# Copyright 2006-2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Dictionary that is passed as defines for js2c.py. # Used for defines that must be defined for all native JS files. define NONE = 0; define READ_ONLY = 1; define DONT_ENUM = 2; define DONT_DELETE = 4; # 2^53 - 1 define kMaxSafeInteger = 9007199254740991; # 2^32 - 1 define kMaxUint32 = 4294967295; # Native cache ids. define STRING_TO_REGEXP_CACHE_ID = 0; # Type query macros. # # Note: We have special support for typeof(foo) === 'bar' in the compiler. # It will *not* generate a runtime typeof call for the most important # values of 'bar'. macro IS_ARRAY(arg) = (%_IsArray(arg)); macro IS_ARRAYBUFFER(arg) = (%_ClassOf(arg) === 'ArrayBuffer'); macro IS_BOOLEAN(arg) = (typeof(arg) === 'boolean'); macro IS_DATAVIEW(arg) = (%_ClassOf(arg) === 'DataView'); macro IS_DATE(arg) = (%IsDate(arg)); macro IS_ERROR(arg) = (%_ClassOf(arg) === 'Error'); macro IS_FUNCTION(arg) = (%IsFunction(arg)); macro IS_GENERATOR(arg) = (%_ClassOf(arg) === 'Generator'); macro IS_GLOBAL(arg) = (%_ClassOf(arg) === 'global'); macro IS_MAP(arg) = (%_ClassOf(arg) === 'Map'); macro IS_MAP_ITERATOR(arg) = (%_ClassOf(arg) === 'Map Iterator'); macro IS_NULL(arg) = (arg === null); macro IS_NULL_OR_UNDEFINED(arg) = (arg == null); macro IS_NUMBER(arg) = (typeof(arg) === 'number'); macro IS_OBJECT(arg) = (typeof(arg) === 'object'); macro IS_PROXY(arg) = (%_IsJSProxy(arg)); macro IS_REGEXP(arg) = (%_IsRegExp(arg)); macro IS_SCRIPT(arg) = (%_ClassOf(arg) === 'Script'); macro IS_SET(arg) = (%_ClassOf(arg) === 'Set'); macro IS_SET_ITERATOR(arg) = (%_ClassOf(arg) === 'Set Iterator'); macro IS_SHAREDARRAYBUFFER(arg) = (%_ClassOf(arg) === 'SharedArrayBuffer'); macro IS_SIMD_VALUE(arg) = (%IsSimdValue(arg)); macro IS_STRING(arg) = (typeof(arg) === 'string'); macro IS_SYMBOL(arg) = (typeof(arg) === 'symbol'); macro IS_TYPEDARRAY(arg) = (%_IsTypedArray(arg)); macro IS_UNDEFINED(arg) = (arg === (void 0)); macro IS_WEAKMAP(arg) = (%_ClassOf(arg) === 'WeakMap'); macro IS_WEAKSET(arg) = (%_ClassOf(arg) === 'WeakSet'); # Macro for ES queries of the type: "Type(O) is Object." macro IS_RECEIVER(arg) = (%_IsJSReceiver(arg)); # Macro for ES queries of the type: "IsCallable(O)" macro IS_CALLABLE(arg) = (typeof(arg) === 'function'); # Macro for ES6 CheckObjectCoercible # Will throw a TypeError of the form "[functionName] called on null or undefined". macro CHECK_OBJECT_COERCIBLE(arg, functionName) = if (IS_NULL(%IS_VAR(arg)) || IS_UNDEFINED(arg)) throw %make_type_error(kCalledOnNullOrUndefined, functionName); # Inline macros. Use %IS_VAR to make sure arg is evaluated only once. macro NUMBER_IS_NAN(arg) = (!%_IsSmi(%IS_VAR(arg)) && !(arg == arg)); macro NUMBER_IS_FINITE(arg) = (%_IsSmi(%IS_VAR(arg)) || ((arg == arg) && (arg != 1/0) && (arg != -1/0))); macro TO_BOOLEAN(arg) = (!!(arg)); macro TO_INTEGER(arg) = (%_ToInteger(arg)); macro TO_INT32(arg) = ((arg) | 0); macro TO_UINT32(arg) = ((arg) >>> 0); macro INVERT_NEG_ZERO(arg) = ((arg) + 0); macro TO_LENGTH(arg) = (%_ToLength(arg)); macro TO_STRING(arg) = (%_ToString(arg)); macro TO_NUMBER(arg) = (%_ToNumber(arg)); macro TO_OBJECT(arg) = (%_ToObject(arg)); macro HAS_OWN_PROPERTY(obj, key) = (%_Call(ObjectHasOwnProperty, obj, key)); # Private names. macro IS_PRIVATE(sym) = (%SymbolIsPrivate(sym)); macro HAS_PRIVATE(obj, key) = HAS_OWN_PROPERTY(obj, key); macro HAS_DEFINED_PRIVATE(obj, sym) = (!IS_UNDEFINED(obj[sym])); macro GET_PRIVATE(obj, sym) = (obj[sym]); macro SET_PRIVATE(obj, sym, val) = (obj[sym] = val); # To avoid ES2015 Function name inference. macro ANONYMOUS_FUNCTION(fn) = (0, (fn)); # Constants. The compiler constant folds them. define INFINITY = (1/0); define UNDEFINED = (void 0); # Macros implemented in Python. python macro CHAR_CODE(str) = ord(str[1]); # Layout of internal RegExpLastMatchInfo object. define REGEXP_NUMBER_OF_CAPTURES = 0; define REGEXP_LAST_SUBJECT = 1; define REGEXP_LAST_INPUT = 2; define REGEXP_FIRST_CAPTURE = 3; define CAPTURE0 = 3; # Aliases REGEXP_FIRST_CAPTURE. define CAPTURE1 = 4; macro NUMBER_OF_CAPTURES(array) = ((array)[REGEXP_NUMBER_OF_CAPTURES]); macro LAST_SUBJECT(array) = ((array)[REGEXP_LAST_SUBJECT]); macro LAST_INPUT(array) = ((array)[REGEXP_LAST_INPUT]); macro CAPTURE(index) = (REGEXP_FIRST_CAPTURE + (index)); # Macros for internal slot access. macro REGEXP_GLOBAL(regexp) = (%_RegExpFlags(regexp) & 1); macro REGEXP_IGNORE_CASE(regexp) = (%_RegExpFlags(regexp) & 2); macro REGEXP_MULTILINE(regexp) = (%_RegExpFlags(regexp) & 4); macro REGEXP_STICKY(regexp) = (%_RegExpFlags(regexp) & 8); macro REGEXP_UNICODE(regexp) = (%_RegExpFlags(regexp) & 16); macro REGEXP_SOURCE(regexp) = (%_RegExpSource(regexp)); # For the regexp capture override array. This has the same # format as the arguments to a function called from # String.prototype.replace. macro OVERRIDE_MATCH(override) = ((override)[0]); macro OVERRIDE_POS(override) = ((override)[(override).length - 2]); macro OVERRIDE_SUBJECT(override) = ((override)[(override).length - 1]); # 1-based so index of 1 returns the first capture macro OVERRIDE_CAPTURE(override, index) = ((override)[(index)]); # For messages.js # Matches Script::Type from objects.h define TYPE_NATIVE = 0; define TYPE_EXTENSION = 1; define TYPE_NORMAL = 2; # Matches Script::CompilationType from objects.h define COMPILATION_TYPE_HOST = 0; define COMPILATION_TYPE_EVAL = 1; define COMPILATION_TYPE_JSON = 2; # Must match PropertyFilter in property-details.h define PROPERTY_FILTER_NONE = 0; define PROPERTY_FILTER_ONLY_ENUMERABLE = 2; define PROPERTY_FILTER_SKIP_STRINGS = 8; define PROPERTY_FILTER_SKIP_SYMBOLS = 16; # Use for keys, values and entries iterators. define ITERATOR_KIND_KEYS = 1; define ITERATOR_KIND_VALUES = 2; define ITERATOR_KIND_ENTRIES = 3; macro FIXED_ARRAY_GET(array, index) = (%_FixedArrayGet(array, (index) | 0)); macro FIXED_ARRAY_SET(array, index, value) = (%_FixedArraySet(array, (index) | 0, value)); # TODO(adamk): Find a more robust way to force Smi representation. macro FIXED_ARRAY_SET_SMI(array, index, value) = (FIXED_ARRAY_SET(array, index, (value) | 0)); macro ORDERED_HASH_TABLE_BUCKET_COUNT(table) = (FIXED_ARRAY_GET(table, 0)); macro ORDERED_HASH_TABLE_ELEMENT_COUNT(table) = (FIXED_ARRAY_GET(table, 1)); macro ORDERED_HASH_TABLE_SET_ELEMENT_COUNT(table, count) = (FIXED_ARRAY_SET_SMI(table, 1, count)); macro ORDERED_HASH_TABLE_DELETED_COUNT(table) = (FIXED_ARRAY_GET(table, 2)); macro ORDERED_HASH_TABLE_SET_DELETED_COUNT(table, count) = (FIXED_ARRAY_SET_SMI(table, 2, count)); macro ORDERED_HASH_TABLE_BUCKET_AT(table, bucket) = (FIXED_ARRAY_GET(table, 3 + (bucket))); macro ORDERED_HASH_TABLE_SET_BUCKET_AT(table, bucket, entry) = (FIXED_ARRAY_SET(table, 3 + (bucket), entry)); macro ORDERED_HASH_TABLE_HASH_TO_BUCKET(hash, numBuckets) = (hash & ((numBuckets) - 1)); macro ORDERED_HASH_SET_ENTRY_TO_INDEX(entry, numBuckets) = (3 + (numBuckets) + ((entry) << 1)); macro ORDERED_HASH_SET_KEY_AT(table, entry, numBuckets) = (FIXED_ARRAY_GET(table, ORDERED_HASH_SET_ENTRY_TO_INDEX(entry, numBuckets))); macro ORDERED_HASH_SET_CHAIN_AT(table, entry, numBuckets) = (FIXED_ARRAY_GET(table, ORDERED_HASH_SET_ENTRY_TO_INDEX(entry, numBuckets) + 1)); macro ORDERED_HASH_MAP_ENTRY_TO_INDEX(entry, numBuckets) = (3 + (numBuckets) + ((entry) * 3)); macro ORDERED_HASH_MAP_KEY_AT(table, entry, numBuckets) = (FIXED_ARRAY_GET(table, ORDERED_HASH_MAP_ENTRY_TO_INDEX(entry, numBuckets))); macro ORDERED_HASH_MAP_VALUE_AT(table, entry, numBuckets) = (FIXED_ARRAY_GET(table, ORDERED_HASH_MAP_ENTRY_TO_INDEX(entry, numBuckets) + 1)); macro ORDERED_HASH_MAP_CHAIN_AT(table, entry, numBuckets) = (FIXED_ARRAY_GET(table, ORDERED_HASH_MAP_ENTRY_TO_INDEX(entry, numBuckets) + 2)); # Must match OrderedHashTable::kNotFound. define NOT_FOUND = -1; # Check whether debug is active. define DEBUG_IS_ACTIVE = (%_DebugIsActive() != 0); # UseCounters from include/v8.h define kUseAsm = 0; define kBreakIterator = 1; define kLegacyConst = 2; define kMarkDequeOverflow = 3; define kStoreBufferOverflow = 4; define kSlotsBufferOverflow = 5; define kForcedGC = 7; define kSloppyMode = 8; define kStrictMode = 9; define kRegExpPrototypeStickyGetter = 11; define kRegExpPrototypeToString = 12; define kRegExpPrototypeUnicodeGetter = 13; define kIntlV8Parse = 14; define kIntlPattern = 15; define kIntlResolved = 16; define kPromiseChain = 17; define kPromiseAccept = 18; define kPromiseDefer = 19; define kHtmlCommentInExternalScript = 20; define kHtmlComment = 21; define kSloppyModeBlockScopedFunctionRedefinition = 22; define kForInInitializer = 23; define kArrayProtectorDirtied = 24; define kArraySpeciesModified = 25; define kArrayPrototypeConstructorModified = 26; define kArrayInstanceProtoModified = 27; define kArrayInstanceConstructorModified = 28; define kLegacyFunctionDeclaration = 29; define kRegExpPrototypeSourceGetter = 30; define kRegExpPrototypeOldFlagGetter = 31;