// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import {App} from '../index.mjs' import {FocusEvent, ToolTipEvent} from './events.mjs'; import {CollapsableElement, DOM, groupBy, LazyTable} from './helper.mjs'; DOM.defineCustomElement('view/list-panel', (templateText) => class ListPanel extends CollapsableElement { _selectedLogEntries = []; _displayedLogEntries = []; _timeline; _detailsClickHandler = this._handleDetailsClick.bind(this); _logEntryClickHandler = this._handleLogEntryClick.bind(this); _logEntryMouseOverHandler = this._logEntryMouseOverHandler.bind(this); constructor() { super(templateText); this.groupKey.addEventListener('change', e => this.requestUpdate()); this.showAllRadio.onclick = _ => this._showEntries(this._timeline); this.showTimerangeRadio.onclick = _ => this._showEntries(this._timeline.selectionOrSelf); this.showSelectionRadio.onclick = _ => this._showEntries(this._selectedLogEntries); } static get observedAttributes() { return ['title']; } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) { if (name == 'title') { this.$('#title').innerHTML = newValue; } } set timeline(timeline) { console.assert(timeline !== undefined, 'timeline undefined!'); this._timeline = timeline; this.$('.panel').style.display = timeline.isEmpty() ? 'none' : 'inherit'; this._initGroupKeySelect(); } set selectedLogEntries(entries) { if (entries === this._timeline) { this.showAllRadio.click(); } else if (entries === this._timeline.selection) { this.showTimerangeRadio.click(); } else { this._selectedLogEntries = entries; this.showSelectionRadio.click(); } } get entryClass() { return this._timeline.at(0)?.constructor; } get groupKey() { return this.$('#group-key'); } get table() { return this.$('#table'); } get showAllRadio() { return this.$('#show-all'); } get showTimerangeRadio() { return this.$('#show-timerange'); } get showSelectionRadio() { return this.$('#show-selection'); } get _propertyNames() { return this.entryClass?.propertyNames ?? []; } _initGroupKeySelect() { const select = this.groupKey; select.options.length = 0; for (const propertyName of this._propertyNames) { const option = DOM.element('option'); option.text = propertyName; select.add(option); } } _showEntries(entries) { this._displayedLogEntries = entries; this.requestUpdate(); } _update() { if (this._timeline.isEmpty()) return; DOM.removeAllChildren(this.table); if (this._displayedLogEntries.length == 0) return; const propertyName = this.groupKey.selectedOptions[0].text; const groups = groupBy(this._displayedLogEntries, each => each[propertyName], true); this._render(groups, this.table); } createSubgroups(group) { const map = new Map(); const tempGroups = []; for (let propertyName of this._propertyNames) { map.set( propertyName, groupBy(group.entries, each => each[propertyName], true)); } return map; } _handleLogEntryClick(e) { const group = e.currentTarget.group; this.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent(group.key)); } _logEntryMouseOverHandler(e) { const group = e.currentTarget.group; this.dispatchEvent(new ToolTipEvent(group.key, e.currentTarget)); } _handleDetailsClick(event) { event.stopPropagation(); const tr = event.target.parentNode; const group = tr.group; // Create subgroup in-place if the don't exist yet. if (tr.groups === undefined) { const groups = tr.groups = this.createSubgroups(group); this.renderDrilldown(groups, tr); } const detailsTr = tr.nextSibling; if (tr.classList.contains('open')) { tr.classList.remove('open'); detailsTr.style.display = 'none'; } else { tr.classList.add('open'); detailsTr.style.display = 'table-row'; } } renderDrilldown(groups, previousSibling) { const tr = DOM.tr('entry-details'); tr.style.display = 'none'; // indent by one td. tr.appendChild(DOM.td()); const td = DOM.td(); td.colSpan = 3; groups.forEach((group, key) => { this.renderDrilldownGroup(td, group, key); }); tr.appendChild(td); // Append the new TR after previousSibling. previousSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(tr, previousSibling.nextSibling); } renderDrilldownGroup(td, groups, key) { const div = DOM.div('drilldown-group-title'); div.textContent = `Grouped by ${key}: ${groups[0]?.parentTotal ?? 0}#`; td.appendChild(div); const table = DOM.table(); this._render(groups, table, false) td.appendChild(table); } _render(groups, table) { let last; new LazyTable(table, groups, group => { last = group; const tr = DOM.tr(); tr.group = group; const details = tr.appendChild(DOM.td('', 'toggle')); details.onclick = this._detailsClickHandler; tr.appendChild(DOM.td(`${group.percent.toFixed(2)}%`, 'percentage')); tr.appendChild(DOM.td(group.length, 'count')); const valueTd = tr.appendChild(DOM.td(group.key?.toString(), 'key')); if (App.isClickable(group.key)) { tr.onclick = this._logEntryClickHandler; tr.onmouseover = this._logEntryMouseOverHandler; valueTd.classList.add('clickable'); } return tr; }, 10); } });