// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_HEAP_BASE_WORKLIST_H_ #define V8_HEAP_BASE_WORKLIST_H_ #include <cstddef> #include <utility> #include "src/base/atomic-utils.h" #include "src/base/logging.h" #include "src/base/platform/mutex.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest_prod.h" // nogncheck namespace heap { namespace base { namespace internal { class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE SegmentBase { public: static SegmentBase* GetSentinelSegmentAddress(); explicit SegmentBase(uint16_t capacity) : capacity_(capacity) {} size_t Size() const { return index_; } bool IsEmpty() const { return index_ == 0; } bool IsFull() const { return index_ == capacity_; } void Clear() { index_ = 0; } protected: const uint16_t capacity_; uint16_t index_ = 0; }; } // namespace internal // A global marking worklist that is similar the existing Worklist // but does not reserve space and keep track of the local segments. // Eventually this will replace Worklist after all its current uses // are migrated. template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> class Worklist { public: static const int kSegmentSize = SegmentSize; class Segment; class Local; Worklist() = default; ~Worklist() { CHECK(IsEmpty()); } void Push(Segment* segment); bool Pop(Segment** segment); // Returns true if the list of segments is empty. bool IsEmpty() const; // Returns the number of segments in the list. size_t Size() const; // Moves the segments of the given marking worklist into this // marking worklist. void Merge(Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>* other); // Swaps the segments with the given marking worklist. void Swap(Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>* other); // These functions are not thread-safe. They should be called only // if all local marking worklists that use the current worklist have // been published and are empty. void Clear(); template <typename Callback> void Update(Callback callback); template <typename Callback> void Iterate(Callback callback); private: void set_top(Segment* segment) { v8::base::AsAtomicPtr(&top_)->store(segment, std::memory_order_relaxed); } v8::base::Mutex lock_; Segment* top_ = nullptr; std::atomic<size_t> size_{0}; }; template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Push(Segment* segment) { DCHECK(!segment->IsEmpty()); v8::base::MutexGuard guard(&lock_); segment->set_next(top_); set_top(segment); size_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> bool Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Pop(Segment** segment) { v8::base::MutexGuard guard(&lock_); if (top_ == nullptr) return false; DCHECK_LT(0U, size_); size_.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); *segment = top_; set_top(top_->next()); return true; } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> bool Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::IsEmpty() const { return v8::base::AsAtomicPtr(&top_)->load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == nullptr; } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> size_t Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Size() const { // It is safe to read |size_| without a lock since this variable is // atomic, keeping in mind that threads may not immediately see the new // value when it is updated. return size_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Clear() { v8::base::MutexGuard guard(&lock_); size_.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed); Segment* current = top_; while (current != nullptr) { Segment* tmp = current; current = current->next(); delete tmp; } set_top(nullptr); } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> template <typename Callback> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Update(Callback callback) { v8::base::MutexGuard guard(&lock_); Segment* prev = nullptr; Segment* current = top_; size_t num_deleted = 0; while (current != nullptr) { current->Update(callback); if (current->IsEmpty()) { DCHECK_LT(0U, size_); ++num_deleted; if (prev == nullptr) { top_ = current->next(); } else { prev->set_next(current->next()); } Segment* tmp = current; current = current->next(); delete tmp; } else { prev = current; current = current->next(); } } size_.fetch_sub(num_deleted, std::memory_order_relaxed); } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> template <typename Callback> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Iterate(Callback callback) { v8::base::MutexGuard guard(&lock_); for (Segment* current = top_; current != nullptr; current = current->next()) { current->Iterate(callback); } } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Merge( Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>* other) { Segment* top = nullptr; size_t other_size = 0; { v8::base::MutexGuard guard(&other->lock_); if (!other->top_) return; top = other->top_; other_size = other->size_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); other->size_.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed); other->set_top(nullptr); } // It's safe to iterate through these segments because the top was // extracted from |other|. Segment* end = top; while (end->next()) end = end->next(); { v8::base::MutexGuard guard(&lock_); size_.fetch_add(other_size, std::memory_order_relaxed); end->set_next(top_); set_top(top); } } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Swap( Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>* other) { Segment* top = top_; set_top(other->top_); other->set_top(top); size_t other_size = other->size_.exchange( size_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed), std::memory_order_relaxed); size_.store(other_size, std::memory_order_relaxed); } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> class Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Segment : public internal::SegmentBase { public: static const uint16_t kSize = SegmentSize; void Push(EntryType entry); void Pop(EntryType* entry); template <typename Callback> void Update(Callback callback); template <typename Callback> void Iterate(Callback callback) const; Segment* next() const { return next_; } void set_next(Segment* segment) { next_ = segment; } private: Segment() : internal::SegmentBase(kSize) {} Segment* next_ = nullptr; EntryType entries_[kSize]; friend class Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local; FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentCreate); FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentPush); FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentPushPop); FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentIsEmpty); FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentIsFull); FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentClear); FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentUpdateFalse); FRIEND_TEST(WorkListTest, SegmentUpdate); }; template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Segment::Push(EntryType entry) { DCHECK(!IsFull()); entries_[index_++] = entry; } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Segment::Pop(EntryType* entry) { DCHECK(!IsEmpty()); *entry = entries_[--index_]; } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> template <typename Callback> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Segment::Update(Callback callback) { size_t new_index = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < index_; i++) { if (callback(entries_[i], &entries_[new_index])) { new_index++; } } index_ = new_index; } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> template <typename Callback> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Segment::Iterate( Callback callback) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < index_; i++) { callback(entries_[i]); } } // A thread-local view of the marking worklist. template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> class Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local { public: using ItemType = EntryType; Local() = default; explicit Local(Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>* worklist); ~Local(); Local(Local&&) V8_NOEXCEPT; Local& operator=(Local&&) V8_NOEXCEPT; // Disable copying since having multiple copies of the same // local marking worklist is unsafe. Local(const Local&) = delete; Local& operator=(const Local& other) = delete; void Push(EntryType entry); bool Pop(EntryType* entry); bool IsLocalAndGlobalEmpty() const; bool IsLocalEmpty() const; bool IsGlobalEmpty() const; void Publish(); void Merge(Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local* other); bool IsEmpty() const; void Clear(); size_t PushSegmentSize() const { return push_segment_->Size(); } private: void PublishPushSegment(); void PublishPopSegment(); bool StealPopSegment(); Segment* NewSegment() const { // Bottleneck for filtering in crash dumps. return new Segment(); } void DeleteSegment(internal::SegmentBase* segment) const { if (segment == internal::SegmentBase::GetSentinelSegmentAddress()) return; delete static_cast<Segment*>(segment); } inline Segment* push_segment() { DCHECK_NE(internal::SegmentBase::GetSentinelSegmentAddress(), push_segment_); return static_cast<Segment*>(push_segment_); } inline const Segment* push_segment() const { DCHECK_NE(internal::SegmentBase::GetSentinelSegmentAddress(), push_segment_); return static_cast<const Segment*>(push_segment_); } inline Segment* pop_segment() { DCHECK_NE(internal::SegmentBase::GetSentinelSegmentAddress(), pop_segment_); return static_cast<Segment*>(pop_segment_); } inline const Segment* pop_segment() const { DCHECK_NE(internal::SegmentBase::GetSentinelSegmentAddress(), pop_segment_); return static_cast<const Segment*>(pop_segment_); } Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>* worklist_ = nullptr; internal::SegmentBase* push_segment_ = nullptr; internal::SegmentBase* pop_segment_ = nullptr; }; template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::Local( Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>* worklist) : worklist_(worklist), push_segment_(internal::SegmentBase::GetSentinelSegmentAddress()), pop_segment_(internal::SegmentBase::GetSentinelSegmentAddress()) {} template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::~Local() { CHECK_IMPLIES(push_segment_, push_segment_->IsEmpty()); CHECK_IMPLIES(pop_segment_, pop_segment_->IsEmpty()); DeleteSegment(push_segment_); DeleteSegment(pop_segment_); } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::Local( Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local&& other) V8_NOEXCEPT { worklist_ = other.worklist_; push_segment_ = other.push_segment_; pop_segment_ = other.pop_segment_; other.worklist_ = nullptr; other.push_segment_ = nullptr; other.pop_segment_ = nullptr; } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> typename Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local& Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::operator=( Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local&& other) V8_NOEXCEPT { if (this != &other) { DCHECK_NULL(worklist_); DCHECK_NULL(push_segment_); DCHECK_NULL(pop_segment_); worklist_ = other.worklist_; push_segment_ = other.push_segment_; pop_segment_ = other.pop_segment_; other.worklist_ = nullptr; other.push_segment_ = nullptr; other.pop_segment_ = nullptr; } return *this; } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::Push(EntryType entry) { if (V8_UNLIKELY(push_segment_->IsFull())) { PublishPushSegment(); } push_segment()->Push(entry); } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> bool Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::Pop(EntryType* entry) { if (pop_segment_->IsEmpty()) { if (!push_segment_->IsEmpty()) { std::swap(push_segment_, pop_segment_); } else if (!StealPopSegment()) { return false; } } pop_segment()->Pop(entry); return true; } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> bool Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::IsLocalAndGlobalEmpty() const { return IsLocalEmpty() && IsGlobalEmpty(); } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> bool Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::IsLocalEmpty() const { return push_segment_->IsEmpty() && pop_segment_->IsEmpty(); } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> bool Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::IsGlobalEmpty() const { return worklist_->IsEmpty(); } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::Publish() { if (!push_segment_->IsEmpty()) PublishPushSegment(); if (!pop_segment_->IsEmpty()) PublishPopSegment(); } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::Merge( Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local* other) { other->Publish(); worklist_->Merge(other->worklist_); } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::PublishPushSegment() { if (push_segment_ != internal::SegmentBase::GetSentinelSegmentAddress()) worklist_->Push(push_segment()); push_segment_ = NewSegment(); } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::PublishPopSegment() { if (pop_segment_ != internal::SegmentBase::GetSentinelSegmentAddress()) worklist_->Push(pop_segment()); pop_segment_ = NewSegment(); } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> bool Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::StealPopSegment() { if (worklist_->IsEmpty()) return false; Segment* new_segment = nullptr; if (worklist_->Pop(&new_segment)) { DeleteSegment(pop_segment_); pop_segment_ = new_segment; return true; } return false; } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> bool Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::IsEmpty() const { return push_segment_->IsEmpty() && pop_segment_->IsEmpty(); } template <typename EntryType, uint16_t SegmentSize> void Worklist<EntryType, SegmentSize>::Local::Clear() { push_segment_->Clear(); pop_segment_->Clear(); } } // namespace base } // namespace heap #endif // V8_HEAP_BASE_WORKLIST_H_