// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/logging/counters.h" #include "src/base/atomic-utils.h" #include "src/base/platform/elapsed-timer.h" #include "src/base/platform/time.h" #include "src/builtins/builtins-definitions.h" #include "src/execution/isolate.h" #include "src/logging/log-inl.h" #include "src/logging/log.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { StatsTable::StatsTable(Counters* counters) : lookup_function_(nullptr), create_histogram_function_(nullptr), add_histogram_sample_function_(nullptr) {} void StatsTable::SetCounterFunction(CounterLookupCallback f) { lookup_function_ = f; } namespace { std::atomic<int> unused_counter_dump{0}; } bool StatsCounter::Enabled() { return GetPtr() != &unused_counter_dump; } std::atomic<int>* StatsCounter::SetupPtrFromStatsTable() { // {Init} must have been called. DCHECK_NOT_NULL(counters_); DCHECK_NOT_NULL(name_); int* location = counters_->FindLocation(name_); std::atomic<int>* ptr = location ? base::AsAtomicPtr(location) : &unused_counter_dump; #ifdef DEBUG std::atomic<int>* old_ptr = ptr_.exchange(ptr, std::memory_order_release); DCHECK_IMPLIES(old_ptr, old_ptr == ptr); #else ptr_.store(ptr, std::memory_order_release); #endif return ptr; } void Histogram::AddSample(int sample) { if (Enabled()) { counters_->AddHistogramSample(histogram_, sample); } } V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void* Histogram::CreateHistogram() const { return counters_->CreateHistogram(name_, min_, max_, num_buckets_); } void TimedHistogram::Stop(base::ElapsedTimer* timer) { DCHECK(Enabled()); AddTimedSample(timer->Elapsed()); timer->Stop(); } void TimedHistogram::AddTimedSample(base::TimeDelta sample) { if (Enabled()) { int64_t sample_int = resolution_ == TimedHistogramResolution::MICROSECOND ? sample.InMicroseconds() : sample.InMilliseconds(); AddSample(static_cast<int>(sample_int)); } } void TimedHistogram::RecordAbandon(base::ElapsedTimer* timer, Isolate* isolate) { if (Enabled()) { DCHECK(timer->IsStarted()); timer->Stop(); int64_t sample = resolution_ == TimedHistogramResolution::MICROSECOND ? base::TimeDelta::Max().InMicroseconds() : base::TimeDelta::Max().InMilliseconds(); AddSample(static_cast<int>(sample)); } if (isolate != nullptr) { Logger::CallEventLogger(isolate, name(), v8::LogEventStatus::kEnd, true); } } #ifdef DEBUG bool TimedHistogram::ToggleRunningState(bool expect_to_run) const { static thread_local base::LazyInstance< std::unordered_map<const TimedHistogram*, bool>>::type active_timer = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER; bool is_running = (*active_timer.Pointer())[this]; DCHECK_NE(is_running, expect_to_run); (*active_timer.Pointer())[this] = !is_running; return true; } #endif Counters::Counters(Isolate* isolate) : #ifdef V8_RUNTIME_CALL_STATS runtime_call_stats_(RuntimeCallStats::kMainIsolateThread), worker_thread_runtime_call_stats_(), #endif isolate_(isolate), stats_table_(this) { static const struct { Histogram Counters::*member; const char* caption; int min; int max; int num_buckets; } kHistograms[] = { #define HR(name, caption, min, max, num_buckets) \ {&Counters::name##_, #caption, min, max, num_buckets}, HISTOGRAM_RANGE_LIST(HR) #undef HR }; for (const auto& histogram : kHistograms) { (this->*histogram.member) .Initialize(histogram.caption, histogram.min, histogram.max, histogram.num_buckets, this); } const int DefaultTimedHistogramNumBuckets = 50; static const struct { NestedTimedHistogram Counters::*member; const char* caption; int max; TimedHistogramResolution res; } kNestedTimedHistograms[] = { #define HT(name, caption, max, res) \ {&Counters::name##_, #caption, max, TimedHistogramResolution::res}, NESTED_TIMED_HISTOGRAM_LIST(HT) NESTED_TIMED_HISTOGRAM_LIST_SLOW(HT) #undef HT }; for (const auto& timer : kNestedTimedHistograms) { (this->*timer.member) .Initialize(timer.caption, 0, timer.max, timer.res, DefaultTimedHistogramNumBuckets, this); } static const struct { TimedHistogram Counters::*member; const char* caption; int max; TimedHistogramResolution res; } kTimedHistograms[] = { #define HT(name, caption, max, res) \ {&Counters::name##_, #caption, max, TimedHistogramResolution::res}, TIMED_HISTOGRAM_LIST(HT) #undef HT }; for (const auto& timer : kTimedHistograms) { (this->*timer.member) .Initialize(timer.caption, 0, timer.max, timer.res, DefaultTimedHistogramNumBuckets, this); } static const struct { AggregatableHistogramTimer Counters::*member; const char* caption; } kAggregatableHistogramTimers[] = { #define AHT(name, caption) {&Counters::name##_, #caption}, AGGREGATABLE_HISTOGRAM_TIMER_LIST(AHT) #undef AHT }; for (const auto& aht : kAggregatableHistogramTimers) { (this->*aht.member) .Initialize(aht.caption, 0, 10000000, DefaultTimedHistogramNumBuckets, this); } static const struct { Histogram Counters::*member; const char* caption; } kHistogramPercentages[] = { #define HP(name, caption) {&Counters::name##_, #caption}, HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE_LIST(HP) #undef HP }; for (const auto& percentage : kHistogramPercentages) { (this->*percentage.member) .Initialize(percentage.caption, 0, 101, 100, this); } // Exponential histogram assigns bucket limits to points // p[1], p[2], ... p[n] such that p[i+1] / p[i] = constant. // The constant factor is equal to the n-th root of (high / low), // where the n is the number of buckets, the low is the lower limit, // the high is the upper limit. // For n = 50, low = 1000, high = 500000: the factor = 1.13. static const struct { Histogram Counters::*member; const char* caption; } kLegacyMemoryHistograms[] = { #define HM(name, caption) {&Counters::name##_, #caption}, HISTOGRAM_LEGACY_MEMORY_LIST(HM) #undef HM }; for (const auto& histogram : kLegacyMemoryHistograms) { (this->*histogram.member) .Initialize(histogram.caption, 1000, 500000, 50, this); } static constexpr struct { StatsCounter Counters::*member; const char* caption; } kStatsCounters[] = { #define SC(name, caption) {&Counters::name##_, "c:" caption}, #define BARE_SC(name, caption) SC(name, #caption) #define COUNT_AND_SIZE_SC(name) \ SC(count_of_##name, "V8.CountOf_" #name) \ SC(size_of_##name, "V8.SizeOf_" #name) #define CODE_KIND_SC(name) COUNT_AND_SIZE_SC(CODE_TYPE_##name) #define FIXED_ARRAY_INSTANCE_TYPE_SC(name) COUNT_AND_SIZE_SC(FIXED_ARRAY_##name) // clang-format off STATS_COUNTER_LIST_1(BARE_SC) STATS_COUNTER_LIST_2(BARE_SC) STATS_COUNTER_NATIVE_CODE_LIST(BARE_SC) INSTANCE_TYPE_LIST(COUNT_AND_SIZE_SC) CODE_KIND_LIST(CODE_KIND_SC) FIXED_ARRAY_SUB_INSTANCE_TYPE_LIST(FIXED_ARRAY_INSTANCE_TYPE_SC) // clang-format on #undef FIXED_ARRAY_INSTANCE_TYPE_SC #undef CODE_KIND_SC #undef COUNT_AND_SIZE_SC #undef BARE_SC #undef SC }; for (const auto& counter : kStatsCounters) { (this->*counter.member).Init(this, counter.caption); } } void Counters::ResetCounterFunction(CounterLookupCallback f) { stats_table_.SetCounterFunction(f); #define SC(name, caption) name##_.Reset(); STATS_COUNTER_LIST_1(SC) STATS_COUNTER_LIST_2(SC) STATS_COUNTER_NATIVE_CODE_LIST(SC) #undef SC #define SC(name) \ count_of_##name##_.Reset(); \ size_of_##name##_.Reset(); INSTANCE_TYPE_LIST(SC) #undef SC #define SC(name) \ count_of_CODE_TYPE_##name##_.Reset(); \ size_of_CODE_TYPE_##name##_.Reset(); CODE_KIND_LIST(SC) #undef SC #define SC(name) \ count_of_FIXED_ARRAY_##name##_.Reset(); \ size_of_FIXED_ARRAY_##name##_.Reset(); FIXED_ARRAY_SUB_INSTANCE_TYPE_LIST(SC) #undef SC } void Counters::ResetCreateHistogramFunction(CreateHistogramCallback f) { stats_table_.SetCreateHistogramFunction(f); #define HR(name, caption, min, max, num_buckets) name##_.Reset(); HISTOGRAM_RANGE_LIST(HR) #undef HR #define HT(name, caption, max, res) name##_.Reset(); NESTED_TIMED_HISTOGRAM_LIST(HT) #undef HT #define HT(name, caption, max, res) name##_.Reset(); NESTED_TIMED_HISTOGRAM_LIST_SLOW(HT) #undef HT #define HT(name, caption, max, res) name##_.Reset(); TIMED_HISTOGRAM_LIST(HT) #undef HT #define AHT(name, caption) name##_.Reset(); AGGREGATABLE_HISTOGRAM_TIMER_LIST(AHT) #undef AHT #define HP(name, caption) name##_.Reset(); HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE_LIST(HP) #undef HP #define HM(name, caption) name##_.Reset(); HISTOGRAM_LEGACY_MEMORY_LIST(HM) #undef HM } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8