// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------

(function(global, utils) {

"use strict";


// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Imports

var Script = utils.ImportNow("Script");

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Script

 * Get information on a specific source position.
 * Returns an object with the following following properties:
 *   script     : script object for the source
 *   line       : source line number
 *   column     : source column within the line
 *   position   : position within the source
 *   sourceText : a string containing the current line
 * @param {number} position The source position
 * @param {boolean} include_resource_offset Set to true to have the resource
 *     offset added to the location
 * @return If line is negative or not in the source null is returned.
function ScriptLocationFromPosition(position,
                                    include_resource_offset) {
  return %ScriptPositionInfo(this, position, !!include_resource_offset);

 * If sourceURL comment is available returns sourceURL comment contents.
 * Otherwise, script name is returned. See
 * http://fbug.googlecode.com/svn/branches/firebug1.1/docs/ReleaseNotes_1.1.txt
 * and Source Map Revision 3 proposal for details on using //# sourceURL and
 * deprecated //@ sourceURL comment to identify scripts that don't have name.
 * @return {?string} script name if present, value for //# sourceURL comment or
 * deprecated //@ sourceURL comment otherwise.
function ScriptNameOrSourceURL() {
  // Keep in sync with Script::GetNameOrSourceURL.
  if (this.source_url) return this.source_url;
  return this.name;

utils.SetUpLockedPrototype(Script, [
  ], [
    "locationFromPosition", ScriptLocationFromPosition,
    "nameOrSourceURL", ScriptNameOrSourceURL,
