// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/arm64/instrument-arm64.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { Counter::Counter(const char* name, CounterType type) : count_(0), enabled_(false), type_(type) { DCHECK_NOT_NULL(name); strncpy(name_, name, kCounterNameMaxLength); } void Counter::Enable() { enabled_ = true; } void Counter::Disable() { enabled_ = false; } bool Counter::IsEnabled() { return enabled_; } void Counter::Increment() { if (enabled_) { count_++; } } uint64_t Counter::count() { uint64_t result = count_; if (type_ == Gauge) { // If the counter is a Gauge, reset the count after reading. count_ = 0; } return result; } const char* Counter::name() { return name_; } CounterType Counter::type() { return type_; } typedef struct { const char* name; CounterType type; } CounterDescriptor; static const CounterDescriptor kCounterList[] = { {"Instruction", Cumulative}, {"Move Immediate", Gauge}, {"Add/Sub DP", Gauge}, {"Logical DP", Gauge}, {"Other Int DP", Gauge}, {"FP DP", Gauge}, {"Conditional Select", Gauge}, {"Conditional Compare", Gauge}, {"Unconditional Branch", Gauge}, {"Compare and Branch", Gauge}, {"Test and Branch", Gauge}, {"Conditional Branch", Gauge}, {"Load Integer", Gauge}, {"Load FP", Gauge}, {"Load Pair", Gauge}, {"Load Literal", Gauge}, {"Load Acquire", Gauge}, {"Store Integer", Gauge}, {"Store FP", Gauge}, {"Store Pair", Gauge}, {"Store Release", Gauge}, {"PC Addressing", Gauge}, {"Other", Gauge}, {"SP Adjust", Gauge}, }; Instrument::Instrument(const char* datafile, uint64_t sample_period) : output_stream_(stderr), sample_period_(sample_period) { // Set up the output stream. If datafile is non-nullptr, use that file. If it // can't be opened, or datafile is nullptr, use stderr. if (datafile != nullptr) { output_stream_ = fopen(datafile, "w"); if (output_stream_ == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open output file %s. Using stderr.\n", datafile); output_stream_ = stderr; } } static const int num_counters = arraysize(kCounterList); // Dump an instrumentation description comment at the top of the file. fprintf(output_stream_, "# counters=%d\n", num_counters); fprintf(output_stream_, "# sample_period=%" PRIu64 "\n", sample_period_); // Construct Counter objects from counter description array. for (int i = 0; i < num_counters; i++) { Counter* counter = new Counter(kCounterList[i].name, kCounterList[i].type); counters_.push_back(counter); } DumpCounterNames(); } Instrument::~Instrument() { // Dump any remaining instruction data to the output file. DumpCounters(); // Free all the counter objects. std::list<Counter*>::iterator it; for (it = counters_.begin(); it != counters_.end(); it++) { delete *it; } if (output_stream_ != stderr) { fclose(output_stream_); } } void Instrument::Update() { // Increment the instruction counter, and dump all counters if a sample period // has elapsed. static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Instruction"); DCHECK(counter->type() == Cumulative); counter->Increment(); if (counter->IsEnabled() && (counter->count() % sample_period_) == 0) { DumpCounters(); } } void Instrument::DumpCounters() { // Iterate through the counter objects, dumping their values to the output // stream. std::list<Counter*>::const_iterator it; for (it = counters_.begin(); it != counters_.end(); it++) { fprintf(output_stream_, "%" PRIu64 ",", (*it)->count()); } fprintf(output_stream_, "\n"); fflush(output_stream_); } void Instrument::DumpCounterNames() { // Iterate through the counter objects, dumping the counter names to the // output stream. std::list<Counter*>::const_iterator it; for (it = counters_.begin(); it != counters_.end(); it++) { fprintf(output_stream_, "%s,", (*it)->name()); } fprintf(output_stream_, "\n"); fflush(output_stream_); } void Instrument::HandleInstrumentationEvent(unsigned event) { switch (event) { case InstrumentStateEnable: Enable(); break; case InstrumentStateDisable: Disable(); break; default: DumpEventMarker(event); } } void Instrument::DumpEventMarker(unsigned marker) { // Dumpan event marker to the output stream as a specially formatted comment // line. static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Instruction"); fprintf(output_stream_, "# %c%c @ %" PRId64 "\n", marker & 0xFF, (marker >> 8) & 0xFF, counter->count()); } Counter* Instrument::GetCounter(const char* name) { // Get a Counter object by name from the counter list. std::list<Counter*>::const_iterator it; for (it = counters_.begin(); it != counters_.end(); it++) { if (strcmp((*it)->name(), name) == 0) { return *it; } } // A Counter by that name does not exist: print an error message to stderr // and the output file, and exit. static const char* error_message = "# Error: Unknown counter \"%s\". Exiting.\n"; fprintf(stderr, error_message, name); fprintf(output_stream_, error_message, name); exit(1); } void Instrument::Enable() { std::list<Counter*>::iterator it; for (it = counters_.begin(); it != counters_.end(); it++) { (*it)->Enable(); } } void Instrument::Disable() { std::list<Counter*>::iterator it; for (it = counters_.begin(); it != counters_.end(); it++) { (*it)->Disable(); } } void Instrument::VisitPCRelAddressing(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("PC Addressing"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitAddSubImmediate(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* sp_counter = GetCounter("SP Adjust"); static Counter* add_sub_counter = GetCounter("Add/Sub DP"); if (((instr->Mask(AddSubOpMask) == SUB) || (instr->Mask(AddSubOpMask) == ADD)) && (instr->Rd() == 31) && (instr->Rn() == 31)) { // Count adjustments to the C stack pointer caused by V8 needing two SPs. sp_counter->Increment(); } else { add_sub_counter->Increment(); } } void Instrument::VisitLogicalImmediate(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Logical DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitMoveWideImmediate(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Move Immediate"); if (instr->IsMovn() && (instr->Rd() == kZeroRegCode)) { unsigned imm = instr->ImmMoveWide(); HandleInstrumentationEvent(imm); } else { counter->Increment(); } } void Instrument::VisitBitfield(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Other Int DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitExtract(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Other Int DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitUnconditionalBranch(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Unconditional Branch"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitUnconditionalBranchToRegister(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Unconditional Branch"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitCompareBranch(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Compare and Branch"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitTestBranch(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Test and Branch"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitConditionalBranch(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Conditional Branch"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitSystem(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Other"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitException(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Other"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::InstrumentLoadStorePair(Instruction* instr) { static Counter* load_pair_counter = GetCounter("Load Pair"); static Counter* store_pair_counter = GetCounter("Store Pair"); if (instr->Mask(LoadStorePairLBit) != 0) { load_pair_counter->Increment(); } else { store_pair_counter->Increment(); } } void Instrument::VisitLoadStorePairPostIndex(Instruction* instr) { Update(); InstrumentLoadStorePair(instr); } void Instrument::VisitLoadStorePairOffset(Instruction* instr) { Update(); InstrumentLoadStorePair(instr); } void Instrument::VisitLoadStorePairPreIndex(Instruction* instr) { Update(); InstrumentLoadStorePair(instr); } void Instrument::VisitLoadLiteral(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Load Literal"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::InstrumentLoadStore(Instruction* instr) { static Counter* load_int_counter = GetCounter("Load Integer"); static Counter* store_int_counter = GetCounter("Store Integer"); static Counter* load_fp_counter = GetCounter("Load FP"); static Counter* store_fp_counter = GetCounter("Store FP"); switch (instr->Mask(LoadStoreMask)) { case STRB_w: // Fall through. case STRH_w: // Fall through. case STR_w: // Fall through. case STR_x: store_int_counter->Increment(); break; case STR_s: // Fall through. case STR_d: store_fp_counter->Increment(); break; case LDRB_w: // Fall through. case LDRH_w: // Fall through. case LDR_w: // Fall through. case LDR_x: // Fall through. case LDRSB_x: // Fall through. case LDRSH_x: // Fall through. case LDRSW_x: // Fall through. case LDRSB_w: // Fall through. case LDRSH_w: load_int_counter->Increment(); break; case LDR_s: // Fall through. case LDR_d: load_fp_counter->Increment(); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } void Instrument::VisitLoadStoreUnscaledOffset(Instruction* instr) { Update(); InstrumentLoadStore(instr); } void Instrument::VisitLoadStorePostIndex(Instruction* instr) { Update(); InstrumentLoadStore(instr); } void Instrument::VisitLoadStorePreIndex(Instruction* instr) { Update(); InstrumentLoadStore(instr); } void Instrument::VisitLoadStoreRegisterOffset(Instruction* instr) { Update(); InstrumentLoadStore(instr); } void Instrument::VisitLoadStoreUnsignedOffset(Instruction* instr) { Update(); InstrumentLoadStore(instr); } void Instrument::VisitLoadStoreAcquireRelease(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* load_counter = GetCounter("Load Acquire"); static Counter* store_counter = GetCounter("Store Release"); switch (instr->Mask(LoadStoreAcquireReleaseMask)) { case LDAR_b: // Fall-through. case LDAR_h: // Fall-through. case LDAR_w: // Fall-through. case LDAR_x: // Fall-through. case LDAXR_b: // Fall-through. case LDAXR_h: // Fall-through. case LDAXR_w: // Fall-through. case LDAXR_x: load_counter->Increment(); break; case STLR_b: // Fall-through. case STLR_h: // Fall-through. case STLR_w: // Fall-through. case STLR_x: // Fall-through. case STLXR_b: // Fall-through. case STLXR_h: // Fall-through. case STLXR_w: // Fall-through. case STLXR_x: store_counter->Increment(); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } void Instrument::VisitLogicalShifted(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Logical DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitAddSubShifted(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Add/Sub DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitAddSubExtended(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* sp_counter = GetCounter("SP Adjust"); static Counter* add_sub_counter = GetCounter("Add/Sub DP"); if (((instr->Mask(AddSubOpMask) == SUB) || (instr->Mask(AddSubOpMask) == ADD)) && (instr->Rd() == 31) && (instr->Rn() == 31)) { // Count adjustments to the C stack pointer caused by V8 needing two SPs. sp_counter->Increment(); } else { add_sub_counter->Increment(); } } void Instrument::VisitAddSubWithCarry(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Add/Sub DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitConditionalCompareRegister(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Conditional Compare"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitConditionalCompareImmediate(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Conditional Compare"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitConditionalSelect(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Conditional Select"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitDataProcessing1Source(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Other Int DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitDataProcessing2Source(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Other Int DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitDataProcessing3Source(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Other Int DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitFPCompare(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("FP DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitFPConditionalCompare(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Conditional Compare"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitFPConditionalSelect(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Conditional Select"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitFPImmediate(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("FP DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitFPDataProcessing1Source(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("FP DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitFPDataProcessing2Source(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("FP DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitFPDataProcessing3Source(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("FP DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitFPIntegerConvert(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("FP DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitFPFixedPointConvert(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("FP DP"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEON2RegMisc(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEON3Different(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEON3Same(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONAcrossLanes(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONByIndexedElement(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONCopy(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONExtract(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONLoadStoreMultiStruct(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONLoadStoreMultiStructPostIndex(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONLoadStoreSingleStruct(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONLoadStoreSingleStructPostIndex(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONModifiedImmediate(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONPerm(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONScalar2RegMisc(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONScalar3Diff(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONScalar3Same(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONScalarByIndexedElement(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONScalarCopy(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONScalarPairwise(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONScalarShiftImmediate(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONShiftImmediate(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitNEONTable(Instruction* instr) { USE(instr); Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("NEON"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitUnallocated(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Other"); counter->Increment(); } void Instrument::VisitUnimplemented(Instruction* instr) { Update(); static Counter* counter = GetCounter("Other"); counter->Increment(); } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8