q8) V(q9) V(q10) V(q11) V(q12) V(q13) V(q14) V(q15) \ V(q16) V(q17) V(q18) V(q19) V(q20) V(q21) V(q22) V(q23) \ V(q24) V(q25) V(q26) V(q27) V(q28) V(q29) V(q30) V(q31) // Register d29 could be allocated, but we keep an even length list here, in // order to make stack alignment easier for save and restore. #define ALLOCATABLE_DOUBLE_REGISTERS(R) \ R(d0) R(d1) R(d2) R(d3) R(d4) R(d5) R(d6) R(d7) \ R(d8) R(d9) R(d10) R(d11) R(d12) R(d13) R(d14) R(d16) \ R(d17) R(d18) R(d19) R(d20) R(d21) R(d22) R(d23) R(d24) \ R(d25) R(d26) R(d27) R(d28) // clang-format on constexpr int kRegListSizeInBits = sizeof(RegList) * kBitsPerByte; const int kNumRegs = kNumberOfRegisters; // Registers x0-x17 are caller-saved. const int kNumJSCallerSaved = 18; const RegList kJSCallerSaved = 0x3ffff; // Number of registers for which space is reserved in safepoints. Must be a // multiple of eight. // TODO(all): Refine this number. const int kNumSafepointRegisters = 32; // Define the list of registers actually saved at safepoints. // Note that the number of saved registers may be smaller than the reserved // space, i.e. kNumSafepointSavedRegisters <= kNumSafepointRegisters. #define kSafepointSavedRegisters CPURegList::GetSafepointSavedRegisters().list() #define kNumSafepointSavedRegisters \ CPURegList::GetSafepointSavedRegisters().Count() // Some CPURegister methods can return Register and VRegister types, so we // need to declare them in advance. class Register; class VRegister; enum RegisterCode { #define REGISTER_CODE(R) kRegCode_##R, GENERAL_REGISTERS(REGISTER_CODE) #undef REGISTER_CODE kRegAfterLast }; class CPURegister : public RegisterBase<CPURegister, kRegAfterLast> { public: enum RegisterType { kRegister, kVRegister, kNoRegister }; static constexpr CPURegister no_reg() { return CPURegister{0, 0, kNoRegister}; } template <int code, int size, RegisterType type> static constexpr CPURegister Create() { static_assert(IsValid(code, size, type), "Cannot create invalid registers"); return CPURegister{code, size, type}; } static CPURegister Create(int code, int size, RegisterType type) { DCHECK(IsValid(code, size, type)); return CPURegister{code, size, type}; } RegisterType type() const { return reg_type_; } int SizeInBits() const { DCHECK(IsValid()); return reg_size_; } int SizeInBytes() const { DCHECK(IsValid()); DCHECK_EQ(SizeInBits() % 8, 0); return reg_size_ / 8; } bool Is8Bits() const { DCHECK(IsValid()); return reg_size_ == 8; } bool Is16Bits() const { DCHECK(IsValid()); return reg_size_ == 16; } bool Is32Bits() const { DCHECK(IsValid()); return reg_size_ == 32; } bool Is64Bits() const { DCHECK(IsValid()); return reg_size_ == 64; } bool Is128Bits() const { DCHECK(IsValid()); return reg_size_ == 128; } bool IsValid() const { return reg_type_ != kNoRegister; } bool IsNone() const { return reg_type_ == kNoRegister; } bool Is(const CPURegister& other) const { return Aliases(other) && (reg_size_ == other.reg_size_); } bool Aliases(const CPURegister& other) const { return (reg_code_ == other.reg_code_) && (reg_type_ == other.reg_type_); } bool IsZero() const; bool IsSP() const; bool IsRegister() const { return reg_type_ == kRegister; } bool IsVRegister() const { return reg_type_ == kVRegister; } bool IsFPRegister() const { return IsS() || IsD(); } bool IsW() const { return IsRegister() && Is32Bits(); } bool IsX() const { return IsRegister() && Is64Bits(); } // These assertions ensure that the size and type of the register are as // described. They do not consider the number of lanes that make up a vector. // So, for example, Is8B() implies IsD(), and Is1D() implies IsD, but IsD() // does not imply Is1D() or Is8B(). // Check the number of lanes, ie. the format of the vector, using methods such // as Is8B(), Is1D(), etc. in the VRegister class. bool IsV() const { return IsVRegister(); } bool IsB() const { return IsV() && Is8Bits(); } bool IsH() const { return IsV() && Is16Bits(); } bool IsS() const { return IsV() && Is32Bits(); } bool IsD() const { return IsV() && Is64Bits(); } bool IsQ() const { return IsV() && Is128Bits(); } Register Reg() const; VRegister VReg() const; Register X() const; Register W() const; VRegister V() const; VRegister B() const; VRegister H() const; VRegister D() const; VRegister S() const; VRegister Q() const; bool IsSameSizeAndType(const CPURegister& other) const; bool is(const CPURegister& other) const { return Is(other); } bool is_valid() const { return IsValid(); } protected: int reg_size_; RegisterType reg_type_; friend class RegisterBase; constexpr CPURegister(int code, int size, RegisterType type) : RegisterBase(code), reg_size_(size), reg_type_(type) {} static constexpr bool IsValidRegister(int code, int size) { return (size == kWRegSizeInBits || size == kXRegSizeInBits) && (code < kNumberOfRegisters || code == kSPRegInternalCode); } static constexpr bool IsValidVRegister(int code, int size) { return (size == kBRegSizeInBits || size == kHRegSizeInBits || size == kSRegSizeInBits || size == kDRegSizeInBits || size == kQRegSizeInBits) && code < kNumberOfVRegisters; } static constexpr bool IsValid(int code, int size, RegisterType type) { return (type == kRegister && IsValidRegister(code, size)) || (type == kVRegister && IsValidVRegister(code, size)); } static constexpr bool IsNone(int code, int size, RegisterType type) { return type == kNoRegister && code == 0 && size == 0; } }; ASSERT_TRIVIALLY_COPYABLE(CPURegister); class Register : public CPURegister { public: static constexpr Register no_reg() { return Register(CPURegister::no_reg()); } template <int code, int size> static constexpr Register Create() { return Register(CPURegister::Create<code, size, CPURegister::kRegister>()); } static Register Create(int code, int size) { return Register(CPURegister::Create(code, size, CPURegister::kRegister)); } static Register XRegFromCode(unsigned code); static Register WRegFromCode(unsigned code); static Register from_code(int code) { // Always return an X register. return Register::Create(code, kXRegSizeInBits); } template <int code> static Register from_code() { // Always return an X register. return Register::Create<code, kXRegSizeInBits>(); } private: constexpr explicit Register(const CPURegister& r) : CPURegister(r) {} }; ASSERT_TRIVIALLY_COPYABLE(Register); constexpr bool kPadArguments = true; constexpr bool kSimpleFPAliasing = true; constexpr bool kSimdMaskRegisters = false; enum DoubleRegisterCode { #define REGISTER_CODE(R) kDoubleCode_##R, DOUBLE_REGISTERS(REGISTER_CODE) #undef REGISTER_CODE kDoubleAfterLast }; class VRegister : public CPURegister { public: static constexpr VRegister no_reg() { return VRegister(CPURegister::no_reg(), 0); } template <int code, int size, int lane_count = 1> static constexpr VRegister Create() { static_assert(IsValidLaneCount(lane_count), "Invalid lane count"); return VRegister(CPURegister::Create<code, size, kVRegister>(), lane_count); } static VRegister Create(int code, int size, int lane_count = 1) { DCHECK(IsValidLaneCount(lane_count)); return VRegister(CPURegister::Create(code, size, CPURegister::kVRegister), lane_count); } static VRegister Create(int reg_code, VectorFormat format) { int reg_size = RegisterSizeInBitsFromFormat(format); int reg_count = IsVectorFormat(format) ? LaneCountFromFormat(format) : 1; return VRegister::Create(reg_code, reg_size, reg_count); } static VRegister BRegFromCode(unsigned code); static VRegister HRegFromCode(unsigned code); static VRegister SRegFromCode(unsigned code); static VRegister DRegFromCode(unsigned code); static VRegister QRegFromCode(unsigned code); static VRegister VRegFromCode(unsigned code); VRegister V8B() const { return VRegister::Create(code(), kDRegSizeInBits, 8); } VRegister V16B() const { return VRegister::Create(code(), kQRegSizeInBits, 16); } VRegister V4H() const { return VRegister::Create(code(), kDRegSizeInBits, 4); } VRegister V8H() const { return VRegister::Create(code(), kQRegSizeInBits, 8); } VRegister V2S() const { return VRegister::Create(code(), kDRegSizeInBits, 2); } VRegister V4S() const { return VRegister::Create(code(), kQRegSizeInBits, 4); } VRegister V2D() const { return VRegister::Create(code(), kQRegSizeInBits, 2); } VRegister V1D() const { return VRegister::Create(code(), kDRegSizeInBits, 1); } bool Is8B() const { return (Is64Bits() && (lane_count_ == 8)); } bool Is16B() const { return (Is128Bits() && (lane_count_ == 16)); } bool Is4H() const { return (Is64Bits() && (lane_count_ == 4)); } bool Is8H() const { return (Is128Bits() && (lane_count_ == 8)); } bool Is2S() const { return (Is64Bits() && (lane_count_ == 2)); } bool Is4S() const { return (Is128Bits() && (lane_count_ == 4)); } bool Is1D() const { return (Is64Bits() && (lane_count_ == 1)); } bool Is2D() const { return (Is128Bits() && (lane_count_ == 2)); } // For consistency, we assert the number of lanes of these scalar registers, // even though there are no vectors of equivalent total size with which they // could alias. bool Is1B() const { DCHECK(!(Is8Bits() && IsVector())); return Is8Bits(); } bool Is1H() const { DCHECK(!(Is16Bits() && IsVector())); return Is16Bits(); } bool Is1S() const { DCHECK(!(Is32Bits() && IsVector())); return Is32Bits(); } bool IsLaneSizeB() const { return LaneSizeInBits() == kBRegSizeInBits; } bool IsLaneSizeH() const { return LaneSizeInBits() == kHRegSizeInBits; } bool IsLaneSizeS() const { return LaneSizeInBits() == kSRegSizeInBits; } bool IsLaneSizeD() const { return LaneSizeInBits() == kDRegSizeInBits; } bool IsScalar() const { return lane_count_ == 1; } bool IsVector() const { return lane_count_ > 1; } bool IsSameFormat(const VRegister& other) const { return (reg_size_ == other.reg_size_) && (lane_count_ == other.lane_count_); } int LaneCount() const { return lane_count_; } unsigned LaneSizeInBytes() const { return SizeInBytes() / lane_count_; } unsigned LaneSizeInBits() const { return LaneSizeInBytes() * 8; } static constexpr int kMaxNumRegisters = kNumberOfVRegisters; STATIC_ASSERT(kMaxNumRegisters == kDoubleAfterLast); static VRegister from_code(int code) { // Always return a D register. return VRegister::Create(code, kDRegSizeInBits); } private: int lane_count_; constexpr explicit VRegister(const CPURegister& r, int lane_count) : CPURegister(r), lane_count_(lane_count) {} static constexpr bool IsValidLaneCount(int lane_count) { return base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo(lane_count) && lane_count <= 16; } }; ASSERT_TRIVIALLY_COPYABLE(VRegister); // No*Reg is used to indicate an unused argument, or an error case. Note that // these all compare equal (using the Is() method). The Register and VRegister // variants are provided for convenience. constexpr Register NoReg = Register::no_reg(); constexpr VRegister NoVReg = VRegister::no_reg(); constexpr CPURegister NoCPUReg = CPURegister::no_reg(); constexpr Register no_reg = NoReg; #define DEFINE_REGISTER(register_class, name, ...) \ constexpr register_class name = register_class::Create<__VA_ARGS__>() #define ALIAS_REGISTER(register_class, alias, name) \ constexpr register_class alias = name #define DEFINE_REGISTERS(N) \ DEFINE_REGISTER(Register, w##N, N, kWRegSizeInBits); \ DEFINE_REGISTER(Register, x##N, N, kXRegSizeInBits); GENERAL_REGISTER_CODE_LIST(DEFINE_REGISTERS) #undef DEFINE_REGISTERS DEFINE_REGISTER(Register, wsp, kSPRegInternalCode, kWRegSizeInBits); DEFINE_REGISTER(Register, sp, kSPRegInternalCode, kXRegSizeInBits); #define DEFINE_VREGISTERS(N) \ DEFINE_REGISTER(VRegister, b##N, N, kBRegSizeInBits); \ DEFINE_REGISTER(VRegister, h##N, N, kHRegSizeInBits); \ DEFINE_REGISTER(VRegister, s##N, N, kSRegSizeInBits); \ DEFINE_REGISTER(VRegister, d##N, N, kDRegSizeInBits); \ DEFINE_REGISTER(VRegister, q##N, N, kQRegSizeInBits); \ DEFINE_REGISTER(VRegister, v##N, N, kQRegSizeInBits); GENERAL_REGISTER_CODE_LIST(DEFINE_VREGISTERS) #undef DEFINE_VREGISTERS #undef DEFINE_REGISTER // Registers aliases. ALIAS_REGISTER(VRegister, v8_, v8); // Avoid conflicts with namespace v8. ALIAS_REGISTER(Register, ip0, x16); ALIAS_REGISTER(Register, ip1, x17); ALIAS_REGISTER(Register, wip0, w16); ALIAS_REGISTER(Register, wip1, w17); // Root register. ALIAS_REGISTER(Register, kRootRegister, x26); ALIAS_REGISTER(Register, rr, x26); // Context pointer register. ALIAS_REGISTER(Register, cp, x27); ALIAS_REGISTER(Register, fp, x29); ALIAS_REGISTER(Register, lr, x30); ALIAS_REGISTER(Register, xzr, x31); ALIAS_REGISTER(Register, wzr, w31); // Register used for padding stack slots. ALIAS_REGISTER(Register, padreg, x31); // Keeps the 0 double value. ALIAS_REGISTER(VRegister, fp_zero, d15); // MacroAssembler fixed V Registers. ALIAS_REGISTER(VRegister, fp_fixed1, d28); ALIAS_REGISTER(VRegister, fp_fixed2, d29); // MacroAssembler scratch V registers. ALIAS_REGISTER(VRegister, fp_scratch, d30); ALIAS_REGISTER(VRegister, fp_scratch1, d30); ALIAS_REGISTER(VRegister, fp_scratch2, d31); #undef ALIAS_REGISTER // AreAliased returns true if any of the named registers overlap. Arguments set // to NoReg are ignored. The system stack pointer may be specified. bool AreAliased(const CPURegister& reg1, const CPURegister& reg2, const CPURegister& reg3 = NoReg, const CPURegister& reg4 = NoReg, const CPURegister& reg5 = NoReg, const CPURegister& reg6 = NoReg, const CPURegister& reg7 = NoReg, const CPURegister& reg8 = NoReg); // AreSameSizeAndType returns true if all of the specified registers have the // same size, and are of the same type. The system stack pointer may be // specified. Arguments set to NoReg are ignored, as are any subsequent // arguments. At least one argument (reg1) must be valid (not NoCPUReg). bool AreSameSizeAndType( const CPURegister& reg1, const CPURegister& reg2 = NoCPUReg, const CPURegister& reg3 = NoCPUReg, const CPURegister& reg4 = NoCPUReg, const CPURegister& reg5 = NoCPUReg, const CPURegister& reg6 = NoCPUReg, const CPURegister& reg7 = NoCPUReg, const CPURegister& reg8 = NoCPUReg); // AreSameFormat returns true if all of the specified VRegisters have the same // vector format. Arguments set to NoVReg are ignored, as are any subsequent // arguments. At least one argument (reg1) must be valid (not NoVReg). bool AreSameFormat(const VRegister& reg1, const VRegister& reg2, const VRegister& reg3 = NoVReg, const VRegister& reg4 = NoVReg); // AreConsecutive returns true if all of the specified VRegisters are // consecutive in the register file. Arguments may be set to NoVReg, and if so, // subsequent arguments must also be NoVReg. At least one argument (reg1) must // be valid (not NoVReg). bool AreConsecutive(const VRegister& reg1, const VRegister& reg2, const VRegister& reg3 = NoVReg, const VRegister& reg4 = NoVReg); typedef VRegister FloatRegister; typedef VRegister DoubleRegister; typedef VRegister Simd128Register; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Lists of registers. class CPURegList { public: template <typename... CPURegisters> explicit CPURegList(CPURegister reg0, CPURegisters... regs) : list_(CPURegister::ListOf(reg0, regs...)), size_(reg0.SizeInBits()), type_(reg0.type()) { DCHECK(AreSameSizeAndType(reg0, regs...)); DCHECK(IsValid()); } CPURegList(CPURegister::RegisterType type, int size, RegList list) : list_(list), size_(size), type_(type) { DCHECK(IsValid()); } CPURegList(CPURegister::RegisterType type, int size, int first_reg, int last_reg) : size_(size), type_(type) { DCHECK( ((type == CPURegister::kRegister) && (last_reg < kNumberOfRegisters)) || ((type == CPURegister::kVRegister) && (last_reg < kNumberOfVRegisters))); DCHECK(last_reg >= first_reg); list_ = (1UL << (last_reg + 1)) - 1; list_ &= ~((1UL << first_reg) - 1); DCHECK(IsValid()); } CPURegister::RegisterType type() const { DCHECK(IsValid()); return type_; } RegList list() const { DCHECK(IsValid()); return list_; } inline void set_list(RegList new_list) { DCHECK(IsValid()); list_ = new_list; } // Combine another CPURegList into this one. Registers that already exist in // this list are left unchanged. The type and size of the registers in the // 'other' list must match those in this list. void Combine(const CPURegList& other); // Remove every register in the other CPURegList from this one. Registers that // do not exist in this list are ignored. The type of the registers in the // 'other' list must match those in this list. void Remove(const CPURegList& other); // Variants of Combine and Remove which take CPURegisters. void Combine(const CPURegister& other); void Remove(const CPURegister& other1, const CPURegister& other2 = NoCPUReg, const CPURegister& other3 = NoCPUReg, const CPURegister& other4 = NoCPUReg); // Variants of Combine and Remove which take a single register by its code; // the type and size of the register is inferred from this list. void Combine(int code); void Remove(int code); // Remove all callee-saved registers from the list. This can be useful when // preparing registers for an AAPCS64 function call, for example. void RemoveCalleeSaved(); CPURegister PopLowestIndex(); CPURegister PopHighestIndex(); // AAPCS64 callee-saved registers. static CPURegList GetCalleeSaved(int size = kXRegSizeInBits); static CPURegList GetCalleeSavedV(int size = kDRegSizeInBits); // AAPCS64 caller-saved registers. Note that this includes lr. // TODO(all): Determine how we handle d8-d15 being callee-saved, but the top // 64-bits being caller-saved. static CPURegList GetCallerSaved(int size = kXRegSizeInBits); static CPURegList GetCallerSavedV(int size = kDRegSizeInBits); // Registers saved as safepoints. static CPURegList GetSafepointSavedRegisters(); bool IsEmpty() const { DCHECK(IsValid()); return list_ == 0; } bool IncludesAliasOf(const CPURegister& other1, const CPURegister& other2 = NoCPUReg, const CPURegister& other3 = NoCPUReg, const CPURegister& other4 = NoCPUReg) const { DCHECK(IsValid()); RegList list = 0; if (!other1.IsNone() && (other1.type() == type_)) list |= other1.bit(); if (!other2.IsNone() && (other2.type() == type_)) list |= other2.bit(); if (!other3.IsNone() && (other3.type() == type_)) list |= other3.bit(); if (!other4.IsNone() && (other4.type() == type_)) list |= other4.bit(); return (list_ & list) != 0; } int Count() const { DCHECK(IsValid()); return CountSetBits(list_, kRegListSizeInBits); } int RegisterSizeInBits() const { DCHECK(IsValid()); return size_; } int RegisterSizeInBytes() const { int size_in_bits = RegisterSizeInBits(); DCHECK_EQ(size_in_bits % kBitsPerByte, 0); return size_in_bits / kBitsPerByte; } int TotalSizeInBytes() const { DCHECK(IsValid()); return RegisterSizeInBytes() * Count(); } private: RegList list_; int size_; CPURegister::RegisterType type_; bool IsValid() const { constexpr RegList kValidRegisters{0x8000000ffffffff}; constexpr RegList kValidVRegisters{0x0000000ffffffff}; switch (type_) { case CPURegister::kRegister: return (list_ & kValidRegisters) == list_; case CPURegister::kVRegister: return (list_ & kValidVRegisters) == list_; case CPURegister::kNoRegister: return list_ == 0; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } }; // AAPCS64 callee-saved registers. #define kCalleeSaved CPURegList::GetCalleeSaved() #define kCalleeSavedV CPURegList::GetCalleeSavedV() // AAPCS64 caller-saved registers. Note that this includes lr. #define kCallerSaved CPURegList::GetCallerSaved() #define kCallerSavedV CPURegList::GetCallerSavedV() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Immediates. class Immediate { public: template<typename T> inline explicit Immediate(Handle<T> handle); // This is allowed to be an implicit constructor because Immediate is // a wrapper class that doesn't normally perform any type conversion. template<typename T> inline Immediate(T value); // NOLINT(runtime/explicit) template<typename T> inline Immediate(T value, RelocInfo::Mode rmode); int64_t value() const { return value_; } RelocInfo::Mode rmode() const { return rmode_; } private: void InitializeHandle(Handle<HeapObject> value); int64_t value_; RelocInfo::Mode rmode_; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operands. constexpr int kSmiShift = kSmiTagSize + kSmiShiftSize; constexpr uint64_t kSmiShiftMask = (1UL << kSmiShift) - 1; // Represents an operand in a machine instruction. class Operand { // TODO(all): If necessary, study more in details which methods // TODO(all): should be inlined or not. public: // rm, {<shift> {#<shift_amount>}} // where <shift> is one of {LSL, LSR, ASR, ROR}. // <shift_amount> is uint6_t. // This is allowed to be an implicit constructor because Operand is // a wrapper class that doesn't normally perform any type conversion. inline Operand(Register reg, Shift shift = LSL, unsigned shift_amount = 0); // NOLINT(runtime/explicit) // rm, <extend> {#<shift_amount>} // where <extend> is one of {UXTB, UXTH, UXTW, UXTX, SXTB, SXTH, SXTW, SXTX}. // <shift_amount> is uint2_t. inline Operand(Register reg, Extend extend, unsigned shift_amount = 0); static Operand EmbeddedNumber(double number); // Smi or HeapNumber. static Operand EmbeddedCode(CodeStub* stub); inline bool IsHeapObjectRequest() const; inline HeapObjectRequest heap_object_request() const; inline Immediate immediate_for_heap_object_request() const; template<typename T> inline explicit Operand(Handle<T> handle); // Implicit constructor for all int types, ExternalReference, and Smi. template<typename T> inline Operand(T t); // NOLINT(runtime/explicit) // Implicit constructor for int types. template<typename T> inline Operand(T t, RelocInfo::Mode rmode); inline bool IsImmediate() const; inline bool IsShiftedRegister() const; inline bool IsExtendedRegister() const; inline bool IsZero() const; // This returns an LSL shift (<= 4) operand as an equivalent extend operand, // which helps in the encoding of instructions that use the stack pointer. inline Operand ToExtendedRegister() const; inline Immediate immediate() const; inline int64_t ImmediateValue() const; inline RelocInfo::Mode ImmediateRMode() const; inline Register reg() const; inline Shift shift() const; inline Extend extend() const; inline unsigned shift_amount() const; // Relocation information. bool NeedsRelocation(const Assembler* assembler) const; // Helpers inline static Operand UntagSmi(Register smi); inline static Operand UntagSmiAndScale(Register smi, int scale); private: base::Optional<HeapObjectRequest> heap_object_request_; Immediate immediate_; Register reg_; Shift shift_; Extend extend_; unsigned shift_amount_; }; // MemOperand represents a memory operand in a load or store instruction. class MemOperand { public: inline MemOperand(); inline explicit MemOperand(Register base, int64_t offset = 0, AddrMode addrmode = Offset); inline explicit MemOperand(Register base, Register regoffset, Shift shift = LSL, unsigned shift_amount = 0); inline explicit MemOperand(Register base, Register regoffset, Extend extend, unsigned shift_amount = 0); inline explicit MemOperand(Register base, const Operand& offset, AddrMode addrmode = Offset); const Register& base() const { return base_; } const Register& regoffset() const { return regoffset_; } int64_t offset() const { return offset_; } AddrMode addrmode() const { return addrmode_; } Shift shift() const { return shift_; } Extend extend() const { return extend_; } unsigned shift_amount() const { return shift_amount_; } inline bool IsImmediateOffset() const; inline bool IsRegisterOffset() const; inline bool IsPreIndex() const; inline bool IsPostIndex() const; // For offset modes, return the offset as an Operand. This helper cannot // handle indexed modes. inline Operand OffsetAsOperand() const; enum PairResult { kNotPair, // Can't use a pair instruction. kPairAB, // Can use a pair instruction (operandA has lower address). kPairBA // Can use a pair instruction (operandB has lower address). }; // Check if two MemOperand are consistent for stp/ldp use. static PairResult AreConsistentForPair(const MemOperand& operandA, const MemOperand& operandB, int access_size_log2 = kXRegSizeLog2); private: Register base_; Register regoffset_; int64_t offset_; AddrMode addrmode_; Shift shift_; Extend extend_; unsigned shift_amount_; }; class ConstPool { public: explicit ConstPool(Assembler* assm) : assm_(assm), first_use_(-1) {} // Returns true when we need to write RelocInfo and false when we do not. bool RecordEntry(intptr_t data, RelocInfo::Mode mode); int EntryCount() const { return static_cast<int>(entries_.size()); } bool IsEmpty() const { return entries_.empty(); } // Distance in bytes between the current pc and the first instruction // using the pool. If there are no pending entries return kMaxInt. int DistanceToFirstUse(); // Offset after which instructions using the pool will be out of range. int MaxPcOffset(); // Maximum size the constant pool can be with current entries. It always // includes alignment padding and branch over. int WorstCaseSize(); // Size in bytes of the literal pool *if* it is emitted at the current // pc. The size will include the branch over the pool if it was requested. int SizeIfEmittedAtCurrentPc(bool require_jump); // Emit the literal pool at the current pc with a branch over the pool if // requested. void Emit(bool require_jump); // Discard any pending pool entries. void Clear(); private: bool CanBeShared(RelocInfo::Mode mode); void EmitMarker(); void EmitGuard(); void EmitEntries(); typedef std::map<uint64_t, int> SharedEntryMap; // Adds a shared entry to entries_, using 'entry_map' to determine whether we // already track this entry. Returns true if this is the first time we add // this entry, false otherwise. bool AddSharedEntry(SharedEntryMap& entry_map, uint64_t data, int offset); Assembler* assm_; // Keep track of the first instruction requiring a constant pool entry // since the previous constant pool was emitted. int first_use_; // Map of data to index in entries_ for shared entries. SharedEntryMap shared_entries_; // Map of address of handle to index in entries_. We need to keep track of // code targets separately from other shared entries, as they can be // relocated. SharedEntryMap handle_to_index_map_; // Values, pc offset(s) of entries. Use a vector to preserve the order of // insertion, as the serializer expects code target RelocInfo to point to // constant pool addresses in an ascending order. std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, std::vector<int> > > entries_; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Assembler. class Assembler : public AssemblerBase { public: // Create an assembler. Instructions and relocation information are emitted // into a buffer, with the instructions starting from the beginning and the // relocation information starting from the end of the buffer. See CodeDesc // for a detailed comment on the layout (globals.h). // // If the provided buffer is nullptr, the assembler allocates and grows its // own buffer, and buffer_size determines the initial buffer size. The buffer // is owned by the assembler and deallocated upon destruction of the // assembler. // // If the provided buffer is not nullptr, the assembler uses the provided // buffer for code generation and assumes its size to be buffer_size. If the // buffer is too small, a fatal error occurs. No deallocation of the buffer is // done upon destruction of the assembler. Assembler(Isolate* isolate, void* buffer, int buffer_size) : Assembler(IsolateData(isolate), buffer, buffer_size) {} Assembler(IsolateData isolate_data, void* buffer, int buffer_size); virtual ~Assembler(); virtual void AbortedCodeGeneration() { constpool_.Clear(); } // System functions --------------------------------------------------------- // Start generating code from the beginning of the buffer, discarding any code // and data that has already been emitted into the buffer. // // In order to avoid any accidental transfer of state, Reset DCHECKs that the // constant pool is not blocked. void Reset(); // GetCode emits any pending (non-emitted) code and fills the descriptor // desc. GetCode() is idempotent; it returns the same result if no other // Assembler functions are invoked in between GetCode() calls. // // The descriptor (desc) can be nullptr. In that case, the code is finalized // as usual, but the descriptor is not populated. void GetCode(Isolate* isolate, CodeDesc* desc); // Insert the smallest number of nop instructions // possible to align the pc offset to a multiple // of m. m must be a power of 2 (>= 4). void Align(int m); // Insert the smallest number of zero bytes possible to align the pc offset // to a mulitple of m. m must be a power of 2 (>= 2). void DataAlign(int m); inline void Unreachable(); // Label -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bind a label to the current pc. Note that labels can only be bound once, // and if labels are linked to other instructions, they _must_ be bound // before they go out of scope. void bind(Label* label); // RelocInfo and pools ------------------------------------------------------ // Record relocation information for current pc_. enum ConstantPoolMode { NEEDS_POOL_ENTRY, NO_POOL_ENTRY }; void RecordRelocInfo(RelocInfo::Mode rmode, intptr_t data = 0, ConstantPoolMode constant_pool_mode = NEEDS_POOL_ENTRY); // Generate a B immediate instruction with the corresponding relocation info. // 'offset' is the immediate to encode in the B instruction (so it is the // difference between the target and the PC of the instruction, divided by // the instruction size). void near_jump(int offset, RelocInfo::Mode rmode); // Generate a BL immediate instruction with the corresponding relocation info. // As for near_jump, 'offset' is the immediate to encode in the BL // instruction. void near_call(int offset, RelocInfo::Mode rmode); // Generate a BL immediate instruction with the corresponding relocation info // for the input HeapObjectRequest. void near_call(HeapObjectRequest request); // Return the address in the constant pool of the code target address used by // the branch/call instruction at pc. inline static Address target_pointer_address_at(Address pc); // Read/Modify the code target address in the branch/call instruction at pc. // The isolate argument is unused (and may be nullptr) when skipping flushing. inline static Address target_address_at(Address pc, Address constant_pool); inline static void set_target_address_at( Address pc, Address constant_pool, Address target, ICacheFlushMode icache_flush_mode = FLUSH_ICACHE_IF_NEEDED); // Add 'target' to the code_targets_ vector, if necessary, and return the // offset at which it is stored. int GetCodeTargetIndex(Handle<Code> target); // Returns the handle for the code object called at 'pc'. // This might need to be temporarily encoded as an offset into code_targets_. inline Handle<Code> code_target_object_handle_at(Address pc); // Returns the target address for a runtime function for the call encoded // at 'pc'. // Runtime entries can be temporarily encoded as the offset between the // runtime function entrypoint and the code range start (stored in the // code_range_start_ field), in order to be encodable as we generate the code, // before it is moved into the code space. inline Address runtime_entry_at(Address pc); // Return the code target address at a call site from the return address of // that call in the instruction stream. inline static Address target_address_from_return_address(Address pc); // This sets the branch destination. 'location' here can be either the pc of // an immediate branch or the address of an entry in the constant pool. // This is for calls and branches within generated code. inline static void deserialization_set_special_target_at(Address location, Code* code, Address target); // Get the size of the special target encoded at 'location'. inline static int deserialization_special_target_size(Address location); // This sets the internal reference at the pc. inline static void deserialization_set_target_internal_reference_at( Address pc, Address target, RelocInfo::Mode mode = RelocInfo::INTERNAL_REFERENCE); // This value is used in the serialization process and must be zero for // ARM64, as the code target is split across multiple instructions and does // not exist separately in the code, so the serializer should not step // forwards in memory after a target is resolved and written. static constexpr int kSpecialTargetSize = 0; // The sizes of the call sequences emitted by MacroAssembler::Call. // Wherever possible, use MacroAssembler::CallSize instead of these constants, // as it will choose the correct value for a given relocation mode. // // A "near" call is encoded in a BL immediate instruction: // bl target // // whereas a "far" call will be encoded like this: // ldr temp, =target // blr temp static constexpr int kNearCallSize = 1 * kInstructionSize; static constexpr int kFarCallSize = 2 * kInstructionSize; // Size of the generated code in bytes uint64_t SizeOfGeneratedCode() const { DCHECK((pc_ >= buffer_) && (pc_ < (buffer_ + buffer_size_))); return pc_ - buffer_; } // Return the code size generated from label to the current position. uint64_t SizeOfCodeGeneratedSince(const Label* label) { DCHECK(label->is_bound()); DCHECK(pc_offset() >= label->pos()); DCHECK(pc_offset() < buffer_size_); return pc_offset() - label->pos(); } // Check the size of the code generated since the given label. This function // is used primarily to work around comparisons between signed and unsigned // quantities, since V8 uses both. // TODO(jbramley): Work out what sign to use for these things and if possible, // change things to be consistent. void AssertSizeOfCodeGeneratedSince(const Label* label, ptrdiff_t size) { DCHECK_GE(size, 0); DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<uint64_t>(size), SizeOfCodeGeneratedSince(label)); } // Return the number of instructions generated from label to the // current position. uint64_t InstructionsGeneratedSince(const Label* label) { return SizeOfCodeGeneratedSince(label) / kInstructionSize; } // Prevent contant pool emission until EndBlockConstPool is called. // Call to this function can be nested but must be followed by an equal // number of calls to EndBlockConstpool. void StartBlockConstPool(); // Resume constant pool emission. Need to be called as many time as // StartBlockConstPool to have an effect. void EndBlockConstPool(); bool is_const_pool_blocked() const; static bool IsConstantPoolAt(Instruction* instr); static int ConstantPoolSizeAt(Instruction* instr); // See Assembler::CheckConstPool for more info. void EmitPoolGuard(); // Prevent veneer pool emission until EndBlockVeneerPool is called. // Call to this function can be nested but must be followed by an equal // number of calls to EndBlockConstpool. void StartBlockVeneerPool(); // Resume constant pool emission. Need to be called as many time as // StartBlockVeneerPool to have an effect. void EndBlockVeneerPool(); bool is_veneer_pool_blocked() const { return veneer_pool_blocked_nesting_ > 0; } // Block/resume emission of constant pools and veneer pools. void StartBlockPools() { StartBlockConstPool(); StartBlockVeneerPool(); } void EndBlockPools() { EndBlockConstPool(); EndBlockVeneerPool(); } // Debugging ---------------------------------------------------------------- void RecordComment(const char* msg); // Record a deoptimization reason that can be used by a log or cpu profiler. // Use --trace-deopt to enable. void RecordDeoptReason(DeoptimizeReason reason, SourcePosition position, int id); int buffer_space() const; // Record the emission of a constant pool. // // The emission of constant and veneer pools depends on the size of the code // generated and the number of RelocInfo recorded. // The Debug mechanism needs to map code offsets between two versions of a // function, compiled with and without debugger support (see for example // Debug::PrepareForBreakPoints()). // Compiling functions with debugger support generates additional code // (DebugCodegen::GenerateSlot()). This may affect the emission of the pools // and cause the version of the code with debugger support to have pools // generated in different places. // Recording the position and size of emitted pools allows to correctly // compute the offset mappings between the different versions of a function in // all situations. // // The parameter indicates the size of the pool (in bytes), including // the marker and branch over the data. void RecordConstPool(int size); // Instruction set functions ------------------------------------------------ // Branch / Jump instructions. // For branches offsets are scaled, i.e. they in instrcutions not in bytes. // Branch to register. void br(const Register& xn); // Branch-link to register. void blr(const Register& xn); // Branch to register with return hint. void ret(const Register& xn = lr); // Unconditional branch to label. void b(Label* label); // Conditional branch to label. void b(Label* label, Condition cond); // Unconditional branch to PC offset. void b(int imm26); // Conditional branch to PC offset. void b(int imm19, Condition cond); // Branch-link to label / pc offset. void bl(Label* label); void bl(int imm26); // Compare and branch to label / pc offset if zero. void cbz(const Register& rt, Label* label); void cbz(const Register& rt, int imm19); // Compare and branch to label / pc offset if not zero. void cbnz(const Register& rt, Label* label); void cbnz(const Register& rt, int imm19); // Test bit and branch to label / pc offset if zero. void tbz(const Register& rt, unsigned bit_pos, Label* label); void tbz(const Register& rt, unsigned bit_pos, int imm14); // Test bit and branch to label / pc offset if not zero. void tbnz(const Register& rt, unsigned bit_pos, Label* label); void tbnz(const Register& rt, unsigned bit_pos, int imm14); // Address calculation instructions. // Calculate a PC-relative address. Unlike for branches the offset in adr is // unscaled (i.e. the result can be unaligned). void adr(const Register& rd, Label* label); void adr(const Register& rd, int imm21); // Data Processing instructions. // Add. void add(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Add and update status flags. void adds(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Compare negative. void cmn(const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Subtract. void sub(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Subtract and update status flags. void subs(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Compare. void cmp(const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Negate. void neg(const Register& rd, const Operand& operand); // Negate and update status flags. void negs(const Register& rd, const Operand& operand); // Add with carry bit. void adc(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Add with carry bit and update status flags. void adcs(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Subtract with carry bit. void sbc(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Subtract with carry bit and update status flags. void sbcs(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Negate with carry bit. void ngc(const Register& rd, const Operand& operand); // Negate with carry bit and update status flags. void ngcs(const Register& rd, const Operand& operand); // Logical instructions. // Bitwise and (A & B). void and_(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Bitwise and (A & B) and update status flags. void ands(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Bit test, and set flags. void tst(const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Bit clear (A & ~B). void bic(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Bit clear (A & ~B) and update status flags. void bics(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Bitwise and. void and_(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Bit clear immediate. void bic(const VRegister& vd, const int imm8, const int left_shift = 0); // Bit clear. void bic(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Bitwise insert if false. void bif(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Bitwise insert if true. void bit(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Bitwise select. void bsl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Polynomial multiply. void pmul(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Vector move immediate. void movi(const VRegister& vd, const uint64_t imm, Shift shift = LSL, const int shift_amount = 0); // Bitwise not. void mvn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Vector move inverted immediate. void mvni(const VRegister& vd, const int imm8, Shift shift = LSL, const int shift_amount = 0); // Signed saturating accumulate of unsigned value. void suqadd(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Unsigned saturating accumulate of signed value. void usqadd(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Absolute value. void abs(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Signed saturating absolute value. void sqabs(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Negate. void neg(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Signed saturating negate. void sqneg(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Bitwise not. void not_(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Extract narrow. void xtn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Extract narrow (second part). void xtn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Signed saturating extract narrow. void sqxtn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Signed saturating extract narrow (second part). void sqxtn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Unsigned saturating extract narrow. void uqxtn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Unsigned saturating extract narrow (second part). void uqxtn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Signed saturating extract unsigned narrow. void sqxtun(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Signed saturating extract unsigned narrow (second part). void sqxtun2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Move register to register. void mov(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Bitwise not or. void orn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Bitwise exclusive or. void eor(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Bitwise or (A | B). void orr(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Bitwise or. void orr(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Bitwise or immediate. void orr(const VRegister& vd, const int imm8, const int left_shift = 0); // Bitwise nor (A | ~B). void orn(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Bitwise eor/xor (A ^ B). void eor(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Bitwise enor/xnor (A ^ ~B). void eon(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand); // Logical shift left variable. void lslv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm); // Logical shift right variable. void lsrv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm); // Arithmetic shift right variable. void asrv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm); // Rotate right variable. void rorv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm); // Bitfield instructions. // Bitfield move. void bfm(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, int immr, int imms); // Signed bitfield move. void sbfm(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, int immr, int imms); // Unsigned bitfield move. void ubfm(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, int immr, int imms); // Bfm aliases. // Bitfield insert. void bfi(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, int lsb, int width) { DCHECK_GE(width, 1); DCHECK(lsb + width <= rn.SizeInBits()); bfm(rd, rn, (rd.SizeInBits() - lsb) & (rd.SizeInBits() - 1), width - 1); } // Bitfield extract and insert low. void bfxil(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, int lsb, int width) { DCHECK_GE(width, 1); DCHECK(lsb + width <= rn.SizeInBits()); bfm(rd, rn, lsb, lsb + width - 1); } // Sbfm aliases. // Arithmetic shift right. void asr(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, int shift) { DCHECK(shift < rd.SizeInBits()); sbfm(rd, rn, shift, rd.SizeInBits() - 1); } // Signed bitfield insert in zero. void sbfiz(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, int lsb, int width) { DCHECK_GE(width, 1); DCHECK(lsb + width <= rn.SizeInBits()); sbfm(rd, rn, (rd.SizeInBits() - lsb) & (rd.SizeInBits() - 1), width - 1); } // Signed bitfield extract. void sbfx(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, int lsb, int width) { DCHECK_GE(width, 1); DCHECK(lsb + width <= rn.SizeInBits()); sbfm(rd, rn, lsb, lsb + width - 1); } // Signed extend byte. void sxtb(const Register& rd, const Register& rn) { sbfm(rd, rn, 0, 7); } // Signed extend halfword. void sxth(const Register& rd, const Register& rn) { sbfm(rd, rn, 0, 15); } // Signed extend word. void sxtw(const Register& rd, const Register& rn) { sbfm(rd, rn, 0, 31); } // Ubfm aliases. // Logical shift left. void lsl(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, int shift) { int reg_size = rd.SizeInBits(); DCHECK(shift < reg_size); ubfm(rd, rn, (reg_size - shift) % reg_size, reg_size - shift - 1); } // Logical shift right. void lsr(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, int shift) { DCHECK(shift < rd.SizeInBits()); ubfm(rd, rn, shift, rd.SizeInBits() - 1); } // Unsigned bitfield insert in zero. void ubfiz(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, int lsb, int width) { DCHECK_GE(width, 1); DCHECK(lsb + width <= rn.SizeInBits()); ubfm(rd, rn, (rd.SizeInBits() - lsb) & (rd.SizeInBits() - 1), width - 1); } // Unsigned bitfield extract. void ubfx(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, int lsb, int width) { DCHECK_GE(width, 1); DCHECK(lsb + width <= rn.SizeInBits()); ubfm(rd, rn, lsb, lsb + width - 1); } // Unsigned extend byte. void uxtb(const Register& rd, const Register& rn) { ubfm(rd, rn, 0, 7); } // Unsigned extend halfword. void uxth(const Register& rd, const Register& rn) { ubfm(rd, rn, 0, 15); } // Unsigned extend word. void uxtw(const Register& rd, const Register& rn) { ubfm(rd, rn, 0, 31); } // Extract. void extr(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm, int lsb); // Conditional select: rd = cond ? rn : rm. void csel(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm, Condition cond); // Conditional select increment: rd = cond ? rn : rm + 1. void csinc(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm, Condition cond); // Conditional select inversion: rd = cond ? rn : ~rm. void csinv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm, Condition cond); // Conditional select negation: rd = cond ? rn : -rm. void csneg(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm, Condition cond); // Conditional set: rd = cond ? 1 : 0. void cset(const Register& rd, Condition cond); // Conditional set minus: rd = cond ? -1 : 0. void csetm(const Register& rd, Condition cond); // Conditional increment: rd = cond ? rn + 1 : rn. void cinc(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, Condition cond); // Conditional invert: rd = cond ? ~rn : rn. void cinv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, Condition cond); // Conditional negate: rd = cond ? -rn : rn. void cneg(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, Condition cond); // Extr aliases. void ror(const Register& rd, const Register& rs, unsigned shift) { extr(rd, rs, rs, shift); } // Conditional comparison. // Conditional compare negative. void ccmn(const Register& rn, const Operand& operand, StatusFlags nzcv, Condition cond); // Conditional compare. void ccmp(const Register& rn, const Operand& operand, StatusFlags nzcv, Condition cond); // Multiplication. // 32 x 32 -> 32-bit and 64 x 64 -> 64-bit multiply. void mul(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm); // 32 + 32 x 32 -> 32-bit and 64 + 64 x 64 -> 64-bit multiply accumulate. void madd(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm, const Register& ra); // -(32 x 32) -> 32-bit and -(64 x 64) -> 64-bit multiply. void mneg(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm); // 32 - 32 x 32 -> 32-bit and 64 - 64 x 64 -> 64-bit multiply subtract. void msub(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm, const Register& ra); // 32 x 32 -> 64-bit multiply. void smull(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm); // Xd = bits<127:64> of Xn * Xm. void smulh(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm); // Signed 32 x 32 -> 64-bit multiply and accumulate. void smaddl(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm, const Register& ra); // Unsigned 32 x 32 -> 64-bit multiply and accumulate. void umaddl(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm, const Register& ra); // Signed 32 x 32 -> 64-bit multiply and subtract. void smsubl(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm, const Register& ra); // Unsigned 32 x 32 -> 64-bit multiply and subtract. void umsubl(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm, const Register& ra); // Signed integer divide. void sdiv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm); // Unsigned integer divide. void udiv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm); // Bit count, bit reverse and endian reverse. void rbit(const Register& rd, const Register& rn); void rev16(const Register& rd, const Register& rn); void rev32(const Register& rd, const Register& rn); void rev(const Register& rd, const Register& rn); void clz(const Register& rd, const Register& rn); void cls(const Register& rd, const Register& rn); // Memory instructions. // Load integer or FP register. void ldr(const CPURegister& rt, const MemOperand& src); // Store integer or FP register. void str(const CPURegister& rt, const MemOperand& dst); // Load word with sign extension. void ldrsw(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& src); // Load byte. void ldrb(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& src); // Store byte. void strb(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& dst); // Load byte with sign extension. void ldrsb(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& src); // Load half-word. void ldrh(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& src); // Store half-word. void strh(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& dst); // Load half-word with sign extension. void ldrsh(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& src); // Load integer or FP register pair. void ldp(const CPURegister& rt, const CPURegister& rt2, const MemOperand& src); // Store integer or FP register pair. void stp(const CPURegister& rt, const CPURegister& rt2, const MemOperand& dst); // Load word pair with sign extension. void ldpsw(const Register& rt, const Register& rt2, const MemOperand& src); // Load literal to register from a pc relative address. void ldr_pcrel(const CPURegister& rt, int imm19); // Load literal to register. void ldr(const CPURegister& rt, const Immediate& imm); void ldr(const CPURegister& rt, const Operand& operand); // Load-acquire word. void ldar(const Register& rt, const Register& rn); // Load-acquire exclusive word. void ldaxr(const Register& rt, const Register& rn); // Store-release word. void stlr(const Register& rt, const Register& rn); // Store-release exclusive word. void stlxr(const Register& rs, const Register& rt, const Register& rn); // Load-acquire byte. void ldarb(const Register& rt, const Register& rn); // Load-acquire exclusive byte. void ldaxrb(const Register& rt, const Register& rn); // Store-release byte. void stlrb(const Register& rt, const Register& rn); // Store-release exclusive byte. void stlxrb(const Register& rs, const Register& rt, const Register& rn); // Load-acquire half-word. void ldarh(const Register& rt, const Register& rn); // Load-acquire exclusive half-word. void ldaxrh(const Register& rt, const Register& rn); // Store-release half-word. void stlrh(const Register& rt, const Register& rn); // Store-release exclusive half-word. void stlxrh(const Register& rs, const Register& rt, const Register& rn); // Move instructions. The default shift of -1 indicates that the move // instruction will calculate an appropriate 16-bit immediate and left shift // that is equal to the 64-bit immediate argument. If an explicit left shift // is specified (0, 16, 32 or 48), the immediate must be a 16-bit value. // // For movk, an explicit shift can be used to indicate which half word should // be overwritten, eg. movk(x0, 0, 0) will overwrite the least-significant // half word with zero, whereas movk(x0, 0, 48) will overwrite the // most-significant. // Move and keep. void movk(const Register& rd, uint64_t imm, int shift = -1) { MoveWide(rd, imm, shift, MOVK); } // Move with non-zero. void movn(const Register& rd, uint64_t imm, int shift = -1) { MoveWide(rd, imm, shift, MOVN); } // Move with zero. void movz(const Register& rd, uint64_t imm, int shift = -1) { MoveWide(rd, imm, shift, MOVZ); } // Misc instructions. // Monitor debug-mode breakpoint. void brk(int code); // Halting debug-mode breakpoint. void hlt(int code); // Move register to register. void mov(const Register& rd, const Register& rn); // Move NOT(operand) to register. void mvn(const Register& rd, const Operand& operand); // System instructions. // Move to register from system register. void mrs(const Register& rt, SystemRegister sysreg); // Move from register to system register. void msr(SystemRegister sysreg, const Register& rt); // System hint. void hint(SystemHint code); // Data memory barrier void dmb(BarrierDomain domain, BarrierType type); // Data synchronization barrier void dsb(BarrierDomain domain, BarrierType type); // Instruction synchronization barrier void isb(); // Conditional speculation barrier. void csdb(); // Alias for system instructions. void nop() { hint(NOP); } // Different nop operations are used by the code generator to detect certain // states of the generated code. enum NopMarkerTypes { DEBUG_BREAK_NOP, INTERRUPT_CODE_NOP, ADR_FAR_NOP, FIRST_NOP_MARKER = DEBUG_BREAK_NOP, LAST_NOP_MARKER = ADR_FAR_NOP }; void nop(NopMarkerTypes n) { DCHECK((FIRST_NOP_MARKER <= n) && (n <= LAST_NOP_MARKER)); mov(Register::XRegFromCode(n), Register::XRegFromCode(n)); } // Add. void add(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned halving add. void uhadd(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Subtract. void sub(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed halving add. void shadd(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Multiply by scalar element. void mul(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Multiply-add by scalar element. void mla(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Multiply-subtract by scalar element. void mls(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Signed long multiply-add by scalar element. void smlal(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Signed long multiply-add by scalar element (second part). void smlal2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Unsigned long multiply-add by scalar element. void umlal(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Unsigned long multiply-add by scalar element (second part). void umlal2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Signed long multiply-sub by scalar element. void smlsl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Signed long multiply-sub by scalar element (second part). void smlsl2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Unsigned long multiply-sub by scalar element. void umlsl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Unsigned long multiply-sub by scalar element (second part). void umlsl2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Signed long multiply by scalar element. void smull(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Signed long multiply by scalar element (second part). void smull2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Unsigned long multiply by scalar element. void umull(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Unsigned long multiply by scalar element (second part). void umull2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Add narrow returning high half. void addhn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Add narrow returning high half (second part). void addhn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed saturating double long multiply by element. void sqdmull(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Signed saturating double long multiply by element (second part). void sqdmull2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Signed saturating doubling long multiply-add by element. void sqdmlal(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Signed saturating doubling long multiply-add by element (second part). void sqdmlal2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Signed saturating doubling long multiply-sub by element. void sqdmlsl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Signed saturating doubling long multiply-sub by element (second part). void sqdmlsl2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Compare bitwise to zero. void cmeq(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int value); // Compare signed greater than or equal to zero. void cmge(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int value); // Compare signed greater than zero. void cmgt(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int value); // Compare signed less than or equal to zero. void cmle(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int value); // Compare signed less than zero. void cmlt(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int value); // Unsigned rounding halving add. void urhadd(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Compare equal. void cmeq(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Compare signed greater than or equal. void cmge(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Compare signed greater than. void cmgt(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Compare unsigned higher. void cmhi(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Compare unsigned higher or same. void cmhs(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Compare bitwise test bits nonzero. void cmtst(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed shift left by register. void sshl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned shift left by register. void ushl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed saturating doubling long multiply-subtract. void sqdmlsl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed saturating doubling long multiply-subtract (second part). void sqdmlsl2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed saturating doubling long multiply. void sqdmull(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed saturating doubling long multiply (second part). void sqdmull2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed saturating doubling multiply returning high half. void sqdmulh(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed saturating rounding doubling multiply returning high half. void sqrdmulh(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed saturating doubling multiply element returning high half. void sqdmulh(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Signed saturating rounding doubling multiply element returning high half. void sqrdmulh(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // Unsigned long multiply long. void umull(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned long multiply (second part). void umull2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Rounding add narrow returning high half. void raddhn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Subtract narrow returning high half. void subhn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Subtract narrow returning high half (second part). void subhn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Rounding add narrow returning high half (second part). void raddhn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Rounding subtract narrow returning high half. void rsubhn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Rounding subtract narrow returning high half (second part). void rsubhn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed saturating shift left by register. void sqshl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned saturating shift left by register. void uqshl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed rounding shift left by register. void srshl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned rounding shift left by register. void urshl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed saturating rounding shift left by register. void sqrshl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned saturating rounding shift left by register. void uqrshl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed absolute difference. void sabd(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned absolute difference and accumulate. void uaba(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Shift left by immediate and insert. void sli(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Shift right by immediate and insert. void sri(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed maximum. void smax(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed pairwise maximum. void smaxp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Add across vector. void addv(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Signed add long across vector. void saddlv(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Unsigned add long across vector. void uaddlv(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP maximum number across vector. void fmaxnmv(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP maximum across vector. void fmaxv(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP minimum number across vector. void fminnmv(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP minimum across vector. void fminv(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Signed maximum across vector. void smaxv(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Signed minimum. void smin(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed minimum pairwise. void sminp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed minimum across vector. void sminv(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // One-element structure store from one register. void st1(const VRegister& vt, const MemOperand& src); // One-element structure store from two registers. void st1(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const MemOperand& src); // One-element structure store from three registers. void st1(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const VRegister& vt3, const MemOperand& src); // One-element structure store from four registers. void st1(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const VRegister& vt3, const VRegister& vt4, const MemOperand& src); // One-element single structure store from one lane. void st1(const VRegister& vt, int lane, const MemOperand& src); // Two-element structure store from two registers. void st2(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const MemOperand& src); // Two-element single structure store from two lanes. void st2(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, int lane, const MemOperand& src); // Three-element structure store from three registers. void st3(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const VRegister& vt3, const MemOperand& src); // Three-element single structure store from three lanes. void st3(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const VRegister& vt3, int lane, const MemOperand& src); // Four-element structure store from four registers. void st4(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const VRegister& vt3, const VRegister& vt4, const MemOperand& src); // Four-element single structure store from four lanes. void st4(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const VRegister& vt3, const VRegister& vt4, int lane, const MemOperand& src); // Unsigned add long. void uaddl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned add long (second part). void uaddl2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned add wide. void uaddw(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned add wide (second part). void uaddw2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed add long. void saddl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed add long (second part). void saddl2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed add wide. void saddw(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed add wide (second part). void saddw2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned subtract long. void usubl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned subtract long (second part). void usubl2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned subtract wide. void usubw(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed subtract long. void ssubl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed subtract long (second part). void ssubl2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed integer subtract wide. void ssubw(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed integer subtract wide (second part). void ssubw2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned subtract wide (second part). void usubw2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned maximum. void umax(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned pairwise maximum. void umaxp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned maximum across vector. void umaxv(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Unsigned minimum. void umin(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned pairwise minimum. void uminp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned minimum across vector. void uminv(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Transpose vectors (primary). void trn1(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Transpose vectors (secondary). void trn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unzip vectors (primary). void uzp1(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unzip vectors (secondary). void uzp2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Zip vectors (primary). void zip1(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Zip vectors (secondary). void zip2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed shift right by immediate. void sshr(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Unsigned shift right by immediate. void ushr(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed rounding shift right by immediate. void srshr(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Unsigned rounding shift right by immediate. void urshr(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed shift right by immediate and accumulate. void ssra(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Unsigned shift right by immediate and accumulate. void usra(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed rounding shift right by immediate and accumulate. void srsra(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Unsigned rounding shift right by immediate and accumulate. void ursra(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Shift right narrow by immediate. void shrn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Shift right narrow by immediate (second part). void shrn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Rounding shift right narrow by immediate. void rshrn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Rounding shift right narrow by immediate (second part). void rshrn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Unsigned saturating shift right narrow by immediate. void uqshrn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Unsigned saturating shift right narrow by immediate (second part). void uqshrn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Unsigned saturating rounding shift right narrow by immediate. void uqrshrn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Unsigned saturating rounding shift right narrow by immediate (second part). void uqrshrn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed saturating shift right narrow by immediate. void sqshrn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed saturating shift right narrow by immediate (second part). void sqshrn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed saturating rounded shift right narrow by immediate. void sqrshrn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed saturating rounded shift right narrow by immediate (second part). void sqrshrn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed saturating shift right unsigned narrow by immediate. void sqshrun(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed saturating shift right unsigned narrow by immediate (second part). void sqshrun2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed sat rounded shift right unsigned narrow by immediate. void sqrshrun(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed sat rounded shift right unsigned narrow by immediate (second part). void sqrshrun2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // FP reciprocal step. void frecps(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP reciprocal estimate. void frecpe(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP reciprocal square root estimate. void frsqrte(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP reciprocal square root step. void frsqrts(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed absolute difference and accumulate long. void sabal(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed absolute difference and accumulate long (second part). void sabal2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned absolute difference and accumulate long. void uabal(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned absolute difference and accumulate long (second part). void uabal2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed absolute difference long. void sabdl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed absolute difference long (second part). void sabdl2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned absolute difference long. void uabdl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned absolute difference long (second part). void uabdl2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Polynomial multiply long. void pmull(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Polynomial multiply long (second part). void pmull2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed long multiply-add. void smlal(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed long multiply-add (second part). void smlal2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned long multiply-add. void umlal(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned long multiply-add (second part). void umlal2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed long multiply-sub. void smlsl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed long multiply-sub (second part). void smlsl2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned long multiply-sub. void umlsl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned long multiply-sub (second part). void umlsl2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed long multiply. void smull(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed long multiply (second part). void smull2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed saturating doubling long multiply-add. void sqdmlal(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed saturating doubling long multiply-add (second part). void sqdmlal2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned absolute difference. void uabd(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed absolute difference and accumulate. void saba(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP instructions. // Move immediate to FP register. void fmov(const VRegister& fd, double imm); void fmov(const VRegister& fd, float imm); // Move FP register to register. void fmov(const Register& rd, const VRegister& fn); // Move register to FP register. void fmov(const VRegister& fd, const Register& rn); // Move FP register to FP register. void fmov(const VRegister& fd, const VRegister& fn); // Move 64-bit register to top half of 128-bit FP register. void fmov(const VRegister& vd, int index, const Register& rn); // Move top half of 128-bit FP register to 64-bit register. void fmov(const Register& rd, const VRegister& vn, int index); // FP add. void fadd(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP subtract. void fsub(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP multiply. void fmul(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP compare equal to zero. void fcmeq(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, double imm); // FP greater than zero. void fcmgt(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, double imm); // FP greater than or equal to zero. void fcmge(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, double imm); // FP less than or equal to zero. void fcmle(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, double imm); // FP less than to zero. void fcmlt(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, double imm); // FP absolute difference. void fabd(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP pairwise add vector. void faddp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP pairwise add scalar. void faddp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP pairwise maximum scalar. void fmaxp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP pairwise maximum number scalar. void fmaxnmp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP pairwise minimum number scalar. void fminnmp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP vector multiply accumulate. void fmla(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP vector multiply subtract. void fmls(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP vector multiply extended. void fmulx(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP absolute greater than or equal. void facge(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP absolute greater than. void facgt(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP multiply by element. void fmul(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // FP fused multiply-add to accumulator by element. void fmla(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // FP fused multiply-sub from accumulator by element. void fmls(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // FP multiply extended by element. void fmulx(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index); // FP compare equal. void fcmeq(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP greater than. void fcmgt(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP greater than or equal. void fcmge(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP pairwise maximum vector. void fmaxp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP pairwise minimum vector. void fminp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP pairwise minimum scalar. void fminp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP pairwise maximum number vector. void fmaxnmp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP pairwise minimum number vector. void fminnmp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP fused multiply-add. void fmadd(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, const VRegister& va); // FP fused multiply-subtract. void fmsub(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, const VRegister& va); // FP fused multiply-add and negate. void fnmadd(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, const VRegister& va); // FP fused multiply-subtract and negate. void fnmsub(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, const VRegister& va); // FP multiply-negate scalar. void fnmul(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP reciprocal exponent scalar. void frecpx(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP divide. void fdiv(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP maximum. void fmax(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP minimum. void fmin(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP maximum. void fmaxnm(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP minimum. void fminnm(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP absolute. void fabs(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP negate. void fneg(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP square root. void fsqrt(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP round to integer nearest with ties to away. void frinta(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP round to integer, implicit rounding. void frinti(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP round to integer toward minus infinity. void frintm(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP round to integer nearest with ties to even. void frintn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP round to integer towards plus infinity. void frintp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP round to integer, exact, implicit rounding. void frintx(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP round to integer towards zero. void frintz(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP compare registers. void fcmp(const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // FP compare immediate. void fcmp(const VRegister& vn, double value); // FP conditional compare. void fccmp(const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, StatusFlags nzcv, Condition cond); // FP conditional select. void fcsel(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, Condition cond); // Common FP Convert functions. void NEONFPConvertToInt(const Register& rd, const VRegister& vn, Instr op); void NEONFPConvertToInt(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, Instr op); // FP convert between precisions. void fcvt(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to higher precision. void fcvtl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to higher precision (second part). void fcvtl2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to lower precision. void fcvtn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to lower prevision (second part). void fcvtn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to lower precision, rounding to odd. void fcvtxn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to lower precision, rounding to odd (second part). void fcvtxn2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to signed integer, nearest with ties to away. void fcvtas(const Register& rd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to unsigned integer, nearest with ties to away. void fcvtau(const Register& rd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to signed integer, nearest with ties to away. void fcvtas(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to unsigned integer, nearest with ties to away. void fcvtau(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to signed integer, round towards -infinity. void fcvtms(const Register& rd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to unsigned integer, round towards -infinity. void fcvtmu(const Register& rd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to signed integer, round towards -infinity. void fcvtms(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to unsigned integer, round towards -infinity. void fcvtmu(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to signed integer, nearest with ties to even. void fcvtns(const Register& rd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to unsigned integer, nearest with ties to even. void fcvtnu(const Register& rd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to signed integer, nearest with ties to even. void fcvtns(const VRegister& rd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to unsigned integer, nearest with ties to even. void fcvtnu(const VRegister& rd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to signed integer or fixed-point, round towards zero. void fcvtzs(const Register& rd, const VRegister& vn, int fbits = 0); // FP convert to unsigned integer or fixed-point, round towards zero. void fcvtzu(const Register& rd, const VRegister& vn, int fbits = 0); // FP convert to signed integer or fixed-point, round towards zero. void fcvtzs(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int fbits = 0); // FP convert to unsigned integer or fixed-point, round towards zero. void fcvtzu(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int fbits = 0); // FP convert to signed integer, round towards +infinity. void fcvtps(const Register& rd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to unsigned integer, round towards +infinity. void fcvtpu(const Register& rd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to signed integer, round towards +infinity. void fcvtps(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // FP convert to unsigned integer, round towards +infinity. void fcvtpu(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Convert signed integer or fixed point to FP. void scvtf(const VRegister& fd, const Register& rn, int fbits = 0); // Convert unsigned integer or fixed point to FP. void ucvtf(const VRegister& fd, const Register& rn, int fbits = 0); // Convert signed integer or fixed-point to FP. void scvtf(const VRegister& fd, const VRegister& vn, int fbits = 0); // Convert unsigned integer or fixed-point to FP. void ucvtf(const VRegister& fd, const VRegister& vn, int fbits = 0); // Extract vector from pair of vectors. void ext(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int index); // Duplicate vector element to vector or scalar. void dup(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int vn_index); // Duplicate general-purpose register to vector. void dup(const VRegister& vd, const Register& rn); // Insert vector element from general-purpose register. void ins(const VRegister& vd, int vd_index, const Register& rn); // Move general-purpose register to a vector element. void mov(const VRegister& vd, int vd_index, const Register& rn); // Unsigned move vector element to general-purpose register. void umov(const Register& rd, const VRegister& vn, int vn_index); // Move vector element to general-purpose register. void mov(const Register& rd, const VRegister& vn, int vn_index); // Move vector element to scalar. void mov(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int vn_index); // Insert vector element from another vector element. void ins(const VRegister& vd, int vd_index, const VRegister& vn, int vn_index); // Move vector element to another vector element. void mov(const VRegister& vd, int vd_index, const VRegister& vn, int vn_index); // Signed move vector element to general-purpose register. void smov(const Register& rd, const VRegister& vn, int vn_index); // One-element structure load to one register. void ld1(const VRegister& vt, const MemOperand& src); // One-element structure load to two registers. void ld1(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const MemOperand& src); // One-element structure load to three registers. void ld1(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const VRegister& vt3, const MemOperand& src); // One-element structure load to four registers. void ld1(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const VRegister& vt3, const VRegister& vt4, const MemOperand& src); // One-element single structure load to one lane. void ld1(const VRegister& vt, int lane, const MemOperand& src); // One-element single structure load to all lanes. void ld1r(const VRegister& vt, const MemOperand& src); // Two-element structure load. void ld2(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const MemOperand& src); // Two-element single structure load to one lane. void ld2(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, int lane, const MemOperand& src); // Two-element single structure load to all lanes. void ld2r(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const MemOperand& src); // Three-element structure load. void ld3(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const VRegister& vt3, const MemOperand& src); // Three-element single structure load to one lane. void ld3(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const VRegister& vt3, int lane, const MemOperand& src); // Three-element single structure load to all lanes. void ld3r(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const VRegister& vt3, const MemOperand& src); // Four-element structure load. void ld4(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const VRegister& vt3, const VRegister& vt4, const MemOperand& src); // Four-element single structure load to one lane. void ld4(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const VRegister& vt3, const VRegister& vt4, int lane, const MemOperand& src); // Four-element single structure load to all lanes. void ld4r(const VRegister& vt, const VRegister& vt2, const VRegister& vt3, const VRegister& vt4, const MemOperand& src); // Count leading sign bits. void cls(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Count leading zero bits (vector). void clz(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Population count per byte. void cnt(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Reverse bit order. void rbit(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Reverse elements in 16-bit halfwords. void rev16(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Reverse elements in 32-bit words. void rev32(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Reverse elements in 64-bit doublewords. void rev64(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Unsigned reciprocal square root estimate. void ursqrte(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Unsigned reciprocal estimate. void urecpe(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Signed pairwise long add and accumulate. void sadalp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Signed pairwise long add. void saddlp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Unsigned pairwise long add. void uaddlp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Unsigned pairwise long add and accumulate. void uadalp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Shift left by immediate. void shl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed saturating shift left by immediate. void sqshl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed saturating shift left unsigned by immediate. void sqshlu(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Unsigned saturating shift left by immediate. void uqshl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed shift left long by immediate. void sshll(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed shift left long by immediate (second part). void sshll2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Signed extend long. void sxtl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Signed extend long (second part). void sxtl2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Unsigned shift left long by immediate. void ushll(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Unsigned shift left long by immediate (second part). void ushll2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Shift left long by element size. void shll(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Shift left long by element size (second part). void shll2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift); // Unsigned extend long. void uxtl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Unsigned extend long (second part). void uxtl2(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Signed rounding halving add. void srhadd(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned halving sub. void uhsub(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed halving sub. void shsub(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned saturating add. void uqadd(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed saturating add. void sqadd(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Unsigned saturating subtract. void uqsub(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Signed saturating subtract. void sqsub(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Add pairwise. void addp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Add pair of elements scalar. void addp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn); // Multiply-add to accumulator. void mla(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Multiply-subtract to accumulator. void mls(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Multiply. void mul(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Table lookup from one register. void tbl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Table lookup from two registers. void tbl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vn2, const VRegister& vm); // Table lookup from three registers. void tbl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vn2, const VRegister& vn3, const VRegister& vm); // Table lookup from four registers. void tbl(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vn2, const VRegister& vn3, const VRegister& vn4, const VRegister& vm); // Table lookup extension from one register. void tbx(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm); // Table lookup extension from two registers. void tbx(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vn2, const VRegister& vm); // Table lookup extension from three registers. void tbx(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vn2, const VRegister& vn3, const VRegister& vm); // Table lookup extension from four registers. void tbx(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vn2, const VRegister& vn3, const VRegister& vn4, const VRegister& vm); // Instruction functions used only for test, debug, and patching. // Emit raw instructions in the instruction stream. void dci(Instr raw_inst) { Emit(raw_inst); } // Emit 8 bits of data in the instruction stream. void dc8(uint8_t data) { EmitData(&data, sizeof(data)); } // Emit 32 bits of data in the instruction stream. void dc32(uint32_t data) { EmitData(&data, sizeof(data)); } // Emit 64 bits of data in the instruction stream. void dc64(uint64_t data) { EmitData(&data, sizeof(data)); } // Emit an address in the instruction stream. void dcptr(Label* label); // Copy a string into the instruction stream, including the terminating // nullptr character. The instruction pointer (pc_) is then aligned correctly // for subsequent instructions. void EmitStringData(const char* string); // Pseudo-instructions ------------------------------------------------------ // Parameters are described in arm64/instructions-arm64.h. void debug(const char* message, uint32_t code, Instr params = BREAK); // Required by V8. void dd(uint32_t data) { dc32(data); } void db(uint8_t data) { dc8(data); } void dq(uint64_t data) { dc64(data); } void dp(uintptr_t data) { dc64(data); } // Code generation helpers -------------------------------------------------- bool IsConstPoolEmpty() const { return constpool_.IsEmpty(); } Instruction* pc() const { return Instruction::Cast(pc_); } Instruction* InstructionAt(ptrdiff_t offset) const { return reinterpret_cast<Instruction*>(buffer_ + offset); } ptrdiff_t InstructionOffset(Instruction* instr) const { return reinterpret_cast<byte*>(instr) - buffer_; } // Register encoding. static Instr Rd(CPURegister rd) { DCHECK_NE(rd.code(), kSPRegInternalCode); return rd.code() << Rd_offset; } static Instr Rn(CPURegister rn) { DCHECK_NE(rn.code(), kSPRegInternalCode); return rn.code() << Rn_offset; } static Instr Rm(CPURegister rm) { DCHECK_NE(rm.code(), kSPRegInternalCode); return rm.code() << Rm_offset; } static Instr RmNot31(CPURegister rm) { DCHECK_NE(rm.code(), kSPRegInternalCode); DCHECK(!rm.IsZero()); return Rm(rm); } static Instr Ra(CPURegister ra) { DCHECK_NE(ra.code(), kSPRegInternalCode); return ra.code() << Ra_offset; } static Instr Rt(CPURegister rt) { DCHECK_NE(rt.code(), kSPRegInternalCode); return rt.code() << Rt_offset; } static Instr Rt2(CPURegister rt2) { DCHECK_NE(rt2.code(), kSPRegInternalCode); return rt2.code() << Rt2_offset; } static Instr Rs(CPURegister rs) { DCHECK_NE(rs.code(), kSPRegInternalCode); return rs.code() << Rs_offset; } // These encoding functions allow the stack pointer to be encoded, and // disallow the zero register. static Instr RdSP(Register rd) { DCHECK(!rd.IsZero()); return (rd.code() & kRegCodeMask) << Rd_offset; } static Instr RnSP(Register rn) { DCHECK(!rn.IsZero()); return (rn.code() & kRegCodeMask) << Rn_offset; } // Flags encoding. inline static Instr Flags(FlagsUpdate S); inline static Instr Cond(Condition cond); // PC-relative address encoding. inline static Instr ImmPCRelAddress(int imm21); // Branch encoding. inline static Instr ImmUncondBranch(int imm26); inline static Instr ImmCondBranch(int imm19); inline static Instr ImmCmpBranch(int imm19); inline static Instr ImmTestBranch(int imm14); inline static Instr ImmTestBranchBit(unsigned bit_pos); // Data Processing encoding. inline static Instr SF(Register rd); inline static Instr ImmAddSub(int imm); inline static Instr ImmS(unsigned imms, unsigned reg_size); inline static Instr ImmR(unsigned immr, unsigned reg_size); inline static Instr ImmSetBits(unsigned imms, unsigned reg_size); inline static Instr ImmRotate(unsigned immr, unsigned reg_size); inline static Instr ImmLLiteral(int imm19); inline static Instr BitN(unsigned bitn, unsigned reg_size); inline static Instr ShiftDP(Shift shift); inline static Instr ImmDPShift(unsigned amount); inline static Instr ExtendMode(Extend extend); inline static Instr ImmExtendShift(unsigned left_shift); inline static Instr ImmCondCmp(unsigned imm); inline static Instr Nzcv(StatusFlags nzcv); static bool IsImmAddSub(int64_t immediate); static bool IsImmLogical(uint64_t value, unsigned width, unsigned* n, unsigned* imm_s, unsigned* imm_r); // MemOperand offset encoding. inline static Instr ImmLSUnsigned(int imm12); inline static Instr ImmLS(int imm9); inline static Instr ImmLSPair(int imm7, unsigned size); inline static Instr ImmShiftLS(unsigned shift_amount); inline static Instr ImmException(int imm16); inline static Instr ImmSystemRegister(int imm15); inline static Instr ImmHint(int imm7); inline static Instr ImmBarrierDomain(int imm2); inline static Instr ImmBarrierType(int imm2); inline static unsigned CalcLSDataSize(LoadStoreOp op); // Instruction bits for vector format in data processing operations. static Instr VFormat(VRegister vd) { if (vd.Is64Bits()) { switch (vd.LaneCount()) { case 2: return NEON_2S; case 4: return NEON_4H; case 8: return NEON_8B; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else { DCHECK(vd.Is128Bits()); switch (vd.LaneCount()) { case 2: return NEON_2D; case 4: return NEON_4S; case 8: return NEON_8H; case 16: return NEON_16B; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } } // Instruction bits for vector format in floating point data processing // operations. static Instr FPFormat(VRegister vd) { if (vd.LaneCount() == 1) { // Floating point scalar formats. DCHECK(vd.Is32Bits() || vd.Is64Bits()); return vd.Is64Bits() ? FP64 : FP32; } // Two lane floating point vector formats. if (vd.LaneCount() == 2) { DCHECK(vd.Is64Bits() || vd.Is128Bits()); return vd.Is128Bits() ? NEON_FP_2D : NEON_FP_2S; } // Four lane floating point vector format. DCHECK((vd.LaneCount() == 4) && vd.Is128Bits()); return NEON_FP_4S; } // Instruction bits for vector format in load and store operations. static Instr LSVFormat(VRegister vd) { if (vd.Is64Bits()) { switch (vd.LaneCount()) { case 1: return LS_NEON_1D; case 2: return LS_NEON_2S; case 4: return LS_NEON_4H; case 8: return LS_NEON_8B; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else { DCHECK(vd.Is128Bits()); switch (vd.LaneCount()) { case 2: return LS_NEON_2D; case 4: return LS_NEON_4S; case 8: return LS_NEON_8H; case 16: return LS_NEON_16B; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } } // Instruction bits for scalar format in data processing operations. static Instr SFormat(VRegister vd) { DCHECK(vd.IsScalar()); switch (vd.SizeInBytes()) { case 1: return NEON_B; case 2: return NEON_H; case 4: return NEON_S; case 8: return NEON_D; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } static Instr ImmNEONHLM(int index, int num_bits) { int h, l, m; if (num_bits == 3) { DCHECK(is_uint3(index)); h = (index >> 2) & 1; l = (index >> 1) & 1; m = (index >> 0) & 1; } else if (num_bits == 2) { DCHECK(is_uint2(index)); h = (index >> 1) & 1; l = (index >> 0) & 1; m = 0; } else { DCHECK(is_uint1(index) && (num_bits == 1)); h = (index >> 0) & 1; l = 0; m = 0; } return (h << NEONH_offset) | (l << NEONL_offset) | (m << NEONM_offset); } static Instr ImmNEONExt(int imm4) { DCHECK(is_uint4(imm4)); return imm4 << ImmNEONExt_offset; } static Instr ImmNEON5(Instr format, int index) { DCHECK(is_uint4(index)); int s = LaneSizeInBytesLog2FromFormat(static_cast<VectorFormat>(format)); int imm5 = (index << (s + 1)) | (1 << s); return imm5 << ImmNEON5_offset; } static Instr ImmNEON4(Instr format, int index) { DCHECK(is_uint4(index)); int s = LaneSizeInBytesLog2FromFormat(static_cast<VectorFormat>(format)); int imm4 = index << s; return imm4 << ImmNEON4_offset; } static Instr ImmNEONabcdefgh(int imm8) { DCHECK(is_uint8(imm8)); Instr instr; instr = ((imm8 >> 5) & 7) << ImmNEONabc_offset; instr |= (imm8 & 0x1f) << ImmNEONdefgh_offset; return instr; } static Instr NEONCmode(int cmode) { DCHECK(is_uint4(cmode)); return cmode << NEONCmode_offset; } static Instr NEONModImmOp(int op) { DCHECK(is_uint1(op)); return op << NEONModImmOp_offset; } static bool IsImmLSUnscaled(int64_t offset); static bool IsImmLSScaled(int64_t offset, unsigned size); static bool IsImmLLiteral(int64_t offset); // Move immediates encoding. inline static Instr ImmMoveWide(int imm); inline static Instr ShiftMoveWide(int shift); // FP Immediates. static Instr ImmFP(double imm); static Instr ImmNEONFP(double imm); inline static Instr FPScale(unsigned scale); // FP register type. inline static Instr FPType(VRegister fd); // Class for scoping postponing the constant pool generation. class BlockConstPoolScope { public: explicit BlockConstPoolScope(Assembler* assem) : assem_(assem) { assem_->StartBlockConstPool(); } ~BlockConstPoolScope() { assem_->EndBlockConstPool(); } private: Assembler* assem_; DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(BlockConstPoolScope); }; // Check if is time to emit a constant pool. void CheckConstPool(bool force_emit, bool require_jump); void PatchConstantPoolAccessInstruction(int pc_offset, int offset, ConstantPoolEntry::Access access, ConstantPoolEntry::Type type) { // No embedded constant pool support. UNREACHABLE(); } // Returns true if we should emit a veneer as soon as possible for a branch // which can at most reach to specified pc. bool ShouldEmitVeneer(int max_reachable_pc, int margin = kVeneerDistanceMargin); bool ShouldEmitVeneers(int margin = kVeneerDistanceMargin) { return ShouldEmitVeneer(unresolved_branches_first_limit(), margin); } // The maximum code size generated for a veneer. Currently one branch // instruction. This is for code size checking purposes, and can be extended // in the future for example if we decide to add nops between the veneers. static constexpr int kMaxVeneerCodeSize = 1 * kInstructionSize; void RecordVeneerPool(int location_offset, int size); // Emits veneers for branches that are approaching their maximum range. // If need_protection is true, the veneers are protected by a branch jumping // over the code. void EmitVeneers(bool force_emit, bool need_protection, int margin = kVeneerDistanceMargin); void EmitVeneersGuard() { EmitPoolGuard(); } // Checks whether veneers need to be emitted at this point. // If force_emit is set, a veneer is generated for *all* unresolved branches. void CheckVeneerPool(bool force_emit, bool require_jump, int margin = kVeneerDistanceMargin); class BlockPoolsScope { public: explicit BlockPoolsScope(Assembler* assem) : assem_(assem) { assem_->StartBlockPools(); } ~BlockPoolsScope() { assem_->EndBlockPools(); } private: Assembler* assem_; DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(BlockPoolsScope); }; // Class for blocking sharing of code targets in constant pool. class BlockCodeTargetSharingScope { public: explicit BlockCodeTargetSharingScope(Assembler* assem) : assem_(nullptr) { Open(assem); } // This constructor does not initialize the scope. The user needs to // explicitly call Open() before using it. BlockCodeTargetSharingScope() : assem_(nullptr) {} ~BlockCodeTargetSharingScope() { Close(); } void Open(Assembler* assem) { DCHECK_NULL(assem_); DCHECK_NOT_NULL(assem); assem_ = assem; assem_->StartBlockCodeTargetSharing(); } private: void Close() { if (assem_ != nullptr) { assem_->EndBlockCodeTargetSharing(); } } Assembler* assem_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BlockCodeTargetSharingScope); }; protected: inline const Register& AppropriateZeroRegFor(const CPURegister& reg) const; void LoadStore(const CPURegister& rt, const MemOperand& addr, LoadStoreOp op); void LoadStorePair(const CPURegister& rt, const CPURegister& rt2, const MemOperand& addr, LoadStorePairOp op); void LoadStoreStruct(const VRegister& vt, const MemOperand& addr, NEONLoadStoreMultiStructOp op); void LoadStoreStruct1(const VRegister& vt, int reg_count, const MemOperand& addr); void LoadStoreStructSingle(const VRegister& vt, uint32_t lane, const MemOperand& addr, NEONLoadStoreSingleStructOp op); void LoadStoreStructSingleAllLanes(const VRegister& vt, const MemOperand& addr, NEONLoadStoreSingleStructOp op); void LoadStoreStructVerify(const VRegister& vt, const MemOperand& addr, Instr op); static bool IsImmLSPair(int64_t offset, unsigned size); void Logical(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand, LogicalOp op); void LogicalImmediate(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, unsigned n, unsigned imm_s, unsigned imm_r, LogicalOp op); void ConditionalCompare(const Register& rn, const Operand& operand, StatusFlags nzcv, Condition cond, ConditionalCompareOp op); static bool IsImmConditionalCompare(int64_t immediate); void AddSubWithCarry(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand, FlagsUpdate S, AddSubWithCarryOp op); // Functions for emulating operands not directly supported by the instruction // set. void EmitShift(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, Shift shift, unsigned amount); void EmitExtendShift(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, Extend extend, unsigned left_shift); void AddSub(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand, FlagsUpdate S, AddSubOp op); static bool IsImmFP32(float imm); static bool IsImmFP64(double imm); // Find an appropriate LoadStoreOp or LoadStorePairOp for the specified // registers. Only simple loads are supported; sign- and zero-extension (such // as in LDPSW_x or LDRB_w) are not supported. static inline LoadStoreOp LoadOpFor(const CPURegister& rt); static inline LoadStorePairOp LoadPairOpFor(const CPURegister& rt, const CPURegister& rt2); static inline LoadStoreOp StoreOpFor(const CPURegister& rt); static inline LoadStorePairOp StorePairOpFor(const CPURegister& rt, const CPURegister& rt2); static inline LoadLiteralOp LoadLiteralOpFor(const CPURegister& rt); // Remove the specified branch from the unbound label link chain. // If available, a veneer for this label can be used for other branches in the // chain if the link chain cannot be fixed up without this branch. void RemoveBranchFromLabelLinkChain(Instruction* branch, Label* label, Instruction* label_veneer = nullptr); // Prevent sharing of code target constant pool entries until // EndBlockCodeTargetSharing is called. Calls to this function can be nested // but must be followed by an equal number of call to // EndBlockCodeTargetSharing. void StartBlockCodeTargetSharing() { ++code_target_sharing_blocked_nesting_; } // Resume sharing of constant pool code target entries. Needs to be called // as many times as StartBlockCodeTargetSharing to have an effect. void EndBlockCodeTargetSharing() { --code_target_sharing_blocked_nesting_; } private: static uint32_t FPToImm8(double imm); // Instruction helpers. void MoveWide(const Register& rd, uint64_t imm, int shift, MoveWideImmediateOp mov_op); void DataProcShiftedRegister(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand, FlagsUpdate S, Instr op); void DataProcExtendedRegister(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand, FlagsUpdate S, Instr op); void ConditionalSelect(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm, Condition cond, ConditionalSelectOp op); void DataProcessing1Source(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, DataProcessing1SourceOp op); void DataProcessing3Source(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm, const Register& ra, DataProcessing3SourceOp op); void FPDataProcessing1Source(const VRegister& fd, const VRegister& fn, FPDataProcessing1SourceOp op); void FPDataProcessing2Source(const VRegister& fd, const VRegister& fn, const VRegister& fm, FPDataProcessing2SourceOp op); void FPDataProcessing3Source(const VRegister& fd, const VRegister& fn, const VRegister& fm, const VRegister& fa, FPDataProcessing3SourceOp op); void NEONAcrossLanesL(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, NEONAcrossLanesOp op); void NEONAcrossLanes(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, NEONAcrossLanesOp op); void NEONModifiedImmShiftLsl(const VRegister& vd, const int imm8, const int left_shift, NEONModifiedImmediateOp op); void NEONModifiedImmShiftMsl(const VRegister& vd, const int imm8, const int shift_amount, NEONModifiedImmediateOp op); void NEON3Same(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, NEON3SameOp vop); void NEONFP3Same(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, Instr op); void NEON3DifferentL(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, NEON3DifferentOp vop); void NEON3DifferentW(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, NEON3DifferentOp vop); void NEON3DifferentHN(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, NEON3DifferentOp vop); void NEONFP2RegMisc(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, NEON2RegMiscOp vop, double value = 0.0); void NEON2RegMisc(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, NEON2RegMiscOp vop, int value = 0); void NEONFP2RegMisc(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, Instr op); void NEONAddlp(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, NEON2RegMiscOp op); void NEONPerm(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, NEONPermOp op); void NEONFPByElement(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index, NEONByIndexedElementOp op); void NEONByElement(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index, NEONByIndexedElementOp op); void NEONByElementL(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, int vm_index, NEONByIndexedElementOp op); void NEONShiftImmediate(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, NEONShiftImmediateOp op, int immh_immb); void NEONShiftLeftImmediate(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift, NEONShiftImmediateOp op); void NEONShiftRightImmediate(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift, NEONShiftImmediateOp op); void NEONShiftImmediateL(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift, NEONShiftImmediateOp op); void NEONShiftImmediateN(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, int shift, NEONShiftImmediateOp op); void NEONXtn(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, NEON2RegMiscOp vop); void NEONTable(const VRegister& vd, const VRegister& vn, const VRegister& vm, NEONTableOp op); Instr LoadStoreStructAddrModeField(const MemOperand& addr); // Label helpers. // Return an offset for a label-referencing instruction, typically a branch. int LinkAndGetByteOffsetTo(Label* label); // This is the same as LinkAndGetByteOffsetTo, but return an offset // suitable for fields that take instruction offsets. inline int LinkAndGetInstructionOffsetTo(Label* label); static constexpr int kStartOfLabelLinkChain = 0; // Verify that a label's link chain is intact. void CheckLabelLinkChain(Label const * label); // Postpone the generation of the constant pool for the specified number of // instructions. void BlockConstPoolFor(int instructions); // Set how far from current pc the next constant pool check will be. void SetNextConstPoolCheckIn(int instructions) { next_constant_pool_check_ = pc_offset() + instructions * kInstructionSize; } // Emit the instruction at pc_. void Emit(Instr instruction) { STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(*pc_) == 1); STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(instruction) == kInstructionSize); DCHECK((pc_ + sizeof(instruction)) <= (buffer_ + buffer_size_)); memcpy(pc_, &instruction, sizeof(instruction)); pc_ += sizeof(instruction); CheckBuffer(); } // Emit data inline in the instruction stream. void EmitData(void const * data, unsigned size) { DCHECK_EQ(sizeof(*pc_), 1); DCHECK((pc_ + size) <= (buffer_ + buffer_size_)); // TODO(all): Somehow register we have some data here. Then we can // disassemble it correctly. memcpy(pc_, data, size); pc_ += size; CheckBuffer(); } void GrowBuffer(); void CheckBufferSpace(); void CheckBuffer(); // Pc offset of the next constant pool check. int next_constant_pool_check_; // Constant pool generation // Pools are emitted in the instruction stream. They are emitted when: // * the distance to the first use is above a pre-defined distance or // * the numbers of entries in the pool is above a pre-defined size or // * code generation is finished // If a pool needs to be emitted before code generation is finished a branch // over the emitted pool will be inserted. // Constants in the pool may be addresses of functions that gets relocated; // if so, a relocation info entry is associated to the constant pool entry. // Repeated checking whether the constant pool should be emitted is rather // expensive. By default we only check again once a number of instructions // has been generated. That also means that the sizing of the buffers is not // an exact science, and that we rely on some slop to not overrun buffers. static constexpr int kCheckConstPoolInterval = 128; // Distance to first use after a which a pool will be emitted. Pool entries // are accessed with pc relative load therefore this cannot be more than // 1 * MB. Since constant pool emission checks are interval based this value // is an approximation. static constexpr int kApproxMaxDistToConstPool = 64 * KB; // Number of pool entries after which a pool will be emitted. Since constant // pool emission checks are interval based this value is an approximation. static constexpr int kApproxMaxPoolEntryCount = 512; // Emission of the constant pool may be blocked in some code sequences. int const_pool_blocked_nesting_; // Block emission if this is not zero. int no_const_pool_before_; // Block emission before this pc offset. // Emission of the veneer pools may be blocked in some code sequences. int veneer_pool_blocked_nesting_; // Block emission if this is not zero. // Sharing of code target entries may be blocked in some code sequences. int code_target_sharing_blocked_nesting_; bool IsCodeTargetSharingAllowed() const { return code_target_sharing_blocked_nesting_ == 0; } // Relocation info generation // Each relocation is encoded as a variable size value static constexpr int kMaxRelocSize = RelocInfoWriter::kMaxSize; RelocInfoWriter reloc_info_writer; // Internal reference positions, required for (potential) patching in // GrowBuffer(); contains only those internal references whose labels // are already bound. std::deque<int> internal_reference_positions_; // Before we copy code into the code space, we cannot encode calls to code // targets as we normally would, as the difference between the instruction's // location in the temporary buffer and the call target is not guaranteed to // fit in the offset field. We keep track of the code handles we encounter // in calls in this vector, and encode the index of the code handle in the // vector instead. std::vector<Handle<Code>> code_targets_; // Relocation info records are also used during code generation as temporary // containers for constants and code target addresses until they are emitted // to the constant pool. These pending relocation info records are temporarily // stored in a separate buffer until a constant pool is emitted. // If every instruction in a long sequence is accessing the pool, we need one // pending relocation entry per instruction. // The pending constant pool. ConstPool constpool_; protected: // Code generation // The relocation writer's position is at least kGap bytes below the end of // the generated instructions. This is so that multi-instruction sequences do // not have to check for overflow. The same is true for writes of large // relocation info entries, and debug strings encoded in the instruction // stream. static constexpr int kGap = 128; public: #ifdef DEBUG // Functions used for testing. int GetConstantPoolEntriesSizeForTesting() const { // Do not include branch over the pool. return constpool_.EntryCount() * kPointerSize; } static constexpr int GetCheckConstPoolIntervalForTesting() { return kCheckConstPoolInterval; } static constexpr int GetApproxMaxDistToConstPoolForTesting() { return kApproxMaxDistToConstPool; } #endif class FarBranchInfo { public: FarBranchInfo(int offset, Label* label) : pc_offset_(offset), label_(label) {} // Offset of the branch in the code generation buffer. int pc_offset_; // The label branched to. Label* label_; }; protected: // Information about unresolved (forward) branches. // The Assembler is only allowed to delete out-of-date information from here // after a label is bound. The MacroAssembler uses this information to // generate veneers. // // The second member gives information about the unresolved branch. The first // member of the pair is the maximum offset that the branch can reach in the // buffer. The map is sorted according to this reachable offset, allowing to // easily check when veneers need to be emitted. // Note that the maximum reachable offset (first member of the pairs) should // always be positive but has the same type as the return value for // pc_offset() for convenience. std::multimap<int, FarBranchInfo> unresolved_branches_; // We generate a veneer for a branch if we reach within this distance of the // limit of the range. static constexpr int kVeneerDistanceMargin = 1 * KB; // The factor of 2 is a finger in the air guess. With a default margin of // 1KB, that leaves us an addional 256 instructions to avoid generating a // protective branch. static constexpr int kVeneerNoProtectionFactor = 2; static constexpr int kVeneerDistanceCheckMargin = kVeneerNoProtectionFactor * kVeneerDistanceMargin; int unresolved_branches_first_limit() const { DCHECK(!unresolved_branches_.empty()); return unresolved_branches_.begin()->first; } // This is similar to next_constant_pool_check_ and helps reduce the overhead // of checking for veneer pools. // It is maintained to the closest unresolved branch limit minus the maximum // veneer margin (or kMaxInt if there are no unresolved branches). int next_veneer_pool_check_; private: // Avoid overflows for displacements etc. static const int kMaximalBufferSize = 512 * MB; // If a veneer is emitted for a branch instruction, that instruction must be // removed from the associated label's link chain so that the assembler does // not later attempt (likely unsuccessfully) to patch it to branch directly to // the label. void DeleteUnresolvedBranchInfoForLabel(Label* label); // This function deletes the information related to the label by traversing // the label chain, and for each PC-relative instruction in the chain checking // if pending unresolved information exists. Its complexity is proportional to // the length of the label chain. void DeleteUnresolvedBranchInfoForLabelTraverse(Label* label); // The following functions help with avoiding allocations of embedded heap // objects during the code assembly phase. {RequestHeapObject} records the // need for a future heap number allocation or code stub generation. After // code assembly, {AllocateAndInstallRequestedHeapObjects} will allocate these // objects and place them where they are expected (determined by the pc offset // associated with each request). That is, for each request, it will patch the // dummy heap object handle that we emitted during code assembly with the // actual heap object handle. void RequestHeapObject(HeapObjectRequest request); void AllocateAndInstallRequestedHeapObjects(Isolate* isolate); std::forward_list<HeapObjectRequest> heap_object_requests_; private: friend class EnsureSpace; friend class ConstPool; }; class PatchingAssembler : public Assembler { public: // Create an Assembler with a buffer starting at 'start'. // The buffer size is // size of instructions to patch + kGap // Where kGap is the distance from which the Assembler tries to grow the // buffer. // If more or fewer instructions than expected are generated or if some // relocation information takes space in the buffer, the PatchingAssembler // will crash trying to grow the buffer. // Note that the instruction cache will not be flushed. PatchingAssembler(IsolateData isolate_data, byte* start, unsigned count) : Assembler(isolate_data, start, count * kInstructionSize + kGap) { // Block constant pool emission. StartBlockPools(); } ~PatchingAssembler() { // Const pool should still be blocked. DCHECK(is_const_pool_blocked()); EndBlockPools(); // Verify we have generated the number of instruction we expected. DCHECK((pc_offset() + kGap) == buffer_size_); // Verify no relocation information has been emitted. DCHECK(IsConstPoolEmpty()); } // See definition of PatchAdrFar() for details. static constexpr int kAdrFarPatchableNNops = 2; static constexpr int kAdrFarPatchableNInstrs = kAdrFarPatchableNNops + 2; void PatchAdrFar(int64_t target_offset); void PatchSubSp(uint32_t immediate); }; class EnsureSpace BASE_EMBEDDED { public: explicit EnsureSpace(Assembler* assembler) { assembler->CheckBufferSpace(); } }; } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #endif // V8_ARM64_ASSEMBLER_ARM64_H_