// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_RUNTIME_RUNTIME_H_ #define V8_RUNTIME_RUNTIME_H_ #include <memory> #include "src/allocation.h" #include "src/base/platform/time.h" #include "src/elements-kind.h" #include "src/globals.h" #include "src/unicode.h" #include "src/zone/zone.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { // * Each intrinsic is consistently exposed in JavaScript via 2 names: // * %#name, which is always a runtime call. // * %_#name, which can be inlined or just a runtime call, the compiler in // question decides. // // * IntrinsicTypes are Runtime::RUNTIME and Runtime::INLINE, respectively. // // * IDs are Runtime::k##name and Runtime::kInline##name, respectively. // // * All intrinsics have a C++ implementation Runtime_##name. // // * Each compiler has an explicit list of intrisics it supports, falling back // to a simple runtime call if necessary. // Entries have the form F(name, number of arguments, number of values): // A variable number of arguments is specified by a -1, additional restrictions // are specified by inline comments #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_ARRAY(F) \ F(ArrayIncludes_Slow, 3, 1) \ F(ArrayIndexOf, 3, 1) \ F(ArrayIsArray, 1, 1) \ F(ArraySpeciesConstructor, 1, 1) \ F(EstimateNumberOfElements, 1, 1) \ F(GetArrayKeys, 2, 1) \ F(GrowArrayElements, 2, 1) \ F(HasComplexElements, 1, 1) \ F(IsArray, 1, 1) \ F(MoveArrayContents, 2, 1) \ F(NewArray, -1 /* >= 3 */, 1) \ F(NormalizeElements, 1, 1) \ F(PrepareElementsForSort, 2, 1) \ F(TransitionElementsKind, 2, 1) \ F(TransitionElementsKindWithKind, 2, 1) \ F(TrySliceSimpleNonFastElements, 3, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_ATOMICS(F) \ F(AtomicsAdd, 3, 1) \ F(AtomicsAnd, 3, 1) \ F(AtomicsCompareExchange, 4, 1) \ F(AtomicsExchange, 3, 1) \ F(AtomicsNumWaitersForTesting, 2, 1) \ F(AtomicsOr, 3, 1) \ F(AtomicsSub, 3, 1) \ F(AtomicsXor, 3, 1) \ F(SetAllowAtomicsWait, 1, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_BIGINT(F) \ F(BigIntBinaryOp, 3, 1) \ F(BigIntCompareToBigInt, 3, 1) \ F(BigIntCompareToNumber, 3, 1) \ F(BigIntCompareToString, 3, 1) \ F(BigIntEqualToBigInt, 2, 1) \ F(BigIntEqualToNumber, 2, 1) \ F(BigIntEqualToString, 2, 1) \ F(BigIntToBoolean, 1, 1) \ F(BigIntToNumber, 1, 1) \ F(BigIntUnaryOp, 2, 1) \ F(ToBigInt, 1, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_CLASSES(F) \ F(DefineClass, -1 /* >= 3 */, 1) \ F(HomeObjectSymbol, 0, 1) \ F(LoadFromSuper, 3, 1) \ F(LoadKeyedFromSuper, 3, 1) \ F(StoreKeyedToSuper_Sloppy, 4, 1) \ F(StoreKeyedToSuper_Strict, 4, 1) \ F(StoreToSuper_Sloppy, 4, 1) \ F(StoreToSuper_Strict, 4, 1) \ F(ThrowConstructorNonCallableError, 1, 1) \ F(ThrowNotSuperConstructor, 2, 1) \ F(ThrowStaticPrototypeError, 0, 1) \ F(ThrowSuperAlreadyCalledError, 0, 1) \ F(ThrowSuperNotCalled, 0, 1) \ F(ThrowUnsupportedSuperError, 0, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_COLLECTIONS(F) \ F(MapGrow, 1, 1) \ F(MapShrink, 1, 1) \ F(SetGrow, 1, 1) \ F(SetShrink, 1, 1) \ F(TheHole, 0, 1) \ F(WeakCollectionDelete, 3, 1) \ F(WeakCollectionSet, 4, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_COMPILER(F) \ F(CompileForOnStackReplacement, 1, 1) \ F(CompileLazy, 1, 1) \ F(CompileOptimized_Concurrent, 1, 1) \ F(CompileOptimized_NotConcurrent, 1, 1) \ F(EvictOptimizedCodeSlot, 1, 1) \ F(FunctionFirstExecution, 1, 1) \ F(InstantiateAsmJs, 4, 1) \ F(NotifyDeoptimized, 0, 1) \ F(ResolvePossiblyDirectEval, 6, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_DATE(F) F(DateCurrentTime, 0, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_DEBUG(F) \ F(ClearStepping, 0, 1) \ F(CollectGarbage, 1, 1) \ F(DebugBreakAtEntry, 1, 1) \ F(DebugCollectCoverage, 0, 1) \ F(DebugGetLoadedScriptIds, 0, 1) \ F(DebugOnFunctionCall, 2, 1) \ F(DebugPopPromise, 0, 1) \ F(DebugPrepareStepInSuspendedGenerator, 0, 1) \ F(DebugPushPromise, 1, 1) \ F(DebugAsyncFunctionSuspended, 1, 1) \ F(DebugAsyncFunctionFinished, 2, 1) \ F(DebugToggleBlockCoverage, 1, 1) \ F(DebugTogglePreciseCoverage, 1, 1) \ F(FunctionGetInferredName, 1, 1) \ F(GetBreakLocations, 1, 1) \ F(GetGeneratorScopeCount, 1, 1) \ F(GetGeneratorScopeDetails, 2, 1) \ F(GetHeapUsage, 0, 1) \ F(HandleDebuggerStatement, 0, 1) \ F(IncBlockCounter, 2, 1) \ F(IsBreakOnException, 1, 1) \ F(ScheduleBreak, 0, 1) \ F(ScriptLocationFromLine2, 4, 1) \ F(SetGeneratorScopeVariableValue, 4, 1) \ F(LiveEditPatchScript, 2, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_FORIN(F) \ F(ForInEnumerate, 1, 1) \ F(ForInHasProperty, 2, 1) #ifdef V8_TRACE_IGNITION #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTERPRETER_TRACE(F) \ F(InterpreterTraceBytecodeEntry, 3, 1) \ F(InterpreterTraceBytecodeExit, 3, 1) #else #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTERPRETER_TRACE(F) #endif #ifdef V8_TRACE_FEEDBACK_UPDATES #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTERPRETER_TRACE_FEEDBACK(F) \ F(InterpreterTraceUpdateFeedback, 3, 1) #else #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTERPRETER_TRACE_FEEDBACK(F) #endif #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTERPRETER(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTERPRETER_TRACE(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTERPRETER_TRACE_FEEDBACK(F) \ F(InterpreterDeserializeLazy, 2, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION(F) \ F(Call, -1 /* >= 2 */, 1) \ F(FunctionGetScriptSource, 1, 1) \ F(FunctionGetScriptId, 1, 1) \ F(FunctionGetScriptSourcePosition, 1, 1) \ F(FunctionGetSourceCode, 1, 1) \ F(FunctionIsAPIFunction, 1, 1) \ F(IsFunction, 1, 1) \ F(SetNativeFlag, 1, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_GENERATOR(F) \ F(AsyncGeneratorHasCatchHandlerForPC, 1, 1) \ F(AsyncGeneratorReject, 2, 1) \ F(AsyncGeneratorResolve, 3, 1) \ F(AsyncGeneratorYield, 3, 1) \ F(CreateJSGeneratorObject, 2, 1) \ F(GeneratorClose, 1, 1) \ F(GeneratorGetFunction, 1, 1) \ F(GeneratorGetResumeMode, 1, 1) #ifdef V8_INTL_SUPPORT #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTL(F) \ F(AvailableLocalesOf, 1, 1) \ F(CanonicalizeLanguageTag, 1, 1) \ F(DateCacheVersion, 0, 1) \ F(DateTimeFormatResolvedOptions, 1, 1) \ F(FormatList, 2, 1) \ F(FormatListToParts, 2, 1) \ F(GetDefaultICULocale, 0, 1) \ F(StringToLowerCaseIntl, 1, 1) \ F(StringToUpperCaseIntl, 1, 1) // End of macro. #else #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTL(F) #endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTERNAL(F) \ F(AllocateInNewSpace, 1, 1) \ F(AllocateInTargetSpace, 2, 1) \ F(AllocateSeqOneByteString, 1, 1) \ F(AllocateSeqTwoByteString, 1, 1) \ F(AllowDynamicFunction, 1, 1) \ F(CheckIsBootstrapping, 0, 1) \ F(CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator, 1, 1) \ F(CreateListFromArrayLike, 1, 1) \ F(CreateTemplateObject, 1, 1) \ F(DeserializeLazy, 1, 1) \ F(ExportFromRuntime, 1, 1) \ F(GetAndResetRuntimeCallStats, -1 /* <= 2 */, 1) \ F(IncrementUseCounter, 1, 1) \ F(InstallToContext, 1, 1) \ F(Interrupt, 0, 1) \ F(IS_VAR, 1, 1) \ F(NewReferenceError, 2, 1) \ F(NewSyntaxError, 2, 1) \ F(NewTypeError, 2, 1) \ F(OrdinaryHasInstance, 2, 1) \ F(PromoteScheduledException, 0, 1) \ F(ReportMessage, 1, 1) \ F(ReThrow, 1, 1) \ F(RunMicrotaskCallback, 2, 1) \ F(RunMicrotasks, 0, 1) \ F(StackGuard, 0, 1) \ F(Throw, 1, 1) \ F(ThrowApplyNonFunction, 1, 1) \ F(ThrowCalledNonCallable, 1, 1) \ F(ThrowConstructedNonConstructable, 1, 1) \ F(ThrowConstructorReturnedNonObject, 0, 1) \ F(ThrowInvalidStringLength, 0, 1) \ F(ThrowInvalidTypedArrayAlignment, 2, 1) \ F(ThrowIteratorError, 1, 1) \ F(ThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject, 1, 1) \ F(ThrowNotConstructor, 1, 1) \ F(ThrowRangeError, -1 /* >= 1 */, 1) \ F(ThrowReferenceError, 1, 1) \ F(ThrowStackOverflow, 0, 1) \ F(ThrowSymbolAsyncIteratorInvalid, 0, 1) \ F(ThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid, 0, 1) \ F(ThrowThrowMethodMissing, 0, 1) \ F(ThrowTypeError, -1 /* >= 1 */, 1) \ F(Typeof, 1, 1) \ F(UnwindAndFindExceptionHandler, 0, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_LITERALS(F) \ F(CreateArrayLiteral, 4, 1) \ F(CreateArrayLiteralWithoutAllocationSite, 2, 1) \ F(CreateObjectLiteral, 4, 1) \ F(CreateObjectLiteralWithoutAllocationSite, 2, 1) \ F(CreateRegExpLiteral, 4, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_MODULE(F) \ F(DynamicImportCall, 2, 1) \ F(GetImportMetaObject, 0, 1) \ F(GetModuleNamespace, 1, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_NUMBERS(F) \ F(GetHoleNaNLower, 0, 1) \ F(GetHoleNaNUpper, 0, 1) \ F(IsSmi, 1, 1) \ F(IsValidSmi, 1, 1) \ F(MaxSmi, 0, 1) \ F(NumberToString, 1, 1) \ F(SmiLexicographicCompare, 2, 1) \ F(StringParseFloat, 1, 1) \ F(StringParseInt, 2, 1) \ F(StringToNumber, 1, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_OBJECT(F) \ F(AddDictionaryProperty, 3, 1) \ F(AddElement, 3, 1) \ F(AddNamedProperty, 4, 1) \ F(AddPrivateField, 3, 1) \ F(AllocateHeapNumber, 0, 1) \ F(ClassOf, 1, 1) \ F(CollectTypeProfile, 3, 1) \ F(CompleteInobjectSlackTrackingForMap, 1, 1) \ F(CopyDataProperties, 2, 1) \ F(CopyDataPropertiesWithExcludedProperties, -1 /* >= 1 */, 1) \ F(CreateDataProperty, 3, 1) \ F(CreateIterResultObject, 2, 1) \ F(DefineAccessorPropertyUnchecked, 5, 1) \ F(DefineDataPropertyInLiteral, 6, 1) \ F(DefineGetterPropertyUnchecked, 4, 1) \ F(DefineMethodsInternal, 3, 1) \ F(DefineSetterPropertyUnchecked, 4, 1) \ F(DeleteProperty, 3, 1) \ F(GetFunctionName, 1, 1) \ F(GetOwnPropertyDescriptor, 2, 1) \ F(GetOwnPropertyKeys, 2, 1) \ F(GetProperty, 2, 1) \ F(HasFastPackedElements, 1, 1) \ F(HasInPrototypeChain, 2, 1) \ F(HasProperty, 2, 1) \ F(InternalSetPrototype, 2, 1) \ F(IsJSReceiver, 1, 1) \ F(NewObject, 2, 1) \ F(ObjectCreate, 2, 1) \ F(ObjectEntries, 1, 1) \ F(ObjectEntriesSkipFastPath, 1, 1) \ F(ObjectHasOwnProperty, 2, 1) \ F(ObjectKeys, 1, 1) \ F(ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames, 1, 1) \ F(ObjectGetOwnPropertyNamesTryFast, 1, 1) \ F(ObjectValues, 1, 1) \ F(ObjectValuesSkipFastPath, 1, 1) \ F(OptimizeObjectForAddingMultipleProperties, 2, 1) \ F(PerformSideEffectCheckForObject, 1, 1) \ F(SetDataProperties, 2, 1) \ F(SetKeyedProperty, 4, 1) \ F(SetNamedProperty, 4, 1) \ F(StoreDataPropertyInLiteral, 3, 1) \ F(ShrinkPropertyDictionary, 1, 1) \ F(ToFastProperties, 1, 1) \ F(ToLength, 1, 1) \ F(ToName, 1, 1) \ F(ToNumber, 1, 1) \ F(ToNumeric, 1, 1) \ F(ToObject, 1, 1) \ F(ToString, 1, 1) \ F(TryMigrateInstance, 1, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_OPERATORS(F) \ F(Add, 2, 1) \ F(Equal, 2, 1) \ F(GreaterThan, 2, 1) \ F(GreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1) \ F(LessThan, 2, 1) \ F(LessThanOrEqual, 2, 1) \ F(NotEqual, 2, 1) \ F(StrictEqual, 2, 1) \ F(StrictNotEqual, 2, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_PROMISE(F) \ F(EnqueueMicrotask, 1, 1) \ F(PromiseHookAfter, 1, 1) \ F(PromiseHookBefore, 1, 1) \ F(PromiseHookInit, 2, 1) \ F(AwaitPromisesInit, 3, 1) \ F(PromiseMarkAsHandled, 1, 1) \ F(PromiseRejectEventFromStack, 2, 1) \ F(PromiseResult, 1, 1) \ F(PromiseRevokeReject, 1, 1) \ F(PromiseStatus, 1, 1) \ F(RejectPromise, 3, 1) \ F(ResolvePromise, 2, 1) \ F(PromiseRejectAfterResolved, 2, 1) \ F(PromiseResolveAfterResolved, 2, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_PROXY(F) \ F(CheckProxyGetSetTrapResult, 2, 1) \ F(CheckProxyHasTrap, 2, 1) \ F(GetPropertyWithReceiver, 3, 1) \ F(IsJSProxy, 1, 1) \ F(JSProxyGetHandler, 1, 1) \ F(JSProxyGetTarget, 1, 1) \ F(SetPropertyWithReceiver, 5, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_REGEXP(F) \ F(IsRegExp, 1, 1) \ F(RegExpExec, 4, 1) \ F(RegExpExecMultiple, 4, 1) \ F(RegExpInitializeAndCompile, 3, 1) \ F(RegExpInternalReplace, 3, 1) \ F(RegExpReplace, 3, 1) \ F(RegExpSplit, 3, 1) \ F(StringReplaceNonGlobalRegExpWithFunction, 3, 1) \ F(StringSplit, 3, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_SCOPES(F) \ F(DeclareEvalFunction, 2, 1) \ F(DeclareEvalVar, 1, 1) \ F(DeclareGlobals, 3, 1) \ F(DeleteLookupSlot, 1, 1) \ F(LoadLookupSlot, 1, 1) \ F(LoadLookupSlotInsideTypeof, 1, 1) \ F(NewArgumentsElements, 3, 1) \ \ F(NewClosure, 2, 1) \ F(NewClosure_Tenured, 2, 1) \ F(NewFunctionContext, 1, 1) \ F(NewRestParameter, 1, 1) \ F(NewScriptContext, 1, 1) \ F(NewSloppyArguments, 3, 1) \ F(NewSloppyArguments_Generic, 1, 1) \ F(NewStrictArguments, 1, 1) \ F(PushBlockContext, 1, 1) \ F(PushCatchContext, 2, 1) \ F(PushModuleContext, 2, 1) \ F(PushWithContext, 2, 1) \ F(StoreLookupSlot_Sloppy, 2, 1) \ F(StoreLookupSlot_SloppyHoisting, 2, 1) \ F(StoreLookupSlot_Strict, 2, 1) \ F(ThrowConstAssignError, 0, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_STRINGS(F) \ F(FlattenString, 1, 1) \ F(GetSubstitution, 5, 1) \ F(InternalizeString, 1, 1) \ F(SparseJoinWithSeparator, 3, 1) \ F(StringAdd, 2, 1) \ F(StringBuilderConcat, 3, 1) \ F(StringBuilderJoin, 3, 1) \ F(StringCharCodeAt, 2, 1) \ F(StringEqual, 2, 1) \ F(StringGreaterThan, 2, 1) \ F(StringGreaterThanOrEqual, 2, 1) \ F(StringIncludes, 3, 1) \ F(StringIndexOf, 3, 1) \ F(StringIndexOfUnchecked, 3, 1) \ F(StringLastIndexOf, 2, 1) \ F(StringLessThan, 2, 1) \ F(StringLessThanOrEqual, 2, 1) \ F(StringMaxLength, 0, 1) \ F(StringReplaceOneCharWithString, 3, 1) \ F(StringSubstring, 3, 1) \ F(StringToArray, 2, 1) \ F(StringTrim, 2, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_SYMBOL(F) \ F(CreatePrivateFieldSymbol, 0, 1) \ F(CreatePrivateSymbol, -1 /* <= 1 */, 1) \ F(SymbolDescriptiveString, 1, 1) \ F(SymbolIsPrivate, 1, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_TEST(F) \ F(Abort, 1, 1) \ F(AbortJS, 1, 1) \ F(ClearFunctionFeedback, 1, 1) \ F(CompleteInobjectSlackTracking, 1, 1) \ F(ConstructConsString, 2, 1) \ F(ConstructSlicedString, 2, 1) \ F(ConstructDouble, 2, 1) \ F(DebugPrint, 1, 1) \ F(DebugTrace, 0, 1) \ F(DebugTrackRetainingPath, -1, 1) \ F(DeoptimizeFunction, 1, 1) \ F(DeoptimizeNow, 0, 1) \ F(DeserializeWasmModule, 2, 1) \ F(DisallowCodegenFromStrings, 1, 1) \ F(DisallowWasmCodegen, 1, 1) \ F(DisassembleFunction, 1, 1) \ F(FreezeWasmLazyCompilation, 1, 1) \ F(GetCallable, 0, 1) \ F(GetDeoptCount, 1, 1) \ F(GetInitializerFunction, 1, 1) \ F(GetOptimizationStatus, -1, 1) \ F(GetUndetectable, 0, 1) \ F(GetWasmExceptionId, 2, 1) \ F(GetWasmExceptionValues, 1, 1) \ F(GetWasmRecoveredTrapCount, 0, 1) \ F(GlobalPrint, 1, 1) \ F(HasDictionaryElements, 1, 1) \ F(HasDoubleElements, 1, 1) \ F(HasFastElements, 1, 1) \ F(HasFastProperties, 1, 1) \ F(HasFixedBigInt64Elements, 1, 1) \ F(HasFixedBigUint64Elements, 1, 1) \ F(HasFixedFloat32Elements, 1, 1) \ F(HasFixedFloat64Elements, 1, 1) \ F(HasFixedInt16Elements, 1, 1) \ F(HasFixedInt32Elements, 1, 1) \ F(HasFixedInt8Elements, 1, 1) \ F(HasFixedUint16Elements, 1, 1) \ F(HasFixedUint32Elements, 1, 1) \ F(HasFixedUint8ClampedElements, 1, 1) \ F(HasFixedUint8Elements, 1, 1) \ F(HasHoleyElements, 1, 1) \ F(HasObjectElements, 1, 1) \ F(HasSloppyArgumentsElements, 1, 1) \ F(HasSmiElements, 1, 1) \ F(HasSmiOrObjectElements, 1, 1) \ F(HaveSameMap, 2, 1) \ F(HeapObjectVerify, 1, 1) \ F(InNewSpace, 1, 1) \ F(IsAsmWasmCode, 1, 1) \ F(IsConcurrentRecompilationSupported, 0, 1) \ F(WasmTierUpFunction, 2, 1) \ F(IsLiftoffFunction, 1, 1) \ F(IsWasmCode, 1, 1) \ F(IsWasmTrapHandlerEnabled, 0, 1) \ F(NeverOptimizeFunction, 1, 1) \ F(NotifyContextDisposed, 0, 1) \ F(OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall, -1, 1) \ F(OptimizeOsr, -1, 1) \ F(PrintWithNameForAssert, 2, 1) \ F(RedirectToWasmInterpreter, 2, 1) \ F(RunningInSimulator, 0, 1) \ F(SerializeWasmModule, 1, 1) \ F(SetAllocationTimeout, -1 /* 2 || 3 */, 1) \ F(SetForceSlowPath, 1, 1) \ F(SetWasmCompileControls, 2, 1) \ F(SetWasmInstantiateControls, 0, 1) \ F(ArraySpeciesProtector, 0, 1) \ F(TypedArraySpeciesProtector, 0, 1) \ F(PromiseSpeciesProtector, 0, 1) \ F(SystemBreak, 0, 1) \ F(TraceEnter, 0, 1) \ F(TraceExit, 1, 1) \ F(UnblockConcurrentRecompilation, 0, 1) \ F(WasmGetNumberOfInstances, 1, 1) \ F(WasmNumInterpretedCalls, 1, 1) \ F(WasmTraceMemory, 1, 1) \ F(WasmMemoryHasFullGuardRegion, 1, 1) \ F(SetWasmThreadsEnabled, 1, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_TYPEDARRAY(F) \ F(ArrayBufferNeuter, 1, 1) \ F(ArrayBufferViewWasNeutered, 1, 1) \ F(IsTypedArray, 1, 1) \ F(TypedArrayCopyElements, 3, 1) \ F(TypedArrayGetBuffer, 1, 1) \ F(TypedArrayGetLength, 1, 1) \ F(TypedArraySet, 2, 1) \ F(TypedArraySortFast, 1, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_WASM(F) \ F(ThrowWasmError, 1, 1) \ F(ThrowWasmStackOverflow, 0, 1) \ F(WasmExceptionGetElement, 2, 1) \ F(WasmExceptionSetElement, 3, 1) \ F(WasmExceptionGetTag, 1, 1) \ F(WasmGrowMemory, 2, 1) \ F(WasmRunInterpreter, 2, 1) \ F(WasmStackGuard, 0, 1) \ F(WasmThrow, 1, 1) \ F(WasmThrowCreate, 2, 1) \ F(WasmThrowTypeError, 0, 1) \ F(WasmCompileLazy, 2, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_RETURN_PAIR(F) \ F(DebugBreakOnBytecode, 1, 2) \ F(LoadLookupSlotForCall, 1, 2) // Most intrinsics are implemented in the runtime/ directory, but ICs are // implemented in ic.cc for now. #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_IC(F) \ F(ElementsTransitionAndStoreIC_Miss, 6, 1) \ F(KeyedLoadIC_Miss, 4, 1) \ F(KeyedStoreIC_Miss, 5, 1) \ F(KeyedStoreIC_Slow, 5, 1) \ F(LoadAccessorProperty, 4, 1) \ F(LoadCallbackProperty, 4, 1) \ F(LoadElementWithInterceptor, 2, 1) \ F(LoadGlobalIC_Miss, 3, 1) \ F(LoadGlobalIC_Slow, 3, 1) \ F(LoadIC_Miss, 4, 1) \ F(LoadPropertyWithInterceptor, 5, 1) \ F(StoreCallbackProperty, 6, 1) \ F(StoreGlobalIC_Miss, 4, 1) \ F(StoreGlobalIC_Slow, 5, 1) \ F(StoreIC_Miss, 5, 1) \ F(StoreInArrayLiteralIC_Slow, 5, 1) \ F(StorePropertyWithInterceptor, 5, 1) \ F(CloneObjectIC_Miss, 4, 1) \ F(CloneObjectIC_Slow, 2, 1) #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_RETURN_OBJECT(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_ARRAY(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_ATOMICS(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_BIGINT(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_CLASSES(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_COLLECTIONS(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_COMPILER(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_DATE(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_DEBUG(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_FORIN(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_GENERATOR(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_IC(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTERNAL(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTERPRETER(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_INTL(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_LITERALS(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_MODULE(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_NUMBERS(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_OBJECT(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_OPERATORS(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_PROMISE(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_PROXY(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_REGEXP(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_SCOPES(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_STRINGS(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_SYMBOL(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_TEST(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_TYPEDARRAY(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_WASM(F) // FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC defines the list of all intrinsics, coming in 2 flavors, // either returning an object or a pair. #define FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_RETURN_PAIR(F) \ FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_RETURN_OBJECT(F) #define F(name, nargs, ressize) \ Object* Runtime_##name(int args_length, Object** args_object, \ Isolate* isolate); FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_RETURN_OBJECT(F) #undef F //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Runtime provides access to all C++ runtime functions. class Runtime : public AllStatic { public: enum FunctionId : int32_t { #define F(name, nargs, ressize) k##name, #define I(name, nargs, ressize) kInline##name, FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC(F) FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC(I) #undef I #undef F kNumFunctions, }; enum IntrinsicType { RUNTIME, INLINE }; // Intrinsic function descriptor. struct Function { FunctionId function_id; IntrinsicType intrinsic_type; // The JS name of the function. const char* name; // For RUNTIME functions, this is the C++ entry point. // For INLINE functions this is the C++ entry point of the fall back. Address entry; // The number of arguments expected. nargs is -1 if the function takes // a variable number of arguments. int8_t nargs; // Size of result. Most functions return a single pointer, size 1. int8_t result_size; }; static const int kNotFound = -1; // Checks whether the runtime function with the given {id} never returns // to it's caller normally, i.e. whether it'll always raise an exception. // More specifically: The C++ implementation returns the Heap::exception // sentinel, always. static bool IsNonReturning(FunctionId id); // Get the intrinsic function with the given name. static const Function* FunctionForName(const unsigned char* name, int length); // Get the intrinsic function with the given FunctionId. V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static const Function* FunctionForId(FunctionId id); // Get the intrinsic function with the given function entry address. static const Function* FunctionForEntry(Address ref); // Get the runtime intrinsic function table. static const Function* RuntimeFunctionTable(Isolate* isolate); V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static Maybe<bool> DeleteObjectProperty( Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> receiver, Handle<Object> key, LanguageMode language_mode); V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> SetObjectProperty( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object, Handle<Object> key, Handle<Object> value, LanguageMode language_mode, StoreOrigin store_origin); V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> GetObjectProperty( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object, Handle<Object> key, bool* is_found_out = nullptr); V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static MaybeHandle<JSArray> GetInternalProperties( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object>); V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> ThrowIteratorError( Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object); }; class RuntimeState { public: #ifndef V8_INTL_SUPPORT unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::ToUppercase, 128>* to_upper_mapping() { return &to_upper_mapping_; } unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::ToLowercase, 128>* to_lower_mapping() { return &to_lower_mapping_; } #endif Runtime::Function* redirected_intrinsic_functions() { return redirected_intrinsic_functions_.get(); } void set_redirected_intrinsic_functions( Runtime::Function* redirected_intrinsic_functions) { redirected_intrinsic_functions_.reset(redirected_intrinsic_functions); } private: RuntimeState() = default; #ifndef V8_INTL_SUPPORT unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::ToUppercase, 128> to_upper_mapping_; unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::ToLowercase, 128> to_lower_mapping_; #endif std::unique_ptr<Runtime::Function[]> redirected_intrinsic_functions_; friend class Isolate; friend class Runtime; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RuntimeState); }; V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, Runtime::FunctionId); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants used by interface to runtime functions. class AllocateDoubleAlignFlag : public BitField<bool, 0, 1> {}; class AllocateTargetSpace : public BitField<AllocationSpace, 1, 3> {}; class DeclareGlobalsEvalFlag : public BitField<bool, 0, 1> {}; class DeclareGlobalsNativeFlag : public BitField<bool, 1, 1> {}; // A set of bits returned by Runtime_GetOptimizationStatus. // These bits must be in sync with bits defined in test/mjsunit/mjsunit.js enum class OptimizationStatus { kIsFunction = 1 << 0, kNeverOptimize = 1 << 1, kAlwaysOptimize = 1 << 2, kMaybeDeopted = 1 << 3, kOptimized = 1 << 4, kTurboFanned = 1 << 5, kInterpreted = 1 << 6, kMarkedForOptimization = 1 << 7, kMarkedForConcurrentOptimization = 1 << 8, kOptimizingConcurrently = 1 << 9, kIsExecuting = 1 << 10, kTopmostFrameIsTurboFanned = 1 << 11, }; Smi* SmiLexicographicCompare(Smi* x_value, Smi* y_value); } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #endif // V8_RUNTIME_RUNTIME_H_