#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # This script will package a built gcmole plugin together with the # corresponding clang binary into an archive which can be used on the # buildbot infrastructure to be run against V8 checkouts. THIS_DIR="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "${0}")")" PACKAGE_DIR="${THIS_DIR}/gcmole-tools" PACKAGE_FILE="${THIS_DIR}/gcmole-tools.tar.gz" PACKAGE_SUM="${THIS_DIR}/gcmole-tools.tar.gz.sha1" BUILD_DIR="${THIS_DIR}/bootstrap/build" # Echo all commands set -x # Clean out any old files if [ -e "${PACKAGE_DIR:?}/bin" ] ; then rm -rf "${PACKAGE_DIR:?}/bin" fi if [ -e "${PACKAGE_DIR:?}/lib" ] ; then rm -rf "${PACKAGE_DIR:?}/lib" fi # Copy all required files mkdir -p "${PACKAGE_DIR}/bin" cp "${BUILD_DIR}/bin/clang++" "${PACKAGE_DIR}/bin" mkdir -p "${PACKAGE_DIR}/lib" cp -r "${BUILD_DIR}/lib/clang" "${PACKAGE_DIR}/lib" cp "${THIS_DIR}/libgcmole.so" "${PACKAGE_DIR}" # Generate the archive. Set some flags on tar to make the output more # deterministic (e.g. not dependent on timestamps by using the timestamp of # gcmole.cc for all files) cd "$(dirname "${PACKAGE_DIR}")" tar \ --sort=name \ --owner=root:0 \ --group=root:0 \ --mtime="${THIS_DIR}/gcmole.cc" \ --create \ "$(basename "${PACKAGE_DIR}")" | gzip --no-name >"${PACKAGE_FILE}" # Generate checksum sha1sum "${PACKAGE_FILE}" | awk '{print $1}' > "${PACKAGE_SUM}" set +x echo echo You can find a packaged version of gcmole here: echo echo $(readlink -f "${PACKAGE_FILE}") echo echo Upload the update package to the chrome infra: echo echo 'gsutil.py cp tools/gcmole/gcmole-tools.tar.gz gs://chrome-v8-gcmole/$(cat tools/gcmole/gcmole-tools.tar.gz.sha1)' echo echo Run bootstrap.sh in chroot if glibc versions mismatch with bots: echo '# Create chroot' echo 'mkdir -p $CHROOT_DIR' echo 'sudo debootstrap $DEBIAN_VERSION $CHROOT_DIR' echo 'sudo chroot $CHROOT_DIR apt install g++ cmake python git' echo '# Mount ./depot_tools and ./v8 dirs in the chroot:' echo 'sudo chroot $CHROOT_DIR mkdir /docs' echo 'sudo mount --bind /path/to/workspace /docs' echo '# Build gcmole' echo "sudo chroot \$CHROOT_DIR bash -c 'PATH=/docs/depot_tools:\$PATH; /docs/v8/v8/tools/gcmole/bootstrap.sh'" echo echo You can now run gcmole using this command: echo echo CLANG_BIN=\"tools/gcmole/gcmole-tools/bin\" python tools/gcmole/gcmole.py echo