// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/compiler/node.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace compiler { Node::OutOfLineInputs* Node::OutOfLineInputs::New(Zone* zone, int capacity) { size_t size = sizeof(OutOfLineInputs) + capacity * (sizeof(Node*) + sizeof(Use)); intptr_t raw_buffer = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(zone->New(size)); Node::OutOfLineInputs* outline = reinterpret_cast<OutOfLineInputs*>(raw_buffer + capacity * sizeof(Use)); outline->capacity_ = capacity; outline->count_ = 0; return outline; } void Node::OutOfLineInputs::ExtractFrom(Use* old_use_ptr, Node** old_input_ptr, int count) { // Extract the inputs from the old use and input pointers and copy them // to this out-of-line-storage. Use* new_use_ptr = reinterpret_cast<Use*>(this) - 1; Node** new_input_ptr = inputs_; for (int current = 0; current < count; current++) { new_use_ptr->bit_field_ = Use::InputIndexField::encode(current) | Use::InlineField::encode(false); DCHECK_EQ(old_input_ptr, old_use_ptr->input_ptr()); DCHECK_EQ(new_input_ptr, new_use_ptr->input_ptr()); Node* old_to = *old_input_ptr; if (old_to) { *old_input_ptr = nullptr; old_to->RemoveUse(old_use_ptr); *new_input_ptr = old_to; old_to->AppendUse(new_use_ptr); } else { *new_input_ptr = nullptr; } old_input_ptr++; new_input_ptr++; old_use_ptr--; new_use_ptr--; } this->count_ = count; } Node* Node::New(Zone* zone, NodeId id, const Operator* op, int input_count, Node* const* inputs, bool has_extensible_inputs) { Node** input_ptr; Use* use_ptr; Node* node; bool is_inline; #if DEBUG // Verify that none of the inputs are {nullptr}. for (int i = 0; i < input_count; i++) { if (inputs[i] == nullptr) { V8_Fatal(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Node::New() Error: #%d:%s[%d] is nullptr", static_cast<int>(id), op->mnemonic(), i); } } #endif if (input_count > kMaxInlineCapacity) { // Allocate out-of-line inputs. int capacity = has_extensible_inputs ? input_count + kMaxInlineCapacity : input_count; OutOfLineInputs* outline = OutOfLineInputs::New(zone, capacity); // Allocate node. void* node_buffer = zone->New(sizeof(Node)); node = new (node_buffer) Node(id, op, kOutlineMarker, 0); node->inputs_.outline_ = outline; outline->node_ = node; outline->count_ = input_count; input_ptr = outline->inputs_; use_ptr = reinterpret_cast<Use*>(outline); is_inline = false; } else { // Allocate node with inline inputs. int capacity = input_count; if (has_extensible_inputs) { const int max = kMaxInlineCapacity; capacity = std::min(input_count + 3, max); } size_t size = sizeof(Node) + capacity * (sizeof(Node*) + sizeof(Use)); intptr_t raw_buffer = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(zone->New(size)); void* node_buffer = reinterpret_cast<void*>(raw_buffer + capacity * sizeof(Use)); node = new (node_buffer) Node(id, op, input_count, capacity); input_ptr = node->inputs_.inline_; use_ptr = reinterpret_cast<Use*>(node); is_inline = true; } // Initialize the input pointers and the uses. for (int current = 0; current < input_count; ++current) { Node* to = *inputs++; input_ptr[current] = to; Use* use = use_ptr - 1 - current; use->bit_field_ = Use::InputIndexField::encode(current) | Use::InlineField::encode(is_inline); to->AppendUse(use); } node->Verify(); return node; } Node* Node::Clone(Zone* zone, NodeId id, const Node* node) { int const input_count = node->InputCount(); Node* const* const inputs = node->has_inline_inputs() ? node->inputs_.inline_ : node->inputs_.outline_->inputs_; Node* const clone = New(zone, id, node->op(), input_count, inputs, false); clone->set_type(node->type()); return clone; } void Node::Kill() { DCHECK_NOT_NULL(op()); NullAllInputs(); DCHECK(uses().empty()); } void Node::AppendInput(Zone* zone, Node* new_to) { DCHECK_NOT_NULL(zone); DCHECK_NOT_NULL(new_to); int inline_count = InlineCountField::decode(bit_field_); int inline_capacity = InlineCapacityField::decode(bit_field_); if (inline_count < inline_capacity) { // Append inline input. bit_field_ = InlineCountField::update(bit_field_, inline_count + 1); *GetInputPtr(inline_count) = new_to; Use* use = GetUsePtr(inline_count); use->bit_field_ = Use::InputIndexField::encode(inline_count) | Use::InlineField::encode(true); new_to->AppendUse(use); } else { // Append out-of-line input. int input_count = InputCount(); OutOfLineInputs* outline = nullptr; if (inline_count != kOutlineMarker) { // switch to out of line inputs. outline = OutOfLineInputs::New(zone, input_count * 2 + 3); outline->node_ = this; outline->ExtractFrom(GetUsePtr(0), GetInputPtr(0), input_count); bit_field_ = InlineCountField::update(bit_field_, kOutlineMarker); inputs_.outline_ = outline; } else { // use current out of line inputs. outline = inputs_.outline_; if (input_count >= outline->capacity_) { // out of space in out-of-line inputs. outline = OutOfLineInputs::New(zone, input_count * 2 + 3); outline->node_ = this; outline->ExtractFrom(GetUsePtr(0), GetInputPtr(0), input_count); inputs_.outline_ = outline; } } outline->count_++; *GetInputPtr(input_count) = new_to; Use* use = GetUsePtr(input_count); use->bit_field_ = Use::InputIndexField::encode(input_count) | Use::InlineField::encode(false); new_to->AppendUse(use); } Verify(); } void Node::InsertInput(Zone* zone, int index, Node* new_to) { DCHECK_NOT_NULL(zone); DCHECK_LE(0, index); DCHECK_LT(index, InputCount()); AppendInput(zone, InputAt(InputCount() - 1)); for (int i = InputCount() - 1; i > index; --i) { ReplaceInput(i, InputAt(i - 1)); } ReplaceInput(index, new_to); Verify(); } void Node::RemoveInput(int index) { DCHECK_LE(0, index); DCHECK_LT(index, InputCount()); for (; index < InputCount() - 1; ++index) { ReplaceInput(index, InputAt(index + 1)); } TrimInputCount(InputCount() - 1); Verify(); } void Node::ClearInputs(int start, int count) { Node** input_ptr = GetInputPtr(start); Use* use_ptr = GetUsePtr(start); while (count-- > 0) { DCHECK_EQ(input_ptr, use_ptr->input_ptr()); Node* input = *input_ptr; *input_ptr = nullptr; if (input) input->RemoveUse(use_ptr); input_ptr++; use_ptr--; } Verify(); } void Node::NullAllInputs() { ClearInputs(0, InputCount()); } void Node::TrimInputCount(int new_input_count) { int current_count = InputCount(); DCHECK_LE(new_input_count, current_count); if (new_input_count == current_count) return; // Nothing to do. ClearInputs(new_input_count, current_count - new_input_count); if (has_inline_inputs()) { bit_field_ = InlineCountField::update(bit_field_, new_input_count); } else { inputs_.outline_->count_ = new_input_count; } } int Node::UseCount() const { int use_count = 0; for (const Use* use = first_use_; use; use = use->next) { ++use_count; } return use_count; } void Node::ReplaceUses(Node* that) { DCHECK(this->first_use_ == nullptr || this->first_use_->prev == nullptr); DCHECK(that->first_use_ == nullptr || that->first_use_->prev == nullptr); // Update the pointers to {this} to point to {that}. Use* last_use = nullptr; for (Use* use = this->first_use_; use; use = use->next) { *use->input_ptr() = that; last_use = use; } if (last_use) { // Concat the use list of {this} and {that}. last_use->next = that->first_use_; if (that->first_use_) that->first_use_->prev = last_use; that->first_use_ = this->first_use_; } first_use_ = nullptr; } bool Node::OwnedBy(Node const* owner1, Node const* owner2) const { unsigned mask = 0; for (Use* use = first_use_; use; use = use->next) { Node* from = use->from(); if (from == owner1) { mask |= 1; } else if (from == owner2) { mask |= 2; } else { return false; } } return mask == 3; } void Node::Print() const { OFStream os(stdout); os << *this << std::endl; } Node::Node(NodeId id, const Operator* op, int inline_count, int inline_capacity) : op_(op), type_(nullptr), mark_(0), bit_field_(IdField::encode(id) | InlineCountField::encode(inline_count) | InlineCapacityField::encode(inline_capacity)), first_use_(nullptr) { // Inputs must either be out of line or within the inline capacity. DCHECK(inline_capacity <= kMaxInlineCapacity); DCHECK(inline_count == kOutlineMarker || inline_count <= inline_capacity); } void Node::AppendUse(Use* use) { DCHECK(first_use_ == nullptr || first_use_->prev == nullptr); DCHECK_EQ(this, *use->input_ptr()); use->next = first_use_; use->prev = nullptr; if (first_use_) first_use_->prev = use; first_use_ = use; } void Node::RemoveUse(Use* use) { DCHECK(first_use_ == nullptr || first_use_->prev == nullptr); if (use->prev) { DCHECK_NE(first_use_, use); use->prev->next = use->next; } else { DCHECK_EQ(first_use_, use); first_use_ = use->next; } if (use->next) { use->next->prev = use->prev; } } #if DEBUG void Node::Verify() { // Check basic sanity of input data structures. fflush(stdout); int count = this->InputCount(); // Avoid quadratic explosion for mega nodes; only verify if the input // count is less than 200 or is a round number of 100s. if (count > 200 && count % 100) return; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CHECK_EQ(i, this->GetUsePtr(i)->input_index()); CHECK_EQ(this->GetInputPtr(i), this->GetUsePtr(i)->input_ptr()); CHECK_EQ(count, this->InputCount()); } { // Direct input iteration. int index = 0; for (Node* input : this->inputs()) { CHECK_EQ(this->InputAt(index), input); index++; } CHECK_EQ(count, index); CHECK_EQ(this->InputCount(), index); } { // Input edge iteration. int index = 0; for (Edge edge : this->input_edges()) { CHECK_EQ(edge.from(), this); CHECK_EQ(index, edge.index()); CHECK_EQ(this->InputAt(index), edge.to()); index++; } CHECK_EQ(count, index); CHECK_EQ(this->InputCount(), index); } } #endif std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Node& n) { os << n.id() << ": " << *n.op(); if (n.InputCount() > 0) { os << "("; for (int i = 0; i < n.InputCount(); ++i) { if (i != 0) os << ", "; if (n.InputAt(i)) { os << n.InputAt(i)->id(); } else { os << "null"; } } os << ")"; } return os; } Node::InputEdges::iterator Node::InputEdges::iterator::operator++(int n) { iterator result(*this); ++(*this); return result; } bool Node::InputEdges::empty() const { return begin() == end(); } Node::Inputs::const_iterator Node::Inputs::const_iterator::operator++(int n) { const_iterator result(*this); ++(*this); return result; } bool Node::Inputs::empty() const { return begin() == end(); } Node::UseEdges::iterator Node::UseEdges::iterator::operator++(int n) { iterator result(*this); ++(*this); return result; } bool Node::UseEdges::empty() const { return begin() == end(); } Node::Uses::const_iterator Node::Uses::const_iterator::operator++(int n) { const_iterator result(*this); ++(*this); return result; } bool Node::Uses::empty() const { return begin() == end(); } } // namespace compiler } // namespace internal } // namespace v8