// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <sstream>

#include "debug-helper-internal.h"
#include "heap-constants.h"
#include "include/v8-internal.h"
#include "src/common/external-pointer.h"
#include "src/execution/isolate-utils.h"
#include "src/objects/string-inl.h"
#include "src/strings/unicode-inl.h"
#include "torque-generated/class-debug-readers-tq.h"

namespace i = v8::internal;

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace debug_helper_internal {

constexpr char kObject[] = "v8::internal::Object";
constexpr char kTaggedValue[] = "v8::internal::TaggedValue";
constexpr char kSmi[] = "v8::internal::Smi";
constexpr char kHeapObject[] = "v8::internal::HeapObject";
constexpr char kObjectAsStoredInHeap[] = "v8::internal::TaggedValue";
constexpr char kObjectAsStoredInHeap[] = "v8::internal::Object";

std::string AppendAddressAndType(const std::string& brief, uintptr_t address,
                                 const char* type) {
  std::stringstream brief_stream;
  brief_stream << "0x" << std::hex << address << " <" << type << ">";
  return brief.empty() ? brief_stream.str()
                       : brief + " (" + brief_stream.str() + ")";

std::string JoinWithSpace(const std::string& a, const std::string& b) {
  return a.empty() || b.empty() ? a + b : a + " " + b;

struct TypedObject {
  TypedObject(d::TypeCheckResult type_check_result,
              std::unique_ptr<TqObject> object)
      : type_check_result(type_check_result), object(std::move(object)) {}

  // How we discovered the object's type, or why we failed to do so.
  d::TypeCheckResult type_check_result;

  // Pointer to some TqObject subclass, representing the most specific known
  // type for the object.
  std::unique_ptr<TqObject> object;

  // Collection of other guesses at more specific types than the one represented
  // by |object|.
  std::vector<TypedObject> possible_types;

TypedObject GetTypedObjectByHint(uintptr_t address,
                                 std::string type_hint_string) {
#define TYPE_NAME_CASE(ClassName, ...)                   \
  if (type_hint_string == "v8::internal::" #ClassName) { \
    return {d::TypeCheckResult::kUsedTypeHint,           \
            std::make_unique<Tq##ClassName>(address)};   \



  return {d::TypeCheckResult::kUnknownTypeHint,

TypedObject GetTypedObjectForString(uintptr_t address, i::InstanceType type,
                                    d::TypeCheckResult type_source) {
  class StringGetDispatcher : public i::AllStatic {
#define DEFINE_METHOD(ClassName)                                    \
  static inline TypedObject Handle##ClassName(                      \
      uintptr_t address, d::TypeCheckResult type_source) {          \
    return {type_source, std::make_unique<Tq##ClassName>(address)}; \
    static inline TypedObject HandleInvalidString(
        uintptr_t address, d::TypeCheckResult type_source) {
      return {d::TypeCheckResult::kUnknownInstanceType,

  return i::StringShape(type)
      .DispatchToSpecificTypeWithoutCast<StringGetDispatcher, TypedObject>(
          address, type_source);

TypedObject GetTypedObjectByInstanceType(uintptr_t address,
                                         i::InstanceType type,
                                         d::TypeCheckResult type_source) {
  switch (type) {
  case i::INSTANCE_TYPE:                             \
    return {type_source, std::make_unique<Tq##ClassName>(address)};


      // Special case: concrete subtypes of String are not included in the
      // main instance type list because they use the low bits of the instance
      // type enum as flags.
      if (type <= i::LAST_STRING_TYPE) {
        return GetTypedObjectForString(address, type, type_source);

  if (type >= i::FIRST_TYPE && type <= i::LAST_TYPE) {              \
    return {type_source, std::make_unique<Tq##ClassName>(address)}; \

      return {d::TypeCheckResult::kUnknownInstanceType,

TypedObject GetTypedHeapObject(uintptr_t address, d::MemoryAccessor accessor,
                               const char* type_hint,
                               const d::HeapAddresses& heap_addresses) {
  auto heap_object = std::make_unique<TqHeapObject>(address);
  Value<uintptr_t> map_ptr = heap_object->GetMapValue(accessor);

  if (map_ptr.validity != d::MemoryAccessResult::kOk) {
    // If we can't read the Map pointer from the object, then we likely can't
    // read anything else, so there's not any point in attempting to use the
    // type hint. Just return a failure.
    return {map_ptr.validity == d::MemoryAccessResult::kAddressNotValid
                ? d::TypeCheckResult::kObjectPointerInvalid
                : d::TypeCheckResult::kObjectPointerValidButInaccessible,

  Value<i::InstanceType> type =
  if (type.validity == d::MemoryAccessResult::kOk) {
    return GetTypedObjectByInstanceType(address, type.value,

  // We can't read the Map, so check whether it is in the list of known Maps,
  // as another way to get its instance type.
  KnownInstanceType known_map_type =
      FindKnownMapInstanceTypes(map_ptr.value, heap_addresses);
  if (known_map_type.confidence == KnownInstanceType::Confidence::kHigh) {
    DCHECK_EQ(known_map_type.types.size(), 1);
    return GetTypedObjectByInstanceType(address, known_map_type.types[0],

  // Create a basic result that says that the object is a HeapObject and we
  // couldn't read its Map.
  TypedObject result = {
      type.validity == d::MemoryAccessResult::kAddressNotValid
          ? d::TypeCheckResult::kMapPointerInvalid
          : d::TypeCheckResult::kMapPointerValidButInaccessible,

  // If a type hint is available, it may give us something more specific than
  // HeapObject. However, a type hint of Object would be even less specific, so
  // we'll only use the type hint if it's a subclass of HeapObject.
  if (type_hint != nullptr) {
    TypedObject hint_result = GetTypedObjectByHint(address, type_hint);
    if (result.object->IsSuperclassOf(hint_result.object.get())) {
      result = std::move(hint_result);

  // If low-confidence results are available from known Maps, include them only
  // if they don't contradict the primary type and would provide some additional
  // specificity.
  for (const i::InstanceType type_guess : known_map_type.types) {
    TypedObject guess_result = GetTypedObjectByInstanceType(
        address, type_guess, d::TypeCheckResult::kKnownMapPointer);
    if (result.object->IsSuperclassOf(guess_result.object.get())) {

  return result;

// An object visitor that accumulates the first few characters of a string.
class ReadStringVisitor : public TqObjectVisitor {
  static v8::base::Optional<std::string> Visit(
      d::MemoryAccessor accessor, const d::HeapAddresses& heap_addresses,
      const TqString* object) {
    ReadStringVisitor visitor(accessor, heap_addresses);
    return visitor.GetString();

  // Returns the result as UTF-8 once visiting is complete.
  v8::base::Optional<std::string> GetString() {
    if (failed_) return {};
    std::vector<char> result(
        string_.size() * unibrow::Utf16::kMaxExtraUtf8BytesForOneUtf16CodeUnit);
    unsigned write_index = 0;
    int prev_char = unibrow::Utf16::kNoPreviousCharacter;
    for (size_t read_index = 0; read_index < string_.size(); ++read_index) {
      uint16_t character = string_[read_index];
      write_index +=
          unibrow::Utf8::Encode(result.data() + write_index, character,
                                prev_char, /*replace_invalid=*/true);
      prev_char = character;
    return std::string(result.data(), write_index);

  template <typename TChar>
  Value<TChar> ReadCharacter(uintptr_t data_address, int32_t index) {
    TChar value{};
    d::MemoryAccessResult validity =
        accessor_(data_address + index * sizeof(TChar),
                  reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&value), sizeof(value));
    return {validity, value};

  template <typename TChar>
  void ReadStringCharacters(const TqString* object, uintptr_t data_address) {
    int32_t length = GetOrFinish(object->GetLengthValue(accessor_));
    for (; index_ < length && index_ < limit_ && !done_; ++index_) {
      STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(TChar) <= sizeof(char16_t));
      char16_t c = static_cast<char16_t>(
          GetOrFinish(ReadCharacter<TChar>(data_address, index_)));
      if (!done_) AddCharacter(c);

  template <typename TChar, typename TString>
  void ReadSeqString(const TString* object) {
    ReadStringCharacters<TChar>(object, object->GetCharsAddress());

  void VisitSeqOneByteString(const TqSeqOneByteString* object) override {

  void VisitSeqTwoByteString(const TqSeqTwoByteString* object) override {

  void VisitConsString(const TqConsString* object) override {
    uintptr_t first_address = GetOrFinish(object->GetFirstValue(accessor_));
    if (done_) return;
    auto first =
        GetTypedHeapObject(first_address, accessor_, nullptr, heap_addresses_)
    if (done_) return;
    int32_t first_length = GetOrFinish(
    uintptr_t second = GetOrFinish(object->GetSecondValue(accessor_));
    if (done_) return;
    IndexModifier modifier(this, -first_length, -first_length);
    GetTypedHeapObject(second, accessor_, nullptr, heap_addresses_)

  void VisitSlicedString(const TqSlicedString* object) override {
    uintptr_t parent = GetOrFinish(object->GetParentValue(accessor_));
    int32_t length = GetOrFinish(object->GetLengthValue(accessor_));
    int32_t offset = i::PlatformSmiTagging::SmiToInt(
    if (done_) return;
    int32_t limit_adjust = offset + length - limit_;
    IndexModifier modifier(this, offset, limit_adjust < 0 ? limit_adjust : 0);
    GetTypedHeapObject(parent, accessor_, nullptr, heap_addresses_)

  void VisitThinString(const TqThinString* object) override {
    uintptr_t actual = GetOrFinish(object->GetActualValue(accessor_));
    if (done_) return;
    GetTypedHeapObject(actual, accessor_, nullptr, heap_addresses_)

  bool IsExternalStringCached(const TqExternalString* object) {
    // The safest way to get the instance type is to use known map pointers, in
    // case the map data is not available.
    uintptr_t map = GetOrFinish(object->GetMapValue(accessor_));
    if (done_) return false;
    auto instance_types = FindKnownMapInstanceTypes(map, heap_addresses_);
    // Exactly one of the matched instance types should be a string type,
    // because all maps for string types are in the same space (read-only
    // space). The "uncached" flag on that instance type tells us whether it's
    // safe to read the cached data.
    for (const auto& type : instance_types.types) {
      if ((type & i::kIsNotStringMask) == i::kStringTag &&
          (type & i::kStringRepresentationMask) == i::kExternalStringTag) {
        return (type & i::kUncachedExternalStringMask) !=

    // If for some reason we can't find an external string type here (maybe the
    // caller provided an external string type as the type hint, but it doesn't
    // actually match the in-memory map pointer), then we can't safely use the
    // cached data.
    return false;

  template <typename TChar>
  void ReadExternalString(const TqExternalString* object) {
    // Cached external strings are easy to read; uncached external strings
    // require knowledge of the embedder. For now, we only read cached external
    // strings.
    if (IsExternalStringCached(object)) {
      ExternalPointer_t resource_data =
      uintptr_t data_address = static_cast<uintptr_t>(DecodeExternalPointer(
      uintptr_t data_address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(resource_data);
      if (done_) return;
      ReadStringCharacters<TChar>(object, data_address);
    } else {
      // TODO(v8:9376): Come up with some way that a caller with full knowledge
      // of a particular embedder could provide a callback function for getting
      // uncached string data.

  void VisitExternalOneByteString(
      const TqExternalOneByteString* object) override {

  void VisitExternalTwoByteString(
      const TqExternalTwoByteString* object) override {

  void VisitObject(const TqObject* object) override {
    // If we fail to find a specific type for a sub-object within a cons string,
    // sliced string, or thin string, we will end up here.

  ReadStringVisitor(d::MemoryAccessor accessor,
                    const d::HeapAddresses& heap_addresses)
      : accessor_(accessor),
        failed_(false) {}

  // Unpacks a value that was fetched from the debuggee. If the value indicates
  // that it couldn't successfully fetch memory, then prevents further work.
  template <typename T>
  T GetOrFinish(Value<T> value) {
    if (value.validity != d::MemoryAccessResult::kOk) {
    return value.value;

  void AddEllipsisAndFinish() {
    if (!done_) {
      done_ = true;
      if (string_.empty()) {
        failed_ = true;
      } else {
        string_ += u"...";

  void AddCharacter(char16_t c) {
    if (string_.size() >= kMaxCharacters) {
    } else {

  // Temporarily adds offsets to both index_ and limit_, to handle ConsString
  // and SlicedString.
  class IndexModifier {
    IndexModifier(ReadStringVisitor* that, int32_t index_adjust,
                  int32_t limit_adjust)
        : that_(that),
          limit_adjust_(limit_adjust) {
      that_->index_ += index_adjust_;
      that_->limit_ += limit_adjust_;
    ~IndexModifier() {
      that_->index_ -= index_adjust_;
      that_->limit_ -= limit_adjust_;

    ReadStringVisitor* that_;
    int32_t index_adjust_;
    int32_t limit_adjust_;

  static constexpr int kMaxCharacters = 80;  // How many characters to print.

  std::u16string string_;  // Result string.
  d::MemoryAccessor accessor_;
  const d::HeapAddresses& heap_addresses_;
  int32_t index_;  // Index of next char to read.
  int32_t limit_;  // Don't read past this index (set by SlicedString).
  bool done_;      // Whether to stop further work.
  bool failed_;    // Whether an error was encountered before any valid data.

// An object visitor that supplies extra information for some types.
class AddInfoVisitor : public TqObjectVisitor {
  // Returns a descriptive string and a list of properties for the given object.
  // Both may be empty, and are meant as an addition to, not a replacement for,
  // the Torque-generated data about the object.
  static std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ObjectProperty>>>
  Visit(const TqObject* object, d::MemoryAccessor accessor,
        const d::HeapAddresses& heap_addresses) {
    AddInfoVisitor visitor(accessor, heap_addresses);
    return {std::move(visitor.brief_), std::move(visitor.properties_)};

  void VisitString(const TqString* object) override {
    auto str = ReadStringVisitor::Visit(accessor_, heap_addresses_, object);
    if (str.has_value()) {
      brief_ = "\"" + *str + "\"";

  void VisitJSObject(const TqJSObject* object) override {
    // JSObject and its subclasses can be followed directly by an array of
    // property values. The start and end offsets of those values are described
    // by a pair of values in its Map.
    auto map_ptr = object->GetMapValue(accessor_);
    if (map_ptr.validity != d::MemoryAccessResult::kOk) {
      return;  // Can't read the JSObject. Nothing useful to do.
    TqMap map(map_ptr.value);

    // On JSObject instances, this value is the start of in-object properties.
    // The constructor function index option is only for primitives.
    auto start_offset =

    // The total size of the object in memory. This may include over-allocated
    // expansion space that doesn't correspond to any user-accessible property.
    auto instance_size = map.GetInstanceSizeInWordsValue(accessor_);

    if (start_offset.validity != d::MemoryAccessResult::kOk ||
        instance_size.validity != d::MemoryAccessResult::kOk) {
      return;  // Can't read the Map. Nothing useful to do.
    int num_properties = instance_size.value - start_offset.value;
    if (num_properties > 0) {
          "in-object properties", kObjectAsStoredInHeap, kObject,
          object->GetMapAddress() + start_offset.value * i::kTaggedSize,
          num_properties, i::kTaggedSize,

  AddInfoVisitor(d::MemoryAccessor accessor,
                 const d::HeapAddresses& heap_addresses)
      : accessor_(accessor), heap_addresses_(heap_addresses) {}

  // Inputs used by this visitor:

  d::MemoryAccessor accessor_;
  const d::HeapAddresses& heap_addresses_;

  // Outputs generated by this visitor:

  // A brief description of the object.
  std::string brief_;
  // A list of extra properties to append after the automatic ones that are
  // created for all Torque-defined class fields.
  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ObjectProperty>> properties_;

std::unique_ptr<ObjectPropertiesResult> GetHeapObjectPropertiesNotCompressed(
    uintptr_t address, d::MemoryAccessor accessor, const char* type_hint,
    const d::HeapAddresses& heap_addresses) {
  // Regardless of whether we can read the object itself, maybe we can find its
  // pointer in the list of known objects.
  std::string brief = FindKnownObject(address, heap_addresses);

  TypedObject typed =
      GetTypedHeapObject(address, accessor, type_hint, heap_addresses);
  auto props = typed.object->GetProperties(accessor);

  // Use the AddInfoVisitor to get any extra properties or descriptive text that
  // can't be directly derived from Torque class definitions.
  auto extra_info =
      AddInfoVisitor::Visit(typed.object.get(), accessor, heap_addresses);
  brief = JoinWithSpace(brief, extra_info.first);
  props.insert(props.end(), std::make_move_iterator(extra_info.second.begin()),

  brief = AppendAddressAndType(brief, address, typed.object->GetName());

  // Convert the low-confidence guessed types to a list of strings as expected
  // for the response.
  std::vector<std::string> guessed_types;
  for (const auto& guess : typed.possible_types) {

  return std::make_unique<ObjectPropertiesResult>(
      typed.type_check_result, brief, typed.object->GetName(), std::move(props),

std::unique_ptr<ObjectPropertiesResult> GetHeapObjectPropertiesMaybeCompressed(
    uintptr_t address, d::MemoryAccessor memory_accessor,
    d::HeapAddresses heap_addresses, const char* type_hint) {
  // Try to figure out the heap range, for pointer compression (this is unused
  // if pointer compression is disabled).
  uintptr_t any_uncompressed_ptr = 0;
  if (!IsPointerCompressed(address)) any_uncompressed_ptr = address;
  if (any_uncompressed_ptr == 0)
    any_uncompressed_ptr = heap_addresses.any_heap_pointer;
  if (any_uncompressed_ptr == 0)
    any_uncompressed_ptr = heap_addresses.map_space_first_page;
  if (any_uncompressed_ptr == 0)
    any_uncompressed_ptr = heap_addresses.old_space_first_page;
  if (any_uncompressed_ptr == 0)
    any_uncompressed_ptr = heap_addresses.read_only_space_first_page;
  FillInUnknownHeapAddresses(&heap_addresses, any_uncompressed_ptr);
  if (any_uncompressed_ptr == 0) {
    // We can't figure out the heap range. Just check for known objects.
    std::string brief = FindKnownObject(address, heap_addresses);
    brief = AppendAddressAndType(brief, address, kTaggedValue);
    return std::make_unique<ObjectPropertiesResult>(
        d::TypeCheckResult::kUnableToDecompress, brief, kTaggedValue);

  address = EnsureDecompressed(address, any_uncompressed_ptr);

  return GetHeapObjectPropertiesNotCompressed(address, memory_accessor,
                                              type_hint, heap_addresses);

std::unique_ptr<ObjectPropertiesResult> GetObjectProperties(
    uintptr_t address, d::MemoryAccessor memory_accessor,
    const d::HeapAddresses& heap_addresses, const char* type_hint) {
  if (static_cast<uint32_t>(address) == i::kClearedWeakHeapObjectLower32) {
    return std::make_unique<ObjectPropertiesResult>(
        d::TypeCheckResult::kWeakRef, "cleared weak ref", kHeapObject);
  bool is_weak = (address & i::kHeapObjectTagMask) == i::kWeakHeapObjectTag;
  if (is_weak) {
    address &= ~i::kWeakHeapObjectMask;
  if (i::Internals::HasHeapObjectTag(address)) {
    std::unique_ptr<ObjectPropertiesResult> result =
        GetHeapObjectPropertiesMaybeCompressed(address, memory_accessor,
                                               heap_addresses, type_hint);
    if (is_weak) {
      result->Prepend("weak ref to ");
    return result;

  // For smi values, construct a response with a description representing the
  // untagged value.
  int32_t value = i::PlatformSmiTagging::SmiToInt(address);
  std::stringstream stream;
  stream << value << " (0x" << std::hex << value << ")";
  return std::make_unique<ObjectPropertiesResult>(d::TypeCheckResult::kSmi,
                                                  stream.str(), kSmi);

}  // namespace debug_helper_internal
}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8

namespace di = v8::internal::debug_helper_internal;

extern "C" {
V8_DEBUG_HELPER_EXPORT d::ObjectPropertiesResult*
_v8_debug_helper_GetObjectProperties(uintptr_t object,
                                     d::MemoryAccessor memory_accessor,
                                     const d::HeapAddresses& heap_addresses,
                                     const char* type_hint) {
  return di::GetObjectProperties(object, memory_accessor, heap_addresses,
V8_DEBUG_HELPER_EXPORT void _v8_debug_helper_Free_ObjectPropertiesResult(
    d::ObjectPropertiesResult* result) {
  std::unique_ptr<di::ObjectPropertiesResult> ptr(