// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_JSON_JSON_PARSER_H_ #define V8_JSON_JSON_PARSER_H_ #include "src/execution/isolate.h" #include "src/heap/factory.h" #include "src/objects/objects.h" #include "src/zone/zone-containers.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { enum ParseElementResult { kElementFound, kElementNotFound }; class JsonString final { public: JsonString() : start_(0), length_(0), needs_conversion_(false), internalize_(false), has_escape_(false), is_index_(false) {} explicit JsonString(uint32_t index) : index_(index), length_(0), needs_conversion_(false), internalize_(false), has_escape_(false), is_index_(true) {} JsonString(int start, int length, bool needs_conversion, bool needs_internalization, bool has_escape) : start_(start), length_(length), needs_conversion_(needs_conversion), internalize_(needs_internalization || length_ <= kMaxInternalizedStringValueLength), has_escape_(has_escape), is_index_(false) {} bool internalize() const { DCHECK(!is_index_); return internalize_; } bool needs_conversion() const { DCHECK(!is_index_); return needs_conversion_; } bool has_escape() const { DCHECK(!is_index_); return has_escape_; } int start() const { DCHECK(!is_index_); return start_; } int length() const { DCHECK(!is_index_); return length_; } uint32_t index() const { DCHECK(is_index_); return index_; } bool is_index() const { return is_index_; } private: static const int kMaxInternalizedStringValueLength = 10; union { const int start_; const uint32_t index_; }; const int length_; const bool needs_conversion_ : 1; const bool internalize_ : 1; const bool has_escape_ : 1; const bool is_index_ : 1; }; struct JsonProperty { JsonProperty() { UNREACHABLE(); } explicit JsonProperty(const JsonString& string) : string(string) {} JsonString string; Handle<Object> value; }; class JsonParseInternalizer { public: static MaybeHandle<Object> Internalize(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object, Handle<Object> reviver); private: JsonParseInternalizer(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> reviver) : isolate_(isolate), reviver_(reviver) {} MaybeHandle<Object> InternalizeJsonProperty(Handle<JSReceiver> holder, Handle<String> key); bool RecurseAndApply(Handle<JSReceiver> holder, Handle<String> name); Isolate* isolate_; Handle<JSReceiver> reviver_; }; enum class JsonToken : uint8_t { NUMBER, STRING, LBRACE, RBRACE, LBRACK, RBRACK, TRUE_LITERAL, FALSE_LITERAL, NULL_LITERAL, WHITESPACE, COLON, COMMA, ILLEGAL, EOS }; // A simple json parser. template <typename Char> class JsonParser final { public: using SeqString = typename CharTraits<Char>::String; using SeqExternalString = typename CharTraits<Char>::ExternalString; V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> Parse( Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> source, Handle<Object> reviver) { Handle<Object> result; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, result, JsonParser(isolate, source).ParseJson(), Object); if (reviver->IsCallable()) { return JsonParseInternalizer::Internalize(isolate, result, reviver); } return result; } static constexpr uc32 kEndOfString = static_cast<uc32>(-1); static constexpr uc32 kInvalidUnicodeCharacter = static_cast<uc32>(-1); private: struct JsonContinuation { enum Type : uint8_t { kReturn, kObjectProperty, kArrayElement }; JsonContinuation(Isolate* isolate, Type type, size_t index) : scope(isolate), type_(type), index(static_cast<uint32_t>(index)), max_index(0), elements(0) {} Type type() const { return static_cast<Type>(type_); } void set_type(Type type) { type_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(type); } HandleScope scope; // Unfortunately GCC doesn't like packing Type in two bits. uint32_t type_ : 2; uint32_t index : 30; uint32_t max_index; uint32_t elements; }; JsonParser(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> source); ~JsonParser(); // Parse a string containing a single JSON value. MaybeHandle<Object> ParseJson(); void advance() { ++cursor_; } uc32 CurrentCharacter() { if (V8_UNLIKELY(is_at_end())) return kEndOfString; return *cursor_; } uc32 NextCharacter() { advance(); return CurrentCharacter(); } void AdvanceToNonDecimal(); V8_INLINE JsonToken peek() const { return next_; } void Consume(JsonToken token) { DCHECK_EQ(peek(), token); advance(); } void Expect(JsonToken token) { if (V8_LIKELY(peek() == token)) { advance(); } else { ReportUnexpectedToken(peek()); } } void ExpectNext(JsonToken token) { SkipWhitespace(); Expect(token); } bool Check(JsonToken token) { SkipWhitespace(); if (next_ != token) return false; advance(); return true; } template <size_t N> void ScanLiteral(const char (&s)[N]) { DCHECK(!is_at_end()); // There's at least 1 character, we always consume a character and compare // the next character. The first character was compared before we jumped // to ScanLiteral. STATIC_ASSERT(N > 2); size_t remaining = static_cast<size_t>(end_ - cursor_); if (V8_LIKELY(remaining >= N - 1 && CompareChars(s + 1, cursor_ + 1, N - 2) == 0)) { cursor_ += N - 1; return; } cursor_++; for (size_t i = 0; i < Min(N - 2, remaining - 1); i++) { if (*(s + 1 + i) != *cursor_) { ReportUnexpectedCharacter(*cursor_); return; } cursor_++; } DCHECK(is_at_end()); ReportUnexpectedToken(JsonToken::EOS); } // The JSON lexical grammar is specified in the ECMAScript 5 standard, // section The only allowed whitespace characters between tokens // are tab, carriage-return, newline and space. void SkipWhitespace(); // A JSON string (production JSONString) is subset of valid JavaScript string // literals. The string must only be double-quoted (not single-quoted), and // the only allowed backslash-escapes are ", /, \, b, f, n, r, t and // four-digit hex escapes (uXXXX). Any other use of backslashes is invalid. JsonString ScanJsonString(bool needs_internalization); JsonString ScanJsonPropertyKey(JsonContinuation* cont); uc32 ScanUnicodeCharacter(); Handle<String> MakeString(const JsonString& string, Handle<String> hint = Handle<String>()); template <typename SinkChar> void DecodeString(SinkChar* sink, int start, int length); template <typename SinkSeqString> Handle<String> DecodeString(const JsonString& string, Handle<SinkSeqString> intermediate, Handle<String> hint); // A JSON number (production JSONNumber) is a subset of the valid JavaScript // decimal number literals. // It includes an optional minus sign, must have at least one // digit before and after a decimal point, may not have prefixed zeros (unless // the integer part is zero), and may include an exponent part (e.g., "e-10"). // Hexadecimal and octal numbers are not allowed. Handle<Object> ParseJsonNumber(); // Parse a single JSON value from input (grammar production JSONValue). // A JSON value is either a (double-quoted) string literal, a number literal, // one of "true", "false", or "null", or an object or array literal. MaybeHandle<Object> ParseJsonValue(); Handle<Object> BuildJsonObject( const JsonContinuation& cont, const std::vector<JsonProperty>& property_stack, Handle<Map> feedback); Handle<Object> BuildJsonArray( const JsonContinuation& cont, const std::vector<Handle<Object>>& element_stack); // Mark that a parsing error has happened at the current character. void ReportUnexpectedCharacter(uc32 c); // Mark that a parsing error has happened at the current token. void ReportUnexpectedToken(JsonToken token); inline Isolate* isolate() { return isolate_; } inline Factory* factory() { return isolate_->factory(); } inline Handle<JSFunction> object_constructor() { return object_constructor_; } static const int kInitialSpecialStringLength = 32; static void UpdatePointersCallback(v8::Isolate* v8_isolate, v8::GCType type, v8::GCCallbackFlags flags, void* parser) { reinterpret_cast<JsonParser<Char>*>(parser)->UpdatePointers(); } void UpdatePointers() { DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc; const Char* chars = Handle<SeqString>::cast(source_)->GetChars(no_gc); if (chars_ != chars) { size_t position = cursor_ - chars_; size_t length = end_ - chars_; chars_ = chars; cursor_ = chars_ + position; end_ = chars_ + length; } } private: static const bool kIsOneByte = sizeof(Char) == 1; bool is_at_end() const { DCHECK_LE(cursor_, end_); return cursor_ == end_; } int position() const { return static_cast<int>(cursor_ - chars_); } Isolate* isolate_; const uint64_t hash_seed_; JsonToken next_; // Indicates whether the bytes underneath source_ can relocate during GC. bool chars_may_relocate_; Handle<JSFunction> object_constructor_; const Handle<String> original_source_; Handle<String> source_; // Cached pointer to the raw chars in source. In case source is on-heap, we // register an UpdatePointers callback. For this reason, chars_, cursor_ and // end_ should never be locally cached across a possible allocation. The scope // in which we cache chars has to be guarded by a DisallowHeapAllocation // scope. const Char* cursor_; const Char* end_; const Char* chars_; }; // Explicit instantiation declarations. extern template class JsonParser<uint8_t>; extern template class JsonParser<uint16_t>; } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #endif // V8_JSON_JSON_PARSER_H_