// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Flags: --harmony-private-fields

  class X {
    #x = 1;
    getX(arg) { return arg.#x; }
    setX(arg, val) { arg.#x = val; }

  let x1 = new X;
  let y = new class {};

  // IC: 0 -> Error
  assertThrows(() => x1.getX(y), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.getX(y), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.getX(y), TypeError);

  assertThrows(() => x1.setX(y, 2), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.setX(y, 3), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.setX(y, 4), TypeError);

  // IC: 0 -> Monomorphic
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x1));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x1));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x1));

  x1.setX(x1, 2);
  x1.setX(x1, 3);
  x1.setX(x1, 4);

  class X {
    #x = 1;
    getX(arg) { return arg.#x; }
    setX(arg, val) { arg.#x = val; }

  let x1 = new X;
  // IC: 0 -> Monomorphic
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x1));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x1));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x1));

  x1.setX(x1, 2);
  x1.setX(x1, 3);
  x1.setX(x1, 4);

  let y = new class {};
  // IC: Monomorphic -> Error
  assertThrows(() => x1.getX(y), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.getX(y), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.getX(y), TypeError);

  assertThrows(() => x1.setX(y, 2), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.setX(y, 3), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.setX(y, 4), TypeError);

  let x3 = new X;
  // IC: Monomorphic -> Monomorphic
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x3));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x3));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x3));

  x1.setX(x3, 2);
  x1.setX(x3, 3);
  x1.setX(x3, 4);

  class X {
    #x = 1;
    getX(arg) { return arg.#x; }
    setX(arg, val) { arg.#x = val; }

  let x1 = new X;
  // IC: 0 -> Monomorphic
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x1));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x1));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x1));

  x1.setX(x1, 2);
  x1.setX(x1, 3);
  x1.setX(x1, 4);

  class X2 extends X {
    #x2 = 2;

  let x2 = new X2;
  // IC: Monomorphic -> Polymorphic
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x2));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x2));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x2));

  x1.setX(x2, 2);
  x1.setX(x2, 3);
  x1.setX(x2, 4);

  let y = new class {};

  // IC: Polymorphic -> Error
  assertThrows(() => x1.getX(y), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.getX(y), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.getX(y), TypeError);

  assertThrows(() => x1.setX(y, 2), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.setX(y, 3), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.setX(y, 4), TypeError);

  class X3 extends X {
    #x3 = 2;

  let x3 = new X3;
  // IC: Polymorphic -> Polymorphic
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x3));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x3));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x3));

  x1.setX(x3, 2);
  x1.setX(x3, 3);
  x1.setX(x3, 4);

  class X {
    #x = 1;
    getX(arg) { return arg.#x; }
    setX(arg, val) { arg.#x = val; }

  let x1 = new X;
  // IC: 0 -> Monomorphic
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x1));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x1));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x1));

  x1.setX(x1, 2);
  x1.setX(x1, 3);
  x1.setX(x1, 4);

  class X2 extends X {
    #x2 = 2;

  let x2 = new X2;
  // IC: Monomorphic -> Polymorphic
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x2));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x2));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x2));

  x1.setX(x2, 2);
  x1.setX(x2, 3);
  x1.setX(x2, 4);

  class X3 extends X {
    #x3 = 2;

  let x3 = new X3;
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x3));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x3));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x3));

  x1.setX(x3, 2);
  x1.setX(x3, 3);
  x1.setX(x3, 4);

  class X4 extends X {
    #x4 = 2;

  let x4 = new X4;
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x4));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x4));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x4));

  x1.setX(x4, 2);
  x1.setX(x4, 3);
  x1.setX(x4, 4);

  class X5 extends X {
    #x5 = 2;

  let x5 = new X5;
  // IC: Polymorphic -> Megamorphic
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x5));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x5));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x5));

  x1.setX(x5, 2);
  x1.setX(x5, 3);
  x1.setX(x5, 4);

  let y = new class {};

  // IC: Megamorphic -> Error
  assertThrows(() => x1.getX(y), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.getX(y), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.getX(y), TypeError);

  assertThrows(() => x1.setX(y, 2), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.setX(y, 3), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x1.setX(y, 4), TypeError);

  class X6 extends X {
    #x6 = 2;

  let x6 = new X6;
  // IC: Megamorphic -> Megamorphic
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x6));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x6));
  assertEquals(1, x1.getX(x6));

  x1.setX(x6, 2);
  x1.setX(x6, 3);
  x1.setX(x6, 4);

  class C {
    #a = 1;
    getA() { return this.#a; }
    setA(v) { this.#a = v; }

  let p = new Proxy(new C, {
    get(target, name) {
      return target[name];

    set(target, name, val) {
      target[name] = val;

  assertThrows(() => p.getA(), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => p.getA(), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => p.getA(), TypeError);

  assertThrows(() => p.setA(2), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => p.setA(3), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => p.setA(4), TypeError);

  let x = new Proxy(new C, {});
  assertThrows(() => x.getA(), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x.getA(), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x.getA(), TypeError);

  assertThrows(() => x.setA(2), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x.setA(3), TypeError);
  assertThrows(() => x.setA(4), TypeError);

  class A {
    constructor(arg) {
      return arg;

  class X extends A {
    #x = 1;

    constructor(arg) {

    getX(arg) { return arg.#x; }

    setX(arg, val) { arg.#x = val; }

  let proxy = new Proxy({}, {});
  let x = new X(proxy);

  assertEquals(1, X.prototype.getX(proxy));
  assertEquals(1, X.prototype.getX(proxy));
  assertEquals(1, X.prototype.getX(proxy));

  X.prototype.setX(proxy, 2);
  X.prototype.setX(proxy, 3);
  X.prototype.setX(proxy, 4);