// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. "use strict"; // This file relies on the fact that the following declaration has been made // in runtime.js: // var $Array = global.Array; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- macro TYPED_ARRAYS(FUNCTION) // arrayIds below should be synchronized with Runtime_TypedArrayInitialize. FUNCTION(1, Uint8Array, 1) FUNCTION(2, Int8Array, 1) FUNCTION(3, Uint16Array, 2) FUNCTION(4, Int16Array, 2) FUNCTION(5, Uint32Array, 4) FUNCTION(6, Int32Array, 4) FUNCTION(7, Float32Array, 4) FUNCTION(8, Float64Array, 8) FUNCTION(9, Uint8ClampedArray, 1) endmacro macro TYPED_ARRAY_HARMONY_ADDITIONS(ARRAY_ID, NAME, ELEMENT_SIZE) // ES6 draft 08-24-14, section function NAMEForEach(f /* thisArg */) { // length == 1 if (!%IsTypedArray(this)) { throw MakeTypeError('not_typed_array', []); } if (!IS_SPEC_FUNCTION(f)) { throw MakeTypeError('called_non_callable', [ f ]); } var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); var receiver; if (%_ArgumentsLength() > 1) { receiver = %_Arguments(1); } var needs_wrapper = false; if (IS_NULL_OR_UNDEFINED(receiver)) { receiver = %GetDefaultReceiver(f) || receiver; } else { needs_wrapper = SHOULD_CREATE_WRAPPER(f, receiver); } var stepping = DEBUG_IS_ACTIVE && %DebugCallbackSupportsStepping(f); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var element = this[i]; // Prepare break slots for debugger step in. if (stepping) %DebugPrepareStepInIfStepping(f); var new_receiver = needs_wrapper ? ToObject(receiver) : receiver; %_CallFunction(new_receiver, TO_OBJECT_INLINE(element), i, this, f); } } // ES6 draft 08-24-14, section function NAMEOf() { // length == 0 var length = %_ArgumentsLength(); var array = new this(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { array[i] = %_Arguments(i); } return array; } endmacro TYPED_ARRAYS(TYPED_ARRAY_HARMONY_ADDITIONS) function HarmonyTypedArrayExtendPrototypes() { macro EXTEND_TYPED_ARRAY(ARRAY_ID, NAME, ELEMENT_SIZE) %CheckIsBootstrapping(); // Set up non-enumerable functions on the object. InstallFunctions(global.NAME, DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY, $Array( "of", NAMEOf )); // Set up non-enumerable functions on the prototype object. InstallFunctions(global.NAME.prototype, DONT_ENUM, $Array( "forEach", NAMEForEach )); endmacro TYPED_ARRAYS(EXTEND_TYPED_ARRAY) } HarmonyTypedArrayExtendPrototypes();