#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import re SHA1_RE = re.compile('^[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$') ROLL_DEPS_GIT_SVN_ID_RE = re.compile('^git-svn-id: .*@([0-9]+) .*$') # Regular expression that matches a single commit footer line. COMMIT_FOOTER_ENTRY_RE = re.compile(r'([^:]+):\s+(.+)') # Footer metadata key for commit position. COMMIT_POSITION_FOOTER_KEY = 'Cr-Commit-Position' # Regular expression to parse a commit position COMMIT_POSITION_RE = re.compile(r'(.+)@\{#(\d+)\}') # Key for the 'git-svn' ID metadata commit footer entry. GIT_SVN_ID_FOOTER_KEY = 'git-svn-id' # e.g., git-svn-id: https://v8.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@23117 # ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00 GIT_SVN_ID_RE = re.compile(r'[^@]+@(\d+)\s+(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)') # Copied from bot_update.py. def GetCommitMessageFooterMap(message): """Returns: (dict) A dictionary of commit message footer entries. """ footers = {} # Extract the lines in the footer block. lines = [] for line in message.strip().splitlines(): line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: del(lines[:]) continue lines.append(line) # Parse the footer for line in lines: m = COMMIT_FOOTER_ENTRY_RE.match(line) if not m: # If any single line isn't valid, the entire footer is invalid. footers.clear() return footers footers[m.group(1)] = m.group(2).strip() return footers class GitFailedException(Exception): pass def Strip(f): def new_f(*args, **kwargs): result = f(*args, **kwargs) if result is None: return result else: return result.strip() return new_f def MakeArgs(l): """['-a', '', 'abc', ''] -> '-a abc'""" return " ".join(filter(None, l)) def Quoted(s): return "\"%s\"" % s class GitRecipesMixin(object): def GitIsWorkdirClean(self, **kwargs): return self.Git("status -s -uno", **kwargs).strip() == "" @Strip def GitBranch(self, **kwargs): return self.Git("branch", **kwargs) def GitCreateBranch(self, name, remote="", **kwargs): assert name remote_args = ["--upstream", remote] if remote else [] self.Git(MakeArgs(["new-branch", name] + remote_args), **kwargs) def GitDeleteBranch(self, name, **kwargs): assert name self.Git(MakeArgs(["branch -D", name]), **kwargs) def GitReset(self, name, **kwargs): assert name self.Git(MakeArgs(["reset --hard", name]), **kwargs) def GitStash(self, **kwargs): self.Git(MakeArgs(["stash"]), **kwargs) def GitRemotes(self, **kwargs): return map(str.strip, self.Git(MakeArgs(["branch -r"]), **kwargs).splitlines()) def GitCheckout(self, name, **kwargs): assert name self.Git(MakeArgs(["checkout -f", name]), **kwargs) def GitCheckoutFile(self, name, branch_or_hash, **kwargs): assert name assert branch_or_hash self.Git(MakeArgs(["checkout -f", branch_or_hash, "--", name]), **kwargs) def GitCheckoutFileSafe(self, name, branch_or_hash, **kwargs): try: self.GitCheckoutFile(name, branch_or_hash, **kwargs) except GitFailedException: # pragma: no cover # The file doesn't exist in that revision. return False return True def GitChangedFiles(self, git_hash, **kwargs): assert git_hash try: files = self.Git(MakeArgs(["diff --name-only", git_hash, "%s^" % git_hash]), **kwargs) return map(str.strip, files.splitlines()) except GitFailedException: # pragma: no cover # Git fails using "^" at branch roots. return [] @Strip def GitCurrentBranch(self, **kwargs): for line in self.Git("status -s -b -uno", **kwargs).strip().splitlines(): match = re.match(r"^## (.+)", line) if match: return match.group(1) raise Exception("Couldn't find curent branch.") # pragma: no cover @Strip def GitLog(self, n=0, format="", grep="", git_hash="", parent_hash="", branch="", path=None, reverse=False, **kwargs): assert not (git_hash and parent_hash) args = ["log"] if n > 0: args.append("-%d" % n) if format: args.append("--format=%s" % format) if grep: args.append("--grep=\"%s\"" % grep.replace("\"", "\\\"")) if reverse: args.append("--reverse") if git_hash: args.append(git_hash) if parent_hash: args.append("%s^" % parent_hash) args.append(branch) if path: args.extend(["--", path]) return self.Git(MakeArgs(args), **kwargs) def GitShowFile(self, refspec, path, **kwargs): assert refspec assert path return self.Git(MakeArgs(["show", "%s:%s" % (refspec, path)]), **kwargs) def GitGetPatch(self, git_hash, **kwargs): assert git_hash return self.Git(MakeArgs(["log", "-1", "-p", git_hash]), **kwargs) # TODO(machenbach): Unused? Remove. def GitAdd(self, name, **kwargs): assert name self.Git(MakeArgs(["add", Quoted(name)]), **kwargs) def GitApplyPatch(self, patch_file, reverse=False, **kwargs): assert patch_file args = ["apply --index --reject"] if reverse: args.append("--reverse") args.append(Quoted(patch_file)) self.Git(MakeArgs(args), **kwargs) def GitUpload(self, reviewer="", author="", force=False, cq=False, bypass_hooks=False, cc="", **kwargs): args = ["cl upload --send-mail"] if author: args += ["--email", Quoted(author)] if reviewer: args += ["-r", Quoted(reviewer)] if force: args.append("-f") if cq: args.append("--use-commit-queue") if bypass_hooks: args.append("--bypass-hooks") if cc: args += ["--cc", Quoted(cc)] # TODO(machenbach): Check output in forced mode. Verify that all required # base files were uploaded, if not retry. self.Git(MakeArgs(args), pipe=False, **kwargs) def GitCommit(self, message="", file_name="", author=None, **kwargs): assert message or file_name args = ["commit"] if file_name: args += ["-aF", Quoted(file_name)] if message: args += ["-am", Quoted(message)] if author: args += ["--author", "\"%s <%s>\"" % (author, author)] self.Git(MakeArgs(args), **kwargs) def GitPresubmit(self, **kwargs): self.Git("cl presubmit", "PRESUBMIT_TREE_CHECK=\"skip\"", **kwargs) def GitCLLand(self, **kwargs): self.Git( "cl land -f --bypass-hooks", retry_on=lambda x: x is None, **kwargs) def GitDiff(self, loc1, loc2, **kwargs): return self.Git(MakeArgs(["diff", loc1, loc2]), **kwargs) def GitPull(self, **kwargs): self.Git("pull", **kwargs) def GitFetchOrigin(self, *refspecs, **kwargs): self.Git(MakeArgs(["fetch", "origin"] + list(refspecs)), **kwargs) @Strip # Copied from bot_update.py and modified for svn-like numbers only. def GetCommitPositionNumber(self, git_hash, **kwargs): """Dumps the 'git' log for a specific revision and parses out the commit position number. If a commit position metadata key is found, its number will be returned. Otherwise, we will search for a 'git-svn' metadata entry. If one is found, its SVN revision value is returned. """ git_log = self.GitLog(format='%B', n=1, git_hash=git_hash, **kwargs) footer_map = GetCommitMessageFooterMap(git_log) # Search for commit position metadata value = footer_map.get(COMMIT_POSITION_FOOTER_KEY) if value: match = COMMIT_POSITION_RE.match(value) if match: return match.group(2) # Extract the svn revision from 'git-svn' metadata value = footer_map.get(GIT_SVN_ID_FOOTER_KEY) if value: match = GIT_SVN_ID_RE.match(value) if match: return match.group(1) raise GitFailedException("Couldn't determine commit position for %s" % git_hash)