// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // MODULE var Debug = debug.Debug; var test_name; var listener_delegate; var listener_called; var exception; var begin_test_count = 0; var end_test_count = 0; var break_count = 0; function listener(event, exec_state, event_data, data) { try { if (event == Debug.DebugEvent.Break) { break_count++; listener_called = true; listener_delegate(exec_state); } } catch (e) { exception = e; } } Debug.setListener(listener); function BeginTest(name) { test_name = name; listener_delegate = null; listener_called = false; exception = null; begin_test_count++; } function EndTest() { assertTrue(listener_called, "listener not called for " + test_name); assertNull(exception, test_name + " / " + exception); end_test_count++; } // Check that two scope are the same. function assertScopeMirrorEquals(scope1, scope2) { assertEquals(scope1.scopeType(), scope2.scopeType()); assertEquals(scope1.frameIndex(), scope2.frameIndex()); assertEquals(scope1.scopeIndex(), scope2.scopeIndex()); assertPropertiesEqual(scope1.scopeObject().value(), scope2.scopeObject().value()); } function CheckFastAllScopes(scopes, exec_state) { var fast_all_scopes = exec_state.frame().allScopes(true); var length = fast_all_scopes.length; assertTrue(scopes.length >= length); for (var i = 0; i < scopes.length && i < length; i++) { var scope = fast_all_scopes[length - i - 1]; assertEquals(scopes[scopes.length - i - 1], scope.scopeType()); } } // Check that the scope chain contains the expected types of scopes. function CheckScopeChain(scopes, exec_state) { var all_scopes = exec_state.frame().allScopes(); assertEquals(scopes.length, exec_state.frame().scopeCount()); assertEquals(scopes.length, all_scopes.length, "FrameMirror.allScopes length"); for (var i = 0; i < scopes.length; i++) { var scope = exec_state.frame().scope(i); assertEquals(scopes[i], scope.scopeType()); assertScopeMirrorEquals(all_scopes[i], scope); } CheckFastAllScopes(scopes, exec_state); } function CheckScopeDoesNotHave(properties, number, exec_state) { var scope = exec_state.frame().scope(number); for (var p of properties) { var property_mirror = scope.scopeObject().property(p); assertTrue(property_mirror.isUndefined(), 'property ' + p + ' found in scope'); } } // Check that the scope contains at least minimum_content. For functions just // check that there is a function. function CheckScopeContent(minimum_content, number, exec_state) { var scope = exec_state.frame().scope(number); var minimum_count = 0; for (var p in minimum_content) { var property_mirror = scope.scopeObject().property(p); assertFalse(property_mirror.isUndefined(), 'property ' + p + ' not found in scope'); assertEquals(minimum_content[p], property_mirror.value().value(), 'property ' + p + ' has unexpected value'); minimum_count++; } // 'arguments' and might be exposed in the local and closure scope. Just // ignore this. var scope_size = scope.scopeObject().properties().length; if (!scope.scopeObject().property('arguments').isUndefined()) { scope_size--; } // Ditto for 'this'. if (!scope.scopeObject().property('this').isUndefined()) { scope_size--; } // Temporary variables introduced by the parser have not been materialized. assertTrue(scope.scopeObject().property('').isUndefined()); if (scope_size < minimum_count) { print('Names found in scope:'); var names = scope.scopeObject().propertyNames(); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { print(names[i]); } } assertTrue(scope_size >= minimum_count); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Actual tests. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BeginTest(); listener_delegate = function(exec_state) { CheckScopeChain([debug.ScopeType.Module, debug.ScopeType.Script, debug.ScopeType.Global], exec_state); CheckScopeContent( {exported_var: undefined, imported_var: undefined}, 0, exec_state); CheckScopeDoesNotHave( ["doesntexist", "exported_let", "imported_let"], 0, exec_state); }; debugger; EndTest(); let local_let = 1; var local_var = 2; export let exported_let = 3; export var exported_var = 4; import {exported_let as imported_let} from "modules-debug-scopes2.js"; import {exported_var as imported_var} from "modules-debug-scopes2.js"; BeginTest(); listener_delegate = function(exec_state) { CheckScopeChain([debug.ScopeType.Module, debug.ScopeType.Script, debug.ScopeType.Global], exec_state); CheckScopeContent( {exported_let: 3, exported_var: 4, imported_let: 3, imported_var: 4}, 0, exec_state); CheckScopeDoesNotHave([], 0, exec_state); }; debugger; EndTest(); local_let += 10; local_var += 10; exported_let += 10; exported_var += 10; BeginTest(); listener_delegate = function(exec_state) { CheckScopeChain([debug.ScopeType.Module, debug.ScopeType.Script, debug.ScopeType.Global], exec_state); CheckScopeContent( {exported_let: 13, exported_var: 14, imported_let: 13, imported_var: 14}, 0, exec_state); CheckScopeDoesNotHave([], 0, exec_state); }; debugger; EndTest();